How to play simple checkers. How to teach a child to play checkers from scratch in a playful way

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The tabletop game in question has a large number of varieties, which differ not only in the rules, but also in the equipment used for it. Scientists justify this by the fact that entertainment appeared in different parts of the planet at approximately the same time, independently of each other. There is an assumption that its name comes from the word “steps”, since during the battle there is walking across the field.

In order to play, gamers will need a playing field consisting of dark and light colored cells located diagonally. The game uses equal chips: white ones, which allow the party participant to be the first to make a move, and black ones. Only two participants can play at the same time.

Everyone loves this entertainment, which is why people, young and old, play it. The rules of checkers are simple and straightforward; children as young as four years old can master them. The game develops spatial and logical thinking well, makes you think and develop strategies, improves memory and intellectual abilities. Its benefits are undeniable and have long been proven, it’s not for nothing that it was so popular in Soviet times. How many children attended chess and checkers sections back then! After a short period of oblivion, entertainment returns to our lives, but with the use of computer technology and online.

In this article we will look at the basic rules of playing the most popular types of checkers for beginners.

Rules in checkers

Let's start with the Russians.


  • A playing field measuring eight by eight cells. Cell designations are alphanumeric.
  • Black and white chips, twelve of each color.

Leaving the opponent without chips, or without the opportunity to make a move. In the event that none of the opponents can win, a draw is declared.

Checkers classic rules:

Two participants compete with each other, located on opposite sides of the playing field. The board is positioned so that each player on the left, in the first line, has a dark cell. Who will play which color is determined by lot. Each party participant fills in the dark squares of the first three rows of the field with figures. The one who plays white goes first. The opponents' moves are made in order. As soon as the participant takes a step and releases his hand, the move is played, and nothing can be changed. If a player touches a chip, then he will definitely use it. Before correcting the figure, the gamer must warn the second participant about these intentions.

At the beginning of the game, all the pieces are simple. Their movement is carried out diagonally, one free cell forward - during a move, forward or backward - during a battle. If a piece manages to reach the opponent's first line, it becomes a king. They are flipped over to distinguish them from pawns.

Capture occurs like this: the participant jumps over the opponent if there is a free cell behind him. In the event that there is an opportunity to continue the capture, the player must do so. It is allowed to hit both forward and backward; broken chips are removed from the playing field.

The queen moves and hits diagonally through any number of cells if they are empty. If she can continue taking, this must be done without fail.

There is also such a thing as taking a fuk. If the player did not notice the opportunity to hit the “victim,” then the opponent has the right to take his chip without a fight.

There is such a type of entertainment in question as giveaways. Here the tactical scheme operates in the opposite direction, that is, you must be the first to give up pieces to your opponent or deprive yourself of the opportunity to move.

It is also impossible not to mention Chapaev, everyone has known him since childhood. Participants have eight pieces, which they place in each square of their first row. Then gamers take turns knocking out the opponent's chips. The player who succeeds moves one row forward, step by step approaching the opponent. There can be seven or more rounds. After the sixth, the rows of participants come close to each other. The loser in this round retreats one line back. In case of a draw, everyone remains in their place. The winner is the one who defeats the opponent in the last decisive round. Even a beginner can win in this event.

The considered rules for checkers are standard; by agreement, partners can make adjustments to them. Many sites give their users the opportunity to play the game in question for free here and now, that is, online. And they, in turn, enjoy using it. Step-by-step instructions will help novice gamers get comfortable.

Tactics in checkers

The method of playing international checkers is similar to Russian ones. They have become widespread in Poland, France, China, Belgium, Russia, etc. Their main difference is that a ten by ten field is used here. The number of chips of each color increases to twenty pieces. The partners fill four rows with them on their side. In all other respects, the game scheme is the same, so we will not repeat it. The player who manages to destroy the opponent's pieces or deprive him of the opportunity to make a move wins.

Tournaments for this variety are held in many countries, national championships, European and world championships. Often, experienced gamers, when conducting training, use a computer for these purposes. There is a lot of interesting literature, by reading which, checkers players can learn about all the subtleties and tricks of this entertainment.

As for checkers, it is popular in the United States, Great Britain, India, Italy, etc. Circassian is a famous game of checkers, its rules have the following differences from the classics:

  • blacks go first;
  • pawns attack exclusively forward;
  • The queen moves only one square, but also backwards and forwards.

Interesting fact: Jonathon Schaeffer has proven that there is a win-win algorithm for fighting. By following it, you can count on a win or, in extreme cases, a draw in checkers.

Among the different types of entertainment among Armenians, tama is considered the most popular. It is played on a regular 64-square board. There are 32 stones in the game, 16 for one gamer and 16 for another. Each cell of the 2nd and 3rd rows on the partners’ sides is filled with figures. The stones move and also hit either horizontally or vertically. Taking back in the game is prohibited. The instructions for the tama contain a list of "gentleman's rules". They say that the opponent must warn his partner if he intends to capture his piece, or if he ends up on the 7-8th row.

