How to entertain a 10 year old child. Adolescence - what to do with your child

Finally, the child went to school, now he is completely grown up and independent! This is exactly what most parents think. However, the son or daughter still needs parental attention and time together. In addition, schoolchildren need help with homework. In this article we will look at what to do with a 7-8 year old child at home in the evenings, weekends or holidays.

What to do at home in the evening?

When the offspring return from school, they need a little rest. The school curriculum is quite stressful right now, so it's good if the brain switches to something else. Watching TV is not prohibited, but let it be short - no more than half an hour. Since the child has to sit a lot during classes, it would be good to play outdoor games at home or on the street. At home, you can play Edible-Inedible, darts or bowling. Afterwards, the child should be helped with homework.

What to do with a 7-8 year old child at home on weekends and holidays?

On weekends, parents need to spend more time with their children. But at the same time, you need to do a lot of household chores - cook food, do cleaning, wash and iron things. Why not involve your offspring in this process? Offer them feasible work. Adult sons and daughters will help wipe the dust, put things away, lay out towels, set the table or wash the dishes. Joint activities bring people together and bring pleasure.

Board games

You can’t just do household chores; you should set aside time for games. Children aged 7-8 years are interested in playing adventure-themed board games, dominoes, checkers, lotto, sea battle, “Manager” and the like.

Creative activities for girls

When there is a lot of free time, parents could invite their children to make something unusual. Here are some ideas for girls:

1. Cardboard dollhouse.
2. Furniture for dolls - table, sofa, bed, chair, wardrobe.
3. Interior items - decorative pillow.
4. Sew clothes for dolls.
5. Make decorative candles, photo frames, curtain clips, hairpins, and elastic bands with your own hands.
6. Start weaving bracelets from rubber bands.

Girls at the age of 7-8 already begin to be interested in sewing and knitting; they have perseverance. Try offering your daughter a simple crochet pattern. Perhaps this work will eventually turn into a hobby.

Classes for boys 7-8 years old

Boys will find the following activities interesting:

1. Make a robot from scrap materials.
2. Make a model of the solar system from bottle caps and buttons (see Wikipedia for the location of the planets).
3. Build a maze out of cardboard for a hamster or chinchilla (if you have a pet).
4. Together with mom and dad, make an organizer or box for storing all sorts of little things.

Children will undoubtedly enjoy such activities. If you have no ideas, buy ready-made kits for creativity, for example, a young magician, a wizard. Your son will be interested in chemical experiments, as well as his daughter. Today there is no shortage of variety of play sets. Choose what your child likes.

Mind games

Why not have real intellectual competitions? If you have several children in your family, this idea will be appreciated. Come up with questions for the quiz, prepare prizes for participants in advance and get started. Whoever answers the most questions correctly will win a prize! If the child is alone in the family, it makes sense to invite his classmates and friends to hold a quiz. This will serve two purposes - the overall development of children and their rapprochement.

Friendly meetings

After the game is over, arrange a sweet table for the children, let them talk and laugh. Such interesting events leave a pleasant trace in the memory for a long time. Host your offspring's friends more often so you know how and with whom they communicate. In parallel with the tea party, you can give a master class for everyone present, show something interesting, for example, how to bake cookies or make a rag doll. Perhaps one of the guys will show what skills they have. Encourage everyone to actively participate in the process.

Puppet theater at home

Set up a puppet theater at home. To do this, you will need decorations, which should be prepared together with the children. It is very interesting. You can also make your own dolls for the show. Of course, you will need spectators. These can be not only your sons and daughters, but also the neighbors' kids. Preparing for the event may take a lot of time, but how much joy there will be! Also try organizing a theatrical performance with the participation of the children themselves, giving them roles and words. Participants will receive a lot of positive emotions.

There are many ideas for keeping a 7-8 year old child occupied at home. It’s much easier with older children – they can do a lot themselves. It is only important to give direction to their energy and give them time. However, do not forget about walks in the air.

Walk in any weather; in the summer it is useful to go fishing, go hiking, or go on an excursion. In bad weather, you can go to the cinema, the Philharmonic, or a painting exhibition. Remember, the time spent on your child will pay off in the future.

A child at the age of eight usually already goes to school. Therefore, there is not much free time left for games and other entertainment. At the same time, he no longer requires close attention and control from his parents, since he can play independently. Mom and dad are worried about what to do with an 8-year-old child.

In the summer, you can organize your child’s visit to a children’s camp, which is usually based in Creative Houses or located right next to the school. In such a camp, professional teachers organize the child’s leisure time in accordance with the level of psychophysical development and his needs.

