For a man, it is better to have a child a little later than earlier. Reproductive age Men's childbearing age

Everything has its time. A special, not so long period of time is allocated in our lives for the birth of children. A woman’s reproductive age is a special period when she is able to conceive, bear and give birth to healthy children. In each country, the boundaries of this age are set differently, and in each individual case they fluctuate and depend on many factors.

Reproductive ability is directly related to the menstrual cycle. Since a woman’s fertile age is the period when she is able to conceive and bear a child, it is limited to the first and last maturation of the egg. On average, this period lasts from 14-15 years to 44-50 years. However, the timing is influenced by many factors - from heredity to conditions and lifestyle.

The fertile age begins with the maturation of the first egg in the girl’s body. Today, the timing of this process has shifted, and puberty often occurs by the age of 11-12 years. And although in fact a girl at this age is capable of conceiving a child, it will not be easy for her growing body to bear it.

The end of reproductive age coincides with the cessation of the menstrual cycle. As soon as the last egg in a woman’s body matures and is released, she loses the ability to conceive a child, which means her reproductive age passes. This is due to the fact that, unlike the male body, which constantly produces new sperm, the female body receives the entire supply of eggs during intrauterine development, and then gradually uses it up without creating new ones.

But for men, the reproductive age is much longer - it begins at 13-14 and ends at 60-70 years. Although doctors do not advise becoming fathers so late: the quality of male semen decreases over the years.

In general, the age at which women give birth to children is steadily increasing all over the world, including in Russia.

How to increase your childbearing age

The female hormonal system, which is responsible for the functioning of the genital organs, is very sensitive to the slightest external influence. Therefore, a woman’s childbearing age – its duration, start and end dates – is influenced by many factors:

  • the presence or absence of stress, overwork;
  • passive lifestyle;
  • healthy or unhealthy diet, nutritional sufficiency;
  • playing sports;
  • presence or absence of excess weight;
  • bad habits (alcohol, smoking, drugs);
  • chronic diseases, the presence of gynecological diseases, previous abdominal surgeries;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • heredity;
  • region of residence;
  • race and nationality.

It has long been noticed that residents of southern countries enter fertile age earlier, but also leave it earlier than their northern sisters. In many Asian countries, it is considered normal to get married at 16. At the same time, a 45-year-old woman there looks much older than her European counterpart. They also give birth there earlier.

In the USA, it is considered normal to give birth to your first child not at 20-25, as in Russia, but at 30-40 years old. At the same time, thanks to hormone replacement therapy, the manifestations of menopause are pushed back to age 55+.

And if it is not possible to influence the factor of heredity and nationality, then it is quite possible to eliminate all habits that are harmful to health in order to prolong it. After all, they significantly influence the age at which a woman can become pregnant. By eliminating bad habits, improving your diet and starting to exercise, you can prolong the youth of your body and its ability to conceive.

When can you give birth?

In medical practice, it is customary to divide reproductive age into two periods:

  1. early – from the first menstruation to 35 years;
  2. late – from 35 years to menopause.

Early reproductive period

The early period can also be conditionally divided into two segments - from the first menstruation to 19-20 years and from 20 to 35 years. Despite the fact that physiologically the body at 12-15 years of age (after the first menstruation) is ready for conception, it will be very difficult for a young mother to bear and give birth to a healthy baby. Her body itself is still growing and developing; many systems are not ready for the stress that pregnancy causes. First of all, it is dangerous for the mother herself, as it is often accompanied by complications:

  • rapid labor;
  • weak contractions;
  • ruptures and bleeding;
  • discrepancy between the size of the fetal head and the mother’s birth canal;
  • premature birth.

In addition, there is no need to talk about the psychological readiness of a young girl for such responsibility as motherhood, when she herself is still just a child.

Therefore, most doctors agree that the best age for having a first child is the period from 19-20 to 35 years. At this time, the woman’s body is fully formed and ready for stress:

  • the hormonal system works optimally and without disturbances;
  • the muscles of the uterus and pelvis are elastic and easily stretchable;
  • bone joints are mobile;
  • chronic diseases have not yet accumulated;

Pregnancy at this age is usually desired and planned. Future parents have already formed as individuals, have reached a certain standard of living and are ready for the birth of a baby. At this age, it is much easier for a woman to recover from childbirth and it is easier to establish breastfeeding.

