How long should a child walk for 1 month in the spring? Walking with a newborn

You can walk with your baby at any time of the year

Walking with your newborn is an important component of proper child care. They are necessary for good health, prevention of allergies and colds, and the development of the baby as a whole. However, going outside with a baby for the first time can be a difficult task for a mother. We will tell you how and when to walk with your newborn at different times of the year and what to pay attention to.

First walk with newborn

When can you walk with your newborn after the hospital? If the child is absolutely healthy, eats normally and feels well, the first exit can be planned in 2 weeks - most pediatricians adhere to this period. 14 days is enough for a small organism to initially adapt to new conditions, temperature changes and other external factors, so walking outside will not become stressful. There are 3 questions that interest almost every young mother.

1. How to walk with a newborn?

For the first time, the child is taken outside for 10-15 minutes. You don’t need a stroller for this; you can hold the baby in your arms so that he feels the presence of his mother and does not feel fear. The duration of the walk increases by 5 minutes every day.

2. How long should you walk with your newborn?

Gradually, you need to reach 2-3 hours of walking per day in the warm season and 1.5-2 in the cold season. In fact, there is no “permitted maximum” for being outside, especially when it comes to summer. If parents want to go for a longer walk, they need to think about feeding, take enough diapers and wet wipes with them, and remember to have a change of clothes if the weather suddenly changes. In a word, if the child’s comfort is always a priority, then there will be no harm from a long walk. In winter, it is better to walk for an hour several times a day.

You don't need a stroller for your very first walk.

3. How to dress a baby for walking outside?

The main fear of parents is that the child will freeze outside, because... lies all the time and cannot move to keep warm. In fact, the thermoregulation of infants is different from that of adults. In order not to worry, you can follow a simple rule: the child needs to be dressed in the same way as the mother, adding 1 more layer of clothing. That is, if a mother walks in jeans, a T-shirt and a windbreaker, the child can wear thin cotton overalls, long sleeves, trousers and light outerwear. For “peace of mind”, parents can put a warm baby blanket in the stroller basket. It is worth considering that it is very difficult to overcool a child, while excessively warm clothes will cause the baby to quickly sweat and catch a cold. Sling mothers should be even more attentive to the choice of clothing and dress the child in the same way as themselves: the material of the sling “works” as an additional layer, and the child feels warmth from the mother’s body.

Summer walks

The first walk with a newborn in the summer is a real pleasure for parents, but, as in the cold season, you need to take care of the baby’s comfort and safety:

  • the mattress in the stroller should be natural, polyurethane models get very hot;
  • ideal items are made from natural fabrics, such as soft cotton, knitwear or bamboo;
  • at temperatures above 30 degrees, you should not walk during the “dangerous” hours from 12 to 16, it is better to go outside in the morning and evening;
  • you need to take drinking water with you to supplement your child’s nutrition;
  • the baby should be protected from direct sunlight by a stroller canopy or a thin cover; in the evening and outdoors, a thin mosquito net would be useful;
  • In extreme heat, it is better not to put disposable diapers on your baby: even the most expensive diapers impede the free movement of air, which can cause sensitive skin to start to swell.

Summer walks are the most pleasant, but you need to be wary of extreme heat

Make sure that the child does not overheat: if the skin of the face turns red and sweat appears on the forehead, you need to reduce the amount of clothing, give the child something to drink and stay in the shade.

Autumn and spring

The first walks with a newborn in the fall or spring raise a lot of questions: the weather changes constantly during the day, and it can be difficult for parents to figure out what to wear and how long they will spend outside.

At temperatures above +10 degrees Celsius, for example, in September or May, it is enough to put on the child a base layer (cotton overalls or a set with a vest and rompers), a light autumn overall and a moderately warm hat. At temperatures from +5 to +10 degrees, we replace the autumn overalls with winter ones, and add a thin cotton cap to the hat. At lower temperatures, it is worth adding an additional layer or replacing a light jacket with warm overalls made of soft hypoallergenic wool or thin fleece.

In autumn, your walk should be warm, but not hot

For the cold off-season, the most practical thing would be a transforming jumpsuit. Outerwear of this type is complemented by a removable lining, which keeps you warm even at sub-zero temperatures. In addition, such models have removable booties and mittens, and the fur trim on the hood can usually be easily unfastened.

