Signs of lying in men and women. Nonverbal signs of lying

We all lie almost every day. Some lie more, some lie less. This phenomenon is absolutely normal. But you should understand that there are harmless lies, and there is deception on a serious scale.

For example, you are in a bad mood and your friend asked how you are doing. You lied, which was great, because you didn’t want to go into details - such a lie is unlikely to harm anyone. If, for example, a person promised to provide some service for you, but after your payment he disappeared - this is a serious deception that amounts to fraud.

For obvious reasons, in some life situations we want to recognize lies: sometimes just out of curiosity, and sometimes because it is critically necessary. After reading this article, you will learn simple techniques that will help you find out if your interlocutor is lying to you. Interesting? Then we begin!

Psychology of deception: how to recognize a lie

Imagine a picture: you are standing and communicating with someone. How to understand that a person is lying? In fact, it is quite difficult, but there are certain signs of lying that make it easy to spot a liar.

Let’s say right away that the psychology of deception is very complex and multifaceted. For example, your interlocutor may pause in the conversation simply because he is simply nervous, and not lying. Or, let's say, he doesn't look you in the eye because he's shy or he really likes you. Therefore, these signs of lying cannot be considered 100% accurate.

How to recognize a lie by the eyes of your interlocutor

Eyes are the mirror of the soul. The sages never cease to tell us that we can learn anything from them. “The eyes don’t lie,” but know that an experienced deceiver will be able to hide his lies, no matter how closely you look at him.

Fortunately, there are very few real masters of scams, and if the average person lies to you, then look him in the eyes - they will tell you a lot.

How to tell by the eyes that a person is lying:

  • studies have shown that a sincere person looks his interlocutor in the eyes during 70% of the entire conversation, while a liar tries to avoid eye contact and looks only 30% of the time; If we talk about experienced liars, then they look into the eyes almost constantly, which is unnatural and should immediately alert you;
  • the liar is under stress, so you can see sparkle and dilation of the pupils in his eyes;
  • Women look mostly up when they lie, and men look down.

Psychology of lies and deception: watching the gestures of a liar

How to recognize deception by gestures? First, analyze the interlocutor’s posture: if he has crossed arms or legs, it means that he is trying to close himself off from you. If he constantly fidgets, it is quite possible that the person is uncomfortable talking to you on a specific topic.

Lies are often accompanied by absurd contacts: if the interlocutor constantly touches his nose, ears, rubs his palms, he is highly likely to be lying. Analyze how sincere people behave, and then in the future you will immediately notice if someone is lying to you.

You can only detect deception with a lie detector

How to recognize deception with high accuracy? Put a person in front of a lie detector and test him on it - there are simply no other more effective methods. Let's say more: experienced liars can bypass a lie detector in no time; the psychology of lies and deception is too complex (this happened in the movie “Hannibal Rising”). Therefore, the question “How to understand that they are lying to you” cannot be given a definite answer.

Until a person learns to read other people's thoughts, he will not be able to say for sure whether the interlocutor is lying to him.

Therefore, accept that deception has existed, is taking place and will exist at all times until man becomes extinct! We hope that the article was useful to you, and the techniques described in it will help you in everyday communication.

A child is not born a liar. He becomes like this in the process of growing up, communicating, entering society. Noticing that telling a lie can achieve the desired result, he begins to lie. Recognizing fiction is sometimes very difficult, since during a conversation a person uses all information channels: verbal, non-verbal, behavioral. To determine whether a liar is standing in front of you or not, you can pay attention to his facial expressions, gestures, posture and gait, and intonation of voice. Detecting lies by nonverbal signs involves observing a person’s behavior during a conversation. When he lies, his reactions change and

Facial expressions

Often it is informative and allows you to look into the depths of human consciousness, to feel what the interlocutor is thinking. Detecting lies using facial observation helps reveal the truth despite the flow of words. For example, if his cheek muscles are too tense and his cheekbones are moving, this may indicate a lie. There is even an expression: “A shadow flashed across the face.” If you felt it, then the liar was caught. The tension does not last long, literally a second. Although there are some individuals who make a long, lying speech with an absolutely straight face. It does not show emotions and tension. In this case, you should pay attention to other facial signs.

