Andrei Karaulov hid his son from his wife abroad. Andrey Karaulov - biography, personal life, photo Biography of Andrey Karaulov personal life

Andrey Viktorovich Karaulov(born September 10, 1958, Kaliningrad) - Russian journalist and TV presenter. Author and presenter of the journalistic programs “Moment of Truth” and “Russian Century” on the TVC channel. President of LLP “Television Corporation “Moment of Truth””. Winner of the TEFI television award.


Born in Kaliningrad near Moscow (now the city of Korolev), Moscow region.

In 1976, he worked as a laborer at the Salyut plant in Moscow.

In 1981 he graduated from the Faculty of Theater Studies at GITIS. A.V. Lunacharsky. Candidate of Arts Sciences.

From 1982 to 1983 - service in the Soviet Army.

From 1983 to 1985 - editor of the Theater Life magazine.

From 1985 to 1988 - head of the humor department of the Ogonyok magazine.

From 1988 to 1990 - works in the almanac “Our Heritage”. Published in the newspaper “Soviet Russia”.

Since 1990 - head of the department of the Rodina magazine.

In 1991 - head of the literature and art department of Nezavisimaya Gazeta.

In August 1991, he attended a press conference of the Emergency Committee together with Tatyana Malkina, a journalist from Nezavisimaya Gazeta, who asked a question about the “coup d’etat.”

From 1992 to 2016 - author and host of the “Moment of Truth” program. In 1992-1997, “Moment of Truth” was broadcast on the RTR channel. In 1998-1999 - on TNT in a talk show format. From February 27, 2000 to September 27, 2010 - on the TV Center channel. Due to the departure of the program from TV Center, information about it was removed from the channel’s website. From June 6, 2011 to December 26, 2016, the program aired on Channel Five.

In 1998-2006, he was the author and presenter of the interview program “Russian Century” on the NTV channel, then on the TVC channel. He also hosted the programs “Stolen Air” and “Russian People” on the TNT channel and “National Treasure” on the TVC.

In 2007, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation opened a criminal case for illegal wiretapping, including the host of the “Moment of Truth” program Andrei Karaulov.

On November 12, 2013, on the program “Special Correspondent” - “Litsedei” with Arkady Mamontov, a journalist of the TV channel “Russia-1”, entered into a discussion with the editor of the newspaper “The Moscow Times” Michael Bohm from the USA about the level of development of Russia and the USA.

Author of political books “Around the Kremlin” (the second edition of the book was published in 2 volumes by the Slovo publishing house). The first edition of the book “Around the Kremlin” was published in 1990 and, according to the author, the purpose of this book was “to show through a series of dialogues how socio-political thought lived and developed over the course of one year, where they were going and to what... "; "Russian sun". Author of the monographs “Theatre, 1980s”, “Oleg Ivanovich Borisov”, “Simplified Theatre”.

In the 2003 film “The Truth of the Moment,” R. Fatalieva played himself. Speaks German.


Married for the third time. From his first marriage there is a daughter, Lydia, and from his second marriage to Ksenia Karaulova, a son, Vasily. He was married to the daughter of Mikhail Shatrov, Natalya Mironova (born 1958).