To learn how to play tama correctly, you need to remember the following:

  • The pawn moves one square either to the left or to the right and, in no case, back.
  • The queen (tama) moves horizontally, vertically, diagonally, as well as forward and backward, that is, in eight directions.
  • If a stone reaches the eighth line during a fight and can continue it, then it does so as a tama.
  • A pawn hits a stone standing to the right, left, in front, in vertical or horizontal directions.
  • Tama hits in all eight directions.
  • If a player has several options open to him to take the opponent's stones, he must choose the most effective one.
  • When several options for taking promise the same number of broken stones, the partner himself decides how to move.

Holding tama championships in Armenia is not uncommon. Entertainment is very popular in the country.

Checkers moves

Many people consider this game to be simple, in which you can easily win just by learning the rules. But this is far from true. Knowledge of basic instructions is not enough here, although without them there is no point in sitting down at the table. There are tactics in the game of checkers. For beginners, simple tips will be useful that will make their position in the game more advantageous:

  • During the fight, try to get to the eighth row as quickly as possible and prevent the enemy from doing this for as long as possible. The queen is a good advantage. She moves more freely around the playing field and has a wide range of capabilities. A queen can get in the way of a whole group of pawns.
  • Try to always have more stones on the board than your opponent has. This advice is quite obvious; various techniques used by experienced gamers will help to implement it.
  • Your pieces should occupy the central part of the field. The stones located at the edges of the board are weaker than the central ones - this is a fact. But, having lined up the pieces in the center, provide them with reliable defense so that they do not become easy prey for the enemy.
  • Before you make a move, think about how your partner might respond to your action. You always need to think through the game several steps ahead. This is important advice that can protect the player from rash actions that initially seemed tempting.
  • Move the pieces in small groups. This will prevent the opponent from beating them.
  • Do not release the first line for as long as possible. Thus, the enemy will not be able to get kings at this time.

Checkers rules

Of course, there is no combination or tactics in checkers, the knowledge of which will allow the checker player to win. There are countless of them, and this fact makes the fun interesting and dynamic.

A person who has discovered this entertainment understands that rules alone are not enough, you need to learn and improve your skills. Note: you can learn at any age.

First of all, the player must know the rules thoroughly, without this there is no point in moving forward. They are easy to remember, so learning them will not take much time even for a child. Afterwards you can move on to the secrets and techniques of the game. In literature for checkers players, authors share tricks with readers, supplementing them with photos and illustrations for visual perception of information. It is better to divide the game into stages (beginning, middle, end) and study them step by step. A step-by-step study will certainly yield positive results. Well, for those who are just taking their first steps, it is better to start with the tips mentioned above.

  • for capture - a technique called “pubes” or an attack on a figure;
  • to enter the kings - the "breakthrough" technique;
  • to deprive a partner of the opportunity to walk - locking techniques.

The theoretical knowledge gained must be combined with practice. In the case when there is no partner, you can use computer checkers programs, but they must be tested. It is better to record the matches played so that you can analyze the errors later.

Approach every challenge seriously and with complete dedication, otherwise it’s just a waste of time. Do not take failures to heart, because correctly drawn conclusions during failed games will bring much more benefit to the student than won ones. Put the learned techniques and combinations into practice, otherwise they will be of no use. Self-study is impossible without literature on this topic, but if you have the opportunity to take classes in the checkers section, do not miss it. Gaining knowledge under the supervision of an experienced mentor will yield positive results much faster. The learning process is not easy, but the main thing here is the right approach.

Rules of the game of checkers. Answer to the question: “Is it possible to hit backwards”

A question that often arises for a beginner is: you can’t walk backwards, but what about the rules of combat? Is it possible to eat back in checkers? Yes, you can! But not all rules of checkers games allow this. Find out more!

Checkers is a game that has been popular at all times. There are many varieties of checker-type games, some of them are not at all similar to the ones we are used to. The rules there are special and quite complex. We are interested in the classic game and its varieties. A fairly common question that worries beginners is, is it possible to eat backwards in checkers?

Let's explain the basic rules: a simple checker, making one quiet move (one cell), can only move forward. But sometimes a situation arises on the game board when you can hit an opponent’s piece, but at the same time you need to hit back (that is, jump over the other player’s game element).

To finally figure out whether it is possible to hit backwards, we will give you a summary table of the main types, close to the classic version (diagonal move).

VIEW Board size Fight back simple Flying queen
Russians 8x8 Yes Yes
International 10x10 Yes Yes
Brazilian 8x8 Yes Yes
Italian 8x8 No No
Canadian 12x12 Yes Yes
German 10x10 Yes Yes
Spanish 8x8 No Yes
Portuguese 8x8 No Yes
English 8x8 No No
Pool checkers 8x8 Yes Yes
80 cells 10x8 Yes Yes
Giveaways 8x8 Yes Yes

You can choose any variety and follow the rules that suit you. That's why everyone likes this entertainment - the interest never fades. If you like solving logic problems, this is for you!

