What to set on the table.

The 2017 New Year's table must necessarily correspond to the taste and preferences of the symbol of the coming year - the Fire Rooster. In this case, you will be blessed with good fortune, luck and a great mood, not only during the New Year 2017 celebration itself, but throughout the whole year.

What to cook for the New Year of the Rooster

Since New Year 2017 is the year of the Rooster, the festive New Year's Eve menu should include delicacies that will please the symbol of the coming year. Prepare salads for the New Year 2017 from fresh vegetables and herbs. Also, New Year's table recipes 2017 can consist of rice, fish, seafood and boiled vegetables. Therefore, sushi, stuffed peppers or cabbage rolls with rice or other cereals are good options.

It’s great if you put a saucer with wheat sprouts in the center of the table. A basket of fruits, citrus fruits and cookies would also look appropriate.

Hot and cold appetizers of pork, beef, lamb, and rabbit are offered as main courses. Freshly baked bread decorated with wheat ears is welcome, as well as portioned baked goods - pies, buns, cakes.

The Rooster will prefer drinks that are not too strong, so it is better to give preference to wine and champagne instead of vodka and cognac. And let’s be honest, what would New Year be without a bottle of champagne.

Also, be sure to arm yourself with recipes for a variety of cocktails for the 2017 New Year's table. After all, translated from English, the cocktail means “rooster tail.” This means that this is the main drink at the New Year's holiday.

But if you don’t want to seriously offend the symbol of 2017, you’ll have to give up traditional, popular elegant dishes made from chicken and chicken eggs. Although there is an opinion that it is acceptable to use these ingredients in the form of salads, rather than whole baked dishes or stuffed eggs. In addition, you can prepare treats from the meat of other poultry, as well as quail eggs.

And of course, what would New Year be without champagne?

What should be on the New Year's table 2017: color scheme

One of the main points in preparing for the holiday is setting and decorating the New Year's table 2017, selecting plates, cutlery, tablecloths, and napkins. The element of fire will require you to find appropriate colors and shades: from bright red, orange and yellow to golden and brown. A successful combination of colors played in contrast, for example, red dishes on a white tablecloth.

What should be on the New Year's table 2017: naturalness

The Fire Rooster will appreciate a simple rustic style with natural clay plates, salad bowls and bowls or wooden bread bins and vases. He will also respond well to classic dishes made of ceramics or glass. But you should not use synthetic materials, in particular plastic. It is better to choose a tablecloth and napkins from linen or cotton fabric.

New Year's table 2017: what paraphernalia should be

Small and insignificant details of bright color look good against a light, discreet background. For example, when arranging gifts for guests, focus on the color of the main element of the holiday by adding a red bow or Christmas ball to a simple paper package. And small figures of cute chickens or cockerels on the New Year's table will remind you on the festive night, “who is the boss of the house.”

What should be on the New Year's table 2017: the element of fire

Be sure to try to place burning candles, bright garlands or light a fireplace on the New Year's table or somewhere in the room, and don't forget about sparklers. Those. use live fire in the interior. In this way you will honor the element of fire in the year of the Fire Rooster.

But there is not much time left for the New Year, and many housewives are thinking about what should be on the New Year's table in 2017. After all, the year of the Fire (Red) Rooster is coming, and you need to “please” this temperamental bird. This means that the choice of products for holiday dishes and table setting should be approached more carefully. New Year is not just an extra reason for a feast, but a traditional holiday, which must be approached not “carelessly”, but taking into account the “owner” of the year. In this case, the Rooster, and he needs to be “respected”. Therefore, it is recommended to forget about the usual dishes and bring something new, interesting, and in accordance with the nuances of the one in whose honor the year is to the holiday.

Setting the festive table

Decorating the New Year's table is an important aspect, so we would not recommend simply covering the table with any tablecloth or oilcloth. If you are celebrating the year of the Fire Rooster, then the table setting should be “in trend.” What should you pay attention to?

