Reading thoughts from a distance is very easy! How to learn to read minds: advice from psychics What is the ability to read minds called?

You don't have to have the ability or gift to read the thoughts of your interlocutor. Few people can boast that they can see what people are thinking about. But it’s not at all difficult. Naturally, it is impossible to immediately take and read a person’s thoughts, because before this people prepare themselves for a long time. Certain exercises and recommendations can help with this; by listening to them, you can understand how to learn to read other people’s thoughts at home.

First of all, you need to learn to relax and abstract from all problems and irritating factors. For this you can and even need to meditate. This activity will be quite difficult for unprepared people at first, but the effect is worth it.

First, you need to move into a position that promotes maximum relaxation and try not to think about anything for at least a few minutes. Gradually the meditation time increases. If you learn to turn off your thoughts and abstract yourself from everything around you, you will quickly learn to see what other people are thinking about from a distance.

Special exercises

  • One of the simplest exercises that can prepare you to read people's thoughts in the future is to read information from an object that was recently in the possession of or belongs to a particular person. You can use any object for the exercise. A prerequisite is to completely turn off your thoughts.

    When coming into contact with an object, it is necessary to capture the thoughts that arise. There is no need to confuse these thoughts with personal associations. If this kind of training is regular, then in the near future it will be possible to read a person’s thoughts from a distance.

  • To make the exercises more effective, you can also involve the person whose thoughts you want to read. To do this, the person must be in front of you and, at your request, think about something. Your task is to concentrate on his thoughts and read them. You can read your thoughts by putting together the cards or images that pop up in your head.
  • A fairly effective exercise that allows you to train the ability to read a person’s thoughts at a distance is to use a regular clock with an arrow. In order to get the maximum benefit from the exercise, you can retire with this device in a dark place where there are no irritating factors.

    The training consists of listening to the ticking of a clock, which you will gradually have to move closer and further away from your ear, and not think about anything. This is a kind of meditation that will allow you to relax at the right time.

  • Training your inner telepath. Everything is quite simple and accessible. To perform this exercise, no auxiliary paraphernalia is required. It is enough to go outside, to a public place and start training, which consists of concentrating on the energy of the person whose thought you want to read. For example, you see a couple walking. Try to predict what she will do in 1 minute, in which direction she will continue moving, etc.

    Or concentrate on the person sitting on the next bench. What will be his next actions? Regular exercises of this nature contribute to the training of telepathy, which plays an important role in predicting what a person is thinking about.

Find out information from the eyes of the interlocutor

It turns out that by looking into a person's eyes, you can find out what he is thinking about. This activity is not at all difficult and anyone can learn how to read thoughts in the eyes, provided that at this moment he is especially observant.

The whole point is that when thinking about something, dreaming, a person does not suspect that his eyes, namely his pupils, give him away. And if the interlocutor is observant enough, then he will easily scan his train of thoughts, just by looking into his eyes.

  • Pay attention to how the person behaves during the conversation. More precisely, whether he looks into the eyes. If his eyes are open and during a conversation he looks into the eyes of his interlocutor, then he is interested in him, as well as the essence of what is being presented. Otherwise, when a person avoids looking directly into the eyes of his interlocutor, this indicates that he is not interested in the topic being presented, his interlocutor, and at that moment he is thinking about how to say goodbye to him as quickly as possible.
  • Take a closer look at how long a person looks into your eyes. If he rarely raises his eyes, or abruptly looks away, then, most likely, he is worried about this conversation, is afraid of something and wants to quickly move the topic in a different direction.
  • Find out the direction of your gaze. You've probably noticed that in a conversation with a person who causes you contempt, whose actions and actions cause irritation, you roll your eyes and look up. Therefore, if your interlocutor also directs his gaze upward, this may indicate that his thoughts are far from positive.

    If a person directs his eyes to the floor, this means that he is thinking about how to quickly end the dialogue with you, because he is embarrassed and feels insecure in your company.