  • 2012 Andrey Karaulov. Russian hell. Ed. Zebra E, 848 pp., circulation 4000 copies, ISBN 978-5-905629-71-6
  • 2011 Andrey Karaulov. Russian hell. On the way to the underworld. Ed. Eksmo, series “Political secrets of the 21st century”, 352 pp., circulation 20,000 copies, ISBN 978-5-9265-0626-3
  • 2011 Andrey Karaulov. Russian hell-2. Meeting with the devil. Ed. Algorithm, series “Political secrets of the 21st century”, 336 pp., circulation 8000 copies, ISBN 978-5-4320-0014-9
  • 2001 Andrey Karaulov. Russian sun. Ed. Collection “Top Secret”, series “Top Secret”, 384 pp., circulation 22000 copies, ISBN 5-89048-087-1
  • 1997 Andrey Karaulov. Ditties. "Bad boy". A new version of a famous book. Ed. Collection “Top Secret”, 256 pp., circulation 5000 copies, ISBN 5-89048-060-X
  • 1996 Andrey Karaulov. Bad boy. Ed. Top Secret, 196 pp., circulation 15,000 copies, ISBN 5-85275-130-8
  • 1994 Andrey Karaulov. Details. Simplified theater. Ed. Bustard, Lyrus, 320 pp., circulation 10,000 copies, ISBN 5-87675-038-7
  • 1993 Andrey Karaulov. Around the Kremlin (in 2 volumes). Ed. SLOVO/SLOVO, 912 pp., circulation 5000 copies, ISBN 5-85050-352-X
  • 1992 Andrey Karaulov. Oleg Borisov. Ed. Art, 318 pp., circulation 12,000 copies, ISBN 5-210-02513-6
  • 1990 Andrey Karaulov. Around the Kremlin. Book of Political Dialogues. Ed. News, 480 pp., circulation 100,000 copies, ISBN 5-7020-0160-5
  • 1988 Andrey Karaulov. Theater, 1980s... Ed. Pravda Publishing House, Ogoneyok Library (Issue No. 17), 46 p.
  • 1988 Andrey Karaulov. Asya Grigorova. Masquerade for power. Ed. Seer, 224 pp., ISBN 9547330276, ISBN 9789547330276



  • 2014 “How Boeing died.” LLC "Strategy of the Century"
  • 2014 “Ordinary Fascism.” LLC "Strategy of the Century"
  • 2013 “Fightings without rules.” LLC "Strategy of the Century"
  • 2012 Gormost ordered to die. LLC "Strategy of the Century"
  • 2012 “Above the Chasm of Lies.” LLC "Strategy of the Century"
  • 2012 “Gref deceived Putin or it’s not true!” LLC "Strategy of the Century"
  • 2012 “Fashionable verdict of Judge Fedin.” LLC "Strategy of the Century"
  • 2012 “Igor Korotchenko, service to the Motherland.” LLC "Strategy of the Century"
  • 2012 “Dartboard.” LLC "Strategy of the Century"
  • 2011 “Father” (in 3 parts). LLC "Strategy of the Century"
  • 2011 “Unknown Putin: the life and work of this man over the past 10 years.” (in 4 parts). LLC "Strategy of the Century"
  • 2011 “Khodorkovsky. Tru(b)py" (in 2 parts). LLC "Strategy of the Century"
  • 2010 “Skunk” about Vladimir Zhirinovsky. LLC "Strategy of the Century" commissioned by OJSC "TV Center".
  • 1998 “Russian Century” visiting Oleg Popov. Television Corporation "Moment of Truth" commissioned by NTV.

Art films

  • 2003 “The Truth of the Moment” (TV series) Azerbaijan, Turkey, Russia - plays himself.
7 February 2018, 06:29

Do you remember in Alice the Fox's post I talked about the killer news from the telegram?

So, I remembered her

Russian journalist and TV presenter Andrei Karaulov sent a letter to the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Vladimir Kolokoltsev. In his message, he asks to be protected from his young wife Yulia Mareeva. The corresponding document was at the disposal of the Investigation Management Center.

The TEFI winner claims that his wife robbed him and is now preparing an assassination attempt.

“Dear Vladimir Aleksandrovich! On December 20, 2017, my wife, Yulia Alekseevna Mareeva, turned to our mutual friend, realtor Igor Nikolaevich Biryukov, with a request to help her find people who can fulfill her order: to kill me, Andrei Viktorovich Karaulov, in any way.” , Karaulov begins his address to Kolokoltsev.

Andrey Karaulov and Yulia Mareeva

According to the TV presenter, his life is “in real danger.”

“Now my wife is in Kyiv and, according to my information, she is looking for a killer from among Bandera’s supporters,” he writes.

As the LRC learned, Karaulov had previously learned that Yulia Mareeva allegedly transferred to her relatives the recently purchased apartment in Crimea, which cost 6 million rubles, as well as a Lexus car worth 4 million rubles. The journalist also reports the loss of valuable items, among which were watches from the luxury Swiss brand Patek Philippe and paintings by artist Nikas Safronov with a dedicatory inscription.