Tablecloth . It does not have to be red, it is enough that the color of the fabric contains tones close to this shade: beige, golden, cream, pink... Or lay a white tablecloth and choose red, but elegant napkins.

Dishes . There are no strict restrictions here, you can use any utensils, but still, it would not be out of place if it contains any patterns, drawings and ornaments close to the reddish tones. This will fit perfectly into the overall design of the table.

Decorations . Be sure to decorate the table with candles, and it is highly desirable that they be made in red, pink or gold. Ideally, it is better to use handmade candles - this will especially please the Rooster and bring prosperity to the house.

central part . It is recommended to pay special attention to the center of the table, where you should place some beautiful container (basket or vase) with a bouquet of spikelets, dried flowers or just spruce branches. Even just a bowl of wheat will please the Rooster!

Setting the New Year's table

Many of us associate the New Year with traditional Olivier salad, herring under a fur coat, tangerines and canned food. But it is important to remember that the “master” of the coming year is the Red Rooster, which means he should be “cajoled.” And although the rooster is an omnivorous bird, it is recommended to refrain from chicken meat, eggs and spicy seasonings. But let's talk about everything in more detail.

Hot dishes . Many housewives bake chicken or duck for the New Year, but this year it is better to avoid preparing such dishes. The Fire Rooster will not approve of dishes made from “his own kind,” so it is better to cook something from beef, pork or fish.

Salads . If you can’t imagine your New Year’s table without Olivier, then chicken eggs can be replaced with pieces of avocado or shrimp. This will add piquancy to the salad and diversify the usual taste. You can also replace eggs with mushrooms or cheese.

Conservation . It is better not to put it on the holiday table at all, since homemade preparations are oversaturated with seasonings, and the rooster does not like this. But if you really want to diversify the table, then choose red preserves, for example, bell pepper.

Snacks . Various cuts will be very suitable, just make sure that the same sausage is not chicken, but, for example, beef. It would be very nice to place hard cheese on a plate surrounded by olives - it’s both beautiful and very tasty.

Dessert . There are no special restrictions here, except that New Year's cookies can be made in the shape of chickens. It is also strongly recommended to decorate the table with fruits and berries; this is a favorite delicacy of roosters, so such a dessert will come in very handy.

Beverages . In the year of the Red Rooster, it is better to abstain from strong alcoholic drinks. If we consider the question, what should be on the New Year's table in 2017, then the rooster will only approve of low-alcohol cocktails, punch, wine and champagne.

Not everyone knows that the rooster is a picky bird and is very selective about the female sex. Therefore, housewives should “appease” him. Try to avoid chicken (which can easily be replaced with rabbit) and use as few eggs as possible. The Fire Rooster will appreciate your homeliness and bring prosperity to your home in the future.

  • Do not do anything on your own, discuss dishes and serving with loved ones.
  • Don’t leave everything to the last minute, make a menu for the holiday table in advance.
  • Involve your family in the preparation; the rooster loves cohesion and will appreciate it.

But don’t lose sight of an important nuance: the New Year’s table should not be oversaturated with high-calorie dishes. Your dishes will be light, but elegant. There is no need for any pretentiousness, everything should be simple, tasty and, of course, beautiful.

The ambitious Fire Monkey, which ruled this year, will be replaced by the year of the Fire Rooster, which promises to be more successful, memorable and bright, in the future 2017, according to the eastern horoscope. What should be the menu of the New Year's table in order to “appease” the Fire Feathered Bird, so that happiness and good luck come to the house.

Pedantic, elegant, appreciating simplicity and adores the classics - these are perhaps the main characteristics of the Fire Rooster. Therefore, we select and prepare dishes accordingly.

First and most importantly, for meat dishes, we categorically do not consider options using poultry meat, or rather chicken. Replacing chicken meat in salads, for example, with boiled veal, is not difficult. You will also have to give up stuffed eggs, in the form of mushrooms and snowmen on skewers. But it is not forbidden to use chopped eggs in New Year's dishes. If possible, it is also better to avoid Christmas turkey.