  • Take a closer look at which direction the interlocutor’s gaze is directed. If his eyes look to the right, then his thoughts are occupied with your person, he is concerned about your attitude towards him. Otherwise, when the interlocutor looks to the left, this can mean one thing - he is not thinking about dialogue with you, and not even about you. His thoughts at this moment are occupied by someone or something that he likes to think about.
  • Study the look. If in this situation the interlocutor looks down on you, then he thinks badly of you, considers you worse than himself, unworthy of his attention.

Now it has become clear that finding out what a person is thinking about is not so difficult and it is not necessary to be clairvoyant or a particularly gifted person. You can learn this and what’s most interesting is that it’s not difficult to do. There is no need to study mountains of literature, looking for answers to questions, attend specialized courses, and so on.

It is enough to learn to relax, let go of your thoughts and concentrate on the thoughts of another person. Just concentrate, and not try to guess them. Knowledge will not come immediately, and exercises will be needed to help train this skill. But, having overcome all the difficulties, you will be able to read people’s thoughts from a distance, or simply by looking into their eyes.

Gradually, you will learn to see what other people are thinking, and this will allow you to always be one step ahead. Having this skill gives you certain advantages. For example, knowing what your significant other is thinking about, you can conquer her and do what she didn’t have time to say.

This skill also helps in communicating with people and shows that what is said is not always the truth. After all, now you know what your interlocutor is thinking about.

In fact, seeing what people are thinking about is great, because this skill will certainly be useful in life and will help avoid unwanted situations.

Can you really read people's minds? Of course yes. Psychologists use this knowledge in their work every day. Psychotherapist Ekaterina Ignatova* tells how an ordinary person can learn this.

Let's agree right away. Mind reading is a completely pointless activity. Not a single self-respecting psychic, not a single fortune teller, and certainly not a single professional therapist reads other people's thoughts. They all focus on more reliable sources of information—people’s emotions and impulses. If you chase the ticker of a person’s stream of consciousness, you can get lost in the jungle of his bizarre logic, read – self-deception. Stupid thing to do. Let him get confused. And we will figure out what he feels here and now, analyze his non-verbal signals and, based on this, draw conclusions about what he will do in five minutes, a week or a month. In general, we will read people and enjoy it.

Trap for the catcher

Most often they want to know the thoughts of others because they experience wild anxiety, they are afraid: they will be deceived, let down, abandoned, not respected, despised, not loved. It should be noted: through the veil of doubt and uncertainty it is impossible to discern a person. Moreover, in such a state, you can easily demonize your interlocutor: see in him something that is not there, and be afraid of the ominous shadow of your own unconscious fears. Psychologists call them projections.

Projection is the main trap for the thought catcher. This simple mechanism works as follows. A person attributes his own unconscious feelings to another. For example, if he is afraid of being deceived, he will be sure that they want to deceive him. He will see a catch in the most favorable offer that will be made to him. Most often, our psyche plays this trick on us if the interlocutor resembles one of our close relatives - dad, mom, sister, brother, grandmother or grandfather, who in our childhood clearly showed that people should not be trusted. Similarity with them can manifest itself in one detail, for example, in the habit of squinting in a certain way, smoking, or addressing us with feigned coldness. After we have projected the behavior of a relative onto our interlocutor, we are automatically thrown back to childhood. We begin to communicate not like two adults, but like a little girl with her dad or mom.

Calm , just calm!

To truly see your interlocutor, you first need to think carefully about whether he resembles one of your relatives. Exhale and quietly mutter: “This is not my mother, this is Zhanna Ippolitovna Kryzhovnikova.” And then think about what kind of anxiety this citizen can cause in us. After which you should begin to calmly study your interlocutor. Or the interlocutor.

