Philip Bogachevrussian model of effective seduction. Philip Bogachev - Russian model of effective seduction Model of seduction of a cutie

This article gives a brief overview of the Seduction Model. There is no evidence in this article why the model is this way. Why is everything like this? Because this is how the world works, this is how women work.

There are different models of seduction. Some are less effective, others are more effective.
Including “And girl, you are so beautiful, I admire your beauty, can I meet you?”, we classify her as less effective.
This model is based on the foreign model of Mystery seduction, we consider it the most effective and universal, so we adapted it to Russia.

Knowing the seduction model is useful not only for beginners, but also for people who have had many girls, because it helps to generalize all the accumulated experience and really works.

Seduction is a linear process. This is a consistent set of emotions that the girl and you experience until the moment of sex. And these emotions are defined. Therefore, all seduction can be divided into 6 stages.

Ideally this is true. But if some mistake was made before the sex stage, then another stage will be added - Resistance before sex.

In the discovery stage, you start a conversation with an unfamiliar girl, the goal of this stage is for the girl to start talking to you. In attraction you get the girl interested. In Qualification, you evaluate a girl, she shows you her qualities, not based on appearance, she tries to please you, to interest you.

In comfort, you open up to each other, an emotional connection is formed between you, trust is created between you - rapport. In the arousal stage, you physically excite the girl. Resistance before sex is when you arouse a girl, but she refuses to have sex. Sex is not considered in our seduction model.

Each of these stages is important and follows one after the other. Only attraction and qualification alternate with each other, forming a ladder of qualification and attraction.

This model describes the "complete game".
Remember chess, there is such a thing as a children's checkmate. When you “accidentally” defeat your opponent very quickly. And there is a full game that lasts longer. That is, childish swearing is the beginning of seduction from the stage of excitement. This also works, especially in clubs.
After such a “full game” you have every chance to start a full-fledged long-term relationship with a girl.

We do not consider seduction in terms of the number of dates.
We consider ideal seduction to be one in which there was no resistance. This is the right pickup truck.


Philip Bogachev

Russian Model of Effective Seduction

A self-instruction manual for preparing successful men.

Dedicated to my mother and Galina Yakovenko.

To two women who changed my worldview.


This book was supposed to be published in early 2003. On the other hand, at this very time we developed the second version of the Russian Model of Effective Seduction (RMES), and the release of the book was quickly postponed to the end of the year. During this time, all the material that was written earlier was revised. In fact, I wrote the book again. I really hope that new ideas and new methods will be published in new editions of the book, because we are constantly developing and looking for something new.

I remember the first RMES seminar, which took place on May 25, 2002. During this time, more than 800 young, energetic people passed through it. It was these people who gave me the opportunity to learn, who provided answers to my ideas, who tested my assumptions, and who, by learning from me, gave me the opportunity to learn with them. I am very grateful to all my students for this. Whoever you are, when and at whatever seminar you studied with me, know this. It is to you that I write this gratitude, it was from you that I learned.

And now this book represents almost in full exactly what RMES is now. “Almost” – because not all of the exercises we do at the seminars can be described in the text. A lot of things need to be shown or demonstrated. Because on paper it looks simple, but in training it can take seven sweats. And only then will it be simple.

I would like to say a special thank you to my partner in all coaching projects, Mikhail Shirin, thanks to whom the current seminar is exactly what it is.

I would like to thank my teachers with whom I had the honor to study:

Galina Yakovenko, Mikhail Ginzburg, Betty Erickson, Frank Farrelly, Frank Pucelik, Sergei Gorin, Andrei Koenig, Tatyana Muzhitskaya, Alexei Kucherov, Robert Dilts, Jean Gaudin.

Special thanks to those people who helped me shape my thinking:

Robert Heinlein (r.i.p.), Ray Douglas Bradbury, Anton Sandor LaVey (r.i.p.), Friedrich Nietzsche (r.i.p.), Milton Erickson (r.i.p.), Steve and Konera Adreas, Oliver Stone, Stanley Kubrick (r.i.p.), Jim Bradenburg.

Thanks to these teams for the sounds that helped me work on this book for seven years:

Lake Of Tears, My Dying Bride, Karunesh, Moonspell, Hallucinogen, Juno Reactor, Queen, Pink Floyd, Sergey Kalugin, Zero, Jethro Tull, Slayer, Pan.Thy.Monium, Summoning, Iron Maiden, Metallica, Dead Can Dance, Space , Chemical Brothers, Roy Orbison, Elvis Presley, Dagda, Blasphemy, Marduk, Empyrium, Brighter Death Now, Absu, 3 rd Force, Angizia, Dismal Euphony, Scorpions, Antichrisis, Inkubus Sukkubus, Sirrah, Master's Hammer, Tiamat, Cemetery Of Scream , Catharsis.

Many thanks to those guys with whom I took a coaching course in the summer of 2003:

Akhmetova Saule, Bulygin Egor, Gorina Maria, Dashevsky Oleg, Del German, Diment Leonid, Esipenko Andrey, Zhitlovsky Joseph, Sakova Vera, Kazarnovskaya Alena, Kapterev Alexey, Kiselev Roman, Kryuchkov Andrey, Kulagin Dmitry, Kucherenko Andrey, Litsina Yulia, Metelsky Andrey , Mikheev Alexander, Mikheeva Natalya, Pavelko Irina Panchenko Victor, Protas Alla, Pukhov Konstantin, Sikorskaya Anna, Simakova Anastasia, Stanis Vladimir, Ubliev Sergey, Kharitonova Yulia.

An introduction that explains what you're holding in your hands.

Well, all I can do is congratulate you, reader. You know, I myself sometimes regret that I didn’t learn what I know now somewhere around my eighteenth birthday. This would help me greatly reduce the number of collisions of my long-suffering forehead with those cosmic rakes that lie in wait for an ordinary young man with the first five or six girls.

After all, how does it work? Until the age of seven we are sure that children are found in cabbage, until the age of 12 we know that they are from mom and dad, after this period we suspect that people are having sex, at the age of thirteen we will watch the first pornography in our lives, and by the age of twenty (who is earlier, someone later) we will be lucky to experience the taste of sex ourselves. And the main problem in such a long period of time from the first viewing of pornography to the first performance of it live is the lack of training. For example, if we are taught in detail how to eat, drink, walk, talk, read and write, then we are not taught how to communicate with women at all.

There are sources of information, but what are they? A movie where, at best, they will show a couple of banter dialogues, at worst, the hero passionately kisses the heroine and they fall on the bed, and in the next frame they already have five children. Friends of the same age who know no more than you do, or older comrades who, by and large, know only one way to seduce a woman: “pour a liter of vodka into her and that’s it.”

Well, about the fact that no one will ask adults until they are twenty, and after twenty you are already an adult and there is no one to ask, I am generally silent. Glossy magazines often write such nonsense that they can’t even wipe their butts in the toilet. The paper is tough.

And what to do in such a situation? I am not the first person to think about such injustice. Apart from the mythical Casanova and the legendary Don Juan, dozens of very smart and advanced people have written on this topic. Seneca, for example. But where can modern man look for that Seneca? Right. Nowadays it is fashionable to communicate electronically, that is, using a computer. And there are many advisers, and they advise quickly, and with home delivery. This is exactly how the pick-up artist scene in Russia was created in the mid-nineties. (To pick UP in bourgeois slang means quickly picking up a girl for the night) In this circle of people, some theories were born; for the first time, the idea was thrown up to use NLP and Hypnosis in dating girls. And after a couple of years, this get-together began to slowly die out, mainly due to the specificity of the method of communication (who knows what FidoNet is, will understand, Yandex asks the rest to visit).