The Fire Rooster does not like heavy dishes. According to the Rooster, the table should have an abundance of vegetable and fruit salads, fresh cuts, and various side dishes.

For the Asian table, the Rooster gives particular preference to seafood and sushi.

For Russian cuisine - baked or jellied fish of any kind. And where can one get away from the classic dish of herring under a fur coat? This year it couldn’t come at a better time. And you can make this dish original using a simple technique: make this salad in the shape of a Christmas tree with multi-colored “toys” of vegetables, thickly decorated with herbs.

For European cuisine, the Fire Rooster offers a menu of baked lamb or beef with vegetables.

In order not to pat the Fire Rooster by the red tail, do not drink large quantities of strong alcohol, the “bird” will not like it. After all, don’t forget that our hero of the year must always be at his best, elegant and attractive. Therefore, we choose drinks in the form of sparkling champagne, wine and various low-alcohol cocktails.

The Fire Rooster is not averse to tasting something sweet. As a dessert, you can prepare anything that your imagination allows. The main thing is that it is tasty and beautiful.

Perhaps that’s all the advice regarding the menu and the choice of products for them. But there is another not unimportant, and sometimes the most important issue that I would like to remind you of - this is setting the New Year's table. After all, the first impression is still the “clothing”, and only then the “filling”.

The selection of accessories for setting the New Year's table should be made from natural materials, not very colorful and preferably monochromatic.

Tablecloth – white, gold or pink.

The service and dishes are made of glass, porcelain, clay or wood. Do not use plastic utensils.

Napkins match the tablecloth.

Glasses - for every taste, but without colorful or flashy painting.

Accessories and decorations - all kinds of candles in red and gold tones, small trinkets in the form of balls with tinsel. And don’t forget to place a small figurine of a cockerel buried in greenery in the center of the table; the new symbol of 2017 will certainly like it.

GENERAL RULES OF THE NEW YEAR'S TABLE 2017 Products for the New Year 2017 should be as natural as possible. Based on the fact that the Rooster is a serious bird and loves everything simple and natural. Therefore, dishes should not be complicated, and food should not be heavy. All greens and pickles should be placed on large dishes. It is better to divide the slices into small sandwiches. There must be baked goods, but in portions. For alcohol, prefer cocktails, because translated from English, cocktail means rooster’s tail, and the rest of the drinks should be invigorating (wines, liqueurs, liqueurs and tinctures). In the middle of the table, place a bright dish with red decorations, for example, a bright salad of Santa Claus's Mitten with red fish. The Rooster's natural diet includes grain crops. This means that buckwheat porridge can be a side dish on the New Year's table menu, and corn should be included in one of the salads. Be sure to experiment and prepare previously untried new dishes for the New Year, photos and recipes of which appear in abundance on the pages of culinary magazines and online resources long before the holiday. The table will exactly correspond to oriental traditions if, celebrating the Year of the Rooster, there will be a lot of fresh vegetables and herbs on it, and cheese snacks and dishes prepared with imagination for the New Year 2017 will be a real hit! You can decorate the 2017 New Year's table with greens and cereals, picturesquely arranging small bouquets in vases, and seeds and grains in clay plates. But don’t forget that all New Year’s delicacies should be satisfying, but light, because the Rooster will not want to sit in a corner, but will show himself in dancing and active New Year’s games and entertainment. SALADS AND SNACKS FOR THE NEW YEAR 2017 The signature salad can be a thematically decorated salad for the New Year of the Rooster; it can be prepared from any product. And also a Christmas tree snack made from vegetables and fetax cheese, which the Rooster will definitely not refuse. Without a doubt, the owner of the coming year will like the Watermelon Slice salad, which looks elegant and is prepared, or rather, prepared, easily and quickly. Roosters, in general, do not like complex and intricate dishes. But they are unlikely to be able to tear themselves away from the plate with stuffed tartlets, small sandwiches, canapés and other buffet snacks. And a cheese plate decorated with grapes, honey and nuts will be a must on the holiday table. SECOND COURSES FOR THE NEW YEAR'S TABLE You will have to give up the chicken that is familiar to many for the New Year 2017 for obvious reasons. It is unlikely that the Rooster will be very happy to see his wife cooked, even tasty, on the festive table. Therefore, prepare other meat for the New Year's table, for example, baked leg of lamb. And if you are going to celebrate the New Year 2017 at the dacha, then over an open fire. After all, the Rooster is Red and Fiery. You can bake vegetables as a side dish - tomatoes, zucchini, eggplant, carrots, bell peppers. Pour olive oil-based sauce over this assorted vegetable dish. SWEET AND DESSERTS A vase with oranges, bananas, kiwis, grapes and a whole pineapple in the center of attention should decorate the festive table for the New Year 2017, starting from its very setting. Any sweetness, be it lemon cheesecake or layered Napoleon according to a recipe beloved from childhood, will please the Rooster and attract luck and good fortune to your home for the whole year. But still, preference should be given to light desserts, such as panna cotta with raspberries, puddings, mousses, fruit salads with whipped cream and ice cream with fruits. The table promises to be plentiful anyway, and it’s unlikely that any of the guests will want a cake with rich cream. Don't forget about delicious candies in bright, shiny wrappers; the Rooster will be delighted with the sparkle and tinsel! Make sure you have enough alcohol. Alternatively, try hosting a party with a cocktail bar. As for non-alcoholic drinks, it is better to buy juice, plain water, berry juice, or make compote from dried fruits. To diversify your holiday, you can make various cocktails with ice, both alcoholic and milky. Many people prefer mulled wine. New Year is a bright and memorable holiday. Therefore, an elegantly decorated and rich table on New Year’s Eve 2017 will become a symbol of future abundance and success. An unforgettable festive atmosphere will be created by candles and crystal wine glasses, elegant dishes and beautiful tableware. But still, table setting in a rustic style this year will become the most relevant option - these could be linen napkins and tablecloths, and wooden coasters, candlesticks or even dishes. Dry bouquets with straw, vegetable and fruit compositions in the form of bundles, and wicker baskets with portioned bread and small buns will help decorate the interior. Celebrate the Year of the Rooster generously and tastefully, and good luck will not keep you waiting!

