How I got rid of star fever. Stardom and illness Consequences of stardom for a company

“If you want to ruin your business, hire stars!”

First, let’s define what is “star sickness” among employees? In principle, all analogies with show business are quite appropriate - an employee did something outstanding, achieved unusual or non-standard results, brought something to the company, came up with and implemented an idea, and in general stood out strongly from the general background. He is applauded, praised, paid premiums and bonuses, noted at planning meetings, and set as an example to other employees. Very few people are immune to recognition; more often than not, it is against the backdrop of a sharp and successful “takeoff” that star fever develops.

A person may lose touch with reality, imagine himself to be exceptional and irreplaceable, and stop developing. Wikipedia defines star fever as a personality deformation with a clearly inflated attitude towards oneself and a distorted attitude towards reality under the influence of success in any activity. And nothing good can be expected from a deformed personality.

Main symptoms of the disease:

  • Contrasting yourself with the team (who are you anyway?)
  • Positioning yourself as an indispensable employee (everything rests on me, where would you be without me)
  • Disdainful attitude towards colleagues, provoking conflicts
  • Demand for special working conditions, higher wages
  • Blackmail of the manager (I’ll quit and quit, and everything here will collapse)
  • Chronic lateness to work (I'm not late, I'm late)
  • Refusal of certain work (not a royal matter)
  • Undermining the authority of the leader (yes, he was appointed through connections)

What is the threat of a “star” appearing in a company?

Firstly, it is undermining the foundations themselves. The truth “what is allowed to Jupiter is not allowed to the bull” no longer applies. A star employee claims to receive the maximum benefit, while trying to contribute as little as possible in return. Why try? After all, he is so good!

Secondly, it undermines the team. Upstarts are not liked anywhere. It is quite natural that other employees begin to look disapprovingly at their bosses - they are offended that someone gets more bonuses and benefits with less effort.

Thirdly, the quality of work begins to suffer. A “starred” employee may decide that he has already done enough for the benefit of the company and begin to work carelessly and neglect his responsibilities

Fourthly, business as a whole is under attack. You have no guarantees that at some point such a subordinate will not leave you, taking away your client base at the same time. You cannot be sure that your reputation will not suffer: the dream of a quick start can make you want to discredit the company that raised the “star” in order to get rid of an obviously stronger competitor.

Originally Russian questions - who is to blame and what to do

My answer to the first question is unequivocal - the manager is to blame. “Stars” begin to shine where the manager neglects (consciously or unknowingly) his direct responsibilities, where business is conducted spontaneously, there are no clear rules, employees are required to have initiative, ambition, a creative approach to work, etc. Based on the requirements that the company imposes on new employees, you can very easily determine the level of chaos in the company. If the vacancy announcement says that “active, ambitious, creative people with a high degree of responsibility and independence are required” - know that with a 99% probability it can be assumed that the manager himself does not know HOW the employee will achieve the goals that will be set before him staged, therefore looking for a potential (or already established) star. And the desire to hire salespeople “with their own client base” is a sure road to ruin.

From the very beginning, you will be held hostage by such an employee, and if you somehow offend him, he will leave you with this database, taking yours as well. If the manager does not have a clear idea of ​​what and how (and often why) employees should do at each workplace, then he is forced to hire “specialists” who, it seems, should themselves know what to do, thereby giving away control levers business into the hands of the “stars” and putting the business at risk.

Undoubtedly, there are businesses that require people who are able to generate new ideas, look for non-standard approaches, new opportunities, where talents are really needed in large quantities. The most striking and famous example of such a company is Google. But in the case of Google, such a policy is conscious, the goals are clear, and a policy for managing talent and star teams has been built. In the overwhelming majority of Russian companies, “stars” arise where there are managerial holes and incompetence of the manager.

What to do if the “star” is already shining brightly on the horizon of your company and its destructive influence is already evident?

First of all, weigh all the risks. What happens if you fire a star right now? What is scarier and more dangerous - to fire a star and lose an important client and/or information, or lose control of your business, get problems in the team or other negative processes that will develop if the star continues to operate? I bet my head is cut off, in most cases, the dismissal of a star is the least of the evils. But managers don’t do this because, firstly, they basically don’t know how to fire and are afraid of it, and secondly, they may be strongly influenced by this “star” and sincerely believe that dismissal will have irreparable consequences for the business.

