What you need to do to become infertile. Can a modern man be infertile? At home

The Childfree movement is widespread throughout the world, and not only women, but also men become adherents. To avoid unwanted pregnancy, couples decide to make the man infertile. The partner does not swallow pills and does not resort to other means of contraception, which are sometimes dangerous and lead to obesity and vascular diseases. There are several ways to achieve sterility in a man.

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With the help of drugs

Doctors block the movement of sperm through the streams using an injection with a special gel

In 2014, scientists invented a gel that blocked sperm from moving through streams. Thus, the man does not impregnate the woman.

The gel is administered by a urologist after tests in the form of an injection. After this, the sperm exit is blocked. The main advantage: as soon as a man wants to regain the ability to conceive a child, he will need to administer a new injection with a gel that will cancel the effect of the previous one. Thus, this sterility is reversible and lasts for some time. Purchasing gels and administering them is much cheaper than performing vasoresection, when fragments of the vas deferens are removed during surgery.

Clinical trials have already been conducted on male baboons. After administration of the gel, none of the females became pregnant for a year. At the same time, all functions and sexual power in the monkeys were preserved.

Domestic urologists consider the drug dangerous and would like to receive more data on the consequences of use. According to urologists and andrologists from Russia, such gels can cause irreparable damage to the epithelium of the ducts, which is extremely important for the passage of ejaculate. As a result, a man may remain infertile forever, while after the operation, reproductive function is restored within five years. This has been confirmed clinically.

It is also known that other studies are being conducted specifically for men: these are tablets, powders and other drugs that can affect the cessation of sperm production.

Men who take certain medications as prescribed by a doctor in connection with any disease have noticed that they cannot conceive a child. Some medications have side effects such as infertility.

Having carefully studied the market and patient reviews, we can safely conclude that the most common drug today is Androcur. Its strong point is its effect on potency, but along with the opportunity to have children, the desire to have sex disappears altogether; an erection does not occur at all. A man just doesn't need sex.

In addition, drugs that affect the ability to have offspring have side effects such as hormonal imbalance, sudden mood swings and excess weight.

The drug Androcur

If we leave the topic of medications and remember bromine in the form of pharmaceutical powder, then it is worth remembering that small amounts consumed regularly with food and drink lead to complete infertility without a chance of cure.

Doctors remind that bromine in its pure form is a toxic substance, and not a medicine that, if ingested, can poison the body and lead to death.

Surgical methods

Sterilization is one of the most radical methods that allows you to make a man infertile. It has the exceptional ability to solve problems with just one simple operation. In twenty minutes, an experienced doctor, with the help of a few incisions, will eliminate the need to pay alimony and shudder convulsively after every sex for life. Moreover, the patient will not need to be in the hospital: he will be able to immediately return home.

Having lost the opportunity to have children, a man will not lose his taste for sex or the desire to have it. There will be no apathy.

Men mistakenly believe that vasectomy and castration are the same thing, but the two procedures should not be confused. During a vasectomy, a portion of the vas deferens is ligated or removed. And the passage of sperm becomes impossible. During castration, the scrotum is completely removed. And sperm is simply not produced in a man’s body. Castration is an irreversible process. It is suggested to do it only in extreme cases. And a vasectomy is reversible.


If a man decides within 5 years that he wants to have children, he can go to the hospital to have his ducts repaired.

The effectiveness of surgery

Experienced doctors believe that the success rate of vasectomy is close to 100 percent. However, it will be necessary to constantly monitor the urologist, since over time the vas deferens may recover.

Advantages of this procedure:

  • pregnancy will not occur if the operation is performed correctly;
  • the partner can be calm and not afraid of getting pregnant, which will allow her to completely turn off her head and have fun;
  • simplicity of the operation and its painlessness;
  • no complications subsequently;
  • not associated with the production of hormones;
  • does not affect fertility and endurance during intercourse.

Disadvantages of the operation:

  • the possibility of remaining infertile (sometimes even after the decision to resume childbearing and the desire to become a father, difficulties may arise with the restoration of the ducts);
  • discomfort in the groin on the first day after surgery;
  • despite the operation, you will have to use additional methods of contraception for the first time until the effect of the operation is fully manifested;
  • The operation does not protect against the risk of contracting infectious diseases from sexual partners, including HIV.

No one is immune from the fact that the seminal passages will recover and become passable, as happens in cases of sterilization in females.

Restrictions on performing a vasectomy

Of course, there are restrictions that relate to both the age and social status of the man: the psychological state of those wishing to undergo this operation is of particular interest.

They will not refuse surgery if a man is over thirty years old and already has a family, two or more children. In addition, this should be the desire of the man himself.

If your companion may experience irreversible changes and health problems after pregnancy or, for example, the use of one or another type of contraception is extremely undesirable, then this is an effective method, a noble step on the part of the man.

In addition, a vasectomy can be prescribed by a doctor for medical reasons due to health conditions, regardless of social status and the presence or absence of heirs at the time of application.


There are a number of reasons why a patient may be denied surgery:

  • if the man himself does not want to, but someone forces him to have the operation;
  • doubts. When the patient is not sure of the correctness of his decision, the operation will not be performed.

If all of the above does not frighten you, then the patient is given in advance to familiarize himself with the list of complications that he may encounter:

  • infection in the postoperative period introduced into a still unhealed wound;
  • slight swelling or swelling more than expected;
  • severe hemorrhage, which can be observed in the scrotum.

At home

In addition to too radical methods, traditional medicine offers its own methods. They will allow a man to become infertile at home. However, it is immediately important to make a reservation: such methods, compared to surgical intervention, are not reliable and can often lead to a man only harming himself and his health.

The latest statistics show that you don't have to go under the knife to remain infertile forever. The ordinary life of an average citizen who does not lead a healthy lifestyle will be enough to never experience the joys and sorrows of fatherhood.

Even the ancient Greeks noticed that if you take daily baths with hot water to deprive yourself of the opportunity to impregnate women, pregnancy does not occur. The effect of male infertility with regular manipulations lasted for at least six months. True, of course, no one can give a 100% guarantee that even if you steam with hot water, your partner will not get pregnant.

A sedentary lifestyle can lead to male infertility

In the age of modern technology, to become infertile, it is enough to spend more than four hours a day in a sitting position. This also applies to men with a sedentary lifestyle.

It’s not for nothing that one of the loose-fitting underwear models for men is called “family.” Tight underwear is a direct path to the first symptoms of infertility.

As it turns out, not all sports have a beneficial effect on the body. So, cycling or horse riding are faithful helpers in male impotence.

It's no secret that abuse of alcohol, drugs and other substances blocks the ability to produce male hormones.

Do you have serious problems with potency?

Do you have problems with ERECTION? Have you tried a lot of remedies and nothing has helped?

These symptoms are familiar to you firsthand:

  • sluggish erection;
  • lack of desire;
  • sexual dysfunction.

The only way is surgery? Wait, and do not act with radical methods. It is POSSIBLE to increase potency! Follow the link and find out how experts recommend treating...

Today, one of the pressing problems of medicine and society is male infertility. It occurs with the same frequency as the female one, and leads to both the personal tragedy of the man and the breakdown of the family. The diagnosis of infertility occurs when a couple is trying to become pregnant and does not use any type of contraceptive, but their attempts have been unsuccessful for 12 months. In such a situation, the woman and man should be examined in order to identify the causes and then eliminate them.

You will learn about why male infertility develops, the signs, principles of diagnosis and treatment of this condition from our article.


A number of pathological processes can cause infertility in a man, causing a disruption in the production of sex hormones, changes in the composition and properties of sperm, and the absence of ways for its outflow.

  1. Nervous system disorders. Spermatogenesis is regulated by complex physiological processes in which 4 structures take part: the cerebral cortex, the hypothalamic-pituitary system and the male sex glands - the testes, as well as some other endocrine glands. The central nervous system is the first to react to stress: severe mental trauma disrupts the functioning of the hypothalamus, its production of a number of hormones decreases, which leads to a decrease or complete absence of sperm in the ejaculate (oligo- and azoospermia, respectively). Psycho-emotional stress also causes an imbalance in the functioning of the autonomic nervous system. This can also make a man sterile even if his testicles are in good condition. Damage to the ilioinguinal nerve (for example, during surgery to remove a hernia or in the postoperative period due to scar changes in the tissues of the genital tract) often leads to degeneration and even atrophy of the testicles.
  2. Genetic and congenital factors. The frequency of congenital testicular pathologies today is about 4-5%, that is, they occur in almost every twentieth man. These are cryptorchidism (undescended testicle into the scrotum), monorchidism (absence of 1 testicle), anorchidism (congenital absence of both testicles in the scrotum), dysgenesis (developmental disorder) of the gonads and other disorders.
  3. Infections. The following diseases can cause infertility in men:
  • mumps (one of the leading etiological factors; leads to inflammation of the testicle - orchitis, with damage to all its tissues);
  • typhus and typhoid fever;
  • brucellosis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • sepsis;
  • sexually transmitted diseases and so on.

Infectious diseases cause more than a third of cases of male infertility. The pathogen often releases toxins that damage the spermatogenic epithelium (testicular tissue responsible for the production of sperm components) and disrupt the trophism (nutrition) of the testicles.

4. Intoxication. Ecology, chemical, and occupational hazards in the conditions of increasing industrialization are becoming the cause of infertility in men more and more often. Intoxications can directly affect testicular tissue or the nervous system as a whole with the consequences described in paragraph 1.

5. Food additives, medications, industrial compounds, pesticides - a person is exposed to these factors every day, and many of them are mutagens and damage the germinal epithelium of the testicle. The following poisons are especially dangerous for men:

  • carbon disulfide;
  • mercury;
  • lead;
  • phosphorus;
  • manganese;
  • ammonia;
  • benzene and others.

Constant contact with these poisons can cause a man to develop infertility. Also quite dangerous in this regard are vehicle exhaust gases and oxygen deficiency, especially against the background of stress and overwork.

