Scary feet of stars (15 photos). The ugliest celebrity feet

Incredible facts

Women's legs. It may not be the first part of the body that men pay attention to, but it's certainly not the last!

Some people are proud of the slimness of their legs. For some, their own legs aresource of disappointment and complexes. However, slender legs are far from the most important thing in life.

At least in the world there are many striking examples of when rather ugly (and sometimes downright crooked!) legs did not become an obstacle either to a career or to worldwide fame.

So, get rid of complexes! We present to your attention a list of eight world-class stars whose legs, to put it mildly, are far from perfect.

Beautiful actresses who are not shy about their crooked legs

Angelina Jolie

The legs of a world-famous fashion model, actress, screenwriter, film director, and just a beauty and, if I may say so, activists(as a goodwill ambassador for the United Nations (UN)) are not the most crooked.

Although it’s difficult to call them direct. Bony, with protruding knees - these legs cannot exactly be called object of male adoration. However, Angelina Jolie was once considered the first beauty of Hollywood. It’s unlikely that her legs were straighter then!

Christina Aguilera

Multiple Grammy Award winner American singer Christina Aguilera became famous throughout the world not only thanks to her brilliant career in pop music. She, like Jolie, made a significant contribution as a UN ambassador to the fight against hunger in the world.

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In addition, the singer is known for her explosive and arrogant character. There is no doubt that she has something to be proud of. However, Christina's legs are unlikely to be her pride. Strong and curved, they look more like the legs of a cavalryman.

Lindsey Lohan

Charming and attractive Lindsay Lohan has many talents. Lindsay is famous for starting her career as a fashion model still at the age of three. Since then, she has achieved significant heights in show business also as an actress and singer.

A little over ten years ago, Lohan was recognized as the most desirable and sexiest woman on our planet (according to Maxim magazine). Her talent and pretty face has been in demand for many years. But Lindsay’s legs do not shine with beauty, as can be easily seen by looking at any unretouched photograph of the actress.

Sarah Jessica Parker

The famous Sarah Jessica Parker has long become a legend of American cinema. She is known throughout the world thanks to her numerous film roles. Parker also made her mark as a producer (Sex and the City alone is worth it!).

Unlike Lohan, Sarah was recognized by the same Maxim magazine as the most unsexy actress. Moreover, this happened in the same year 2007. It is reported that Sarah was offended by this verdict, which, however, does not prevent her from not being shy about constantly showing off her frankly crooked legs in photos.

Photos of celebrities with crooked legs

Jennifer Lopez

Lopez is a renowned dancer, singer and one of Hollywood's most prolific actresses. In addition to acting, Jennifer has proven herself not a bad producer, screenwriter and even composer. She is also a very successful businesswoman: Lopez produces branded clothing and perfumes.

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Jennifer Lopez, with her relatively small height (164 cm), has always been distinguished by her powerful buttocks and impressive calves, which did not really harmonize with the ankle area. Her strong, trained legs can hardly be called ideal, as can be seen from the photo. But even in these years, Lopez has practically no cellulite.

Katie Holmes

The pretty Katie Holmes has delighted and continues to delight fans with her roles for many years, although for our viewer this American film actress and television may be better known for one of the main roles in the film “Batman Begins”.

In 2006, Katie married Tom Cruise, with whom she gave birth to a daughter. However, the marriage broke up six years later. Apparently this happened initiated by Holmes. Whatever you say, Katie suited Tom Cruise for quite a long time, despite her far from straight legs.

Keira Knightley

From all points of view, the interesting British actress Keira Knightley already acquired own agent. However, despite the large number of roles that she received since childhood, recognition and fame did not come to her immediately.

The long-awaited fame covered Kira with a wave of new roles and projects after 2002. And after "Pirates of the Caribbean", where Knightley played lovely beast in a long skirt, the actress was at the peak of fame. By the way, the long skirt advantageously hid Kira’s not very straight legs, which her photos speak eloquently about.

Pamela Anderson

This is not just a legend, a sex symbol and a once stunning fashion model. This one coveted by men of different generations American actress Canadian origin, in addition to all her titles, is also a real countess herself (she received the honorary title in 2015).

However, no one is perfect! And Pamela, with all her charming forms, is the owner not the smoothest legs. However, judging by her fate and career, this fact worries Anderson little, and therefore she can be called the happy owner of bow legs!

