Tattoos are the most popular inscriptions. White tattoos

Tattoos have become an integral part of the everyday life of most men, and in most cases they imply a deep meaning. When one drawing is not enough to correctly perceive the meaning of a tattoo, men resort to such additions as inscriptions. Tattoo inscriptions on the hand for men can be in different languages, starting with Latin and ending in Russian.

To add more meaning to a body design, it is important to pay attention not so much to the language, but to the words and phrases, their locations, stylistic processing, as well as the composition that results as a whole. The article will offer top phrases of 2018-2019 with translation.

Popular phrases and phrases can be designed using different fonts, scales, patterns, and additional symbols. But the first thing a man should start with is to choose a phrase that will give the tattoo a certain meaning, and also decide on the language of execution. It may be Latin, Russian, English, Spanish, Italian, German, Arabic or Hebrew.

Inscriptions in English with translation

Inscription tattoos for guys today are most often performed in English, since this is the most common international version, and therefore the most accessible and understandable to the majority. In 2018-2019, the top inscriptions for tattoos in English are as follows:

A life is a moment- life is one moment.

Don't let your mind kill your heart and soul- don't let your mind kill your heart and soul.

You don’t become what you want, you become what you believ e – you don’t become what you want to become, you become what you believe you will become.

Everyone is the creator of one’s own fate- everyone is the creator of their own destiny.

Just do it- just do it.

Inscriptions in French with translation

The French language is distinguished by its sophistication and sophistication; it looks beautiful and sounds melodious. This means that in this language, artists often create tattoos in the form of inscriptions about love, friendship, family and philosophical quotes. For example:

Mieux vaut tard que jamais- better late than never.

L'amour fait passer le temps, et le temps fait passer- love kills time, and time kills love.

Sauve et garde- bless and save.

Croire à son etoile- I believe in my star.

Ayant risqué une fois-on peut rester heureux toute la vie- Once you take a risk, you can remain happy for the rest of your life.

Inscriptions in Spanish with translation

The Spanish language is famous for its sensual and dynamic intonation, temperament and sensuality. The owner of a tattoo with an inscription in Spanish is also a passionate, ardent person. Popular phrases in Spanish in 2018-2019 are as follows:

Mi vida - Mi elección, Mi error - Mis lecciones- my life is my choice, my mistakes are my lessons.

Cuando una puerta se cierra, otra se abre— when one door closes, another opens.

Agradezco a mi destino- I thank my fate.

Camino se hace al andar- the one who walks will master the road.

Flota como una mariposa, pica como una abeja- flutter like a butterfly, sting like a bee.

Inscriptions in Italian with translation

Motivational inscriptions that strengthen the will and fortitude look beautiful and original in Italian. But when choosing an inscription in Italian, accuracy with the translation is important, since there are many tenses and variations in the endings of words. Examples of popular tattoo inscriptions in Italian:

A buon intenditore poche parole- the wise man understands at a glance.

C'è sempre una via d'uscita- there is always a way out.

Ciò che accade oggi è il risultato dei tuoi pensieri di ieri- what happens today is the result of your thoughts yesterday.

Dio vede tutti i nostri peccati, però vede anche il nostro pentimento“The Lord sees all our sins, but he also sees our repentance.

Vivere, lottare, amore- live, fight, love.

Inscriptions in German with translation

Tattoo inscriptions in German are most often preferred by brutal, courageous and daring men; this is approximately how the words in this language sound. Examples of popular lettering tattoos in 2018-2019:

Alles, was passiert, ist zu Gutem- everything that happens is for the better.

Glück ist immer mit mir- luck is always with me.

Wer den Wind sät, erntet den Wirbelwind- He who sows the wind will reap the storm.

Hoffe dich auf das Beste- hope for the best.

Ohne Musik wäre das Leben ein Irrtum- without music, life would be stupid.