The camp has a wide variety of sports sections and clubs of various types:

  • fine arts;
  • modeling;
  • dancing;
  • music;
  • foreign languages;
  • theater Club.

The child usually stays in such a camp for a short time. In this case, parents sometimes do not know what to do with an 8-year-old child at home.

How to entertain an 8 year old child at home?

Moms and dads organize space for children to spend their leisure time at any age. Therefore, there should be a sufficient number of interesting and educational games at home.

For 8-year-old children, you can buy the following games for your home:

  • board games (twister, monopoly);
  • designers;
  • puzzles;
  • educational tasks for children 8 years old: puzzles, riddles, coloring books;
  • listening to audio books with stories;
  • ready-made kits for creativity;
  • a boy can be asked to create a paper model of a car with his own hands or make one, a girl can be asked to cut out clothes from paper for a cardboard doll, make crafts or.

What to do with a child outside?

In good weather, you can invite your child to ride a bicycle, rollerblades or scooter. The whole family can go to the zoo or go on rides.

Most often, children do not particularly like to read, but reading is necessary for the comprehensive and complete development of a child. You can come up with a small reward for your child, which he will receive after reading a certain number of pages. After reading a book, you can offer to retell the contents of a fairy tale or story, as well as draw a plot based on the material read.

What should an 8 year old child watch on TV?

If you allow an eight-year-old child to watch TV, then you can turn on his favorite cartoons or an educational film on the topic of nature, the functioning of the human body, or traveling around the world. Such films can captivate a child for a long time. After watching, you can invite him to draw a picture on the topic that was covered in this program.

However, you should not allow your child to watch TV for a long time, as this increases the strain on the eyes, which is undesirable in childhood. For convenience, you can put an hourglass or an alarm clock in front of it, which will tell you when to turn off the TV.

Each of us has a computer at home. Parents can allow their child to play computer games, but also it is necessary to limit the time during which he can play.

If you are deciding what to do with an 8-year-old child, then do not forget that in addition to entertainment for 8-year-old children, parents must organize for them the opportunity to perform simple everyday duties. This includes watering flowers, wiping dust, and sorting out books on your shelves. It is important to discuss in advance with the child the amount of work to be performed and the time in which he needs to complete it. Such occupational therapy is an important condition for developing independence and responsibility in a child.

No matter how rich the variety of toys in the house is, sooner or later they still get boring, and the children begin to get frankly bored. Instead of putting them in front of the TV, get creative and come up with fun activities that will not only keep your children interested, but also free up time for your activities.

What to do with a 4 year old child

Little children constantly demand attention and ask to participate in their games. It becomes difficult for mom to find time for her own affairs, and often it all comes down to banal watching of cartoons. However, such a pastime does not contribute to the development of creative thinking, logic, and motor skills of children, so you should not abuse the “blue screen”. Moreover, children get used to TV very quickly, and it can be quite difficult to wean them off.
If you think about it, there is a huge variety of activities for children from 4 years old at home. These can be role-playing games (if there are several children) or outdoor games (if space allows). You can captivate kids with a competitive moment - who can draw, build, dazzle, etc. the fastest. By showing your imagination, you will soon see that the guys are actively studying on their own and no longer bother you out of boredom.

What to do with a 4 year old child at home

If your fidget is already quite bored with all the toys, put aside your business for a while and offer him a choice of several activities from our list of how to entertain a four-year-old child at home:

  • Get out your little one’s favorite books and find audio recordings of these fairy tales on the Internet. The child will follow with interest the development of events in the book, and then, perhaps, act out the action with toys;
  • Provide your child with natural materials for creativity, plasticine, paints, pencils, paper. Let him make whatever he wants, or come up with a task - build a zoo, decorate a card for dad, or create a painting;
  • You can invite your child to start coloring. If you run out of purchased coloring books at home, print templates from the Internet. It is advisable to take into account the interests and preferences of the little man and choose a picture with his favorite characters;
  • Take a few boxes or jars, put different things in them and ask them to sort them. You can use food products (peas, beans) and various small things (buttons, paper clips, bottle caps, pebbles, etc.);
  • In addition to the activity above, you can use edible ingredients to cook lunch for mom and dad. To add more realism and importance to children’s efforts, allow your child to use real dishes (one that you don’t mind, or a special children’s set);
  • Show how to string large beads and other suitable objects onto a thick thread or rope;
  • Games with water are especially popular among children - put paper boats in a basin or bathtub, throw rubber toys and plastic balls. If you add bubble bath, the effect will be amazing;
  • Very often children get carried away by completely unremarkable things - a plastic bottle, a rolling pin, a set of clothespins;
  • Ask your dad to make a development board: screw different locks, cords, chains onto it - in a word, anything you can imagine;
  • Get out several different construction sets and encourage the children to combine them;
  • Puzzles, pyramids, and cubes will also provide great entertainment for your little one;
  • Hang a rope swing in the doorway - we assure you, children's joy is guaranteed;
  • Soap bubbles in addition to the swing will create a fabulous atmosphere;
  • Organize a dance - give the kids the task of learning or inventing some kind of dance, and then let them show you the result;
  • Fridge magnets, especially those in the shape of animals, cars or fruits, will help keep your child occupied while you are in the kitchen;
  • Playing doctor is a responsible business! Tell your child that your cat/dog or any toy is sick and needs to be treated urgently;
  • Sorting coins by size will not only develop fine motor skills of your fingers, but will also bring order to your piggy bank;
  • It will be interesting for girls to arrange a fashion show - let the little fashionista dress up and walk like on a catwalk;
  • Organize a quest - draw a map or hide notes with tasks around the apartment. At the end there should be a prize waiting for the child;

You can create a special calendar in advance, which will include several tasks every day.
And this is not the limit! Imagine, involve your children in creating new games and entertainment, and very soon you will understand that even at home you can find a lot of things to do with a 4-year-old child.

In ancient times, children grew up without toys, educational books, cartoons and activities. The way of life of ancient man was such that absolutely everything was done by hand, and the child was included in the daily affairs of the tribe from birth. Modern life is structured differently: there is no need to hunt mammoths, weave baskets, make tools, or sew clothes. The washing machine is done, dinner is cooked in a slow cooker, we buy clothes and food in the store. That is why modern parents cannot avoid coming up with activities and games for their little ones. In some activities, the presence of an adult is required, and some are needed just so that the adult can find time for his own affairs.

How to entertain a baby

While the baby is small, games and activities with them are very simple. A baby up to a year old can be easily captivated by a bright rattle. This age is most associated with the development of various sensations. The baby is interested in everything: touching, hearing, seeing, licking. It is best to direct your efforts towards getting to know different sensations.

Together with your baby, you can sort through rags of different textures, press the buttons of a musical toy, and look at large pictures in books. Sometimes the mother may leave the child, leaving him with a spinning mat or in a developmental mat, where he can touch and look at a lot of things. However, by the end of the first year of life, the child masters moving in space: either he confidently and very quickly crawls and stands on support, or tries to take his first steps. From this moment on, his interest is increasingly directed towards studying the world around him, and the mother needs to be puzzled by new ideas for activities for the baby.

Spending time with a baby aged 1-2 years

At the age of 1-2 years, the best play partner is the mother. Of course, a child will also be interested in the company of peers, but children develop precisely in the process of joint activities with an adult. What can you do with your child?

  • Blowing soap bubbles. Usually all kids love to watch multi-colored soap bubbles fly and watch the “magic” of water turning into multi-colored iridescent bubbles. They will be interested in where so many bursting balloons come from, and the child will definitely want to try to blow a soap bubble himself. This activity can drag on until the solution in the bottle runs out.
  • Artistic creativity. A one-year-old baby will be happy to paint with finger paints; at 2 years old, a child can already cope with liquid gouache, watercolors, pencils and felt-tip pens. It makes no sense for mom to actively participate in the drawing process: let the child study the properties of paints himself, mix colors and make his own discoveries. In this process, an adult is only required to correctly organize the artist’s “workplace” and slightly direct his actions.

Creative activities for children from 1 year old - finger painting

  • Modeling. Offer your baby play dough or regular soft plasticine. You can show your baby how to roll a ball, a sausage, or how to make a flat cake. You should not demand specific results or teach your child to sculpt specific shapes: children are always interested in studying the properties of the material themselves. The advantage of this activity is the development of motor skills.

Making from play dough

  • Reading books. Children 1-2 years old are not yet able to perceive long prose and grasp the plot thread. No matter how much we love fairy tales, 1-2 years is the age of poems and rhymes. Short poems on topics that are clear and familiar to the child will be just right. In this case, parents do not have to “reinvent the wheel” and give preference to the classics of children's literature. Also, children really love special musical children's books.
  • Role-playing games. At about 1.5 years old, children develop an interest in role-playing games. In such a game, the child imitates an adult, performing the actions that he himself observes every day. The most popular stories for kids are feeding a doll, swaddling it, rolling it in a stroller, putting it to bed. True, many manipulations are still inaccessible to the baby, so it cannot be done without the help of the mother. The older the child, the more “advanced” the plots of his games become.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

  • Active games. Not a single day with your child should go without them. Why don’t you sit at the table all the time with brushes, plasticine and books?! You definitely need to run and jump and warm up. For example, you can entertain your child by playing catch. If a child does not yet know how not only to run, but also to walk confidently, you can roll a ball on the floor or jump on a fitball.

