What is reproductive age? For a man, it is better to have a child a little later than earlier Male reproduction

In the medical world, they never tire of discussing the age at which a man can have children. The conclusion of a new study is that it is better for a young woman to have children with an older man than with a young man. A mature man has a better chance of producing healthy children than a young man whose hormones are raging, writes the British newspaper Independent.

A large-scale study of how the age of parents affects the likelihood of a child developing health problems at birth has found that those babies whose fathers are under twenty years of age are most at risk.

Children of young fathers are 22% more likely to die in the first four weeks of life, and they are 41% more likely to die in the first year of life than those whose fathers are in their twenties. They are also 17% more likely to be born premature and underweight. If a man is over forty, the risk of congenital diseases in a child does not increase. Moreover, the age of the mothers who took part in the study ranged from 20 to 29 years (to exclude the influence of the mother’s age on the results).

Theoretically, you can become a father at any age, since sperm are produced throughout a man's life. However, mature men should not delude themselves about their reproductive capabilities. If the sperm count of a 20-year-old healthy man is taken as 100%, writes the portal MOTHER, then at 40 years old his indicators will be only 70% in terms of motility, 50% in terms of the content of normal sperm, 50% in terms of viability. These reasons alone account for three quarters of cases of infertility in men over 50 years of age. By the way, fertility could remain at a constant level until the age of 55-60, but the rate of decline in fertility in men is greatly influenced by lifestyle - smoking, alcohol abuse, drug addiction.

Unfortunately, as men age, their chance of conceiving a healthy child decreases. In 2002, scientists from Washington State University examined the sperm of 60 men aged 22 to 60 years. It turned out that in men aged 35 years and older, most of the germ cells have a deformed DNA molecular chain. It is believed that babies born to fathers 50 years of age and older have a fourfold increased risk of Down syndrome.

The authors of the latest study note that in cases where young fathers give birth to sick children, social factors largely play a role. Teenage fathers tend to be poorer than men over forty and have less education. Therefore, they are less likely to provide their pregnant wives with medical care that would allow them to avoid problems in the child. Children of older fathers begin life in more favorable starting conditions.

Alan Pacey, lecturer in andrology at the University of Sheffield, says: “It’s easy to say that the problem is in the young father’s sperm, as if they are somehow abnormal. But this is contradicted by data from many studies showing that the number of defects in the DNA of germ cells in men increases with age.”

Hollywood actor Michael Douglas was 56 years old when his wife, Catherine Zeta-Jones, then 31, gave birth to their first child in 2000. Now the couple has two children, but Katherine wants a third. The Russian film director celebrated his 70th birthday last year. He has 7 children. The youngest children born to him by actress Yulia Vysotskaya (she is half a life younger than him) are 7 and 2 years old. Andrei Konchalovsky, in a sense, supports the family tradition. The wife of his 94-year-old father, Sergei Mikhalkov, is almost fifty years younger than her husband.

The 70-year-old actor has five children from four different women. The youngest were born in 1990 and 1992.

German top model Heidi Klum was 30 when her first child, Leni, was born in 2004. The child's father was 54 years old. Klum has already divorced him.
By the way, last year there was a 68-year-old man in Minsk.

Even when an elderly father gives birth to a healthy child, the question arises: how many years does he have to raise his son or daughter? Most often the answer will be - a little. It makes you think about responsibility.

Still, older fathers have one advantage. Psychologists say that men around the age of 60 become quite sentimental and indeed the birth of a child is a great blessing and a reason for pride. Experts even notice that those who become fathers in old age begin to take more care of their health, because they really want to live longer.

Reproductive (or fertile) age is the period within which a person is able to conceive a child. This indicator is different for men and women. The fertile age of a woman is less than that of a man and ranges on average from 15 to 49 years. Theoretically, a man's reproductive age ranges from 14-60 years. But practically men under 20-25 years old do not plan to have children for economic reasons (since it is problematic for a man to support children at such a young age), and for those who are already over 40 years old, the quality of sperm and, consequently, reproductive abilities decrease.

Men begin puberty in adolescence - from 10-12 years. A man is ready to conceive a child at the age of 15. During this time, the male body goes through several stages on the way to full puberty.