For long walks, you need to take an extra blanket or blanket with you: if the wind picks up or gets cold, you can wrap your child up. By the way, a stroller for walking with a newborn in the fall and spring should always have a windproof cape and a rain cover.


1. How long to walk with a newborn in the fall?

Per day - 2.5-3 hours, more is possible if the child feels well and the temperature is not too low. In early spring or late autumn, it is better to distribute this time into 2 or 3 trips outside.

2. In what weather should you not go for a walk with your child?

You can walk with your baby in any weather - the stroller's high sides and hood protect it from the wind, and a special cover protects it from rain and wet snow. Another issue is the comfort of the mother, for whom it is much more difficult to shelter from bad weather.

3. When can you take your newborn outside in the fall?

The universal rule is the same for any time of the year - after 2 weeks from your birthday you can go for a short 10-minute walk. It is best to choose a time for her when the child has eaten, but is not yet falling asleep.

Transformable overalls - comfortable clothing for the transitional season

How to walk with a newborn in winter?

The cold season is not a reason to give up walking. To make staying outside safe and beneficial for your baby, you need to first take care of the right clothes:

  • at temperatures from −5 to 0 degrees, we put on a base layer of cotton, a moderately warm jacket, trousers and socks, as well as winter overalls. The headdress should be a cotton cap - it will absorb excess moisture and protect delicate skin from irritation. Warm booties on your feet, mittens on your hands.
  • at temperatures from −10 to −5 degrees, the winter overalls must be supplemented with a warm intermediate layer, for example, a double slip with fleece and knitwear or woolen clothing; for a walk you must take a warm blanket;
  • at temperatures down to −15 degrees, especially in damp frost or windy conditions, you need to put a fur envelope in the stroller and place the dressed child in it.

At what temperature can you walk with your baby? Minus 15 degrees is a conditional limit; in more severe cold it is better to stay at home and replace a walk outside with an alternative option. For example, you can leave a warmly dressed child to rest in an open room, or take him out to a balcony or glassed-in loggia for a short time so that he can get some fresh air, but not freeze.

Winter walks are very useful!

When can you take your newborn outside in winter? Again, 2 weeks should pass from the date of birth. For your first trip, it is better to choose a day without wind or heavy snow. If the temperature is above −5 degrees, you can spend 15 minutes outside with your baby for the first time; if below −5, 10 minutes is enough.

When should you not walk with your newborn?

Walking with a newborn has great benefits, but there are situations when you shouldn’t go outside with a baby.

1. The child does not feel well

In the first weeks, the baby may be bothered by colic and sleep problems; in addition, the adaptation period in children proceeds differently. If by the day of the planned first walk the child is capricious and behaves restlessly, it is better to postpone the “event” to a more favorable time.

2. Temperature outside

In summer, when the heat is above +30 degrees, you should not walk during the day; if possible, you should go outside in the morning or before bed, when the heat subsides. In winter, temperatures below −15 degrees, snowstorms or other extreme weather conditions will be undesirable.

3. The first days after illness

If a baby has suffered from an illness with an increase in temperature, in the first days of recovery, even in ideal weather conditions, it is worth staying at home. The need for fresh air can be compensated for by more frequent ventilation.

It is worth going outside after feeding, otherwise hunger may become a cause for concern for the baby. The first and subsequent walks with a newborn should be pleasant for both the child and the parents. There are no very strict rules associated with this component of care, so you should always focus on your baby and your own condition.

For full physical and mental development, you need to be in the fresh air every day. For children under one year old, you need to choose the right clothes so that the walk is comfortable and brings joy and benefit. Adults need to take into account how many days they are allowed to go for walks, what the weather is like, and many other important points.

You can walk with your newborn baby on the 7th–10th day, provided there is no wind, rain, extreme heat or frost. It largely determines how many days the first walk is allowed and the baby’s condition. The timing may increase if the baby is born ahead of schedule, or there were complications during childbirth.

In summer, you can go for a walk on the 7th day. How long should the first party last? Walking should be no more than 15 minutes a day. Gradually add 5-10 minutes. By the end of the week of walking, the time should be one hour. In the fresh air, the baby falls asleep and sleeps from 20 minutes to 1 hour. You should not leave your baby sleeping longer than this time. The risk of malnutrition or disruption of sleep patterns during the day and night increases.