The psychology of lying also involves changing skin color. Involuntarily the person blushes or, conversely, becomes very pale. Also signs of insincerity are their biting and licking. It is believed that the eyes are a reflection of our internal state, therefore dilation of the pupils and frequent blinking are also reasons for suspecting that a person is lying to you. The same can be said if the interlocutor looks away. Usually, when a person tells the truth, he looks you straight in the eye. If you made eye contact for 2/3 of your communication, then there is no reason to suspect your opponent of lying. If he was looking away all this time, then most likely he is lying.

A person’s lies also manifest themselves in various kinds of antics. If he winces, he may not be telling the truth. Individual manifestations of facial expressions also serve as indicators of lies. By studying your interlocutor, you will gradually notice his unusual facial behavioral signs and draw appropriate conclusions.


The smile is worth considering separately, since its special signs can tell a lot about the truthfulness of the opponent. The truth or lie comes from the lips of the interlocutor, you can determine by carefully observing it. There are several reasons why a smile appears when lying. Firstly, it can be used to relieve tension. Lying requires special emotional costs. Therefore, a person seeks strength in himself so as not to be caught. And in this way he relaxes. Secondly, the presence of a smile during a conversation may indicate that with its help the interlocutor is trying to hide his emotions, feelings, and lie about his current state. One of these manifestations is the so-called stupid smile when reporting tragic news. A person tries to hide behind it as a shield from other people’s troubles, thus unwittingly showing his real state of mind. “It’s good that this didn’t happen to me,” thinks the owner of the “stupid” smile, betraying his fake condolences with this gesture.

Unfortunately, methods for detecting lies by a smile, although they work, require special experience that only professionals can boast of. After all, people smile equally often both when lying and when telling the truth. Experts have identified more than 50 types of different smiles. When determining untruths, the following characteristics are important. It has been proven that if a person’s lips are pulled back from the teeth and form an oblong line, and the smile itself seems shallow, this demonstrates the politeness of the interlocutor, his attentiveness, but not sincerity and willingness to tell the truth. When a person lies, he may also laugh unnaturally and sometimes hysterically.

General facial expression

The peculiarities of nonverbal communication are also manifested in the interlocutor’s gaze. Sometimes, just by watching a face, you can learn more about a person, about his inner world, experiences and fears, than by listening to his long speech. How can you detect a lie by analyzing the general facial expression? Three ways to detect untruths are:

  • Asymmetry. The two halves of a person’s face always express the same feelings, only on one side they are stronger, on the other they are slightly weaker. In any case, the facial muscles work synchronously. If between them you notice a clear sign that you are being lied to. The interlocutor is trying to demonstrate a feeling that he does not actually experience.
  • Localization in relation to words. If emotions adequately color phrases, it means that they are talking to you without deceiving you. If they are late, then most likely the interlocutor is “faking.” Having said the phrase, he selects the desired facial expression for a split second, which indicates his insincerity. Truth is manifested in complete harmony and simultaneity of speech and emotions. Russian theater and film director Sergei Eisenstein called this phenomenon a “sound gesture.”
  • Temporal characteristics. If a facial expression containing one emotion lasts about 5 seconds, it means you are being deceived. If it does not change within 10 seconds, they are definitely lying to you. on the face change much faster and more often. Exceptions include deep depression, intense rage, and genuine ecstasy. Other genuine feelings are usually very short-lived. They last only a few seconds. A prolonged demonstration of one emotion is most likely a mask behind which the interlocutor hides his

Detecting lies by observing general facial expressions is very effective. This can be learned without much effort.


If a stone face and a complete lack of facial expressions can hide a lie, then restoring complete control over movements is much more difficult. Determining lies by gestures is a fairly easy and very exciting activity. Usually liars start grabbing at the face and its parts. Rubbing your nose and earlobe, covering your mouth with your palm, puffing out your cheeks, exhaling upward, playing with the air with your bangs - all these are signs that they are hiding something from you. Just pay attention: if a person suffers from allergies, then various kinds of scratching and rubbing may indicate an exacerbation of the disease, and not a lie. The same can be said about coughing: if the interlocutor is ill, then coughing is normal. If he does this for no apparent reason, then you have a potential deceiver.