Fish dishes may be present on the festive table on this day. You can prepare aspic with fish, making it colorful with a variety of vegetables. After all, the year of the Red Fire Rooster means a bright and colorful New Year's table!

Cereals and flour products

But still, the most to the taste of the perky Rooster will be dishes that contain flour, cereals, rice, and corn grains. So you can prepare canapés with bread or make homemade pizza. You can make a roast from meat dishes. But chicken meat should not be served on the table this year. The symbol of the year will appreciate it if you decorate your salads with wheat croutons on top.

Drinks for the New Year's table

Drinks should also be colorful, lift your spirits and delight the colorful Rooster! Of course, champagne is already a traditional drink. But in addition to it, there should be various juices, fruit drinks, cups, and cocktails on the table. Separately, you can serve multi-colored ice with drinks by making it with the addition of food coloring.

Vegetables, fruits and more

Add mushrooms, vegetables, fruits, and red caviar to the 2017 New Year's table menu. The rooster is fiery red, so the table should be replete with red foods. Prepare the stuffed red peppers and serve the tomatoes. Decorate ready-made salads with figures of carrots and beets. Serve red apples and berries separately. And, of course, don’t forget about tangerines! They are always appropriate on the New Year's table! How can you do without the aroma of fresh tangerines?

New Year's table decoration

Choose table decor with the symbol of the coming year. For example, the tablecloth can be embroidered with roosters. Decorate the dishes beautifully, for example, with red ribbons. Place candles in the form of a symbol of the year. And don’t forget about the New Year tree - a small tree should be present on the table itself, and if you are going to dress up a large green beauty, then decorate it with toys in the form of a symbol of the New Year.

Add more baked goods to your holiday menu, then you will achieve the favor of the symbol of the New Year! In the New Year, you will be lucky in everything - celebrate the holiday brightly to remember this bright holiday for a long time!

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