How many days after birth are you allowed to walk in winter? In winter, walks with a newborn should begin no earlier than 14 days after birth. If the temperature in winter is below -10 degrees, then the first walk should be postponed. During frosts, you can take the child out to the balcony or open the window, after dressing the baby warmly.

How many days can you take your newborn for a walk in the fall? In spring and autumn, walks are allowed already on the 9th day of life.

What are the benefits of fresh air for a one month old baby? Several important points can be highlighted:

After the sixth month of life, another reason to walk outside is added - getting new impressions, developing cognitive activity.

It is better to walk between feedings. The child will behave calmer, sleep more soundly, and in cold weather this will help him get used to the air faster. You definitely need to know the weather conditions. This will help you navigate your clothes. You need to dress your baby in such a way that he has several layers of clothing.

After the adult gets dressed, you can dress the child too. If you change the order of preparation, then a baby under the age of one year will sweat and with the slightest breeze on the street he will easily get sick.

A common way to walk is to take a stroller. But some children flatly refuse to lie in it. You can try another option - using a kangaroo, slings or backpack.

To make your walk with your child enjoyable, no matter what time of year it is outside, you need to take the following things with you:

  • a blanket and blanket (light for summer and warm for winter);
  • a diaper or sheet if you plan to breastfeed in the summer;
  • changeable diaper;
  • a pacifier (if the child is used to sucking on it);

  • handkerchief;
  • wet wipes;
  • raincoat, mosquito net;
  • rattles

Walk in different seasons

When getting your child ready to go outside every day, it is necessary to take into account that the thermoregulation system of a baby up to one year is not fully formed. Therefore, you need to dress it according to the weather. When a baby is too hot, his body cools down through his head, feet, and palms. Therefore they become damp and cold.

When the air temperature outside is from 19 to 25 degrees Celsius, it is enough to put on the baby as much clothes as an adult is wearing. At temperatures below 18 degrees, wear one more clothing than an adult. If it is hot outside, more than 25 degrees, then a child under one year old should wear one less layer of clothing.

Clothing must be made from natural material. It is advisable to opt for cotton clothes. The accessories in the stroller should also be made of the same material: mattress, pillow, blanket. This will allow the skin to breathe and the sweat produced to be absorbed.

In the summer, the number and duration of walks every day can be increased. It all depends on the condition of the mother and baby. You should not walk during periods of high sun activity - from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. In the summer, it is possible to feed your child without going home. Only the mother will need to wear comfortable clothes and take a diaper for this occasion. Don't forget to take some water, especially if the baby is bottle-fed.

In summer, at temperatures above 25 degrees, you can dress your child in light clothes: a dress or T-shirt, rompers, a vest, a cap, and cover with a blanket. At temperatures from 20 to 25 degrees, you need to dress your baby in warmer clothes: a cotton cap, a thin long-sleeved blouse, pants and socks.

If it is hot outside, it is allowed to sunbathe without undressing the child. You just need to do this gradually. First you can open the legs, then the arms, then the chest. You need to start with 1-2 minutes a day. There must be a light cap on your head.

If a child is fed formula for up to one year, there is no need to dilute the formula in advance. In summer it can quickly turn sour. It is better to pour the required amount of the mixture into the bottle, and dilute it with water before feeding outside.

In winter, in good weather, you can walk with a one-month-old baby for up to 2 hours a day. It is advisable to divide it into several 40-minute exits. If the temperature on the thermometer is below 15 degrees, then you cannot walk with a child who is under 3 months old.

In winter, it is best to dress your baby in several layers of clothing: a cotton T-shirt, a wool or flannel jumpsuit, a jumpsuit with natural fur so that the back is closed.

In spring and autumn, you should not walk in windy or rainy weather. With deceptive warmth and cool air, the risk of colds increases. Until 4-5 months, the child will sleep in the stroller during walks. After this time, you should try to take your baby out for walks when he is awake. It was at this time that he began to actively study the world around him.

It is not advisable to walk in the rain with a baby under one year old. Wet air is harmful to the respiratory tract, especially in children under 3 months. It is not recommended to use a raincoat - a greenhouse effect is created inside the stroller, which also does not have the best effect on the baby’s body. A raincoat can be used when the rain takes you by surprise.

