Meal regimen. Protocol and etiquette of diplomatic and business communication Evening receptions include

1. Working breakfast: starts at 8.15-9.00. Duration - from 30 minutes to 1 hour.

Clothing - casual business suit. The goal is to resolve fundamental issues regarding planned contracts, transactions, etc., simultaneously with breakfast - for reasons of saving time.

A working breakfast is appropriate if the number of participants is small - no more than five people.

Alcoholic drinks are not served, the menu is limited, and spouses of businessmen are not invited.

2. Breakfast: start - 12.00-12.30. Duration - 1-1.5 hours. Clothes are business casual. Menu: cold appetizers, one or two hot dishes, dessert, coffee. Drinks - dry wines, champagne. Spouses of businessmen are not invited (but there may be an exception).

In general, daytime receptions are less formal and more businesslike than evening receptions.

Evening receptions

3. Cocktail, glass of champagne - a short reception (1.5-2 hours), as a rule, takes place while standing. Drinks, as well as hot and cold snacks, are served by waiters. Sometimes this type of service is supplemented by several more buffet counters, where drinks are offered to those who wish. The reception starts at approximately 17:00.

4. “A la fourchette” (“a la fourchette” - French - with a fork: since “a” is a preposition denoting the instrumental case, and “lafourchette” is a fork). The duration is the same as for the “cocktail” type of reception; the start time of the reception is also about 17 hours.

This reception is held standing, but there is the following difference: at a reception “a la buffet” tables are set with snacks, hot dishes, as well as dishes and cutlery. Guests themselves put the desired dishes on their plates. However, the name of the technique suggests that on the tables there are only those dishes that can be eaten without using a knife, standing, i.e., holding the plate in the left hand and the fork in the right.

Clothes for cocktail receptions, a glass of champagne and a la buffet - a regular suit, but of a darker color; women's suits are more elegant, with less stringent requirements for jewelry.

5. Buffet lunch - a reception, the beginning of which is scheduled for approximately 18-20 hours. The fundamental difference from the “cocktail” and “a la buffet” receptions, besides the start time and duration (2.5-3 hours), is that although the food and cutlery are on a large table that plays the role of a buffet, this reception does not take place standing and sitting. Tables are set up in the hall, and the guests, having chosen their own snacks, sit down at the tables. Since in this case it would be inconvenient to sit at one long table (plates in the hands of the guests, different times for occupying a place at the table), the tables are placed in such a way that 4-6 people can be seated at each.

Although this is an evening reception, a tuxedo and evening dress are not required, since the reception is self-service, a guest in an evening dress will feel uncomfortable walking around the room with a plate in search of a seat.

6. Lunch is the most formal form of reception. Note that some of the most respected guests, for example the top officials of a company, may be invited to dinner with their spouses (spouses are not invited to all other listed forms of business receptions).

Techniques– both diplomatic and business – one of the most important forms of foreign policy, business, cultural and other activities of governments, government departments, business people, public and other organizations and individuals. They can be held on special occasions (in honor of state visits, national holidays, etc.) and have political significance, be of a purely protocol nature (in connection with business visits, opening of exhibitions) or used in the course of everyday activities (during negotiations and others). Reception- one of the forms of “external and internal political” activities of the organization. This is, as a rule, organized and prepared in advance by the hosts, a joint time spent between representatives of the host organization and guests. The reception is held: a) on the occasion of a special date - an anniversary, the anniversary of the founding of a company, or the creation of an organization; b) on the occasion of a visit to the organization of a famous and honored guest, a delegation of a partner company; c) in the course of the daily activities of the company on a regular basis.

The purpose of the reception may be to expand and deepen contacts in the company’s field of activity, obtain the necessary information, and form the image of the organization in the external business environment.