“I take Mrs. Mareeva Yu. A.’s intention to deal with me very seriously. I don’t understand why it’s so easy to steal a large sum from me and still not answer for it. I don’t understand why the things stolen from me You can safely store it in your apartment without fear of a search. I don’t understand what’s going on at all,” the TsUR quotes Karaulov.

The security guard at the TV journalist’s mansion also confirmed that Andrei Karaulov is seriously afraid for his life. According to the man, two weeks ago the TV presenter asked neighbors to notify him if they noticed strangers.

“He asked me to pay special attention to mustachioed men in embroidered shirts with a characteristic Ukrainian accent and cars with “yellow-black license plates.” He also asked to take care of the crocodile and piranhas living in the house, if “something happens to him,” the security guard said .

Yulia Mareeva became the fourth wife of Andrei Karaulov. The couple met online six years ago. At that time the girl was 21 year, and the TV presenter - 53 .

Yulia Mareeva

“The age difference with my wife is more than 30 years, therefore, dear Vladimir Alexandrovich, I believe that my life is in real danger. Now my wife is in Kyiv and, according to my information, is looking for a killer from among Bandera’s supporters,” Karaulov self-critically addresses the minister in a letter dated January 28 of this year.

In the message, he accuses his wife of fraud and claims that his wife Mareeva transferred the apartment in Crimea, purchased with Karaulov’s funds, to her mother, and the Lexus car to her father. According to Karaulov’s estimates, the apartment cost about six million rubles, the car - about four million rubles. The TV presenter also reports the loss of a watch from the Swiss brand Patek Philippe (according to the journalist, he bought it in 2002 for “no less than 60 thousand euros”), a painting by the artist Nikas Safronov with a dedicatory inscription and an old English service.

Karaulov expresses confidence that all these things are in the apartment of his wife’s parents, and indicates the address in the letter. In addition, the journalist reports that he had already submitted an application to the Investigative Department of the South-Western District of Moscow, but at first they refused to initiate a case, however, later, according to Karaulov, the prosecutor’s office protested the decision. The journalist does not know whether the case has been opened today, so he asks the Minister of Internal Affairs to “find time and give this statement a go.”

According to the former host of the “Moment of Truth” program, his wife asked for help in finding the killer of their mutual friend, realtor Igor Biryukov. Biryukov confirmed to the publication that Karaulov’s wife actually approached him with a similar request. According to him, Mareeva did not name the amount, but said that she would “thank her very much.” A family friend also claims that after the wedding, Karaulov transferred most of the real estate to his wife, bequeathing to her a collection of paintings and gold items.

“Andrey has real estate worth tens of millions, and Julia, according to my guesses, had some influence on him. He walked around not himself. Only through a reverse gift agreement was everything returned,” Biryukov said.

As Mareeva herself told the LRC in correspondence, she will soon return to Moscow and file a statement with the police. Karaulov’s wife promised to make public dirt on her husband and reveal the sources of his savings.

“Well, you yourself understand that this is bullshit. Karaulov’s divorces look like carbon copies,” Mareeva wrote, adding that she “didn’t even see the missing watch, painting and set.”

In turn, acquaintances said that about six months ago scandals began in the family. In particular, in December last year, Andrei Karaulov wrote a statement to the police, but then they refused to initiate a criminal case and advised him to hire a lawyer specializing in divorce proceedings.

Mareeva is Karaulov's fourth wife. They met six years ago, when a 21-year-old girl wrote to the 53-year-old presenter online that she was his big fan.

Episode "While everyone is at home" with Yulia

Who is Andrey Karaulov?

Theater critic Andrei Karaulov is certainly one of the cohort of very famous television journalists. He is, one might say, a living example. This assumes, among other things, that his professional methods and techniques should be offered for study, perhaps included in the curricula of journalism departments of domestic universities.

However, Andrei Viktorovich’s no less venerable journalistic colleagues, judging by some publications, are skeptical about what the author and presenter of the “Moment of Truth” program broadcasts on the TVC channel. A couple of years ago, leading Russian television commentator Yuri Bogomolov wrote in Ogonyok magazine. dedicated an entire article to Karaulov and his “creativity”.