Hebrew inscriptions with translation

Despite the fact that Hebrew existed for a relatively short time, phrases and quotes in it sound especially wise and valuable. Therefore, today most tattoos are performed in this language, and the most popular inscriptions are as follows:

כאשר הנשמה מואר, ערפל ממושך אפילו השמיים מקרינה אור נעים - when the soul glows, even the foggy sky emits a pleasant light.

להישען על הלב שלך - trust your heart.

תהילה טוב הוא טוב יותר עושר - good fame is better than wealth.

דמיון חזק מוליד את האירוע - a strong imagination gives rise to an event.

את דרכו פזורים ורדים – his path is strewn with roses.

Inscriptions in Latin with translation

Latin is the most ancient and mysterious language, which is accessible only to a few. Therefore, men can design the most sacred and mysterious inscriptions for tattoos in this format, for example:

Аurum nostrum non est aurum vulgi- our gold is not the gold of the crowd.

Aliis inserviendo consumor- By shining on others, I burn myself.

Out vincere, out mori- either win or die.

Faber est quisque fortunae suae- every person is the creator of his own destiny.

Imperare sibi maximum imperium est— power over oneself is the highest power.

Inscriptions in Arabic with translation

The Arabic language is beautiful primarily from an aesthetic point of view; in addition, it is the language of the eastern sages. The highlight of this language is that it is written from right to left, and the words are similar to script. For example:

في بعض الأحيان، آسف جداً عن ذلك، قال الناس كلمات غالية رخيصة - sometimes you regret so much that you spoke expensive words to cheap people.

القارئ اليوم، وغدا زعيما - reader, tomorrow's leader.

الرب فوق كل شيء - The Lord is above all.

سفيركاج، مثل الماس - sparkle like a diamond.

حيث هناك جيدة ومسقط رأس - Where it is good, there is the Motherland.

Expert opinion

Viola Madison

Tattoo artist, 8 years experience

Choosing a language to write a tattoo is not just a matter of aesthetics or knowledge. Each language presupposes its own character and characteristics, which must correspond to the character, image and lifestyle of the man, as well as the semantic message of the tattoo itself.

Popular quotes

Quotes are not a couple of words, but a phrase with a deep meaning, which means that such inscriptions can be an independent tattoo without additional elements and pictures. Quotes can relate to different topics - love, family, friendship, life, freedom, religion.

About love

The most popular theme for tattoos is love; most often today men get the following tattoos with the inscriptions:

in love and war, all methods are fair- in love and war, all methods are good;

everyone is attracted by their passion- each carries his passion;

I will never forget you— you never won’t forget;

while I breathe, I love and believe- as long as I breathe, love and trust;

one love, one destiny- one love, one destiny.

About friendship

Friendship is an equally relevant topic, especially among young guys, since in a friend you can find support and support in difficult times. This means that tattoos with inscriptions about friendship have been and will be relevant, for example:

a friend is a person who gives you the strength to be yourself- a friend is a person who gives you the power to be yourself;

man is friend to man- man man friend;

friendship is the salt of life— friendship the salt of life;

It is also permissible to learn from the enemy- study and allowed the enemy;

the longer you live, the fewer friends you have, but the higher their value- the longer you live, the less friends, but above their value.

About life

You can also philosophize about life with beautiful and mysterious quotes in the format of a tattoo on the body. Today, men most often prefer the following inscriptions about life and being:

who once taught people to fly moved all the boundary stones— who once taught people to fly, he shifted all border stones;

everyone has their own path- everyone has one’s own path;

remember who you are- remember who you are;

my life my rules- my life - my rules.

About freedom

What gives a man a special charm is his love of freedom, independence and independence. This means that tattoos about freedom in the form of quotes will always be relevant. Today there are several interesting ideas in the top:

man is destined to be free- the man is fated to be free;

freedom is not where there are no walls, but where you don’t feel them— freedom is not where there are no walls, and where they do not feel;

the most important freedom is to be yourself- most home freedom - be yourself;

believe in your dream, believe in freedom- believe in your dream, believe in freedom;

life without freedom is nothing— life without liberty is nothing.