Some antibiotics (especially gentamicin, the potassium salt of penicillin and others) and sulfonamides (in particular, trimethoprim), nitrofurans, as well as estrogens and cytostatics have a negative effect on the testicular tissue that produces sperm.

Chronic intoxication with nicotine and alcohol causes significant changes in the ejaculate in the form of decreased motility and the appearance of pathological forms of sperm.

6. Nutritional deficiency. The nutritional factor is also very important for complete spermatogenesis. Not only absolute starvation, but also partial starvation, as well as insufficient nutrition, can lead to pathological changes in testicular tissue. Rational nutrition of children and adolescents is of particular importance. You should know that degenerative changes occur not only in the testicular tissues, but also in the hypothalamic-pituitary system.

7. Ionizing radiation. Irradiation can be both a direct causative factor of infertility (death of germinal epithelial cells occurs) and have a mutagenic effect (lead to abnormalities in the process of sperm production in the descendants of an irradiated man).

8. Pathology of the endocrine glands and other organs. One of the manifestations of a number of diseases is testicular dysfunction. However, if the disease is not severe, these disorders are often not diagnosed, since they are also not expressed, and in the case of a severe course of the underlying disease, the issue of fertility takes second place and the patient’s main goal is to eliminate the underlying disease under the supervision of a doctor. After recovery, spermatogenesis is usually restored.

9. Overheating. The optimal temperature for the production of sperm components is 2-3 °C below the temperature of the whole body. Overheating damages testicular tissue and leads to degeneration. Even a short increase in general body temperature to febrile values ​​(39 °C and above) disrupts the process of sperm formation, and it improves only 2-3 months after recovery. Both general (infectious disease, work in hot shops) and local (testicular hernia, varicocele) hyperthermia are important here.

10. Hypothermia. Exposure of the testicle to low temperatures also damages the cells that produce sperm. However, cases of infertility for this very reason are quite rare, since to disrupt spermatogenesis it is necessary that the testicle in the scrotum be exposed to temperatures less than -10 ° C for at least an hour.

11. Circulatory disorders. The spermatogenic epithelium is highly sensitive even to short-term ischemia, so diseases that interfere with blood flow to the testicles (in particular, testicular hernia or hydrocele) can cause infertility. This is also facilitated by stagnation of blood in the genital organs (for example, varicocele (varicose veins of the testicle), abnormalities in the structure of the venous plexus in the genitourinary area and other diseases).

12. Traumatic injuries to the genital organs. Depending on the nature and strength of the injury, it can cause bleeding, inflammation, necrosis of the affected tissues, obliteration (blockage of the lumen) of the vas deferens, compression of them and/or blood vessels carrying blood to the testicle, hematoma and other pathological changes. The result is reversible or irreversible pathological changes in the tissues of the testicles or vas deferens.

13. Autoimmune processes in the gonad area. The spermatogenic epithelium functions normally due to the presence between the blood and the contents of the seminiferous tubules of the so-called blood-testis barrier, which allows some cells to pass through and does not allow others to pass through. As a result of overheating, hypothermia, infectious diseases, and circulatory disorders, the permeability of this barrier increases, and sperm components can enter the bloodstream. They are known to be antigens, so the body reacts to them by forming antibodies to the cells of the seminiferous tubules that produce sperm. Autoimmune infertility develops.

Mechanism of development and classification of infertility

There are 5 forms of male infertility:

  • secretory;
  • excretory;
  • autoimmune;
  • combined;
  • relative.

Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Secretory infertility

It is usually associated with decreased testicular function - hypogonadism. There are 2 types of this condition: primary and secondary.

In primary hypogonadism, the pathological process is localized directly in the tissues of the testicle. These can be either congenital developmental anomalies or cryptorchidism, or damage of a traumatic or infectious nature. This form of the disease is accompanied by increased production of gonadotropic hormones - their concentration in the blood is increased.

Secondary hypogonadism occurs when the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, and endocrine organs are affected. It develops with tumors, neuroinfections, brain injuries and consists of a sharp decrease in the production of gonadotropins, which leads to testicular hypofunction. When the prostate, seminal vesicles and other endocrine glands are affected, testicular failure also develops. The content of gonadotropic hormones may increase, decrease, or remain within normal values.

Excretory infertility

It is a consequence of diseases or malformations of the accessory sex glands, urethra, blockage of the lumen of the vas deferens, as well as aspermatism. In this case, the ejaculate either loses its properties (due to the absence of sperm in it or a change in their structure and properties), or has a normal composition, but cannot enter the woman’s reproductive tract.

Aspermatism is a condition characterized by the absence of ejaculation during sexual intercourse. It occurs as a result of dysfunction of the nervous system (both central and peripheral) and is also considered a form of excretory infertility in men.

Immune infertility

It may occur during an immunological conflict between a man and a woman, developing in response to the entry of sperm, which is an antigen, into the woman’s vagina. This is the so-called isoimmune form of infertility. The risk of developing such a conflict can be increased by disturbances in the immune system, incompatibility of blood groups and some other factors.

The autoimmune form of infertility occurs when the permeability of the blood-testis barrier is impaired. The reasons for this condition are described above.

Combined infertility

Combines hormonal disorders and an excretory component.

Relative infertility

This diagnosis is made if, after a complete examination of the man and woman, pathological changes are not detected in either of them. This term is used with great caution, since failure to detect pathology does not mean that it does not exist - perhaps this is due to imperfect examination.

Signs of infertility in men

As was said at the beginning of the article, the leading sign of infertility in a man is the failure to become pregnant during regular (2 times a week) sexual intercourse for 12 months, provided that contraceptives were not used, the woman was fully examined and no pathology was detected (although situations are possible when both man and woman are infertile).


In most cases, infertility can be cured; to do this, you need to see a doctor and undergo an examination.

The scope of diagnostic measures includes:

  • taking anamnesis;
  • general examination;
  • sperm examination;
  • diagnosis of the excretory function of the testicles and other glands;
  • testicular biopsy;
  • genitography.

Let's take a closer look.


Since there are many causes of male infertility, only a carefully collected medical history will help identify them. Meaning:

  • the age of the patient (the older the man, the lower the fertilizing ability of the sperm);
  • profession (working conditions: hyperthermia, industrial poisons and other toxic substances);
  • bad habits (alcohol, smoking);
  • chronic infectious or other diseases of the brain and other organs;
  • traumatic injuries and infectious processes in the genital area;
  • surgical interventions on the genital organs;
  • taking a number of medications;
  • sedentary, sedentary lifestyle.

The length of the marriage, the use of contraceptives, and the presence of children are also important.

General examination

Here the doctor pays close attention to the physical development, the man’s physique, the nature of hair growth, the condition of the skin, the musculoskeletal system, and the development of the external genitalia.

If there is a lack of the male sex hormone – testosterone – in the body, a man’s appearance is disrupted: the mustache and beard grow poorly, muscles are poorly developed, and potency deteriorates.

When examining the external genitalia, abnormalities of their development, inflammatory processes, consequences of injuries, tumors and other pathologies can be detected.

Ejaculate research

This research method is very important in diagnosis. Ejaculate is obtained, as a rule, through masturbation, less often through interrupted sexual intercourse. Then macro- and microscopic studies are carried out, and biochemical and immunological parameters are assessed. Before taking the test, a man is advised to abstain from sexual intercourse for 4-6 days. It is necessary that the ejaculate be collected completely, since different portions contain different numbers of sperm.

Within about half an hour after collection, the ejaculate liquefies, so examination under a microscope begins only after this time.

At macroscopic examination evaluate the volume, color, smell, viscosity, pH of the ejaculate. Normally, its quantity is 2-5 ml, the smell resembles that of chestnut flowers, the color is milky, the viscosity is 0.1-0.5 cm of the thread formed between the surface of the ejaculate and the glass rod that is taken out of it, pH is 7.3-7.7 .

At examination under a microscope evaluate the agglutination (gluing) of sperm, their qualitative and quantitative composition, as well as the composition of additional cells of the ejaculate.

Of particular importance when assessing the quality of ejaculate is sperm motility, since its decrease leads to a decrease in the likelihood of pregnancy. Healthy, normal sperm move progressively and rotate as if in a spiral around its axis. There should be at least 75-80% of such cells.

To determine the total sperm count, a special formula is used. The lower limit of normal is 50-60 million cells in 1 ml of ejaculate. Everything below this value is called oligozoospermia, which is divided into 3 degrees:

  • I – mild degree; sperm count – 60-30*10 9 /l; the ability to fertilize is reduced;
  • II – average degree; sperm count – 29-10*10 9 /l; the ability to fertilize is significantly reduced;
  • III – severe degree; sperm count – less than 10*10 9 /l; fertilization is impossible.

If more than 200 million sperm are found in 1 ml of ejaculate, this is called polyzoospermia. In this case, as a rule, its main component is sperm with low fertilization ability.

If only dead sperm are found in the ejaculate and it is impossible to revive them, this is necrospermia.

Azoospermia - if there are spermatogenic cells in the ejaculate, but sperm are not detected.

Aspermia – if there are no sperm or spermatogenesis cells in the ejaculate.

Teratozoospermia is a condition of the ejaculate in which more than a third of the sperm are degenerative forms.

Asthenozoospermia is a condition in which the number of insufficiently motile sperm forms is more than a third.

Aspermatism is a condition characterized by the absence of sperm production during sexual intercourse.

The morphology of spermatozoa is also assessed, the percentage of normal and altered forms is determined. Young forms of these cells, forms with a modified head, neck, tail, as well as old forms can be detected. Normally, the percentage of morphologically altered forms should not exceed 24%.

Spermatogenesis cells and other cellular elements are normally no more than 10%.

Biochemical study of ejaculate

The seminal fluid of a healthy man contains carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, amino acids, hormones, enzymes, vitamins and other substances. The concentration of each of them also determines the ability of sperm to fertilize. Fructose and citric acid are of greatest importance in this regard.