  1. Interest in the opposite sex appears.
  2. There is a desire for physical contact (touching, kissing).
  3. Sexual desire intensifies.

During this period, boys want to communicate more with the opposite sex: spend time together, walk hand in hand and kiss. Then, in boys, sexual desire increases due to the fact that the amount of the hormone testosterone in the blood increases.

This hormone, in sufficient quantities for men, makes them attractive to women and promotes sexual desire. After a young man has realized his sexuality, he may decide to have sexual intercourse for the first time.

For teenagers, the age for first sex often depends on society and family: in this matter, they are guided either by the opinion of their parents, their recommendations or prohibitions, or by the experience of their older friends. In any case, for a teenage man, having sex is only a physiological need, not an emotional one. For sexual desire, they choose a partner who is externally suitable, in their opinion, without thinking about emotional compliance. But in the future, a man may change his opinion on this matter: he will either continue to be less picky about sexual relations, or he will decide to connect his life with his beloved.

During the life and development of a man, his reproductive function undergoes changes: of course, at a younger age there are more opportunities to fertilize an egg than at an older age.

For men, the most suitable age to conceive a child is from 18 to 35 years old. Within this period, men produce the greatest amount of testosterone, and therefore sperm, with good motility.

In men after 35 years of age, sexual needs are not as pronounced as, for example, at 20, which is associated with less intense testosterone production. In addition, at this age a man is negatively affected by stress and emotional stress, alcohol and smoking.

After 35 years, the following changes occur in the male body:

  • the concentration of androgens in the blood decreases (a group of male sex hormones);
  • the production of sperm and their motility decreases (for successful fertilization, 3-5 ml of sperm is needed, and each milliliter must contain 2-3 million mobile, healthy cells; deviations from the norm are called necrosospermia);
  • Diseases of the male genital organs and decreased potency occur.

This leads to the fact that as a man ages over 35, the possibilities of fertilization “on the first try” become less and less.

Statistics have also proven that women with a partner over 35 years of age are more likely to have a miscarriage than those with a younger partner. The number of successful conceptions decreases significantly in couples where the man is over 40 years old.

However, this does not mean that at the age of 35 a man will not be able to have children. It’s just that after reaching this age, men also begin to be influenced by negative factors (stress at work, bad habits, lack of sleep), which negatively affect reproductive function. But if you lead a healthy lifestyle from the beginning of puberty, then hypogonadism will occur much later.

The age of 60-70 years (on average) in men is characterized by hypogonadism - the end of the reproductive period, which is characterized by changes in hormonal levels.

In nature, the end of the reproductive period is necessary in order not to include the outdated generation in the process of reproduction of offspring. It has been proven that the number of mutations in offspring that were born by an older generation is many times more common than in those whose parents were younger.

Thus, hypogonadism prevents the widespread spread among the new generation of such genetic diseases as:

  • Down syndrome;
  • "wolf lip";
  • cerebral palsy;
  • psychical deviations.

The reason for such negative dynamics is considered to be the production of low-quality sperm with damaged DNA in men after 60 years of age.

Nature specifically provides for the childbearing age for men and women so that they can not only give birth, but also then fully care for their offspring. After all, it is much more difficult for older people to physically engage with children than for young parents - which is why reproductive function disappears over time.

Statistics show that by the age of 40, a man’s testosterone level begins to decline by several percent. But this does not mean that this will happen for everyone by this age. For each man, the process of development and decline of reproductive function is individual, which means the time for favorable fertilization varies.

But numerous studies of the reproductive capabilities of the male body have shown that the average age for peak fertility is from 25 to 30 years. It is believed that it is within this age range that a man is ready for childbearing, both physically and psychologically. Further statistics show that:

  • in 17% of men, hypogonadism occurs at 43-50 years of age;
  • at the age of 65-80 years, 40% of males already suffer from hypogonadism;
  • representatives of the stronger sex who are over 80 years old experience hypogonamism in 65% of cases.

Hypogonadism can occur either before the age of 40 or later: some are sexually active at 65, while others cannot have children at 30. It all depends on the quality of life of a man, the characteristics of his body, and lifestyle and other factors.

A significant decrease in reproductive functions at the age of 50-60 is a normal physiological process that is inherent in a man’s body by nature. But the appearance of problems with potency at the age of 35-45 is considered early hypogonamism.