World-famous actresses and singers are people just like us, with their own problems and shortcomings. No matter how hard directors and cameramen try to idealize their images, you can’t hide an sew in a bag. We offer you a selection of photographs of the ugliest celebrity legs.

Paris Hilton's imperfect legs

World-class star Paris Hilton simultaneously tries herself as a singer, model, designer, actress and songwriter, and all this with weak legs. Most fans didn’t even pay attention to the star’s imperfect legs, and all because Paris learned to very skillfully hide this flaw. Hilton always knows how to pose correctly in front of cameras in order to hide the curvature of her legs from view as much as possible.

But this is not the only feature of Paris's legs. There is information that the star has size 42 feet, and some sources claim that Hilton's feet are size 43. This is a real problem for Paris, because finding elegant women's shoes in this size is quite problematic. The celebrity prefers stiletto shoes, which visually make her feet smaller and more feminine.

Katie Holmes' disproportionate legs

Tom Cruise's ex-wife Katie Holmes is well aware that her legs look somewhat disproportionate compared to the rest of her figure. But the actress does not hesitate to demonstrate the imperfection of her body, choosing short skirts and dresses to go out. Katie Holmes' thighs and calves are a little plump from birth, and the actress's figure is very fragile above the waist.

This disadvantage is further aggravated by the slight curvature of the legs, which Holmes does not even try to hide. It seems that the actress deliberately chooses such poses in front of the cameras so that the curvature of her legs is even more noticeable.

Christina Aguilera's O-shaped legs

American singer Christina Aguilera does not have the slimmer legs in show business. The O-shaped legs do not bother the star at all and absolutely do not interfere with her successful career. During pregnancy and after childbirth, Christina gained a lot of weight, and the curvature of her legs was not so noticeable. But as soon as the singer regained her slender figure, this flaw appeared again.

Aguilera is not embarrassed to show off her lower body and quite often wears tight leggings or skinny jeans, which only emphasize the imperfection of her body.

Sarah Jessica Parker skillfully hides crooked legs

The beauty of Sarah Jessica Parker is questioned by many, because the actress’s extraordinary appearance is very controversial. Some consider the star unusually sexy and beautiful, others cannot understand how, with such a face, she could even become a famous actress. But not only Sarah’s appearance can be considered a flaw; the actress skillfully hides her thin and crooked O-shaped legs from the eyes of her fans.

Surprisingly, Manolo Blahnik high-heeled shoes, which were usually worn by the actress’s character in the cult TV series Sex and the City, very successfully hid from fans the obvious curvature of Sarah’s thin legs. Parker learned to pose correctly in front of cameras on the red carpet, but still, in random paparazzi photographs, it is clearly visible that Sarah’s legs are very crooked, and she has developed varicose veins from high heels.

Dystrophic legs of Angelina Jolie

Just a few years ago, Angelina Jolie was considered the most beautiful and sexy star in Hollywood, and the actress’s army of fans numbered in the hundreds of millions of fans around the world. But in her marriage to Brad Pitt, Angelina began to literally fade before our eyes and soon began to look like a skeleton covered in skin. Not a trace remained of Jolie’s former beauty, and the actress’s legs turned into two matchsticks.

Many fans began to be frightened by Angelina’s excessive thinness, and the star’s dystrophic legs caused horror among some of her fans. Thinness is not the only flaw in Angelina's legs. A clearly visible network of veins indicates developed varicose veins. Jolie's legs are extremely slender and well-shaped from birth, but the actress urgently needs to gain weight. After her divorce from Brad Pitt, Angie began to come to her senses a little, and in the latest photographs it is noticeable that the actress is already far from anorexia, and her legs are taking on ideal shape.

Halle Berry has wheel legs

Fans of Halle Berry are attracted by the actress’s curvaceous figure and her slender figure, but as soon as they lower their eyes a little, their “wheely” legs immediately become noticeable. Holly learned to use this disadvantage and repeatedly in films skillfully swayed her hips, demonstrating an incredibly sexy gait.

Holly herself does not consider the curvature of her legs to be a disadvantage, and quite often the actress is seen on the street in short skirts and shorts. The star has no complexes and does not pay attention to criticism.

