Which haircuts make you look old and which ones make you look younger? Photo

Nothing beats the importance of a great haircut for your appearance. That feeling when you catch your reflection in a shop window or run your hand through your hair to once again enjoy the way your haircut was done is simply priceless. Unfortunately, a bad hairstyle can have just as much power. It can rob you of your self-confidence and make you look older. Fortunately, you can improve your appearance quickly enough, without wasting extra time and money. Find tips from hairdressers that explain how to deal with the most common mistakes.

Hair too long

Any stylist will tell you that long hair suits almost everyone, but up to a certain length. If you have excessively long hair, you immediately appear older. If you have hair longer than your shoulders, that's fine, but impressive length adds years. If your hair is below your ribs, it's already starting to affect your appearance.
It's better to stick to the classic length: an elongated bob a couple of centimeters below your chin is beautiful at any age. If you like long hair, the main thing is not to go for a hairstyle that is short in the front and longer in the back. If you do this hairstyle, it seems old-fashioned. It's best to keep your hair at the same length, and if you have a short haircut, the strands at the front can be longer. However, this option is only suitable for those whose hair keeps its shape without requiring styling. If you're going for a full-length cut, but your hair requires hairspray and mousse to keep it in that shape, your hairstyle will seem too ostentatious, which will also add extra years to your appearance.

Incorrect length

Finding the perfect haircut for your face shape can be a lifelong challenge. Talk to a stylist who can help you choose the best look for your hair and face type. Our hair becomes thinner as we age, so length can only accentuate the problem. If your hair is falling out, go for a shorter haircut.
Even if you have had long hair all your life, after some time you will get used to the elongated bob. Either way, it's important that your new haircut has layers and volume. Classic hairstyles make a woman look older and more old-fashioned. You want a dynamic, graceful hairstyle. In this case, the exact length of the hair does not matter. The main thing is self-confidence, and then any hairstyle will look good. And remember that shorter hair frames the face perfectly and is a great way to highlight your appearance. This is exactly what you need: hair that complements you, and not one that steals all the attention.

You never change your hairstyle

The biggest mistake women make is wearing the same hairstyle for decades. If you're fifty, chances are you've been going to the hairdresser for years and love the hairstyle you had when you were younger, so you ask for it again and again. As a result, you end up with an old-fashioned look when there are much better hairstyles out there now that suit you.
It is important to develop. After all, a traditional version of a haircut can still be fashionable, just with a modern twist. Discuss with your hairdresser how to transform your favorite look, maybe they will offer you a wonderful modernization option that will refresh your appearance.

Be careful with color

If your hair is too dark, you appear older. The color of your hair should match your skin tone. If you have fair skin, blue-black hair will not work. It's a good idea to use multiple shades to add depth and volume to your hairstyle. Celebrity hairstylist Kelly Cardenas recommends focusing on your skin tone and the look you want to achieve. If you keep your hair lighter than its natural color, you will appear younger. The placement of light accents also plays a role. Your hairdresser can create the perfect light frame for your face. Celebrity stylist Mitch Stone agrees that you should stay away from overly dark shades. He recommends being careful about new trends. Youth hairstyles are not suitable for adult women, no matter how fashionable they may be. Better rely on elegant chic. Use soft tones, golden blonde or deep red. Colors that are too dark will add years. In addition, dark hair highlights gray hair or grown roots more strongly. It is better to mix several shades and do not make the coloring too uniform to make your hair look more natural. Luckily, there are now even home paints that can create the same natural look with a variety of undertones.

Incorrect parting

Sometimes even a small change can make a huge difference. The way you part your hair can make you look older. A straight parting is not suitable for everyone, but you shouldn’t use it too obliquely.
A good option would be a soft, indirect parting. And don't forget about bangs! In some cases, it can make you look younger. It depends on the shape of your face. Ask your hairdresser if bangs suit you.

Volume too large

A small volume looks very beautiful, but too much only adds years. Hair becomes thinner with age, so many people begin to worry about a lack of volume. Ask your hairdresser about a volumizing shampoo or a layered cut. Don't try to add volume with backcombing, it will make you look older. You should only be interested in a natural look, which can be achieved with proper styling.