Techniques can be: daytime and evening, with seating (pre-assigned seats for participants) and without seating, formal and informal. Day appointments– this is “a glass of champagne”, “a glass of wine”, “breakfast”. “A glass of champagne” usually starts at 12 o’clock and lasts about an hour. The reason for such a reception may be the anniversary of a national holiday, the departure (arrival) of an official, or the stay of a delegation. Opening of an exhibition (festival), etc. This is the simplest form of administration and does not require much preparation. The reception takes place without seating - standing. Waiters serve drinks and snacks. Usually only champagne, wine, juices and light snacks (mini cakes, sandwiches, nuts) are served. Breakfast or lunch with seating- a more formal form of reception. For this form of reception, seats at the table are provided for all participants. Breakfast with seating is arranged between twelve and fifteen o'clock and lasts approximately one and a half hours. In its content and timing, it corresponds to a Russian lunch and can include 1-2 cold appetizers, one fish or one meat dish and dessert. It is acceptable to serve a hot appetizer as the first course. During the gathering of guests in the antechamber, they are offered an aperitif, juices, during breakfast - dry grape wines, and upon its completion, tea, coffee are served, champagne, cognac, and liqueur are offered. Guests typically come to breakfast in casual clothing unless specifically stated in the invitation. Evening receptions There are several types. The most popular, democratic, widespread and productive, in terms of communication coverage, is the “cocktail”, which starts between 17-18 hours and lasts two hours. The reception takes place standing. Guests themselves approach the tables with snacks, help themselves to some treats, and the waiters offer drinks; if hot snacks are served, then the reception can be called “a la buffet.” To make the meeting more solemn, champagne, ice cream, and coffee may be served at the end of the meeting. Buffet– the most democratic form of reception. You can leave such a banquet at any convenient time. While at such a reception, you should remember a few rules:

You should approach the table only after an invitation or after the rest of those present have gone to the table;

Guests take plates from the stack at the beginning of the table and move along the table in one direction (so as not to disturb each other), placing food on their plate;

It is rude to be near a table with a smoking cigarette;

It’s not nice to pile all the offered dishes onto your plate at once. There is a certain order for the treat: you should try fish dishes first; fish and meat should not be on the same plate;

You should take only as much as you can eat;

Snacks are transferred to a plate using a common utensil, which is located on the platter with this snack. After collecting treats, you should not forget to put the common utensil back in place;

For dessert and sweet dishes, you must take clean plates;

A man can treat a lady by bringing her something from the buffet. It is unacceptable for a lady to treat a man.

The only cutlery at the buffet table is a fork. Therefore, snacks are cut into small pieces (“for one time”). In addition to forks, skewers can also be served - small sticks stuck into canopic sandwiches and other piece snacks. The knives may be on the table, but in any case it will be inconvenient to use them. It is customary to come to the buffet in a casual suit or dress.

Reception similar to a buffet - "cocktail". It also takes place between 17:00 and 20:00. Unlike a buffet table, tables for cocktails are not set. Several small tables are placed in the hall, cigarettes, matches, ashtrays are laid out on them, and paper napkins are placed in vases. Food and drinks are served by waiters on trays. Instead of forks, guests use special banquet skewers. The reception ends with champagne and coffee. Dinner- the most solemn form of reception. Starts from 17 to 19 hours, lasts 2-3 hours or more. Guests first sit at the table for an hour, then they move to another, less formal room, or part of the conversation room, where tea and coffee are served. The dress code is formal. Lunch is held with seating arrangements - each participant learns the number of his place at the table from the invitation. Lunch buffet involves free seating of participants at tables of four to six people, guests take snacks from one large table and sit at one of the small tables. The menu is like a buffet. Such a reception is organized after a concert, watching a film, or during a break between conference sessions. A buffet lunch is less formal than lunch. Tea takes place between 16-18 hours, usually for women. Dinner with seating differs from lunch only in that it is held at a later time.

You cannot be late for official receptions. Guests for this kind of reception (breakfast, lunch, dinner) arrive within 3-5 minutes and after a short pause, used for mutual greetings and introductions, are invited to the table. It is not customary to meet people at the table. It is not recommended to talk to someone through your table neighbor. A woman can sit at the table wearing a hat, but she must take off her gloves. At a reception with seating, it is necessary to respect the seniority, official or social position of the guests, since places are divided into more honorable and less honorable. The first is considered to be the place to the right of the mistress of the house, the second is to the right of the owner. In the absence of women, the first place is considered to be to the right of the owner, the second - to the left of him. When seating, adhere to the following rules:

The men are seated first on the right and left hand of the hostess, while the host is surrounded by ladies. Then the places alternate: men are seated next to women and vice versa;

A woman is not seated with a woman at the end of the table, unless a man is sitting at the end of the table;

The husband is not seated next to his wife;

Two foreigners from the same country do not sit together;

The last seats at the table are occupied by employees of their institution (but not women).