Walk and illness

When a child under one year old gets sick, the mother is faced with the question of whether it is possible to go outside with him and in what weather. You cannot walk during the acute stage of an infectious disease, which is accompanied by pain, high fever, cough, and severe runny nose.

High body temperature can cause skin blood vessels to suddenly constrict when exposed to cold air, reducing heat loss. As a result, the temperature of the internal organs increases, and this is very harmful for the body of a child under one year old.

You can go for a walk if the body temperature does not exceed 37.5 degrees, the child is active and eats well. Fresh air in this case will only speed up recovery, especially if the organs of the respiratory system are affected. Before leaving, you need to clear the nasal cavity of accumulated mucus or crusts. This will allow air to pass through the nose. The air will be warmed, moistened and purified.

The duration of a walk during illness with infants should not exceed 20 minutes a day. It is advisable not to go far from home. If the baby feels worse, immediately bring him home.

You need to walk with your baby every day, regardless of the time of year. If after a walk the baby is cheerful, his back is dry, his hands are warm, it means that the clothes were chosen correctly, and the time spent in the fresh air was beneficial.

I saw it in contact.

Getting ready for a walk Time for a walk or when and how long can you walk? Starting from the birth of a child, you need to gradually accustom him to walks in the fresh air. The first ones should last 5-10 minutes and gradually increase to 2 hours. The average walking time for breastfed babies, provided they are awake, is at least 40-60 minutes. Quiet, good weather is most suitable for walking with a child. If there is a strong gusty wind outside or the temperature is below -15º C, it is better to stay at home. When choosing a place to walk with your child, you can give preference to parks, squares, quiet, deserted corners. Spaces that are too noisy and crowded - markets, squares, streets near highways - are not the best place for a baby.
It is not necessary to “run circles” around the park while walking. If the baby falls asleep in the stroller, the mother can calmly sit on a bench and read a book. If a young mother is tired or there is a lot of work to do at home, then there is nothing wrong with the baby spending one nap on the balcony (provided that the windows do not face a noisy street with heavy traffic). If the family lives in their own house with a courtyard, then a walk in the fall and at any other time of the year will consist of a child sleeping in a stroller. For control, you can use a baby monitor, then the baby will be outside, and the mother will be at home minding her own business. If your baby is sick (runny nose, cold without high fever), this is not a reason to refuse a daily walk. Clean, moist air will ease the baby's condition. For walks, you should choose quiet, deserted places - parks, squares.
What to take with you for a walk with your child in the fall?

When going for a walk, you need to take with you:
- a standard set of items for a baby: diapers, wet wipes, a pacifier (you can tie it to a ribbon or use a special chain with a fastener and a container for the pacifier, so it definitely won’t end up somewhere in the dirt or puddle), a toy and other necessary things; - a special rain cover for the stroller, because autumn is the time of rain;
- an additional blanket or blanket (especially in early autumn, when the weather is changeable); - children's thermos for bottles. It will reliably keep warm and help the mother out at the right moment (if the baby bursts into tears and wants to eat or drink). For breastfed children, there may be warm tea in the bottle, for bottle-fed children - a mixture.

How to properly dress your baby for a walk in the fall
In the autumn, you need to pack your baby for a walk depending on the weather. Wrapping your child up tightly is not the best option; he will feel hot and uncomfortable. You can dress your baby the same way you dress yourself, and add another thing, for example, a bodysuit, a wool suit, or a blanket. Or dressing your baby is a little easier when using a sling. Especially if you plan to wear the sling under your mother’s clothes (for example, a sling jacket). It’s very simple to check if the baby is cold; you just need to touch his neck; if it’s warm, that means the baby is warm.

Walking What to do with your child on a walk?
If the child does not sleep, you can spend time usefully during a walk and develop the baby:
- if the baby is no more than 2-3 months old, you can simply talk about everything that is around;
- the older baby can now be allowed to touch different surfaces: bright autumn leaves, acorns, tree bark; - explain the name of this or that object, animal, what sounds it makes;
- listen to different sounds.


When can you walk with your newborn after the hospital? How long to walk with your child in winter, spring, autumn and summer. Where you should not walk and what is an alternative to walking.

