What is the name of the person who makes coffee? Who is a barista


Not so long ago, a new and already popular profession of barista appeared in our country. What does the word barista mean and what kind of profession is it? Let's try to figure it out.

This profession is completely new. Many compare her to a bartender. Yes, of course, the bartender and barista work side by side and can replace each other. But a bartender does not know all the secrets of making coffee, just as a barista cannot know all the recipes for making cocktails, unless he decides to learn a second profession.

The work of this specialist can be called unique, because he follows the path of the Italians. After all, it is Italian bars that are responsible for the emergence of a new specific profession.

Barista: what kind of profession?

Any barista by nationality keeps the secrets of making Italian espresso. He can be compared to a historian who zealously guards the stones of the Colosseum. French coffee lovers go further. They came up with a coffee maker, which simplified the process of preparing a coffee drink. Russian baristas can prepare about forty types of coffee, completely different from each other, such as:

  • slightly spicy ristretto;
  • aromatic cappuccino;
  • gentle latte;
  • strong Americano.

What does Barista mean?

If we expand on the statement of what “barista” means, then the first answer that comes to mind is: a barista is a person who makes coffee. Once this is understood, a new addition immediately appears: the barista, the person who sits behind the bar during a shift.

  1. A barista is not only a specialist who brews coffee. He has to master the science of acting and become a designer.
  2. A specialist in this industry stands at the center of cultural life, and even more, he himself dictates culture.
  3. The young man can be compared to an observer. While at his workplace, he manages to notice everything that is happening.
  4. A barista is a subtle psychologist because he is visible. No matter how he understands the visitor, it is at the bar that a person is ready to tell his thoughts.
  5. A barista is a person who must instantly understand another.

This is how Europe's leading baristas describe what “barista” means.

What does the word Barista mean?

Faced with an unfamiliar concept, many people ask the question: what does the word “barista” mean? You can call a representative of this profession a coffee merchant, but this definition sounds a little banal. A coffee merchant can sell it while walking around the market. A real barista stands behind a sparkling bar counter and sells delicious aromatic coffee, completely different from coffee from a thermos.

And then the answer to the question of what the word barista means will sound a little different. “Barista” is an Italian word that translates as a specialist in preparing coffee, or more precisely: a person who stands behind the bar.

A barista is a specialist who knows many secrets of making coffee, which turn out to be a mystery to ordinary people.

So, what does barista mean?

  • This means that behind the bar there is a creative person who can prepare a favorite drink for each visitor and paint it with his own drawing.
  • This means that the guest has met a person who can lift their spirits and offer such a fragrant cup of coffee that all worries will disappear somewhere.
  • This means that a person who knows how to handle large machines works in the bar and makes coffee.
  • This means that the person will fulfill all the client’s wishes and tell him and invite him to try new coffee drinks.
  • This means there is a man behind the bar whose eyes light up when he hears the word “coffee.”

Who is a barista in a restaurant?

In a restaurant, a barista: is:

  • a person of high professional level who knows the secrets of preparing signature coffee drinks and cocktails;
  • a specialist who knows how to determine the quality of drinks based on taste,
  • familiar with a special technique of painting on coffee foam.

If we continue to consider the question of who a barista is in a restaurant, we can find out that the specialist behind the counter is a sociable, charming, and friendly person. It creates a special atmosphere in the restaurant, and the guest feels very comfortable.

The word “barista” means that the client is faced with a specialist who knows how to prepare about forty types of coffee and will never confuse their taste.

A barista is a person who has been trained in special courses, spent some time as a trainee, and now works wonders on his own. A representative of this profession during his professional journey improves his skills by participating in seminars, trainings, and master classes.

Barista (from it. barista) - specialist in coffee preparation. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in drawing, labor and housekeeping (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Features of the profession

The barista prepares both natural coffee from beans and drinks based on it (for example, ristretto, cappuccino, latte, Americano, various cocktails, etc.).

Literally translated from Italian, the word "barista" means "bartender". Indeed, at first, baristas were people who combined the duties of bartenders and coffee machine operators preparing espresso. But thanks to the popularity of coffee, baristas gradually appeared who specialized exclusively in preparing espresso and its derivatives (lattes, cappuccinos and other coffee drinks).

Italians hold this profession in special esteem, so true virtuosos of their craft devote their entire lives to studying the history of coffee and know all the intricacies of methods for collecting and processing its beans. Entire family clans of Italian baristas are known. When a barista achieves the best results in the field of espresso, he can classify himself as a “master barista.”