Fructose is formed in the seminal vesicles. Its concentration in the ejaculate is normally 14 mmol/l. A decrease in the level of this substance is a sign of a lack of male sex hormones (androgens) in the patient’s body.

Citric acid is synthesized in the prostate. In the seminal fluid of a healthy man, its concentration is 2-3 mmol/l.

Immunological studies

They help detect antibodies to sperm in the ejaculate. There are 3 types of them: spermatoagglutinating, spermatoimmobilizing and spermatogenic. They cause agglutination (sticking together), immobilization (immobilization) of sperm, and also destroy the tissue that produces sperm components.

Biological samples

If incompatibility of sperm and cervical mucus is suspected, a test is performed to determine the compatibility and penetration ability of sperm.

Study of prostate secretion

The number of leukocytes in the field of view (the norm is 6-8) and lecithin grains is of particular importance. If there is an inflammatory process in the prostate, the amount of these elements in the secretion decreases.

Determination of the nature of crystallization of prostate secretion

Allows you to evaluate the endocrine function of the testicles (with androgen deficiency, the structure of the crystals is disrupted or they are completely absent).

Hormone research

The levels of testosterone and estradiol, as well as gonadoliberin hormones, are determined in the blood and urine.

Testicular biopsy

Studying the structure of testicular tissue allows us to determine the nature of the pathological process and/or the degree of degenerative changes in it.

As a rule, an open testicular biopsy is used (under local anesthesia, the skin of the scrotum is cut, the tunica albuginea of ​​the testicle is opened with a blade and part of its parenchyma is excised, the defect is sutured). This operation is performed in an outpatient setting.


This is the name for X-ray contrast examination of the vas deferens. With its help, you can assess the level and degree of narrowing of the vas deferens, as well as the condition of its initial section, the tail of the epididymis and the seminal vesicles.

The study is performed under local anesthesia. The vas deferens is punctured and a contrast agent is injected into its lumen, after which its distribution along the vas deferens is examined using X-rays.

Based on the results of the above studies, the doctor makes a final diagnosis and determines a treatment plan.

Principles of treating infertility in men

Treatment tactics directly depend on what causes led to infertility.

Excretory infertility resulting from inflammatory processes in the genital tract is subject to conservative therapy.

Occlusions (blockages of the lumen) of the vas deferens are usually eliminated surgically.

The effectiveness of treatment is determined by repeated examination of the ejaculate and other diagnostic methods.

General events

The patient should:

  • quit smoking;
  • give up alcohol;
  • stop taking certain medications;
  • eliminate exposure to unfavorable occupational factors on the body, change working conditions;
  • avoid psycho-emotional stress, overwork;
  • to live an active lifestyle;
  • eat regularly and nutritiously.

It is also very important to maintain a regular sexual life. Frequent sexual intercourse reduces the ability of sperm to fertilize, since the number of mature sperm in it decreases, and the number of young forms increases. The consequence of rare sexual intercourse is an increase in the number of old sperm. The optimal period of abstinence is 3-5 days. You should also take into account the days of your partner’s ovulation, because it is during this period that conception occurs. After intercourse, a woman is recommended to remain in a horizontal position for another 30-40 minutes.

General therapeutic measures

The patient may be prescribed:

  • vitamin therapy (vitamins A, groups B, E, D, K, multivitamins) – normalizes the generative function of the testicles;
  • phosphorus preparations (phytoferrolactol, calcium glycerophosphate), glutamic acid - for overwork and exhaustion of the nervous system;
  • tincture of Schisandra chinensis, eleutherococcus – for depressive disorders;
  • sedatives (tincture of motherwort, bromine and others) - for irritability, increased agitation;
  • hepatoprotectors (Essentiale, methionine and others) – to normalize liver functions;
  • biostimulants (FIBS, aloe extract and others) - to activate metabolic processes;
  • consultations with specialized specialists – neurologist, psychotherapist.

Treatment of secretory infertility

  • For primary hypogonadism, androgen preparations (testosterone propionate, methyltestosterone and others).
  • For secondary hypogonadism - gonadotropins (chorionic, menopausal gonadotropin), progestins (clomiphene, gravosan, clostilbegit) or drugs that stimulate their secretion (aevit, vitamin B1, methylandrostenediol, and so on).

Treatment of excretory infertility

Depends on what disease caused it.

  • For hypospadias and epispadias – surgical intervention. If the patient completely disagrees with the operation, artificial insemination (fertilization) is performed.
  • For chronic inflammatory diseases of the genital organs - medications depending on the causative factor (antibiotics, sulfonamides and others). Since these drugs themselves can inhibit spermatogenesis, they are used in parallel with drugs that prevent negative effects on the liver and testicles (cysteine, methionine, vitamins and others).


A direct indication for it is obstructive azoospermia with biopsy-confirmed intact spermatogenesis. The purpose of the operation is to restore the patency of the vas deferens.

Treatment of immune infertility

Spouses are recommended to have sexual intercourse with a condom and not use protection only during the period of ovulation. At the same time, the number of antigens to the man’s sperm in the woman’s body will decrease and the likelihood of fertilization will increase. In parallel with this, the man or woman (depending on the identified disorders) is prescribed to take antihistamines (cetirizine, loratadine and others). Also, in order to achieve an antiallergic effect, glucocorticoids (dexamethasone, prednisolone and others) can be used.

In case of a chronic inflammatory process in a man’s body, he may be recommended to take immunostimulants (thymalin, T-activin and others).

The method of choice in the treatment of immune infertility is artificial insemination. In this case, the woman is injected into the cervical canal or into the cavity of this organ with sperm just received from her husband.


To prevent the development of infertility, a man should be attentive to his health, promptly treat diseases that negatively affect reproductive function, and also prevent their development. He also needs to observe a regime of work and rest, sex life, eat rationally, not have promiscuous sexual intercourse, not take medications uncontrollably, refuse or at least limit alcohol consumption and smoking.


Infertility in men is not an independent pathology, but a consequence of a number of other diseases. This diagnosis is made if pregnancy does not occur within a year of regular sexual intercourse without the use of contraception. The leading diagnostic method is the study of ejaculate. Treatment tactics depend on the form of infertility and may include normalizing lifestyle, taking a number of medications, or surgical intervention. In most cases, the correct diagnostic approach and timely initiation of adequate treatment help restore a man’s ability to fertilize, but sometimes, unfortunately, the changes in his body are irreversible, and it is not possible to restore the generative function.

Which doctor should I contact?

An andrologist treats male infertility. The patient also needs to consult a urologist. In case of dysfunction of the endocrine glands, treatment by an endocrinologist is indicated. In cases where infertility is associated with brain pathology, you should be examined by a neurologist and neurosurgeon.

Channel One, program “Live Healthy” with Elena Malysheva, section “About Medicine”, topic of the issue “Treatment of male infertility” (from 32:20):

Urologist-andrologist Nisanbaev K.D. talks about male infertility:

Urologist-andrologist Zhivov A.V. speaks about the causes of male infertility:


Artificially prolonged sexual intercourse

Also applies to unreliable methods. Of course, it prolongs the time of sexual pleasure for partners and, as a rule, does not lead to ejaculation, but it cannot guarantee protection, since sperm is released not only during orgasm, but also along with lubricant. In addition, if this method is used frequently, it can lead to impotence and health problems in a man (high blood pressure and headaches).

"Samurai Egg"

Hot scrotum is an ancient Japanese method of temporarily sterilizing a man by increasing the temperature in the scrotum, which is achieved by taking a daily hot bath at 46.6 0 C for 45 minutes for a month. When the testicles overheat, sperm production is disrupted. By the way, the same effect is obtained if you sit behind the wheel of a car for more than four hours a day. After these procedures, the man becomes sterile for almost six months. Then everything is restored again to the same volume, but... there is a danger of cancer.


Ideal option for a man. However, the condom can break, and its use requires some skill. Modern technology offers highly durable and ultra-thin latex condoms in a variety of lengths, colors and flavors. However, the condom can break, and its use requires some skill.

Hormonal agents

Subdermal implant for men

Ampoules containing “androgens” are implanted by a surgeon under the skin, where they dissolve within 2-4 weeks. During orgasm, a small amount of “neutralized” sperm is released. The effect lasts for about 3-5 months. Sometimes there are not entirely pleasant side effects (headaches, genital spasms, etc.). The development of more advanced injectable drugs continues - 1 injection in the arm annually or monthly.

A drug containing “cyproterone acetate”

These are the same oral contraceptives, only for men. Constant use of the drug leads to temporary sterilization and a decrease in sperm count. After stopping taking the pills, sperm volumes are restored, but it is not yet clear how long after a man will be able to fertilize.

Pills containing "estrogen and androgen"

Such pills cause an increase in libido and at the same time reduce the quality of sperm. You can use it for 1 month, and then take a break for 3-4 months. If the drug is used for too long, side effects may occur: mental disorders, decreased tone and interest in life.


Ligation of the spermatic cord, which can be untied if desired. An ideal method for the treatment of sexual weakness, prevention of inflammatory changes after removal of a prostate tumor.


male contraception. This operation involves cutting the vas deferens, which carries sperm from both testicles. About a month after it, the man becomes completely infertile. Previously, the main disadvantage of a vasectomy was that a man would be unable to conceive a child for the rest of his life. Currently, the operation of “reverse vasectomy” has been developed, when the crossed vas deferens are sutured again, and the man again becomes capable of fertilization. The ability to conceive a child is restored in 90% of cases.

There is also an alternative technique when specially designed miniature valves , which can be opened and closed again at will by a very small operation.

Reversible vasectomy using soft rubber plugs that prevent the passage of sperm. They are inserted surgically and can be removed.

Polyurethane plug

The operation can be not only surgical, then a substance is injected into the sperm ducts, which hardens and gives a contraceptive effect.

Male spiral

A still little-known method of male contraception. The male IUD looks like a miniature umbrella and is inserted through the head of the penis into the scrotum. At the end of the spiral there is a gel that has a spermicidal effect.