The theory of lies says that trembling in the entire body or its individual parts (knees and hands) indicates the insincerity of the interlocutor. If at the same time he leans on some object, dances or rushes about in place, you can also safely suspect him of lying. If a person is sitting during a conversation, then obvious signs of lying are his fidgeting in the chair, changing his posture, and the position of his legs. It is much easier to catch women than men. Detecting lies by non-verbal signs among representatives of the fairer sex is a simple process. Pay attention to what she does during the conversation. Scrolling the ring on her finger, doing anything with her hair, and even adjusting her makeup are the most obvious signs that she is not telling the truth. And a quick glance at the dial of a watch or at the screen of a mobile phone can indicate that the person is lying, this lie is unpleasant for him, and he wants to bring the conversation to naught as soon as possible.

When "pulls to the left"

This side is more truthful and will never let you down if you are trying to guess whether the truth or lie is coming from the lips of your interlocutor. The left side of the face, left arm or leg reveals real feelings and emotions. If, during a conversation with you, a person does not know where to put his left hand, it dangles randomly in the air, tugs at his pockets and collar, and thoughtlessly makes somersaults - this is a sign that they are telling you a lie. The left leg also gives away its owner. During outright lies, she periodically bends at the knee or draws figures on the ground.

Why the left side? The thing is that the brain has better control over the right half of the body. We involuntarily pay attention to it, completely losing sight of what the left side is doing at this time. And she can “blab out” our secrets and reveal our true mood and state of mind.

The thing is that different hemispheres of the brain are responsible for human actions. So, its right side gives free rein to emotions, imagination, fantasy and creativity. And the left controls speech, intellect, and analytical thinking. In this case, the control is crossed. Therefore, the right side of a person’s face and body is more controlled, while the left can unconsciously turn our inner self inside out.

Remember that the hand, especially the left, is your biggest enemy. No other part of the body is capable of so clearly convicting us of a lie. Therefore, if you want to hide your experiences and real feelings from others, it is better to put it in your pocket in advance, clench it into a fist and do not move it. In this way, you may be able to hide the deception if your behavior and facial expressions do not reveal your true emotions.

Posture when talking

The psychology of lying is structured in such a way that when a person tells a lie, he is stretched like a string. He usually stands straight, too straight and unnatural. When the interlocutor sincerely listens to you and is ready to make contact, the distance between you decreases. He is within reach, looks into your eyes, and you feel his disposition in your gut.

But when he moves away, this indicates his unwillingness to listen to you, empathize and show his mood. If your opponent sits and draws flowers and patterns on paper, he is bored, but he is trying to hide it. Dissatisfaction and even anger are shown by his eyes averted to the side or a glance from under his brows. Even if they smile at you sweetly, but their arms are crossed and their body leans forward, this means a complete denial of you as a person. Intertwined legs demonstrate a person's willingness to compete with you in all areas of life.

Hands can also tell about true intentions. A thumbs up signifies approval. If the little finger is a negative. Suspicion and mistrust are shown by tightly clasped hands. Uncertainty and nervousness are indicated by crossed fingers, while the thumbs are in motion, rubbing and fiddling with each other. The standard posture that shows dominance is with your hands behind your back. At the same time, the chin is tilted up.

The aggression of your interlocutor can be easily calculated by his breathing. If it is unstable, the inhalations and exhalations are short, the nostrils flare, this means that he is on the verge. And if you don't stop, you can provoke a conflict. Hostility is also traditionally indicated by a sidelong glance, downturned corners of the lips and the tips of the eyebrows. Identifying lies through nonverbal cues, including a person's posture, will help you understand their true intentions, feelings, and mood.

Lies and gait

The peculiarities of nonverbal communication are colorfully manifested in the way a person walks and what his steps are. Psychologists have always claimed that a positive and joyful individual has an easy gait. It's like he's flying. At the same time, he can walk quickly, being on the rise of good emotions. But an evil person’s steps are heavy. The sad person walks, haggard, with his shoulders and head down, confident in himself - straight and slowly.

Recently, scientists even made a device that, from a distance, can detect the mood of an object only by its gait. With the help of the device, they will be able not only to catch people lying, but also to diagnose illnesses of both mental and physical nature. The device is capable of recording 100 micro-movements in just one second. After analyzing them, you can put together a clear and truthful picture of the internal state of the “experimental” person.

The purpose of this device is to predict possible severe depression and stress in a person in order to take timely measures. It will be very useful in psychiatry. It will be possible to diagnose complex mental illnesses, and even in politics the apparatus will also play a big role. By installing such a device near an official, people will be able to understand his true intentions and the deceitful manifestations of his nature.

