New Year's photo shoot in home style. New Year's photo sessions with children in the studio

Among dozens of holidays, New Year has a special, almost magical meaning for everyone. New Year, moreover, for the vast majority is the most homely and warmest family celebration. That is why family New Year's photo sessions are becoming more and more popular every year. It’s so nice to look at beautiful professionally taken photographs, where everyone is so elegant, smiling and everything around is so solemn, just like in a fairy tale. Any family photo session brings us closer together and gives everyone who participates in it unique happy emotions and memories. And if it’s not just a photo shoot, but a family New Year’s photo session, then all the positive emotions are tripled. If you have the opportunity and desire to capture your own family New Year's tale as a keepsake, then now is the time to make an appointment with a photographer. If you live in Kyiv, then professional family/children's photographer Kristina Bessolova arranges New Year's photo sessions in Christmas decorations in interior studios, as well as at your home or outdoors (the main thing is that there is snow).

By the way, having decided on a photographer, discuss with him the place where the photography will take place. Every city has its own photo studios, but preference, of course, is best given to those with a thoughtful and stylish New Year's interior. However, if there are no such interior studios in your city, then even in the simplest studio on a white background you can take excellent photographs if you prepare well. Interesting and well-chosen accessories for a photo shoot may well overshadow the stylish decor. Interesting ideas can be seen in the photographs from this article.

Another important point that many people forget about is correct and harmonious clothing for all family members. Family unity will be more expressive if everyone is dressed not just tastefully, but also in the same style. The first thing to consider is how many images do you plan to shoot? This could be a photo shoot in the same clothes, or, on the contrary, you plan to change clothes several times (this parameter mainly depends on the paid time). Second, but no less important, your wardrobe should go well with the interior of the photo studio where you will be filming.

There are several classic color schemes for a family New Year's photo shoot:

  • The classic combination is white + red + green. It is not necessary that these colors be in the clothes; the spruce tree in the studio can be green. Try not to overdo it with red. It's better to use it as an accent.
  • Another popular and winning combination: bright white with milky, pale pink, beige, gold, silver or blue. In this case, if spruce is used, it should not be bright green, but preferably white or silver.
  • Homemade Pajamas: This approach isn't used often, but kids look especially cute in cute Christmas pajamas with reindeer, snowmen, or snowflakes. The main thing: pajamas should be in the same style and match the background.
  • White + gold + red. Effective and stylish. Primary colors: white and gold, red as an accent.
  • White and gold, also a classic option. You can use golden Christmas balls and garlands as accessories.
  • Vintage style. Use red, brown, beige and dark green tones. The background can be a dark wood wall. Decor: antique or antique Christmas tree decorations, rocking horses, vintage cards, embroidered pillows.
  • Scandinavian style. The main color of such photography will always be white. It can be diluted with beige and red, sometimes blue, even blue. This style is typically characterized by the use of decor made from natural materials - twigs, pine cones, + natural fabrics - usually linen with traditional Scandinavian patterns. With such decor and background, cozy sweaters knitted in the same style with patterns of deer or snowflakes, as well as discreet clothes made from natural fabrics in calm colors are appropriate.

All photographs below were taken by Russian and Ukrainian photographers.

Photographer: Kristina Bessolova

Photographer: Kristina Bessolova

New Year is a special holiday for each of us, which is associated with the fulfillment of desires, lots of sweets, gifts, and unforgettable emotions. This day unites everyone: both adults and children, and surrounds them with magic and enchantment. On New Year's holidays a miracle happens that we all, without exception, believe in.
On the eve of the holidays, every family rushes to decorate the Christmas tree, prepare a delicious dinner, and pick up gifts. Of course, it’s better to preserve the festive mood in beautiful photographs. The best way to do this is to have a New Year's photo session with an experienced family photographer. Photos with the right light and a beautiful angle will highlight the specialness of the event. New Year's photos filled with laughter, joy and magic can be placed in a family photo book, a beautiful photo frame or social networks.
Each New Year's photo shoot is an interesting project with a search for individual solutions. You can organize a magical shoot for children, parents with children, couples expecting a baby, several generations (photo shoot with grandparents). If you wish, you can also take your pet with you so that the whole family can be present in the photo.
A New Year's photo shoot is a creative process during which different lighting sources, props, backgrounds, and decorations are used. You can also suggest your own ideas for shooting. A New Year's photo shoot can be held in different rooms and studios. All nuances of photography are discussed in advance. That is why a new New Year's photo shoot is always different from the previous one.
The goal of a New Year's photo shoot is to show the family's individuality, create a suitable mood and a relaxed atmosphere so that each family member can open up. Therefore, in the photographs you can see the sparkle in the eyes, a reverent attitude towards each other, joy and many natural emotions.

New Year's photo. From our childhood we remember pictures of a carnival costume of a bunny or a snowflake against the background of a Christmas tree from the kindergarten. Nowadays they also take such photos. But this is absolutely not what is called a New Year’s photo shoot. How to make sure that shooting turns into a holiday, and the result - cool photographs - becomes the pride of your family photo album? After reading the article, you will learn all the secrets and features of organizing a New Year's photo shoot, and also find ideas for creating your own family history. Let's get ready together!