Wrong shampoo

Shampoo also affects your hair and can make you look older. Shampoos for normal hair types are not as good for you if you are older. To make your hair look perfect, you need to use the right products. Use a mask weekly, use shampoo to protect your color, and fight unruly strands. All this will help you make your hair shinier and healthier and fill you with self-confidence.

Take care of your hair health

Damaged hair always adds extra years. If you don't do anything about them, you will inevitably appear older. It is important to ensure that your hair has a natural shine. If you notice split ends, it's time to head to the hairdresser for a new haircut. If you want to grow your hair, but the strands are not healthy, it is better to use extensions, so you will get the desired length, and your hair will look healthy and shiny. If you look better, you will feel better. You are only as young as you feel! That is why careful hair care and control of its condition is a necessary condition if you do not want your hairstyle to make you look older.

Don't forget about makeup

A great, refreshing hairstyle will help you look younger. However, if your makeup makes you look older, no one will notice your curls. Celebrity stylist Mitch Stone notes that people often age themselves with too much makeup.
As skin gets older, makeup can accentuate lines and wrinkles if applied incorrectly. Be careful to highlight your eyes and lips, use a light foundation, and choose neutral shades.

An article for women who always want to be young and beautiful!

As sad as it may be, people are not getting younger physically. After growing up, the body is programmed to decline, so the first signs of aging begin to appear at a fairly early age.

In women, the first wrinkles usually appear after 25 years, and sometimes the skin can begin to age earlier. Gray hair appears after 40 years of age, although there are cases where girls have gray strands even before 25 years of age.

At such moments, the realization comes that youth is passing. But don’t despair, you can look fresh and young at 40 and 50 years old. Much depends on makeup, hairstyle, hair color, and of course lifestyle and thinking.

Don't forget that youth is a state of mind

What makes a woman look younger in makeup?

The simplest thing that can visually rejuvenate a woman is well-chosen makeup. There are several rules that are vital to follow for those who want to look younger than their age.

Rule #1. Pay attention to the condition of your skin. Examine your face for wrinkles, redness, unevenness and flaking. Did you find any of this? If not, great. If yes, then we hasten to please you - you don’t have to hide your wrinkles behind a ton of cosmetics. On the contrary, if you have them, then that’s even good. This will make you look more natural. Conclusion from the rule: do not cover up skin imperfections with powder and foundation!

Exceptions! A thick layer of cosmetics can only be applied to young girls with clean, elastic skin, because even this way they will look natural. After all, the difference between “before” and “after” makeup is negligible. If you are over 30-35 years old, give up a dense base in favor of a lighter consistency.

Rule #2. Use natural, natural shades in your makeup. This means no crimson blush, bleached powder, purple eye shadow and a huge layer of mascara on your eyelashes. For a holiday - perhaps. In daily makeup - strictly prohibited!

How then to do makeup? Use a base to even out your complexion, then powder in natural shades, light contouring (bronzer, concealer, highlighter), blush, one or two layers of high-quality mascara - that's enough. Pay special attention to concealer and highlighter. Thanks to their properties, these products will make you visually younger.

Natural shades are your trump card

Rule #3. Leave bright and very dark lipsticks to young fashionistas. For yourself, choose calmer shades. Not necessarily pastels, but in any case it should not be blue, not purple or raspberry red for everyday makeup.

Rule #4. The same goes for choosing shadows. Bright green, black and burgundy shadows will add age to you, but delicate beige, light brown, pink, gold, and possibly light blue will take off several years of your life. But pay attention to the fact that you need to know how to apply makeup! Illiterately and carelessly applied shadows can make you look old.

You can learn how to properly do the most popular smokey eye makeup now.

Rule #5. Avoid a pronounced lip contour. In other words, don't use a burgundy lip liner if you're going to continue using light pink lipstick. Pencil and lipstick must be the same color, a difference of 1-2 tones is allowed, no more. The lack of contour on the lips makes you noticeably younger!

Rule #6. Don't try to look much younger than you really are. You risk going overboard with makeup, like the actress in the photo.

These are the makeup essentials you need to know to look younger.

What eyebrow shape makes your face look younger?