About family

Family is the most important thing that every adult strives for. You can show your devotion to the family and love for its members with the help of a beautiful inscription on the body, for example:

family starts with children— family begins with children;

family is always in my heart- family are always in my heart;

my family is my state- my family-my State;

The best marriage is a marriage between a blind wife and a deaf husband— the best marriage-marriage between blind wife and a deaf husband;

getting married means decreasing freedom and increasing responsibility— to marry means to reduce freedom and increase liability.

About religion and faith

Religious views and faith in God are what help us survive difficulties and believe in a bright future. Most often, men write the following quotes about God:

with God in the heart- with God in heart;

only God can Judge Me- only God is my judge;

man proposes, but God disposes— Man proposes, but God disposes;

in sight of God- in the mind of God.

Original phrases

The text of a man’s tattoo inscription can be either a quote or an original phrase, a motivator or a manifestation of his character. Short inscriptions and phrases that are easy to perceive and understand will look interesting and mysterious. For example:

randomness is not accidental- Accidents are not accidental;

legio nomen mihi est (lat.)- my name is Legion;

free your mind- free your mind;

veni, vidi, vici (lat.)- came, saw, conquered;

after the clouds-the Sun- after the clouds - the sun.

Important! When choosing the language for the inscription and the text itself, decide on the purpose. Either you are trying to tell someone around you something about yourself, or the inscription suggests a purely personal and non-trivial message.

Where on the arm do men most often get tattoos with inscriptions?

The location of a tattoo is an important choice, which can affect its sacred meaning and influence. It is no secret that any body design involves an impact on fate and karma. This means that carefully select the place on the body and the inscription, taking into account their meaning and meaning.


The most spacious area on the body where a man can write an inscription or a whole quote is the forearm. If a man is by nature a confident and focused person, the so-called “salt of the earth”, a workaholic and a researcher by nature, then a tattoo with an inscription on the forearm will be in harmony with his inner world.

Wrist tattoo

The wrist on the hand is known to be a vulnerable part of the body, since it is possible to listen to the heartbeat here. This means that the wrist is an area where a tattoo with an inscription and other elements can “echo” the soul, suggesting a strong sacred and sensual meaning.

Tattoos on the palm, hand and fingers

Much more often, tattoos in the form of inscriptions are applied to secluded places on men’s hands - fingers, palms and hands. It is known that it is with his hands that a man can influence the world and his environment. This means that motivating quotes and phrases that give strength and self-confidence, creative inclinations are put here.

Are there any recommendations for applying tattoos with inscriptions on the arm?

Before you head to a tattoo parlor to get a lettering tattoo, it's important to think through all the details. Namely:

  • decide on the theme of the inscription, taking into account life priorities and what is most important to you;
  • choose a language that will be in harmony with the meaning and message of the inscription;
  • select the font and method of displaying the text;
  • take a photo with the finished sketch, it should be unique and not someone else’s idea;
  • learn about the rules of preparation for a tattoo and care after the procedure;
  • select an area on the body where the artist will transfer the sketch;
  • find a reliable salon and an experienced specialist;
  • find out about the cost of the work in advance.

Think about the purposes for which you need a tattoo. Assess your pain threshold and level of tolerance, using this criterion when choosing the length and scale of the inscription.

Are there any tattoos on your body that you would like to remove?


How to choose a tattoo design for a place on your arm?

To make the tattoo look aesthetically pleasing and clear, rely on the principle of proportionality when choosing a place for the inscription. For example:

  • long quotes - so that the text fits in and is not compressed, choose mainly the forearm area;
  • short inscriptions of a few words - for such sketches, hands, palms and wrists are selected;
  • one word - it can be a name, date, etc.; fingers are suitable for a small inscription.

The fact how important it will be for you to hide the tattoo in a work or official setting can help you choose a place on your body for a tattoo.

Where is the best place to get a tattoo?