Eva Mendes has false bowed legs

Another Hollywood sex symbol, Eva Mendes, clearly has a complex about the false curvature of her legs. The peculiar structure of the actress’s calf muscles creates a visible distance between her shins, although in all other respects the star’s legs can be considered ideal.

Eva is well aware of this flaw and tries to select dresses and skirts that would hide this leg defect from others as much as possible. Despite the fact that she is married to one of the most attentive and caring men in Hollywood, Ryan Gosling, her children's complexes have not gone away.

Pamela Anderson

Who would have thought that the legs of Pamela Anderson, who spent a fortune on plastic surgery, are a little crooked. Of course, this flaw is difficult to discern, because everyone is accustomed to seeing the actress in high-heeled shoes, which perfectly mask the curvature of her legs. But the paparazzi repeatedly captured the star on camera while relaxing on the beach, and the beauty’s bare legs in these photographs no longer seem so slender.

Jessica Simpson's pumped legs

Jessica Simpson is the mother of two children, whom she gave birth to in 2012 and 2013. Pregnancy was not easy for Jessica, because the singer gained a lot of extra pounds, and after her second birth she had to seriously engage in sports to get her body in order. Workouts in the gym yielded results, and soon fans saw a slender Jessica, only with prominent muscles.

If sports fans idealized the star’s figure, then people far from fitness decided that their favorite’s muscles had become too pumped up. The singer's pumped-up calves received a lot of criticism, and some fans believe that Jessica disfigured her slender legs with sports.

Alicia Keys Thick Legs

Always young and slender, singer Alicia Keys has repeatedly been criticized for her disproportionately thick legs. The lower part of the star's body is much more massive than the upper. Apparently, African-American genes affected Alicia’s figure. But the singer found, perhaps, the best way to combat this feature.

Some time ago, Alicia Keys decided to challenge the beauty industry and society, which sets rigid and meaningless beauty standards. She stopped using decorative cosmetics and appears in public - even at protocol events - without makeup. Keys wrote an essay about this that became scandalous. However, neither the “faded” face nor the fullness of her legs bother her anymore.

Victoria Beckham disfigured her feet with shoes

Former “peppercorn” Victoria Beckham, wife of ex-captain of the England national team David Beckham, disfigured her feet with fashionable shoes with pointed toes and high heels. The singer needs surgery because her toes are crooked, and her protruding bunions and varicose veins look repulsive. The star has repeatedly admitted in interviews that she is no longer able to wear dress shoes with high heels and prefers soft and comfortable moccasins.

Jennifer Aniston's Varicose Legs

Slender and even legs, a man much younger than himself. Moore wanted to match her young husband. The actress really looks decent and follows a strict diet. Only the skin does not want to look younger. On Demi's slender legs, a dense network of varicose veins and sagging skin on the knees are noticeable.

No one is perfect, and the good news is that perfection is not necessary. Most beauty standards exist only in the imagination of editors and retouchers from glossy magazines.

However, thousands of women try to comply with all the demands of society at once and go under the surgeon’s knife, remove all the hair on their bodies and eat only green salad in order to lose weight - fortunately, not all of them. The editors of the site invite you to read about the ugly beauties of Hollywood who still managed to break through to the pinnacle of fame.
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The desire to have long, slender and thin legs is the main complex instilled by catwalk models into mere mortal women. Millions of messages on forums around the world are addressed to various geometric shapes: crosses, posts and wheels, which every day stand between the fair sex and the dream of stunningly short skirts, so often appearing on their beloved Christina Aguilera, Sarah Jessica Parker, Angelina Jolie and Alicia Keys.

But as practice and the successful work of paparazzi-provocateurs show, not everything is so smooth in the Hollywood kingdom. Correct posing and high heels from Manolo Blahnik and Christian Louboutin stand guard over the stars' terrible secret about their less-than-perfect legs. And this week hastened to tell which of the famous divas by nature did not get the sweetest piece of the pie.

Whitney Port

Actress and designer Whitney Port, who became incredibly popular in America thanks to the reality show The Hills about the lives of fashionable and successful young residents of Beverly Hills, became famous throughout the world for a completely different reason. The girl's incredibly thin legs helped her top the most unimaginable charts and take part in the battles of skinny women against fat women.

Her legs cause a storm of emotions among fans of a healthy lifestyle and ardent opponents of unhealthy thinness. And even despite such frequent discussion of bony forms, Whitney Port continues to scare the American public, sporting denim shorts and the shortest possible skirts.