At the end of 1998, I created the first prototype of the www.lover website. , and already in 1999 he was known throughout Russia. Interesting people began to gather at the project forum, we began to actively meet, and at the beginning of 2000 the idea was born to summarize everything that we know about meeting girls, and even about seducing them. It turned out that there are at least a couple of dozen methods and approaches, but none of them reflects a comprehensive model from start to finish. From dating to seduction, from seduction to creating relationships, from creating relationships to separation.

And then the fun began. It turned out that each of those people who were at the very origins of the creation of RMES (Russian Model of Effective Seduction) has an almost unique set of techniques and personal qualities that work almost exclusively for this person. And we began to compare our ideas, learn new skills from each other, vigorously discuss ideas and try to apply the experience of our foreign colleagues in our own conditions.

  1. Philip Bogachev Russian Model of Effective Seduction
  2. Introduction
  3. Preface
  4. An introduction that explains what you're holding in your hands.
  5. What is the Russian Model of Effective Seduction
  6. How to read this book
  7. Part 1. Fundamentals, or basic concepts of RMES
  8. Chapter 1. Communication structure
  9. Part 1 – Communication
  10. Part 2 – Effectiveness of the communication structure
  11. Chapter 2: Beliefs and Rules of an Effective Seducer
  12. There are many women, I am alone
  13. Flexibility determines success
  14. There will always be a second chance
  15. No one owes nothing to nobody
  16. It's possible
  17. And a little more about the consequences
  18. Chapter 3. What is NLP?
  19. A little history
  20. NLP Goals
  21. Myths about (pro) NLP
  22. Charlatans
  23. Environmental friendliness
  24. Education
  25. conclusions
  26. Chapter 4: Basic Assumptions of NLP
  27. Your perception of the world is not the world
  28. All behavior has a positive intention
  29. A person does the best he can in this situation.
  30. The result of our communication is feedback
  31. No errors, there is feedback
  32. Consciousness and body are one system
  33. Conclusion
  34. Chapter 5. Goal Frame
  35. 1. Conditions for a well-formulated result
  36. 2. Context for achieving the goal
  37. 3. Representation of goal achievement
  38. 4. Ecology of goal achievement
  39. 5. First step
  40. Conclusion
  41. Part 1.99 – The Structure of Seduction
  42. Part 2. Search
  43. Chapter 6. Where you can and should meet girls
  44. Cultural places
  45. Bars and cafes
  46. Meetings at museums and exhibitions
  47. Dating in transport
  48. Dating at a disco (club)
  49. Dating in shopping malls
  50. Provinces
  51. Abroad
  52. Chapter 7. Various subtleties
  53. About the staff
  54. Cases of artificial deficiency
  55. Chapter 8. Searching for girls on the Russian Internet
  56. 1) The most popular, visited and crowded place is Chats
  57. 2) Dating through user directories of something
  58. 3) Dating sites
  59. 4) Just for fun, search for a name via adduser in ICQ
  60. 5) Climb through the home pages - but it’s quite difficult to find the creature you need
  61. 6) Diaries
  62. Chapter 9. Letter to a stranger for a dating site
  63. Research, part 1 – preparation
  64. Research, part 2 – analytics
  65. Ashipki
  66. Fingers
  67. In a swoop!
  68. Humor!
  69. Mysteriousness
  70. Sure. Seems
  71. Garbage
  72. Pounce, shock!
  73. I'm crazy, dear editor...
  74. Conclusion
  75. Part 3. Getting to know each other
  76. Chapter 10. First approach
  77. Game strategy
  78. Scientific strategy
  79. Chapter 11. Fears, or are there tigers here?
  80. Typical fears in seduction
  81. Types of fears
  82. Step-by-step methods for working through fears during dating
  83. Chapter 12. Templates
  84. Training structure
  85. Using Templates
  86. Designing templates for dating
  87. Chapter 13. Money, money, rubbish money...
  88. Dynamo
  89. Reasons why they dynamite
  90. Methods of dealing with dynamic women
  91. conclusions
  92. Chapter 14. How important and necessary it is to touch a girl
  93. Spider Tactics
  94. Hard kinesthetics or soft petting?
  95. Conclusion
  96. Chapter 15. Methods of communicating with boring people
  97. Be genuinely interested in your interlocutor
  98. Create your own energy sphere
  99. Feel like a child
  100. Don't think about the white monkey
  101. conclusions
  102. Conclusion
  103. Part 4. Attracting
  104. Chapter 16. Signs of interest and sympathy in a girl
  105. Hair
  106. Eyes
  107. Complex signs
  108. Chapter 17. The importance of a partner
  109. Decreasing the importance of women
  110. Increasing your importance for a woman
  111. Chapter 18. Increasing your attractiveness
  112. The Domino Principle
  113. Let's start with the simplest rule: Fishing with live bait
  114. Rule two: Decoy
  115. Rule three: Explicit image
  116. Rule Four: Sci-Fi
  117. A case from one's life
  118. Chapter 19. Games based on the Closer - Farther technique
  119. Method number one: Closer - Further
  120. Method number two: Pendulum
  121. Method number three: Needle
  122. Method number four: Database communication, “plus-minus” technique
  123. Method number five: Opinion cubed
  124. Method number six: Tearing off the masks
  125. Method number seven: Training
  126. Chapter 20. Delusion Generator™
  127. Exercise: Linguistic Pyramids
  128. Exercise: How is a raven like a table?
  129. Exercise: Advanced Tying
  130. Exercise: What I see is what I sing about
  131. Exercise: Stream of Consciousness
  132. Exercise: Continue the topic
  133. Exercise: Orange Mood
  134. Exercise: Problem Solving
  135. Exercise: Alternate Realities (Basic)
  136. Exercise: Constructing Alternate Realities
  137. Exercise: Alternate Realities (Advanced)
  138. Chapter 21. Demolition of the roof
  139. Chapter 22. Anchors
  140. Types of anchors
  141. Rules for setting an anchor
  142. Rule one: Uniqueness of the anchor
  143. Rule two: Anchor repeatability
  144. Rule three: Anchors are placed ahead of time
  145. Rule four: Rubbing anchors
  146. Creating Complex Anchors
  147. Collapse of anchors
  148. Implicit anchors
  149. Analog Marking
  150. Afterword
  151. Chapter 23. Creating a new model of communication with women
  152. Behavior Generator
  153. Spherical models in vacuum
  154. Model "Botanist"
  155. Model "Brother"
  156. Model "Macho"
  157. Model "Romantic"
  158. Model "Alien"
  159. Model "Star"
  160. Model "Millionaire"
  161. Model "Don't care"
  162. Now let's try to take off with all this garbage
  163. Chapter 24. Ambiguities
  164. Story one
  165. Story two – “Soul and Doves”
  166. The third story, very Soviet
  167. conclusions
  168. Chapter 25. Report
  169. A little about rapport in the context of seduction
  170. Method number one – adjustment to the pose
  171. Method two - adjusting to gestures
  172. Method three - adjusting to facial expressions
  173. Method number four - adjusting to breathing
  174. Method number five - adjusting to speech
  175. Method number six – adjustment to modality
  176. Method number seven - adjustment to the logical level
  177. Method number eight – Golden Ball
  178. Joining and maintaining
  179. Problems
  180. Conclusion of the part
  181. Part 5. Male sexual attractiveness (theory 100 points)
  182. Chapter 26. The concept of sexual attractiveness of a man
  183. Chapter 27. Appearance
  184. Natural data
  185. Cloth
  186. Trifle
  187. Haberdashery, meaning leather
  188. Mobile phone
  189. Gentleman's set
  190. Where, what, how much
  191. conclusions
  192. Chapter 28. Internal states
  193. Useful Hallucinations
  194. Energy cocoon
  195. Mirror
  196. Rhinoceros
  197. The president
  198. Bird's eye height
  199. Pictures from memory
  200. NLP Technique Clip
  201. Gait D.O.R.E.
  202. Look D.O.R.E.
  203. conclusions
  204. Chapter 29. Social pyramids
  205. Public power
  206. Financial Pyramide
  207. Superpowers
  208. Physical strength
  209. Fame
  210. Personal qualities
  211. Checks
  212. conclusions
  213. Chapter 30. The way you talk
  214. Speak slowly
  215. Talk little
  216. Speak quietly
  217. Speak from the solar plexus
  218. Speak rhythmically
  219. Voice of D.O.R.E.
  220. Summary
  221. Chapter 31. What are you saying?
  222. So they write in Cosmopolitan magazine
  223. Paraphrase
  224. Pattern “Absolutely – maybe”
  225. conclusions
  226. Conclusion
  227. Part 6. Get closer
  228. Chapter 32. The concept of trance, or the necessary theory for working within trances
  229. The history of hypnosis, or galloping across Europe
  230. Trance concept
  231. Trance structure
  232. Signs of a trance state
  233. Microdynamics of trance
  234. conclusions
  235. Chapter 33. Tools for working with trance states
  236. Generalized language
  237. Other speech techniques
  238. Simple language
  239. Multimodal Descriptions
  240. Synesthesia
  241. Providing choice
  242. …And something else
  243. Dissociations
  244. Negations
  245. Speak into another person's breath
  246. Chapter 34. Inducing a trance
  247. 1. Inducing trance through information overload