To get quality work, you will need to go to a tattoo parlor that has a license and permission to provide such services. Lettering is the simplest sketch for a tattoo, which means that even a young specialist can handle the job. But this does not mean that you can turn to self-taught people and craftsmen at home, since they do not provide any guarantees other than the risks of injury and infection.


An inscription is the fastest and easiest tattoo, which rarely acts as an independent sketch, but is often complemented by an existing body design. The text can be made in different styles and in different languages ​​of the world. The most mysterious and mysterious are Arabic and Latin. Spanish, Italian, and French sound beautiful and melodious. German is the choice of real men, and English is considered the traditional and most understandable language.

There has long been a stereotype that a tattoo can be made in black or in color, but it must certainly be dark, contrastingly standing out against the general background of skin color. But if you want to look fashionable and, at the same time, elegant, the option of applying a tattoo with white ink is right for you.

Such tattoos have become the most popular recently, as they look exceptional and extraordinary. White tattoos as a fashion trend have spread throughout the world and have gained immense popularity, but they are most loved in the United States of America.

White tattoos are especially suitable for those who do not want to attract excessive attention to themselves, as well as to the patterns on their body. They are done by both the stronger sex and women, but to a greater extent white tattoos are applied by girls.

If you decide to get a tattoo, it is worth remembering that the applied image will remain on your body for more than one year. Therefore, you first need to think through everything, and only then make a decision about the location, style and color of the future tattoo.

The type of tattoo application with white paint is practically no different from the application of a standard tattoo. The only differences are in the pigment used and the depth of its introduction under the skin. White pigment has its own characteristics; compared to colored paint, it is thicker and consists of larger particles. In addition, the ink is injected to a greater depth under the skin and you will need to go over the same place in the pattern several times in order for the white pigment to penetrate completely into the skin, since white ink is absorbed faster than black or colored ink.

In all other respects, the application technique is usual, that is, the artist can use a stencil to apply a tattoo or print the design by hand. Also, when applying a white tattoo, throughout the entire process, you need to ensure that no impurities get into the paint, for example, from the carbon paper used by the master. Otherwise, the color of the tattoo will become uneven.

Caring for a white tattoo is similar to caring for a regular one. In the first few weeks, do not expose it to water or sunlight. In the future, when visiting, for example, the beach or spending a long time in the open sun, it is necessary to protect the tattoo with sunscreen. Also, you should not use chemical peeling on the tattoo site, as strong chemicals can destroy it.

Like any tattoo, white tattoos may require correction over time due to gradual fading or blurred outlines. But tattoos painted with white paint need correction more often than colored ones. The frequency of correction depends on the quality of the injected pigment, the speed at which the epidermis is renewed, as well as on genetic factors, medications taken, and even on the frequency of visits to the solarium.

You should remember that you should not apply white tattoos to exposed skin, because due to constant exposure to external factors, white ink is destroyed faster and you will have to use the services of a tattoo artist more often to correct your tattoo.

White tattoos: pros and cons

White tattoos have their own specifics, and they have both their undeniable advantages and some disadvantages. The undoubted advantage of tattoos applied with white ink is their invisibility. Such a tattoo will always look elegant, since its discreet color will not be as persistently striking as a drawing made in black or a color tattoo. But, of course, it will not remain completely unnoticed, and an attentive interlocutor will be able to see and appreciate its superiority.

White tattoos are a bit reminiscent of another type of body decoration, namely scarring. But compared to scars, with a tattoo there is no scarring and the surface of the skin remains smooth. Therefore, if you do not dare to scar, but want to get approximately the same result, applying a tattoo with white paint will undoubtedly suit you.

The main disadvantage of a white tattoo is its fragility, despite the fact that they are applied according to the same principle as colored ones, but they cannot be called lifelong. Such tattoos lose their original contour and color much faster. This happens due to the fact that the white ink used for application is translucent, the white color does not completely fill the space and over time the tattoo becomes beige in color, since the natural shade of the skin is visible from under it.

Because of this peculiarity of white tattoos, you should discuss in advance with the artist the need to update the color and the original outline of the pattern. And don’t think that after visiting the beach or solarium, your white tattoo will stand out better on your tanned body, because it will darken along with the skin.

