Reasons for not going to school. What reason can you come up with not to go to school? Add your price to the database Comment

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Probably, everyone during their school years had cases when they really didn’t want to go to school - or you didn’t prepare for a test. Or they definitely have to ask you, but you don’t hit the nail on the head, so a bad mark is guaranteed. Or a showdown with the director is scheduled for today after your next fight or broken glass. There could be a million reasons. What excuses can teachers and parents come up with to avoid going to school?

Excuses for teachers

Excuse #1
In order not to go to the first 2-3 lessons, it’s enough to just skip, and then go up to the teacher and say that you had a medical examination at the clinic. Or I went to see an endocrinologist at the Institute of Endocrinology. The name of the doctor’s specialization should be tricky and unconventional, otherwise they won’t believe it. In the same way, you can leave after the first lesson, saying that you need to go to an appointment with an endocrinologist.

Excuse #2
In our age of technology, every student has a mobile phone. After the first lesson, tell the teacher that your mother called and asked you to urgently pick up your younger sister (brother) from kindergarten because she (he) has a high temperature. Mom can’t leave work, dad is also very busy, and grandma lives in another city. Therefore, today you will look after the sick child.

Excuse #3
You hide your backpack at school, and when class starts, you are loudly indignant and shout that the backpack with all the textbooks and notebooks has disappeared, and you guess where it could have been hidden. You leave to look and come to the end of the lesson. Don't forget to get your backpack a little dirty so you can say you found it at the stadium or in the cleaners' back room. The main thing is to look very upset.

Excuse #4
Come with your finger (or fingers) wrapped in a bandage and say that you knocked them out while playing basketball (volleyball). Broken fingers become very swollen and painful. Thus, you can not write for a whole week, but this will not save you from verbal responses.

Excuse #5
Stay up all night at the computer. In the morning your eyes will be red and swollen. Approach the teacher with a sad look and say that you feel very bad, you have a headache and a sore throat. Your appearance will confirm this. If you are sent to the first aid station and it turns out that you do not have a temperature, then tell the nurse that your temperature rarely rises above 37, but you feel that you are getting sick.

Excuses for parents

Excuse #1
The simplest and most convincing one is that you are sick. To get really sick, all you have to do is wash your hair and stand on the balcony with wet hair until you freeze. You can also stand barefoot. If you are too lazy to wash your hair, then just put on a wet T-shirt and spend 20-30 minutes on the street or balcony, especially in windy weather. But remember - only you are responsible for your health! Already at night you will have a sore throat and runny nose, your temperature may even rise. However, you should not get sick before the weekend or vacation, otherwise you have a chance to spend all your free time blowing your nose and swallowing medications.

Excuse #2
If you don’t really want to get sick, you can pretend to be unwell. In the evening, skip dinner, say you don’t feel well, and go to bed early. In the morning, get up looking sad, go to the toilet and pretend to vomit. Say that you feel sick, probably yesterday’s pie from the cafeteria was stale. Guaranteed - you won’t be allowed into school that day. But we don’t recommend pretending to be the same tomorrow – you risk ending up in the hospital for examination.

Excuse #3
You can pretend to feel unwell by first washing your face for a long time with very hot water and rubbing your cheeks well with a hard towel. You come out of the bathroom with red burning cheeks and report that you have a really bad headache. They make you take your temperature. You take a thermometer and rub its thin part (where the mercury is) on your pants. Or you apply it to the battery. Just don't overdo it! Make sure that the temperature is no more than 38, otherwise they will call an ambulance and the deception will be revealed, and even a scandal will result.

Excuse #4
We can say that tomorrow your class is going on an excursion. It takes too long to get ready in the morning for parents to rush and say, “You’ll be late!” Then leave and soon return upset, saying that you were really late and the bus had already left.

Excuse #5
You can also go to school and return 15-20 minutes later, telling your parents that the heating in the school has broken down, the classrooms are cold, repair work is underway and everyone has been sent home.

Excuse #6
Or say that the school undergoes a medical examination of all schoolchildren. Doctors said that today they are examining only girls (or only boys), or only grades 1-4, and the rest have been sent home.

In general, my mother is also a person, and she, too, during her school years did not always want to go to school. Tell me how tired you are, how you would like to just sleep one day, and tomorrow you promise to work out with a vengeance. And just ask her to leave you at home once. We are sure that mom will understand and allow it! And there will be no need to lie and come up with excuses, because there is nothing secret that would not become obvious. And for absenteeism you will have to answer to both parents and teachers.

23 ways to avoid going to school and how to do it)

1. “Mom, shouldn’t Mona go anywhere today? Well, I really, really don’t want to!” Mom will look understandingly and allow you not to go anywhere. One day. If it works, then you are extremely lucky, because... Not every child is lucky to have such parents.

