How can I take the first step. How to take the first step

Take the first step TAKE THE FIRST STEP. 1. Start something, start doing something. - He had to, like a weightlifter on the platform, get nervous, get excited, feel that it was too late to retreat, and only then hesitantly take the first step(V. Eremenko. Taming of permafrost). 2. Book Take the initiative, get closer, make contact with someone (trying to overcome a conflict, quarrel, disagreement, etc.). Knowing his character, I took the first step and went to him(Herzen. Past and thoughts).

Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008.

See what “Take the first step” is in other dictionaries:

    Take/take the first step- Razg. 1. Start doing something, start doing something. 2. Show initiative, get closer, make contact with someone. F 2, 147 148 ...

    first step- (make) foreign language: take initiative (for example, to reconcile) Wed. It's all her business, not mine, I say. I won't take the first step. Disperse, so disperse. I boldly said that I would not take the first step, but when... I saw the children, pitiful and frightened, I already... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

    STEP- Sparrow step. Perm. What's l. about? short in time. Podyukov 1989, 232. Take/take the first step. Razg. 1. Start doing something, start doing something. 2. Show initiative, get closer, make contact with someone. F 2, 147 148.… … Large dictionary of Russian sayings

    STEP- step (step) and (with quantity) step, sentence. p. about step and at (in) step, pl. steps, m. 1. Movement of the leg when walking. Take a step forward. Two steps. Big steps. Small steps. Measured steps. “When she heard his steps, she shuddered.” Turgenev. "She… … Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    First man on the moon (US postage stamp)- First Man on the Moon ... Wikipedia

    step- Performance, step, move, gait, step. The step is vigorous, free, restrained, quiet, forced, snail-like. To make pa.. Wed. . See gait, action, gait with a brisk step, a lazy step, a deft step, a false step, the first step, add a step, take a step... Synonym dictionary

    step- a (y) (with numbers 2, 3, 4: steps), preposition. in step and in step, plural. steps, m. 1. One movement of the leg forward, backward or to the side, as well as movement of one leg forward when walking or running. He [Lemm] walked heavily, throwing his clumsy body over at every step... Small academic dictionary

    step- A few (or two, three) steps away, very close, very close. He lives two steps away from us. At every step incessantly, every now and then; everywhere, everywhere. Here, at every step, in the face of nature, his soul opened up peacefully... ... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language

    do- oh, oh; St. (nsv. do). 1. what. Produce, produce, prepare something. C. car on time. S. floor, roof in a day. C. repair. S. drawing. C. photograph, snapshot. S. hairstyle, manicure. S. dumplings, scrambled eggs, salad. S. tea, coffee, compote. // Unwind... encyclopedic Dictionary

    do- oh, oh; St. (NSV. de/lat) 1) a) what Produce, manufacture, prepare something. Make the car on time. Make a floor and a roof in a day. Make repairs. Make a drawing. SD... Dictionary of many expressions


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How to take the first step? Why are we afraid to act?
L.A. Seneca once said: “ Take the first step and you will understand that not everything is so scary.”. And this is absolutely true, because the first steps are difficult because they are outside our comfort zone, and the consequences of our actions can be unpredictable.

When we want changes in any area of ​​our lives, be it career, finances, health or family, we often face the same problem - we need to act. Everyone knows that it is difficult and unusual only at first, but it is at the stage of action that many people stop. We can plan for a long time, think about it, delay the preparatory stage and play it safe, but as soon as we need to move directly to action, we feel that we are “stuck.” The reasons can be very different. Some people lack enthusiasm, others lack ambition, faith in their strengths and abilities. Many people are afraid of failure and are afraid of the consequences of their own actions. Some people are unable to overcome laziness, although laziness is nothing more than a lack of sufficient motivation or the body’s basic need for rest. Each of these reasons, or their combination, has a decisive influence on our further actions, and often our lives.

It is important to remember that everything unknown is always regarded by us as complex, incomprehensible and sometimes dangerous. Therefore, day after day we postpone the implementation of our plans. Fears rooted in our past or imposed by others only add fuel to the fire. As a result, we procrastinate, coming up with various excuses for our inaction, and time passes and nothing in our life changes. This is a familiar situation, isn't it?