  248. 2. Inducing a trance through the memory of other trances
  249. 3. Inducing trance through uncertainty
  250. 4. Inducing trance using anchors
  251. 5. Navigating through confusion
  252. 6. Inducing trance in conversation (conversational trance)
  253. Chapter 35. Uses of trance
  254. A detailed example of working with suggestions
  255. An example of working with the unconscious
  256. Generalization
  257. Chapter 36. Metaphors
  258. Metaphors in life
  259. The mechanism of metaphor
  260. Constructing a simple metaphor
  261. Construction of a complex metaphor
  262. Inducing trance through storytelling metaphors
  263. How to tell metaphors
  264. Chapter 37. Examples of working metaphors
  265. Example 1: A Therapeutic Metaphor That Works
  266. Example 2: Great something. Zen wisdom for bedtime reading (metaphor for inducing trance)
  267. Example 3: A fairy tale about a watch (blank)
  268. Example 4: Metaphors for arousing sexual desire (blanks)
  269. Example 5: Metaphor for a calm attitude towards a large number of your girls (blank)
  270. conclusions
  271. Chapter 38. Encapsulation (Cocoon) Techniques
  272. Creation of Cocoon
  273. Safety precautions
  274. Chapter 39. The secret of mastery
  275. The first aspect of mastery
  276. Second moment of mastery
  277. Third moment of mastery
  278. The fourth moment of mastery
  279. Becoming apprentices - moment 1
  280. Becoming apprentices - moment 2
  281. Becoming apprentices - moment 3
  282. Becoming apprentices – moment 4
  283. Conclusion
  284. Part 7. Filters of Perception
  285. Chapter 40. Perception and transmission of information. Natural information processing mechanisms
  286. Chapter 41. Sensory perception
  287. How to use it
  288. How to catch modality by the tail
  289. Sensory colored words
  290. How to see modality without words
  291. How to look at fingerings
  292. Conclusion
  293. Chapter 42. Submodality filter
  294. Definition of present state
  295. Defining the Desired State
  296. Mapping submodalities
  297. Changing submodalities
  298. Using the result
  299. Chapter 43. Emotional filter for information perception
  300. Chapter 44. Logic Filter
  301. Chapter 45. Perceptual Position Filter
  302. First position
  303. Second position
  304. Third position
  305. Integration: Three-position description
  306. And how to use it in life
  307. Chapter 46. Learning Filter
  308. Chapter 47. Logic Level Filters
  309. Environment Level
  310. Behavior Level
  311. Ability Level
  312. Belief Level
  313. Value Level
  314. Identification Level
  315. Mission Level
  316. Laws of logical levels
  317. Changing Beliefs
  318. conclusions
  319. Chapter 48. Sorting Gate
  320. Sorting Gate: People
  321. Sorting gate: places
  322. Sorting Gate: Actions
  323. Sorting gates: information
  324. Sorting Gate: Items
  325. Usage
  326. Chapter 49. Reframing, or playing with the frames of perception
  327. Reframing “And, but, even if”
  328. Context reframing
  329. Words and meaning
  330. Chapter 50. Cases of incorrectly configured filters
  331. Rake number one: Modeling a false attitude towards a girl
  332. Rake number two: Drawing conclusions before receiving all the information
  333. Rake number three: You transfer the behavior patterns of one person to another
  334. Rake number four: Generalizations
  335. Rake number five: You create false goals for yourself by deceiving yourself about your real desires.
  336. Rake number six, the main one: Own responsibility
  337. Chapter 51. Calibration
  338. Calibrating your overall mood
  339. Body Calibration
  340. Calibration of facial expressions
  341. Breath calibration
  342. Speech calibration
  343. Modality Calibration
  344. Exercises to Improve Calibration Skills
  345. And why the hell am I bashing myself here?
  346. Conclusion
  347. Conclusion of the conclusion, intended rather for NLP masters
  348. Part 8. The Effective Seducer's Cookbook
  349. 1. Preparation
  350. 1. 1 I think I look bad
  351. 1. 2 How important is appearance when meeting a woman?
  352. 1. 2.1 What kind of guy's hair do girls prefer?
  353. 1. 2.2 What height do girls prefer guys?
  354. 1. 2.3 What type of guy do girls prefer?
  355. 2. Getting to know each other
  356. 2. 1 I don't have the confidence to approach a girl
  357. 2. 2 I don’t know how to induce the necessary state in myself
  358. 2. 3 How to start a conversation if a girl has a bitch – shield (bitch protection)?
  359. 2. 4 What to do if she says “Fuck you?”
  360. 2. 5 How can I turn off internal dialogue?
  361. 2. 6 (at the bar) She asks to buy a drink
  362. 2. 7 She comes up to me on the street and asks me for a smoke
  363. 2. 8 Give me more options for neghits, more, more!
  364. 2. 9 What to answer if she says “I don’t meet people on the street”?
  365. 2. 10 How can I understand that she is interested in me?
  366. 2. 11 How to meet ninja girls? (saleswomen, hairdressers, athletes...)
  367. 3. Conversation
  368. 3. 1 She asks if I have a girlfriend
  369. 3. 2 She asks how many women you've had
  370. 3. 3 She asks about your age
  371. 3. 4 Question “What are you thinking about now?”
  372. 3. 5 She says "I have a boyfriend"
  373. 3. 6 She asks where I work
  374. 3. 7 Adequacy question (Are you the smartest? Do you know what you’re doing?)
  375. 3. 8 Question about marital status now / in the future
  376. 3. 9 Question about the presence/number of children in different forms
  377. 3. 10 Question like “Who do you live with”
  378. 3. 11 How can I get a silent girl to talk?
  379. 3. 12 “When was the last time you slept with a girl?”
  380. 3. 13 Tell me topics for conversation with a girl?
  381. 3. 14 Question “How much do you earn?”
  382. 3. 15 How to quickly pick up the phone while meeting?
  383. 3. 16 How can I check if the phone number I provided is correct?
  384. 3. 17 She doesn’t give out her phone number and offers to write down my number
  385. 3. 18 How is sending to hell different from the checks that are described here?
  386. 3. 19 What questions should you not ask girls?
  387. 4. Date
  388. 4. 1 why was the woman very friendly towards me on the 1st (2nd, 3rd, other) date, and then refuses to meet?
  389. 4. 2 Where is the best place to date girls?
  390. 4. 3 She says she might be 15 (20, 30, 999) minutes late
  391. 4. 4 How to make a date over the phone?
  392. 4. 5 She didn’t come to the date, I waited for her for an hour. What to do next?
  393. 4. 6 She came on a date with a friend
  394. 4. 7 How to kiss her at the end of a date?
  395. 4. 8 How to understand that you can kiss a girl?
  396. 4. 9 She always says she's busy and will call back later
  397. 5. Seduction
  398. 5. 1 How to invite her to your home?
  399. 5. 2 She very stubbornly refuses to undress (breaks down)
  400. 5. 3 How to determine that a girl can already be fucked, ignoring her words?
  401. 5. 4 There is something, there is someone with, but nowhere (the problem of a place for sex)
  402. 5. 5 “You only need one thing from me” and options
  403. 5. 6 How to deflower a girl?
  404. 5. 7 She says "Let's remain friends"
  405. 5. 8 She says that she can sleep with guys only 1,2, n+1 months after meeting
  406. 5. 9 Do you need to ask a girl for permission to do your actions (kiss, for example)?
  407. 5. 10 How to seduce your old (or not so old) friend?
  408. 5. 11 She says "I must be faithful to him"
  409. 5. 12 She says “You will sleep with me and then leave me”
  410. 5. 13 She says “You can’t do it before the wedding”
  411. 5. 14. She says, “You can’t go on the first date.”
  412. 6. Maintaining relationships
  413. 6. 1 When should she confess her love?
  414. 6. 2 She asks “Do you love me?” and options
  415. 6. 3 If she says you're just having an affair...
  416. 6. 4 She asks “Why do you need me” / Why do you need me and options
  417. 7. Breakup
  418. 7. 1 How to end your relationship with a girl?
  419. 7. 2. How can I forget her?
  420. 8. Initially delusional hallucinations
  421. 8. 1. How can I increase (raise) my rank?
  422. 8. 2 She asks “Why did you like me?”
  423. 8. 3 What does it mean when a girl rubs the green ring on her left ring toe?
  424. 8. 4. How can I get her back?
  425. 9. Various non-specific cases
  426. 9. 1 Are there seasonal differences in dating?
  427. 9. 2 How to communicate with married women?
  428. 9. 3 Friends ask “did you fuck her?”
  429. 9. 4 I love her! What to do?
  430. 9. 5 Are there perfect girls?
  431. 9 .5 Is friendship possible between a boy and a girl?
  432. 9. 6 Give me a universal ICQ dialogue to attract a girl
  433. Part 9. Which sums up the book
  434. Appendix 1. How to become a successful seducer / pick-up artist (insert to taste)
  438. MOOD
  443. Appendix 2. Reports
  444. Field report number 1. Author – Mankubus
  445. Field report number 2. Author Special
  446. Field Report Number 3 by Lesley82
  447. Field report number 4. Author – SB
  448. Field report number 5. Author – Sumarr
  449. Field report number 6. Author – Mankubus
  450. Field report number 7. Author – SB
  451. Field report number 8. Author – NNOP
  452. Field Report Number 9 by Lesley82
  453. Conclusion
  454. Glossary of terms used in the book
  455. Contact Information