I know one company in which the manager for a year and a half could not decide to fire a “sick” employee. During this time, conflicts in the team took on such a scale that truly valuable and conscientious employees began to quit, who simply could not work in such an environment. And all the company’s resources were aimed not at business development, but at overcoming the conflict. One can only guess how many customers were lost and how much profit was lost during this time.

If, after weighing all the pros and cons, you still come to the conclusion that firing a star is very risky, then your first priority is to get from the star what you value so much for. For example, if this employee has important clients, then give the star an assistant (it’s not good for the star to do menial work himself), who will delve into all the details and get all the necessary contacts. Or send the star on vacation, and in her absence, distribute responsibilities to other employees.

In some cases, quality feedback can help. By the way, insufficient or low-quality feedback from the manager can also be the cause of star fever - the employee simply does not know what world he is in and lives in accordance with his ideas. But in most cases, dismissal cannot be avoided, it’s just a matter of time.

What to do to eliminate as much as possible the risks of developing star fever in the future?

In a nutshell, my answer is this: regulate everything that can be regulated.

Schemes that work!

1. Optimization of sales departments according to the type of conveyor.

The point is to distribute responsibilities between employees so that different departments participate in the process of interaction with the client. In particular, assign cold calling and preliminary filtering to the “search” department, conclusion of contracts (sales itself) to sales managers, work with current customers to the support department. As a result of this conveyor method, the client cooperates with the company, and not with one specific person, which allows him to form a loyal attitude towards the enterprise as a whole.

What's the benefit?

Minimizing the cost of paying for the work of highly qualified specialists: ordinary performers are suitable for work in the first and third departments, who only need to act according to a prepared template.

There is no risk of losing customers: “star” salespeople will not take away your customers, since they do not have the opportunity to establish close relationships with them and take advantage of this when leaving for a competitor.

Increased efficiency of middle management: Without wasting time on paperwork, sales managers are free to focus on their immediate task.

2. Having a plan “B”.

You should not be afraid of losing a “star” employee who provides significant income to the company. However, it is also impossible to approach this decision from the standpoint of managerial irresponsibility. The solution is simple - in parallel, raise a new shift. Investing money in your peace of mind and the uninterrupted work of your team is an adequate investment.

What's the benefit?

You will protect your company from the loss of leading specialists - in the event of sudden dismissal, illness, etc., they will be safely replaced by other employees.

Rapid training and interchangeability of personnel will create healthy competition in the team and increase work productivity.

3. Divide and conquer.

This long-standing proven principle also helps well if it is necessary to reduce the star rating of personnel. Creating at least two points of influence allows you to prevent the development of strong personalities in key positions who can cooperate against the manager, break away and organize their own business, stealing clients and appropriating common developments.

What's the benefit?

It makes it easier to control the company at all levels.

The company's dependence on specific employees is removed/reduced.

The risk of a new competitor emerging is reduced.

4. Dismissal of a “star” employee with the prospect of further cooperation.

Often this is a justified and adequate way out of the situation. A subordinate who is ripe for independent business gets the opportunity to try himself in a new role, and you - with a competent, friendly parting - have the prospect of receiving clients at a certain percentage.

What's the benefit?

Tension in the team is relieved by removing the irritating factor.

You confirm your leadership position and status as a competent leader.

As a result, the flow of clients to you does not decrease, but continues to grow - due to further cooperation with the fired “star”.

What will total regulation and standardization of basic processes give as a result?

Thanks to the optimization of the enterprise’s activities, clearly defined operating schemes and technologies, you will receive:

  • Lack of dependence on specific employees,
  • Possibility to hire less qualified, and therefore less expensive, personnel
  • Reducing time and financial costs for training new employees
  • Increasing employee loyalty and manageability.
  • Reducing the risk of competitors coming from the internal environment.
  • There is no threat of “leaking” the client base to a competing company.
  • Increasing income by structuring processes at all stages of work - from cold calling to closing a deal.
  • Increasing customer focus of employees and the level of company service
  • Improving the overall efficiency and manageability of your business.

Staff star fever is a serious problem that requires an integrated systems approach to solve. The proposed tools allow you to build a new scheme of interaction both within the team and “outside”, between employees and clients.


How do you get infected with this disease?