2. Try complaining to your parents before school that you have a headache (usually it does, but of course not often).

3. You can simply not go to school, but sleep or go about your business, but it’s better to be on the safe side with teachers and parents (just say the next day that you didn’t feel well).

4. You can tell your parents or teachers about your stomach as usual, but anything can happen: some will believe it, others won’t.

5. If you haven’t learned something or forgot to do it, then here’s a good excuse: You take your briefcase, hide it in some very secret place in school. You go to class, say something like someone has hidden a briefcase, a bag, a package or something else, like I’ll look for it right now and you come to class 15-20 minutes after it starts (the briefcase should be a little dirty, like it’s lying around somewhere, but you can do without it), you go into class angry and everyone’s homework has already been checked and you calmly sit down and do it what they do in class. It works 100% only you have to play like an actor!!!

6. In general, a good option (it works in our school) is to answer in some subject (voluntarily), you get, for example, a 4 (you have to work hard) and then for 2-3 lessons you can safely not do homework on it. The only downside of this is that you have to be able to force yourself to do something at least once + if there are not enough people in the next lessons, they can ask for more.

7. You can still safely come to lesson 2-3, excuse yourself: there are problems, I had a medical examination at the clinic, I’ll have to go again tomorrow, etc...

8. About the alarm clock (overslept) - an effective thing.

9. You can foolishly sell teachers that “I handed in your work” - this is real, once I loaded the teacher so much that she gave me a 5...

10. To be allowed to go home - that’s the topic: there are a lot of ointments against injuries (Finalgel, Finalgon, etc.), you take a tube, squeeze it onto your finger, just a little ointment, the size of a pea, and smear it on your forehead, then wash your forehead (otherwise it will burn a lot), and you go to a lesson to mow.....

11.You can simply take a thermometer and use the force of friction, rubbing the thermometer on your trouser leg (do not rub for long and constantly check the temperature on the scale).

12. We also wrap the tip of the thermometer in a sheet or duvet cover and blow into the sheet, the temperature in the thermometer begins to rise sharply, blow to the desired temperature, and place the thermometer under the armpit in order to maintain the desired temperature.

13. A good way - holding your breath to raise your temperature - actually works. It rises 5 minutes before 37. You just need to hold your breath as long as you can and continue the procedure for 5-10 minutes.

14. A very cool way: it means you take a doctor’s certificate (any) and scan it on your PC, then in various programs (I use ADOBE PHOTOSHOP) you edit it as you like, you can write: due to illness or the temperature has risen... Well, the possibilities are unlimited! !!

15. So everything is standard: “I forgot my notebook” :) It is valid for us up to the sixth grade maximum. And then two without talking!

16. Recently this trick came up: it means you’re like really bad, your head hurts or something. You go to the doctor, tell them everything you came up with... Temperature and pressure measurements are provided to you. I’ll tell you how to raise your blood pressure in record time: strongly clench and unclench your fists, be sure to quickly, as much as you can. Continue the procedure for 1-2 minutes. (My blood pressure rose to 140 to 90) And with a calm face, run home, mind your business ... Good luck!!!

17. Another topic about a thermometer: You take a thermometer, hold its tip in your fist (so that it doesn’t come out of your fist) and gently hit the other side of the thermometer with your palm, that’s all. Turning the thermometer over changes the effect on the scale accordingly - it either decreases or increases.

18. If you are lucky enough to have a kind class teacher, then everything is quite simple: you go up to her and say: “I had a fever yesterday, I can’t sit in class, can I go home???” I repeat: only for good leaders (otherwise it won’t work). Posted by soos(Denis)

19.I advise! Wrap the finger of the hand with which you write with a bandage => come to school and say that you seriously injured your finger... As a result, you don’t write for a whole week, such a disadvantage may be that they ask you for a certificate, but it’s not a fact that they will ask...

20. Another excuse: You go up to a high school student you know and say: “Write me a note, bro.” You dictate to him/her, immediately take the note to the classroom teacher and leave school. Posted by my buddy.

21. Or you can become completely impudent and skip school right away. If you don’t want to go to class, you take a friend, ask the guards (of course you are on good terms with them) to open the locker room, climb under the hangers, take off a couple of jackets to make it warmer, fall apart under them and do whatever you want. And the security guard closes behind you until the end of the lesson. added by my sister (A-Gorod)

22. My advice against being absent for one day is very simple: go up to the class teacher and say that you need to go to the doctor, but it’s best to call the doctor someone from a different country, for example, an endocrinologist. I haven’t done this myself, but it worked for my classmates.