Dedicated to my mother and Galina Yakovenko.

To two women who changed my worldview.


This book was supposed to be published in early 2003. On the other hand, at this very time we developed the second version of the Russian Model of Effective Seduction (RMES), and the release of the book was quickly postponed to the end of the year. During this time, all the material that was written earlier was revised. In fact, I wrote the book again. I really hope that new ideas and new methods will be published in new editions of the book, because we are constantly developing and looking for something new.

I remember the first RMES seminar, which took place on May 25, 2002. During this time, more than 800 young, energetic people passed through it. It was these people who gave me the opportunity to learn, who provided answers to my ideas, who tested my assumptions, and who, by learning from me, gave me the opportunity to learn with them. I am very grateful to all my students for this. Whoever you are, when and at whatever seminar you studied with me, know this. It is to you that I write this gratitude, it was from you that I learned.

And now this book represents almost in full exactly what RMES is now. “Almost” – because not all of the exercises we do at the seminars can be described in the text. A lot of things need to be shown or demonstrated. Because on paper it looks simple, but in training it can take seven sweats. And only then will it be simple.

I would like to say a special thank you to my partner in all coaching projects, Mikhail Shirin, thanks to whom the current seminar is exactly what it is.

I would like to thank my teachers with whom I had the honor to study:

Galina Yakovenko, Mikhail Ginzburg, Betty Erickson, Frank Farrelly, Frank Pucelik, Sergei Gorin, Andrei Koenig, Tatyana Muzhitskaya, Alexei Kucherov, Robert Dilts, Jean Gaudin.

Special thanks to those people who helped me shape my thinking:

Robert Heinlein (r.i.p.), Ray Douglas Bradbury, Anton Sandor LaVey (r.i.p.), Friedrich Nietzsche (r.i.p.), Milton Erickson (r.i.p.), Steve and Konera Adreas, Oliver Stone, Stanley Kubrick (r.i.p.), Jim Bradenburg.

Thanks to these teams for the sounds that helped me work on this book for seven years:

Lake Of Tears, My Dying Bride, Karunesh, Moonspell, Hallucinogen, Juno Reactor, Queen, Pink Floyd, Sergey Kalugin, Zero, Jethro Tull, Slayer, Pan.Thy.Monium, Summoning, Iron Maiden, Metallica, Dead Can Dance, Space , Chemical Brothers, Roy Orbison, Elvis Presley, Dagda, Blasphemy, Marduk, Empyrium, Brighter Death Now, Absu, 3 rd Force, Angizia, Dismal Euphony, Scorpions, Antichrisis, Inkubus Sukkubus, Sirrah, Master's Hammer, Tiamat, Cemetery Of Scream , Catharsis.

