Eclecticism in clothing. Creative project "diffuse style in modern fashion" Diffuse and eclectic style

Few people know how to dress in such a way as to look decent, organic, and at the same time not adhere to any particular style. Such design talent and excellent taste are inherent in individuals with a harmonious inner world. Fashion designers call this phenomenon eclectic style. In the clothes of integral and spiritual people, there is an amazing combination of things of different fashion trends. The style seems simple and complex at the same time, so in order to master its subtleties, you should listen to the advice of experts.

The mixture of different styles and trends was first noted in the middle of the 19th century. The new direction concerned architectural structures and decoration design. Eclecticism began to manifest itself in clothing during the hippie era.

The reason for the emergence of the style was the burning desire of the youth of the 70s to oppose themselves to the world and shock respectable society. In addition, hippies were moneyless, so they simply did not have enough money to buy new things. Then flea markets and clothes from second hand stores came to the rescue.

As an independent clothing style, eclecticism makes it possible to avoid standard solutions through the manifestation of bold and unbridled creative fantasies. Often its features can be noted in other style directions: ethnic, boho, fusion, casual.

Distinctive features of the style

At first glance, it may seem that there are no rules in eclecticism. In fact, this is a common mistake. Real fashion involves skillfully combining things of different styles into a given look. Despite the absence of clear requirements and canons in eclecticism, every detail of the ensemble should sound in unison with the entire image.

Useful advice from fashion designers can help you achieve this and create a fashionable look with a touch of spice.

  • Combinatoriality. When combining individual items into a single suit, you need to ensure that there is at least some similarity between them. Items can match each other in color, shape, texture. A combination with the shade of hair, skin, eyes or makeup colors will also be successful.

  • Texture mix. The selection of fabrics that are the same in color, but different in thickness and structure, unexpectedly gives a great effect. For example, a snow-white silk dress perfectly complements a thick knitted cardigan of a similar shade. A leather dress and a velvet jacket, a lace blouse and tweed trousers look impressive. Any combination of fabrics can be successful if you stick to a consistent color.

  • Bright colors. Extravagant and catchy outfits do not accept boring monochrome shades. Items in rich colors and unusual prints are welcome. Do not overload the image with many objects painted in acid paints. One or two bright details that set the right accents are enough. For example, red lipstick on the lips and the same shoes.

  • Unity of different styles. Combining items belonging to different fashion trends is an interesting and difficult task. For example, let’s try pairing a romantic lace dress with sporty sneakers and a leather biker jacket. The result is a non-standard and spectacular look.

  • Clear accents. A bright, catchy spot in the ensemble becomes the logical conclusion of any image. Most often, accessories act as an accent. For example, a handbag, shoes, scarf, belt or jewelry.

Wide range of style options

Eclecticism represents the absolute opposite of the restrained style of minimalism, which is popular today. Its multicolor, boldness and audacity are akin to a joyful carnival. The unique thing about eclecticism is that it is created by people who do not want to mix with the crowd. World celebrities Kate Moss, Katy Perry, Amy Winehouse and domestic stars Valery Leontiev, Zhanna Aguzarova are bright personalities who always strive for individuality and self-expression.

The most famous adherents of eclectic style in the world of high fashion are Italian designers Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana. They regularly create unexpected and surprising combinations of elements for their collections. Many creations of talented craftsmen initially cause surprise, sometimes even shock, to the audience, and soon they become classics.

Eclecticism is a mixture of different styles, eras and cultures in one set of clothes. In fact, there is a lot hidden eclecticism, to which we are already accustomed and consider it a “pure” style.

Historical events, such as wars, the discovery of new countries, changes of rulers, led to mix styles for a very long time, and today, eclecticism is no longer considered. Such as colonial style.

It appeared in the era of exploration and seizure of new territories, when Britain, Holland, France and Spain expanded their possessions. The colonial style was formed from the layering of native culture on the European style.

The addition of exotic jewelry, bright scarves, light painted fabrics with characteristic patterns gave the strict European style a special chic.

Colonial style is similar to safari style. They both hint at the appearance of Europeans during the period of exploration of distant lands.

These are sand or khaki-colored clothes, voluminous pockets, hats and elements of trophy fashion: bracelets made of wood or bone, scarves, large earrings..

Eclecticism may manifest itself not only in a combination of styles, but also shapes and textures. For example, a leather down jacket combined with fur, which is relevant today, refers to a combination of materials and styles.

Previously, down jackets were made exclusively of synthetic material: polyester, polyamide or nylon. Referred more to sports or casual style. Today, a down jacket can be made of leather, and it will look great in a business and classic look.

Another example of modern eclecticism is the ultra-fashionable Snickers. Having migrated from the wardrobe of athletes into everyday life, they can be seen in combination with ball gowns and classic trousers.

Eclecticism became widespread in the 70s of the twentieth century. Diffuse style - this is the name given to the hippie era in fashion.

A mixture of retro, bohemian and ethnic styles marked the 70s. The ethnic style itself is not homogeneous and is a collective image of folk clothing.