The first meeting with the baby and the move from the maternity hospital home are behind us. The baby sleeps peacefully in his crib. Very soon a doctor will come to examine the baby, and you can go for your first walk. Is it possible?

When to go for a walk after maternity hospital

There is no definite answer to this question, because everything will depend on the climatic conditions of the region, the weather outside, the time of year, and the mother’s well-being. In addition to objective reasons, some parents try to adhere to ancient principles and not take their child outside in the first 40-66 days from birth.

Experts do not set strict limits on this issue. In good weather conditions (not too hot, not too cold, no snow, rain, strong wind) for the first walk with a newborn baby You can go out 3-5 days after discharge .

Fresh air hardens the baby’s body and helps it adapt to new conditions. Walking can calm even the most anxious baby and improve his appetite.

Of course, the numbers above are approximate. Each mother can decide for herself when to “bring out” her child. It is worth taking into account not only the benefits for the child, but also the physical condition of the mother. After childbirth, every woman needs proper rest; not everyone has the strength to lift a heavy stroller. In such a situation, it is better to postpone walks until your health is restored or an assistant appears.

When and where not to walk

Weather conditions most often become an obstacle to walking with a newborn baby. Before leaving the house, every mother wonders about the temperature and wind. You can rely on a few simple rules in this matter:

  1. in winter, the child may become hypothermic, since the thermoregulation system is still imperfect, so it is better not to walk with the newborn at temperatures below -15;
  2. in summer the situation is reversed: the baby can get heatstroke. Walking at +30 and above is not recommended.

Park areas and squares are better suited for walks with children. You should not walk along busy highways; your child should not breathe in exhaust fumes.

Alternative to walking

Walking is very beneficial for a newborn baby, but it happens that weather conditions or the mother’s well-being interfere with a normal walk. Then you can use a “backup option” - a balcony or loggia. The baby will get his portion of fresh air, and at this time the mother will be able to do household chores or relax. Before taking the baby in a stroller to the balcony, the mother must make sure that the baby is safe:

  • there should be no foreign objects on the balcony or on the roof of the house that could get into the baby’s stroller;
  • the balcony should not overlook a polluted road.

The ideal place for a child to sleep would be the balcony of a country house located in a green area. In city apartments, the balcony should open onto the courtyard so that the baby does not breathe in exhaust fumes.

How long to walk

There are also no clear guidelines on this issue. You need to look at the well-being of mother and child. When the baby first gets acquainted with the street, young parents can do without a stroller. The baby can be carried in your arms for 10-15 minutes. Each time the duration of the walk must be increased by 5-10 minutes. The optimal time for a child to walk in good weather is 2 hours. After the child reaches one month of age, you need to walk 2 times a day for 2 hours.

For convenience, it is better to present the data in the form of a table.

Walks through the seasons

The change of seasons and weather conditions “dictates” its own rules for walking. There are several recommendations to consider.

Summer walks

There is an opinion that during the hot season, a child can be outside for an unlimited amount of time. This is not entirely true. A newborn baby's systems are still imperfect; the baby can get heatstroke from prolonged exposure to the sun. To avoid the unpleasant consequences of walking, you need to follow simple rules:

  • choose natural clothes for the child that will allow the skin to breathe;
  • The linen in a newborn’s crib should also be natural;
  • You should not be in the scorching sun. At temperatures of +30 degrees and above, walks should be postponed to early (before 11 o’clock in the afternoon) or evening (when the heat subsides) time;
  • The baby's head must be protected with a panama hat or a light cap.

If the weather is favorable in the summer, you can walk with your child several times a day. You can take a bottle of water and a pacifier with you for a walk to calm your baby if he wakes up.

How to walk in spring and autumn

Changeable weather is not uncommon at these times of year. Bright sunshine can give way to rain overnight. To avoid catching a cold during such walks, you need to follow several rules:

  • try to avoid walking in rainy weather. Modern strollers have raincoats (capes that protect the baby and the stroller from getting wet), but this accessory should be used only as a last resort, since a greenhouse effect is created inside the stroller and the baby does not have enough fresh air;
  • do not rush to undress the child, even if the sun is out. The weather is very changeable, there is a high risk of catching a cold. For walks in the off-season, it is best to use demi-season clothing that does not overheat the skin, allowing it to breathe and protecting the child from hypothermia.