Many thanks to those guys with whom I took a coaching course in the summer of 2003:

Akhmetova Saule, Bulygin Egor, Gorina Maria, Dashevsky Oleg, Del German, Diment Leonid, Esipenko Andrey, Zhitlovsky Joseph, Sakova Vera, Kazarnovskaya Alena, Kapterev Alexey, Kiselev Roman, Kryuchkov Andrey, Kulagin Dmitry, Kucherenko Andrey, Litsina Yulia, Metelsky Andrey , Mikheev Alexander, Mikheeva Natalya, Pavelko Irina Panchenko Victor, Protas Alla, Pukhov Konstantin, Sikorskaya Anna, Simakova Anastasia, Stanis Vladimir, Ubliev Sergey, Kharitonova Yulia.

An introduction that explains what you're holding in your hands.

Well, all I can do is congratulate you, reader. You know, I myself sometimes regret that I didn’t learn what I know now somewhere around my eighteenth birthday. This would help me greatly reduce the number of collisions of my long-suffering forehead with those cosmic rakes that lie in wait for an ordinary young man with the first five or six girls.

After all, how does it work? Until the age of seven we are sure that children are found in cabbage, until the age of 12 we know that they are from mom and dad, after this period we suspect that people are having sex, at the age of thirteen we will watch the first pornography in our lives, and by the age of twenty (who is earlier, someone later) we will be lucky to experience the taste of sex ourselves. And the main problem in such a long period of time from the first viewing of pornography to the first performance of it live is the lack of training. For example, if we are taught in detail how to eat, drink, walk, talk, read and write, then we are not taught how to communicate with women at all.

There are sources of information, but what are they? A movie where, at best, they will show a couple of banter dialogues, at worst, the hero passionately kisses the heroine and they fall on the bed, and in the next frame they already have five children. Friends of the same age who know no more than you do, or older comrades who, by and large, know only one way to seduce a woman: “pour a liter of vodka into her and that’s it.”

Well, about the fact that no one will ask adults until they are twenty, and after twenty you are already an adult and there is no one to ask, I am generally silent. Glossy magazines often write such nonsense that they can’t even wipe their butts in the toilet. The paper is tough.

And what to do in such a situation? I am not the first person to think about such injustice. Apart from the mythical Casanova and the legendary Don Juan, dozens of very smart and advanced people have written on this topic. Seneca, for example. But where can modern man look for that Seneca? Right. Nowadays it is fashionable to communicate electronically, that is, using a computer. And there are many advisers, and they advise quickly, and with home delivery. This is exactly how the pick-up artist scene in Russia was created in the mid-nineties. (To pick UP in bourgeois slang means quickly picking up a girl for the night) In this circle of people, some theories were born; for the first time, the idea was thrown up to use NLP and Hypnosis in dating girls. And after a couple of years, this get-together began to slowly die out, mainly due to the specificity of the method of communication (who knows what FidoNet is, will understand, Yandex asks the rest to visit).

At the end of 1998, I created the first prototype of the www.lover website. , and already in 1999 he was known throughout Russia. Interesting people began to gather at the project forum, we began to actively meet, and at the beginning of 2000 the idea was born to summarize everything that we know about meeting girls, and even about seducing them. It turned out that there are at least a couple of dozen methods and approaches, but none of them reflects a comprehensive model from start to finish. From dating to seduction, from seduction to creating relationships, from creating relationships to separation.

And then the fun began. It turned out that each of those people who were at the very origins of the creation of RMES (Russian Model of Effective Seduction) has an almost unique set of techniques and personal qualities that work almost exclusively for this person. And we began to compare our ideas, learn new skills from each other, vigorously discuss ideas and try to apply the experience of our foreign colleagues in our own conditions.

We lived and live in different cities and different countries, but we were able to meet periodically and exchange experiences. Bit by bit, a model of what RMES is now was born. And these are the people who stood at the very beginning, generating ideas and transferring their experience to my treasury of knowledge:

Andrey Alikberov (Moscow), Andrey Afanasyev (Chelyabinsk), Anton Matorin (Ryazan), Bulat Ziganshin (Naberezhnye Chelny), Semyon Paramonov (Moscow), Evgeny Stolyarov (Moscow), Konstantin Zverev (Munich), Alexey Stepanov (Tomsk), Roman Kuznetsov (Moscow), Arseny Metelin (Moscow), Lev Dolgachev (Tallinn), Mikhail Kuznetsov (Moscow), Mikhail Cheremisinov (Moscow), Alexander Gordeev (Moscow), Alexey Titov (St. Petersburg), Alexey Khizhnyak (Minsk), Kirill Batalov ( Moscow), De Cavallo Daniel (Moscow), Konstantin Viktorov (Moscow), Valery Yamshanov (Chelyabinsk), Boris Kharitonov (Novosibirsk).

Perhaps I might have missed or forgotten someone. It is possible that this did not happen out of malicious intent, but now that the gingerbread cookies have been distributed, let’s move on to the most important question:

what is the Russian Model of Effective Seduction

The answer to this question is best given point by point. Let's start with the first one.

Russian. The main idea of ​​​​creating RMES is that we created it for Russian girls and Russian boys. In the conditions of our time and our Russian mentality, in the conditions of speaking Russian and communicating with Russian people. One could take the works of Jeffries or DiAngelo (both from the States) as a basis, but the methods that these respected people preach still do not work without adaptation. And after adaptation they become very similar to what we ourselves have reached.

Model. The idea behind the model is that we don't come up with numerous theories and test them on rats (as clinical psychologists often do), but take a person who does something and start thinking about why he can do it. Roughly speaking, we take a skill and begin to disassemble it into small cogs, adding new details and observing the result. And one person may have about five such skills in communicating with a girl. And the other person doesn’t have these skills, but women give him them anyway. Why? How? And it turns out that you can come to bed in different ways. And this is where the fun begins. Which skills are more useful? Which is bigger – a kilogram or a light? Moreover, not every woman has the perception of the skill that exists. And what happens in the end? A large, awesome chest of screwdrivers, but only one suits each specific woman. Therefore, the main idea of ​​the model is that you and only you will decide which of the ideas and tricks described in this book will work for you. Try it: if you like it, take it for yourself. If you don’t like it, you’ll leave it in the book. You yourself can build any house from the car of bricks that are here.

Effective. Well, of course. You can beg one woman for five years to become your wife, or you can beg one woman for five years to stop introducing you to new friends, because your schedule is packed a couple of months ahead. Efficiency is achieving results at lower costs than before. And what the result will be is up to you to decide. Whether you want to find a wife, or seduce a specific woman, or get laid twenty years in advance, it’s up to you. Here I explain and teach techniques that will help you seduce any, I repeat, any woman with equal ease. The only question is spending your energy, time and money on it.

Seductions. Yes exactly. By and large, what does a man want from a woman? Of course, but washing and cleaning after seduction, and if before, then this is called a “coming housewife”. There are many people who offer to teach you anything because it helps in seducing women too. “Sex magic” alone is worth some good-natured banter, but what about more primitive things? About those guys who consider themselves “pick-up artists,” that is, they know how to meet girls. They do it cool, fun, great. And very rarely they call on the phone number she gave him. We know that acquaintance is a small, short step on the path to seduction, and not the end in itself of communication. We place emphasis in the direction we need, and we teach how to achieve goals. Seduce women.

Conclusions: This book is controversial. There is no instruction here “take a step, turn your left breast counterclockwise until it clicks, then...”. Seduction cannot be described in the language of consistency and cause and effect. Seduction can be described by the word “creativity” and that’s the only way.