So that each guest can quickly find his place at the table, a seating plan is displayed at the entrance, a cover card with the name and surname of the invitee is placed on the table, and sometimes a table diagram is given to each guest. Guests take their seats after the hostess sits down, and she is the first to rise after the end of the reception.

Preparing a reception includes the following stages: setting the goals of the reception, choosing the form of the reception, determining the composition of the participants, drawing up a reception script, sending out invitations, drawing up a seating plan at the table (if provided), drawing up a menu, setting the table and serving guests, preparing toasts and speeches.

Informal primos are held in situations where guests were not “expected” in advance, more often in small companies and impromptu, in an informal setting. Informal receptions are common in the US when partners are invited to lunch. The informality of the situation contributes to the solution of non-standard problems and the ability to look at the problem differently. In principle, you should be prepared for such a reception.

(K41) A glass of champagne

"A glass of champagne", usually, starts at 12 o'clock, lasts about an hour. Occasion for such a technique can serve arrival or departure of a delegation, signing of an agreement, opening of a festival or exhibition. Moreover, it is held in the same building where the gala event took place in a room or foyer specially equipped for this purpose.

In addition to guests champagne and wines, juices, mineral water are also offered. Drinks and light snacks served by waiters. Lungs snacks are sweets, fruits, sandwiches, canapés and others, no cutlery required and table setting.

Glass of wine

With a small reception is and "Glass of wine", with the only difference that its special character and The assortment of wines and the number of snacks are expanding somewhat. Strong alcohol - cognac, vodka, whiskey, gin - not served at daytime receptions.

Guests present standing . As an exception sit down for a while only allowed for older women. Sit men regardless of age and young and middle-aged women unacceptable . The distribution of guests in the hall is chaotic and official seniority is not respected.

These receptions are classified as official, and only officials without spouses are present at them.

(K42) Breakfast

"Breakfast" it is most convenient to carry out in the time interval from 12 to 15 o'clock. IN menu usually included two cold appetizers, one hot dish - meat or fish and dessert. This is when breakfast starts early. Because the duration breakfast is 1-1.5 hours, That with a later start, say at 14 o'clock, the table can be served also the first course. Before breakfast starts Juices and other non-alcoholic drinks are offered to guests "to the table", served at the table guilt, corresponding to snacks, mostly dry. Finally before coffee and tea with a small amount of sweets can be served champagne.

Attendance at breakfast allowed in casual clothes , but it should not be sweaters, jeans, leather or suede jackets(for they are usually street clothes), and Women should avoid pantsuits. This is due to the fact that in protocol practice Daytime receptions are considered less formal than evening receptions.. Since breakfasts are usually considered official receptions, invite only officials . Breakfast includes seating at the table in accordance with the protocol. Optimal number of guests - 12 people. There may be more, but it is desirable do not exceed 16 people. This will allow guests to be seated at one rectangular table. Even if there are more than fifty guests at the breakfast, it’s still Tables should not be arranged in a “U” or “T” configuration. It would be better to place two or three tables in parallel. Seating in this case it is done two groups of twelve people - senior and middle management . It should be remembered that number twelve(dozen) considered a table number.

(K43) There are several types of evening receptions


"Cocktail" starts from 17 or 18 hours . In its form, it resembles a “Glass of Wine”. The same free accommodation of guests. The same waiter service serving drinks and snacks. Difference and, accordingly, in start time, range and duration . Duration"Cocktail" can reach up to two hours. The range of strong drinks is expanding significantly. Besides the cocktail , the drink as such, are distributed also vodka, wine, champagne . Offered cold snacks - sandwiches, canapés, tartlets, fruit, chocolate . If the reception lasts more than an hour, it is advisable to provide submission hot dishes , but those that can eat only with a fork without the help of a knife. The guest has to hold the plate in his left hand, because no dining tables provided.