Alicia Keys

A songwriter, a singer with an incredible voice, a talented performer who can play several musical instruments - all these credentials, of course, belong to the star beauty Alicia Keys. Just like the laurels of the owner of some of the most unsightly legs in all of Hollywood.

And if, when talking about appetizing African-American women, fans of their beauty first remember “forms,” then in the case of Alicia Keys, it’s their complete absence. The singer openly demonstrates her columnar legs with short skirts and tight leggings, once again reminding us all that happiness does not lie in slender legs.

Kelly Osbourne

Having made an unprecedented breakthrough in the field of weight loss, the beautiful Kelly Osbourne continues to improve her body - this week the singer received a message about a planned course of laser tattoo removal. According to Kelly herself, these children's drawings, made while intoxicated, noticeably spoil her appearance and stand in the way of achieving perfection.

True, if you take a closer look at the star’s figure, it becomes clear that it is not only tattoos that block her difficult path to achieving the ideal. The pithy phrase “legs like a weightlifter” can be attributed specifically to this Hollywood beauty.

Sarah Jessica Parker

Blessed be the Manolo Blahnik shoes and professional stylist Patricia Field, who for almost 7 years hid the truth about the legs of their beloved Carrie Bradshaw from American big city dwellers.

The thin and crooked advantages of the actress are masterfully disguised with the help of the right high heels and competent poses in the frame and in front of photographers. Therefore, Sarah Jessica Parker is not only the owner of not the most enviable legs on the planet, but also the right example of how it can be hidden.

Paris Hilton

In addition to the sky-high feet, which according to various rumors reach sizes from 40 to 43, the legs of socialite Paris Hilton are also famous for their X-shaped shape.

And maybe the glamorous heiress has not learned over the years to hide cocaine in small clutches, but she knows the rules of proper posing to a high standard - they knock out a wedge with a wedge. Paris Hilton's crossed x-shaped legs prevent others from noticing her shortcomings, and high heels hide the size of her un-girlishly large feet.

Mischa Barton

When the unfortunate actress Mischa Barton was facing widespread accusations of excessive thinness and eating disorders, few people thought about what could happen if this beauty stopped losing weight.

Another problematic period and time spent on hearty food at a health clinic brought us back a completely different Misha. Enlarged three times with absolutely shapeless short legs. Now those who like to diagnose eating disorders will have a reason to avoid at least Miss Barton, because her thin bones looked much healthier than those curvaceous figures.

Michelle Trachtenberg

The Russian-Jewish roots of actress Michelle Trachtenberg gave her aristocratic pallor, curvaceous figure and... legs with columns, which the creators of the TV series “Gossip Girl” constantly have to disguise with high heels or dark tight jeans.

Together with her colleague Leighton Meester, Michelle Trachtenberg gives stylists a lot of trouble. And in everyday life outside the set, the actress does not attach much importance to her disadvantage, wearing flat-soled gladiators along with tight leggings, short skirts and multi-colored tights.

Leighton Meester

It’s impossible not to notice that against the backdrop of the stunning beauty and length of Blake Lively’s legs, the assets of the beautiful Leighton Meester look more than modest. And if the stylists of the series “Gossip Girl” are still somehow coping with their task of disguising rather full and shapeless legs, then the actress’s personal image maker is desperately experimenting with her image.

As a result, Leighton wears bright, revealing minis and shoes of a non-trivial design, as if they specifically focus attention on the ankles or shorten the length of already not endless legs.

Christina Aguilera

A passionate love for ballet flats and tight leggings does not do any favors to Christina Aguilera's figure. The paparazzi tirelessly photograph the owner of imperfect legs and enrich the Internet with the diva's unsuccessful dreams.

But full and crooked legs do not bother Christina Aguilera herself at all; she perfectly corrects her shortcomings with the help of floor-length dresses, knee-length skirts, incredibly high Christian Louboutin heels and favorable angles on the red carpet. After all, even idols must have their flaws.

Angelina Jolie

In her latest action film, Salt, the beautiful Angelina Jolie quickly runs from law enforcement officials, saddles motorcycles as they move, and performs dashing parkour stunts, jumping from bridges onto moving trucks along the highway. And it’s hard to imagine that the Russian spy Evelyn Salt does all this on such thin and frail legs.