In fact, one of the main reasons that we hesitate to take the first step is because lack of sufficient motivation . As a rule, we do not realize the importance and benefits of the upcoming activity; we cannot connect the need for simple daily actions and our ultimate goal. What I mean? Let's look at one example. You have set a goal to learn English because you want to communicate freely with people during your travels, or knowing the language will help you climb up the career ladder. You know what you want, you have decided how you can achieve your goal, and now comes the turn of concrete actions. And what? Often, it all ends with you opening a grammar textbook or some site dedicated to learning English a couple of times, and then your activity will come to a standstill. Why? You yourself know the answer: it became boring... Only particularly persistent and purposeful people will continue to move towards their goal; they are unlikely to be stopped by the routine of the language learning process, since they will find a way to make it more exciting and interesting.

However, this article was not written for this category of people. It was created with the goal of helping the vast majority of those who have life goals and a desire to do something important in their lives, but who find it difficult and often downright scary to take the first step towards their dream. What to do, you ask? First of all, determine how important a specific goal is to you. Let's return to the example about learning English, this will make it easier to understand the algorithm of necessary actions. Ask yourself, do you really want to know the language? What are the advantages for you personally in speaking a foreign language? Are these benefits important enough to you to spend at least 30 minutes a day studying? How will achieving this goal change your life, and will it change it? The answers to these questions will help you understand how motivated you are to achieve your goal.

The next reason for your inaction is the so-called "laziness". Laziness is a state when you either do not have enough motivation to perform an activity, or you are tired and your body needs rest, so it can be difficult to concentrate and engage in this very activity. It is obvious that we much prefer to do something that brings joy and pleasure. For example, spending time with friends, watching TV, playing computer games, spending time on various entertainments. After all, such activity does not require additional effort; it is easy and comfortable for you. Remember, the process of achieving a goal always involves leaving the “comfort zone and familiar environment”, because this is the only way we learn something new and develop as a person.

Another equally important reason for postponing decisive action is fear. Fear of failure, fear of uncertainty and the unknown, fear of criticism, fear that life will change with every new step, and so on. Let's say you want to create your own business. We decided on the concept, wrote a business plan, and? What's stopping you? Of course fear. Fear of losing invested funds, wasting time and effort, criticism and negative forecasts from loved ones, fear of failure, fear that if suddenly everything works out for you, your life will no longer belong to you fully, as it is now. You may probably feel discomfort at the thought that you will have to work a lot, sometimes without days off, especially at the startup stage, that your life will be subject to a schedule, and so on.

What to do? Now think about all these reasons for inaction, what impact they have on you, which of the listed fears are relevant specifically for you. In order to take the first step towards your goal, you need not only to be highly motivated, but also to be aware of the possible consequences of your actions, accept the most unfortunate outcome in advance and determine what you will do in this case. It also helps to draw yourself a diagram of the step-by-step actions you will take to achieve your goal. For example,

Set up "random" meetings. Think about what he likes (and doesn't) and where he spends his time. Try to arrange a meeting that seems like a coincidence. But don't go too far! Show interest in his hobbies, and perhaps he will notice.

  • For example, if you know he likes rock climbing, go to your local climbing gym at the same time he's supposed to be there. You can even tell him that this is your first time here, and then see if he can help you get comfortable. This will give you the opportunity to flirt and provoke casual physical contact.
  • Find out when he is going to study in the library and in what subject, and then, as if by chance, appear there at the same time with similar material.

Get close to his friends. Having mutual friends and being in his social circle will make you more likely to spend time with each other. His friends will be the best reflection of your positive qualities. He may already know you, but let your friends convince him of your excellence and common interests.

Start a conversation with him. Perhaps he does not start a conversation because he is shy or because he had unpleasant experiences with girls. Whenever you are near him, make sure that all his attention is focused on you and on what unites you. Try a few different approaches to break the ice.

  • "Can you show me how to do that card trick you showed at the party?"
  • "I'm thinking about going to the mall to get something to eat. Care to show me where the best food is?"
  • "Listen, you're good with computers. Can you teach me a few tricks?"
  • Communicate with him more on social networks. Find him on VKontakte, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram or other social networks. Like (I like) his posts. Retweet his posts on Twitter. Show that your interests are strongly interconnected so that he sees you as more than just a friend.