Occasion for such a reception (this also applies to the “Glass of Wine”) there can be a wide variety of from a public holiday to the owner's birthday or a guest of honor who wishes to invite all employees.

(K44) A la buffet

Reception is held at the same hours as the “cocktail”. However drinks and snacks at the buffet the waiters do not serve food, but set the tables. Guests bring their own snacks and choose drinks. Often many of them make a mistake . Taking the plate and glass in their hands, they continue to stand at the buffet table, thereby preventing other guests from approaching. To prevent such gatherings of people around a common table, it is necessary to provide for the installation of several more free tables on the sides.

Place clean cutlery on the same tables. It should be noted that this is a mistake not so much of the guests as of the reception organizers, who place the cutlery on the same table with drinks and snacks.

Official seniority, as in daytime appointments, is not strictly observed, because these techniques are carried out standing. However, those present It is necessary to follow basic rules of etiquette, allowing honored guests to approach the table first and other persons higher in subordination.

Special solemnity of receptions"cocktail" and "a la buffet" maybe highlighted by serving champagne, ice cream and coffee. For all evening receptions invitations are sent out , in which special solemnity is emphasized by indicating dress uniform.

(K45) Dinner

"Dinner" - the most honorable and solemn type of reception. The beginning of lunch is practiced no earlier than 20 o'clock. Its duration reaches up to three hours or more. An indispensable condition for holding lunch is protocol seating at the table . Invitations sent out must include the wording “seated dining”. Vulture "dress uniform" You don’t have to write, since the seating plan already provides for arrival men in tuxedos, and women in evening dresses.

For an invitation of this kind it is necessary answer agree or reject the offer, so that the organizers can adjust the seating plan in advance. Accepting an invitation and not showing up, as well as refusing and then arriving, is categorically unacceptable .

Menu lunch is prepared in accordance with the national traditions of one’s country and taking into account the national characteristics of representatives of a foreign state. Lunch consists of two to four cold appetizers, a first course, hot fish, hot meat and dessert. In one and a half to two hours after the start the first part of lunch ends. Guests are invited to the living room. Coffee, tea, liqueur, cognac are served there. You can smoke. More after half an hour everyone returns to the dining room, where the table has been changed during this time, and begins dessert.

(K46) Dinner

"Dinner" begins at 21 o'clock and later. It differs from lunch only in the start time and because at dinner, as a rule, they don't serve first hot dish. Continue dinner maybe from three hours or more. There's a lot at dinner drinking champagne, It is served throughout the evening. Occurs concert program, entertainment, dancing.

(K47) Lunch buffet

"Lunch buffet"- This more like a daytime appointment, rather than evening. Time started he hesitates from 16 to 20 hours. Duration no more than two. Seating is free, but in compliance with ethical standards and diplomatic tact . Everyone takes their seats for tables of four to six people. Same as on buffet reception, Tables are set with snacks, and there are buffets with drinks. Guests pick up snacks and sit at their discretion at one of the small tables. "Lunch buffet" is less formal, and Evening suit is optional.

(K48) Tea

Evening receptions also include "tea", old Russian custom, organized during the period between 16 and 18 hours, as a rule, for women. The wife of the head of the mission invites the spouses of the visiting missions and other women to “tea”. This form of reception is used when paying farewell visits by spouses heads of representative offices.

For "tea" one or more tables are set, taking into account the number of guests. Sweets, cookies, fruits, and dessert wine are served. Small sandwiches (canapés) are not excluded.

(K49) Guest seating

At receptions such as breakfast, lunch, dinner, guests are seated at the table in a strictly defined order. At an official reception, where guests are present without wives or husbands, the main guest is offered a seat at the table opposite the host (Fig. 15).

Fig. 17. At an informal reception with spouses

(K52) Technique of notation at the table

Small rectangular cards with the guest's name are placed near the devices. In the hall where guests gather and drinks are served, a seating plan is displayed on a small table.