Exalting yourself, falling in love with your ideal image, idealizing your person. And as a consequence - temper, screams and scandals, if someone dares to express their disagreement with the above. All these are obvious symptoms of star fever.

Video by Oleg Tereshchenko and Tatyana Danilova.

Nowadays, everyone strives to become famous and popular. The media responds to this with a bunch of opportunities: castings for television projects and talent shows are ongoing. The main thing is to come and prove yourself! And when a person turns out to be chosen from hundreds, thousands (and the organizers will tell him - from a million!) people like him; when producers, stylists, designers, etc. work on his image; when crowds of fans gather under the windows, and the stage begins to be covered with flowers and toys, an obsessive thought will arise in his head: “I am a star!”

From rudeness to assault

American pop singer Justin Bieber does not hide his stardom. Stories regularly appear on the Internet about how, for example, Justin comes to a restaurant, orders food, and then suddenly makes another order. Because he doesn’t like what they brought him. If they start arguing, they throw plates and leave. Or starts fights in nightclubs. Or destroys hotel rooms. Or... The list goes on for a long time.

But here is an example not from the world of show business. After losing at the European Championship, the Russian national football team blamed the fans for the failure: they say they played the way they were rooting for them. Moreover, some of the athletes spoke in an obscene manner.

And how can one not remember the One who should not be asked about remakes? Who regularly sends away journalists in pink blouses, humiliates their management, beats up workers at concert venues...

From personal experience

Almost all manifestations of star fever are associated not only with the “main character”, but also with those people who surround him. Moreover, the latter often suffer either morally or physically. Therefore, you need to be able to catch the moment when your “stardom” is still in its infancy. Otherwise it will be more difficult later.

What to hide - we fully felt the symptoms of the disease (and according to some, we still suffer from the chronic form of the “star”). When we were just taking our first steps in show business, we developed self-confidence, disdain for the opinions of those who worked with us, a biased attitude towards others - the thought often crossed our minds that everyone wanted the worst. The fact that there were two of us helped us cope with this. And when one began to “star,” the second explained: “Dude, you’re wrong!” It helped! Probably because we are brothers, dear people, and can evaluate each other’s actions without bias.

Yes, and star fever can be different. For some this is a problem, but for others it is a clever PR move. How can one not remember Sergei Zverev, who says that he is a star and is in shock all the time? Pretense, surprise and stellar antics are part of his image. Thanks to this, he is recognized, not forgotten, and some even love him.


This week, the Komsomolskaya Pravda editorial office was replenished with two star reporters. These guys are so used to working in pairs that they are no longer perceived as individuals. The Borisenko brothers undertook to cover the topic of star fever - who does it happen to and how to fight it, and is it necessary... Sasha and Vova do not hide the fact that they themselves suffered from a similar illness for some time. The wild popularity at the “Star Factory” made itself felt, but they developed their own way of diagnosing and treating the disease. That's what they talked about.



I believe that star fever is not a disease, but arrogance and some kind of brain damage.

Anna DOBRYDNEVA, lead singer of the group "Pair of Normal":

I suffered from star fever at the very beginning of my career. Vanya Dorn and I released a very successful video and became mega-popular in two weeks. Our song sounded from everywhere, we occupied the first lines of the charts... But after a while, our popularity began to decline as suddenly as it had arisen. That’s when I began to understand that if I’m going to remain an artist, I should forget about vanity. An excellent remedy is to work, and not indulge in narcissism.

Photo: Maxim LYUKOV.

Stas SHURINS, singer:

At one time I experienced for myself what star fever is. We had a very tight schedule back then, and being tired, I just wanted to isolate myself from everyone. Well, such popularity falls... It seemed that you could afford to go beyond the bounds of decency. Probably, youthful maximalism is also to blame. You know little, you want a lot - so it turns out that you are “catching a star.” How to get rid of this? Well, the main thing is that close people say in time: “Hey, wake up! You are a person like everyone else.”

Photo: Maxim LYUKOV.

Alexander PEDAN, TV presenter:

I suffered from this disease more than once, especially during the KVN era. You are young, and then they begin to recognize you. Arrogance and excessive self-confidence appear. But time also heals the situations in which you find yourself. After ups there are downs, you land as soon as something doesn’t work out for you. The problem with star fever is that you stop developing and begin to slowly degrade.

Photo: KP archive.