“In its own way, “Moment of Truth” is an internally integral and harmonious program,” wrote Yuri Bogomolov. - It consists of bricks, molded together by the thick pathos of guard groans and exclamations. Author and presenter Andrei Karaulov stuffs them into one bag to the brim. It doesn’t matter that the program becomes similar to the very same landfill that Mr. Karaulov’s video camera so often pans across. He doesn’t get to the bottom of the truth, he creates the context. But the text there is completely different. The text is an informational attack, on the one hand. And information fawning - on the other. In fact, anyone can call Moment of Truth and try to order this or that.”

And about the personality of the “creator” himself: “The capable theater critic Andrei Viktorovich Karaulov, even under Soviet rule, was remembered for his lengthy and rather unconventional conversations with communists and democrats, with those who went into the shadows, and with those who unexpectedly appeared to us from it. . Quite soon, Karaulov became, one might say, the “watchdog of democracy” and with “General Dima” he embarked on an exciting pursuit of the Swiss accounts of the communist Rutskoy. Those revealing programs with documents fabricated on computers should apparently be considered the beginning of the era of compromising wars on the air. All the revelations came to naught, but the Moment of Truth brand remained.”

His personal life

His first wife was a classmate, and the reason for the hasty marriage was banal - the girl’s pregnancy. The daughter who was born was named Lydia. Soon after her birth, her parents separated. The father had no time to take care of his daughter and raise her. In fact, father and daughter met when the girl was sixteen years old. Lydia graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University, but later chose the path of a lawyer.

Karaulov’s second wife’s name was Natalya Mironova (her father was the famous playwright Mikhail Shatrov).

In the photo - Andrey Karaulov with Natalya Mironova

After two years of marriage, the couple started thinking about improving their living conditions. We decided that the way out of this situation would be divorce and civil marriage. Therefore, the joint daughter Sophia was born when her parents were already divorced. Subsequently, Andrei Karaulov, whose biography contains such unpleasant moments, completely stopped communicating with his family.

When Karaulov was already over forty, he fell in love with student Ksenia Kolpakova. Their relationship was literally made in heaven. Andrei and Ksyusha met on the plane; they both ended up being part of the same delegation; Ksenia was a political observer in the presidential pool. She is a television journalist by profession, worked in ITAR-TASS, in the State Duma, on the RTR television channel in “Night News”. Simultaneously with her work, Kolpakova received her third higher education at the Diplomatic Academy at the Faculty of International Relations.

By that time, Andrei was already an experienced man with two marriages behind him, and the girl’s dreams of family happiness and a wedding fairy tale were just emerging. A long romance began between Karaulov and Kolpakova, which developed into a serious love relationship. Then he said that for the first time he realized what happiness it was to truly love and be loved. He claimed that this was definitely his last marriage.

Andrey filed a scandalous divorce from his previous wife Natalya. Everything happened very ugly, Karaulov hired expensive lawyers, sued for a two-story apartment on the Garden Ring, which, by the way, he and his wife acquired together.

Young Ksenia, of course, could not help but be captivated by Karaulov’s truly gentlemanly approach: expensive gifts, holidays abroad, a gifted coffee shop in the center of the capital. The wedding of Andrei Karaulov and Ksenia Kolpakova took place in 1999. On the day of the newlyweds’ wedding, two seven-meter limousines drove to the Griboyedovsky registry office.

With Ksenia, he was a true gentleman: he bought his beloved expensive fur coats, often took her on vacation abroad, and got her to work for the Rossiya television channel. Then Andrei said: “A man should earn money, and a wife should take care of her family, children, home and what she loves.” He backed up these words with a beautiful deed: just before his wedding to Ksenia, he gave her a coffee shop in the center of Moscow for her birthday.

In October 2003, they had a boy, Vasily, who was conceived through artificial insemination.

But this marriage was not forever. According to Karaulov, the big age difference probably had an effect.

In the photo - Ksenia Karaulova with her son Vasily

In January 2006, Ksenia Vasilievna Karaulova left her husband, and in August of the same year a divorce was filed. She did not make any financial claims against Andrey and did not demand to collect alimony from him. For the sake of her son, Ksenia wanted to maintain a human relationship with her ex-husband. She hoped that he would allocate money for Vasya’s maintenance without a writ of execution, as befits a loving father.
The couple managed without dividing property, but the son turned out to be a stumbling block. The parents were unable to decide peacefully who would have the right to raise the boy. Then Karaulov resorted to an illegal method - he simply kidnapped the child.