· The host and hostess greet guests in the hallway outside the dining room.

· One of the reception managers calls the name of the incoming guest.

· The guest follows through the hall (hall) and greets the hostess and owner.

· The arrival of guests must be coordinated. Guests of lesser seniority arrive first. Before the guests of honor arrive, they enjoy conversation, introductions and an aperitif.

· As soon as the head waiter announces an invitation to the table, the host offers his hand to the first lady and is the first to enter the dining room.

· The guest of honor offers his hand to the hostess, and they enter last.

· The head waiter waits for the hostess and the guest of honor at the entrance to the dining room, then follows them to the table and pulls out chairs for them.

· Guests take their seats after the hostess sits down.

· At the end of the reception at the table, the hostess is the first to get up and leave the table

(K54) Seating at the wedding table

Day appointments

Daytime meals include “working breakfast”, “glass of champagne”, “glass of wine”, breakfasts.

The “working breakfast” is held, as a rule, during the Russian president’s visits abroad for meetings with representatives of the business community or for working meetings with heads of state at multilateral international forums.

“Working breakfast” is usually held at 8.00–8.30 am and lasts no more than one hour and fifteen minutes. A limited number of guests are invited. There will be no toasts or special performances during the breakfast.

“A glass of champagne” usually starts at 12 noon and lasts an hour and a half. During the reception, in addition to champagne, guests are served wine, juices, and mineral water. Waiters serve drinks and light snacks. The “glass of wine” technique is similar.

It is possible to invite guests with their spouses to such receptions.

Breakfast is usually served between 12.30 and 15.00 and lasts up to one and a half hours. When organizing breakfast on the Russian side, the menu includes one or two cold appetizers, one fish or meat dish and dessert. Sometimes a first course and a hot appetizer are served at breakfast.

Before breakfast, guests are offered juices, dry wine is served at the table, and at the end - champagne, coffee, tea. Since breakfast is most often of a business nature (except for official breakfasts in honor of a distinguished foreign guest), invitees usually come to it without their spouses.

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"A GLASS OF CHAMPAGNE" usually begins at 12 o'clock and lasts about an hour. During the reception, in addition to champagne, guests may be offered other drinks (wine, juices, mineral water). As a snack - small cakes, sandwiches, nuts, etc. Waiters serve drinks and snacks. The reception takes place standing. The dress code is a casual suit or dress. From an organizational point of view, this is the simplest form of reception that does not require complex and lengthy preparation.

A similar technique is the type "GLASS OF WINE". The name in this case emphasizes the nature of the technique.

BREAKFAST takes place between 12 and 15 hours. Usually breakfast starts at 12.30-13.00. Breakfast usually lasts an hour and a half, of which about an hour - at the table and about 15-30 minutes - with coffee, tea (coffee, tea can be served at the same table or in the living room).

The breakfast menu is compiled taking into account national traditions. The menu may include one or two cold appetizers, one fish or meat dish and dessert. Serving a first course and/or hot appetizer at breakfast is not excluded.

During the gathering of guests, they are offered an aperitif (juices). During breakfast, dry grape wines can be served, and at the end - champagne, coffee, tea. Mineral water and juices are served throughout breakfast.

Guests typically arrive for breakfast in casual clothing, unless dress code is specifically specified in the invitation.


"COCKTAIL" starts between 17:00 and 18:00 and lasts about two hours. The reception takes place standing. The invitation indicates the start and end time of the reception (17.00-19.00, 18.00-20.00). Arrival and departure are possible at any hour of the specified time. An appointment stay of up to 1.5 hours is considered normal. The first guests arrive within 15-30 minutes. Arriving at a reception at the beginning and leaving at the end is considered to be an expression of special respect for the hosts. Late arrival and early departure (without valid reasons) is considered as a demonstration by the guest of a strained relationship with the organizers of the reception. Arriving at a reception for employees of representative offices or companies later than their management is considered a gross violation of etiquette. The departure of guests occurs in the reverse order: the heads of the invited companies are the first to leave the reception, followed by the rest of the organization's employees (in order of seniority).