This may be due to a man's lifestyle or genetics, which directly affects virility. But the factors may be different.

  1. Injuries in the groin area.
  2. Unsuccessful genital surgery.
  3. Acquired sexually transmitted diseases (gonorrhea, syphilis, etc.) and congenital pathologies of the genital organs (which were not eliminated at a young age).
  4. Severe viral and infectious diseases that lead to complications of reproductive function (for example, mumps or, as they say, “mumps”).
  5. Sedentary lifestyle.
  6. Constant presence of stress.
  7. Poor nutrition (excessive consumption of carbohydrates and fats).
  8. Presence of bad habits (alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction).
  9. Poor-quality sex life: promiscuous sex, frequent changes of partners or irregular sex.
  10. The presence of endocrine disorders and diseases (diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, deterioration of the pituitary gland).
  11. Diseases of the cardiovascular system (arterial hypertension, coronary heart disease.

The presence of the above factors does not mean that someone will not be able to have children. However, in order not to have problems with the reproductive system, it is better to treat all diseases in a timely manner, adhere to a healthy lifestyle and be selective in sexual intercourse.

In order to determine the time of onset of hypogonadism, you need to pay attention to the signals that the man’s body gives. Symptoms that characterize the end of childbearing include the following:

  • decreased libido, difficulty getting an erection;
  • erectile dysfunction, which manifests itself in premature or interrupted ejaculation;
  • Osteoporosis is a disease of the bones in which they become brittle and brittle (which increases the risk of fractures);
  • frequent and/or painful urination;
  • diseases of the vascular system, which manifest themselves in facial redness, hypertension, dizziness, shortness of breath, sudden increase in temperature, etc.;
  • hormonal disorders, the consequence of which is the appearance of excessive sensitivity, irritability, depression, apathy;
  • memory impairment, sleep disturbances, general fatigue, regardless of the time of day;
  • increase in body weight due to adipose tissue;
  • hair loss, bald spots.

If any of the above problems are detected, you should immediately contact an andrologist or urologist in order to either refute a possible disappointing diagnosis, or promptly detect a disorder in the functioning of the reproductive organs and begin treatment.

Preparing for conception for men over 50 years of age

Difficulties in psychological or economic terms often lead to the fact that for a long time a man cannot plan to conceive a child and postpones it until a later time. However, as mentioned above, this threatens to reduce the reproductive capabilities of older men. Therefore, if a man wants to have children, difficulties may arise. So how can you help yourself in such a situation? To do this, you need to follow certain rules.

  1. Eat right. Consume foods containing vitamins E and C, folic acid, zinc and selenium in your diet. These include oranges, lemons, tangerines, seafood, nuts and grains. Eliminate coffee from your drinks and increase the amount of clean water.
  2. Maintain the correct thermal regime: try not to overcool, but also not to overheat (you should avoid visiting baths, saunas, hot baths).
  3. Avoid a constant source of stress as much as possible (if your job is very stressful, consider changing to a calmer place).
  4. Engage in physical activity, but do not overload your body.
  5. Lead a healthy lifestyle without bad habits.
  6. Get as much sleep as you need.
  7. Wear loose underwear made of high-quality, natural material (cotton).
  8. Spend time outdoors more often.
  9. Look after your health, treat diseases in a timely manner at their initial stage, so that you don’t have to overstrain your body with antibiotics later.
  10. Have an active sex life (2-5 times a week).

Also, in order to exclude the occurrence of genetic diseases in a child, before conception you need to consult a doctor and undergo the necessary examination.

Modern treatment methods, even in the case of a damaged gene, can correct sperm DNA before conception and prevent many genetic diseases in offspring.

Despite so many rules that mature men need to follow before conception, remember that the joys of fatherhood are much greater. In addition, in adulthood, a man has more financial and psychological opportunities to properly raise future children.

It’s not just women’s biological clocks that are ticking non-stop, gradually reducing patients’ chances of getting pregnant. Scientists have proven that significant changes occur in the male body over the years, causing fertility to noticeably drop and soon disappear. The question of up to what age a man can successfully conceive a child has long occupied the minds of scientists and has been considered in many scientific works. It has been proven that the reproductive functions of the stronger sex only become suppressed over the years, and age-related characteristics can negatively affect the likelihood of fertilization and the health of the offspring.