Lyuba YUNAK, singer of the group "Lavika":

Star fever can only affect people who are intellectually uneducated and uncultured. Well, young age also takes its toll. As a rule, these are those who suddenly became famous without serious effort. The risk group includes participants in various talent shows. The guys instantly find themselves at the top, which they never dreamed of just yesterday. Hence the "stardom".

Do you know what “star fever” is? This is not exactly what you thought. This disease does not at all apply to social giants like Philip Kirkorov or Paris Hilton, it is characteristic mainly... of astronauts.

The second name for this disease is Space Adaptation Syndrome, which affects astronauts while moving between areas with different levels of gravity during flight. This ailment lasts only a few days, fortunately, but most astronauts are susceptible to it, regardless of experience and age. According to statistics, more than half of them complain about this syndrome (and how many don’t complain and tolerate it? That’s just me, by the way...)

Typically, adaptation to changes in gravity takes some time. Gravity accompanies our entire lives, and all body systems are adapted to normal, earthly gravity. During the flight of a spacecraft, astronauts experience several phases of sensations associated with its changes. Firstly, during take-off, an astronaut may experience nausea, hallucinations and disorientation. Secondly, when weightlessness sets in, a person also adapts to the disappearing force of gravity, which also does not add pleasant sensations to him - the same nausea, loss of orientation and other troubles.

The paper, written by researcher Susanne Nooy, PhD, from the University of Delft, shows that such effects can be caused (naturally) by applying increased gravity, such as with the centrifuges in which pilots and astronauts are trained. Despite the fact that such high-gravity sessions last on average about an hour, pilots often complain of symptoms of space sickness. As it turned out, such symptoms are not caused by changes in gravity, but by the inability to adapt to this change. The results of a study carried out using the Soesterberg centrifuge showed that symptoms obtained in the centrifuge and during space flight were caused in the same way.

The human organ that controls spatial position and balance is located in the inner ear. It is called an otolith and consists of two perpendicular canals rolled into a ring, lined with sensitive cells on the inside and half filled with fluid. This gives them sensitivity to tilt and acceleration in different directions. In my opinion, the system, despite its simplicity, is ingenious (not surprising, since it was created by nature). By the way, humans have two such organs - in the left and right ear.

Previously, experts believed that this syndrome was caused by an imbalance in the left and right otoliths. The above study showed that the disease is caused when there is prolonged rotation of fluid within the channels. In this case, the asymmetry of the left and right organs of balance is not of great importance, since the unpleasant sensations are caused precisely by the unusual behavior of the fluid inside each individual canal and otolith.

In the process of writing this article, I realized that it could be called not “Star fever”, but “The Genius of Nature-222”. You can substitute any number, because the nature that created us is infinitely ingenious, and the complexity of even such a small organ as the “position sensor” in a person once again confirms this.

Star fever is a special view of the world, the people around you, and yourself, when a person is firmly ruled by the prejudice that he has a recognizable face and that he only needs to snap his fingers for everything to become the way he wants. Star fever is a manifestation of inadequacy.

Signs of star fever

  • The desire to demonstrate and in every possible way emphasize one’s special and privileged status in the group.
  • The tendency to violate accepted norms of behavior and established rules, as well as to demand special treatment.

A person affected by the “star disease” begins to feel, firstly, that he “want” it – it is right and good to eat. Secondly, that if you snap your fingers, something will change.

“Star sickness” can be observed not only in famous and famous people, who are always in the public eye and who receive praise more often than others. Star fever is also common in offices; its symptoms are the same for both top-level managers and ordinary employees. People who are overly ambitious and prone to inflated self-esteem are predisposed to stardom. However, without the influence of external factors, such qualities in themselves are not the basis for the development of a destructive disease. The environment contributes to the development of “star disease”.

The main causes of star fever

  • Personal predisposition (inflated Self-Esteem, hypertrophied Ambitiousness).
  • Unrealization of a person’s ambitions in other areas of life.
  • Violation in the process of receiving “feedback” (overpraised, underestimated).
  • Violation of subordination between manager and subordinate.
  • Excessive concentration of power and authority in one hand.
  • Cultivation of excessive competition (primarily individual rather than team results are assessed).
  • The shortage of qualified personnel in the labor market is an inflated market value of certain categories of specialists.
  • Rapid career growth, with a certain emotional and professional immaturity.

