What age do you look? Determining a person's age from a photo online Android application for determining age from a photo.

How-Old.net does not yet claim to be an accurate tool and exists rather as a free entertainment project. Visitors upload their photos and share the results to impress friends, or to amuse them when the service makes a mistake. But How-Old.net is based on the power of the Azure cloud platform, and its algorithms are constantly being improved.

The site is easy to use on both a computer and a mobile device. The developers have added several template photographs of smiling people, on whose faces you can test the accuracy of age determination. You can also experiment with celebrity images or, of course, use your own photos. Microsoft claims that it does not store uploaded photos.

As for accuracy, in my case, out of ten test images, the algorithm was able to correctly determine the age on only four of them. But the error of the service turned out to be small: the robot added or missed only 2-3 years.

Microsoft did not limit itself to the site and added support for the technologies behind How-Old.net to its own Sprinkles mobile application. This program can detect emotions and apply decorative elements such as hats and masks to users’ faces. Alas, it is currently only available for iOS devices connected to the American App Store.

It is worth noting that this is not the first implementation of such an idea. For example, the cameras of some Xiaomi smartphones have long been able to determine the age and gender of a person from a photograph.

You can also find a huge number of applications with similar functions on Google Play and the App Store. But I was unable to find any worthy ones among them. They either don’t determine age from photos at all, despite the description, or they do it very poorly.

The other day I came across a very interesting service from Microsoft that allows determine a person's age from a photograph (photo) online.

The developers have created the How-old service, which analyzes the face and, based on it, determines how old a person is. In most cases, the age is indicated very accurately. However, it is worth understanding that there cannot be 100% reliability, since even a person sometimes finds it difficult to determine how old another person is. There are too many third-party factors that interfere with this. For example, for women there is an abundance of cosmetics. For men - the presence or absence of a beard. General facial features, plumpness, lifestyle and, of course, the quality of the photograph.

Let's move directly to the review of the service for determining a person's age from a photo online and consider how to use it.

Determine a person's age from a photograph - online service

How-old is very easy to use. Anything you need:

  1. Follow the link How-old.net;
  2. Click "Use your own photo" ;
  3. Select a photo on your computer.

You can also indulge and upload photos of celebrities. To do this, it is better to use the search built into the site.

Android applications for determining age by photo

After digging around in Google Play, I found several Android applications that use facial recognition technology from Microsoft.

So, you can install the program on your phone, smartphone or tablet.

and what you can look like if you want

To do this, do the following:

Select 2-3 of your photos from those on your computer
(preferably these are photos taken recently).

Read this page to the end, there will be GREENbutton that will open the program you need.

On the page that opens, click on the button that looks like this:

Then select your photo and upload it to the program (double click).

Give the program a few seconds to process the photo - and you will see the result:
Numbers will appear on the photo indicating the age you look.

...Only this.

If the program shows that you look older than your registered age, then don’t be upset, okay? Please don't force yourself into complexes.

Because the program does not determine age in general, but the quantity and quality of bioenergy in moment of shooting– and demonstrates what age this indicator corresponds.

This is precisely why the program can show different ages in different photos taken even on the same day, and this difference can be very significant. Sometimes it happens that this difference is 15-20 years!

And this is not an error, not a “glitch” of the program, but a signal that bioenergy already has unstable characteristics, which means that:

or the body is unbalanced (some organ or system is weakened and cannot receive/retain energy);

or there is a failure somewhere (some organ, system or function is sick or has completely shut down);

or aging processes have begun in the body (hormone production has decreased);

or all together.

And then it's time to take action. And these measures are quite simple. You can get acquainted with them in the programs, during an individual consultation (page). Before you get acquainted with these programs, you can receive several more useful gifts in your email. Click on the highlighted words and get acquainted with the possibilities - they don’t take money to look.

After playing with the program (the link will be available very soon - in a few lines), please do not be lazy to return here and report your results. And in gratitude I will send you any audio recording according to your choice from the list on page


- Your long-awaited link - “what age do I look?”

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Health, good luck and joy to you! See you later. At your reflection in the mirror

. You see him every day and have long gotten used to it. And even if it seems to you that the new expensive cream has rejuvenated you, this impression can be very misleading. On the ratings of relatives and friends

. Firstly, they are unlikely to tell the truth. They see you often and are also not able to give an independent assessment. Secondly, your loved ones are unlikely to want to offend or upset you. The fact that they give up your seat on public transport

. Fortunately, we have not yet run out of well-mannered men who will give up their place not because you look pregnant or sick, but simply because that’s the custom here. When the store asks for a social card

. This doesn't mean you look like an elderly pensioner. You may have a child's social card or you may be a mother of many children. The seller must find out this. To the phrase of an elderly neighbor “At our age

..." This rather reveals her desire to look younger or find a common language with you. Don't be offended or argue. Now there are many tests offering to determine age from a photo. It's more of a game, fun, don't take it seriously. Especially if you are not naturally photogenic.

How to find out the truth?

1 Ask strangers. Of course, you shouldn’t do this on the street, you might be misunderstood. But it’s quite convenient to ask this question to a consultant in a clothing store, wondering whether this or that model will suit you. Or a stylist when choosing a haircut. The question will sound natural and will not cause confusion.

2 Pay attention to how you feel when meeting people your age. For example, at a meeting with classmates whom I had not seen for many years. Look at the photos from your gatherings and compare yourself with others - the photos will turn out to be truer than any words.

3 Analyze what the women in your family look like - mother, grandmother. Genetics is very important. If your relatives look younger than their age without any special tricks, then you, most likely, have inherited good genes.

4 Remember how they address you on the street. If you're still a "girl", it's too early to worry. The address “woman” sounds rude, but it is universal and is used in relation to all female representatives: from 18 to 80 years old. But the pretentious “lady” is alarming. As well as the fact that women began to give up your seat on public transport.

! The main thing to understand: your real age is not a diagnosis, but a state of mind. Each has its own advantages, you just need to learn how to use them. The pursuit of youth by any means makes a woman funny. Learn to live in harmony with yourself, appreciate every year you live, your body, wrinkles - and you will always look great!

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