Thus, an inexperienced checkers player hesitates: is it permissible to cut back when the basic rule is forward and only forward? We answer: it is possible, but with some reservations. As you know, this game is loved all over the world. Varieties of checkers differ in their rules (although not significantly). Each pair of players decides for themselves whether to follow the established rules or not. Of course, if it's not a tournament where everything is strict.

The most common types

Russian checkers have gained popularity in our country. This is what our parents loved to play during breaks at Soviet school. Yes, in Russian checkers you can cut backwards and eat any number of checkers in all directions. There are some regional differences in Russia. For example, in the Stavropol ones, the ability to move the opponent’s checkers has been added, and in the northern ones, when captured, the king is not removed from the board, but becomes a simple piece.

International checkers - the name speaks for itself. The main difference is that the game is played on a board of one hundred squares in size, and the pieces are lined up in four rows. The board is large, but this increases the number of possible moves. Hitting backwards is allowed (however, a simple move is still forward). There is also one more important difference: in the first, any piece that reaches the transformation field (the last opposite row of the board) becomes a king. In international games, it is not in the process of eating the opponent’s checkers.

Many countries around the world have developed their own rules. Thus, there are Brazilian, Italian, Canadian, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Turkish and Senegalese species. The differences, by the way, are minor. In addition to Turkish and Senegalese. Here the figures do not move diagonally, but straight in three directions. But not everywhere it is possible to hit the opponent’s checkers when moving backwards.

Also known are the English ones - Checkers. Here it is not allowed to hit pieces that are behind on the playing field. And the queen can only move one square in all directions. In the Italian variation, the king also moves to one square, and simple checkers cannot beat the king.

The game pool (Pool Checkers), like checkers, is popular in the USA. You can cut back, the queen is also free in her movements.

The checkers type of game is a flexible system. Fans of mind sports have invented some original types of games:

  • giveaways - Russian-type rules apply here, so the question does not arise whether it is possible to eat backwards in checkers. Need to! The main thing in this game is to give in to your opponent, to allow all your pieces to be captured or locked;
  • Samoyeds - pieces are eaten regardless of color (i.e. you also have to beat your own);
  • two-move – players make two moves;
  • diagonal – the initial arrangement is different;
  • game on a board of eighty squares - you can hit backwards, like in Russian.

As well as other varieties that provide enormous scope for logical research.

Russian checkers

The official rules of the game of classic checkers are quite voluminous - they can be downloaded from the bathhouse website. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the brief basic rules of the game.


Checkers is played on a board consisting of alternating dark and light fields (cells). Classic checkers uses an 8x8 board. During the game, the board is positioned so that each player has a white corner square on the right.

Each field is designated as a serial number of a cell or a combination of a number horizontally and a Latin letter vertically. When making a move, the record is made by fixing the starting and ending cells through a hyphen (for example, c3-d4, 10-15). And during the battle of the enemy’s checkers, a colon (or “x”) is used instead of a hyphen, indicating all the intermediate cells during the capture of the enemy’s checkers (for example, 11:18, c3:e5:c5).

Moves in checkers

Checkers can move only on dark cells.

In the initial position, the checkers are placed on the dark cells of the horizontal rows closest to the player. In the opening, all checkers are equal: they are simple (not queens).

Simple checkers only move forward one free square. If the field is occupied by the opponent’s checker and the cell behind this field is free, a battle must take place: the mover’s checker “jumps” over the opponent’s checker and the latter is removed from the board.
In one battle, a simple checker can beat several of your opponent's checkers. In some versions of the game, a simple checker is allowed to be hit back, and in others it is not.

When the far horizontal line is reached, the checker "turns" into a queen. If you hit a king while capturing someone else's checkers, the battle can continue in three ways (depending on the type of game): the checker continues the battle as a king, continues to capture as a simple checker, the checker turns into a king and the right of move passes to the opponent.
In some types of simple checkers, it is forbidden to beat your opponent's queens.

Queens can make moves and capture other people's checkers diagonally in any direction. Depending on the type of game, the queen can move any distance or only one square, combating only neighboring checkers.

Taking other people's checkers

In checkers, if it is possible to capture someone else's piece, the player must definitely fight. Depending on the type of checkers, when choosing from several battle alternatives, different rules apply: any battle, one of the captures with the largest number of captured pieces, with the largest number of kings eaten.

When capturing with a king, if during the battle the latter has the opportunity to capture at least one more opponent's checker, the king must capture further.

Is your preschooler old enough and at the same time quite diligent to play board games? Tell him how to play checkers. A new hobby will help develop intellectual abilities, which will contribute to future good studies.