Why do you need a family New Year's photo shoot?

How to prepare for a family New Year's photo shoot?

  • Decide who will take the photos. For you, a photo shoot is a pleasant holiday occasion to get together with the whole family, and for a photographer it is his daily work, so you need to find a like-minded artist. Choose according to the main criterion - the results of the work - beautiful photographs. We read the reviews, looked at the photos, talked on the phone and liked everything - arrange a family New Year's photo shoot!
  • Choose a location for your New Year's photo shoot. There are many options: it could be your home, decorated for the holiday, or a snow-covered park with fir trees nearby, or photo studios where festive decorations are always created for the New Year.
  • Choose a shooting day. Let it be Saturday or Sunday, when you don’t need to run or rush anywhere. And schedule the first half of the day, when everyone is full of strength and energy. At home everything is simple - you decorate the Christmas tree and you can call a photographer. Street photography is more difficult: you need snow, slight frost and sun. The combination of these three factors will give you good pictures.
    With studios, the difficulty is different - before the New Year it’s a busy time there and everything can be busy. Let's reveal a secret - the days between New Year and Christmas are also good for a New Year's photo shoot with children - everyone is in a festive mood, and the influx in the studios has already subsided. So call now.

  • Take care of your hair and makeup in advance. Sign up for a salon yourself and take care of a haircut for your loved ones. After this, your husband, children and you will look beautiful, stylish and well-groomed in the photo. By the way, this rule applies to all photo sessions.
  • Let's get down to the most important thing - the images during shooting. There is only one general rule here - since the photo shoot is a family one, the clothing style of the whole family should be the same. For a photo shoot lasting one hour, two images are enough. The first image is secular and festive. Choose an elegant dress or suit for yourself, and a festive shirt for your husband. For children, choose outfits similar to yours - then you will get cute photos of mom and dad’s copies.
    Families dressed in the same color look very beautiful (mother’s dress matches the color of father’s shirt and the children’s outfits). The second look is homey, denim. These could be plaid shirts and jeans, or maybe everyone will have plain T-shirts with New Year's wishes or a family motto.
    Knitted items look cool - sweaters with New Year's symbols - deer, snowflakes. If you can get the same sweaters for all family members, you'll get really cool photos.

A family New Year's photo shoot is a great reason to get together, demonstrate your love and tenderness, hug and fool around. And the result is kind and cheerful photographs, let them please you for many years.

A New Year's photo shoot in 2017 is probably the best (and first) way to please yourself and your loved ones for the holiday. How many fabulous memories he leaves in childhood, how many thoughts we give to him as we grow up: what to give to our loved ones, who to meet, what to wear, what desires to whisper during the chimes, who to kiss in the first moments of the new year. Such preparation should not lead to everything being forgotten after the holiday. Professional photo sessions will help preserve the wonderful atmosphere of the holiday, show all the results of your preparations, and capture the happy faces of your dearest people.

Organization of a photo shoot

There are several options for conducting a photo shoot:

  • At home.
  • On the street.
  • In the photo studio.

A New Year's photo shoot 2016-2017 (year of the red fiery rooster) at home can be carried out both on the holiday itself and on one of the days close to it. If you want to get cozy family shots with a decorated Christmas tree, you can order the services of a photographer on the 31st or on the morning of the first day of the year - in this case, you will be able to film how the children find gifts under the tree and print them out.

Family photography on the street will convey the amazing mood of a universal holiday: decorated houses, many luminous installations, in every window there are snowflakes, figures of Santa Claus, fir branches decorated with toys. If you're lucky with the weather, every frame will be decorated with white fluffy snow.

A New Year's photo shoot in a studio for a family can show the New Year with pleasant attributes that are not always available in apartments: by the fireplace with stockings for gifts, near a huge Christmas tree with a mountain of bright boxes, together with the Snow Maiden and the fairy-tale Grandfather, and so on. The photo studio can offer you inexpensive outfits:

  • cozy sweaters for the whole family, made in the same style/color, especially nice, like from postcards,
  • warm socks,
  • blankets and similar winter things for a photo shoot.

It is better to order a photo session in advance, because the cost of a New Year's photo session will increase significantly immediately before the holiday and it is easier to find a photographer in advance who has not yet promised his services to anyone. In general, prices for the services of a professional New Year's photographer are always slightly higher than shooting for any other holiday. True, the result, full of amazing magic, is always pleasing to the eye. You will want to decorate your home and work place with these photographs so that you can immerse yourself in a special festive mood again and again.

Where to order an inexpensive professional New Year's photo shoot.

When using YouDo to find a photographer, don’t hesitate to write in the ad: “I’m looking for an inexpensive photographer” or “I’m interested in low prices.” All artists are vetted before their profiles appear on the site, so you can be confident that any photographer has the knowledge and skill to do the job well. However, many talented beginners easily agree to a small cost in order to receive an order and a good review from the customer.

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