Verbal signs of lying

By focusing on the speech of your interlocutor, you can also easily catch him lying. Usually insincere people speak very briefly. They avoid giving extensive answers to questions so as not to get confused in the future about what they said to this or that person. They explain their reluctance to disclose details by lack of information. Some, on the contrary, describe everything in too much detail. Their endless imagination leads into such impenetrable jungle that you forget where the story actually began. In any case, there must be a golden mean: without excessive brevity and detail.

In addition, liars in every possible way emphasize their rightness and honesty, and demand that you confirm their own words. They skillfully juggle with such expressions as “I swear”, “hand on heart” and so on.

Sometimes a potential liar is very harsh and even rude - this is a defensive reaction. In this way, he minimizes your refutation and further exposure of it. Determining lies by voice is a task that every observant person can cope with. Usually everyone is a liar. In this case, the intonation can be either monotonous to hide true emotions, or too pronounced: the person seems to be overacting.

The deceiver will distract you with unnecessary questions if the conversation takes an undesirable turn for him. He will even try to subtly change the topic. He will try not to use personal pronouns such as “I”, “me”, “my”. They will be replaced by isolated “they” or “we”. Detecting lies by voice will help you identify a liar, even if he successfully disguised nonverbal signs of deception from you.

How to expose a liar

The theory of lies provides several techniques with which you can recognize lies:

  1. A liar needs to be talked into. Tell him that you didn’t understand his story well and ask him to retell it again. This task is very difficult even for a professional deceiver. After all, you need to accurately repeat all the details that he might have already forgotten about in the process of lying. If you ask to retell the story from the end, the liar will definitely get confused.
  2. Ask the right questions. That is, those to which he must give an accurate answer. For example, you can say: “Clarify this point in detail”; “Describe in more detail,” and so on. Questions should be general first, leave detailed ones for later. It’s ideal when the interlocutor wanders away from the topic and forgets himself - it’s easier for him to let it slip. Go back and ask something about the beginning of the story. The narrator will have to strain his brain to remember what he said a couple of minutes ago, and this is quite difficult.
  3. Listen very carefully. Make an interested face. Sometimes frown as if you doubt something. The liar carefully watches your expression and reaction. Any bewilderment or distrust in your eyes confuses all his cards. He begins to get confused, stutter, turn red and even sweat.

Don't get angry if a person lies. You already know what to do and how to confuse him. Remember that superiority is on the side of truth, lies will always be detected and punished according to their deserts.

If a person is hiding something

Let's summarize. How does a person behave when he is lying? Firstly, he weakly expresses his emotions. His reaction is slow, his speech is intermittent, it begins with a delay, then the storyline develops rapidly and ends unexpectedly. Secondly, there may be long pauses between sentences and words. Moreover, emotions do not keep up with the flow of speech. For example, they tell you that you did a great job, and only then they smile. For a sincere person, a smile will accompany these words.

Detecting lies based on nonverbal cues involves observing the face. His expression must correspond to what was said. If the interlocutor declares his love, and his face is sour or tired, then most likely it is not true. Remember that the deceiver smiles exclusively with his mouth.

A liar usually shrinks, squeezes into a chair, presses his hands to himself - he tries to take up as little space around him as possible. He constantly touches and fiddles with something, usually with his left hand: parts of his face or clothes. Avoids your gaze, does not make eye contact. The liar tries to turn away at every opportunity, placing various improvised objects between you: a bag, a vase or a chair. This is his so-called protective barrier.

The liar answers questions vaguely, as if he is “floating” in his story. Or, conversely, sometimes he speaks in too much detail. And when suddenly there is a pause in the air, one feels as uncomfortable as possible. When a person lies, he gets confused in facts and arguments, and jumps from place to place in the story.

If you are sure that you are being deceived, simply change the topic of conversation. If you are correct in your suspicions, then the liar will willingly begin to discuss a new subject of conversation. He can even breathe a sigh of relief. Sometimes he uses humor to laugh it off and avoid a direct answer.

These tips will help you accurately spot a liar. Just remember that stuttering, a “blank look,” a forced smile and other signs may not be direct evidence of lying, but simply the consequences of a difficult day, troubles, illness or fatigue. Therefore, be careful and as objective as possible.

When communicating with each other, people exchange information not only through words, but also through voice intonation, gestures, and facial expressions. All this is characterized as nonverbal interaction, which in its significance is in no way inferior to spoken speech, and often can say even more than words.