Late reproductive period

After 35 years, late reproductive age begins. At this time, the woman’s body begins to prepare for the onset of menopause - more often ovulation does not occur in cycles, and hormonal disruptions are possible. Very often, the receptivity of the uterus decreases, which is why the fertilized egg cannot implant in it. not easy. Chronic diseases, which most mature women have, interfere with conception.

Late pregnancy can also be accompanied by a number of complications that are dangerous for both the baby and the mother:

  • hypoxia;
  • spontaneous termination of pregnancy (miscarriage);
  • premature or late birth;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • premature rupture of amniotic fluid or placental abruption;
  • abnormalities in fetal development;
  • weak labor activity.

However, late pregnancy also has its advantages - after it, the risk of genital cancer decreases and even life expectancy increases. Psychologists are sure that there are even more advantages - at this time the woman has already reached certain heights in her career, built a family, and accumulated life experience. In addition, in their opinion, it is at this age that the maternal instinct fully awakens.

Psychologist's opinion

If you want to have a child in the near future, then not only your own, but also the question of male fertility, should worry you now. After all, the biological clock is ticking for both of you, and as you age, there are fewer and fewer opportunities to get pregnant...

The biggest misconception of many women is that they think that nothing changes with a man’s age. By the way, this misconception is common to most men. But, unfortunately, this is not true. Male fertility, like female fertility, declines with age.

According to a UK study, among 2,000 women aged 25-40 who attended a fertility centre, those whose husbands were over 40-45 years old took five times longer to become pregnant than those whose partners were older. aged from 25 to 40 years. This means that the man’s age is a decisive factor, and it does not even always depend on the woman’s age.

How does fertility differ between men and women?

These two concepts are completely different. A woman's egg count is established before she is born, declines sharply as she ages (even before she gives birth), and by the time she reaches menopause, most of her eggs have died. In addition, as a woman gets older, not only does the number of eggs decrease, but the likelihood of developing abnormal eggs also increases.

Now for a man, he produces sperm throughout his life. With age, it gradually decreases, but his sperm does not lose its concentration. Therefore, we can say that there is no special age limit for a man to become a father, which is why nowadays it is not uncommon to see older men with small children. But for women, age plays a huge role in your ability to get pregnant!

The older a woman is, the less her body produces the female hormone estrogen, which not only leads to a decrease in fertility, but also increases the risk that her child will have genetic abnormalities.

The older a man gets, the less he has of the male hormone testosterone. As with decreased estrogen, low testosterone levels reduce a man's fertility and increase the likelihood of fathering a child with genetic problems.

So, the fact that a man’s ability to produce sperm does not depend on age does not mean that its quality does not depend on age! The older a man is, the worse the ejaculate volume is, the worse the sperm motility is, and this clearly does not contribute to conception! In men between 30 and 50 years of age, on average, ejaculate volume decreases by 30%, sperm velocity (motility) decreases by 37%, and sperm becomes 5 times more likely to be deformed. Most often, it is the shape of the sperm that is deformed, which is responsible for the transfer of genetic information. And the more deformed sperm, the higher the likelihood of conceiving a child with genetic abnormalities!

Relationship between genetic abnormalities and a man's age

Some genetic abnormalities in children, such as dwarfism, have long been associated with the age of their fathers, but such problems are relatively rare. In recent years, clinical studies have shown a link between paternal age and more common genetic disorders such as schizophrenia and Down syndrome. In general, the risk is highest when both parents are over 35 years of age.

The paternal age risk factor is generally not a problem for women under 35 years of age. This is because the ovaries of young women have a built-in mechanism that either repairs damaged sperm DNA or rejects the defective embryo, causing the woman to miscarry. But such a “safety net” begins to collapse after a woman reaches her 35th birthday.

Can older men be sperm donors?

Because the sperm of older men often has genetic abnormalities, some European countries have banned men from being sperm donors after they reach a certain age. But in our country, as long as a man’s sperm meets all the requirements regarding the volume, quality, quantity and motility of sperm, he has the right to be.

However, there are very few men whose sperm after 40 years of age satisfies all these criteria. And in order to become a donor, you need to go through a lot of research and regulations. For example, if you have had a piercing or a tattoo, you will automatically be disqualified because... There is a risk that you have been exposed to hepatitis B or C viruses.

Ultimately, only about 5% of men who apply to become a sperm donor successfully go through all the procedures, and according to statistics, these men are between the ages of 20 and 35 years.