Good morning friends! Irina is in touch. With the onset of morning, the physical stars in the sky disappear, but, to replace them, other “stars” wake up and rush to their work to “star” actively and presentably there. And I can’t save you from this stardom. Real stars are far away in the sky, but these are here, nearby, in our collectives. So today we will treat star fever. Whose exactly, you ask? Well, let's not be so direct, pointing fingers at people is tactless. :)

In any team there will be one or two employees who:

  • know everything better than anyone
  • don't celebrate authority
  • do not understand the limits of their powers
  • don't try to control their behavior
  • behave categorically and self-confidently
  • exaggerate their value to the company
  • regularly declare their exclusivity
  • look down on colleagues
  • disregard the opinions of others
  • deny any contrary opinion
  • require some special treatment
  • carry a negative charge to the team
  • destroy the authority of the leader

Consequences of stardom for a company

It must be admitted that employees with star fever can be well versed in the work process, have extensive work experience, be efficient and talented, which is why it is not very easy to part with them (sometimes, in fact, there is no one to replace them).

And not to part is more expensive for yourself, because the harm from someone’s stardom is simply colossal: from simple whims, terribly distracting, unsettling, disturbing the team, to complete sabotage of the work process. This slows down the company's development. But, most importantly, other similar “stars” are drawn to the “star”, forming a kind of swamp with zero efficiency.

Where does star fever begin?

Like various physical diagnoses, star fever develops quite gradually. It may be preceded by various factors:

  • informal relationship with the manager
  • unreasonably fast career growth
  • overpraising syndrome

Oh, what to do with these “stars”? The dilemma of “execution cannot be pardoned”

Dismiss with honors? Or help you come down from heaven to earth? Send to illuminate another sky? Or try to cure this stardom? Hmmm, is this even curable? Is there a guarantee of complete recovery? Will the team not be exhausted in the future from relapses of someone’s untreated stellar illness? Okay, let's figure it out.

If the issue is decided radically (I’m talking about dismissing a star employee), then you need to understand that such a “star” can be hired by your competitor. And if the issue is not resolved radically (I’m talking about leaving a star employee on the team), then you need to understand that he can demotivate the team or even ruin it.

Many managers do not know what to do with the “stars” in the team - it’s a kind of double-edged sword. Many people believe that it is useless to treat “star people”, because those who suffer from star fever are most often experienced professionals who have long been formed as individuals. For such managers, employees with a “star on their forehead” are like a chronic disease: why spend money on “pills”? they will still be wasted. Such managers are inclined to, after talking frankly with the “stars,” part with them as amicably as possible. They treat arrogant employees like a pebble in a shoe that prevents you from walking until you remove it.

But other managers believe that dismissal is an extreme measure, that sending a star employee home is not an option. They treat “stars” as a good psychological simulator, which absolutely free (!) helps the rest of the team hone their level of stress resistance.

But almost all managers agree on one thing: you need to be on guard with a star employee (observe his behavior, correct him in time, in a word, keep a vigil).

If you still decide to treat a star employee, listen to a few tips:

Psychologists consider star fever to be a narcissistic disorder, which can and should be stabilized, but only through psychotherapy. In other words, if a company is faced with such a problem, it just needs to hire psychologists to help. Unfortunately, this practice is rare in enterprises; it is somehow not customary to invite psychologists or psychotherapists to help, but, believe me, it’s worth a try. After all, you are not insured against the fact that another “star” will not appear in your team someday.

It is always better to treat star fever at an early stage. It is easier to cure a capricious little “star” than a “constellation” who has been working in the company for a long time.

The cure for those who have caught the stardom virus can be to transfer an employee to one or more lower positions: the person once again goes through the same career path, but now thinking hard about his behavior.

A transfer to a fundamentally new job within the company will help: the profession is new, there are no acquaintances, it will not be possible to become a star.

A system of “whips” is useful: for example, sanctions for violating an acceptable behavioral model strictly defined by an HR specialist.

Oddly enough, new motivation will also help. Perhaps a person has already achieved his goal, but another, higher one has not yet been set for him, so he is trying to “affirm himself from scratch.” Such “stars” can be given a position with a special title such as “specialist of the highest category”, “expert in working with key clients”, “leading manager”. In this situation, the “stardom” somehow neutralizes itself, goes into decline, and gives the “star” the opportunity to continue to bring high results.