There are six main methods of brewing coffee: pouring, steeping, filtering, drip, and pressure brewing. Espresso is obtained by brewing under pressure; this drink is the main one on the menu of all coffee shops in the city and most restaurants, cafes, and bars.

Each coffee blend is prepared in a different way to achieve the best coffee flavor. The quality of espresso can be affected by the freshness of the coffee, grind, water hardness, machine parameters and its operation. A barista knows how to determine the quality of a drink based on taste and eliminate the causes of its shortcomings. As a rule, the quality of coffee is determined by taste, aftertaste (the taste sensations after a sip remain for a long time), aroma and color of the drink.

According to experts, when espresso is prepared according to all the rules, it has a non-settling golden creamy foam on its surface, known as “cremanta”, as the Italians call it.

Place of work

Baristas work in coffee shops and other establishments that serve coffee.

Important qualities

A barista's job is about working with people. Therefore, the willingness to communicate and please people is important. A real barista is not only a coffee specialist, but also a bit of a showman.


Salary as of July 17, 2019

Russia 20000—60000 ₽

Moscow 27000—70000 ₽

Knowledge, skills

A barista should know everything about coffee: how different types of coffee beans differ from each other, in what conditions they grow, by what methods it is collected, processed, roasted; and methods of roasting them, what taste and aroma each type of coffee gives; and also know the storage conditions of beans and ground coffee. For example, in humid air, coffee beans change their taste.

Must be able to select the required grain grind.

Must be able to operate coffee making equipment, whether it be a professional coffee machine or a simple coffee maker.

To brew a quality drink, the barista must know its preparation technology. The standards for preparing espresso were determined by the National Institute of Italian Espresso, and if they are violated, the brewed coffee can no longer be called “espresso”.

Service skills are also important for baristas. He must not only prepare coffee well, but also serve it beautifully to the client.

Particular attention should be paid to coffee etiquette - when, in what container and how this or that drink is served, how it can be decorated.

Espresso-based drinks can be decorated, for example, by drawing a beautiful petal, flower, apple, heart, etc. on the milk foam. But if this drawing is specially taught, then the design of coffee cocktails is left to the imagination and skill of the barista himself.

A barista is a central figure in a coffee shop, just like a bartender in a bar. He stands behind the counter and sees everything from the outside, although he is involved in the work process.

Where do they teach

There are barista courses with training periods ranging from several days to a month.

Who cuts the stones? Who blows the glass? Who makes the steel? Who is fishing? Who catches the birds? Who digs the ground? Who cooks the porridge? Who cleans the pipes? Who

breeds bees? Who is cutting down the forest? Who carries the water? Who plants the gardens? What do you use to catch mice? What machine crushes stones?

please help urgently. just give the correct answers. A1. Which word is NOT written separately?

□ 1) (not) listening

□ 2) (not) well

□ 3) (not) neatly

□ 4) (not) little

A2. In which word are two letters N (NN) written in place of the gap?

□ 1) The sea is agitated by the storm.

□ 2) The art master carved the figurine.

□ 3) The doctor carefully examined the patient.

□ 4) The teacher called another, and I sighed with relief.

□ 1) early..

□ 2) exhausted..

□ 3) askance..

□ 4) left..

□ 1) (very) well done

□ 2) (in) instant

□ 3) (somewhere) then

□ 4) (c)on the fly

□ 1) The sun rises above a cloudless horizon and makes its daily journey, never meeting clouds.

□ 2) All the way Petya was preparing for how he would behave with Denisov, without hinting at his previous acquaintance.

□ 3) I shuddered in surprise, spilling the milk.

□ 4) Not worrying about anything, not caring about the chases sent out, the culprit of all this mess slowly approached the old house.

□ 1) rusty

□ 2) never

□ 3) scooped

□ 4) two by two

(1) There was no longer a strong smell in the air; dampness seemed to be spreading in it again... (2) The boys’ conversation gradually faded away along with the lights. (3) The dogs were even dozing, the horses, as far as I could discern in the slightly faltering, weakly pouring light of the stars, were also lying with their heads drooping...

AT 3. In sentence (3), find the participle and indicate its type.

C1. Write what role does the description of nature play in I. S. Turgenev’s story “Bezhin Meadow”.

Option 2

A1. Which word is NOT spelled together?

□ 1) (cannot) sleep

□ 2) (not) loud

□ 3) (not)read

□ 4) (not) summery

A2. Which word has one letter N written in place of the gap?