Checkers - an exciting board game

Everyone knows that sports include not only outdoor games, but also board games - checkers and their origins go back to the distant past. Some historians believe that they were invented by the Greek warrior Palamedes during the ten-year siege of Troy, while others believe in the Egyptian origin of this ancient fun. As a result of excavations, archaeologists found similar in appearance sets of boards with cells or squares and round chips in the territory of Kievan Rus, Sweden, Norway and many other countries. This means that checkers have been particularly popular for a very long time due to its simplicity and at the same time the need to have a rather sharp mind in order to master this, one might say, science. And in our time, this board game captivates everyone - from young to old. It is noteworthy that even small-sized mini-checkers are produced, intended for useful pastime while traveling, while the chips have special legs for durable fastening on the playing field.

Types of checkers

Historically, in each country this hobby acquired its own distinctive characteristics over time. How to play checkers, for example, in Armenian or Brazilian? Let's get acquainted with the rules of some countries:

International. The rules are similar to the Russian game, but the playing field consists of one hundred cells (10 by 10). Only a checker that has finished the battle on one square can become a queen (which, for example, is impossible with a long set of moves when beating an opponent).

English. The game is in many ways similar to Russian checkers. The differences lie in the prohibition of hitting in the opposite direction and the requirement that kings be located on only one playing field.

Armenian. Checkers do not move diagonally, but in a perpendicular direction, crossing cells of different colors. Just like the English ones, there is a ban on destroying enemy pieces by moving backwards.

Brazilian. The rules are the same as international ones, and the playing field is like Russian ones: 8 by 8 cells with 12 chips for each opponent.

Spanish. Brazilian rules apply, but the checkers are located on white cells with the playing field rotated 90 degrees. You can't hit back.

Basic rules of the game of checkers (Russian) for simple pawns

Let's get acquainted with the basic principles that need to be followed when moving chips across the field, hitting the enemy and turning into queens. Pay special attention to the distinctive features of the game when the status of a checker changes. The rules of the final stage (after the appearance of the queens) acquire different conditions and are described later in the article.

  1. The game board is the same as a chess board and consists of 64 squares alternating in color (8 horizontally, 8 vertically).
  2. Each opponent has 12 checkers, which are initially arranged in three rows on black cells.
  3. The fold on the board is the dividing line of the players' fields.
  4. Moves are made alternately in a diagonal direction only on dark-colored cells.
  5. In one move, you can simultaneously hit (remove from the board) several enemy checkers, if they are located so that there are free cells for moves between them.
  6. The direction of movement can change (right, left). A reverse move can only take place if the opponent is beaten.
  7. All affected pieces are removed from the board only after the turn is completed.

Rules for the final stage of the game

  1. Transformation into a king is possible upon reaching the opposite row (the starting row for the opponent). Usually the chip is turned over, but sometimes the game set contains specially marked elements of the corresponding color.
  2. The queen has the right to move any number of cells in any diagonal direction.
  3. There should be no refusal from the queen to beat the enemy, therefore, thanks to this rule, “crowned heads” often fall into traps.
  4. The player who takes all the opponent's checkers or creates a situation in which he cannot make a single move wins.
  5. A draw is determined after repeating the same moves three times and failing to make others.
  6. The game is recorded by determining the location of the cells by putting numbers on the board near each square along the left vertical line of the board and letters along the bottom horizontal line.

Rule options

But our people like to deviate from standards, so in common everyday life some interesting interpretations of the unified rules of the game of Russian checkers often arise. Children especially fantasize. Surely many will remember the eccentric “giveaways”, when the goal of the game is not to beat the enemy, but to lose as quickly as possible, exposing your chips to the fight. How to play checkers following these “rules”? There are many options! Here are some of them:

Stavropol. In the game, a participant can, in the order of his turn, make a move not with his own chips, but with his opponent’s.

Pillar. Checkers move across the field, under which is the enemy’s knocked-down trophy.

Samoyeds. According to the rules, you need to hit not only the opponent’s checkers, but also your own.

How to play

This board game differs significantly from the traditional one, both in rules and content. Firstly, the appearance of the board, which has the shape of a six-pointed star, immediately catches your eye. Secondly, checkers are replaced with chips. In this case, from two to six players can participate in the game (maximum - according to the number of colors used). What are the rules of the game? Checkers are located on the tops of the star, their number depends on the size of the field and ranges from six to ten. The most “bright” player starts moving. The order then changes clockwise. The goal is to reach the opposite end of the star. According to the rules, you can move in any direction, while jumping over other people's chips, behind which there is a free cell. Whoever reaches the required goal first wins.

Isn't it simple and easy to understand how to play checkers? Try it! And you will definitely succeed!

Checkers is a very famous board game for two players. Only a few know how to play checkers correctly, and even fewer people are aware of the ways to ensure a guaranteed victory in any game. Although its rules are simple, knowledge of them is not enough to remain a winner all the time. To do this, you need to practice using some tricks.

Rules of the game of checkers

You need to play this board game on a standard field with 8x8 cells. The total number of playing pieces for two is 24, i.e. 12 of them are distributed per participant. Before placing them, you need to turn the board so that there is a black square in the lower left corner in front of the participant playing for white checkers. Only dark fields are used - opponents place pieces on them.