  • We play with toys. It is not enough to fill the entire nursery with different toys. A child can only master them with an adult, so moms and dads definitely need to get involved in such games. For children 1-2 years old, cubes, pyramids, musical instruments, frames with inserts, and construction sets with large parts are ideal.

Toys for a child 1-2 years old

  • Air balloons. Children love to play with balloons. You can draw on the balloon, you can inflate it and let it go without tying it - it will whistle very cheerfully and quickly as it deflates. The child will be surprised and interested in how such a small piece of rubber can be used to make a light and large ball. (From personal experience: a small inflated ball was stuffed under a boy’s T-shirt (like a big tummy). His joyful surprise knew no bounds. For about 10 minutes he ran around with the happy face of the owner of a miracle under his T-shirt! -zanyat-rebyenka-v-1-2-goda.html)

What to do with a child

“Distractive” activities for a baby (1-2 years)

Sometimes a mother needs to keep her baby busy to do planned household chores or just take a little break. It is not safe to leave a child idle and unattended, so it is better to offer him some interesting activity.

  • Paper expanse. Both at 1 and 2 years old, babies show great interest in rustling, tearing or crumpling paper. The safest option is to give your toddler a roll of toilet paper. Perforated paper comes off interestingly, sheet by sheet, and what a pleasure it is to unwind the roll and see what’s in the middle. Newspapers and magazines rustle great, but it is not advisable to give them to your baby: newspapers get very dirty with paint, and sheets of glossy magazines have sharp edges that can easily hurt you.
  • A bag of surprises. We put various items in a textile bag or gift bag and give it to the baby. Children are interested in taking out objects one by one, examining them, and putting them back. By the way, many kids love to rustle with supermarket bags. This is not the best activity for a child: the baby can put the bag on his head, bite off and inhale a piece of cellophane. Such games are possible only under the strict supervision of an adult.
  • Kitchenware. If mom needs to cook dinner, you can take the baby with you to the kitchen. All children like plastic containers, silicone spatulas, pots, spoons and ladles.
  • Pour, pour. A meditative activity such as pouring water from container to container or pouring cereal can captivate a child for a long time. To play, you need a large basin, which we fill with either water or something loose (large pasta, beans) and various jars, boxes, bottles. If a child plays with pasta or cereals, choose an option so that the particles are large.

Games with GREATS for the little ones

  • We include it in household chores. In some situations, you can not try to occupy the child for a while, but do household chores together. For example, give him a damp cloth and show him how to wipe off the dust. At 2 years old, the baby will be able to use a baby floor brush and even wash the dishes. You can put the toddler on a stable stand near the sink, open the water tap, soap the sponge and let him wash the plastic dishes.
  • Interactive toys and cartoons. Of course, it’s even better for a child to watch cartoons with adults, but sometimes a mother needs to concentrate well and not be distracted by the child at all for 15-20 minutes. You should not abuse this method and “turn off” the baby from the daily life of the family, because observing the actions of adults gives much more for development than the most “developmental” cartoon.

It is better to alternate joint and separate activities, but you must give the child the opportunity to get bored, be idle and come up with a game for himself. Constantly introducing ready-made games and activities inhibits the child’s creative development and dulls his cognitive activity.

Let's summarize.

  • Entertainment with an adult:
    • Bubble;
    • Air balloons;
    • Drawing with paints (finger, watercolor, gouache);
    • Modeling with dough or soft plasticine;
    • Books (can be music);
    • Role-playing and active games;
    • Games with toys;
  • Child's independent time:
    • Toilet paper/newspapers/magazines;
    • Rustling packages;
    • Pouring water;
    • Sprinkling of cereals;
    • Doom help: washing dishes/cleaning;
    • Cartoons.
    Note to moms!

    Hello girls! Today I will tell you how I managed to get in shape, lose 20 kilograms, and finally get rid of the terrible complexes of fat people. I hope you find the information useful!

What activities and entertainment can be offered to children at different stages of their development?