It will also help to include a star employee in some project group to solve a particularly complex problem, so that he experiences the feeling that he does not understand all areas. A talented “star” needs to be given a slightly more difficult task than others. Then she will have no time to “star.”


The task of every manager is to prevent his employees from “catching a star.” The most effective and efficient cure for “star” disease is... prevention! Let only heavenly stars illuminate your life and activities! Good luck!

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"Star fever", the main symptom of which is self-aggrandizement, manifests itself in a variety of areas of professional activity. It is common for people with Star Syndrome to become furious at the slightest criticism. It is vital for them to be first in the ranking, hence their constant desire to rank others. Character traits such as inflated claims and neglect of the needs of other people make their contacts with others unstable.

If we talk about the so-called “star fever” from the point of view of psychology, it is worth noting that in its manifestations “star fever” is very similar to the narcissistic personality disorder known in psychology. This is actually an unhealthy (neurotic) personality manifestation that leads to serious problems in interpersonal communication.

People of this type live with a constant feeling of envy of everyone who has achieved success and even of those who live an ordinary rich and interesting life. Problems in communication for such individuals arise against the background of the fact that their behavior causes others to have a negative attitude towards themselves.

Narcissistic individuals view everyone else as inferior to them. They seek the admiration of others primarily in order to receive confirmation of their greatness and maintain their superiority over others. To protect their weak self from destruction, they use various defenses, but their most favorite remedy for anxiety is idealization and devaluation. They either idealize someone else and devalue themselves, or they idealize themselves and devalue others. When their strategies hit a snag, they may become depressed.

If after these explanations it seemed to you that any desire for success can lead to “star fever”. That's not true at all. It all depends on what motives drive your aspirations for success.

Any healthy organism has a completely normal need for self-development. The motive for new achievements is the desire for self-realization, the search for new knowledge, the development of skills and abilities that open up new prospects in life. In this case, a person strives not for fame as such, but for new achievements and discoveries, developing professionally and personally.

In a painful (neurotic) manifestation, other motives rule, this is the desire for prestige, the need to impress others, to be an object of admiration and respect.

This is the main difference between neurotic desires for power, prestige, and wealth from the healthy need for personal development and self-realization, which ultimately is the meaning of our existence.


The phrase “star sickness” is familiar to modern people and is most often used with condemnation in relation to famous people. But not everyone knows that this is a psychological term, which means one of the forms of personality disorder, which often has common features with Let’s get acquainted with the causes and symptoms of the phenomenon.


Star fever is characteristic not only of celebrities who amaze the public with their whims and odd behavior, but also of ordinary people who begin to put themselves above others, behave provocatively, lose friends and experience many other problems. There is nothing good about this phenomenon, but a person suffering from such a disorder is unable to do otherwise. Most often, the root cause of personal deformation is success - a promotion up the personnel ladder, a well-appreciated job, a project brought to life. Praise and admiration make one’s head spin, giving a person thoughts about his own uniqueness and genius.

He begins to mistakenly live by a double standard, believing that he, a “star,” is allowed much more than “mere mortals.” This is, in general terms, star fever.

Manifestations and signs

Many people can remember how famous people behaved arrogantly and defiantly. But what are the signs of star fever in psychological science? There are several of them:

  • Unjustifiably inflated self-esteem, exaggeration of one’s own importance and achievements.
  • The belief that other people are “worse.”
  • A painful need to constantly impress others, to be the center of attention.

Deviation is quite dangerous because it leads to personality degradation. At the same time, people can put themselves on an equal footing with some others (who, let’s say, have achieved a similar result); this is what distinguishes the state from delusions of grandeur.


Let's consider the factors that could cause star fever in a person far from show business; they can be divided into internal and external. For convenience, the data is presented in table form.

Various combinations of these factors can lead to this deviation. For example, if a person with high self-esteem achieves unexpected success, it can “turn her head” and lead to the onset of star fever. Then even the immediate environment will be perceived by this person as people unworthy of her attention.


How to recognize a person suffering from this personality deformation? The components of star fever will help, which include:

  • The desire to always be the center of attention.
  • Envy of others' success.
  • Inattention to family and friends, complete concentration on oneself.
  • Contrasting two forms of relationships - towards oneself as a higher person, self-exaltation, and to others, belittling their role.
  • Often such individuals allow themselves to violate the norms accepted in society, because they consider themselves above them.