Neat, well-groomed eyebrows make your face look younger. As for the shape, it should be as natural as possible for you. That is, the eyebrow should start at the level of the inner corner of the eye and end slightly further than the level of the outer corner of the eye.

Eyebrows that are too wide or too narrow age your face. The former will most likely look unkempt and look good only on very young girls, while the latter, oddly enough, plump up the face and focus attention on the wrinkles in the corners of the eyes.

Eyebrows of your natural color or a shade lighter will make you look younger. Dark eyebrows make you look older. Eyebrows that are too light or bright also make you look older.

Makeup after 35 – 50 years that makes you look younger: step by step

To clearly demonstrate how to do anti-aging makeup for women aged 35-50, we recommend watching the video below.

Video: Makeup after 35 40 45 50 55 60 years. Natural makeup

Black, red hair color: makes a girl or woman look younger or older?

The same goes for red. In most cases, red hair also makes you look older. The point is not that red doesn’t suit many people, but that literally a week after dyeing red, nasty “rust” appears, the dye is washed out, and the hair becomes like wire.

You can observe “aging” in the photographs of Cameron Diaz. In the first photo the girl’s hair is a light shade, close to her natural one, and in the second it is dark.

How to grow old in a couple of minutes? - Change your hair color!

Advice! If you have naturally blonde hair, black and red will most likely age you. The same applies to very light shades (for example, blonde) for burning brunettes.

What hair color to choose to look younger?

To understand what hair color is ideal for you, remember what your natural hair color is. This makes you look your age.

In order to “shed” a couple of years, your hair needs to be lightened by 1-2 tones. Californian coloring, balayage, helps very well in such cases. In other words, coloring should not be monotonous. The hair should have highlights, shimmer, and volume. This can be achieved through high-quality highlighting. You can choose the technique yourself, or it will be done by a master who will rely not only on your wishes, but also on the condition of your hair, which is also important.

However, it must be said that first of all, when choosing a coloring, you should rely on your natural color type. For example, if you belong to the “winter” color type and have black hair, fair skin and blue eyes, light shades are more likely to age you. In this case, it is recommended to do a very smooth color stretching, which can only be entrusted to a professional.

pay attention to this method of coloring - this is shatush

If you have ash or light brown hair, it is also recommended to focus on light strands. As an example, we selected a photo of Cameron Diaz with a stunning ashy stripe color, which noticeably makes her look younger.

But the technique of coloring in ashy shades will not suit the “winter” or “autumn” color type. For them, it can be recommended to make their natural hair color more saturated.

Julianne Moore belongs to the “autumn” color type and with light strands does not look as luxurious as with rich hair color

Bangs, short haircut, bob: makes a girl or woman look younger or older?

There is an opinion that short bangs and a bob haircut significantly make you look younger. This is partly true. This can be demonstrated to us by a selection of photographs of famous Hollywood actresses, which we have posted below. It shows how well older women look with short hair.

An example of how a short haircut and small bangs make you look younger

However, every rule has its exceptions. This applies to short bangs. Using the example of Rashida Jones, one can note how long bangs rejuvenate the face, while short bangs, on the contrary, show age.

Therefore, the statement that you can look younger if you give yourself a super short haircut or a bob with bangs can be considered not entirely true.

Still, first of all, you need to rely on the shape of your face. Not all people suit short haircuts, much less bangs.

10 Best Smart Haircuts That Make Women Look Younger

Haircut No. 1. Bob and bangs on the side. In the case of Cameron Diaz (we already wrote about her), this is the ideal hairstyle. An open forehead, no matter how beautiful and well-groomed it is, still shows age.

Haircut No. 2. Long bob without bangs. The look is complemented by light curly curls, although straight hair would look quite harmonious. Pictured is Elizabeth Banks.

Haircut No. 3. Long bob with side bangs. This haircut looks good only when styled, or on those who have naturally straight hair. The ends of your hair can be slightly curled up or down; you should not use a lot of hair fixing products. It is ideal if the hair falls on the shoulders.

Haircut No. 4. Long bob with side bangs. The hairstyle looks chic on straight hair. Suitable for those with oval or square faces.

Haircut No. 5. Short bob without bangs. Suitable for those with a square face, it emphasizes refined cheekbones and expressive eyes. Among those who unconditionally suit this haircut is Keira Knightley.