  • Mothers of children of all ages are constantly racking their brains over what to do with their beloved little ones. Firstly, the child very often gets bored and begins to act up
  • Secondly, the mother does not have the opportunity to devote even a minute to herself and household chores. You need to understand that the baby is not interested in just sitting and doing nothing.
  • He needs to do something, he is interested in everything new, unknown and exciting

What can mothers do? How can they diversify their children’s leisure time? What to do to occupy them even for a few minutes?

What can small children do?

  • Of course, the best activity for children is walking in the fresh air. It is both educational and healthy. During such promenades, it is necessary to show the baby various objects, name them clearly and tell a little about them. The baby will quickly learn to imitate the voices and roars of animals if he comes across them on the street, and the mother will make characteristic sounds at the same time
  • If the child is already walking, then he needs to be included in the team. Therefore, it is better to go to playgrounds where children of the same age play. In the process of communication, the baby develops personal qualities - he tries to defend his position and at the same time gain friendship. Children who frequently communicate with their peers begin to talk much faster
  • If the weather outside does not allow you to go for a walk, then you can spend time at home. Of course, the good old TV can come to mom’s aid. While the baby watches his favorite cartoon, his mother will have time to do something of her own. However, when children watch television, certain limits must be observed. Until the age of two, it is better for a child not to watch TV at all. If your child really likes a cartoon, you can watch it for no more than half an hour.
  • After two years, children are allowed to watch TV or play on the computer for no more than two hours. Moreover, these two hours should be divided into several visits with long breaks
  • Children of all ages and genders always enjoy ball games. They can be organized both outdoors and within the apartment. But at home you need to take some care so that your mother’s favorite vase does not fly off the table

  • Many kids love to listen to music and dance. Such a pastime should appeal not only to the baby, but also to his parents. After all, children's first dances often look so funny
  • As for such creativity as drawing and modeling from plasticine, you can experiment with this at any age. True, acquaintance with plasticine should take place under the strict guidance of parents, because the baby may try to taste the unusual material. If the first attempt was unsuccessful and the baby was not interested at all, there is no need to despair. Everything has its time
  • Drawing today can be done at any age. There are special finger paints for infants. You can draw with them even while sitting in the bath. Naturally, the bathroom itself will serve as a canvas. Such paints are very easily washed off and do not eat into its surface.
  • You can also draw on paper. It will be very interesting for the baby to use his fingers as a brush. He can leave small circles on the paper, and the mother will need to name the color of the paint in which the baby dipped his finger

What can you do with a 3-4 month old baby?

3-4 months is the period when the baby has just learned to hold his head up and roll over. He can already hold rattles in his hands and swing them in all directions.

The baby's horizons have also expanded - he can see at a distance of one meter. This allows him to look at the mobile above the crib and reach out to it with his hand. In addition, the baby begins to talk a little. True, hooting and hooting can still hardly be called a conversation, but this is one of the steps to the much-awaited word “mother.”

The main tasks of this period are preparation for crawling, sitting and talking.

  • In order to encourage your baby to crawl, you can use unfamiliar and familiar objects. Having placed the baby on his tummy, you need to place a toy that interests him in front of him.
  • The baby will reach for it, and you can little by little push him from behind. For this purpose, you can use jumping or springy objects. For example, a ball or a wooden painted egg. Having reached for the object, the baby will see that it has slipped away from him again, and will again try to get it
  • You should definitely give your pet rattles of different colors, sizes and textures. He will be interested in looking at and touching them. In addition, the sound they make will delight your “button”
  • A great activity to do with your baby at all stages of his development are songs, rhymes and nursery rhymes. It is advisable for the mother to sing or pronounce them, leaning towards the baby. He must see her lips and learn the art of pronouncing various sounds. Besides, there is no sweeter music for a baby than his mother’s beloved and dear voice.

Mom's voice is the best melody for a baby
  • Nursery rhymes with the names of body parts will help your baby develop and understand his body. The mother can recite the poem and at the same time show, touch or pinch the part of the child’s body in question
  • You can diversify your baby's horizons by sitting him on pillows for just a few minutes and propping him up on the bed. If we are talking about a girl who cannot be imprisoned, then you can simply carry her around the apartment, pointing at objects and naming them. You just have to clarify that objects should be no more than 90 cm from the baby’s eyes. By the way, children love to look at their reflection in the mirror.
  • Kids of any age love to play hide and seek. The mother covers her face or the child’s face with her hands, and when she opens it, she says “ku-ku.” As a rule, this makes the little ones laugh and mince their legs

You can play “Goat-dereza” or “Magpie-White-sided” with your child.

What to do with a 5-6 month old baby?