23. Another trick! Works 100%!
In the evening you take your keys and put them in your mom’s bag! When she leaves (in the morning) 10 minutes later you call her and start panicking!! She tells you like, find spare ones!! And go to bed yourself!! Then you say like you took my keys and I didn’t find any spare ones!!

If we mean enrollment in the first grade, the child may not go to school if he has not reached a certain readiness. The average age for entering primary school is 6.5 - 7 years. However, according to psychological research, not all children at this age are ready for the new regime.

A commission of specialists: pediatrician, psychologist, speech therapist, neurologist, etc. can help determine the child’s physical and psychological readiness for school. It is necessary to conduct special psychological tests and monitor the child. In the case where we are talking about unformed readiness, you can use psychological correction methods or simply wait a year.

Reasons for missing classes

A common reason for missing school is student illness. Parents are required to notify the head of the child’s illness no later than 3 hours from the start of classes and, upon recovery, submit a corresponding certificate from the clinic. In order not to miss learning new educational material during a prolonged illness, you should take care of home lessons. Monitor your child's well-being. If you have a high fever and severe malaise, it is better to forget about homework until complete recovery.

If the consequences of illness or injury have somehow negatively affected the ability to study in a regular school, the child, by written decision of the medical commission, must be transferred to home schooling or studying in a special (correctional) school. If you receive a disability, it is recommended to formalize it properly by submitting the necessary documents to the medical and social examination bodies (MSE).

It is permitted not to attend school in case of unfavorable weather conditions. For younger schoolchildren, a strong snowstorm (with a wind speed of more than 5 m/s) and an air temperature below 26 degrees can be a reason to stay home in winter. For students in grades 5-11: temperature below 30 degrees. The decision to cancel classes in a certain region is made by the district administration, and schools notify students and parents about this by posting a corresponding announcement no later than two days before the expected onset of cold weather.

Sometimes it happens that parents' vacation does not coincide with school holidays. In order to relax with the whole family, parents are required to notify the school management in advance of such a desire and write an application for granting the student an extraordinary vacation, indicating the timing. All responsibility for the educational process falls on the shoulders of the parents, so it is recommended to look at textbooks at least occasionally during rest.

School classes are definitely canceled in the event of natural disasters (floods, etc.). You can resume the educational process after some time, when the danger has passed. If the school building was destroyed by the elements, students should be assigned to other schools, if any. The redistribution option is also used in cases where the school building is subject to demolition or has not been repaired for a long time (the deterioration of the structure is more than 80%).

Parents often encounter child refusals to go to school. And there may be many reasons for this reluctance among schoolchildren. It is important for parents to understand this behavior and discuss the difficulties with their child at school.

Many parents, when they hear about a child’s refusal to go to school, mistake this reluctance for laziness and therefore begin to reproach the child, force him to study, and sometimes even punish him. Laziness is a fairly common reason for absenteeism from school, but it is far from the only one. The child may be under serious stress, so refusal to attend lessons is associated with a defensive reaction of the child’s psyche.

Problems in elementary school

Children of different ages have their own interests and their own troubles at school. So, a first-grader may be afraid of the unknown, a new teacher, children, responsibilities. A child at this age does not yet fully understand why he needs to study, he does not know what awaits him there, and refusal to go to school may be a natural reaction to fear. After all, it is much better for a child to do what he already knows how to do, for example, go to kindergarten or play at home. Parents in this situation need to calmly explain to the child what good he can get at school: there will be new friends there, he will learn to write like adults, he will be able to read books quickly, he will no longer be considered a small child, but an adult schoolchild.

Sometimes a child has a similar reaction if he cannot cope with the program, does not understand how to complete his homework, or is upset because of bad grades. In this case, the parents need to help the child, explain to him how to complete the tasks, and ask the teacher to pay closer attention to the child in class, to be gentler with him. Another common problem in primary school is conflicts between a student and a teacher or other students. A child may not like his teacher, especially if she is strict and demanding. Or he may have a quarrel with one of his classmates. All these problems can also be solved if you talk with the child and his friends or teacher. As a last resort, you can transfer the baby to another.

Problems in middle and high school

If a child did well in the middle school program, he may think that it will be just as easy for him in the middle school. And when faced with problems, the student cannot always solve them on his own: there are many more subjects and they are all more complex, which means that the student can fall behind the program very quickly. A child's unfulfilled hopes can result in his refusal to go to school and do his homework. Of course, in this case, parents themselves need to help the student catch up with the program as quickly as possible, otherwise he may never recover from his failures. High school students, in turn, may be more interested not in school, but in communication with peers. In addition, they may be intimidated by exam preparation and increased workload.