□ 1) The atmosphere in the house was simple and relaxed..a.

□ 2) You acted with courage..o.

□ 3) The flowers in the bouquet looked natural..o.

□ 4) The luggage was lighter by several kilograms.

A3. In which adverb is the letter A written in place of the gap?

□ 1) OK..

□ 2) again..

□ 3) trusting..

□ 4) dry..

A4. Which adverb is written together?

□ 1) (now) hour

□ 2) (in) French

□ 3) (someday)

□ 4) (on) the go

A5. Which sentence has punctuation incorrectly?

□ 1) The travelers, stopping among the fields, chose a place to stay for the night, laid out a fire and put a cauldron on it, in which they cooked kulish for themselves.

□ 2) Both dogs jumped into the circle of light and immediately sat down, sticking out their red tongues.

□ 3) The Cossacks, stretching their carts around the entire city in two rows, arranged themselves in kurens.

□ 4) Without a twig in his hand, at night, he, without hesitation at all, galloped alone towards the wolf...

A6. In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound correctly highlighted?

□ 1) briefly

□ 2) out of nowhere

□ 3) full

□ 4) playing around

Read the text and complete tasks B1-B3 and C1.

(1) The dawn had not yet blushed anywhere, but it had already turned white in the east... (2) In some places, living sounds, voices began to be heard, and a liquid, early breeze began to wander and flutter over the earth. (3) I quickly stood up and approached the boys.

IN 1. From sentence (1) write down the word category of state.

AT 2. Write out the adverb from sentence (2).

AT 3. From sentence (3) write down the unchangeable parts of speech.

C1. Write what techniques I. S. Turgenev uses to depict nature in the story “Bezhin Meadow” (using the example given in the passage).

9. Indicate the words in which you need to write the suffix -ik:

A) piece...k, pebble...k;
B) ball..k, umbrella..k;
C) son..k, penech..k;
D) handkerchief...k, coal...k;
E) edge..k, corner..k;

10. Indicate the words in the suffixes of which you need to write the vowel -O:
A) hand..nka, knife..nka;
B) lamb..k, nut..k;
C) pea..k, flower..k;
D) box..k, chest..k;
E) bug..k, girl..nka.

11. Indicate the words in which you need to write the connecting letter -O:
A) became..var, land..dig;
B) porridge, walking;
C) himself..flying, fishing..fishing;
D) rain..measure, floor..water;
E) sheep..water, sun..baking.

12. Indicate complex nouns:
A) literature, waste paper;
B) gasification, qualification;
C) university, supply manager;
D) boletus, boletus;
E) defector, call back.

13 . Indicate the word that is spelled together:
A) sofa (bed);
B) kilowatt (hour);
C) vice (prime minister);
D) gas (exchange);
E) north (west).

14. Indicate the masculine noun:
A) Tbilisi;
In a taxi;
C) coat;
E) hydroelectric power station.

15. Indicate which part of the sentence the highlighted word is:
She just broke the pie and took a bite.
A) subject;
B) predicate;
C) addition;
D) definition;
E) circumstance.

Fumellier, pizzaiolo, caviste, barista - this is not a spell at all, but the name of rare professions. In this article we will try to figure out what these specialists do.

It turns out that the mysterious fumelier is a cigar specialist, a restaurant worker who is equally knowledgeable about both wines and cigars.

The fumelier selects combinations of cigars and alcohol for the client, cuts and serves the cigar, talks about its properties and features. A good fumelier must know the characteristics of taste, aroma, color and other characteristics of alcohol, the characteristics of elite varieties of cigars and the basic rules for combining alcohol and cigars.

Torsedoros is a cigar roller. After the tobacco is sorted and the leaves are sorted by size, color and quality, sometimes discarding torn or non-standard leaves, the torcedoros begins making the cigar.
Folding the leaves like an accordion, he wraps a special sheet around the filling to prevent it from falling apart. Then this blank is placed in special cigar-shaped molds made of wood and the still unfinished cigars are placed under the press, after which the entire doll must be rolled into a wrapping sheet.
The difficulty is that the wrapper leaf is the face of the cigar and cannot be torn or twisted sloppily. Having wrapped the cigar, the master wraps its upper tip, making a so-called cap. And now, the cigar is almost ready, except for the shaggy end, from which tobacco leaves stick out in all directions. Then the master places the cigar in a special metal machine, equal to the size of the cigars he makes, and uses a sharp knife to cut off the shaggy end.