  • If the baby already knows how to sit, you can play with him in the sandbox. Only instead of sand you can use a variety of grains. Such games should be carried out under the strict supervision of parents, since the child will in any case try to taste what he was given.
  • Experienced mothers recommend using only salt at first. Having tried it once, the baby is unlikely to want to taste bulk mixtures again. This activity is very good for developing fine motor skills.

  • Children at this age also love to crumple and tear paper. Don’t spare a couple of leaves for your little one. It will be very interesting to watch how well he copes with this task
  • It will look like office workers preparing for the arrival of the tax inspector. True, such classes must also be supervised. Typically, the baby will eventually decide to cover all his tracks and try to eat the paper.
  • As for spoken language, parents should continue to sing songs to the baby, recite rhymes and nursery rhymes
  • It is advisable that any actions of parents be accompanied by comments. It is necessary to explain to the child that now his mother is changing his clothes or washing him
  • At 5-6 months, some babies already begin to sit and crawl. But not all. It is necessary to continue exercises with them, trying to reach their favorite toy, but you no longer need to push - you just need to let their legs rest on your hands or the bed.
  • A 5-6 month old child loves to play ladushki and Magpie White-sided. Moreover, he can already perform all the movements himself

Playing Magpie White-sided
  • Hide and seek may look a little different now. You can cover an object with a handkerchief or diaper and ask the baby where it went. Then you need to tear off the veil from the object and say “ku-ku”
  • Perhaps the baby will not immediately understand what exactly is happening, but over time he will trace a certain chronology and pattern in your actions. You can use anything that makes a sound as the item you are looking for. This way the baby will hear the sound and use it to navigate where the object is located.
  • You can play hide and seek in another way. When the child is in the crib, you need to step out of his field of vision for a second and ask “Where is mommy?” from under the crib. Then you need to look out and say “peek-a-boo.” The baby will be incredibly happy and may laugh merrily

What to do with a 7-8 month old baby?

At 7-8 months, almost all babies are already sitting and trying to crawl. These skills and aspirations can be used. We need to continue playing with moving toys.

  • For a child who is already sitting, it is much easier to find interesting tasks and games. To develop fine motor skills, you can continue to give him various sizes of containers with bulk cereals. If the baby can hold a spoon in his hand, then you can show him how to sprinkle the cereal with it
  • If he doesn’t succeed, then you can give him a large container into which he can pour all the cereals in turn, and then try to separate them from each other. This game is also called “Cinderella”
  • In addition to cereals, in a box or jar (not glass) you can put objects of various shapes, colors and sizes that could be very interesting to the baby. Let him take out these items one by one and then put them back
  • An excellent effect is obtained from a metal baby food jar. Objects falling to the bottom of the jar hit it and make loud sounds, which also attracts the child's attention. If the items in the jar are very small, then it is better to play games under the supervision of parents
  • Babies aged 7-8 months love to throw everything around and watch where and how the thrown object will fall. If you put the baby in the crib and tie the thrown away objects with strings or strings, you can teach him to return the objects to the crib on his own
  • By the way, very often children like to do the same thing with a stopper on a chain in the bathroom. Throwing it over the side of the bathtub, they then happily pull the chain, and the cork reappears before their eyes

  • Having sat the child on the floor, you can roll the ball with him. Dad can sit opposite the baby, and mom can support him from behind. Dad will throw the ball to the baby, and mom will help him return it back
  • As for creativity, you can already introduce the baby to wax pencils. Naturally, the baby will not immediately become a great artist. It’s not a fact that he will do anything on his own. At first, the mother will have to use her own hands to guide the child’s hand with a pencil in it. However, over time, the baby will show more and more interest in this type of activity.
  • At 7-8 months you can start playing with blocks. It is desirable that the cubes be soft (plastic, rubber or rag). You can show your child how to build a tower or castle. Of course, at first its function will only be to destroy the newly built object. But over time, he himself will want to place cube on cube and create turrets
  • Insert cups are very entertaining for little children. They take great pleasure in sorting through the stack and trying to put them back together.

The process of bathing can also be turned into a fun pastime. For this, in addition to ducks and dolphins, you can use special bathroom stickers, a sponge and the same cups.

Your baby can put stickers on the bathroom walls and then just as happily tear them off.

Sponge game:

  1. We buy one or more sponges of different colors and shapes
  2. We dip the sponge in the water, take it out and squeeze out the remaining water from it in front of the baby’s eyes.
  3. We let the baby do the same on his own.


  • We take insert cups or regular disposable cups
  • We fill them with water and pour it from one glass to another
  • Let the baby try to pour the water himself

What to do with a 9-10 month old baby?