Also, the disadvantages of white tattoos include the fact that the healing process takes longer than with a standard tattoo, because the paint has to be injected to a greater depth.

In addition to all this, it is also possible that there is an intolerance to the components that make up the white pigment, and such cases are not uncommon. As a result, the skin swells, the tattoo becomes prominent and then scars may form in its place.

And, of course, applying a white tattoo is more expensive than a regular or colored one, since the artist has to use several times more paint to obtain the desired result.

Current theme of white tattoos

Whatever the advantages or even disadvantages of white tattoos, one cannot deny the indisputable fact that with a successful selection of designs, a tattoo made with white paint will look very original. But when choosing an image for a future tattoo, you should take into account that not every pattern will suit. Using only white pigment it will not be possible to depict, for example, realistic images similar to photos; you should also abandon pictures with gradients and many other things that can be done in a traditional tattoo.

In the case of a white tattoo, patterns that have clearly visible contours will look best. This will prevent the tattoo from blending into the general background of the skin. They also look excellent and very elegant when done in white ink. In order for them to be readable for a long period of time, it is necessary to individually select the desired font and line thickness.

Often girls choose small geometric patterns, small stars and other two-dimensional designs for images. But the most popular among the fair half of humanity are white tattoos applied in the form of lace patterns and various floral patterns.

For men, images in tattoos filled with white ink most often echo the blackwork style, which involves painting certain areas of the body with black paint. But in the case of whites, naturally, only white pigment is used. Also, with the help of white tattoos, you can perform the so-called inversion, that is, a white pattern is applied in the place where a traditional black tattoo would have empty areas.

Many tattoo artists are not very fond of using exclusively white color in their designs, because they believe that white is a companion color, and it is more suitable for creating contrast, conveying the play of light and shadow, as well as for mixing. If you still want to apply a white design, the masters advise you to be sure to choose a contrasting background for it, which will allow the tattoo to stand out from the general background.

By combining white ink with ink of other colors, you can achieve the effect of a three-dimensional design, which is impossible to achieve in monochrome white tattoos.

How to choose a place for a white tattoo

The best places to apply a tattoo are places where it can be hidden if necessary. Due to the fact that white tattoos are less noticeable than regular colored ones, they are also performed on open areas of the body, and the most daring tattoo lovers get them even on the face. But most still prefer less extreme places.

A fairly popular place for applying a pattern is the neck, but not everyone decides to do this, since printing a pattern in this particular place is a rather painful process.

White ink tattoo on leg for men

On the way to deciding to get a tattoo, we are faced with many questions regarding style, size, location, meaning, and so on. Most people don't think about the color of their tattoo; in most cases it's simply not necessary.

If the motif for the image is something from real life, for example, an animal or a flower, we transfer such an image to the skin, preserving the natural colors. Some people choose a black and white version of the picture. In this case, the tattoo is done only with black paint, or many shades of gray are used. But few people thought about white tattoos!

It is difficult to say how and when white tattoos first appeared. It can be assumed that in Russia they began to paint with white pigment back in the 90s. Since then, the skill of tattoo artists and the quality of materials have increased significantly, and white tattoos are increasingly being seen by fans of artistic tattooing.

Popular rumors about white ink tattoos

As you already understood, white tattoos applied with a special pigment(dye). On the Internet you can find several popular myths and legends regarding such tattoos:

  1. Single-color tattoos are less noticeable and do not attract attention.
  2. Of course, this is not entirely true. A white tattoo will be more difficult to distinguish at first glance, but it will definitely not remain completely invisible. Externally, white tattoos look a little like the result of scarring - another type of body decoration. But, unlike scars, in the case of a tattoo there are no scars left on the skin, and the surface remains smooth and even.

  3. White tattoos quickly lose their shape and color
  4. In the nineties, there were definitely cases when white tattoos faded, the color turned out dirty, and over time it was necessary to resort to correction and alteration. As with ultraviolet tattoos, it all comes down to pigment quality. Nowadays, this problem remains far behind us. Although once again we urge you to carefully choose the master and salon to whom you entrust your body!