Does weight affect male fertility?

Yes, weight has a big impact. And the most important thing you can do to increase your fertility is to lose excess weight! Obesity has always been one of the main causes of male infertility.

In addition, a man's testosterone level depends on his weight. Fat cells (especially belly fat) destroy testosterone because visceral fat (at the waist) is converted to estrogen. In this case, estrogen displaces testosterone, so the larger a man's belly, the lower his testosterone levels.

In addition to this, men who are overweight often lead a sedentary lifestyle and have a variety of health problems. For example, if a man has a waist circumference of more than 101 cm, then he is at high risk for developing heart disease. You may not know it, but heart disease slows down the flow of blood throughout the body, which is not only bad for the heart, but also very bad for the penis.

Strive to achieve a normal, healthy weight, but don't overdo it! Men who are too thin suffer from low testosterone levels, because if the body does not receive enough nutrients, this threatens to disrupt the production of sex hormones.

What can a man do to improve his fertility?

Unlike women, a decrease in fertility in men is usually a reversible process. Losing weight and treating infections in the body can sometimes work wonders. Therefore, if you are having problems trying to get pregnant, do not put off visiting a specialist for too long. Timely examination and adequate treatment may well solve your problems.

When it comes to infertility in a couple, 40% of the problem is in the man, 40% in the woman, and another 20% is either a problem in both partners, or the cause of infertility remains unclear. But male infertility is always easier to diagnose and correct than female infertility, so it is always worth starting the examination with a man.

One of the main causes of male infertility is an infection in some part of the reproductive tract, such as the prostate. Some hidden infections may go undetected for many years, but they will silently damage or destroy sperm during this time. Other common causes of male infertility are the presence of clogged vas deferens and dilated veins in the scrotum (varicocele). All of these problems are treatable.

In conclusion, I would like to note that although it decreases with age, these changes are less dramatic than in a woman. After age 45, about 99% of women are infertile, while men remain fertile into their 60s and even later. This is explained primarily by the fact that almost 100% of women at this age have very low estrogen, and men at this age experience a decrease in testosterone in only 15% of cases.

Mature men can increasingly be seen on playgrounds with young children. It’s difficult to say whether these are fathers or grandfathers, but one way or another, the trend of having children at an older age is growing all over the world. And according to sociologists, this trend will continue to increase in the future. Does age really not affect conception and until how long can men become fathers?

Reproductive age of men: what?

If earlier they tried to give birth to children as early as possible, gradually this trend has become a thing of the past. Today people make their choice consciously and do not rush, they want to live for themselves and enjoy life. This is especially true for men - many try to maintain their bachelor status until they are 30-40 years old. But it is important not to miss your chance and still conceive a child, which is why you should find out everything about your possibilities.

Despite the fact that women lose reproductive function earlier than men, in some cases representatives of the stronger sex also become unable to conceive. With age, potency noticeably deteriorates, sperm become less active, which affects conception.

Until recently, it was widely believed that a man aged 60-70 could make a child just as easily as an 18-year-old. But in fact, practice and research results show something completely different.

Numerous studies have shown that the chances of the stronger sex becoming paternity decrease every year. In addition, this is due not only to age, but also to the lifestyle of modern people - poor nutrition, passive lifestyle, bad habits.

After 30 years, a man’s sperm begins to lose its properties - its volume decreases, the same goes for sperm motility. Therefore, conceiving a baby will be much more difficult than in youth.

After reaching the age of 30, women have an increased risk of conceiving a child with genetic abnormalities. It turns out that the father's age may also contribute to this risk and increase it even further.

What are the risks of conceiving a child for men over 35 years of age?

  • Risk of Down syndrome
  • Susceptibility to developing schizophrenia
  • Weak child immunity
  • Predisposition to genetic diseases

Modern men deny any biological clock and if problems arise during conception, they blame the woman for everything. In fact, the age of both partners matters, so if you want to have a baby, try not to put it off.

When does the amount of the hormone testosterone begin to decrease? Of course, this is individual in each case, but a general trend is still observed. It becomes less and less after a man reaches 30 years of age. How sharp the drop will be depends on genetics and lifestyle.

But if this is so, why do more and more adult men at this age begin to lead more active personal lives? It's not about the amount of testosterone, but about psychology. At this age, men want to do as much as possible, enjoy communication with girls and women, and “catch the last train.”