An exciting moment - waiting for the heir to appear

The average reproductive age of a man is about 18-50 years. But it happens that conception occurs earlier or later than these restrictions. If it is possible for a woman to become pregnant only on certain days, then the male body is capable of fertilization at any time, because sperm mature in the testicles continuously. The testicles and prostate produce hormonal substances, the main of which is testosterone, which ensures the normal performance of reproductive functions. The seminal vesicles are also involved in the production of seminal fluid, the quality of which determines a man’s ability to fertilize.

To determine a man's ability to fertilize, patients are prescribed a spermogram. When studying male sperm, specialists pay special attention to its viscosity and ejaculate volume, the total number of sperm and the number of especially motile sperm, morphological characteristics of seminal fluid, etc. If deviations from normal spermogram parameters are detected, the man undergoes the necessary 2-3-month course of treatment. Insufficiently good environment, frequent stress and an unhealthy lifestyle - all these factors negatively affect spermatogenesis. In addition, under their influence, a man risks encountering pathologies of an infectious or inflammatory nature.


Young men reach sexual maturity at approximately 15 years of age, although even after this, transformations of sexual life still continue in the young body and reproductive functions develop. From about 11 years of age, boys begin to experience changes in physiology, which gradually leads to puberty. Sexual sensations and fantasies become more tangible for the young man. First, an interest in girls appears, which gradually develops into a desire for direct tactile sensations, kisses, touches, etc. After this, sexual desire already arises.

First love leaves a mark on the heart forever

At first, boys and girls are simply friends, then they begin to kiss and hold hands, show tenderness to each other, which gradually leads to the emergence of erotic fantasies and sexual attraction. Now a guy is more interested in the physiological side of relationships, while for girls of this age the play of feelings is more important. With the onset of sexual development in young men, the level of testosterone hormone increases, which helps the formation of adolescent sexual characteristics.

With subsequent growing up, the need for longer, sensual connections appears, and the desire for constant connection and even family arises. Although some guys prefer to lead a wild lifestyle with different sexual partners. Over the years, after 30-35 years of age, male sexual needs lose their former brightness, because testosterone production decreases.

Experts believe that the most favorable time for fatherhood is 24-35 years. It is at this time that reproductive functions work at full capacity, and the sperm produced are healthy and active. Although the production of germ cells continues up to 60 years (and even more), it is no longer so active.

The influence of male age on fertilization

Although not everyone at the age of 35 may experience any problems with their reproductive structures, at this age any representative of the stronger sex needs to take more responsible care of their habits and health. It is much more difficult for older men to conceive children; for example, at the age of 45, the likelihood of fertilization is three times lower than for 35-year-old men. And the older a man is, the less chance he has of having a child. Therefore, it is worth seriously thinking about offspring if you don’t have one before the age of 40-45. Over the years, a lot of changes occur in the male body, each of which negatively affects fertility.

  1. The number of sperm decreases. The number of sperm in semen drops significantly after the age of 35. They lose their former mobility, and the total number of male germ cells noticeably decreases. All this negatively affects a man's ability to conceive.
  2. The selection of healthy cellular structures is disrupted. Sperm in the body mature continuously throughout life. They also belong to cellular structures, so they can accumulate DNA damage. Our body has a function - programmed cell death. It is thanks to it that discarded and unwanted sperm are eliminated on their own and do not take part in fertilization. Over the years, this ability is gradually suppressed, which leads to mutations in sperm and in fetal cellular structures in the event of an accomplished conception.
  3. The appearance of weakened sperm. Against the background of disturbances in spermatogenesis and a decrease in the number of male germ cells, there are more and more weak sperm, unable to reach the female cell for fertilization.
  4. Problems of pregnancy. Conceiving from an older man negatively affects pregnancy, greatly increasing the likelihood of spontaneous abortion. Scientists have proven that the likelihood of miscarriages increases by 75%.
  5. Hereditary pathologies. If a mature man was able to become a father, this does not mean that his partner’s pregnancy will proceed normally. Men in adulthood quite often become the cause of autosomal dominant hereditary diseases in their children. They may manifest themselves in the form of neurosystem pathologies, cranial abnormalities, skin mutations, dwarfism or limb deformities.