Rice. Nonverbal signs of deception

By correctly understanding all the nuances and subtleties of this side of communication, you can... And the point here is that when one person deceives others, his behavior at the physiological level changes. Moreover, this happens quite naturally, apart from the desire and will of the deceiver. Let's talk and learn to distinguish outright lies from the truth.

Deception is felt in the voice and intonation

If the interlocutor with whom you are communicating does not inspire complete trust in you, then pay attention to the pauses that he makes during the conversation. The person may be slow to answer your questions. That is, he considers alternatives and selects the correct answers. This manner of conversation should be alarming. A quick answer to a rather complex question looks no less strange. In this case, the interlocutor is simply obliged to show slowness and not rush to conclusions. The intonation and timbre of the voice are also of great importance. If trembling begins to creep in, then it means you are talking with a deceiver.

Signs of deception on the face

During a conversation, you must constantly look at the interlocutor's face in order to control his facial expressions. Here you should focus your attention on the facial muscles. With sincere feelings and truthfulness, they work synchronously. But if a person is lying, then one side of the face will be subject to greater changes than the other. Such inconsistency indicates deceit and a desire to demonstrate sincerity.

You should also know that a truly deep and sincere feeling is reflected on the face in just a few seconds. If it is held on the face for 10 seconds or more, then it is false or mockery. This, naturally, does not include such “special” feelings as rage, anger, depression - they can manifest themselves for a very, very long time.

We recognize deception by lips

The lips stretch into a smile, and that is a universal means of deception, as it well masks true intentions and feelings. In addition, it helps the deceiver relieve excess nervous tension. In total there are about 50 different smiles. It’s difficult to navigate in such diversity, and besides, you always want to believe in the sincerity of your interlocutor. However, if the lips are stretched and the smile itself is not deep, then this can only indicate politeness, but not genuine friendly sympathy. A crooked smile can also indicate a lie (the deceiver, in fact, smiles to himself, glad that his lie was a success).

Lies in sight

Gaze is very important when communicating. If people are truthful, then their views are directed at each other practically all the time during communication. But if one of the interlocutors shows insincerity, then his eyes will periodically move to the side. They will look first at the ceiling, then at the floor, then out the window. Here you need to know that if the interlocutor’s gaze has gone to the side, then this indicates his confusion, an attempt to quickly find a convincing answer.

What conclusions arise? A deceitful person exhibits several nonverbal signs of deception. This includes facial expression, the corresponding intonation of voice, and gestures (separately, these signs cannot be guaranteed to indicate the deceitfulness of the interlocutor and, most likely, are the specifics of behavior). At the same time, it must be taken into account that some liars do not make mistakes when communicating and behave quite believably. This is achieved by training your physiological characteristics. But there are few such professional deceivers. The bulk of liars can always be recognized if you treat any interlocutor with the proper degree of distrust.

All people lie. Some do it more often, some less often, some do it ineptly and give themselves away very quickly, while others are “professional” liars, capable of fooling even a polygraph (lie detector). How to expose a liar?

A person learns to lie in childhood. By the age of about four years, children are already quite adept at deception. Perhaps the only “advantage” of lying is that it is a sign of a fairly well-developed intellect, because lying is a chain of logical operations combined with acting skills. You must first come up with something to say in order to hide the truth and not give away the deception, and then also arrange a “one-man show.”

According to statistics lie more often men and women also deceive a lot, but more often than men they are ashamed of it. Unfortunately, most people lie to their loved ones and family.

Nobody wants to be caught in a lie, but everyone would be glad to learn how to notice the deception of their interlocutor. The ability to see lies is undoubtedly very useful. No one wants to be deceived, deceived, insulted, humiliated and disappointed by a deceiver.

Lie- This is a deliberately expressed statement that does not correspond to the truth. There are a huge number of types of lies: from children's fairy tales and white lies to perjury and pathological lies. No matter what the lie is, and no matter how skillful the liar is, one way or another, he unnoticedly gives himself away.

When a person lies, he behaves in a special way, not as is typical for him, tense and feigned. There are verbal and nonverbal signs of lying that are common to all people, and there are those that can only be detected by observing a specific person and sufficiently studying his behavior.

It is the attentive attitude and observation following a person will help to recognize lies in his words or actions. With age, it becomes easier to detect deception, since sufficient life experience has been accumulated to analyze and compare people’s behavior. There are also people who have well-developed intuition and therefore skillfully sense lies.