At this age, children enter puberty, their hormone levels increase, they may get tired more often, show aggression or apathy, and hide their problems from their parents. But keeping silent about problems at school will only make the situation worse. Therefore, you need to immediately find out what is going on with the child, what is bothering him. If he refuses to attend school because of an argument, bad grades, a test, or general fatigue, talk to your child and try to solve his problems together. Ultimately, there is nothing wrong with a child staying at home for a few days, but he should not completely lose interest in learning and school.

Today you rarely meet a child who would like to go to school. Even those who really love to study sooner or later simply do not want to get up in the morning and go outside in the rain or snow. What to do in this case? This question plagues many schoolchildren. Next, we’ll take a closer look at 10 ways to avoid going to school.

Navigator by methods

1. Method.

You need to prepare for a walk in advance and think through everything carefully. One option may be routine medical examinations or vaccinations. Quite often they are called from the clinic to undergo a medical examination or other planned procedures. Therefore, you need to warn the teacher in advance that tomorrow you need to go to the clinic and that’s it. You also need to warn parents that the school has told you to undergo a medical examination or get vaccinated. After this, you can rest quietly for a day or two.

2. Method.

Of course, it’s not nice to lie, so this method should be used only as a last resort. You can say that one of your relatives has died and you need to go to the funeral tomorrow. At the same time, you should not slander living people. It is better to choose a neutral object to ease your conscience. But it is better not to deceive in such a cruel way and use it only as a last resort.

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There are 100 ways not to go to school, which every modern student should know, but we will consider only the most popular ones.

3. Method.

You can suddenly get sick in the morning. The first symptoms of the disease should be feeling unwell, headache, weakness and, as usual, fever. To increase the temperature on a thermometer to the desired degree, you can use the following methods:

— You can carefully heat the thermometer on the battery. In this case, you cannot lean it against a metal surface, you need to hold it above it. In this case, the temperature should not exceed 39 degrees. Otherwise, an ambulance will be called.

- You can also heat the thermometer from any other warm device. It could be a regular computer that has been heating up for some time. Other warm devices in the apartment are also suitable. Therefore, it is worth trying and experimenting in advance.

— Animals have a higher body temperature than humans, so they can also heat up the thermometer. At the same time, you need to be as careful as possible with the artificial version so as not to accidentally break it. Animals can heat the thermometer up to 38 degrees.

— Thermometers can be heated with hot drinks, such as tea. Therefore, take a warm drink and raise the temperature.

— A variety of lighting devices are suitable for heating, for example, a table lamp. You just need to hold the thermometer in front of her for a few minutes.

— If you rub your armpits with garlic, you can raise the temperature to 38 degrees. But this method will lead to uncomfortable and even painful sensations.

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— If you turn the mercury thermometer down and lightly hit it with the back of your hand, you can move the mercury column a few degrees.

Every student should know effective ways to avoid going to school, so let’s look at the following six.

4. Method.

You can also try to feign poisoning. You don't need to do anything to do this. Just pretend to make several frequent trips to the toilet, and also say that your stomach hurts a lot and you feel nauseous. After this, your parents will definitely leave you at home. You can skip one or two days this way. Therefore, it’s worth a try if you really don’t want to go to school.

5. Method.

You can skip the first and second of September if you really don’t want to say goodbye to the summer holidays. The teacher just needs to say that they were on vacation and could not arrive on time. This option does not require a certificate, so it’s worth a try if your parents allow it. But you can come up with a different story for them.

6. Method.

After the first lesson, you can tell the teacher that your mother called and asked you to come home urgently. You can come up with any stories here. For example, that you need to pick up your sick sister from kindergarten or take the keys to your mother. There can be many excuses, so let’s use our imagination.

There are a lot of ways to avoid going to school, but it’s enough to know only the best of them to give yourself an unplanned day off.

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7. Method.

You can go to school, but return a few minutes later and tell your parents any story. For example, that the school has been closed for quarantine or that only girls or boys are undergoing medical examinations, repair work is underway, or the heating has been turned off. There can be many excuses, you only need to choose one.

8. Method.

This method is only suitable if parents go to work faster in the morning. Mom just needs to put her apartment keys in her bag in the evening. And in the morning, when she goes to work, call her and say that you can’t find the keys. You need to call when mom can no longer return home.

There are many ways to avoid going to school, but we only need a few of the most effective ones to achieve our goal.

9. Method.

You can just oversleep, of course, if your parents leave home early for work and can’t wake you up in time. At school, you don’t have to say anything at all, and you can simply tell your parents that the alarm clock is broken or they forgot to set it. A simple and effective excuse for not going to school.

10. Method.

You can say that you are stuck in an elevator. This excuse is suitable for both teachers and parents. In the second case, if the parents cannot verify this fact. You will tell the teachers that the rescue team took a long time to travel. The same can be said to parents.

These are all 10 ways not to go to school, which will definitely be useful to every student.

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