To decide on the choice of contraception, a man must consult with an andrologist.


Caused by drugs, alcohol, smoking, tight underwear, office work, love of bathhouses and mumps suffered in childhood

“You are barren!” - many married couples are afraid to hear this phrase. But, unfortunately, in Ukraine, more than 15% of all families of reproductive age face this problem, according to the country’s Ministry of Health.

According to experts, this figure is even higher in the world. For example, in Europe about 20% of married couples are infertile, in Australia - 25%, in the USA - 25-30%. According to current standards, a diagnosis of infertility is made if a couple cannot conceive a child after a year of regular sexual activity without contraception. Many consider this diagnosis a sentence to a lifelong childless existence.

However, with a strong desire and qualified medical care, it is still possible to experience the joy of parenthood. How? A reproductologist, a doctor of the highest category, a candidate of medicine will talk about this. n. Sergey Baksheev and the chief physician of the medical center "DC Ukrservice of the Ministry of Transport", obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category Victoria Gakalo.


Ten years ago, 60% of all cases of infertility were female, 30% were male, and the remaining 20% ​​were due to mixed causes. Today, the incidence of male infertility is increasing significantly. In addition, doctors argue that any numbers do not reflect the real picture, because many men simply do not go to doctors because they are embarrassed by this fact and confuse it with impotence.

MALE "YANG".“Potence and reproductive function in men are completely different things,” notes Sergei Baksheev. “A man can be a wonderful lover, but when trying to conceive a child, problems may arise.”

Most often this occurs due to pathologies of sperm: its small quantity, insufficient motility or lack of living sperm. The cause of violations is smoking, alcohol, drugs. Overheating of the genitals also has a negative impact on male fertility (it is not recommended to frequently visit bathhouses, take hot baths, or wear tight underwear). Sperm pathologies can also occur with a sedentary lifestyle and rare sexual intercourse (the norm is 3-5 times a week). “More rarely, the reason lies in different anatomical features.

Damage or birth defects of the reproductive organs are possible. Fertility can also be impaired after inflammatory diseases (the same mumps) and venereal diseases, says Victoria Gakalo. “Sometimes prostatitis, inflammation of the prostate gland and genitourinary organs, and varicose veins of the spermatic cord prevent conceiving a child.”


Sometimes infertility can be “cured” on your own by eliminating harmful factors (smoking, alcohol) and starting to lead a healthy lifestyle. If within a year after this “miracle” has not happened, go to the doctor and get examined: do a spermogram.

It is important to know that its result may vary depending on nutrition and even emotional state. Therefore, before the test, abstain from sexual contact for four days, exclude spicy, salty foods and alcohol, and also do not visit saunas, solariums, etc. “It is better to do examinations in assisted reproductive technology clinics or in centers that treat infertility, rather than in laboratories that diagnose inflammatory processes, advises Sergei Baksheev. “If the spermogram is not very good, repeat the analysis in 10-14 days.”

After identifying the cause, doctors will suggest possible solutions to the problem. “Currently, all European methods of infertility treatment are available in Ukraine,” says the doctor.


Surgical intervention

Male sterilization in medicine is called a “vasectomy” and is the cutting of the vas deferens in men, through which seminal fluid flows from the testicles.

This surgical operation takes no more than 20 minutes, is performed under local anesthesia, and does not require a hospital stay. After a month, the effect begins - a man can forget about contraception forever.

Vasectomy is reliable in 99% of cases and does not in any way affect male potency. But there are also disadvantages: high cost, lack of protection against STDs, legal restrictions (not carried out for persons under 35 years of age, childless and having less than two children). The main disadvantage of vasectomy is the irreversibility of the operation. Once a man has decided on this procedure, he will never be able to become a biological father.

Today, vasoresection is also practiced - ligation of the spermatic cord. This creates a mechanical barrier for sperm and may be temporary. A reversible vasectomy has already been invented, which makes it possible to subsequently sew together the cut ducts, but the ability to conceive is not restored in all men; a small percentage of them still remain infertile.

Surgeons have also developed an alternative method, during which the integrity of the ducts is not violated, and their internal space is closed with microvalves. If a man desires and needs it, they can be easily and quickly eliminated.

Without a scalpel

You can deprive a man of fertility not only through surgery.

Several years ago, an injection sterilization technique appeared in the United States - a special substance is injected into the vas deferens, which hardens after some time and thereby blocks the movement of sperm.

To restore the ability to conceive, an injection is given with another substance that dissolves the previous one.

They have not yet become widespread, but “male coils” are already being used in practice - umbrella-shaped devices with a sperm-killing substance at the end, which is inserted through the head of the penis into the scrotum and, if desired, removed without harm to the body.

To become infertile for several months, a man can choose the option of subdermal implants. Through an injection, the doctor injects an ampoule of androgen under the patient’s skin. After a couple of weeks, it resolves and under the influence of its contents, sperm with inactive germ cells is released during ejaculation.

The so-called male contraceptives containing sex hormones can also deprive a man of his ability to produce offspring.

An excess of testosterone interferes with the formation of sperm, causing azoospermia (lack of ejaculate). This infertility is not forever - after stopping taking the pills, reproductive function is restored, but jokes with hormones are always bad - often after taking the drugs, men are diagnosed with testicular cancer.

Without medical help

Men experienced the desire to deliberately become unable to conceive long before the development of official medicine. How can a man become infertile at home? Doing things that are harmful to the body. The ancient Greeks and Japanese practiced the method of heating the scrotum - taking a bath in very hot water for 30 minutes every day. High water temperature negatively affected spermatogenesis, allowing a man to achieve and maintain the effect of infertility for up to six months. Sterilization in this case is temporary, but you shouldn’t get carried away with it - the risk of developing testicular cancer is too great. This method has fans in the modern world, and water procedures are not at all necessary. Male infertility is often typical for drivers who spend more than 4 hours a day behind the wheel, programmers and gamers.

In general, heat is the main assistant to a man who has decided to become infertile. A few minutes in a hot sauna or steam bath will reduce the quality and quantity of male “tadpoles” for a whole week with subsequent recovery.

Tight underwear is another way to delay the joy of fatherhood. The best option is family panties, loose, not restricting movement and not squeezing the man’s genitals. As a modern alternative, doctors recommend men's boxers, but strictly in size.

Regular intense training on a bicycle and horseback riding, due to the squeezing and impact of the perineum in the process, also leads to impaired motility and sperm count, which gradually develops infertility. If a man has no desire to become a father, such sports will come in handy. If there is, it’s worth giving them up at least for a while.

Alcohol abuse, smoking, and drugs block the production of the male sex hormone – testosterone. Their use poses a particular danger during puberty. But it’s not only bad habits that affect men’s reproduction. Scientists from Denmark have proven that eating soy can reduce the number of sperm by half, and researchers from the University of Sheffield have concluded that the pores of paint and varnish substances increase the chances of infertility. Male painters are at risk.

Barbells and weight lifting are also not always beneficial for the male body. Sport is health when physical activity is moderate. Otherwise, for those who are predisposed, harsh male training will contribute to the development of varicose veins of the spermatic cord, which will lead to infertility.

The opportunity to become parents is a great gift for both women and men. Whether to become infertile and, if so, then temporarily or permanently, everyone decides for themselves. But when making such a responsible decision, do not forget to consult with your partner and enlist her support. Not all fertility manipulations are reversible; over time, you may greatly regret your desire for infertility.


Determining if a man is infertile

How to check whether a man is to blame for his partner’s lack of pregnancy? Infertility in men at home can be suggested by various symptoms. Pay attention to the condition of the sperm. When infertility occurs, it looks like thick lumps or stretchy white threads, which are released in small quantities after orgasm. In some chronic diseases of the genital organs, leading to inflammation of the prostate and testicles, there may be a complete absence of sperm after orgasm. With such symptoms, a man should contact an andrologist for a consultation, which will be followed by a test for infertility.

Infertility may be indicated by the appearance of minor pain in the lower abdomen after hard work, which is permanent and is a symptom of varicocele. This testicular disease, caused by testicular varicose veins, has several stages. At the first signs of a developing disease, there are almost no symptoms.

The onset of a varicocele can only be determined during an ultrasound examination. Infertility in men develops already at the first stage of this disease due to overheating of the testicles by excess blood flow and death of sperm. If these symptoms occur, a consultation with an andrologist and examination using diagnostic equipment is necessary.

The development of male infertility may be indicated by a false urge to urinate at night. This symptom appears with prostatitis. Inflammation of the prostate gland blocks the ureter. The prostate produces the substance in which sperm are found when they exit the urethra during ejaculation. If the substance is not produced, then there will be nothing to transport sperm.

Infertility in a man can be assumed if there is a history of disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine glands. Diabetes mellitus, decreased activity, growth of the abdomen, breasts - all these are symptoms of disturbances in the functioning of the internal secretion organs.

A serious sign of male infertility is the fact that a woman is not protected from conception for a year, but pregnancy does not occur. Whether a man is infertile cannot be determined at home. To make such a diagnosis, a serious examination by an andrologist is required to determine whether there is male infertility or not. Only in a well-equipped modern laboratory can this question be clarified.

How to accurately determine male infertility?

It is easier for a man to be tested for infertility than for a woman, but at home you will not know anything with a high degree of accuracy. Home is not the place to accurately perform a complex infertility test.

Testing for infertility in men can be clinical and laboratory. During the clinical examination, sexual and constitutional development, body type, height and body weight ratio are taken into account.

It consists of:

  • primary survey;
  • medical examination;
  • genitourinary studies;
  • consultations with a therapist, geneticist and sex therapist;
  • medical genetic research.

Laboratory diagnosis begins with a spermogram. This test is carried out on high-precision equipment. The counting of male germ cells, their morphological features are examined and counted using electronic counters. Such a study makes it possible to determine whether a man is infertile or not and due to which organ of the genitourinary system the fertility disorder occurred.