Anyone can learn to recognize lies based on certain signs. But this is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. The main difficulty is that anything can easily be mistaken for a lie. excitement.

A simple example: the intensity of the physiological reaction of saliva secretion in the oral cavity is reduced when a person is lying, but it is also reduced when a person is simply worried (they say “my mouth is dry”).

In Ancient China they knew about the connection between experiences and physiological reactions. In those days, the person accused of a crime was asked to place a handful of dry rice flour in his mouth, after which the accusation was read out to him. If after this he spat out a wet lump of flour, the charge was dropped; if the lump remained dry and it was not possible to spit it out completely, the person was found guilty.

Nowadays no one judges so recklessly based on one single sign of lying. Lying is complicated complex various reactions.

Deceivers think about how to lie verbally and at the same time portray the correct emotions on their faces. Deception is carefully hidden, but it can still be noticed by certain signs.

When identifying true emotions, you need to focus on facial expressions and look for inconsistencies. A lie is visible when the emotion is untimely (appears after the words, not before they are spoken), prolonged (lasts more than five seconds, in the case of surprise - more than one second) and asymmetrical (for example, when smiling, one corner of the lips is lowered and the other is raised) .

Microfacial expressions are the most sincere signs of lying, but since they only last about a quarter of a second, they are very, very difficult to notice. But it is quite possible to notice dual emotions that last one second or more. These are emotions that are specifically dismantled and controlled by the mind, but true emotions that are not consciously controlled “break through” them.

A fake smile is the easiest to recognize, because almost all stars and models smile this way on billboards, in magazines and on television: they smile only with their lips, stretch the smile, exposing their teeth, while their eyes remain wide open and without a single wrinkle. A sincere smile is distinguished by the fact that not only the mouth smiles, but also the eyes; they squint, due to the raising of the cheekbones, and “crow’s feet” appear in the outer corners.

Some people look intently into the eyes while telling a lie, as if trying to hypnotize their interlocutor, while others, on the contrary, hide their gaze. Most often, when inventing information, a person looks to the right, and when remembering the truth, he looks to the left. Dilated pupils and frequent blinking can also be signs of deception.

  1. Vegetative(due to the work of the autonomic nervous system):
    • cardiopalmus,
    • rapid breathing,
    • increased sweating,
    • decreased salivation,
    • redness of the skin,
    • increased blood pressure and others.

So, in order to correctly interpret human behavior, you need to take into account everything: speech, facial expressions, gestures, physiology. You can easily be deceived when detecting deception! Therefore, you should never rush to conclusions and offend a person with guesses (especially if the relationship with him is expensive); it is better to continue observing until the deception becomes obvious.

Peculiar mini test is a simple technique. It will consist of a sharp change in the topic of conversation. If a person is happy about the change of topic, relaxes and relief appears on his face, most likely he had to work hard before this, hiding the truth.

Another mini test. You need to ask the interlocutor to retell everything he said in reverse order, that is, in sequence from end to beginning. A liar is unlikely to be able to do this without making mistakes.

Perhaps the greatest difficulty in exposing a liar is remaining an impartial, objective observer without getting emotionally involved. Often a person himself is happy to be deceived, to look “through his fingers” or “rose-colored glasses” at everything that the deceiver says or does.

Good afternoon, dear readers! Today I won't tell you anything useful. And that's a lie. We encounter lies at work, at home, at school, with friends. It is unpleasant and disgusting to be deceived. I bring to your attention detailed instructions on how to recognize a lie: 10 mistakes of a liar.

A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it

How many times in your life have you encountered a person who seemed strange to you, you felt that he was not telling something, that he was disingenuous. Have you noticed that you subconsciously don’t trust his facial expressions, gestures, and speech?

But how to detect deception and not fall for a liar?

If you want to become an expert in this field, then be sure to read Paul Ekman "Psychology of Lies" and Pamela Meyer "How to recognize a lie".

Now we will look at the most common signs by which you can expose a liar to clean water. Remember that a lot depends on the context; a certain gesture will not always mean a lie. Be careful and vigilant.

Mistake #1 “Left Side”

Body language often speaks much louder than a person's speech. Right-handed people tend to have good control over the right side of their body. Track the direction of your right arm and leg. You can easily subjugate an unbridled hand.