During the reception, waiters serve drinks and cold snacks (in the form of canapés - small sandwiches). Sometimes there is a buffet bar where waiters offer alcoholic drinks to those who wish.

As a snack, canapés are served with various salted butters, creams, pates, fish, meat; savory mini-cakes, cookies; stuffed eggs, salted and sweet almonds, nuts, fruit; sweet cookies-mini pastries made from dough with cream, whipped cream, jelly.

The cocktail table differs from other tables in that there are no plates or forks on it, there are only wooden or plastic sticks and mini-forks. After one use they are removed.

Reception type "A la fourchette" takes place during the same hours as the COCKTAIL. The formal difference between this type of reception is that at a COCKTAIL reception, more drinks and fewer snacks are usually served, while at a buffet reception, no less drinks are served, and significantly more snacks are presented. At a buffet reception, tables can be set with snacks, including hot dishes. However, in recent years, practice has been moving towards combining these techniques.

After cold appetizers are served baked food (julienne), hot sausages, small cutlets. After a hot appetizer, guests are treated to dessert - cheese and fruit, jelly, ice cream. Coffee is served at the end of the reception.

The buffet reception is held standing. Taking this into account, the table should be slightly higher than usual so that you can eat while standing. In a large room you can set several buffet tables (each for 6-8 people).

The table is covered with a tablecloth almost to the floor (5-10 cm from the floor). Shot glasses and glasses for soft and alcoholic drinks are placed in triangles or triangles. The corresponding bottle is placed in the middle of the triangle. Plates are placed stacks at the ends of the table. The cold appetizer is placed in the middle of the table. The edges of the table are left free so that guests can place their plates there.

Guests serve themselves: they come to the tables, pick up snacks and leave, giving the opportunity for others present to approach. The waiters standing at the table only change plates, replenish empty dishes, pour drinks and ice cream.

The dress code is casual. The solemnity of the reception can be emphasized by indicating a special dress code in the invitation.

If the reception is held on the occasion of a national holiday or in honor of a distinguished guest, a small concert or film screening may be organized at the end of the reception.

"DINNER" is the most honorable type of reception.

It usually starts at 19-20.30, but no later than 21 hours.

A formal reception requires full dress uniform. Often lunch involves special uniform(a tuxedo or tailcoat is for a man, and an evening dress for a woman), which is specially indicated on the invitations. In the lower left corner of the invitation they usually write:

"White tie" (white tie, which means tailcoat) or

"Black tie" (black tie, which means tuxedo) or

"Evening dress" (evening clothes, i.e. tailcoat).

If a dress code is specified, compliance with this is mandatory. On such occasions, ladies must wear evening dress, although this is not directly stated in the invitation.

We strongly recommend that you remember the following general rules so that it doesn’t work out, as Ilya Ilf wrote in his diary notes:
“By the end of the evening, the hostess changed her costume and found herself in blue pajamas with white lapels. The men tried not to look at the hostess. The owner’s eyes sparkled with a crazy fire.”
“The man didn’t know two words - “yes” and “no.” He answered vaguely: “Maybe, maybe we’ll think about it.”

Women should come to appointments dressed strict cut, soft colors. For breakfast and cocktails, it is customary to show up in a dress of normal length, a suit dress or a suit, a small hat made of felt, silk and other similar material, and it is not necessary to remove the hat during the reception. It is not recommended to come to receptions with a large amount of jewelry. They are not worn at all until 18.00. During the day, jewelry or jewelry made of semi-precious metals looks more appropriate.

For receptions starting before 20.00, the lady can come in silk kid gloves with a suede or leather handbag. Gloves, however, are removed immediately upon arrival (at the latest in the lobby). You can wear silk, lace, or other thin gloves with an evening dress, and the shorter the sleeve of the dress, the longer the gloves should be, and vice versa.

The British sometimes write on their invitations: “Undress” (literal meaning - without clothes). This means wearing a simple suit.