Why did this aggression suddenly arise? Why was it necessary to take the child away by force?

Ksenia Vasilievna is convinced that everything changed after she got married again: Andrei Viktorovich had no doubt that she would regret leaving and would return. Despite the fact that Ksenia is almost twenty years younger, she had to come to her senses and come to her very famous and very wealthy husband.

However, it turned out differently. Ksenia Vasilievna got married and gave birth to twins on May 8th. Due to prolonged stress caused by problems with her ex-husband, the birth occurred 10 weeks early. And it was in May that Andrei Viktorovich Karaulov filed a lawsuit to determine the child’s place of residence. The court decision, adopted in December 2006, dealt with determining the order of communication and participation in raising his son. Andrei Viktorovich considered it necessary to obtain a separate court decision on the child’s place of residence.

Since his ex-wife was not deprived of parental rights to her son Vasily, it was clear that the court would determine the place of residence of the 4-year-old child as the place of residence of his mother. Therefore, instead of determining the place of residence, Andrei Viktorovich filed a lawsuit to change the order of communication with the child. Vasya’s father considered it possible to propose another scheme: the child would live with him for 4 days a week, and with his mother for 3 days.

Then there were several court hearings, but Andrei Viktorovich did not appear in court under various pretexts.

A. Karaulova's lawyer presented the court with his application with a request to postpone the hearing of the case, since he is on a business trip and wants to personally attend the hearing. It was rescheduled for December 18, but the judge asked: if the father is on a business trip, who is the child with whom he took from his mother on November 30?

The lawyer replied that she did not know, but the mother could see the child at any time.

Then the judge wrote a request to the guardianship of the Naro-Fominsk district: is the minor Vasily Karaulov there and in what condition is he? The next day, Ksenia took this request to Naro-Fominsk and, together with the head of the guardianship department and a psychologist, went to her ex-husband’s dacha.

They did not want to allow uninvited guests into the territory of the dacha. The head of the guardianship department called the head of security, a man came out to the gate and said that everyone could enter the territory except Ksenia Vasilievna. When the gates were opened, Ksenia rushed into the yard where Vasya was walking with a woman she didn’t know. The child was taken into the house, and guardianship representatives followed him. Ksenia Vasilievna also went there. The child rushed to his mother, they began to pull her away, and at this time Vasya shouted: “Mom, where have you been, when are we going home?”

Andrei Viktorovich was not at home, but the police soon arrived. Ksenia Vasilievna was ordered to leave the house and go to the police department. But since it was necessary to take the guardianship department employees to Naro-Fominsk, she went with them.

The next day, Andrei Viktorovich turned to the Naro-Fominsk Department of Internal Affairs with a statement to initiate a criminal case against his ex-wife for a robbery on his estate. It followed from the statement that Ksenia Vasilievna Karaulova illegally entered the territory belonging to A. Karaulov, beat and scratched the guards, ran around the dacha with a knife, pushed the elderly mother of her ex-husband (which caused her to fall and lose consciousness), and also stole a precious diamond ring - a gift to Andrei Viktorovich’s bride.

Soon, a decision was made to refuse to initiate a criminal case on the fact of a robbery at the dacha of Andrei Karaulov. And the precious ring was found - it, as it turned out, had rolled behind the sofa. However, the story did not end there: the resolution states that there was no robbery, but there were signs of penetration into a private property area. The next day, the Naro-Fominsk prosecutor's office received a corresponding statement from the owner of private property A.V. Karaulov.

On the eve of the next court hearing, that is, on the night of December 17-18, unknown persons set fire to a cafe owned by Ksenia Karaulova.

But the court still left the child with his mother

N and photo - Andrey Karaulov with his daughter Lydia and son Vasily

The famous journalist Andrei KARAULOV, having kidnapped his son from his ex-wife, continues to defiantly ignore the court decision ordering the return of the child to his mother. Showing that he does not care about the very truth in defense of which he so loves to speak on television, the journalist took the child abroad. He cheated on Ksenia, humiliated her, but was greatly offended when she left him, and chose his four-year-old son Vasya as an instrument of revenge. Express Gazeta has written about the TV star’s unworthy behavior more than once. Having separated his ex-wife from her child, Karaulov also spreads rumors that she is a drug addict and mentally ill.