In order to understand what is happening with another person, you need to learn to listen to him correctly. Let's take the same story with a friend. For example, she tells a sad story: the betrothed-mummer did not call. What do we usually say? “What an idiot! Let him look for such a beauty again.” Although instead it would be worth saying with an affirmative intonation: “You are upset.” At first glance it may seem that nothing more banal can be imagined. However, it is precisely this reaction that makes it clear to a friend that she is heard, understood and not judged. It will be much easier for her to open up, so much so that she won’t have to read any thoughts - she will tell you everything herself. All that remains is to guess from time to time, to voice the feelings of your friend that will arise during her sad story. And also repeat the most important phrases she utters. For example, a friend says: “And when I called him for the fifth time, he spoke to me as if I were nobody and there was no way to call me.” In this case, you can answer: “You had the feeling that you were nobody and there was no way to call you.” And don’t descend into an angry sermon. The psychotherapeutic technique is called paraphrasing. Just like the first, it gives the interlocutor the opportunity to understand that he is being heard.

Of course, reading a friend’s thoughts and feelings is not too difficult. However, it is in communicating with her that it makes sense to train. Another person may take the place of a friend—a boyfriend, a colleague, or even a boss. They will all reveal things about themselves that they would otherwise prefer to hide.

Find ten differences

After we show the notorious empathy to the interlocutor and begin to listen correctly, he will relax. Now you can safely move on to reading and studying his non-verbal signals. In principle, this is not a very tricky science: all the body movements that a person makes are quite simple. The difficulty lies only in seeing the entire set of non-verbal signals - paying attention to the pace of speech, timbre of voice, facial expressions, gestures, and at the same time do not forget to listen to what he says and also respond. By and large, learning this skill is similar to mastering the science of driving. At first we only see the steering wheel, then the steering wheel and a piece of the road, then we manage to notice traffic lights and pedestrians, road signs and - lo and behold! - cars driving behind! You can easily guess that a person with a view no further than the steering wheel cannot be called a good driver. Just like someone who can notice a couple of non-verbal signals cannot be called a great specialist.

To understand what another person is thinking, you need to learn to listen to him.

It should be noted that a signal taken out of context is generally not very informative. Let's take for example a very common gesture - stroking hair. In the first situation, a man talks to a girl and runs his hand through his hair, rubbing the back of his head. What does this mean? Don’t go to a fortune teller - he likes the girl, he seduces her and sends an unambiguous non-verbal signal. Now imagine this person behaving in exactly the same way when talking with his boss. A neophyte can easily conclude that our hero is gay or bisexual, trying to seduce the boss. And he will be completely wrong. The same gesture can contain different messages. In the second situation, the man is simply nervous, encourages himself by stroking his head, and in a very broad sense “seduces” the boss, that is, in other words, trying to please him. There is no sexual connotation.

Yes? No!

Nonverbal signals are very different, for the most part they communicate to others about a certain feeling that a person is experiencing (see Without words - Ed.). However, there are also signs indicating his agreement or disagreement. Moreover, it often happens: a person claims one thing, but with the help of facial expressions and gestures he conveys something completely different. This behavior does not mean that the person wants to deceive. It is likely that he sincerely believes in what he is talking about, and at the moment he is deceiving himself. For example, if the interlocutor says the phrase: “Of course, I will definitely come,” and at the same time barely noticeably turns his head to the right and left, and also leans back in his chair, he most likely does not intend to do this. If the person with whom we are communicating begins to speak faster or otherwise increases the distance - moves away half a step, moves away - this, apparently, means: he non-verbally disagrees with us. Although in some cases this shows that he wants to change the subject, the subject of the conversation is unpleasant to him. If the interlocutor’s body leans forward, he nods - he is interested in the conversation and is likely to agree to the proposal.

These are the pies

Why do people often act inconsistently? Why do they need this? The fact is that each of us has different subpersonalities that cannot always come to a compromise. Those of us who want to read people as an open book must certainly take this fact into account. American psychologist Eric Berne wrote that the Child coexists within a person - our idea of ​​what we were like in childhood. The Parent is a collective image, a kind of identikit of the parents, and the Adult is a calm and reasonable manager of our lives. When, for example, we promise someone to come to a party, we start from the position of the inner Child who wants to have fun. However, at some point our Parent takes the reins and prohibits us from going anywhere on the eve of the exam.