In the absence of sperm in the biological material being studied, the reasons for the disturbance of spermatogenesis are determined. Male infertility with such results is called secretory.

Sperm may be produced, but for some reason not enter the vas deferens. This is obstructive infertility. If such infertility is detected, then confirmation of obstruction of the vas deferens is carried out on bilateral genitography.


Semen analysis sometimes reveals agglutination. This is the gluing of sperm, which indicates an autoimmune variant of infertility. With this type of infertility, male reproductive cells lose mobility and are unable to fertilize a female egg. The MAP test will help identify antisperm antibodies that bind to sperm, disrupt their motility and are capable of destroying them.

How to get tested for infertility?

It is possible to understand that a man is completely infertile only after taking several spermograms. In order for the results to be reliable, the rules are followed during a medical examination. For several days before the examination, they abstain from sexual intercourse and the use of medications, with the exception of vital drugs. You should not drink alcohol, overheat the testicles, smoke a lot, or drink coffee.

To conduct a test for male infertility, sperm is collected into a sterile vessel directly in the laboratory in a specially equipped room using masturbation. The analysis will be unreliable if the ejaculate was obtained after interrupted sexual intercourse or if a condom was used for transportation.

There is no need to try to self-diagnose infertility at home. Even when using high-precision instruments, mistakes can be made. There are cases when men who considered themselves infertile became fathers, and genetic examinations proved their paternity.


Signs of infertility in men

Typically, men with infertility have no symptoms. Representatives of the stronger sex can feel great and look absolutely healthy. Like all normal men, they are capable of leading an active sex life and enjoying it.

They find out that they are infertile, most often by accident. For example, a couple decides to have a child and stops using protection. A month passes, two, six, twelve, but pregnancy still does not occur. The woman begins to be examined first. After all possible disorders have been ruled out and a “healthy” conclusion is given, the man is examined.

He is prescribed a whole bunch of different tests, which reveal signs of infertility in men - one or more types of disorders.

Main causes of male infertility

Male infertility has slightly fewer causes than female infertility. However, this does not mean that it is easier to treat. Let's take a closer look at the causes of male infertility.

1. Venereal diseases. As a rule, it is sexually transmitted infections that become the main cause of the development of the inflammatory process in the male reproductive system. And also some microorganisms can directly affect the genital organs and cause deterioration in sperm quality. For example, the negative effect of chlamydia on the ability to conceive has been proven.

2. Inflammatory processes. Inflammatory processes are the main cause of impaired spermatogenesis (sperm production). Due to such common diseases as prostatitis and urethritis of various etiologies, sperm motility is significantly reduced, which can cause male infertility or a significant reduction in the chances of conception.

3. Injuries, tumors and damage of other etiologies. The impact of testicular trauma and tumors on reproductive function is obvious. However, there are other reasons for the development of infertility in men. For example, mumps (mumps) suffered in childhood may well make a man infertile.

4. Hormonal imbalances. This reason is quite important in the formation of both male and female infertility. However, in men it becomes more relevant with age, when the production of a hormone such as testosterone decreases. As a result, erection and the process of sperm release and formation are disrupted.

5. Congenital pathology of the genital organs. There are quite a few examples of such diseases: from phimosis (impossibility of exposing the head of the penis) to underdevelopment of the external genitalia and abnormal structure of the internal genital organs. The cause of infertility in such cases is most often the inability of a man to have full sexual intercourse.

6. Bad habits. Alcohol and smoking really have a significant impact on the quality of sperm: sperm move much more slowly, and, consequently, the likelihood of conception drops sharply.

7. Effect of high temperatures. It has been proven that too high a temperature negatively affects the processes of spermatogenesis, which can cause the development of male infertility.

8. Stress. Of course, this is not the most important reason for the development of infertility, but you should not forget about it. A modern man constantly lives in conditions of lack of sleep and constant nervous tension, which, of course, cannot but affect the function of the reproductive system.

9. Exposure to chemicals. Of course, the most harmful are various chemical industries. However, not many men are exposed to such a harmful factor. But almost everyone “breathes” automobile fuel. It is worth remembering the extremely unfavorable effect of gasoline vapor on reproductive function.

Disorders of the male reproductive system leading to infertility:

  1. the process of sperm production in the testicles is disrupted;
  2. the process of delivering sperm to the woman’s vagina is disrupted;
  3. sperm are unable to reach the egg and cannot fertilize the egg;
  4. some male factors have a negative impact on the condition of the female genital organs. As a result, fertilization and/or gestation of the resulting pregnancy becomes impossible.

Risk group for male infertility

Infertility develops in men who are exposed to stress, have congenital and genetic disorders, especially those contained in sperm protein PLCz, autoimmune diseases, hormonal regulation disorders, suffered infectious diseases (mumps, typhoid fever, etc.), injuries and operations of the scrotum and pelvic organs. And also for those who have had contact with chemicals or ionizing radiation, suffer from hyperthermia and circulatory disorders, suffer from drug addiction, abuse alcoholic beverages or are addicted to tobacco.

In these men, sperm activity sharply decreases and defects occur in their structure. Very often, examination reveals sperm with two heads, an underdeveloped tail and other anomalies.

Representatives of the stronger sex should pay special attention to the following: the amount of sperm released during sexual intercourse, whether there is a violation of potency, whether pain occurs in the genital area.

If at least one of these signs occurs, you should contact your doctor as soon as possible. urologist or andrologist. Only this specialist can determine the specific cause of this condition and prescribe appropriate treatment. Grandmas using herbs, infusions, spells and other folk methods are unlikely to help here. They will only take away valuable time.

Types of infertility

There are several types of infertility:

Secretory infertility. The most common form of male infertility. The reason for its development is a dysfunction of the testicles, as a result of which either an insufficient number of sperm are produced or they are not sufficiently motile. Treatment depends on the cause of the testicular dysfunction. Most often they resort to medication or hormonal therapy.

Immunological infertility. Caused by the development of an autoimmune process, which can be triggered by various factors, including injury. To combat this type of infertility, complex drug therapy is selected individually.

Obstructive infertility. Occurs when there is any obstacle to the release of sperm. It could be a cyst, tumor or scar. As a rule, this type of infertility is treated by surgical removal of the obstruction.

Relative infertility is the least studied form. This formulation is used when there are no abnormalities in the state of health, but pregnancy still does not occur. Quite often the cause of this type of infertility is stress. Accordingly, his treatment is not carried out by a reproductologist, but by a psychotherapist.

Diagnosis of male infertility

First of all, the doctor must find out from the patient whether there are any complaints related to the reproductive system (pain in the lower abdomen, difficulty urinating, etc.). The next step is collecting anamnesis. It is found out whether the man’s close relatives had similar problems with conceiving a child, and whether there are any chronic diseases. It is also important to find out what diseases the patient has suffered (particular attention is paid to mumps, tuberculosis, orchitis and pathologies of the urinary system).

The most important step in diagnosing male infertility is sperm testing. If it is impossible to obtain sperm naturally, a special puncture is performed. The ejaculate is examined in the laboratory, after which a conclusion is given about the presence of sperm in the semen, their quantity and functional state.

Infection screening is also necessary. If no obvious inflammatory process is detected, then it is necessary to be tested for sexually transmitted infections, as well as for hidden infections. First of all, urethral discharge and prostate secretion are examined.

If no infectious pathologies or disorders in spermatogenesis are identified, proceed to the study of hormonal levels. To do this, blood serum is examined for the content of sex hormones.

Of the instrumental methods, ultrasound and thermography are most often used.

Sometimes male infertility develops due to a tumor of the pituitary gland. Despite the fact that in this condition the content of hormones in the blood is disrupted, their concentration does not change under the influence of hormonal therapy. If this pathology is suspected, it is necessary to perform an x-ray of the sella turcica and skull.

Treatment of male infertility

After determining the cause of infertility, the doctor will select an individual treatment program for you. There are several stages of treatment for male infertility:

Treatment with medications. The prescription of a particular medication depends on the cause of infertility. For example, to cure a sexually transmitted disease or an inflammatory process, antibacterial drugs are prescribed; if there are hormonal disorders, then hormone replacement therapy is used. If infertility occurs due to deterioration in sperm quality, then first of all it is necessary to take vitamin complexes, immunocorrective drugs, and sometimes resort to treatment with homeopathic drugs. By the way, diet has a very strong influence on changes in sperm quality. Men suffering from this disease are advised to increase their consumption of foods high in vitamin D. These include sea fish. Prophylactic consumption of fish oil is also recommended. And do not forget that vitamin D is synthesized in the human body under the influence of sunlight.

Surgery. It is used most often for the treatment of obstructive infertility. Postoperative scars, varicoceles, hernias or tumors can act as obstacles to the path of sperm. Of course, this problem cannot be solved using conservative treatment methods. But even with the help of surgery it is not always possible to achieve the desired result, especially if the patient has already reached adulthood. The chances of cure by surgery are slightly higher in adolescents, and the most favorable prognosis is achieved with surgery in childhood.

ICSI method. This method is one of the types of in vitro fertilization. It is also called “introduction of sperm into the cytoplasm.” It is used when a man has normal sperm, but for some reason they do not reach the egg. The probability of conception with this method exceeds 60%. The procedure is performed in a laboratory setting. The woman's egg is collected and the man's sperm are injected into it using microinjections. Then, the already fertilized egg is “planted” into the woman’s genital tract. Further development of pregnancy does not differ from normal.

Sperm donation. This method is used in cases where the man’s family has severe hereditary diseases, or there are no sperm in the semen at all. This method is used quite rarely. It involves artificially inseminating a woman with donor sperm.

There are also various non-traditional treatment methods. You should not rely only on them, but they can perfectly complement the main components of therapy. Non-traditional treatments for male infertility include herbal medicine, acupuncture and manual therapy.