TO tailcoat Requires: a white bow tie, hand-tied (silk or pique), a tightly starched shirtfront, a stand-up collar with turned corners, a white pique vest (silk is also worn, but this is not considered good form), black patent leather shoes. The vest has three buttons that must always be fastened. In the breast pocket is a white handkerchief. Cufflinks should be kept modest. Fresh white gloves are required. Wristwatches are excluded. Only pocket ones on a chain.

TO tuxedo Unlike a tailcoat, a black bow tie and a black vest are required.

Dinner tables are covered with white tablecloths. The napkins are white, starched, and placed on bread plates.

Tables are placed in the shape of the letter "P" or "T". Places of honor at the ceremonial table face the entrance doors or windows facing the street.

The lunch menu, in accordance with national traditions, includes only one fish and meat dish and vegetable salads. After cold appetizers, broth with bread is served, then some meat dish. Two hot dishes are served: one fish and one meat. A hot fish dish is served before a hot meat dish with vegetables prepared in different ways. The service of drinks is the same as at breakfast. Lunch usually lasts two to three hours or even longer. Lunch ends with dessert. Before serving dessert, dishes and cutlery that were intended for the previous meal are removed.

For dessert you can serve jelly, creams, various sweet dishes, berries with cream. Sweets can be served in a shared bowl. In this case, the table is served with appropriate utensils and dessert or teaspoons. Sweets are placed in portions in front of the guest on the right side.

After the table, where the guests stay for about an hour, everyone goes to the living rooms for a conversation; Coffee and tea are served here. In some cases, coffee and tea may be served at the dining table.

Alcoholic drinks are the same as at breakfast. Before lunch, guests are offered aperitifs.

DINNER starts at 21:00 and later. The only difference from lunch is the start time. In addition, soup is usually not served at dinner. Dress indicated in the invitation - a dark suit, tuxedo or tailcoat; for women - evening dress.

In some countries, on especially solemn occasions in connection with the stay in the country of the head of state or a delegation headed by a statesman of the highest level, two steps in a row: Immediately after lunch, a cocktail or buffet reception is held for distinguished guests.

Evening receptions also include “TEA” - meetings in a less formal setting - at tea or coffee tables. Dress code: casual suit or dress. Such small techniques are carried out in international communication not only among business people, but also at the highest level. As a rule, people are invited for coffee from 17.00 to 19.00, and for tea they can be invited later - until 20.00.

The tradition of drinking tea at this time exists not only in our country; the British are also faithful to their tradition of drinking five o'clock tea. In this case, the guest is really only offered a cup of tea (Indian - with milk, Chinese - with lemon). By the way , Milk is never poured into an empty cup, but only into one filled with tea.

Candies, cookies, fruits, drinks, small decorative sandwiches are served ( canapes), pies, sweet and savory cookies, buns, muffins, savory or sweet cakes. You can put boxes of chocolates, cream or ice cream, and lemon on the table. They drink tea with jam only in Russia.

For "tea" one or more tables are set, taking into account the number of guests. For a coffee or tea table, handmade colored tablecloths and colored napkins are selected. The table can also be set with colored woven napkins. Then the middle of the table is covered with a narrow path, on which plates with sandwiches, confectionery, and fruit are placed. The dishes for each guest are placed on small woven napkins.

The table is set as follows: a cup is placed on a saucer and a tea (or coffee) spoon is placed, to the left of it there is a small plate for treats and a small knife if toasted slices of bread or rolls are offered, on which butter, marmalade or a piece of cheese is placed. The knife is placed to the right of the plate, with the blade facing the plate, and to the left of it is a small napkin. Cream, sugar, a teapot or coffee pot are usually placed on the table.

The saucer is held in the left hand, and the cup is brought to the mouth with the right. It is not customary to ask for a second cup until others have received the first. After you have stirred sugar in your coffee or tea or finished dessert, remove the spoon from the cup or vase and place it on a saucer nearby. It is considered a sign of bad taste if a guest leaves a teaspoon in a glass or cup.

Before coffee, you can serve a hot snack or salad. Salads are served in glasses or glass dishes with legs. It is also recommended to serve juices and mineral water at the coffee table. Glasses for mineral water are not served for each guest individually, but are placed in groups in one or several places.

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