So, what age is considered childbearing for a man? According to research results, the ability decreases several dozen times from the age of 60 and above. But as we said, everything depends on the characteristics of the organism. After 35 years, the ability to conceive decreases by more than 50%.

When to give birth? Doctors say that this should be done no later than 35 years. But there is no need to rush too much, since men do not need children at an early age, and they do not even realize all the responsibility. If you are planning to conceive a baby soon, do not forget about preparation - proper nutrition, giving up bad habits and exercise.

The focus of modern men on a career and a single, free life can play a cruel joke on them exactly at the moment when they decide to start a family

The biological clock is ticking not only for women, but also for their partners. French scientists have refuted the popular opinion even in medical circles that the reproductive age of men is not limited in any way. They argue that sperm quality begins to deteriorate after 35 years: age-related defects reduce the likelihood of pregnancy and increase the risk of miscarriage. Of particular concern to doctors in this regard is the fact that modern men are career-oriented and strive in every possible way to delay the appearance of their first child.

Doctors have long known that a woman’s reproductive life is not long. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), it is only 34 years (from 15 to 49 years -, while many live to 80 or longer. At the same time, the most optimal period for a successful pregnancy and bearing a child lasts from 20 to 35 years. In 40-year-old women, the number of spontaneous abortions doubles compared to 20-year-old women, reaching 40%. In addition, the risk of having a handicapped child, for example, with Down syndrome, increases significantly. It is known that in women giving birth under 30 years of age, approximately one such case occurs per thousand births; by the age of 35, this figure increases to 1 case in 400, by 40 - to 1 in 105.

It is not surprising that gynecologists around the world are fixated on the age of the mother, while almost no one asks the question of how old her partner and potential father of the child is. Famous elderly dads (actors, directors and other public people) are partly to blame for this, the number of whom has increased noticeably in recent years due to the popularity of unequal marriages. However, French scientists insist that successful conception was not as easy for them as they want to present it in glossy magazines. “Most had to work hard, perhaps even for several years, or turn to artificial insemination specialists,” they point out.

Employees of the French National Institute of Medical Research based their conclusions on an analysis of sperm samples, which confirmed the existence of a direct connection between a man’s age and the quality of his ejaculate. Scientists have found that the older a man is, the less mobile his sperm are and the more mutations they contain. Moreover, as it turns out, even the most active and tenacious sperm that have undergone natural selection in a centrifuge are not immune from defects. (In it, centrifugal force presses all the sperm to the bottom of the test tube; after 40 minutes, the strongest individuals float to the surface and it is they who, as a rule, are selected for artificial insemination - In particular, already in men over 35 years of age, the DNA fragmentation index was increased, which indicates the presence of genetic abnormalities associated with a decrease in the ability to fertilize an egg and complications during pregnancy. And after 55 years, this figure, as a rule, begins to exceed the maximum permissible level. As a result, even a successful partner's pregnancy can end in miscarriage.

According to embryologists, minor defects are usually compensated within the fertilized egg, but in older men the DNA damage is too significant for natural repair mechanisms. “Obviously, there is a critical threshold of DNA damage, beyond which errors in the genome are transmitted to the embryo, resulting in miscarriages,” the doctors explain.

Having studied 12 thousand medical records of patients at a fertility treatment center in Paris for 2002-2006, scientists found confirmation of their hypothesis. It turned out that those women whose partners overcame the 35-year mark had miscarriages more often during observation in the clinic than the companions of younger men - regardless of their own age. Thus, at the age of a partner 30-34 years old, the risk of spontaneous miscarriage is 16.7%, at 35-39 years old - 19.5%, after 40 years old - up to 33%. In addition, medical records confirmed that after 40 years a man’s ability to conceive significantly decreases.

“After 40, especially 45 years, male fertility decreases and the number of spontaneous abortions increases. Men should try to have children before the age of 40-45,” says the report that French doctors presented to the European Society of Embryology and Human Reproduction, whose annual meeting took place the other day in Barcelona. However, it will not be easy for scientists to achieve understanding on this issue among the strong half of humanity. Men are accustomed to consider themselves eagles and, in an effort to fly as high as possible, often postpone the moment of happy fatherhood. In some European countries, for example, in the UK, the average age of birth of the first child is already 30-35 years. The authors of the study call gynecologists as their accomplices. They should explain to the woman how the age of her partner can affect the pregnancy and the health of the unborn child.