Prevention of male infertility

It is necessary to begin the prevention of male infertility from early childhood. It is very important not to miss preventive examinations with a urologist and surgeon under any circumstances. Also very important are such factors as adherence to a work and rest schedule, adequate sleep, frequent walks in the fresh air and moderate physical activity.

A complete diet is also very important. It must contain sufficient quantities of meat, fish, eggs, nuts, herbs and vegetables. By the way, vegetarians are at risk of developing infertility because they do not consume enough protein.

Also, you should not spend too much time in baths and saunas, or take long hot baths. Excessively tight underwear also negatively affects spermatogenesis.

Regular sex life also plays an important role in maintaining male reproductive health. Naturally, with a permanent partner.


Male infertility in approximately 40% of cases is one or the only cause of infertile marriage. The fertility of a young man depends on whether he can introduce a certain number of healthy, normally functioning, mature sperm into a woman of reproductive age during her ovulation period.

Why do men become infertile? This may be due to disturbances in the maturation, formation or ability of sperm to fertilize, disorders of ejaculation or sexual function.

Secretory infertility

The first reason why a man may be infertile is secretory infertility. In order for a sperm to penetrate the ovary, there must be several tens of thousands of them, and in order for them to reach the ovary, tens of millions must enter the vagina! But the spermatogenic epithelium does not always produce them in such quantities for this to happen.

The cause may be various diseases suffered in childhood: mumps, inguinal hernia, hydrocele, varicocele, syphilis, tuberculosis. High temperatures can also have a negative effect, so after a hot bath you need to take a cold shower.

Frequent mechanical impacts on the testicles, for example, too much cycling, also contribute to this disorder. This disease is caused by prolonged stress, lack of vitamins in food, certain medications, radiation exposure, smoking, alcohol, and drugs.

It also happens when sperm are not formed in the testicles at all. Causes may be acquired or congenital.

Obstructive infertility

The second reason why men become infertile is obstructive infertility. The produced sperm must still come out! Obstruction of the vas deferens may prevent this. This happens as a result of complications of syphilis or tuberculosis, the result of an injury to the groin area.

The cause can also be bilateral epididymitis - inflammation of the epididymis. This may be associated with mumps or mumps.


Cryptorchidism is a congenital disorder , that is, undescended testicles into the scrotum. They remain at the level of the inguinal canal or abdominal cavity. In this case, the testicles are far from optimal conditions, and spermatogenesis is also disrupted. Children born with this disease must undergo surgery before the age of 3 years.

If this is not done, then the likelihood of developing infertility will be very high.

Why a man is infertile will no longer be a mystery to you.


A little about male anatomy

Doctors begin to talk about infertility if a couple lives a normal sexual life for one year (or longer), without protection, but pregnancy does not occur. What does a man’s ability to bear children depend on, and what anatomical and physiological characteristics given by nature allow a man to become a father?

In men, the genital organs are located both inside and outside the pelvis. Testosterone (male hormone), which is produced in the ovaries, is responsible for normal male sexual development. Sperm is also produced in the ovaries, which is mixed with the secretions of the prostate gland, forming ejaculate (seminal fluid). Mature sperm is stored in the male vas deferens. For good fertility, male sperm must be complete and meet certain characteristics.

What sperm is considered high quality?

The sperm has a head, neck and tail. To speed up the meeting with the egg, the sperm also move in a straight line.

A normal ejaculate should contain at least 60% motile, full-fledged sperm. At the same time, a milliliter of sperm can contain 40-120 million sperm.

The amount of sperm in men may vary and depend on his sexual activity, age, heredity and other factors. The normal volume of ejaculate is usually around 1-1.6 ml. An active sex life reduces the amount of sperm. And only after 2-3 days its volume is restored.

An important indicator of sperm is an alkaline reaction (pH from 7 to 7.6). The alkali in the ejaculate preserves the quality of sperm and prevents them from losing their mobility in the acidic environment of the vagina. It is especially important for sperm to maintain their quality when they enter the uterine cervical canal. Next, the path of sperm lies in the uterus and then into the fallopian tubes.

Typically, infertility in men is caused by several factors. Most often, the causes of infertility are somehow related to poor sperm quality.

The vitality, viability and motility of sperm can be worsened by various factors related to the environment, a man’s health, bad habits, etc.

And it is not necessary for a man with infertility to be bothered by unpleasant manifestations or any external manifestations.

The ability to conceive should not be confused with the ability to bear children, as is often the case. You can be a super-strong “alpha male” but still be 100% infertile.

Sperm problems

Problems with sperm may be associated with their:

  • insufficient quantity;
  • inferiority;
  • impaired mobility in the vas deferens;
  • emission problems.

Reasons for violations:

  1. Dilatation of the veins of the testicle and spermatic cord (varicocele). The temperature in the testicles increases, which damages the sperm and makes them unviable.
  2. Injuries, tumors or defects of the male genital organs. These include torsion of the testicles, dropsy, or undescended testicles (cryptorchidism). Often such pathologies are visible immediately after birth, and correction of such defects cannot be delayed.
  3. Infections. This includes most diseases that can be acquired through close contact (STDs): trichomoniasis, chlamydia, syphilis, gonorrhea, gardenellosis, etc. Some of the STDs occur without any symptoms at all (mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis, chlamydia). With late presentation, diseases can lead to the development of internal scars that interfere with the release of sperm.

Diseases causing infertility in men

Self-medication of any sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) is unacceptable. Many of them are similar in symptoms, and an illiterate selection of drugs will only waste time or make the microbes resistant to most antibacterial agents.

  1. The cause of infertility may be mumps (mumps). It is especially dangerous if a boy gets mumps as a teenager. This disease often affects the spermatic cords in the testicles. And this subsequently stops sperm production.
  2. Endocrine diseases (diabetes mellitus, obesity, thyroid pathology, disorders of the pituitary-hypothalamic system, etc.
  3. Inflammation in the gonad area (urethritis, prostatitis, etc.)
  4. Hormonal disorders. Any delays in sexual development should be noticed by parents as early as possible and then referred to specialists. A lack of testosterone in a boy can lead to infertility in the future.
  5. Anatomical disorders of the genital organs, genetic abnormalities. This includes a violation of the location of the urethra, obstruction of the vas deferens or their absence. Such disorders can occur in some genetic diseases (fibrocystic disease, cystic fibrosis, etc.)
  6. Sexual disorders (flaccid erection, premature ejaculation, etc.) In this case, the patient is unlikely to be able to help himself.
  7. Immune failures, when a failure in the body forces it to produce antibodies that injure or even destroy sperm (autoimmune infertility).
  8. General weakening of the body after suffering stress, hunger, hard work (immunological infertility).
  9. Bad habits (alcohol, smoking) that reduce sperm production.
  10. Age or chronic stress, which reduces sperm motility and quality.
  11. Psychological reasons, when for some reason a man subconsciously does not want to have children (too domineering mother, single-parent family, feeling of inferiority, etc.)

Other reasons

Other causes of infertility in men: chemotherapy, radiation, high temperature exposure, consequences of intoxication, scrotal trauma, testicular hydrocele and other causes. Often, with timely treatment, all such problems with sperm production can be solved. In advanced cases, these phenomena can become irreversible.


To diagnose male infertility, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive examination by specialists. Most often, you will have to consult with a therapist, endocrinologist-andrologist, urologist-andrologist, geneticist, or sex therapist.

Research methods:

  • general examination;
  • urogenital examination;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvis;
  • spermogram;
  • cytology to determine the composition of the seminal vesicles;
  • PCR to exclude sexually transmitted infections;
  • vasography (x-ray of seminal vesicles and tubules);
  • urethral smear;
  • biochemistry of prostate secretion;
  • sowing ejaculate for infections (ureaplasmosis, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus, genital herpes, etc.).

Additionally, patients with suspected infertility are often prescribed:

  • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland;
  • hormonal screening;
  • testicular biopsy;
  • MRI of the skull;
  • renal phlebography.


A spermogram is mandatory for a man with suspected infertility.

Normally, a spermogram should have results with:

  • volume of about 2 or more ml;
  • pH reaction of 7.2 or more;
  • number of sperm from 20 million and above;
  • at least 30% of sperm are of the correct shape (during morphological examination);
  • viability above 50;
  • more than 50% of sperm move at fast speeds with forward movements;
  • Mar test with the presence of adherent particles in at least 50% of sperm;
  • normal viscosity;
  • liquefaction for 60 minutes;
  • absence of agglutination and pathogenic flora;
  • at least 1 million leukocytes in 1 ml;
  • the amount of fructose is about 13 µmol;
  • the amount of zinc is about 2.4 µmol.

Sometimes a spermogram may indicate pathological changes such as:

  • oligospermia (with the number of live sperm being less than 20 million);
  • asthenozoospermia (with a reduced number of motile sperm);
  • hypo- or azoospermia (with a decrease or absence of sperm in the ejaculate);
  • aspermia (lack of ejaculate);
  • polyspermy (exceeding the amount of sperm by more than 10 ml), which occurs with pathologies or rare sexual intercourse;
  • leukospermia (increased white blood cell count, occurs with inflammation or infections);
  • teratozoospermia (with defects in more than half of the sperm in the form of disturbances in the structure of the head, neck or tail of the sperm).

Currently, there are pharmacy tests for detecting infertility SpermCheck Fertility, produced in the USA. This test has sufficient accuracy: up to 96% of cases. You just need to add a few drops of sperm to find out about the presence or absence of infertility. Indicators of 200-500 million sperm are considered normal. When the indicators decrease from 20 to 2 million, the ability to conceive is minimal.

The main “whales” of the fight against male infertility

There are 2 main approaches to treatment:

  • pathogenetic (when the cause of infertility is first identified, and only then a treatment plan is built);
  • empirical (use of IVF methods).

Often, infertility in men can be cured using conservative methods. This usually refers to infertility associated with previous inflammations or infections of the genital area, endocrine disruptions, psychological problems, and bad habits.