Also in the specialized literature you can find the term “narcissism”, narcissism, it has much in common with the deviation in question. Such a person not only behaves arrogantly, he is sincerely confident in his superiority and believes that those around him have the same opinion.


What to do if a person gets sick with star fever, can it be cured and how? This is possible, since the personality deformation is still at the initial stage, but the person suffering from it does not understand the problem, and therefore is unlikely to turn to a professional psychologist.

Those close to him can help him dispel illusions by setting a difficult goal, making it clear that not everything has been achieved and there is something to strive for. Only honesty will help the “stars” come down to earth and understand that they are no better than others. If, out of love, you close your eyes to their whims and caprices, then the deviation will only intensify and it will become much more difficult to defeat it.

This deviation can and should be fought, because star fever, while the “patient” seems harmless, can cause the end of his career. Even if you have talent and hard work, bad temper, pride and narcissism can become the reasons that the choice will be made in favor of a less gifted, but more pleasant person to communicate with. Friends and relatives will turn away from a person suffering from narcissism, tired of tolerating his ingratitude and inattention. And he risks being left alone with his own genius and talent.

Publ. Disapproved Arrogant, swaggering behavior of a person who enjoys popularity and fame. BMS 1998, 53 ...

star fever- joking. About the arrogant or capricious behavior of a person who enjoys fame, popularity... Dictionary of many expressions

This article lacks links to sources of information. Information must be verifiable, otherwise it may be questioned and deleted. You can... Wikipedia

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disease- And; and. 1) a) A specific disease that disrupts the activity of the body (or its individual organs); health disorder. Diseases of bees and livestock. Diseases of potatoes and strawberries. Released from work due to illness (due to illness,... ... Dictionary of many expressions

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  • Star fever, or the mature years of a misanthrope. Novel. Volume II, Vyacheslav Borisovich Repin. “Star sickness...” is the first novel by V. B. Repin (Terra, Moscow, 1998). This “non-Russian” novel is the forerunner of an entire phenomenon in modern Russian literature, which can be called... eBook
  • Star sickness, Maria Sharoshkina. Hello, my dear Addressee. Do you remember, once upon a time (so long ago that it’s no longer true) you left, leaving me alone with your illness? You ask how I recovered from my Star... eBook

Hello, dear readers! Now anyone can become popular, which means the term “star fever” has become more widely known. I won’t lie, in fact, the simplest people could always be susceptible to this disorder; in fact, nothing has changed, although it has become more relevant.

Star fever - what is it, how does psychology connect this disease with narcissists, is it possible to understand that you have a tendency to this illness and what symptoms indicate that it is time to think about treatment.

Well, let's get started.

A little about the term

Star sickness affects those around you too. A person with this disease is firmly convinced that everyone knows him and his privileges and status are enough for everything to happen exactly as he imagined and planned. He wanted and everyone around him was simply obliged to stand at attention in order to follow the celebrity’s orders.

People with star fever require special treatment; they break the rules without a twinge of conscience. They believe that their desires are accepted by society.


Not only famous people are susceptible to manifestations of star fever. It can affect the highest ranks of management and even ordinary, ordinary people.

Sometimes an unexpected and very joyful situation arises in a person’s life, for example, rapid or high public interest in a person’s activities.

Of course, when this happens, close people, as a rule, begin to praise the person and talk about his advantages in relation to others. People quickly begin to believe in such words, which is the starting point for the occurrence of star fever.

Everyone strives to develop and unlock their own potential, so why do some begin to suffer from Star syndrome, while others do not?

It all depends on the motives that guided the person initially. Some people really want to become better, others crave recognition and prestige. They need to impress others. In a sense, this can be called an unhealthy craving for wealth and respect.

Narcissistic personality types are most susceptible to this disease. . They are intolerant of criticism and are sensitive to the successes of other people who cast doubt on their own merits.

They need to constantly feel admiration and this despite the actions of other people they are inclined to do. First of all, a person with star fever will be interested in his own merits.


If you notice signs of star fever in yourself or your loved ones, and therefore want to cope with the disease, it would be best to seek help from a specialist. Of course, it’s up to you to decide, but don’t forget that the situation is very complicated.

Let's not forget that they become “stars” in cases where they feel an urgent need for it. I would like to emphasize that the basis of everything is health and respect. The problem is not so much in trying to destroy a person’s connections and needs on your own, but in how this will affect him.