When studying your interlocutor, it is very important to see the inner Child in him, that is, the direct part of him responsible for emotions, spontaneity and vitality. To cope with the task, you can simply try to imagine what this person was like as a child. Or ask him a few questions on this topic. And then imagine how his parents treated the interlocutor, how attentive, understanding or strict they were. A person will relay the derivative of precisely this attitude—to others and to himself—for the rest of his life.

Start with yourself

Be that as it may, anyone interested in reading thoughts or emotions should start by studying themselves. Become aware of your own non-verbal signals, feel different subpersonalities, observe them. Only by thoroughly studying himself can he understand what is happening to others. And, of course, in this matter it is impossible to do without love. If we don't love what we are going to study, there is unlikely to be a result. In general, misanthropes are prohibited from entering this area of ​​knowledge.

Any Anyone interested in mind reading should start by studying himself

Without words

Basic nonverbal signals and their interpretation.

  • Seduction- nose, hair, area around the lips.
  • Anxiety- any repetitive movements of the same type: tapping the foot, snapping the fingers.
  • Strong emotion, in particular fear- swallowing.
  • Aggression- clenched fists, clenched teeth, tension in the nerves, narrowed eyes.
  • Uncertainty- shrugging shoulders, fast pace of speech, higher-than-usual voice timbre.
  • Lie- eyes up and to the left, a hand covers the mouth or clasps the back of the neck, the pace of speech accelerates, the timbre of the voice becomes higher, a large number of unnecessary details appear in the story.

What to watch?

Paul Ekman, "The Psychology of Lying"
First-hand theory of lies. It was the works of Paul Ekman that formed the basis of the famous TV series “The Theory of Lies,” and the psychologist himself became the prototype of the main character.

Yu.B. Gippenreiter, “Communicate with the child. How?"
Of course, this is a book about parent-child relationships, but some of the tips and techniques apply to adults as well.

Gary Chapman, The Five Love Languages
Each of us knows one of the five love languages. Conflicts arise due to a misunderstanding of one of them; they can be avoided. If you become a sensual polyglot.

Everett Shostrom, "The Manipulator"
From the title of the book by the American psychologist it is clear: it is about how to recognize a manipulator and be able to escape from his tenacious clutches.

Photo: Fotobank(1), East News(1)

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Since ancient times, humanity has been trying to find a way to read the thoughts of other people. This would help solve a huge number of problems in life - from relationship problems to personal safety. But before you can learn to read other people's thoughts, you need to understand the mechanism of telepathy.

In the scientific world, telepathy is considered a pseudoscientific delusion. No one has proven their ability to read minds in a laboratory setting.

On the other hand, it is believed that every person, to one degree or another, can demonstrate these skills. When you feel “someone else’s gaze” or feel someone approaching behind you, this can also be attributed to telepathy. The brain processes telepathic signals and you recognize what you cannot see.

Mind reading is also observed in unconscious sympathy or antipathy towards people. Telepathy in this case is called intuition. Some people make you feel good and look like a pleasant person, while others give you goosebumps and a desire to leave as quickly as possible. You feel other people's thoughts, their mood, and unconsciously decipher their meaning.

Real stories about telepathy

There are quite well-known stories about reading minds at a distance. But within the framework of this article, we will consider two examples.

Major General R. was seriously wounded on September 9, 1848 during the siege of Multan. He decided that he would soon die and asked to take the wedding ring off his finger and give it to his wife. She was 150 miles from the battle site.

At the same time, his wife was half asleep and clearly saw her husband. He was carried away from the battlefield, and at that time he said, “Take my ring off your finger and send it to my wife.”