By nine months, many babies are already crawling and trying to stomp a little. To speed up the walking process, you need to improve crawling. To do this, you can build various barriers for the child in the form of pillows, yourself, bolsters or other available means. You can buy a tunnel for it.

Not all kids are so brave as to climb into the tunnel on their own the first time. To stimulate courage in a child, parents sometimes have to act as an example and climb into the tunnel first.

Since a baby at this age loves to tear and crumple paper, you can invite him to play with toilet paper. In addition to developing motor skills, toilet paper provokes the child to follow the running roll and chase it. Such a game can captivate the baby for a long time and free his mother.

At the age of 9-10 months, babies try to imitate their parents in everything. Therefore, during this period you can give the baby (regardless of gender) his first doll. The child will display on the doll all the actions that the mother does with him (feeding, kissing, stroking, combing, putting him to bed). To begin with, of course, the mother will have to show the baby how it’s done.

You can begin to develop an associative series in your baby:

  1. We place two different or identical figures distinguishable by color in front of the baby
  2. We take out the same figure from behind our back and ask the baby to find a mate for it
  3. In the process, we explain to him how these objects are a pair
  4. You can use cubes, balls, socks, shoes as objects

A challenging game of hide and seek

  • Pour a fairly high layer of cereal into a deep container
  • In front of the baby, we bury one or more objects in the cereal
  • Let the baby try to find these objects himself.
  • You need to be prepared for the cereal to be scattered or deliberately scattered around the room

  1. Take two transparent cups of water and paint
  2. We dip the baby’s finger, for example, in red and lower it immediately into one glass, and then into another
  3. Immediately add blue paint to one of the glasses and observe the changes
  4. We drip green paint into the second glass and wonder why the colors are different
  5. Next time the baby can choose the colors he wants.
  6. Over time, he will be able to predict what shade he will get when mixing different colors.

Since plasticine is still quite dangerous for children of this age, you can try its analogue - salt dough. The baby can knead it in his hands, pierce it with his finger, leave an imprint of his palm or even his foot in the dough. Of course, all these manipulations must take place under the strict supervision of parents.

What to do with a child aged 11 months to a year?

11-12 months is the time for many endeavors - speech, walking, independent eating and hygiene.

  • As for hygiene, at this age your baby can already have his own toothbrush. There's no point in buying toothpaste yet - let's start by just learning how to brush your teeth
  • At first, brushing your teeth will take literally a couple of seconds - two movements in one direction and the other. But over time, the baby will imitate his parents and spend a long time scratching his teeth with a brush. Be sure to praise the baby for his desire for cleanliness
  • More and more children at 11-12 months are interested in moving around the apartment independently. If his movements are constrained in a walker, then there are no restrictions when walking without a walker.
  • Now he can calmly turn on and off the light, reach for the door handle and keys in the lock, the table and what is on the table. Therefore, during such a crucial period, parents should be very careful and prudent - they need to remove dangerous, breakable, cutting and piercing objects away.
  • Many mothers and fathers have to tie the handles of cabinets so that the baby does not open them. To avoid such actions, it is better to allocate one cabinet in the kitchen and in the room, where things will be safe, but at the same time interesting for the baby.
  • These can be multi-colored nylon lids folded in a cardboard box, colored plastic or metal bowls, mugs and spoons. Forks and knives, even plastic ones, should be kept away from the child

  • As for the nylon lids, the baby can sit with them for a long time - he really likes to take them out of the box one by one, feel them and put them back in the box. The same can be done with plastic bottle caps. By the way, 11-12 months is the right age for the ability to twist and tighten bottle caps. Kids are trying very hard to learn this difficult task.
  • To develop speech, you need to continue to sing to the baby and recite rhymes with nursery rhymes. The baby will already be interested in colorful books with large images. When reading a book, it is better to place the child in your arms so that he can see both the picture and his mother’s mouth while pronouncing the words. This is how babies learn to speak - they need to understand how the tongue should be positioned between the teeth and what shape the lips take when pronouncing certain letters and syllables.
  • Closer to the year, you can start teaching your baby games with sorters. First, you need to show and voice to him several times what needs to be inserted where in order for the figurine to end up inside the toy. It is advisable to attach inappropriate figures to the opening of the sorter so that the baby understands that an object of this shape will not fit through the window. At the same time, you can shake your head negatively and say that this choice is wrong. Soon the baby himself will begin to navigate the shapes and colors suitable for certain holes
  • Children at this age really love puppet theaters performed by their beloved parents. Therefore, you can buy or sew a couple of dolls that fit on your hand and show your child performances. At the same time, it is not necessary to hide behind a screen - the baby will still look at the moving toy and perceive the words spoken by the mother as the speech of the animal
  • To make a toy for a puppet theater, you can use an old sock. You just need to sew or glue a nose, eyes and mouth to it. Everything else depends only on your imagination

What to do with a 2-3 year old child?