The main goal is to completely remove all of the opponent’s pieces or block them so that he cannot “move” any further and has no moves left. You need to play as follows:

  • The player who got the white pieces goes first.
  • Participants move only to black squares, that is, diagonally, and move forward - this method of movement is called “quiet”.
  • To beat the enemy, they also move diagonally, “jumping” over the adjacent “enemy” figure, if the next field along the same diagonal is free - this type of move is called “battle”.
  • The checker used to hit the opponent's piece is placed on the square behind it, and the beaten one is removed from the field.
  • The piece that reaches the opposite edge of the board becomes a queen (it is turned over or a second one is placed on top to distinguish the “queen” from simple pieces).
  • The queen gets the right to move any number of squares forward or backward (but only diagonally), and during the battle she can stand on a free square behind the attacked piece, if there are several of them.

Beginner players are often interested in whether it is possible to hit back while playing with simple pieces, not queens. Here everything depends on the type of checkers: some versions assume that the pieces can only move and shoot forward, while others - in both directions, and besides, pawns of different statuses have different capabilities. For beginners, the simplest, Russian version is best suited. After a little practice, the participant, if desired, will be able to move on to a difficult level, learning to play other types of checkers.


When creating traps, as well as throughout the entire game of checkers, you must remain vigilant and timely unravel your opponent’s counter plans.

Here are more traps in the opening: one of the players creates a trap for the other, but he himself falls into the trap prepared by the opponent.

Example 5. 1.cd4 ba5 2.bc3 cb6 3.gh4 dc5 4.hg3 bc7?

White's move

With his last move, Black prepared a trap: now White can’t play 5.ab2? because of 5…ab4! 6.c:a5 fg5 7.h:f6 x

But it turns out that White is also not averse to winning the game at the very beginning of the game, and their trap has already worked: 5.cb4! a:e5 6.ed4 c:e3 7.d:b8 x

Advice: striving win quickly, don’t let your opponent do the same!

The examples considered are quite simple. There are many such traps at the beginning of a game of Russian checkers, but there are also more complex ones. One example of a complex trap that even a beginner can fall into can be found (in the comments to White's fifth move).

Trap at the beginning of the game - for white

Trap at the beginning of the game - for black

Traps at the beginning of the game are another way to win at checkers, which is often found in the practical game, especially among beginners. The theme of traps at the very beginning of a game of checkers will definitely be continued, stay tuned.

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Are you ready to beat your family and friends at checkers? Learn the basics and you'll have a big advantage when playing with other checkers fans. If you're ready to start getting better at checkers, this article will walk you through some strategies that will increase your chances of winning. In addition, we will tell you how to play in tournaments and constantly improve your skill level.


Part 1

How to increase your chances of winning

    Try to king more checkers than your opponent. In checkers, whoever has more kings has an advantage. Therefore, set a goal for yourself to get as many queens as possible - this will increase your chances of winning.

    • To put this advice into practice, move your checkers to an area of ​​the board where your opponent has fewer checkers or where his checkers are more scattered and vulnerable. If possible, insure the advanced checker with neighboring checkers, even at the cost of their sacrifice, in order to increase the chances of holding the king.
    • In the second part of the article we will tell you how to “redirect” the enemy’s checkers and get into the kings.
  1. Do not move the last row of checkers for as long as possible. Your opponent won't be able to make a king if the last squares are occupied by your checkers, so this strategy will prevent him from gaining an advantage in the early stages of the game. And when you finally start moving the last row of checkers, you will have more options for moves.

    • You won't be able to hold the last row all the time. When you have few checkers left or there is an opportunity for a profitable exchange of checkers, do not be afraid to move the checkers of the last row.
  2. Move checkers in compact groups and pairs. Two checkers “in tandem” stand next to each other diagonally. Keep the checkers close enough to each other that in one move you can make a tandem move, making it more difficult for your opponent to capture your checkers.

    • “Follow” the previously advanced checker before moving it further, covering it. Securing a forward-moved checker with two checkers is even more reliable, since you can protect it from being hit from both sides.
    • In the second part we will tell you how to set “pair traps”.
  3. Exchange checkers when it suits you. Obviously, it is beneficial for you to exchange one of your checkers for two of your opponent’s checkers, but even exchanging one checker for one is beneficial if you have more checkers on the board than your opponent.

    • For example, if you have 5 checkers and your opponent has 4, the forces on the board are almost equal. But when you exchange three more checkers equally, you will have a double advantage over your opponent (2 to 1)!
  4. Control the center of the board. Keep a few checkers close to the center, and at any time you will be able to quickly transfer forces to one of the flanks, which should be focused on. Likewise, try not to allow your opponent's checkers to occupy the center of the field in order to deprive him of his advantage.

Part 2

Game tactics and strategy

    Sacrifice checkers to gain an advantage. According to the "obligatory hit" rule, your opponent must take your checker if he has the opportunity. Calculate the consequences of your moves by imagining what position will be created on the board after taking your checker, and thereby determining whether it is worth putting it under attack.