Witnesses on both sides convincingly confirmed the authenticity of what happened.

A similar story happened with William T. Stead, a British clairvoyant. He was in his office, thinking about his friend, and began to involuntarily write down on paper a message from this same friend.

“I’m sorry, but I need to inform you of a very painful experience that I just went through. I'm ashamed to talk about something like this. I was traveling by train from Haslemere. There were two ladies and one gentleman in the same carriage with me. At Godalming the women came out and we were left alone with the man.

As soon as the train started moving, he moved to me. I tried to push him away, but he was stronger than me and forcibly kissed me. In a rage, I began to fight him. She grabbed an umbrella and began hitting him with it until the umbrella broke.

I was lucky that the train pulled into Guildford. The man jumped up and jumped onto the platform, and then ran away. I was very upset about what happened."

Stead wrote the woman a soothing note, expressing regret about what had happened, and asked her to bring the man's umbrella.

The woman replied that she did not want him to know about this incident. She didn't want to tell anyone about this incident. She promised to bring an umbrella, but noticed that it was her umbrella, not the man’s.

How to learn to read minds

In any case, during training you will need determination, patience and training.


Before you can hear other people's thoughts, you need to learn to drown out your thoughts. Meditation will help with this.

To meditate, you need to provide optimal conditions. Complete silence and twilight. Make sure that no one disturbs you in the next half hour - turn off the sound on your phone, turn off the intercom and the bell. Ask your household not to touch you, and lock yourself in the room.

  1. Take a comfortable position. Relax.
  2. Close your eyes.
  3. Abstract yourself from the outside world.
  4. Quiet your own thoughts. Try not to think about anything for at least a minute.

Over time, increase the time without thoughts so that you have silence in your head. After all, to learn how to read people's thoughts, you need to learn how to quickly immerse yourself in a meditative state.

Only when you learn to plunge into a trance without thoughts can you move on to subsequent exercises.

Exercise 1.

You need to pick up someone else's object. Try to take something as personal as possible from the other person so that there is an emotional connection between them.

Now enter a meditative state, giving up your own thoughts. Focus only on the item you took. With your eyes closed, try to capture the energy of the owner of the item.

Other people's thoughts, unfamiliar images that will come from another person will begin to appear in your head. At first it may just be a feeling (antipathy or sympathy towards the thing taken). You may experience a sudden tenderness for someone else's teddy bear or disgust for the textbook you borrowed.

After long training, you will receive information more clearly - not sensations, but the specific thoughts of the owner. But there is a long way to go before that happens.

Exercise 2.

You will need an assistant. At some point, he should start thinking about some event that is known to both of you. Your goal is to concentrate and read his thoughts, or at least the images that you can intercept.

And after that, try to tune in to his wave. Extraneous images should begin to appear in your head. By ourselves. As if out of nowhere. Read them, try to create a complete picture from scraps of images. What event is the person thinking about?

First, you can voice out loud the images that you see. Your assistant can tell you how close or far you are to the final result.

Exercise 3.

You can train not only at home in the company of a friend, but also in everyday life. Every day you see other people who are constantly thinking about something. Try training on them.

Get out of your own thoughts, “enter” the other person’s thoughts, and try to understand what “you” are planning to do.

Try to predict the behavior of people around you:

  • Where will the person in front of you turn - right or left?
  • Find out the thoughts of the stranger who is sitting in front of you on the bus - at what stop he will get off;
  • What product does the man or woman plan to buy in the store, etc.

You need to capture the energy of other people's thoughts and try to decipher it. If you only train with a friend you know well and can predict, it won't make much progress. But by learning to read strangers on the street, you will take a huge step in your development.

Instructions for reading other people's thoughts

It is worth understanding that you will not be able to read other people's thoughts like an open book. Rather, it is more like a vision or a feeling. You have images, pictures, scraps of thoughts from which you can formulate a whole picture. You will be able to read your mood or like/dislike. But it’s difficult to count specific phrases – this is at the level of professionals.