  • Show compassion when he's having a bad day. Help him see you as a person who cares about him. Be a shoulder he can lean on when he needs support. Soon, he will see you as the one who constantly makes him happy, and this will lead to you spending a lot of time alone.

    • Take time to accommodate his schedule. You may have to sacrifice some of your time. By giving the person a chance to talk, you increase your chances of success in your relationship.
    • Find out if he has difficulties with this or that subject. Ask if he would like to study or do homework together.

  • Taking the first step into the unknown is not easy for many. Even if this “unknown” attracts high incomes and stellar prospects, like a career in Oriflame cosmetics. Money and prestige of working in an international company, creating your own business and the position of director of Oriflame, international conferences in different countries of the planet and a banquet of directors, career and success... All this is interesting, but how to decide and take the first step?!

    First of all, understand the main thing: Starting work at Oriflame does not require you to make a drastic change in your usual life! No need to burn bridges behind you! You can continue to work at your old place of employment and at the same time learn the secrets of Oriflame, make your first business meetings and develop your own Oriflame marketing plan. It is entirely possible to develop your business at a pace that suits you.

    Secondly, Starting a business with the Oriflame cosmetics company will not require you to accumulate initial capital. Registration with Oriflame is a step that is available to anyone, even if he does not have a bank account. The registration fee itself is small (RUB 149).

    Third, a newcomer to Oriflame will always be supported by more experienced colleagues - sponsors and the Oriflame cosmetics company itself. This is beneficial for them: the more a newcomer earns, the more stable his business is, the more such newcomers who have achieved success in their careers, the more bonuses the company pays him.

    Oriflame Cosmetics takes care of beginners: there is a huge amount of educational literature, you can purchase a discounted set of sample testers for beginners (within 21 days after registration). In addition, if the conditions for collecting a certain number of Bonus Points are met, the consultant is awarded a variety of gifts from the company.

    As you can see, there is nothing difficult about trying yourself as an Oriflame consultant! As they say, trying is not torture. Just take the first step - and the miracle ladder of success will take you to the heights of the stars!

    Its exceptional flexibility makes Oriflame suitable for any lifestyle. And it doesn’t matter whether working at Oriflame is a part-time job, full-time job or financial independence. Our company will satisfy any of your needs. Whether you work full time or part time, work for yourself, work from home, student, retiree or stay at home with children, you will be able to set your own working hours, because you are your own boss! You control the size of your monthly salary - it is your choice how much you want to earn. It all depends on how much effort you are willing to put in. You can enjoy great cosmetics and meet new people at the same time. You will be able to travel the world, participate in amazing holidays and receive recognition and rewards for your achievements.

    You also have the opportunity for personal and professional growth by attending trainings and seminars, most of which are absolutely free! You will constantly learn something new about cosmetics and fashion trends without any financial risk.

    So, what specific actions should a beginner take?

    1. Fill out the form and sign the contract (draw up an agreement), register with Oriflame. You can even fill out the form online. You can do this here: (click “Do you want to become an Oriflame consultant?”) Make sure that the last column (sponsor number) is 583301, if this number is not filled in automatically, fill it in manually: 583301. If you have already done this, then I congratulate you, if not, write to me in a personal message, I will help you do it.

    2. “Attaching” to a sponsor is a prerequisite for a successful and rapid rise in your business. Only together with this person will you take all your first steps. Write down his phone number. From today, this is the number you will start your working day with. In the same way, the last call in the evening is a call to your sponsor, who will warn you against mistakes at the initial stage; he is the main source of your knowledge and the main adviser.

    3. Let your sponsor take you to the Company warehouse, where you can purchase a “Starter Kit” - usually a colorfully designed folder with all the necessary materials about the Company, products, etc., and make your first purchase of the product.

    4. When you return home, you will carefully read the “Starter Kit”, write down any questions you have and start using your company’s products, and this will become a daily ritual for you. It is your own result on the product that will be your main tool in business. Then you call the sponsor and make an appointment for the next day.

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