Reproductive (or fertile) age is the period within which a person is able to conceive a child. This indicator is different for men and women. The fertile age of a woman is less than that of a man and ranges on average from 15 to 49 years. Theoretically, a man's reproductive age ranges from 14-60 years. But practically men under 20-25 years old do not plan to have children for economic reasons (since it is problematic for a man to support children at such a young age), and for those who are already over 40 years old, the quality of sperm and, consequently, reproductive abilities decrease.

Men begin puberty in adolescence - from 10-12 years. A man is ready to conceive a child at the age of 15. During this time, the male body goes through several stages on the way to full puberty.

  1. Interest in the opposite sex appears.
  2. There is a desire for physical contact (touching, kissing).
  3. Sexual desire intensifies.

During this period, boys want to communicate more with the opposite sex: spend time together, walk hand in hand and kiss. Then, in boys, sexual desire increases due to the fact that the amount of the hormone testosterone in the blood increases.

This hormone, in sufficient quantities for men, makes them attractive to women and promotes sexual desire. After a young man has realized his sexuality, he may decide to have sexual intercourse for the first time.

For teenagers, the age for first sex often depends on society and family: in this matter, they are guided either by the opinion of their parents, their recommendations or prohibitions, or by the experience of their older friends. In any case, for a teenage man, having sex is only a physiological need, not an emotional one. For sexual desire, they choose a partner who is externally suitable, in their opinion, without thinking about emotional compliance. But in the future, a man may change his opinion on this matter: he will either continue to be less picky about sexual relations, or he will decide to connect his life with his beloved.

During the life and development of a man, his reproductive function undergoes changes: of course, at a younger age there are more opportunities to fertilize an egg than at an older age.

For men, the most suitable age to conceive a child is from 18 to 35 years old. Within this period, men produce the greatest amount of testosterone, and therefore sperm, with good motility.

In men after 35 years of age, sexual needs are not as pronounced as, for example, at 20, which is associated with less intense testosterone production. In addition, at this age a man is negatively affected by stress and emotional stress, alcohol and smoking.

After 35 years, the following changes occur in the male body:

  • the concentration of androgens in the blood decreases (a group of male sex hormones);
  • the production of sperm and their motility decreases (for successful fertilization, 3-5 ml of sperm is needed, and each milliliter must contain 2-3 million mobile, healthy cells; deviations from the norm are called necrosospermia);
  • Diseases of the male genital organs and decreased potency occur.

This leads to the fact that as a man ages over 35, the possibilities of fertilization “on the first try” become less and less.

Statistics have also proven that women who have a partner over 35 years of age are more likely to have a miscarriage than those who have a younger partner. The number of successful conceptions decreases significantly in couples where the man is over 40 years old.

However, this does not mean that at the age of 35 a man will not be able to have children. It’s just that after reaching this age, men also begin to be influenced by negative factors (stress at work, bad habits, lack of sleep), which negatively affect reproductive function. But if you lead a healthy lifestyle from the beginning of puberty, then hypogonadism will occur much later.

The age of 60-70 years (on average) in men is characterized by hypogonadism - the end of the reproductive period, which is characterized by changes in hormonal levels.

In nature, the end of the reproductive period is necessary in order not to include the outdated generation in the process of reproduction of offspring. It has been proven that the number of mutations in offspring that were born by an older generation is many times more common than in those whose parents were younger.

Thus, hypogonadism prevents the widespread spread among the new generation of such genetic diseases as:

  • Down syndrome;
  • "wolf lip";
  • cerebral palsy;
  • psychical deviations.

The reason for such negative dynamics is considered to be the production of low-quality sperm with damaged DNA in men after 60 years of age.

Nature specifically provides for the childbearing age for men and women so that they can not only give birth, but also then fully care for their offspring. After all, it is much more difficult for older people to physically engage with children than for young parents - which is why reproductive function disappears over time.

Statistics show that by the age of 40, a man’s testosterone level begins to decline by several percent. But this does not mean that this will happen for everyone by this age. For each man, the process of development and decline of reproductive function is individual, which means the time for favorable fertilization varies.

But numerous studies of the reproductive capabilities of the male body have shown that the average age for peak fertility is from 25 to 30 years. It is believed that it is within this age range that a man is ready for childbearing, both physically and psychologically. Further statistics show that:

  • in 17% of men, hypogonadism occurs at 43-50 years of age;
  • at the age of 65-80 years, 40% of males already suffer from hypogonadism;
  • representatives of the stronger sex who are over 80 years old experience hypogonamism in 65% of cases.