What else do you need to know

It is necessary to take care of your health from a young age

The intensity of ejaculation decreases. Over the years, men lose the power of ejaculation, which is why sperm are not thrown too deep into the vagina.

Bad habits. If a man starts smoking from a young age and depends on nicotine throughout his life, then the DNA of the germ cells changes for the worse.

Pathologies in children. Scientists were able to identify the relationship between childhood schizophrenia and the mature age of fathers. It turns out that the older the potential father, the more likely it is that his child will have schizophrenia.

These factors, which negatively affect the reproductive functions of men, become more pronounced over the years and have a stronger impact on fertility.

Best age to conceive

Until what age is it recommended for a man to become a father? The very dawn of male fertility occurs in the 25-35 year period, when all reproductive structures are finally formed and the hormonal status has already taken place and is balanced. After all, puberty in males ends much later than in females.

The readiness for fertilization in men is closely related to the psychological state. According to psychologists, men decide to start a family much later than women. In general, men's influence on pregnancy is not as strong as that of women, because sperm are constantly renewed, new germ cells are produced daily, while in women, the supply of eggs is laid down from birth and is only used up throughout life. As men age, testosterone production decreases, which undoubtedly affects spermatogenesis.

According to statistics, in most cases of fetal death, the man’s bad sperm is to blame. The morphological state of the seed material especially affects the pathology of pregnancy. If an egg is fertilized by an inferior sperm, an embryo with pathological abnormalities is formed. As a result, during the further development of pregnancy, the fetus freezes or the baby is born with various abnormalities. But even if the child is born full-fledged, deviations may occur after birth, so a healthy sperm is important for conception.

Age and conception

With age, a man's fertility decreases; his seminal fluid contains much less complete and active sperm that are capable of fertilization. Although, before old age, a man can still impregnate a woman and become a father, although with less probability. Elderly people often have a slightly different problem - difficulties with the process itself. Over the years, less and less testosterone is produced in the body, which leads to a weakening of erection and sexual desire, and gradually deprives a man of the ability to perform sexual intercourse.

Around the age of 40-50, a special period begins in the life of each member of the stronger sex - male menopause, which is distinguished by special changes in the body and symptoms.

  • Androgen production decreases, degenerative transformations begin in the testicles, and the testes gradually stop responding to testosterone hormone.
  • In fact, male menopause is considered a natural physiological process that indicates normal aging.
  • If a similar condition occurs before the age of 40, then early menopause is diagnosed; after 60, its late form is diagnosed.
  • If the menopause is accompanied by negative deviations in the cardiovascular or genitourinary structures, then it is considered pathological. This condition is necessarily associated with neurotic disorders.
  • In men, menopausal symptoms are not noticeable; they are usually closely intertwined with signs of aging. Although it is the aging of the body that is the main factor in male menopause.
  • At times, the menopause occurs against the background of inflammatory processes in the genital structures.
  • Men during menopause may experience hot flashes with redness of the face and limbs, a feeling of heat, etc. Over time, sexual function fades, which causes emotional distress in men.

Important factor

Mutual understanding is the basis of family happiness

It is with the end of menopause that the cessation of sexual activity is often associated, although there are individuals who manage to conceive naturally at 60 and even at 90 years of age. Usually, by the time they reach their 40th birthday, men in most cases have already become husbands and fathers. Usually they have already made a certain career, their life flows smoothly, their spouse no longer praises them as much as before. As a result, a man has a feeling of not having a particularly significant role in the family, and then health problems begin and misfires occur in bed.

Against the background of all these factors, the psycho-emotional background of a man worsens, causing potency and libido to deteriorate even more. A midlife crisis forces a man to look for a sexual partner somewhere on the side, and not in the marital bed, and much younger, in order to assert himself and prove his own masculine worth. Such relationships help to return previous sexual sensations and bring a fresh spirit to your sex life, albeit not for long.

Fertility Enhancement Methods for a Successful Pregnancy

The quality characteristics of semen can deteriorate under the influence of various factors such as hyperthermia, because under the influence of high temperatures the death of sperm occurs. A similar effect is observed from wearing tight swimming trunks. To increase the chances of conceiving, an older man needs to limit visits to the sauna or bathhouse, give up unhealthy habits and tight synthetic underwear, and avoid all types of hypothermia.