Cavist is a wine specialist who sells them in specialized stores. His responsibilities include not only knowledge of various alcoholic beverages and the rules for using them, but also the ability to select them for a specific situation and the taste of the client. As a rule, the positions of cavists are introduced into the staff of stores specializing in the sale of elite alcoholic products. A qualified cavist usually has his own stable circle of clients and can act as one of the elements of competitive advantage in the specified market sector, therefore, in addition to his own special abilities, he must also have some psychological skills.

But a pizzaiolo is a well-known chef who specializes in making pizza. As a rule, it is in demand in catering establishments focused on Italian cuisine or fast food. He needs to be fluent in the technology of preparing dough, types of fillings, etc. In addition, a pizza maker must have a developed taste in order to know what can be added to a pizza to enhance its taste. In addition to cooking, it is necessary to decorate the dish accordingly, thereby acting as a designer, and, in a sense, an artist. But all these skills ultimately come with experience.

A barista is a specialist who brews coffee using an espresso machine. Making coffee in a machine looks like this from the outside: the barista pours in, then compacts, ground coffee, presses a button, and the machine passes water through it. In reality, the process is much more complicated. A lot depends on the quality of the machine, but not everything: even the most perfect one does not work independently. Man and machine brew coffee together. The barista must know the temperature of the water, the pressure in the machine, how it works, how many grams of coffee are needed per cup and with what force to tamp it, how many seconds the water passes through it. The amount of coffee per cup may vary depending on the humidity, pressure and outside air temperature. The speed of passage of water and, ultimately, the quality of the drink depends on this. You need to understand the quality of coffee, the temperature of preparation of each drink - be it espresso, cappuccino, latte, etc. It is also important to know how to clean the car, how to maintain it and care for it properly. Every barista must know literally everything about the drinks listed on the menu, and at any time answer any visitor’s question related to this. In addition, the barista must have a developed taste and sense of smell in order to know what can be added to coffee without spoiling it, but only emphasizing the taste. But all these skills ultimately come with experience.

Tea tester (from the English tee - tea and test - try) - a person who determines the variety and quality of tea, a tea taster. Sometimes such specialists are called tea sommeliers. They make up collections of tea from various varieties. An experienced titester can distinguish up to several thousand flavor and aroma shades. Based on taste, smell and appearance, the tea tester will accurately determine not only the type of tea and the place where it was grown, but also the harvest season, as well as the method of its storage and processing. In addition, tea testers are well versed not only in classic teas, but also brew mate, hibiscus and rooibos according to all the rules.

When determining the taste of the drink, the tea tester does not take a single sip, but only rinses his mouth with the infusion, tasting the tea with his tongue and palate, revealing its unique aroma, sniffing an empty tea cup or cooled boiled tea leaves. In addition, a specialist measures the quality of the tea leaf at all stages of its production: the finished dry tea is tasted by touch and sight according to a variety of indicators - shape, fragility, density, quality of harvesting and color. He first determines the aroma of dry tea and only after that tests the tea infusion for aroma, taste, color, brightness, strength, transparency, color, intensity of the infusion, and degree of extraction. Similar studies are being carried out on boiled tea leaves. Only on the basis of the entire amount of information obtained as a result of testing with ratings for each control position and their generalization make it possible for the tea tester to make a conclusion about the quality of a particular type of tea. This verdict will be the final “sentence” of a specialist of the highest category.

However, not all professions where food is within walking distance are included in this list. For example, a waiter is excluded: if he takes it into his head to try the dish right in the hall, he will most likely be fired.

Who can work so that food is not only at hand, but also gets into the mouth?

1. Cook, pizza maker, sushi chef

That’s the case when food is nearby and it’s free! No one is talking about the fact that a chef can scoop up someone’s already ordered julienne with a spoon, or a pizza maker can take a bite of a prepared pizza with impunity. But in such vacancies, in addition to the classic “bonuses + social package”, the item “free food” is also indicated. It is not always free in fact, and the amount for it is by default withheld from the salary. And not everything that is prepared in this restaurant or cafe is intended to be consumed by employees, because it can cost the owners a pretty penny. However, this is a good option - you don’t have to worry about getting a “brake” from home.

6. Restaurant critic, “foodie”

A profession that can easily take away all the pleasure from eating, just like a theater or film critic takes away the pleasure from watching plays and films.