Just imagine that one day someone will be able to convince you that eating, sleeping or going to the toilet is completely unnecessary. A clumsy example, but I hope the essence is clear to you.

The second problem arises from the fact that the person has star fever, which means you risk becoming enemy number 1 for him and breaking off all relationships. Everyone believes in their own truth and will definitely find 10,000 reasons to remain in their opinion, accusing the other of lies and betrayal.

I can recommend you a book “What explains the strange actions that we do unexpectedly” Eliezer Shtenberg. In it you will find many interesting tricks of our psyche that you had never even thought about before: why do we forget to buy milk; we eat even when we don’t want to; we begin to yawn if we see others doing it; where do the voices that schizophrenics hear come from and much more.

Well, if you want to somehow help a person with star fever, then try to increase the complexity of the task he performs. Point out that there is still room for improvement, let him try to take on a new horizon.

Another option to correct the situation is to try to create a new incentive. If a person is completely passionate about his career, convince him of the need to refocus on the love sphere. Or vice versa.

That's all for me. See you again and don't forget to subscribe to the newsletter.

Your successes have made you incredibly important in your own eyes. It’s good that you have high self-esteem, but it’s still better when our successes are assessed not by ourselves, but by other people. It's not your friend's fault that she was less fortunate. Your career and wealthy boyfriend are not a reason to turn away from your loved ones. It sounds sad, but a boyfriend in the capital can quit, or get fired from his job. Will you then go to that same “ex-girlfriend” for advice and consolation? No matter how high you rise, continue to appreciate your friends. Otherwise, you risk being left completely alone.

The cuckoo praises the rooster

Your star fever began in childhood. Every day your mom told you that you were the most beautiful, and the teacher insisted that there was no one smarter than you in the class. You are used to praise and now you literally demand it from others. It’s good if your expectations coincide with reality, and you continue to be praised by your boss, husband and business partners. Just make sure that the praise is not flattery and be prepared for constructive criticism. There are no ideal people, and you are no exception. Even if you want to think differently.

Moment of glory

Star fever is well known to celebrities - singers, actors and other showbiz figures. But many people don’t need to release albums and sell out stadiums to get sick. It’s enough just to “light up” somewhere once. Did you go to the set of a talk show? Won the regional poetry competition? Yes, this is your small victory. But this is no reason to turn up your nose. First, make people appreciate your talents. Do not succumb to the tempting shine of the spotlight: it often deceives even very high hopes.

Cure for illness

For whatever reason you get star fever, it needs to be treated. Remember that at school you probably teased arrogant people. Why did you become like this when you grew up? No matter how significant your successes are, remain yourself. Continue to value your family and friends, respect the opinions of others and themselves. Don't gloat if you managed to leave your friends far behind. And don’t forget that difficult times happen to everyone, when those who lavished praise yesterday may turn away from you. Truly successful people do not take extra credit for themselves, do not judge others, and help those who need it. Be truly successful!

In psychology, there is such a thing as “narcissism” - an unhealthy manifestation of personality in which other people are considered inferior to themselves. This exaltation is also called “star fever.” People in different fields can suffer from this disorder, for them the most important desire is to be first, they cannot stand any criticism. A disdainful attitude towards others often becomes a big barrier to contact with other people. People suffering from “star fever” cause a negative attitude towards themselves, so there can be no talk of any sincere friendship with them.

“Star sickness” affects not only famous people who bask in the rays of fame and become idols of a large number of people. There are also many such employees in offices at all levels. There are common signs of predisposition to this disorder. This is inflated self-esteem and exorbitant ambitions, but these qualities themselves do not lead to a “star” illness; much depends on the environment.

Narcissists try to protect their hypersensitive selves by idealizing themselves. From others they expect admiration and confirmation of their greatness. They are trying with all their might to confirm their superiority. If by chance their strategy collapses, then people suffering from “star fever” will face depression. Not every desire for success leads to this psychological disorder, so there is nothing reprehensible in the desire to become successful.

Any normal person has a need for development, so new achievements included in the plan of evolution. Self-realization involves the search for knowledge, development abilities, but not the search for fame. Achievements and discoveries are a natural process of professional and personal development. At the same time, there is a neurotic desire to be better than others, a desire for universal admiration and respect.

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