Svetlana ORLOVA

On the eve of the New Year, Ksenia Karaulova began to hope that her nightmare would soon end and she would finally be with her son again. On December 27, the Savelovsky District Court of Moscow ruled that, as before, Vasya Karaulov must permanently live with his mother. At the same time, the judge declared the actions of Andrei Karaulov, who kidnapped his son on November 30, illegal. But, alas, the drama continues.

Throws mud

“I hoped that my ex-husband would come to his senses and, having received a court decision, would return Vasya to me,” says Ksenia. “But, realizing that he was not going to do this, I turned to the Office of the Federal Bailiff Service. The department employees showed me a letter from Karaulov, in which he said that Vasya was with him outside the Russian Federation. That is, despite the judge’s ruling, he illegally took the child abroad. I don't even know what country my son is in.

Anticipating such a situation, Ksenia wrote a statement to the Border Service the day before, notifying the department of the court’s decision. - But for Karaulov, apparently, there is no law. His name seems to fascinate everyone: connections and authority speak for themselves,” sighs the ex-wife of the TV star. “I will turn your life into a nightmare,” Andrei promised me when I filed for divorce. As soon as I went to court, one misfortune after another fell upon me. First they set fire to my cafe, then they smashed the windows. They are trying to force me to stop fighting for my son. Andrey convinces Vasya that I abandoned him. Would a loving father traumatize the psyche of a small child by turning him against his mother? He doesn't need Vasya - he's taking revenge on me. The other day, one newspaper published a letter from Karaulov, where he writes that his ex-wife is a drug addict and mentally ill. According to him, he is saving his son from an unworthy mother. - There is not a word of truth in this publication. Karaulov throws mud at me, and he knows how to do this and does it with professional sophistication. But he does not provide a single piece of evidence; he cannot have any. “I’m suing him for insult and slander,” Ksenia Karaulova told Express Gazeta.

Completely desperate, the unfortunate woman wrote a letter to the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin with a request to help in her grief.

Yulianna Karaulova is a talented Russian singer who has managed to achieve unprecedented heights in her musical career in a short time. Throughout her work in show business, the girl has changed many teams.

She was a member of the group “YES!”, in which two other girls sang besides her, and she also performed as part of the group “Netsuke”. But the singer gained real popularity as the lead singer of the youth R&B group “5sta Family”.

Having become a real star, Yulianna decided to test her strength in a solo career, which also created a real sensation.

Yulianna Karaulova's childhood

The talented singer was born on April 24, 1988 in the capital of Russia - Moscow. Her parents have nothing to do with the music business, but despite this, the girl began to show her creative abilities from childhood.

Yuliana’s father worked in the capital of Bulgaria, so when the baby turned 4 years old, she and her mother moved there. There she was enrolled in a local school at the Russian Embassy.

From an early age, the young lady showed her parents her performances, and at the age of six she was already singing full-time on stage. During her school days, she was a real activist, often performing at concerts and other events.

As a 10-year-old girl, Yulianna took part in the Bulgarian competition “Dobrich”, as a result of which she was awarded a diploma “For professionalism and artistry”. In general, the whole family lived in Bulgaria for 8 years, after which they returned back to Moscow. She did not stop her vocal training, but on the contrary, she took on learning new skills with even greater enthusiasm.

Musical career of Yulianna Karaulova

In 2003, the young singer participated in the “Face of the Year” competition, organized by the famous youth glossy “YES!” She failed to become the winner, but received second place of honor.

Two years later, the magazine again organized a competition, but this time the prize was participation in the musical group “YES!” Three singers were declared winners, the list of which also included Karaulova. The other two girls' names were Yulia and Anna. The team wrote four songs, the most popular of which was “Changed My Mind.”

In 2004, all three members of the group “YES!” decided to take part in the fifth season of the Star Factory project, but only Yulianna got on the show.