This type of treatment includes medications carefully selected by the doctor (hormones, sedatives, drugs to improve the anitoxic function of the liver, etc.) The following are often used in treatment regimens:

  • testosterone androgens (andriol, testosterone propionate, testenate, etc.);
  • antiestrogens (tamoxifen, clostilbegide);
  • releasing hormones (cryptocur, luliberin);
  • gonadotropins (human chorionic gonadotropin, menotropin);
  • prolactin inhibitors (bromocriptine);
  • immunostimulants (immunoglobulins, pyrogenal, taktivin) or biogenic drugs (raveron, solcoseryl);
  • angioprotectors (trental);
  • drugs for correcting sexual function (andriol, himcolin, tentex).

Treatment of genital tract infection

Most often, infertility is experienced by men with chronic infections or who have used “home” treatment. Usually, after cytological and laboratory tests, treatment is administered in courses (usually 20-30 days) with the prescription of a complex of tetracycline antibiotics (usually doxycycline), cephalosporins, fluoroquinolones (Tariveda, Abaktal), macrolides (Rulida). Antifungal agents (nystatin, trichopolum), immunomodulators (thymolin, raveron, immunal), and drugs for the prevention of dysbacteriosis (baktisubtil) are also used here.

In the treatment of infertility, drugs from the sulfonamide and nitrofuran groups are not used because of their toxic effect on germ cells (gonadotoxic effect).

When treating the consequences of infections, local treatment (injection of drugs with an anti-inflammatory effect into the urethra or bladder), physiotherapy, and prostate massage are also used. The partner must also be examined and treated.

For anatomical abnormalities (congenital or acquired), no other methods will help. Only surgery can solve problems with:

  • uneven descent of the testicles into the scrotum (criptorchidism);
  • varicose veins of the spermatic cord (varicocele):
  • obstructive azoospermia (lack of sperm due to some kind of obstruction);
  • hernias (inguinal or inguinal-scrotal);
  • abnormalities of the urethra (congenital or as a result of infections).
  1. Surgery for varicocele involves ligating the ovarian vein through an incision in the groin area. The most common technique here is the Ivanissevich technique. Additionally, for this pathology, sclerotherapy is used to eliminate congestive processes and venous edema.
  2. For cryptorchidism, the technique of orchipexy is used, in which the undescended testicle is artificially relegated to the scrotum.
  3. For inguinal-scrotal hernias, they are removed in two ways: open (with an incision in the abdominal wall) or laparoscopic (through a puncture in the abdominal cavity).
  4. In case of abnormalities in the structure of the urethra, its plastic surgery is performed.
  5. In the absence of sperm in the semen (azoospermia), several surgical techniques can be used:
  • collection of sperm from the ovaries (sperm aspiration);
  • blocking a dilated vein (subcutaneous embolization);
  • surgical restoration of obstruction of the vas deferens).

Empirical method

The empirical method is to treat infertility using IVF. At the same time, no in-depth analysis of its causes is carried out. Sometimes patients and doctors rightly conclude that if there are no children, then a long examination will incur unnecessary expenses and take a lot of time. Therefore, such men are immediately offered one of the methods of artificial insemination:

  1. Insemination (sperm injection). Here, without any sexual contact, sperm (freshly collected or frozen) are introduced into the uterine cavity with special instruments. This method is especially effective in case of poor sperm activity or allergic reactions in the partner’s body to sperm.
  2. Sperm donation, when instead of “low-quality” sperm, the sperm of another man is injected for conception.
  3. IVF, when fertilization of the egg occurs in the laboratory, and only then it is introduced into the uterine cavity.

With any treatment, the patient must reconsider his lifestyle and eliminate alcohol and nicotine. In this case, the patient’s internal attitude towards positivity is extremely important. With modern technology, any man has the opportunity to become a father.

The inability to conceive a child is a great tragedy for any woman. And there are a lot of reasons for this. A woman has to carefully take care of herself so as not to become infertile, but sometimes not everything depends on her. There are circumstances that cannot be overcome.

Infertility in women may arise, first of all, due to congenital and acquired diseases of the female genital area. But there are also extragenital reasons due to the influence of harmful production factors on the female body, intoxication and chronic infectious diseases, and much more.

Many metabolic diseases can lead to female infertility, for example, obesity, diabetes, exhaustion, hypovitaminosis, prolonged nervous stress situations, etc. There are many reasons, so the entire process of identifying an obstacle to conception is very labor-intensive and lengthy.

Causes of infertility in women

1. The most common and practically incurable cause of infertility is congenital defects or underdevelopment of the female reproductive system. These disorders occur in the prenatal period, in rare cases before the onset of puberty due to poor living conditions, nutrition, and frequent illnesses. This type of infertility is called primary.

2. The largest group of causes of infertility are inflammatory diseases of the uterus and ovaries in adolescence, which leads in 40% of cases to complete obstruction of the fallopian tubes and in half of the cases to partial obstruction. It is this problem that women most often encounter when they find out about it after an examination.

3. Obstruction of the fallopian tubes is primary in 48-73%, and primary - 42-80% according to various researchers. Such changes occur in the fallopian tubes against the background of their anatomical features - thin walls, narrowing, and the formation of folds, which lead to complete obliteration of their lumen and, ultimately, to complete blocking of the fibril end of the fallopian tube. Inflammatory diseases accompanied by destructive processes contribute to this.

4. Inflammatory diseases of the ovaries are a serious risk factor for infertility. It is caused mainly by streptococci, non-pathogenic staphylococci, candida and trichomonas. Alas, very common causes of infertility in women are abortions, even completely “safe” ones, and pathological births, which account for 56% of all cases of infertility.

5. What else can cause female infertility? Recently, infertility has often begun to develop due to tuberculosis of the appendages and uterus, which accounts for up to 20% of the reasons, no matter how strange this terrifying figure may sound.

6. Sometimes inflammatory processes in neighboring organs also lead to infertility in women, for example, after acute appendicitis and colitis of various etiologies, main reason- this is an infectious process that spreads to the female genital area, very quickly leading to narrowing of the fallopian tubes, disruption of their peristalsis, and the formation of adhesions that appear after surgical interventions in the pelvic area. These processes occur after ectopic pregnancy, resection of ovarian and appendix cysts.

7. Many cases of female infertility are registered against the background of diagnosed uterine fibroids, which subsequently leads to dystrophic changes in the ovaries. The aggravating factor is a combination of fibroids and endometriosis, which is registered in two cases out of 10. Other causes of infertility are benign and malignant diseases of the female genital organs.

8. An important role and one of the main reasons for infertility in women is played by endocrine disorders, hormonal imbalance in the body, when the cyclic processes of egg maturation change, anovulation or inhibition of follicle maturation can occur, which is characterized by a short luteal phase. Endocrine infertility accounts for 35-45% of all cases of female infertility.

9. In women, infertility can result traumatic injuries of the uterus, cervix and vagina. The ability to conceive is significantly reduced due to erosions and cervicitis of the cervix, ectropion, disturbances in the composition of the mucous contents of the cervical canal, as well as vaginal pH. As a result of this reason, sperm cannot penetrate the uterine cavity.

There are many reasons that push a woman to refuse to have a child. Each representative of the weak half of humanity has her own. There is no need to judge these women. After all, we don’t know why one question is spinning in her head: how to become infertile? Of course, at present these women will not go to the grandmother-midwife. But if they have already decided to take this step, then no one will dissuade them.

What is sterilization

This method of contraception is as follows. First, they are cut and then bandaged or completely removed. For this reason, the egg can no longer get from the ovaries to the uterus, which means that it will not be fertilized by a sperm. If the operation is performed correctly, the effectiveness of this method is one hundred percent. But, as usual, there are exceptions. There are statistics that out of a thousand women, six can become pregnant. Why this happens is still unknown to science.

The sterilization operation is carried out in a medical facility. Hospitalization does occur, but is very rare. At the woman’s request, surgery can be performed under local anesthesia, which facilitates the patient’s rapid return to normal life.

After the procedure, no changes occur in the body. Critical days proceed exactly the same as before the operation. Sexual desire remains unchanged.

Sterilization methods

A few decades ago, the operation was performed only through an incision in the abdominal cavity. Currently, there are the following women:

  • Tubal ligation. It is done under general or local anesthesia. An incision of about seven centimeters is made in the abdominal cavity above the pubic hair. A fragment is removed from the oviduct. The ends of the pipes formed after the cut are tied and secured. The woman is in the hospital for two days, and then rests at home for another couple of weeks. In this case, pregnancy can occur in two women out of a thousand.
  • Laparoscopy. Currently, this is the most common method of female sterilization. During the procedure, a special device is used - a laparoscope. A small hole is made in the abdominal cavity, and a tube is inserted into it to conduct light. It is attached to a telescope-like device.

You have learned ways to become infertile. Now let's talk a little more about the last of them.


There are three types of this procedure:

  • Tubal ligation. The paired tubular organ is folded into a loop and secured with a special small clamp, which dissolves after a certain period of time. The result of such an operation is three failed cases per thousand.
  • Cauterization of the oviduct. Small tweezers are inserted into the puncture of the abdominal cavity. An electric current is passed through it. After this procedure, pregnancy can occur in three women out of a thousand.
  • Clamping of a paired organ. A small part of the pipe is clamped with clothespins. The advantages of this procedure include reversibility. There are two small scars left on the oviduct and recovery time is minimal. Failure can occur to six women out of a thousand.

There is another way to become infertile. It is not related to laparoscopy and is used as a last resort - hysterectomy, complete removal of the uterus. Previously classified as a sterilization method, it is no longer recommended for these purposes.

Oviduct ligation

This procedure is performed immediately after childbirth if there was a cesarean section. Women who gave birth naturally have two days to decide whether to have surgery or not. If time is lost, you will have to wait at least another six weeks. Now let's talk about how women are sterilized in this way:

  • The operation is performed under local or general anesthesia.
  • Using carbon dioxide, the woman's stomach is inflated.
  • Make a small incision just below the navel
  • The laparoscope is inserted.
  • Another incision is made near the pubic bone.
  • A pipe blocking device is installed. There are several ways to isolate them. The doctor cuts them and then sews them together - this is the first method. Secondly, the oviduct can be tied with a special elastic band or using metal clips.
  • The abdominal incisions are sutured.