First of all, a restaurant critic not only eats - he evaluates the entire establishment as a whole: service (appearance and efficiency of waiters), design (decoration of the hall, arrangement of tables), menu composition... and only then comes the turn of food.

The critic does not enjoy it and is not satisfied - he analyzes the dish, its appearance, aroma, presentation, taste. In some ways it is similar to a taster. He must understand the concept of the dish - not only consider it in the context of a specific establishment, but also draw parallels with similar cuisine in the city. This is not easy - you need to have sensory memory, and navigate associative lines, and know the history of cooking, and simply be an erudite person.

Then the critic writes a review in which he should neither scold nor praise - but give his assessment and justify it. An article by a good critic should neither make you immediately rush to this restaurant nor forget its name like a bad dream. She invites you to think about the art of cooking.

The salary of a restaurant critic is piecework and depends on the publication. In the provinces, he is often employed as an ordinary journalist and receives from 5 to 15 thousand a month. In addition, the number of public catering places in the province is limited and the menu there is updated very rarely. In the capital, prices for professionals start from 50 thousand.

Restaurant critics are often confused with “foodies.” These are people for whom restaurant criticism is more of a hobby than a job. They love food, they understand it, they can beautifully, vividly and clearly describe their feelings and impressions, but they do not have the skills of a critic, the ability to analyze and compare, or give valid and useful comments. The foodie journey usually begins with blogs – and often continues there. Their main difference from a restaurant critic of a specialized publication is the lack of responsibility. With a good foodie, you won’t be able to tell the difference between an advertising piece and a serious study—which is what restaurant PR people use.

7. Actor, mock-banger

Contemporary art captures even areas of everyday life. Who can be surprised by a sleeping person or a chewing person? However, more and more often you can witness a one-man show, the action of which takes place at a set table - and the food there is not fake. Or stumble upon a happening, the participants of which enjoy eating delicacies in front of salivating spectators.

This is not a joke or a provocation - if you correctly spell out the concept of such an action, you can even receive a grant or award for “innovation in the field of art.” Or do like Korean Park Seo-Yun - without any concepts, she just eats in front of the webcam. Some people get erotic pleasure from watching a beautiful girl eat, others don’t want to dine alone and at least get virtual company. One way or another, money flows to her like a river. Park Seo-Yun already has followers earning thousands of dollars a day - and this is how a whole Internet phenomenon called “mok-bang” has emerged.

8. Burgerologist

In the cartoon "SpongeBob SquarePants", the main character works at the Krusty Krabs restaurant and prepares incredibly tasty Krabby Patties, the secret of which Mr. Plankton unsuccessfully tries to steal. So, Mr. Plankton should turn to a burgerologist for a recipe.

A burger scientist is a specialist who invents new types of burgers, and at the top of his career ladder he can become the manager of a fast food restaurant. After all, in fact, a burger is not just a bun with filling. It can be a complex dish with unusual ingredients: with shrimp and pasta, with fried bean pate and cheese, with a vegetable cutlet and onions, with a chickpea cutlet with tomatoes, with ice cream, with fried veal brains, with caviar and garlic... The burgerologist experiments with tastes in search of new, unusual and appetizing combinations and makes sure that the burgers are cooked perfectly, in compliance with all the rules. That is, no cats and dogs instead of beef.

This profession is very rare and is currently represented only in the West. Such specialists are trained at a special University, where there are special simulators and laboratories.

9. Fruit and berry picker

This is rather not a profession, but one described by Jack London. You can also go abroad to pick fruits, berries and vegetables: to Finland, Poland, Spain. The work is hard, you can earn 10-20 euros per day. Sometimes the employer pays for travel and accommodation, sometimes you have to do it yourself. The only consolation is that no one forbids eating oranges from a tree or cherries from a bush. At first you want to stuff your mouth with free food, then you realize that you’re stupidly eating your money, and after a couple of days you don’t even want to look at these fruits and vegetables.

10. Nanny, housekeeper

One of the common questions asked by people hiring a nanny or housekeeper (especially live-in) is what to do with their food. Someone installs cameras and makes sure that the worker does not even touch the owner’s products; someone gives them a shelf in the refrigerator where they can store their food; someone specifically buys something cheaper for nannies and housekeepers; and someone complains that the nanny ate half a kilo of French cheese for breakfast or emptied three jars of red caviar during the night.

So, dear applicants looking for work in houses, discuss this issue in advance so as not to get into an unpleasant situation. And if you are put on food, follow the measure, and everything will be fine with you.

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