Once upon a time, fans attributed the actress’s sharp weight loss to a difficult work schedule, the death of her mother, and an unfortunate set of circumstances that led to mental disorders and severe weight loss. But time has passed and it seems that Angelina Jolie, who has fully recovered, likes her new forms.

And to your attention the most beautiful legs "Choice of the week"

Actually, why did we start this post)))

Life of the Stars


08.03.16 10:20

Mariah Carey insured her legs for $1 billion; the legs of Carey's colleague Tina Turner and former top model Heidi Klum are worth a little less. Did you know that there is a very popular website called WikiFeet, which has compiled the largest database of celebrity feet? The site is filled with photographs of the legs of models, actresses, singers, athletes and other celebrities - both close-ups and full-length shots of the owners' legs. The authors of the photographs pay special attention to the feet of the charming women. More than 3.2 million people visit the site every month. Which celebrity has the most beautiful legs?

Grammy winner

The Grammys returned from the last ceremony empty-handed - how successful it was! The number of awards, fans and subscribers on social networks of this American country-pop singer can be the envy of many stars. And also – a slender figure and legs. It turns out that Taylor's feet even have their own Facebook page! So Swift fans can always admire their idol from a variety of angles. By the way, the singer’s legs are also insured for $40 million.

Long-legged beauty

Our compatriot Maria Sharapova is the only athlete on this list. She has been living and training in the States for a long time, but at the same time retains Russian citizenship. The tennis player has won Grand Slam tournaments five times, and in total Masha has almost four dozen victories in WTA tournaments. With a height of 188 cm, Sharapova manages to maintain a very graceful figure (59 kg), but her foot size is very masculine (43). But this did not become an obstacle to Maria getting into the top celebrities with the most beautiful legs - the tennis player’s legs are tanned, well-groomed and very long.

Spider-Man's Girlfriend

The star of “The Amazing Spider-Man” took 1st place on WikiFeet (the site is constantly voting on whose legs are the “hottest”, so the data on the place in the ranking is constantly changing). Now Emma’s legs have “descended” to 10th position, which is also very good – considering the number of sexy rivals. The actress has nothing to complain about - she had a beautiful romance with Andrew Garfield, she has an Oscar nomination, and she has more than enough work!

Sultry islander

Rihanna, like Taylor Swift, also has a separate page on Facebook dedicated to the legs of the star from Barbados. Like Taylor, this singer began her rise to fame from childhood, and now she can boast amazing results: her discs and singles have repeatedly gone platinum, and her awards number in the hundreds. Rihanna has an attractive appearance and an enviable bride with huge capital. Why shouldn't her legs take their rightful place in the top ten?

Not subject to the years!

The oldest member of our top is Australian pop singer Kylie Minogue. She is now 47 years old, and in the late 1980s she was at the peak of her popularity, then the Australian’s fame began to wane. In the mid-2000s, celebrities struggled with cancer, but defeated it. Kylie is still “in the ranks”, and she has a lot of fans. By the way, she is engaged to a 28-year-old guy. Apparently he is crazy about his bride's feet!

Minogue is only a few months younger and she's still gorgeous too! Sure, years have passed since Friends, but who's to say that "Rachel" has lost her sex appeal? The actress knew both bad and good days, survived the betrayal of her beloved husband, found happiness again in her marriage to Justin Theroux, received a Golden Globe for her role in a cult TV series, and was recently nominated for this award for a dramatic portrayal in a movie. Well, a high place in the top of the most beautiful legs is a kind of “cherry on the cake”. By the way, Jen’s feet also has a Facebook page.

Charming rebel

The mega-star has already sold more than 81 million singles during her not very long career and topped the list of the highest paid performers. Katie has a very seductive figure, she is cheerful and charming, and you can’t take your eyes off her legs! In this rating, Perry takes 4th place - on the site, by the way, too (but the opinion of leg fans can change at any time - even while you are reading these lines!).

Yesterday's starlet and sex symbol

Compared to many of the participants in our top, Selena Gomez is just a pretty starlet. But this does not prevent the 23-year-old actress and singer from becoming a “bronze medalist” in the ranking of the most beautiful legs. She starred in Disney series and voiced her namesake Princess Selenia in films about Arthur and the Minimoys. Gomez has her own clothing line, and in 2012 she was recognized as “Woman of the Year.” Not bad for a young girl!