In addition, a man needs to regulate his diet, limit physical activity and take vitamin complexes, and sexual intercourse should be carried out once every two days. If pathologies of the reproductive system or genital organs are detected, then before attempting to conceive it is necessary to be treated for these diseases, because they cause a decrease in male fertility and negatively affect the unborn child. Before conceiving, it is extremely important for a mature man to undergo an examination, a smear and blood test. If an STD is detected, both spouses will have to undergo treatment.

At this age, it is useful to take a spermogram before planning, which will help identify hidden pathologies and show the presence of abnormalities in the seminal fluid, by which the doctor can assess the patient’s fertilizing abilities.

  • Many experts believe that it is possible to increase the fertility of a mature man through regular sexual activity. This condition helps the sperm renewal process, and when it stagnates, serious diseases often occur. Medicine knows of a case where a man became a father at the age of 94.
  • An active life is also extremely important. Excess weight and sedentary activity can provoke circulatory disorders in the genital structures, which will negatively affect their functionality. If a man is engaged in sedentary work, then he needs to play sports.
  • Additionally, a proper diet containing nuts and greens, protein foods and ginger, avocado and seafood will help improve reproductive functions.
  • With age, sperm lose their activity, their structure is disrupted, and it becomes more difficult for them to reach the female cell. In addition, the likelihood of conception with defective sperm increases. Therefore, doctors strongly recommend not to delay paternity. The sooner it happens, the greater the chances of giving birth to healthy offspring.

Any healthy man who is able to have sexual intercourse and does not have reproductive or genitourinary problems can become a father. If at 90 everything works for a grandfather, then a woman of reproductive age will be able to give birth to him. Reproductive age in men is an individual value, depending on many factors such as sexual health, hormonal levels, general condition, erectile functions, etc.

Reproductive function- the ability to fertilize an egg and conceive a healthy child. Statistical data based on specialized studies indicate different figures regarding male fertility: some argue that it lasts throughout life, while others indicate that male reproductive capabilities are limited. How are things really going?

Sperm quality deteriorates with age

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The reproductive age of a man, as studies show, begins at 15 years (from the moment of the first) and continues until the death of the man. Unlike women, whose reproductive system is “programmed” for a certain number of eggs laid at birth (after the “consumption” of which the so-called menopause occurs), a man’s sperm are produced constantly and are constantly renewed. Therefore, a man can become a father at any age, from the very moment of puberty. Other studies say the same thing, but focus on deteriorating sperm quality, so fertilization becomes less and less likely over the years.

Testosterone levels decrease with age

Optimal age to conceive a child

The peak of male fertility occurs at the age of maximum sexual activity, that is, from 18 to 35 years. During these years:

  • sperm has maximum sperm quality due to the active synthesis of germ cells and their high mobility;
  • enough is produced that is necessary for adequate spermatogenesis.

It has been proven that over the years, starting from about 35 years of age, the concentration of male specific hormones in the bloodstream decreases. Sperm ceases to be produced as actively. Why does fertilization become more and more difficult in a later period:

  • Decreased concentration.
  • Decreased motility and sperm count. For normal fertilization, at least 3-5 ml of sperm is required, each milliliter must contain several million germ cells. Various deviations from the described norm are called (complete absence of active cells).
  • The emergence of numerous diseases of the male genital area.

As a result, not only fertility decreases, but also sexual strength, potency decreases (the cause of which can be not only diseases of the genital area, but also banal hypertension), which further aggravates the already difficult situation of a man.

The optimal age for men to conceive a child is up to 35 years old

Purely theoretically, conception is possible both at 15 and at 100 years old, if you adhere to the correct recommendations for improving the health of the reproductive system.

Factors affecting male fertility

All factors can be divided into objective and subjective.