  1. Use "pair traps". For this type of trap, the checkers on the board must be placed in a certain way. The first checker (1) occupies the extreme right or left cell diagonally, and your second checker (2) is located directly in front of it on the same diagonal. Further along this diagonal there is an empty cell, followed by the opponent’s checker (let’s call it A), followed by another of his checkers B.

    • Move checker 2 towards the opponent’s checkers, exposing it to the blow of checker A.
    • According to the mandatory hit rule, your opponent must use checker A to hit your checker, but he cannot then hit your checker 1, since it is at the edge of the board.
    • After the enemy takes your checker 2, you can take his checker A with your checker 1.
    • According to this standard scenario, a not very interesting exchange of one checker for another occurs. However, you can set such a trap, "waiting" for an opportunity for a double strike.
  2. “Redirect” your opponent’s checkers. To do this, from the very beginning of the game, decide that six of your checkers on one side of the board will be group A, and six on the other will be group B. This will be useful to you in determining which checkers should be played at a particular stage of the game.

    • At the beginning of the game, try to move exclusively with checkers of group A, moving checkers of group B only if there are no good moves for checkers of group A.
    • When entering into an exchange with your opponent, try to exchange checkers from group A, leaving group B untouched.
    • After a few exchanges, your opponent's checkers will most likely be concentrated on the half of the board where Group A checkers were. Now start pushing forward Group B checkers: this will put you in a good position to break through the weakened defenses on that part of the board into kings.

Is your preschooler old enough and at the same time quite diligent to play board games? Tell him how to play checkers. A new hobby will help develop intellectual abilities, which will contribute to future good studies.

Checkers - an exciting board game

Everyone knows that sports include not only outdoor games, but also board games - checkers and their origins go back to the distant past. Some historians believe that they were invented by the Greek warrior Palamedes during the ten-year siege of Troy, while others believe in the Egyptian origin of this ancient fun. As a result of excavations, archaeologists found similar in appearance sets of boards with cells or squares and round chips in the territory of Kievan Rus, Sweden, Norway and many other countries. This means that checkers have been particularly popular for a very long time due to its simplicity and at the same time the need to have a rather sharp mind in order to master this, one might say, science. And in our time, this board game captivates everyone - from young to old. It is noteworthy that even small-sized mini-checkers are produced, intended for useful pastime while traveling, while the chips have special legs for durable fastening on the playing field.

Types of checkers

Historically, in each country this hobby acquired its own distinctive characteristics over time. How to play checkers, for example, in Armenian or Brazilian? Let's get acquainted with the rules of some countries:

International. The rules are similar to the Russian game, but the playing field consists of one hundred cells (10 by 10). Only a checker that has finished the battle on one square can become a queen (which, for example, is impossible with a long set of moves when beating an opponent).

English. The game is in many ways similar to Russian checkers. The differences lie in the prohibition of hitting in the opposite direction and the requirement that kings be located on only one playing field.

Armenian. Checkers do not move diagonally, but in a perpendicular direction, crossing cells of different colors. Just like the English ones, there is a ban on destroying enemy pieces by moving backwards.

Brazilian. The rules are the same as international ones, and the playing field is like Russian ones: 8 by 8 cells with 12 chips for each opponent.

Spanish. Brazilian rules apply, but the checkers are located on white cells with the playing field rotated 90 degrees. You can't hit back.

Basic rules of the game of checkers (Russian) for simple pawns

Let's get acquainted with the basic principles that need to be followed when moving chips across the field, hitting the enemy and turning into queens. Pay special attention to the distinctive features of the game when the status of a checker changes. The rules of the final stage (after the appearance of the queens) acquire different conditions and are described later in the article.

  1. The game board is the same as a chess board and consists of 64 squares alternating in color (8 horizontally, 8 vertically).
  2. Each opponent has 12 checkers, which are initially arranged in three rows on black cells.
  3. The fold on the board is the dividing line of the players' fields.
  4. Moves are made alternately in a diagonal direction only on dark-colored cells.
  5. In one move, you can simultaneously hit (remove from the board) several enemy checkers, if they are located so that there are free cells for moves between them.
  6. The direction of movement can change (right, left). A reverse move can only take place if the opponent is beaten.
  7. All affected pieces are removed from the board only after the turn is completed.

Rules for the final stage of the game

  1. Transformation into a king is possible upon reaching the opposite row (the starting row for the opponent). Usually the chip is turned over, but sometimes the game set contains specially marked elements of the corresponding color.
  2. The queen has the right to move any number of cells in any diagonal direction.
  3. There should be no refusal from the queen to beat the enemy, therefore, thanks to this rule, “crowned heads” often fall into traps.
  4. The player who takes all the opponent's checkers or creates a situation in which he cannot make a single move wins.
  5. A draw is determined after repeating the same moves three times and failing to make others.
  6. The game is recorded by determining the location of the cells by putting numbers on the board near each square along the left vertical line of the board and letters along the bottom horizontal line.