Do you know whose legs are now showing off on the “silver step of the pedestal” of the WikiFeet website? Actresses. Isn't it predictable? After all, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles star has long been the standard of sexuality for many, she took part in photo shoots for glossy magazines, and in every possible way emphasizes and improves the advantages of her figure, in which her legs occupy not the least place!

Beauty “hatched” from the bison

But this is quite unexpected: the leader in the number of votes received in WikiFeet at the end of February 2016 was. So much for cramming Hermione! Although we are not fair: the British actress has long grown out of the image of the young sorceress of their Hogwarts, and from the nerd she has “hatched” into a sexy lady. She recently completed filming the musical fantasy Beauty and the Beast, and now intends to temporarily interrupt her acting career in order to devote herself to social activities. Just don’t bury your talent and beauty, Emma, ​​because guys all over the planet voted for the sexiness of your legs!

As they say, beauty requires sacrifice. This is exactly the case when stars have to pay for long heels.

In the feet of the famous Spanish beauty Penelope Cruz, the first thing that attracts attention is the curved middle toes. According to the surgeon, this defect can be easily corrected with surgery.

Kate Moss's feet are disfigured by years of walking on the catwalk: curved and as if bent inward toes indicate that the model has been wearing shoes that are smaller than required for a long time. As a result, the limbs of the famous “British rose” evoke fear and horror.

Tilda Swinton is also a victim of shoes that are too tight. Side bunions have grown on the actress’s feet, and this is a sure sign that the star’s feet are too tight in her shoes. Over time, this problem will progress - in especially severe cases, patients even have to sew custom-made shoes.

Sarah Jessica Parker became famous for her role as Carrie Bradshaw in the TV series Sex and the City. Carrie's main fetish has always been high-heeled shoes, which the actress wears to this day. Protruding veins are a sign that the actress should finally take care of her legs and switch to more comfortable shoes.

If you naively believe that Hollywood divas are well-groomed to the tips of their nails, look at the limbs of Elizabeth Hurley. The British star doesn't seem to bother taking care of her feet at all - her toes and heels are decorated with calluses, and her nails are in disgraceful condition.

The feet of proud Victoria Beckham have long been the subject of discussion in the tabloids. At one time, the star’s toes, mutilated by fashion shoes, even earned her the title of “celebrity with the worst feet” - she received this title from the British as a result of a sociological survey. Tight shoes with narrow toes and a multi-centimeter stiletto heel did their job - and now Posh tries not to appear in public in sandals.

But who, according to the British, can boast of perfect fingers is their beloved Duchess of Cambridge. True, Kate Middleton's pedicure was not always so perfect: before her marriage, the British prince's girlfriend was often photographed with peeling nail polish.

The skin on Goldie Hawn's legs shows her age, although the 66-year-old star's face and body look very youthful. In general, as the expert noted, the actress’s legs are in excellent condition.

For some reason, Kate Beckinsale buys herself shoes that are too small: her little toes remain “outside” all the time.

Czech beauty Eva Herzigova often goes crazy on the beach and gets fried until she turns red. As a result, her legs pay the price with sunburn and spots.

Desperate Housewives star Teri Hatcher pays a lot of attention to her pedicure and paints her nails with neon-colored polish. Although it would be better if the actress took care of the health of her feet and bought more spacious shoes. The star's crooked big toes are clearly cramped in the dandy shoes with narrow toes.

Gwyneth Paltrow professes a healthy lifestyle, but apparently that doesn't apply to her legs. The actress's big toes are very curved, and noticeable bones have grown on the sides of her feet. If this continues, the star will need surgery as she ages.

Blonde beauty Claudia Schiffer showed off her long legs and missing toenail on the red carpet. Perhaps the model suffered some kind of injury or her foot was simply stepped on. According to the expert, restoration of the nail plate can take up to six months. All this time, Claudia would be better off wearing closed shoes.

In general, Cameron Diaz's feet look good - except for the fact that her toes are curled up like a bird's feet: a clear sign that the star wears too tight shoes. This is evidenced by a couple of calluses.

At her age, Jennifer Aniston has an enviable athletic form and toned figure. But the actress’s legs give away her secret: too much load has a detrimental effect on the veins. By the end of the parties, the star's legs are covered with real "cobwebs", and with age this problem will only get worse.
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