The main feature of a white tattoo is that this shade is lighter than the natural color of the skin. That is why, under the influence of external factors, the color of the paint may appear slightly darker.

It is extremely important that no unnecessary substances get into the paint during the procedure. Any impurity, for example, particles of the translator on which the master works, can slightly blur the overall color.

In any case, before deciding to get a white tattoo, consult with the artist. He will tell you how such an image will look on your body, and whether there is cause for concern.

What can be depicted in white?

Anything. Most often you see stars, crosses, but sometimes you see a rather voluminous complex picture. Tattoos with white ink for girls are mainly variations of mehendi. To be more original, girls choose white pigment instead of temporary henna.

In general, by the nature of the images, tattoos with white paint often intersect with geometric images with black paint, as you can see by looking at the photo!

Read also

Photos of white tattoos

I don’t want to upset you, but white tattoos don’t suit everyone well. Many tattoo artists refuse to tattoo with white ink, and even if you are convinced that the scar effect looks cool, the tattoo may not last very long. And that's why:

1.White ink doesn't look any more serious.

Imagine the tattoo in the photo above, but in black ink. Black ink is much more suitable for this type of writing. Black is more solid than white. In white, the inscription “stronger” is somehow not convincing. In addition to everything, white can absorb the purple pigment from the carbon copy, which is what actually happened in this case. And if this happened to you, then you certainly need to be really strong to recognize that this creativity will remain with you for the rest of your life.

2.White ink is not intended for outline.

White ink is created and used to draw highlights and shadows. Using white ink for an outline is a rather risky step because the lack of transparency of white makes it difficult to quickly see the drawing. In the example above, the tattoo was photographed in close-up, but we are not able to quickly understand what it is. What happens if you look at it from afar? Do you think it will look like a cool scar?... I'm not sure

3.White tattoos sometimes look like you have skin problems.

Always consider the design of the tattoo. Visualize what the tattoo will ultimately look like. Will they look as intended... or more like a constellation of pimples?

4.Sometimes white ink turns yellow.

Or they turn green. Or any other color is absorbed by white (if the tattoo artist or client is careless). In the picture above, the tattoo not only turned green, but, unfortunately, completely dissolved. The tattoo was gone and all that was left was a strange stain. One tattoo artist correctly noted that White is a translucent pigment. It is not completely opaque. This means that if an unhealed white tattoo accidentally comes into contact with green or black, it will change color. Simply because dark colors are stronger than white. Not only that, but white ink turns yellow when the skin is constantly exposed to sunlight. Or simply because the client does not have very healthy skin and the tattoo does not heal well. There may be many factors.

5.White tattoos are inexpressive.

For the reason that the white pigment is not opaque, as we have already written. Unlike black, which is an opaque pigment, white does not fill space. A white tattoo is often inexpressive. Perhaps white is appropriate for a small tattoo, but getting a big one? Hardly. We advise you to think seriously and weigh everything before deciding on a white tattoo. You don’t have a lot of skin, and you can’t do a lot of covers. Think about it.

It is known that fashion does not stand still. For several years now, there has been a widespread fashion among tattoo lovers for white tattoos as an alternative to traditional, black and colored ones. Wanting to add something new to their image, look original and like themselves, fashionistas all over the world are ready to endure pain and a number of other inconveniences. So why are more and more young women choosing white tattoos and what are their features? Let's look at it step by step in this article.

White tattoos: what is their feature?

White tattoos emerged as a less painful alternative to the art of applying patterns to the skin using a scalpel. Despite the impressiveness of curly scars, not everyone is able to decide on such an unpleasant procedure. White paint driven under the skin from a distance resembles scarring, but the tattoo will not turn into scars and its color will not be unexpected.