And it all starts with your own thoughts. You need to abstract yourself from your thoughts, look at them as if from the outside. Don't evaluate, don't direct, don't analyze. Just watch.

You need to observe the flow of thoughts until you get a clear picture of where they are flowing.

Once you learn to follow your own thought patterns, you can practice with others.

Reading other people's thoughts

Choose a loved one who is very close to you. Best friend, girlfriend/boyfriend, wife/husband, relative. Maybe over time you will be able to read your enemies, but you need to start with your loved ones.

Reading strangers is almost impossible.

You need to think in unison. Let his thoughts penetrate your mind, observe them from the outside and realize where they are flowing. What is the main theme of these images?

  1. Take a comfortable position, as if for meditation. You need to be in it for a long time, so you need to be comfortable.
  2. Close your eyes and get rid of personal thoughts.
  3. Mentally place the person you have chosen in front of you.
  4. Imagine that radio waves are coming out of your head in his direction, and similar waves are coming out of his head in your direction. They connect halfway.
  5. Just watch the point where these waves connect. Your personal thoughts, reflections, doubts or other feelings should not be present.
  6. At some point you will feel that your consciousness is changing. It's OK. At first it will be unusual and perhaps uncomfortable, but you cannot break your contact.
  7. Observe the thoughts and images in your head. As if from the outside. In fact, these are no longer your thoughts, but those of the chosen person.
  8. Don't think, don't analyze, don't try to choose one idea. Let the images flow from one form to another, and in the end your brain will come to some conclusion and you will find out what the person was thinking about at that moment.
  9. Smoothly come out of the trance.

It may seem to you that you just made it up or that these are your own hidden desires and thoughts. But you can easily check your guesses. Call this person and start talking about the thing you just saw.

By intonation you can easily determine how close this topic is to your interlocutor. But most likely you will hear something like, “Are you reading my mind? I was literally just thinking about it!”

It is impossible to predict how long it will take you to train. It all depends on the level of your initial abilities (intuition), as well as the effort and time spent on training. Your faith in your skills plays a big role - without it, you will block the flow, and nothing will work out.

If you learn to read a person's thoughts, then you can... oh, you can do anything. In any case, this is what those who dream of the ability to read other people's thoughts think so. But if you think about it, how much will we really get from reading a person’s thoughts? The ability to manipulate people, the ability to find an approach to them, the ability to communicate with them correctly? Hardly. For one simple reason - we often don’t understand ourselves and our thoughts, let alone the fact that someone could extract from them at least something worthwhile for themselves that they could play on. Our thoughts are often a chaotic set of rationalizations and justifications, and even indictments for those who are unpleasant to us. And that's really all.

Why does a person want to learn how to read other people's thoughts?
What are people even thinking about? What do these thoughts reflect?
Why, even if it were possible to acquire the ability to read other people's thoughts, would it not bring the desired effect?
Is it possible to learn to understand a person, what motivates him, his desires and his preferences in life, his psychotype?

The desire to read other people's thoughts creeps into many people at some point in their lives. There is probably no child in the world who would not want to overhear the thoughts of a teacher at school or his parents. Moreover, this interest manifests itself when we first realize that what we say does not always coincide with what we actually think. Sometimes we lie, sometimes we don’t say anything, we hide something, we embellish reality. And naturally we guess that this is exactly what all other people do: but we would really like to know the truth.

In fact, the desire to eavesdrop on the thoughts of other people is based on a simple misunderstanding of the formation of thought itself. After all, it is in our thoughts that we form deception in order to lie later. It’s the same with all other thoughts - they are always a consequence of our desires, and not vice versa.

They say “what’s on a sober man’s mind is on the tongue of a drunken man.” This phenomenon is due to the fact that alcohol disinhibits a person’s psyche, removes cultural restrictions from him, and he can say or do things that he would never say when sober. As a rule, his drunken words will come as a surprise to himself, because while he was sober, all this did not even occur to him - his psyche was hidden to himself. In any case, he didn’t admit it to himself.