Rule options

But our people like to deviate from standards, so in common everyday life some interesting interpretations of the unified rules of the game of Russian checkers often arise. Children especially fantasize. Surely many will remember the eccentric “giveaways”, when the goal of the game is not to beat the enemy, but to lose as quickly as possible, exposing your chips to the fight. How to play checkers following these “rules”? There are many options! Here are some of them:

Stavropol. In the game, a participant can, in the order of his turn, make a move not with his own chips, but with his opponent’s.

Pillar. Checkers move across the field, under which is the enemy’s knocked-down trophy.

Samoyeds. According to the rules, you need to hit not only the opponent’s checkers, but also your own.

How to play

This board game differs significantly from the traditional one, both in rules and content. Firstly, the appearance of the board, which has the shape of a six-pointed star, immediately catches your eye. Secondly, checkers are replaced with chips. In this case, from two to six players can participate in the game (maximum - according to the number of colors used). What are the rules of the game? Checkers are located on the tops of the star, their number depends on the size of the field and ranges from six to ten. The most “bright” player starts moving. The order then changes clockwise. The goal is to reach the opposite end of the star. According to the rules, you can move in any direction, while jumping over other people's chips, behind which there is a free cell. Whoever reaches the required goal first wins.

Isn't it simple and easy to understand how to play checkers? Try it! And you will definitely succeed!

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Rules of the game of checkers

Rules of the game Russian checkers.

The game involves 2 players, each of them at the beginning of the game has 12 checkers (each player has a set of checkers of his own color, standard white and black). The game is played on a standard chessboard (8x8) rotated so that in front of the player playing white in the lower left corner the square (field) is black. During the game, only 32 fields (black) are used.

In the initial position, the checkers occupy 3 horizontal lines on each side.

The player playing white moves first, then alternately one move at a time. There are two types of checkers: simple and kings. A queen is usually indicated by either two checkers stacked on top of each other or an inverted checker.

This picture shows the difference in the designations of primes and kings: on squares a1, e3 there are white primes, on squares h8, g7 there are white kings, on squares a5, h4 there are black primes, on squares b8 and h2 there are black kings. A simple one (in the initial position all checkers are simple) becomes a king if the last diagonal, relative to the player of its “owner”, is reached during the game.

White's simple g7 can become a king with his next move, moving either to the h8 square or to the f6 square.

A simple one can move in two ways:

a) quiet move - simple forward movement diagonally to any free adjacent field (silent move back is not carried out),

for example: in the initial position the white simple e3 can go to f4 or to d4, while the simple a3 has only one option on b4;

b) fight - in which a simple can jump (hit, eat) over the opponent’s simple or queen located on the adjacent field diagonally, provided that the next field along the same diagonal is free.

In the picture, the white simple can hit in four directions on c1, g1, c5, g5.

If after the battle the hitting checker has the opportunity to hit another one, then the battle should be continued (the battle can be carried out in any direction, taking into account the restrictions described in paragraph 2)

In the picture, a white simple can beat in two directions either e3:c5:e7 or e3:g5. After the battle, the opponent’s “broken” checkers are removed from the board.

During the battle, the simple one who reaches the last diagonal becomes a king and, if possible, continues the battle as a queen, according to the rules of battle for queens.

In the picture, a white simple b6 can capture 2 checkers, ending the battle either on the f6 or g5 or h4 square and turning into a king,

in this illustration, white simple b6 can capture 2 checkers, ending the battle either on the g5 or h4 square and also turning into a king).

The queen move can also be of two types:

a) quiet movement - move in any direction diagonally, on any number of fields (only in one direction at a time)

The white queen can move in four directions to any of the squares g1, c1, d4, c5, b6, f2, d2, f4, g5, h6);

b) fight - in which the king can jump over any simple or the opponent’s king located in any direction from the hitting queen diagonally, if there is a free field behind it (the opponent’s simple or king) diagonally. If there are several free squares in a row behind the beating checker in the direction of battle, then the beating king can occupy any of them. If it is possible to continue the battle from one or more of these fields, either in the same direction or perpendicular to it, then this must be done in one of the directions (to choose from) and so on

The white queen has a choice of three battle options g1:e3:c1, g1:d4:g7, g1:d4:h8.

After the battle with the king, the opponent’s “knocked down” checkers are also removed from the board.

If during one of the players' moves there is the opportunity to make several different quiet moves and not a single battle, then the player can choose any of the options (In the initial position, White has 7 options for quiet moves, and he can choose any).

If during one of the players’ moves there is an opportunity to make a fight and a few more quiet moves, then it is necessary to beat.

Let's make a couple of moves from the initial position c3 - d4, b6 - c5 - now White must hit d4: b6.

If there are several different fights and several quiet moves, then you need to choose any of the fights.

Black's move and he needs to choose from two battles a7: c5 or c7: a5.

If the move was not made according to the rules, then it is necessary to make the move again, if possible, with the same checker.