Among the subjective ones:

  • Taking certain medications. Neuroleptics, antibiotics, and antidepressants “hit” the reproductive system especially hard. They reduce the intensity of spermatogenesis and weaken libido along with erection, without which sexual intercourse itself is impossible.
  • Sitting in one place for a long time (physical inactivity). Inactivity reduces the activity of spermatogenesis and the likelihood of normal conception by almost half.
  • Frequent baths, visiting saunas, wearing uncomfortable underwear. In a word - . To produce seminal fluid, a temperature of 34.5 °C is required; overheating causes the death of sperm.
  • Hyperdynamia. Excessive mobility also affects fertility, but in a slightly different way. Adrenaline, norepinephrine, cortisol (stress hormones), which are actively synthesized during physical activity, inhibit the production of androgens and reduce the intensity of spermatogenesis.
  • Unbalanced diet.

Objective factors include various diseases of the male reproductive system, including:

Prostate diseases are the scourge of modern men

  • Vesiculitis.
  • (a real scourge of men over 40). It is because of him that many members of the older generation cannot become fathers.
  • Prostate adenoma (benign prostatic hyperplasia).

A man can eliminate subjective factors on his own, but he cannot cope with diseases on his own. The help of a treating specialist is required.

Ways to increase male reproductive abilities

The reproductive age of a man is a broad and individual concept. It all depends on the health status of a particular individual, his food preferences, and lifestyle. In order to maintain the ability to have children for many years, it is enough to follow simple recommendations.

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Reproductive age is the period in a woman’s life that is most favorable for conceiving, bearing and giving birth to a child.

The period during which a man's body can produce sperm is called a man's fertile age.

Reproductive age of a woman

The optimal childbearing age for the fair sex is between 20 and 35 years. It is recommended to give birth to your first child at a maximum of 25-27 years of age. In this case, one should take into account the natural ability of a woman’s body to conceive, bear and give birth to a baby. This age is also characterized by a sufficient level of psychological and social maturity.

Early pregnancy

Pregnancy that occurs at an early age is often fraught with very unfavorable consequences. In this case, the younger the girl, the higher the likelihood of miscarriage, bleeding and toxicosis.

Early motherhood is dangerous for both the young mother and the baby. Children are often born with low body weight, they do not adapt well to external conditions, and they gain weight worse.

Naturally, every woman’s body is individual, and the birth of a completely healthy child is possible even before the age of twenty. A young woman’s body may be physiologically quite ready for pregnancy and subsequent childbirth without any complications. However, there are other circumstances that should be taken into account. For example, is the girl psychologically ready, does she have the necessary knowledge to raise a child, does she have the financial means to provide for his needs?

Late pregnancy

After the age of thirty-five, a woman begins the process of decline of reproductive functions. First of all, this is caused by hormonal changes in her body, which lead to a decrease in the ability to conceive naturally and certain menstrual irregularities.

A woman is born already having a certain number of primary germ cells (oocytes) in stock. They mature throughout their childbearing years. It is from the primary germ cells that the egg is formed.

A person regularly encounters all sorts of negative environmental factors, which affect the entire body, including oocytes. For a woman after 40 years of age, the likelihood of conceiving a child who will have genetic abnormalities increases significantly.

After forty-five to fifty years, women enter menopause, when their eggs stop maturing. Thus, a woman’s reproductive age ends. During this period, a woman will no longer be able to conceive a child naturally.

Reproductive age of a man

Over the years, a man's production of sex hormones gradually decreases. For the normal reproductive function of a man, it is essential, first of all, to reduce the level of testosterone, which regulates the process of sperm formation.

For this reason, the optimal reproductive age for a man is the period of his life up to 35 years. At an older age, in most representatives of the stronger sex, the ability of sperm to normally fertilize an egg decreases. The number of DNA damage increases, sperm lose their original motility. Therefore, a man’s reproductive age should also be taken into account when planning a pregnancy.

Conception and birth of children among middle-aged parents

Today, the number of births among women of older reproductive age (after 35 years) has increased significantly. At the same time, there are quite a large number of positive examples of the birth of the first child even after forty years. Despite the existing risks, having a baby after the age of thirty-five also has its advantages for a woman.

The hormonal changes in the female body that are associated with pregnancy and subsequent childbirth make it possible to feel like a young mother, despite her age. In this case, an increase in vitality is likely, as well as an improvement in the general well-being and mood of the woman. In addition, rich life experience only contributes to the most responsible approach to the process of raising a child.

When planning a pregnancy during middle age, it is necessary to consult a geneticist. Genetic counseling is necessary for potential parents if they are of advanced reproductive age (after 35-40 years).

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