How to read this book

Theory and practice are closely intertwined in this book. On the other hand, this is not a textbook on higher mathematics, which is studied chapter by chapter, strictly sequentially. Here, almost every chapter is a complete study and describes the application of one skill or talks about a specific idea. Therefore, you can start reading the book from any place, but it is better to start with the table of contents so that you know where and what is located.

There are several large parts to the book. The first part is purely theoretical, it tells what and how to do, and what, why and how happens. The first part gives basic ideas that will be useful for you to read and confirm with your own experience.

The second, third, fourth, fifth parts are a step-by-step presentation of the structure of seduction with tools that can be used specifically at this stage of seduction.

There is also a part called the “100 point theory”, which describes in great detail exactly the creation of male sexual attractiveness.

And also the “cookbook” part. This part simply contains answers to the “why and how” questions. Answer and question, theory in other places.

And there are a couple of apps. Or maybe there are a couple of parts that have already been forgotten, or are not specifically named to make it more interesting for you to read.

Yes, by the way, it’s a big request. Draw conclusions from a book only after you have read it read it in full. Otherwise, it will turn out like in the old days “we didn’t read the writer’s work, but we deeply condemn it.”

P.S. If you come across an unfamiliar term, then everything is fine. There are many of them here. See the “dictionary of terms” or look for this term in the table of contents. Everything is there.

Part 1
The basis of the fundamentals, or basic concepts of RMES

This part examines both the general laws of communication between men and women, as well as the simple skills that are necessary for this very communication within the framework of effectiveness. You can safely skip this chapter and read it last when you want to find answers to your “why” questions. On the other hand, starting reading the book from this chapter, you will receive answers to many questions that you have not even asked yourself. This part has what is called the "base". The basis of our communication, the basis of our effectiveness, the basis of the Russian model of effective seduction.

Chapter 1. Communication structure

...during a battle, the commander automatically switches to the mat, and the information content of the speech increases threefold...

from a lecture on ergonomics.

Somehow we men lust after women. That's how it happened. And at the same time we try to be as efficient as possible. And there are still people who think in this direction. For example me. Today I will be boring, talk about all sorts of clever nonsense and draw graphs. I will talk about the structure of relationships. I will talk about strategies for establishing a relationship with a woman. And at the same time, I will sincerely believe that I am right. Try to figure out the rest yourself.

Part I – Communication.

Who invented the Rubik's Cube?

A question from a collection of riddles for blondes.

Any communication we have with a woman falls under the definition of communication. This is how it seems to me. There is a concept of communication structure, or a certain sequence of actions according to which communication occurs. There are only 5 steps, they are simple and clear. Here they are:

1. Establishing contact

2. Getting to know each other

3. Communication

4. Breakup

5. Experiencing impressions from communication.

These steps follow one after another, and they are there. Let's take this structure as a basis and move it to a more general level. Let's consider this structure as communication with a woman. There's something to it, right? Especially if you replace the word in the third paragraph with “sex”. Let's look further. Namely, the standard and socially established scheme for communicating with a woman with the help of many external factors of influence.

Now you can think about how to apply this communication scheme and why it is needed. Like any other law of human communication, it has consequences and application at a higher or simpler level of communication. As an example, this diagram is suitable both for the process of meeting a woman in general, and for describing the entire process of the relationship between a man and a woman. Now let's move on to a detailed description of the steps of the communication structure. Using the example of meeting a woman.


She made a good impression. Smart, educated, has a sense of humor.

And then we decided to meet. It would be better if she stayed on her Internet.

From life stories

Establishing contact is an important part of communication. Moreover, how this contact will be established is not important in this case. I would imagine that the standard approach to establishing contact would be visual. Or, in other words, we establish contact with our gaze. It is very desirable that the contact be mutual, so that you are seen the same way you see her. Otherwise, your acquaintance will begin with fear when you touch a girl’s butt on the street. Moreover, rare exceptions only confirm the rule.

For example, in the case of meeting a girl on the street, the contact phase begins with the fact that you singled out this particular girl from a wild bunch of other people, you turned your attention to her. That's it, contact has been established. What will happen next?


At the dating stage, we receive the first feedback from a person. The man shows us that she noticed us, he also singled us out from the crowd, he let us know that there was contact on his part Same installed. If you previously thought that getting to know each other meant saying your name and picking up the phone, then this is the topic of the next paragraph.


At this stage of communication, information is collected and this information is exchanged between communication participants. It is important to note that information is transmitted not only through words (verbally), but also through the body, facial expressions, gestures and other non-verbal factors. And that the nonverbal flow of information is much greater than the verbal one. It is recommended to think about this.


We cannot communicate with another person forever. This is how we are built. And we will part. When to do this? The most accurate strategy in this case is that separation follows immediately after the purpose of communication for which this communication was fulfilled. If you communicated with a girl in order to get her phone number, then it is very advisable to break up immediately after completing this action. Was there no purpose for communication? What the hell were you talking about?


The same train of emotions that remains with us after we have finished communicating with a person. The impression this man made on us. Those thoughts that encourage us to make a couple of more communication loops with this person. Our experience, our emotions. That period of time when it is acceptable to think about communication.

And after I have, for some unknown reason, described the structure of spherical communication in a vacuum, we will move on to how to make this communication much more effective.

Part 2 – effectiveness of the communication structure.

What is efficiency anyway? For me, it’s spending fewer resources to achieve more results per unit of time. The less resources we spend to achieve results per unit of time, the higher the efficiency. Mathematically, this can be written as E=C/T*R, where E is efficiency, C is Goal (result), T is time spent achieving the goal, R is the required resources to achieve the goal. In this case, the goal is determined in advance, and it is easy to understand that the more time we spend on achieving the result, the less efficiency decreases. The situation is similar with resources. In this case, we can say that resources are our emotions or material values ​​that we spend to achieve a goal.

Making contact

In the family of a knight, the visor is not clicked.

Medieval proverb.

The effectiveness of communication can be increased at each individual step of this structure. Even at the stage of establishing contact. First, a little theory - we have three main senses, which NLPers call VAC, or Vision, Voice, Sensation (Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic parts of experience). Each perception system has its own characteristics in terms of the speed and volume of transmitted information and even the range of information transmission. It is very easy to check this if you try to establish kinesthetic contact - it is limited by the length of our arms. If we summarize the features of each perception system, we get the following picture:

Vision – perception of a large number of pieces of information, maximum range, maximum transmission speed.

Sensations – perception of one unit of information at a time, the slowest speed, the smallest radius.

The greatest effectiveness of this stage of communication is achieved when all perception systems are involved. This is why I insist on the importance of kinesthetic contact in the first moments of acquaintance. Although, here it is already difficult to establish auditory and kinesthetic contact, it will rather complement the experience of communication with sensations. More about this below in the text.

As I wrote above, maximum efficiency is achieved, among other things, with minimal time investment. In support of this point, there is the following observation, which has been generalized from group studies. In total, I have data from 24 groups, totaling more than 800 people. In each group, in each pair of people, there was an effect of a rise in the emotional state immediately after establishing contact and, after some time, in the absence of activity on the part of the second participant in the communication, a decline in the emotional level with uncomfortable sensations from the beginning of communication. The critical threshold for the transition of comfort to discomfort looks like this:

Thus, we receive a gift that must be used very, very quickly. If we wait more than 3 seconds, then we will need to expend more resources or spend more time, which will ultimately affect the efficiency of the entire communication. Here we are faced with the traditional mistake of a young seducer, who at this stage starts his internal dialogue, missing everything that is given to him. How to improve efficiency in this case? One method is known to me with absolute accuracy. This is work and experience. And remember the epigraph to this part.