Therefore, lie detection experts advise looking closely at the left side of a person. His left hand will dangle randomly, actively gesticulate, touch his face, and so on.

The left side of our body shows our real emotions, experiences and feelings. With quality observation, you can clearly see the signs of lying.

Mistake #2 “Hands to face”

Pay close attention to the gestures of your interlocutor. Signs of lying are covering your mouth, rubbing your nose, holding or scratching your neck, covering your ear, talking through your teeth. All this, if repeated many times, will practically scream that the person is deceiving.

It is important here not to confuse such a gesture with simply scratching a bite, for example. Or this behavior may be characteristic of your interlocutor.

I have a friend who constantly scratches his nose. It doesn't matter whether he's telling the truth or lying. Women resort to touching their neck or hair to show their interest in a man. So be extremely careful with such signals.

Mistake #3 “Speech”

If you want to make sure that a person is lying, then carefully watch his speech. In a conversation with a liar, you will notice a lot of understatement, a crumpled pace of speech, sometimes he speaks quickly, sometimes slowly. Most often, a liar's speech begins slowly, but then, out of fear of being discovered, he speeds up and may even end his story abruptly.

Liars often use a lot of pauses in their story. This gives them time to think and evaluate your reaction. You will also notice fluctuations in your speech. To make things easier for themselves, liars repeat your own words. For example, when you ask a question, he will quickly repeat the last words. "Where were you last week?" - “Last week I was...”

Mistake #4 “Eyes”

It’s not for nothing that they say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. In the case of meeting a liar, the eyes will be one of the main factors by which you can bring him to clean water. Deceivers try not to look directly at their interlocutor; they always look away.

You can even ask him to tell you the story while looking him in the eye. The liar will be confused, embarrassed and will still try to look away.

Mistake #5 “Emotions”

Facial expressions, as a component of body language, say a lot about what a person would like to keep silent about. The most common example is when a person tells you that he is glad to see you, but smiles only a moment later.

True emotions are expressed in parallel with speech. But the fictitious emotion is displayed on the face with a delay.

Mistake #6: “Being short”

When a liar comes up with his speech, he tries to make it as short and laconic as possible. You rarely hear a detailed and detailed story from the lips of a professional liar.

Brevity allows you to quickly post your version and evaluate your opponent’s reaction. Did he believe it? But then the seventh mistake happens.

Mistake #7 “Unnecessary parts”

When a person briefly outlines the essence of his false story to you, but begins to doubt your gullibility, he immediately embellishes the story with detailed, unnecessary, and sometimes pretentious details. In this way, he tries to make his story more believable.

Notice at what points the person begins to add details and details. Are they needed in the story, are they necessary and important in your conversation.

Mistake #8 “Protection”

Another liar's move is to defend himself against your doubts. As soon as you express your distrust, you will immediately hear “Do you think I look like a liar? Am I lying to you? You do not believe me?" and so on.

Liars may resort to sarcasm and jokes to cover up their lies. Do not confuse this with the normal behavior of a person.

There are those comrades who are always trying to impress their interlocutor with their sense of humor.
Additionally, sarcasm and rudeness between husband and wife may indicate that they have serious respect issues.

Mistake #9 “Attention”

The deceiver will watch your reaction very carefully. He will attribute the slightest change in your facial expressions to distrust or his complete victory. As soon as you frown slightly, he immediately changes tactics, because he considers this a sign of distrust.

A person who tells the truth will be more interested in his story than in your reaction to it. And the liar will try to understand whether you swallowed his bait or not.

Mistake #10: Confusion

If you ask your interlocutor to tell a story backwards, the person who is telling the truth will easily do this trick. But a liar will begin to get confused, remember what he told you, and in the end may not give any answer at all.

In addition, in the liar’s speeches there may be inconsistencies in dates, times, and places. If you follow the story carefully, you can find a couple of similar moments,


Don't jump to conclusions. If you notice one or two of the signs described above, this does not always mean that the person is lying to you. A more correct approach would be to learn to see the aggregate of these signs.

When you know for sure that a person is lying to you, do not say so right away. Practice your observation skills. Study his facial expressions and gestures. Ask questions that don't have an expected answer.

A friend of mine came up with a spectacular maneuver. During his speech, he deliberately sneezed loudly when he wanted to convince his interlocutor that he was right. And with the words “I sneezed, it means I’m telling the truth,” he smiled solemnly.

Best wishes to you!

Women's portal - Bonterry