Haircut No. 6. "Aurora". Looks ideal on women over 50, who, as they say, “suit” their age. If such a hairstyle will make a young girl look old, then an adult woman, on the contrary, will look younger.

Haircut No. 7. "Spades", or a very short bob. It’s worth saying once again that Anne Hathaway with this hairstyle looks no older than 20 years old. And this haircut would suit many other women.

Haircut No. 8. Curls for medium length hair. The hairstyle looks good only on beautiful and well-groomed hair. That's why women over 40 often cut off their hair, because it no longer looks as luxurious as it did in its youth.

Haircut No. 9. Short asymmetrical haircuts. They look great on both adult women and young girls. And for women over 40, this hairstyle makes them look very young. Take a closer look at her.

An asymmetrical bob or bob is an excellent solution for those over 40

Haircut No. 10. Curls for an elongated bob. The hairstyle looks very good on shorter hair too. If the styling is done well, this haircut will take 5 years off your hair.

Haircuts for round faces that make you look younger

To understand what haircuts can be worn by women with a round face, whose age has exceeded 35 and 40 years, you need to list a list of haircuts that can be worn by women with a round face at any age.

These include:

  • asymmetrical short haircuts
  • long bob with or without bangs
  • pixie with asymmetry
  • pixie without asymmetry
  • elongated bob

Now return to the previous part of the article and analyze which of the haircuts we have just listed most often make their owner look younger? In fact, any haircut we have named in this part of the article will suit women with a round face in adulthood.

It so happens that short asymmetrical haircuts, which are shown to owners of a round oval face, will inevitably visually rejuvenate you. So take a closer look at them. Maybe you've been wanting to experiment with your hair for a long time? Then go to battle!

Hairstyles that make you look younger after 30 - 35 years

We have already found out which hairstyles make their owner look younger. However, these haircuts can be divided into two categories:

  • for those who are 30-35 years old
  • for those who are 40-50 years old

Haircuts for younger women mean curls, volume and slight negligence.

These include:

  • curls on an elongated bob
  • curls for medium length hair
  • short bob without bangs
  • short bob with bangs
  • “beach” curls on an elongated bob.

All hairstyles are quite light and airy, and they look great on those who are under 40 years old.

Hairstyles that make you look younger after 40–50 years

After 40 years, a woman already has a different status, her hairstyle should correspond to it. But this does not mean that you need to hide your hair or stop caring for it. Here is a list of fashionable haircuts that suit women over 40 (and make them look younger):

  • asymmetrical bob
  • elongated straight bob
  • bob with and without bangs
  • pixie with torn bangs
  • pixie with asymmetry
  • pixie without bangs
  • long bob for straight hair with side bangs

Of course, this list can be expanded. You don't have to strictly adhere to it to choose the perfect hairstyle for yourself, but take note anyway. You definitely can't go wrong by choosing one of these haircuts.

How to look younger with clothes?

You can “reduce” age not only with the help of makeup and hairstyle. Clothing is also an important factor. A skirt or shirt that is too old will add a good ten years to even a young girl.

The first thing you should learn is that the main thing is not the quantity, but the quality of things

Here is a simple list of five rules to follow to look younger:

  1. Choose clothes based on your size and body type. If at the age of 20 you wore size 42, and now you wear size 46, then you need to buy size 46, not 44, and especially not 42. You will look stupid in clothes that are too tight. This is permissible at 16 years old, not at 30.
  2. Choose elegant colors. These include the so-called “deep” shades - marsala, sea green, emerald, mustard, sky blue, indigo. Avoid “acid” shades and too bright ones.
  3. Pay attention to knee-length skirts, trousers with arrows and high waists, blouses, shirts - you need to add them to your wardrobe. Also don't forget to follow fashion.
  4. It’s always worth remembering that you need to look “expensive.” Therefore, remove ridiculous items with imitation Coco Chanel and other brands from your wardrobe. Especially those that are full of inscriptions from famous companies. You won't look any younger in them.
  5. Clothes should be neat. In it you will look more beautiful and younger, no matter how strange it may sound.