Hippies wore long bohemian skirts, ethnic head jewelry and romantic retro shirts. Those who did not call themselves “flower children” combined slightly different styles. The sporty style, somewhat different than today, was crossed with classics and feminine shapes. He looked very glamorous and elegant.

The fusion of rough and romantic, feminine and masculine, childish and adult is also part of eclecticism. Like, for example, the fashion for rough, heavy boots combined with light dresses or long sweaters, as in grunge style, or a leather biker jacket worn over a slip dress.

Or, when women wear men's style clothes with high heels, or a tuxedo on a naked body, further emphasizing sexuality and femininity.

Preppy style - when casual clothing resembles the uniform of students of prestigious colleges and closed private schools: checkered pleated skirts, white shirts and jumpers with logos of educational institutions. And baby dollars, short dresses, like for little girls, on long-legged models.

The fashion of the East has also influenced eclecticism today. Western culture has always been inspired by Japanese folk costumes. Oriental style includes European practicality and oriental sophistication. Not only Japan, but also China and India influenced the formation of the style.

Kimono jackets, dresses and blouses with a stand-up collar in the style of the national costume of China, zouave trousers - these, and not only, have taken root and are so loved in Europe and Russia. Read more about eclecticism there.

To be extraordinary and bright, to wear only what you want and not be afraid to contradict the canons of fashion - this is exactly what a real fashionista should do when creating a new masterpiece image. Live freely, combine incongruous things, create in the traditions of the best extravagant styles!

Kitsch style - a touch of glamor for a bright personality

Kitsch style is a denial of rules and decency, a combination of incongruous things. The wardrobe of this style suggests obsessive, acidic, shiny and deliberately vulgar things. Translated from German, kitsch is interpreted as “cheap” or “hack.”

Men were the first to try this style. In the 60s of the last century, the hippie movement was popular. “Children of the sun,” as they called themselves, called for unity with nature and colored their wardrobes with “environmentally friendly dyes” borrowed from Latin American Indians and the inhabitants of India, China and Southeast Asia. The result of creative refinements was robes in acid shades that formed intricate patterns. The hippie style was picked up by their ardent opponents - the yuppies. Men began to flaunt bell-bottom trousers and colorful shirts with lace cuffs. For some reason, they wore shirt collars over their jackets and wore business-style suits with sneakers.

Feminine kitsch flourished in the 80s. At this time, male style was completely defeated by feminization. The men combed their hair and put on their makeup, they wore women's banana slacks and tied ties the color of blood. Women showed off in leggings in light green, azure, lemon and raspberry colors under riveted miniskirts. They used plenty of glitter in their makeup, heavily lined their eyes, and wore gold crosses in their ears.

Kitsch style looks

Personally “welded” and torn into shreds jeans, biker jackets, T-shirts with skulls, crimson jackets, leg warmers and baggy tops, fingerless gloves, parachute pants - all these are manifestations of kitsch. A riot of colors, false but accessible luxury is the hallmark of the kitsch style.

Fusion style - street fashion, far from conventions

Fusion style is a combination of incongruous things, a combination of clothes of different textures, colors, styles and eras. Translated from English, fusion means “unification”, “merging”. As a clothing style, it emerged in the 90s of the last century.

The main principles of fusion are contrast, layering and mixing of ethnic motifs. Despite the apparent lack of conventions and democratic style, some rules still exist within this direction. The most important thing is that there is no vulgarity or bad taste. Don't mix too many details and styles. If you mix romance and military, it will be enough to decorate a light tunic with an army leather belt.

The color palette of clothes in this direction involves the simultaneous use of several shades, but harmony must be maintained in everything. For example, a popular multi-layer fusion suit, consisting of a plain T-shirt, worn over it with a checkered shirt and complemented by a jacket, does not cause disharmony. Bright shades are acceptable, but only in accordance with a sense of proportion.

Fusion style looks

A pastel-colored skirt with ruffles or flounces and a simple plain T-shirt, a denim jacket and a dress with an ethnic print, a denim dress and shoes with a military jacket. Headscarves and scarves, jewelry, colored tights and leggings, clutches and tote bags are appropriate as accessories. All of them “withstand” the main idea of ​​the style.

Avant-garde style – a challenge beyond reality

Avant-garde is a unique trend in the fashion world that emerged in the second half of the twentieth century. Not accepted by the majority and condemned for its extremes, the avant-garde is positioned as a “bold innovative spirit.”

To create an image in an avant-garde style, outfits with unusual textures and lines of asymmetrical shapes are used. The play of color and pattern of clothing details is widely used. The looks are complemented with catchy, memorable accessories and jewelry - wide belts, huge buttons, large bows, metal buckles and zippers, large earrings and ornate bracelets. The basis of any avant-garde style look is the asymmetry of the cut, originality of shapes and color contrast.

Avant-garde style looks

A spectacular, eye-catching dress with a deep, intricate neckline or large patch pockets on the hips and “space shoes.” An elaborate skirt with a spiral frame or a tight-fitting translucent one with boots or high-heeled shoes. A combination of huge hats and bags of exotic shapes.