She later said that she did not immediately agree to come to the casting of this project, because she believed that everything was “bought” there. It was her parents who managed to persuade her to go to the competition.

Yulianna Karaulova in Netsuke’s group “I got caught in the net”

Unfortunately, she didn’t manage to win the show, but the producers approved her as a soloist in the new group “Netsuke”. The team consisted of three girls, in addition to Yulianna, Daria Klyushnikova and Aksinya Verzhak participated in it. Producer Max Fadeev tried his best to promote the group on television, recorded more than one song together with the soloists, and even shot a video, but “Netsuke” never received the long-awaited recognition from the audience. Therefore, it soon broke up.

Yulianna Karaulova's studies

After such failures, the girl began to think that she needed an alternative profession, so she decided to get a higher education. In addition to music, she also liked journalism, so she wanted to study at the Faculty of Journalism at Moscow State University, but she never applied there.

Almost in the last days of admission, she changed her decision and submitted documents to the new faculty of pop-jazz vocals at Gnesinka. In parallel with her studies, she found time to work as an editor at YES! magazine.

Yulianna managed to graduate from the academy with honors, and a few months later she re-entered this institution to receive a second higher education majoring in producing.

Yulianna Karaulova and “5sta Family”

The girl met the guys from the group “5sta Family” while she was working as an editor for the glossy magazine “YES!” After a little time, some disagreements began to occur in the group with lead singer Olga Zasulskaya, who eventually left the group because of this.

In search of a new singer, the participants, Vasily Kosinsky and Valery Efremov, held a casting, and remembering the talented Yulianna, invited her to participate in the competition. Of course, thanks to her data, the girl easily got a place in the group in 2011.

In the team, Yulianna managed to truly become famous not only in Russia, but also abroad. The group recorded new songs every year, which became real hits. They performed concerts and even toured neighboring countries.

Yulianna Karaulova about her departure from “5sta Family”

In 2012, the team presented a video for the song “Together We,” and after a while the album “Why?” was released. In 2014, “5sta Family” shot a video for the song “My Melody”.

Personal life of Yulianna Karaulova

While participating in the fifth season of the Star Factory show, the singer met with her project colleague Ruslan Masyukov. Whether this novel was true or just another PR stunt is not completely known, but at the end of the project there was no continuation of this story. After some time, there were rumors that Ruslan Masyukov was a homosexual.

The beauty's next relationship was more serious. This time her boyfriend was an ordinary guy Pasha. He saw the singer in the park when she was walking from the university, and immediately fell in love. For several days he learned everything about Julianna and decided that first he needed to meet her friends, after which he got to her.

Their relationship lasted two years and everything was heading towards the wedding, until Pasha began to dissuade the girl from a musical career. He didn't like the daily attention from other men. The singer left music for some time, but the promised registration of the relationship never came to fruition. The young people decided that it was better for them to remain just friends.

For the third week, Andrei KARAULOV, the host of the television program “Moment of Truth,” has been hiding his son Vasya in a country house. He stole it from his ex-wife, Ksenia (see the article “Andrei Karaulov is inspired by engaging in debauchery”). The unfortunate mother managed to break through to the child. But the soulless guards, following the owner’s orders, snatched the crying baby from her hands like a doll. After Ksenia’s attempts to return her son, new misfortunes befell her.

Svetlana ORLOVA

Four-year-old Vasya was taken away from his mother by his powerful father Andrei Karaulov, 40 kilometers from Moscow, to the village of Novoglagolevo, Narofominsk district. Here the TV journalist has his patrimony - three hectares of land, surrounded by a three-meter fence, and a luxurious house of 500 square meters. It is impossible to enter the estate unnoticed - there is a security post at the gate. The huge space, where once there were 15 farmsteads, and now the host of the “Moment of Truth” reigns, is constantly patrolled.

Ksenia came not alone to look for her son, but accompanied by representatives of the guardianship and trusteeship authorities.