  • Such decorations are practically invisible from afar, so white tattoos for girls are ideal for those who dream of decorating their body, but cannot afford a black or colored tattoo for a number of reasons - strict dress code, working with small children or elderly people, fear of being rejected by others etc.
  • If the tattoo is small in size, its fine lines are noticeable only upon closer inspection, which many find sophisticated and attractive.
  • White tattoos look best on tanned or dark skin, although in some cases they are also suitable for girls with fair skin. They are usually done on those parts of the body that are covered by clothing and are infrequently exposed to sunlight and the external environment - on the neck, back, chest, wrist. For this reason, white tattoos on the arm, ankle, and shoulders are not advisable.

The technique of applying a white tattoo is practically no different from the traditional one: a tattoo scheme is selected, the design is made using a stencil or by hand, after which the artist injects paint under the skin. However, a white tattoo is done in stages - since white ink is less absorbed by the skin than black or colored ink, several passes over the same area may be required.

Theme of white tattoos

What images will look good in white?

  • The best option is clear contours that prevent the tattoo from blending into the skin color.
  • Outline tattoos, small drawings, patterns, inscriptions, and symbols will look good. White tattoos are also suitable for geometric designs such as mandala and lace.
  • Since a tattoo will always decorate the skin, sketches of white tattoos should be chosen with all responsibility. You should only trust such a procedure to an experienced artist who has proven himself, otherwise all the flaws will be noticeable. If you are in doubt about choosing a picture, an experienced master will show you his various sketches of white tattoos.

What to pay attention to

When planning to get a white tattoo, you need to consider some points:

  • White ink is not as durable as black ink, so over time it fades and the tattoo becomes yellowish-beige and looks like a scar.
  • Individual intolerance to such ink is possible; as a result, inflammation, bleeding or a scar may appear at the site of the tattoo.
  • White paint is harder to accept by the skin than black and colored paint, so you have to inject the paint several times, which makes the procedure more protracted and painful.
  • White ink can look bland on very fair skin.
  • The complexity of execution and unpredictability of the result is the main reason that not every master will offer such a service. Therefore, it can be very difficult to find a salon and a master who makes white tattoos.

White tattoo care

You need to take care of a white tattoo yourself at home. Usually the instructions are given by the master, but there are key rules that will allow you to enjoy a beautiful, bright design for a long time:

  • Caring for a white tattoo after the procedure is carried out in the same way as in the case of a regular tattoo; an antiseptic must be used;
  • Before a tattoo session, you should not drink alcohol, take antibiotics and a number of other medications, or ointments based on them.
  • The white pigment fades quickly, so the tattoo must be protected from the sun, severe frosts, drying out, irritation, and use the sauna and solarium with caution.
  • A tattoo with white paint is washed out under the influence of strong chemicals, so in order for it to remain contrasting and detailed, you should not expose it to household chemicals or do chemical peeling. During cosmetic procedures that use oxidizing agents or lasers, the tattoo must be reliably protected from their effects.
  • White tattoos require regular correction - the frequency of updating the design depends not only on the quality of the paint and application, but also on the personal characteristics of the skin, on how quickly the epidermis is renewed.

White tattoo cost

Typically, a white tattoo costs slightly more than a similar colored or black one. The price increases due to an increase in the labor intensity of the work, as well as material consumption: light ink is needed 2-3 times more than black or color. The cost of the simplest tattoo will start from 1,500 rubles.

Summary about white tattoo

White tattoos have both ardent supporters and opponents. The former consider white tattoos to be an unusual and creative decoration for the skin, while the latter either advocate traditional black and colored tattoos, or note their fragility and a very long painful procedure.

Despite the ambiguity of opinions, a white tattoo is a desirable decoration for many young girls. However, it is worth remembering that a white tattoo is an adornment for life, so if you decide to get one, it is important not only to choose an interesting design, but also to find an experienced artist who will competently carry out the procedure, after which there will be no unpleasant consequences. Look for real reviews and photos of white paint tattoos made by a master. And, of course, such decoration requires something special.

Video: Creating a white tattoo on the dark skin of an African American

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