Eclecticism - a shocking attempt to create a masterpiece

Eclecticism came into fashion in the 70s of the twentieth century; it involves a reasonable combination of the best details of various styles. The hippies already known to us became the inspiration for eclectic clothing. Elements of this trend are also present in casual and ethnic styles.

A combination of lace and leather, an office jacket and ripped jeans, a romantic dress and a formal jacket - any combination can work if it is presented with a twist.

Eclectic style looks

Combining outfits of different textures: chiffon and thick knitwear, lace and tweed, velvet and leather - everything is possible in eclecticism! This direction on the Haute Couture catwalk is supported by Dolce Gabbana. It was this brand that introduced into the world of fashion underwear that peeks out from under an outfit, as well as tops in the form of bras.

To create an eclectic look, you will need multi-layer suit ensembles of various textures, original wide-brimmed hats made of mink dyed in bright colors, and clothing items with colorful prints and ornaments.

Reproducing an image in the style of “combining the incongruous” is not only a trend in the fashion industry, but also a way of creating fashion itself, experts say. Create your own style and be bright and irresistible!


Eclecticism is one of the most interesting, bright, shocking fashion styles. It originated about forty years ago among representatives of the hippie movement, who really liked to challenge society, breaking all the established rules.

However, quite often their fancy outfits were simply a consequence of lack of money.

Be that as it may, eclecticism has become one of the most popular styles. After all, it provides an opportunity to emphasize your individuality, create your own, unique style, without spending a lot of money and without blindly chasing all the latest fashion trends.

Eclecticism combines several trends, blurring clear boundaries between different styles. At the same time, this is not just a random combination of different elements of clothing. Every detail of the outfit must be carefully thought out so that the image is harmonious.

This extravagant and unusual style is suitable for extraordinary, active people who love to experiment. However, a prerequisite is subtle, impeccable taste and a sense of proportion.

In eclecticism, you should not mix more than three styles. All elements of the outfit, although borrowed from different directions, should be in harmony with each other and be united by a common theme. For example, different styles of toiletries are harmonized in color or texture.

You need to remember a few simple rules that will help you create a successful image in the eclectic style. The combined styles should not be sharply opposed.

Thus, it is very difficult to combine a business style with a sporty one (although very interesting options are possible here too). But similar styles, for example, boho and romantic, will complement each other perfectly.

In fact, rules exist to be broken. Trust your instincts, don’t be afraid to experiment, feel free to express your individuality, create your own fashion.

Eclecticism is for brave and independent people who listen little to the criticism of others, because they know exactly what they want.

Clothes can tell a lot about their owner: worldview, wealth, taste, state of mind, etc. Some people dress outrageously in order to be noticed in the crowd, while others want to emphasize their refined taste with elegant outfits and demonstrate their belonging to high society. There are many styles of clothing: classic, business, vamp, romantic, military, boho - everyone can find something of their own. Do you like to dress in eclectic style? Don't know what it is? Then read the article to the end.

Eclectic style in clothing

Like any other style, eclecticism has its own unique characteristics. Eclecticism is a combination of incompatible things. Initially, this style originated in the 70s in the hippie subculture. Representatives of this trend were very fond of shocking the public, and sometimes elements of eclecticism in clothing emerged by themselves due to a banal lack of money. And if in those years such clothes were condemned and criticized, today many designers draw inspiration and new ideas from them. Dolce and Gabbana, Marc Jacobs - these designers managed to introduce eclecticism to the masses. Now its elements can be found in ethnic and fusion clothing. The eclectic style allows you to create your own unique image without chasing fashion. As you know, your own individual style is always more valuable than the blind pursuit of fashion trends. Eclecticism is often clothes of an eye-catching color; it is bright, catchy, unusual, but at the same time very elegant. It is always symbolic and can appeal to memories. Eclecticism is difficult. To dress in this style, you must have the finest taste and natural flair. And this is no coincidence. Combining things that, at first glance, are absolutely incompatible with each other either in color or style is a real art. Eclecticism is bohemian. This is an opportunity to create an expensive look from inexpensive things. people who don't want to mix with the crowd. And if you want to dress in this style, then pay attention to fashion magazines of past decades, photographs of bohemians of past centuries. Of course, you won't wear the clothes of those years, but you will be able to feel that spirit. Eclecticism is an image thought out to the smallest detail. There are no random things here, everything has meaning and significance. There are no clear recommendations for creating this style and cannot be. After all, this is an impulse of the soul, an eternal search. Because it’s fun, always new and unusual. In search of suitable things, it is worth visiting stock stores, second-hand stores and flea markets; you can probably find something interesting there.

Eclectic style in the clothes of famous people

If you want to learn this style, pay attention to the outfits of some stars such as Kate Moss, Katy Perry, Mary-Kate Olsen, Chloe Sivigny. This is who can teach the master class. It's also worth checking out Jane Kane's clothing collections.

Basic criteria of eclectic style

Once again it is worth emphasizing that impeccable taste in this case plays the most important role. Thoughtfulness of every element of the wardrobe and elegance are the main requirements of this style. And, of course, courage, because not everyone can understand and appreciate eclecticism. Always be elegant and be inspired to create your own unique look!

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