In dry, warm weather, the baby's first walk can last 15 minutes. gradually the time should be increased to 1.5 hours.

Winter walks

Walking in winter raises many questions for parents. It's cold outside, which means you need to think about how to dress your child so that he doesn't overheat or freeze. Some parents even refuse winter walks altogether, believing that the cold air will only do harm. Of course, this opinion is wrong. Walking in winter is possible and necessary.

Here are a few winter walk rules that will help moms and dads:

  • the first walk should take place no earlier than 14 days from the moment of birth;
  • at a comfortable air temperature (up to -5), you can walk for 15 minutes; if the temperature drops to -15, the walking time is reduced by 5 minutes. If the indicators are lower, you should not walk with the newborn;
  • in case of strong winds, walking with a newborn can be replaced by sleeping on the balcony;
  • the maximum duration of a walk in winter is 1.5 hours;

Take care of warm and comfortable clothes for your baby. Many parents note the advantages of transformable overalls; they retain heat well and are easy to remove, so you can undress your baby at home without disturbing his sleep.

Walking with children over one year old

Children 1 year of age and older should go for walks at any time of the year. There are few unfavorable weather conditions under which the walk may not take place: salt rain, thunderstorm, heat (more than 30 degrees), frost (more than -20 degrees).

Time guidelines of 1.5-2 hours are quite arbitrary. The “borders” of the walk are set by the child himself (most often the walk ends when the baby wants to eat or sleep).

You should pay special attention to winter walks, because many parents do not take their children outside in winter for fear of catching a cold. A child may catch a cold if:

  1. dressed inappropriately for the weather;
  2. his body is not hardened.

You should not put a lot of clothes on your child. Children are very active, so they can quickly sweat and catch a cold. Experienced parents recommend checking the child’s body temperature by looking at the skin on the arms (just above the hands), bridge of the nose, and neck (if they are warm, the child is comfortable; if they are cold, the baby is cold).

Every child needs walks; they strengthen the body and help the baby calm down, but not just any time outside can be beneficial. So, walking in severe frost or heat is more likely to harm the baby’s body. Walking near highways will also not be beneficial; you should avoid places with large crowds of people (especially during epidemics). Walk wisely, then walking will be beneficial.

Your baby has just been born, and taking him out into the street, where germs, viruses and other “mother’s horror stories” await, seems completely unacceptable. Meanwhile, being in the fresh air is very important for a baby. How long should you walk with your newborn in the fall to improve his health and not pick up any “sickness”?

The first "baby promenade"

The little man should make his first “out of the house” about five days after being discharged from the maternity hospital. It passes without a stroller - in mom or dad's arms.

Subsequent outputs can be increased, each time by about five minutes. By the age of two weeks, the child will already be mentally and physically prepared for two fairly long walks during the day.

If you start right away with a long stay in the yard, it can:

  • cause stress in the baby;
  • bring him into a state of anxiety;
  • weaken the immune system.

Naturally, for “baby promenades” you need to choose places without drafts and air pollution.

How long to walk with a newborn in the fall in different weather conditions?

Autumn, with its short and cloudy days, creates a real shortage of sunlight. For the baby, this is fraught with a lack of vitamin D. In order not to resort to the use of special pharmaceutical drugs, you can replenish it by walking in clear and not cold weather.

How much time can you spend outside with a very young child in the fall?

  1. up to one month of age to walk 20-25 minutes;
  2. older than one month - twice for 50 minutes;
  3. older than three months - twice for an hour or more.

When planning a walk, you should always take into account weather conditions. In a strong wind and with a noticeable cold snap, below the ten-degree minus mark, your time in the fresh air should be reduced. During heavy rainfall, it is better not to leave the house with your baby at all.

Depending on the weather

An important nuance in when and how long to walk with a newborn in the fall is his usual feeding schedule.

The child should be well-fed and calm before the walk. And it’s better to return from the yard for the next feeding, when the baby has thoroughly worked up an appetite and will eat without being capricious.

When it comes to outfitting your baby for a walk, there is a traditional “plus one” formula. This “conventional unit” means an additional layer of clothing compared to what an adult wears. However, today, when many types with enhanced insulation are produced, this approach can no longer be considered relevant.

It is most convenient to purchase overalls with a detachable lining and independently adjust its “thermal protection” for warmer and cooler weather.

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