-Girl, what is the melting point of asphalt?

-87 degrees Celsius

from the classics

In fact, dating begins from the very moment you open your mouth. How you build your acquaintance is not important to me. All I can tell you is that the concept of effectiveness exists at this stage of communication. The main purpose of dating is to attract attention to yourself, create a positive impression of your presence and create a reserve of positivity for further communication. And the worst thing is that you have exactly 12 seconds to do everything. You have just that much time to transform the dating process into a communication process. That’s why I leave it to the pioneers to come up with super-templates for dating with 35 words and 18 actions. We have 12 seconds of efficiency that must be used at 100. It is clear that starting an internal dialogue is strictly prohibited here. What remains? There is just enough time left to say exactly what you think. The usual phrase that came to mind first. For example: “You're awesome. Let's go for a walk".

The effectiveness of this stage greatly increases your naturalness, which is also very desirable to develop in yourself. Evil NLPers call this naturalness the word “Congruence”.

Additionally, the effectiveness of this stage is increased by your appearance and the creation of rapport already at this stage. At a minimum, join according to body position, speed of movement and currently preferred modality.

Another important factor useful for the preliminary analysis of the “Contact-Acquaintance” step is that a woman makes a decision about the sexual attractiveness of a man in the same 15 seconds. The form of this decision is approximately this: “I could sleep with this man,” in exactly this version. If the form is “I want this handsome guy,” then what are you doing here?


-I told him: tell me.

-And what?

-Well, he told me the history of the Moscow metro.

-How is your virginity?

-I'm moving in this direction.

-We must not move, we must move

"Don't be a threat to South Central by drinking juice on your block."

So, you can say that you have already met. Now you have started communicating. As I understand it, your effectiveness involves setting a goal from dating directly BEFORE dating, right? Okay, I just asked, just in case. I assume that you want to get from the other person with whom you are currently communicating a very resourceful and positive aftertaste period, which you need to start shaping now. The peculiarity of this stage of communication is that there are no more gifts from our subconscious in the form of bonus resources. Further development of communication occurs from the starting state obtained during acquaintance. What will help us at this stage? The most important thing, of course, is to establish rapport. Moreover, the rapport is the maximum possible for this situation. A sufficient indicator of excellent rapport is adherence to a logical level of values. There are many techniques you can use to do this:

1. model of indefinite language according to Milton Erickson (probably, for skiers it can be very important sometimes to be in nature).

2. You can use the pattern of walking through logical levels “What does this mean for you?” (And when you are in a state of erotic arousal, what does that mean to you?).

3. Card Splitting Pattern “Definitely, Maybe” (Exactly, group sex can be very important for achieving nirvana).

After we have created the required deep rapport on several levels, including verbal and nonverbal, we can remember that it is important to sometimes establish kinesthetic contact during communication. At this stage he belongs. After all, what could be more natural than giving a woman your hand while walking? Although yes, different times, different morals. Well, bite her ear. I don't mind.

What is required of us next? Further, in a state of deep rapport, we bring the person into a state of resource. Here you will need the skills of conducting in a state of rapport. The resource state is generally useful in life, but in communication it plays, if not the most important, then a secondary role. Let's draw a graph.

Ideally, this graph should be symmetrical. And we must strive for this. I'll tell you more about this later.


From the point of view of efficiency, the time of farewell should coincide with the stage of acquaintance, and the optimal period is 10-15 seconds for a kiss on the cheek and taking a phone number. Of course, if you haven't taken the phone number before. Such a farewell triggers a much more active process of aftertaste than a simple “Bye... bye.... Bye... meow... bye....”.


This is the time of experience, the time to process your kinesthetic experience. This is the time when you can finally start this internal dialogue with a bottle of beer to think about this very communication. This is the time to think about tactics for further actions and select a further scenario for the development of relations. Time for your imagination to fly. In general, I have no recommendations here. You'll figure it out yourself.

The final structure of effective communication

Diagram of an ideal communication structure (Spherical communication in a vacuum)

To maintain the effectiveness of the communication stage, resources are constantly introduced into the situation, trying to maintain maximum resource communication for both participants.

Changing states

When I hit the bottom, there was a knock from below

Another law of the human psyche that should be taken into account when analyzing the structure of communication is the law of the flow of emotional states. A person cannot always be either comfortable or uncomfortable. Comfort is always followed by discomfort, and discomfort is always followed by comfort. A person needs both positive and negative emotions. In graph form it might look like this (spherical flow of emotions in a vacuum):

Thus, changes in emotions occur constantly. Returning to the graph of the ideal structure of emotions, it is easy to understand that in order to keep an emotion in a constant plus, a constant contribution of resources is required, that is, you will need more and more strength and energy to make the girl constantly comfortable with you.

That is why you should not delay the communication stage - as soon as you understand that maintaining this level of efficiency will require you to overspend resources (more than you are willing to spend now), you should move on to the separation stage. You will get a good connection of the resource state to you. In other words, you showed up - she feels good. You left - she feels bad. This is a good plus for future relationships.

Consequences from the theory

Once again I will briefly and clearly express the main points of the long theory.

1. Touching a girl during a conversation is one of the main tools in seduction women.

2. If you see that “the party has already died down,” that is, the girl is no longer communicating with you as well as before, pick up the phone and leave, or take communication to another quality level. In another room, in another plane.

3. The more time you spend getting to know each other, the more effort it will take you to seduce a woman.

Philip Bogachev

Russian Model of Effective Seduction


Dedicated to my mother and Galina Yakovenko.

To two women who changed my worldview.

Philip Bogachev

Russian Model of Effective Seduction

A self-instruction manual for preparing successful men.


This book was supposed to be published in early 2003. On the other hand, at this very time we developed the second version of the Russian Model of Effective Seduction (RMES), and the release of the book was quickly postponed to the end of the year. During this time, all the material that was written earlier was revised. In fact, I wrote the book again. I really hope that new ideas and new methods will be published in new editions of the book, because we are constantly developing and looking for something new.

I remember the first RMES seminar, which took place on May 25, 2002. During this time, more than 800 young, energetic people passed through it. It was these people who gave me the opportunity to learn, who provided answers to my ideas, who tested my assumptions, and who, by learning from me, gave me the opportunity to learn with them. I am very grateful to all my students for this. Whoever you are, when and at whatever seminar you studied with me, know this. It is to you that I write this gratitude, it was from you that I learned.

And now this book represents almost in full exactly what RMES is now. “Almost” – because not all of the exercises we do at the seminars can be described in the text. A lot of things need to be shown or demonstrated. Because on paper it looks simple, but in training it can take seven sweats. And only then will it be simple.

I would like to say a special thank you to my partner in all coaching projects, Mikhail Shirin, thanks to whom the current seminar is exactly what it is.

I would like to thank my teachers with whom I had the honor to study:

Galina Yakovenko, Mikhail Ginzburg, Betty Erickson, Frank Farrelly, Frank Pucelik, Sergei Gorin, Andrei Koenig, Tatyana Muzhitskaya, Alexei Kucherov, Robert Dilts, Jean Gaudin.