And yet, the longed-for dream of eavesdropping on other people’s thoughts has been living among people for centuries. In our naivety, it seems to us that if we could read other people’s thoughts, then everything would change. We could do what we want and not do what we don’t want. There are even many attempts to implement such a scenario in books and cinema.

How to learn to read another person's mind? What an absurdity!

Today humanity suffers from one strange disease: we very much want the meaning of which we understand little or do not know at all. As a result, we begin to dream about something that actually carries absolutely nothing in itself, like a soap bubble.

For example, we would like to travel to other planets to find other life there. And the desire to know and read the thoughts of other people is akin to this. We dream about things we know nothing about. Moreover, if we thought about the meaning and meaning of what we want, we would easily understand that all these are empty thoughts, thoughts that in 99% of cases are very mundane and relate to the pressing problems of a person, the desire to eat, drink, breathe, sleep .

In essence, if you know and understand the human psyche, you can understand his inner component from one word, movement, posture, facial expressions and without eavesdropping on his thoughts. But this is studied not from the outside, but from the inside - through subconscious meanings. By understanding a person, his states and his mood, we can unravel him and even... predict actions and train of thoughts. And in this case, not only the rationalizations and justifications that fill his head, but also those that guide him, his actions, which force him to make purchases, make this or that choice.

Eavesdropping on another person's thoughts in this regard is quite simple. Having touched the thoughts of another, we may become not only incomprehensible, but also unpleasant. We don't understand them. But what you can get real pleasure from is the opportunity to understand the human soul.

How to learn to understand another person, and not read his thoughts?

The desire to read the thoughts of another person is usually built on the desire to manipulate another person, to obtain some benefit for oneself. And to a lesser extent it is an interest in arranging someone else’s soul. There's nothing wrong with that in principle - we want to get the most out of life.

Today there is already real knowledge about the human psyche, which allows a person not to manipulate others, but to feel happiness and joy due to the opportunity to understand people, to know much more about them than they themselves know. We are talking about system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan. During the training, a person’s desires are revealed in opposites, which makes them very simple for anyone to understand.

With knowledge of system-vector psychology, there is no need to try to eavesdrop on the thoughts of another person. Such interest disappears literally after the first training sessions, because it becomes obvious that a person’s thoughts are just the surface of the iceberg. And the depths that his soul stores, where no one has ever looked, are much more interesting. Moreover, by understanding other people, we begin to understand ourselves and our own thoughts, distinguish their meanings and understand how to achieve exactly what we ourselves want. And this is worth a lot!

Superpowers are something from the realm of science fiction, often comic books. When people are asked for fun which extraordinary ability they would like to have, there are a few common answers. We chose telepathy as the topic of our article. So how can you learn to read minds? Let's find out several approaches to this problem.

Telepathy: term and modern meaning

Reading people's thoughts is called telepathy. This term is of Greek origin and means “to feel at a distance.” The modern meaning of the concept reflects ancient ideas about the methods and levels of information exchange between people.

So, telepathy is the ability to transmit and perceive the thoughts and feelings of people without their direct (material) manifestation. The ability for it was attributed to the Egyptian priests, sages of the East and other special segments of the population of ancient civilizations. People belonging to many sacred cults often chose this path of understanding the people by learning to read the thoughts of others.

Is it possible to penetrate the thoughts of others?

It is difficult to believe in the reality of telepathic capabilities. Manifestations of the ability to read thoughts are everywhere around us. Everyone at least once in their life has encountered a mysterious situation when the state of another person becomes clear to us without words or actions.

The simplest examples of insight into thoughts are relationships between close people. The mother intuitively knows what her child needs and what he is doing now. Lovers guess each other's wishes in order to make a pleasant surprise. Official science has recognized that married couples who have been married for a long time most effectively use the acquired skills to understand each other's thoughts. At the same time, there is no reliable real data on how to quickly learn to read minds. For now, such knowledge is part of mystical doctrines.