Hypogonadism can occur either before the age of 40 or later: some are sexually active at 65, while others cannot have children at 30. It all depends on the quality of life of a man, the characteristics of his body, and lifestyle and other factors.

A significant decrease in reproductive functions at the age of 50-60 is a normal physiological process that is inherent in a man’s body by nature. But the appearance of problems with potency at the age of 35-45 is considered early hypogonamism.

This may be due to a man's lifestyle or genetics, which directly affects virility. But the factors may be different.

  1. Injuries in the groin area.
  2. Unsuccessful genital surgery.
  3. Acquired sexually transmitted diseases (gonorrhea, syphilis, etc.) and congenital pathologies of the genital organs (which were not eliminated at a young age).
  4. Severe viral and infectious diseases that lead to complications of reproductive function (for example, mumps or, as they say, “mumps”).
  5. Sedentary lifestyle.
  6. Constant presence of stress.
  7. Poor nutrition (excessive consumption of carbohydrates and fats).
  8. Presence of bad habits (alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction).
  9. Poor-quality sex life: promiscuous sex, frequent changes of partners or irregular sex.
  10. The presence of endocrine disorders and diseases (diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, deterioration of the pituitary gland).
  11. Diseases of the cardiovascular system (arterial hypertension, coronary heart disease.

The presence of the above factors does not mean that someone will not be able to have children. However, in order not to have problems with the reproductive system, it is better to treat all diseases in a timely manner, adhere to a healthy lifestyle and be selective in sexual intercourse.

In order to determine the time of onset of hypogonadism, you need to pay attention to the signals that the man’s body gives. Symptoms that characterize the end of childbearing include the following:

  • decreased libido, difficulty getting an erection;
  • erectile dysfunction, which manifests itself in premature or interrupted ejaculation;
  • Osteoporosis is a disease of the bones in which they become brittle and brittle (which increases the risk of fractures);
  • frequent and/or painful urination;
  • diseases of the vascular system, which manifest themselves in facial redness, hypertension, dizziness, shortness of breath, sudden increase in temperature, etc.;
  • hormonal disorders, the consequence of which is the appearance of excessive sensitivity, irritability, depression, apathy;
  • memory impairment, sleep disturbances, general fatigue, regardless of the time of day;
  • increase in body weight due to adipose tissue;
  • hair loss, bald spots.

If any of the above problems are detected, you should immediately contact an andrologist or urologist in order to either refute a possible disappointing diagnosis, or promptly detect a disorder in the functioning of the reproductive organs and begin treatment.

Preparing for conception for men over 50 years of age

Difficulties in psychological or economic terms often lead to the fact that for a long time a man cannot plan to conceive a child and postpones it until a later time. However, as mentioned above, this threatens to reduce the reproductive capabilities of older men. Therefore, if a man wants to have children, difficulties may arise. So how can you help yourself in such a situation? To do this, you need to follow certain rules.

  1. Eat right. Consume foods containing vitamins E and C, folic acid, zinc and selenium in your diet. These include oranges, lemons, tangerines, seafood, nuts and grains. Eliminate coffee from your drinks and increase the amount of clean water.
  2. Maintain the correct thermal regime: try not to overcool, but also not to overheat (you should avoid visiting baths, saunas, hot baths).
  3. Avoid a constant source of stress as much as possible (if your job is very stressful, consider changing to a calmer place).
  4. Engage in physical activity, but do not overload your body.
  5. Lead a healthy lifestyle without bad habits.
  6. Get as much sleep as you need.
  7. Wear loose underwear made of high-quality, natural material (cotton).
  8. Spend time outdoors more often.
  9. Look after your health, treat diseases in a timely manner at their initial stage, so that you don’t have to overstrain your body with antibiotics later.
  10. Have an active sex life (2-5 times a week).

Also, in order to exclude the occurrence of genetic diseases in a child, before conception you need to consult a doctor and undergo the necessary examination.

Modern treatment methods, even in the case of a damaged gene, can correct sperm DNA before conception and prevent many genetic diseases in offspring.

Despite so many rules that mature men need to follow before conception, remember that the joys of fatherhood are much greater. In addition, in adulthood, a man has more financial and psychological opportunities to properly raise future children.

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