The age of 2-3 years is a great time for creative activities with your baby. All known methods can be used - crayons, plasticine, paints, pencils and felt-tip pens. Today, stores sell special coloring books for kids. You can find the same pictures on the Internet and simply print them.

It is advisable to supervise children during their creativity, since wallpaper, doors or the floor can become the canvas for their creations.

At 2-3 years old, a child can play with a construction set for a long time, building high towers and castles.

  • During all these activities, your baby can play nursery rhymes and sing them along with him. You can also dance while doing this. The little one will really like the well-known “Dance of the Little Ducklings” or a parody of “Swan Lake”
  • So-called “developmental boards” for children are becoming very popular today. Examples of such boards can be found on the Internet. Order such a board for your dad or grandfather, and you will have a lot of free time
  • On the educational board you can place several types of locks (latch, hook, padlock, etc.), a zipper, a light switch, a bell, a bell, a phone dial and much more that will interest your baby. Under the small doors with locks you can stick your little one’s favorite cartoon characters. Having coped with a difficult lock, the baby will be rewarded with a meeting with his pet

At the age of 2-3 years, many parents begin to take their kids to a variety of clubs - dancing, swimming, wrestling, learning foreign languages. A small child is like a sponge. He absorbs everything very quickly and learns everything. However, it is worth monitoring the condition of your baby. If your baby looks lethargic and tired or does not want to go to class, it is better not to force him to do so.

In general, it is advisable for a child to spend more time outdoors. On the street, especially in the warm season, it is much easier for the baby to find something to do. This could be a sandbox, swings, children's playgrounds, which today are located in almost every yard. Playing in the fresh air, the baby simultaneously has fun and strengthens his body.

What to do with a 4-5 year old child?

At 4-5 years old, it is very difficult for a child to sit in one place. You can invite him to draw, sculpt or make an applique. Appliqués can be made using store-bought magazines, in which you simply cut out objects and glue them to the designated areas.

  • For applications, you can also use available materials (dry or fresh leaves, flowers or their petals, cereals, coffee beans, etc.). Handicraft mothers always have a lot of different decorative elements from which they and their child can create an interesting picture or craft. Subsequently, such a masterpiece can decorate a child’s nursery
  • Cones, acorns, matches and plasticine are often used as materials for crafts. You can make a whole zoo out of these simple materials.
  • Children aged 4-5 years, especially those who are not good at drawing themselves, will love carbon copy drawing. Everyone can feel like a Picasso or Dali. Drawing by dots is also suitable for incompetent artists. Such blanks can be found in the store, or you can create it for your mother herself, using some simple drawing as a basis and using tracing paper
  • You can give the kids pencils and a sharpener - they will be happy to sharpen each pencil, and even several times

Children aged 4-5 years are very inquisitive and are interested in everything unusual. You can give your baby a magnifying glass and give him the opportunity to look at everything under it. A microscope will be very instructive and exciting at this age.

Today there are special children's microscopes on sale. You can examine anything you want through such a wonderful device. As a rule, kids are very surprised by what they see, because familiar objects look completely different under a microscope.

What to do with a 6-7 year old child?

  • Since at the age of 6-7 years children are either preparing for school or are already starting to go to school, it is better to give the child a break from brain activity in his free time. It is also advisable for the child to move as much as possible, since regularly sitting at a desk in the same position can negatively affect the baby’s posture.
  • Parents need to give their baby more walks and exercise. For boys of this age, dancing, karate, football, basketball, volleyball, and visiting the pool are suitable
  • Volleyball and football are also recommended for those boys whose height does not exceed average. Such sports will help them stretch up and grow to average, or even higher, height. Hockey and tennis sections are considered very fashionable today.

Tennis is a great sport for a child of any gender.

Girls aged 6-7 years can be sent to the same dancing, gymnastics, and swimming pool. Today, tennis is very popular among young ladies. Every girl dreams of becoming the next Maria Sharapova or Anna Kournikova.

To summarize, it is worth saying that no matter how busy parents of babies are, they should always devote time to their little ones. After all, it may happen that when you finally find time and want to play ball with your baby, he may no longer be interested in it. The computer and tablet will become much more interesting to him, and you will never have time to enjoy his awkward first movements.

Video: What to do with a child?

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