Ways to solve the problem

You can penetrate the thoughts of others, understand what they feel and think, in different ways. The path to knowledge lies through two roads: paranormal (mystical) perception and psychological interpretation

Of particular interest, traditionally, is the supernatural understanding of the thoughts of strangers. It is impossible to speak specifically about telepathy: evidence of it is difficult to record. People's faith in it is almost equivalent to children's faith in fairy tales and UFOs.

Theory about telepathy

People's knowledge about telepathic abilities has acquired some theoretical provisions. So, there is even a conditional classification of ways to read people's thoughts. In accordance with it, telepathy is sensual and conceivable.

Sensual telepathy is that which manifests itself involuntarily. It is not controlled by the “reader” and to a greater extent arises as a special emotional wave. That is, the main difference between such perception is the spontaneous feeling of the emotions of another person.

Mental telepathy is based on a directed desire to feel the sensations of a selected person.

The science of learning to read people's minds

Researchers of the phenomenon of telepathy claim that many people possess this ability to one degree or another on an intuitive level. This concerns sensory telepathy: a person may not even imagine that at a certain moment he will understand what his work colleague or significant other is thinking about.

Scientists also delight those who are interested in learning how to read people's thoughts. You can develop your ability in both directions: sensory and mental. In order to master the skills of reading minds, it is important to be healthy physically and mentally. You will also need a powerful reserve of psychic energy.

How to learn to read minds: what to work with?

Reading other people's thoughts is based on the fact that brain neurons emit streams of positive or negative charges. They are, in essence, signals sent to the outside world. To understand what a person is thinking about, you need to catch these signals and decipher them.

Let's return to science again. Interestingly, according to Eastern scientists, a separate part of the brain, the pineal gland, is responsible for telepathy. It is also depicted in sacred drawings as the “third eye”. The walls of Buddhist temples are full of them.

To understand how to learn to read other people's thoughts, let's turn to the practice of Buddhists. They spend a significant part of the day working on themselves, meditating and studying spiritual works. Having gone through this, you can open that very “third eye”. However, you should not assume that such an activity is like a vacation. To develop paranormal, including telepathic abilities, you need to be prepared to work hard.

Psychology to help

In addition to understanding a person’s train of thought in a supernatural way, you can also learn about him by external manifestations. Over the course of its existence, psychology has accumulated an impressive stock of knowledge for the interpretation of facial expressions, gestures, and behavior of people. The results are sometimes simply surprising.

Physiognomy deals with the interpretation of a person’s emotions and thoughts by facial expression. It will help you both learn to read thoughts and hide your own, which is an invaluable skill. The position of the eyebrows, the curve of the lips, the expression of the eyes and many other features and movements of parts of the face express certain emotions. They can be bright and subtle. In the totality of all movements, facial expressions present a more or less complete picture.

Next to physiognomy there is always expressive body language. The movements of the hands, the position of the legs, the turn of the head - all these are signals sent by a person and indicate what he is thinking about at the moment.

Now we have a choice of how we can learn to read minds: by developing paranormal abilities or by studying psychology. Each method is effective and deserves attention. Telepathy, as is commonly believed, requires a special gift.


How to learn to read other people's thoughts? How to understand people without words and the slightest signs? This superpower makes us want to possess it and use it in everyday affairs. No matter how many omissions or problems would disappear with her help!

Telepathy, or as we have learned, the ability to sense emotions and understand the thoughts of other people, comes in many forms. It is customary to distinguish two types: mental and sensory. Their main difference is that the first occurs consciously, the second spontaneously.

By indulging in spiritual work and meditation, studying the meaning of facial expressions and gestures, you can come to the desired result: understand how to learn to read other people's thoughts and master this skill. All that remains is to wish you patience and enthusiasm!

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