The procedure lasts thirty minutes, and the patient recovers from anesthesia in about eight hours. You will feel pain for several days. You can exercise and have sex only after a week.

"Pros and cons"

Now let's talk about the pros and cons of tubal ligation. Let's start with the positive points:

  • The occurrence of complications and side effects is minimized.
  • The procedure is carried out by a specialist.
  • Pregnancy is unlikely.
  • Sexual desire and menstrual cycle do not change.
  • The general condition of the body remains normal.
  • Can be used after caesarean section.
  • Short rehabilitation period, a few days.

Negative points:

  • Ten percent of women may develop infections after surgery.
  • If the tubes are removed unsuccessfully, an ectopic pregnancy may occur.
  • Pain appears in the pelvic area.
  • Painful sensations in the abdomen, dizziness, nausea.
  • Hematoma formation.
  • Irreversibility. Even if you have a great desire to get pregnant, it’s unlikely that you can change anything.


Voluntary surgical sterilization of women cannot always be performed. As with any other procedure, this one has its own contraindications. These include:

  • Age. The operation is not performed until the age of thirty. Over time, the desire to give birth may appear.
  • Stress. If you do something out of emotion, you may regret it after a certain time.
  • Misconception about consequences. Some representatives of the fair half of humanity believe that everything can be fixed.
  • Relationship. Women who do not have a serious relationship at the time of surgery and at least one child.

Under no circumstances should the procedure be carried out:

  • pregnant women;
  • with symptoms of acute gynecological disease;
  • with diseases that are sexually transmitted;
  • with adhesions of the abdominal cavity and small pelvis;
  • overweight women with diabetes;
  • with chronic heart and lung diseases;
  • with bleeding disorders and umbilical hernia.

What's next

Now let's talk about how sterilization affects a woman. The operation is carried out only by voluntary consent.

If we talk about hormonal levels, then there are no disruptions observed here. The ovaries continue to work and produce the necessary hormones. The woman’s sex life and well-being are also normal.

Being able to have sex without fear of getting pregnant allows her to feel more liberated.

The psychological consequences can become a problem. Although the woman’s desire was fulfilled, the thought that she was barren haunted her. A feeling of inferiority and some kind of emptiness appears inside.

In addition, she understands that sterilization can affect her future fate. Anything can happen in life. He may meet another person, fall in love with him, but it will not be possible to give birth to a child from him naturally.

That is why, when agreeing to a tubal ligation procedure, the pros and cons must be seriously weighed. And decide whether it’s worth doing it or not.


Before the operation, the woman has a long, long conversation. Experts help her make up her mind and sort out all the pros and cons. Help her make an informed decision. She will be told about other ways to prevent unwanted pregnancy. And only after she once again confirms her consent to the operation will she be told how to become infertile. Details about each method. A woman should approach this issue seriously. After all, her future life depends on it. It may happen that having taken this step, she will reproach herself all her life. Nobody knows the truth. Or maybe after the procedure she will begin to feel bright and it’s up to her to decide which path to choose. The main thing is not to make a mistake. You need to think about everything a thousand times so as not to regret it later.

Modern medicine positions surgical sterilization of the stronger sex as a 100% method of contraception. Additionally, the operation to prevent men from having children is cost-effective, safe for the body and painless due to the use of modern anesthetics.

Concern about preventing unwanted pregnancy often falls on fragile women's shoulders.

Responsible and respectable men understand that this issue concerns them to the same extent.

Modern medicine adheres to the same opinion and offers many methods of contraception (from medication to surgery).

At home, you can also use methods to protect against unwanted pregnancy.

Classification of contraceptive methods

The most general classification involves identifying such methods of male contraception as:

  • stopping sperm formation;
  • slowing down their maturation;
  • preventing them from entering the female genital tract.

Methods for preventing unwanted pregnancy are also divided into:

  1. Behavioral. They have the greatest prevalence. Premature interruption of the act or its artificial prolongation without bringing to ejaculation is assumed. They don't give 100% results. Negatively affects men's health.
  2. Barrier. Based on the use of condoms. Optimal in the absence of a permanent partner. Condoms are the only way to protect yourself from sexually transmitted infections.
  3. Chemical. The use of various pharmaceutical drugs is assumed. These can be tablets and subcutaneous implants.
  4. Surgical. These include the male IUD (“umbrella”, which is placed in the scrotum and contains an agent that has a detrimental effect on the reproductive cells), vasoresection and vasectomy (ligation and cutting of the spermatic cord, respectively).

Goals and indications for male contraception

Important! The main goal pursued is to prevent the occurrence of unwanted pregnancy.

The following facts may be significant indications for male contraception:

  • promiscuity (lack of a regular partner);
  • unwanted childbearing at the current moment in time;
  • the presence of genetic diseases that can be transmitted from parent to child during conception;
  • contraindications to pregnancy in a woman;
  • impossibility for medical reasons of female contraception.


This method of surgical intervention for unwanted pregnancy is used all over the world. However, its popularity varies. In Russia and Belarus, vasectomy is used quite rarely to prevent unwanted pregnancy. In Scandinavian countries it is the other way around.

The essence of the method

Surgical intervention involves disrupting the patency (integrity) of the vas deferens.

They are simply cut, and sperm do not have the opportunity to enter the ejaculated semen. The result of a vasectomy is a complete loss of the ability to fertilize an egg.

The main difference between this operation and castration is the preservation of sexual desire and ejaculation. The functioning of the testicles in all men is preserved after such surgery.

Vasectomy is a radical method of protection against unwanted pregnancy. It is recommended to use it exclusively for medical reasons or if you do not want to have children (including in the future).

What happens to the seminal fluid?

The appearance and volume of ejaculate does not change after a vasectomy. Spermatozoa make up only a hundredth of its composition. They continue to be produced by organisms, but are not eliminated from it.

After surgery, a male representative retains the possibility of fertilization for some time. This approximately continues for another twenty ejaculations. A specialist can provide accurate data regarding the safety of unprotected sexual intercourse based on a spermogram analysis.

Advantages of the operation

Vasectomy has a number of advantages. These include:

  • 100% efficiency;
  • lack of relationship with quality indicators of sexual intercourse;
  • one-time manipulations;
  • preservation of the functional abilities of the testicles relative to production (in some cases there is even an increase in hormonal activity);
  • safety, high speed, painlessness (local anesthesia is used) of surgical intervention.

Experts have identified the effect of vasectomy on biological age: the operation rejuvenates the male body.

Disadvantages of the operation

The surgical intervention in question is characterized by some “disadvantages”. The latter are in the following aspects:

  • reversibility of the method is not always possible (it all depends on the time elapsed after the operation);
  • vulnerability to sexually transmitted infections and human immunodeficiency virus;
  • pain after the procedure (is short-lived);
  • unprotected sexual intercourse does not immediately become safe;
  • Possible side effects after anesthesia and surgical interventions in general.

Progress of the operation

The surgical intervention in question is not difficult. The sequence of operation is as follows:

  • administration of local anesthesia;
  • making an incision in the groin area;
  • interfering with the integrity (cutting) of the vas deferens and tying its ends;
  • performing similar actions on the other side;
  • suturing the wound (modern self-absorbing threads do not require subsequent removal of sutures).

The duration of the procedure is up to a third of an hour. No hospital stay is required.

The rehabilitation period after surgery is one week. Increasing its duration is possible if there are side effects. The resumption of sexual activity by a man is allowed immediately after complete recovery.

Possible complications

Vasectomy has the following possible side effects:

  • infection in the wound due to low qualifications of medical workers and lack of proper hygiene until complete healing;
  • formation of hematomas and edema in the area of ​​intervention;
  • increase in temperature indicators.

How to become temporarily infertile

Folk sages do not stand aside and offer their own ways to make a man infertile at home in order to avoid unwanted pregnancy.

"Samurai Eggs"

A man can be rendered temporarily infertile by periodic exposure to high temperatures. This method was actively practiced in ancient times in Japan. The essence of this prevention of unwanted pregnancy is taking a hot bath.

The conditions are as follows:

  • required temperature – 46.6 degrees Celsius;
  • duration of the procedure – 45 minutes;
  • frequency – every day;
  • Course duration is a month.

The effect lasts up to six months. The explanation lies in the disruption of the production of male reproductive cells due to overheating.

A similar effect is observed with daily long-term (at least 4 hours) driving.

The danger of the Samurai Eggs method is that it significantly increases the likelihood of developing cancer in men.

Herbal contraception

To prevent unwanted pregnancy, women often resort to using herbal decoctions, infusions, and tinctures. Their action is based on the contraceptive properties of plants. The variety of options is quite wide.

Regarding male protection from unwanted pregnancy, the list is more modest. Celandine is also a popular option. They significantly suppress sperm activity. The result is prevention of conception. Form of use: infusion.

The procedure for preparing an infusion for unwanted pregnancy:

  • place the raw materials in the selected container;
  • pour water at boiling point;
  • Close the lid tightly (you can use a thermos);
  • let it brew for two hours;
  • separate the grounds;
  • cool to room temperature.

  • refusal to use aluminum cookware;
  • The maximum shelf life is one day.

Note! Herbs are powerful allergens.

The effectiveness of folk methods of protection against unwanted conception for men is more than doubtful. You definitely shouldn’t rely on them with an irregular partner or if there is a strict medical contraindication for pregnancy.

Useful video

Let's sum it up

Issues of contraception are not the place for experiments and testing of dubious options. The desire to protect your husband from the surgeon’s knife can result in an unwanted pregnancy. Vasectomy is a world-famous method. In some cases, it is the best that modern medicine offers.

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