The day before, the Savyolovsky Court of the capital held another hearing on Karaulov’s claim: he demands permission to see his son four times a week instead of the 12 hours on Saturdays allotted to him by the previous decision. Without waiting for the legal outcome of the case, Andrei Viktorovich stole the child from his ex-wife during a walk with the nanny, and did not appear at the trial at all. He sent a lawyer in his place. The lady said that the TV presenter had gone on a business trip abroad. Having heard this statement, the judge ordered to examine Karaulov's dacha and find out if there was a child there. The lawyer of the eminent TV personality did not deny that Vasya was with his father, and assured that no one was stopping Ksenia from seeing her son.

Little prisoner

The road to the gate of Karaulov's property is blocked by a barrier. A TV journalist has something to protect. The wealth of the luxurious mansion is talked about throughout the area. Karaulov is friends with many powerful people of this world. With its quaint interiors, the mansion is more reminiscent of a museum. A 200-kilogram cabinet inlaid with mother-of-pearl from top to bottom, filled with exhibits worthy of an exhibition, an antique piano, precious vases, and sets are kept here.

Karaulov is the owner of a rare collection of stuffed and live exotic animals. There is even an alligator among them. The mansion also houses editing studios. As soon as representatives of the guardianship authorities and Ksenia tried to pass through the barrier, security rushed towards them. At first, the well-built guys blocked the way even for government officials. But, realizing that they could not ignore the law, they retreated. But they refused to allow Karaulov’s ex-wife into the territory of the dacha, although Ksenia is the rightful owner of this territory. Part of the land plots on which Karaulov’s country estate is located is still her property to this day.

But the guards, without delving into the legal subtleties, zealously carried out the owner’s order: don’t let them in! As soon as thin Ksenia tried to pass, she was immediately thrown aside.

Let me see the child, I have the right to see him! - the unhappy mother sobbed. But the imperturbable jock pushed her out of the gate again and again. Ksenia was allowed through only after a threat to call riot police. At this time, four-year-old Vasya was walking, accompanied by two women, not far from his house. Seeing his mother, he joyfully ran towards her, but was intercepted by the tenacious hands of the nannies. The baby cried and struggled, but strangers, indifferent aunts took him into the house. Here the guardianship representatives and Ksenia had to overcome another security cordon. The TV journalist's security service called for reinforcements - a local police officer.

And yet, the judge’s order had to be carried out - the unwanted guests were allowed to enter the house and the child was presented.

Vasya rushed to his mother and cried in her arms. “He asked me: “Mommy, I want to go home, take me away from here!” - says Ksenia. - The security guard literally tore Vasya away from me. My son was hysterical, crying, and I was crying too. It was a heartbreaking scene, but the guardianship representatives did not have the authority to take the child, they could only make sure that he was in his father's mansion. Karaulov did not come to the meeting with government officials. Perhaps he really was absent. - Andrey works a lot and cannot raise his son himself. Nannies look after the child. But Vasya is a very sick boy.

He needs special care. The child is made to suffer. And all at the whim of a man who calls himself a loving father! - Ksenia cries.

After making sure that the TV journalist had indeed stolen his son from his ex-wife, the next day the judge ordered the bailiffs to return the child to the mother.

But the bailiffs have not yet been to her ex-husband’s house, says Ksenia. - Karaulov slows down the execution of the judge’s decisions. At his request, his high-ranking friends put pressure on government officials. It turns out that the presenter of “Moment of Truth” is above the law.

Flame of Discord

When the material was being prepared for publication, Ksenia called the editorial office and reported that on the night of December 18, her cafe “Bulochnaya” in Lyalin Lane caught fire.

The fire started from the back door. The beginning of the fire was noticed by residents, among them the singer Lolita Milyavskaya living in the house. The firefighters were called on time and the flames were not allowed to flare up. The investigation is now being carried out by the Department of Internal Affairs of the Basmanny District of Moscow.

And on the eve of the arson, representatives of inspection organizations came to the cafe. They presented a shockingly absurd complaint, allegedly written by a visitor. It says that a live rat fell from the ceiling directly into the “poor guy’s” plate. The inspectors threatened to close Ksenia’s enterprise. - There are too many coincidences. They want to break me and intimidate me. Perhaps they hope that I will stop fighting for Vasenka’s return. But I will not stumble: Vasya should not suffer. How can one not remember Karaulov’s threat to turn my life into hell,” says Ksenia, who is already accustomed to repelling attacks.

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