2. Limitations.

During the battle, checkers are removed after the end of the move (Turkish strike)

Here White has a wonderful opportunity to win 1.b2-c3 Black must capture 1... a5:e1:g3:e5 and the entire d4 checker cannot be captured, after which White captures 2. d4:f6:d8:a5 with a win.

A checker cannot be hit more than once

Here is a position in which White has several options for combat: e1:c3:a5; e1:c3:e5:g3:e1; e1:g3:e5:c3:e1; e1:g3:e5:c3:b4, however, White cannot capture all the opponent’s checkers at once e1:c3:e5:g3:e1:a5, since in this variation the d2 checker is captured twice, and this is prohibited.

3. Purpose of the game.

Hit or lock (when the opponent moves, he has checkers, but they cannot make a single move) all the opponent's checkers. If none of the opponents manages to achieve this, then a draw is awarded.

4. Notation and conventions.

Each field on the checkers board has its own designation. To do this, the horizontal rows receive numbers from 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and the vertical rows are designated by the Latin letters a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h. The field located at the intersection of vertical d and horizontal 4 is designated as d4. Using a similar scheme, designations are given to all fields on the board.

A quiet checker move from square c3 to square d4 will be written as c3-d4 or cd4 (short notation),

the battle is designated as e3:c5:e7 or e3:e7 or e:e7.

The notation 11.a3-b4 d6-e5 means that on the 11th move White went a3-b4, and Black answered d6-e5

P.S. Recently, competitions in Russian checkers have been held in two variants - classic Russian checkers and the so-called. tournaments with selective draws.

The second option assumes the presence of an officially approved list of initial 2-3 moves (as well as the option when one checker of each side at the beginning of the game takes some other position - “flying” checkers). Before a game (or micro-match), the opponents draw lots to determine the number of the opening or starting position. This version of the board game was developed by leading Russian grandmasters in order to “revive” the game and avoid the supposed “drawn death” of Russian checkers, where theoretical developments had reached a critical threshold. The list of openings and positions used in such tournaments is constantly revised and approved by the Russian Federation every two years.

Diagonal checkers.

The rules are completely identical to the rules of Russian checkers, but the initial arrangement is different.

80-cell checkers.

The rules are similar to Russian checkers, but the board is 10 squares wide and 8 squares high.

Russian towers.

The rules of the game are the same as checkers rules, but differ in that the opponent’s beaten checker is not removed from the board, but is climbed under the striking tower, and if the tower is beaten, then only the top checker is removed from it! If several enemy checkers are fought, they are taken one after another and a “tower” (“pillar”) is formed on the final field. The tower moves all at once and moves according to the rules of its top checker, like a simple or queen. A tower, like a single checker, can go into kings, with only the top checker becoming a king. When a tower is captured, one top checker is removed from it, and the checker located under it takes over in accordance with its color. As a result, the player can release his checkers, previously captured by the enemy, and the previously captured and subsequently released king is subsequently simple

International checkers.

The game is played on a board of 10x10 cells. Checkers occupy the first four rows on each side, located on dark squares.

Opponents take turns moving checkers of their own color. An ordinary checker (at the beginning of the game all checkers are ordinary) can make two types of moves:

Quiet move - moving a checker one square forward diagonally. According to the rules of the game, a quiet move is possible if the corresponding field is free and there is no requirement to capture the opponent’s checker anywhere on the board.

Capturing an opponent's checker is moving a checker two squares forward or backward diagonally, while jumping over the opponent's checker, which is then removed from the board (a simple checker can hit backwards).

In international checkers, unlike Russian, when fighting with a simple checker through the “transformation field” (one of the fields on the horizontal line farthest from the player), it does not turn into a king, and the battle continues according to the simple rules.

When a regular checker reaches the last rank it becomes a king. Queens are able to move an arbitrary number of fields diagonally, both forward and backward.

According to the rules of the game of international checkers, capturing the opponent's checkers is mandatory. If, after capturing one, it is possible to capture another opponent’s checker, the capture continues. If there are several options for hitting, you need to hit as many checkers as possible.

In international checkers, the winner is the one who managed to destroy or block the movement of all the opponent's checkers.

Checkers - corners.

The game is played on an 8x8 board. Each player has nine checkers, which are arranged in the shape of a 3x3 square in the first closest (for each) corner of the board. In a board game, the corners of a checker move to one square adjacent horizontally or vertically, or jump over a piece that stands on a neighboring (horizontally or vertically) square if the space behind it is free. In checkers corners, the first one to occupy the opponent's corner wins.

Checkers are a giveaway.

The rules of the game of giveaway checkers are similar to the rules of Russian or international checkers, only the goal of the game is to give up or lock all your checkers.


Checkers is the most popular board game in the United States. The rules for playing Checkers are very similar to the rules for playing Russian checkers, but have the following differences:

A simple checker cannot hit backwards;

The queen can only move one square in any direction;

You can hit any number of checkers.

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