Special thanks to those people who helped me shape my thinking:

Robert Heinlein (r.i.p.), Ray Douglas Bradbury, Anton Sandor LaVey (r.i.p.), Friedrich Nietzsche (r.i.p.), Milton Erickson (r.i.p.), Steve and Konera Adreas, Oliver Stone, Stanley Kubrick (r.i.p.), Jim Bradenburg.

Thanks to these teams for the sounds that helped me work on this book for seven years:

Lake Of Tears, My Dying Bride, Karunesh, Moonspell, Hallucinogen, Juno Reactor, Queen, Pink Floyd, Sergey Kalugin, Zero, Jethro Tull, Slayer, Pan.Thy.Monium, Summoning, Iron Maiden, Metallica, Dead Can Dance, Space , Chemical Brothers, Roy Orbison, Elvis Presley, Dagda, Blasphemy, Marduk, Empyrium, Brighter Death Now, Absu, 3rd Force, Angizia, Dismal Euphony, Scorpions, Antichrisis, Inkubus Sukkubus, Sirrah, Master's Hammer, Tiamat, Cemetery Of Scream, Catharsis.

Many thanks to those guys with whom I took a coaching course in the summer of 2003:

Akhmetova Saule, Bulygin Egor, Gorina Maria, Dashevsky Oleg, Del German, Diment Leonid, Esipenko Andrey, Zhitlovsky Joseph, Sakova Vera, Kazarnovskaya Alena, Kapterev Alexey, Kiselev Roman, Kryuchkov Andrey, Kulagin Dmitry, Kucherenko Andrey, Litsina Yulia, Metelsky Andrey , Mikheev Alexander, Mikheeva Natalya, Pavelko Irina Panchenko Victor, Protas Alla, Pukhov Konstantin, Sikorskaya Anna, Simakova Anastasia, Stanis Vladimir, Ubliev Sergey, Kharitonova Yulia.

An introduction that explains what you're holding in your hands.

Well, all I can do is congratulate you, reader. You know, I myself sometimes regret that I didn’t learn what I know now somewhere around my eighteenth birthday. This would help me greatly reduce the number of collisions of my long-suffering forehead with those cosmic rakes that lie in wait for an ordinary young man with the first five or six girls.

After all, how does it work? Until the age of seven we are sure that children are found in cabbage, until the age of 12 we know that they are from mom and dad, after this period we suspect that people are having sex, at the age of thirteen we will watch the first pornography in our lives, and by the age of twenty (who is earlier, someone later) we will be lucky to experience the taste of sex ourselves. And the main problem in such a long period of time from the first viewing of pornography to the first performance of it live is the lack of training. For example, if we are taught in detail how to eat, drink, walk, talk, read and write, then we are not taught how to communicate with women at all.

There are sources of information, but what are they? A movie where, at best, they will show a couple of banter dialogues, at worst, the hero passionately kisses the heroine and they fall on the bed, and in the next frame they already have five children. Friends of the same age who know no more than you do, or older comrades who, by and large, know only one way to seduce a woman: “pour a liter of vodka into her and that’s it.”

Well, about the fact that no one will ask adults until they are twenty, and after twenty you are already an adult and there is no one to ask, I am generally silent. Glossy magazines often write such nonsense that they can’t even wipe their butts in the toilet. The paper is tough.

And what to do in such a situation? I am not the first person to think about such injustice. Apart from the mythical Casanova and the legendary Don Juan, dozens of very smart and advanced people have written on this topic. Seneca, for example. But where can modern man look for that Seneca? Right. Nowadays it is fashionable to communicate electronically, that is, using a computer. And there are many advisers, and they advise quickly, and with home delivery. This is exactly how the pick-up artist scene in Russia was created in the mid-nineties. (To pick UP in bourgeois slang means quickly picking up a girl for the night) In this circle of people, some theories were born; for the first time, the idea was thrown up to use NLP and Hypnosis in dating girls. And after a couple of years, this get-together began to slowly die out, mainly due to the specificity of the method of communication (who knows what FidoNet is, will understand, Yandex asks the rest to visit).

At the end of 1998, I created the first prototype of the website, and already in 1999 it was known throughout Russia. Interesting people began to gather at the project forum, we began to actively meet, and at the beginning of 2000 the idea was born to summarize everything that we know about meeting girls, and even about seducing them. It turned out that there are at least a couple of dozen methods and approaches, but none of them reflects a comprehensive model from start to finish. From dating to seduction, from seduction to creating relationships, from creating relationships to separation.

And then the fun began. It turned out that each of those people who were at the very origins of the creation of RMES (Russian Model of Effective Seduction) has an almost unique set of techniques and personal qualities that work almost exclusively for this person. And we began to compare our ideas, learn new skills from each other, vigorously discuss ideas and try to apply the experience of our foreign colleagues in our own conditions.

We lived and live in different cities and different countries, but we were able to meet periodically and exchange experiences. Bit by bit, a model of what RMES is now was born. And these are the people who stood at the very beginning, generating ideas and transferring their experience to my treasury of knowledge:

Andrey Alikberov (Moscow), Andrey Afanasyev (Chelyabinsk), Anton Matorin (Ryazan), Bulat Ziganshin (Naberezhnye Chelny), Semyon Paramonov (Moscow), Evgeny Stolyarov (Moscow), Konstantin Zverev (Munich), Alexey Stepanov (Tomsk), Roman Kuznetsov (Moscow), Arseny Metelin (Moscow), Lev Dolgachev (Tallinn), Mikhail Kuznetsov (Moscow), Mikhail Cheremisinov (Moscow), Alexander Gordeev (Moscow), Alexey Titov (St. Petersburg), Alexey Khizhnyak (Minsk), Kirill Batalov ( Moscow), De Cavallo Daniel (Moscow), Konstantin Viktorov (Moscow), Valery Yamshanov (Chelyabinsk), Boris Kharitonov (Novosibirsk).

Perhaps I might have missed or forgotten someone. It is possible that this did not happen out of malicious intent, but now that the gingerbread cookies have been distributed, let’s move on to the most important question:

What is the Russian Model of Effective Seduction

The answer to this question is best given point by point. Let's start with the first one.

Russian. The main idea of ​​​​creating RMES is that we created it for Russian girls and Russian boys. In the conditions of our time and our Russian mentality, in the conditions of speaking Russian and communicating with Russian people. One could take the works of Jeffries or DiAngelo (both from the States) as a basis, but the methods that these respected people preach still do not work without adaptation. And after adaptation they become very similar to what we ourselves have reached.

Model. The idea behind the model is that we don't come up with numerous theories and test them on rats (as clinical psychologists often do), but take a person who does something and start thinking about why he can do it. Roughly speaking, we take a skill and begin to disassemble it into small cogs, adding new details and observing the result. And one person can have about five such skills in communicating with a girl. And the other person doesn’t have these skills, but women give him them anyway. Why? How? And it turns out that you can come to bed in different ways. And this is where the fun begins. Which skills are more useful? Which is bigger – a kilogram or a light? Moreover, not every woman has the perception of the skill that exists. And what happens in the end? A large, awesome chest of screwdrivers, but only one suits each specific woman. Therefore, the main idea of ​​the model is that you and only you will decide which of the ideas and tricks described in this book will work for you. Try it: if you like it, take it for yourself. If you don’t like it, you’ll leave it in the book. You yourself can build any house from the car of bricks that are here.

Women's portal - Bonterry