Paradox! What looks appropriate on a 25-year-old woman will look vulgar on someone over 40. Likewise, things that make a 45-year-old woman look more elegant and younger are unacceptable for a 20-year-old girl and will make her look old.

Stylish looks that make you look younger for those over 40.

How to lose weight after 45 for a woman and look younger than your age: tips

In order for a woman over 40 to lose weight, she needs to monitor her diet very carefully. It would be good to do the following:

  • include more fruits and vegetables in your diet
  • add olive, nut and mustard oil
  • reduce meat consumption to a minimum, especially red
  • increase fish consumption
  • reduce your consumption of dairy products
  • lean on whole ingredients: oatmeal, buckwheat, rice, legumes

It is important to have plenty of fruits and vegetables because they contain antioxidants that prolong youth

To cleanse the body, after consulting a doctor, you can take a course of a kefir diet, or arrange fasting days on kefir. How to do this is written from our website.

Also, perhaps Dr. Kovalkov’s diet will suit you. You can find an article about it.

Young-looking people and stars who look younger than their age

Video: Stars who look younger than their age

Mistake #1. Haircut too short.

If you have thick and healthy hair, it is not necessary to go for a short, conservative haircut, which is considered anti-aging. You can also wear semi-long hair. But if you decide to cut your hair short, choose a hairstyle not with straight lines, but with uneven hair length, asymmetrical. With this haircut you will look more modern, and besides, it is easier to maintain in order than a regular straight bob.

Mistake #2. Long flowing hair.

In adulthood, you should not wear long, flowing hair. They will highlight all the changes and imperfections on your face, have an anti-lifting effect and make you look older. The worst option is shapeless long hair parted in the middle. If you don't like short haircuts, stop at hair length just below the collarbone and create a bob with hair of different lengths, dividing it into an asymmetrical parting. Asymmetry or slight unevenness in the haircut refreshes the face and distracts attention from wrinkles.

Mistake #3. Fear of lightening hair.

If you tint your naturally dark hair with jet black dye, then you are adding years to yourself. Black color stands out brightly against a fair scalp and emphasizes the thinning of hair that is inevitable with age. It also casts a shadow on the face and emphasizes wrinkles. The best thing, according to famous stylists, is to tint your hair 2-3 shades lighter than natural or make lighter strands around the face. Well, if you still think that dark hair suits you, then at least soften it with warm tones, for example, instead of dark chocolate, choose creamy chocolate.

Mistake No. 4. Same hair and face color.

Fair-skinned or pale women should not dye their hair very light colors. The same tone of your face and hair will make you look like a gray mouse. A slight contrast between your facial skin and your hair color will give you a radiant and healthy look. You can dye a few strands of darker caramel tones in your blonde hairstyle and see that it works. Also pay attention to 12 makeup mistakes that age you.

Mistake #5. Don't know what to do with gray hair

Worried about your gray hair? Gray hair itself will not add an extra 10 years to your life, but only as long as its color is bright silver. But usually gray hair turns yellow, and it looks just as bad as yellowed teeth. Special shampoos and products with shine enhancers and UV filters will help preserve the silver color of your hair. If you have more than 50% gray hair, use shampoos with blue or violet dye to neutralize yellow tones. If you have almost 100% gray hair and yellowness is stubborn, stylists advise dyeing your hair in shades of “light blond”. This will help you look younger.

No. 6. Strive for extravagance

Ultra-short haircuts and hair colors of unimaginable shades will not make you younger, but, on the contrary, will emphasize your age. It's just as ridiculous, say stylists, as dressing from head to toe in the most fashionable things or overdoing it with makeup. Your style should evolve with age towards elegance, and you should not be a slave to fashion trends. Pay attention to the hairstyles of movie stars your age, such as Halle Berry, Susan Sarandon or Meryl Streep, and learn from them how to look great! And show a photo of the hairstyle you like to your hairdresser. The 14 Most Popular Movie Star Hairstyles of All Time.

Advice: think about bangs - the general consensus is that they're anti-aging, but only if they suit you. You can check this in a simple way: cover your forehead with your palm and look at yourself in the mirror, then remove your palm from your forehead - which image do you like best? If you have bangs, then feel free to ask your hairdresser to cut them. Correct bangs should be thick, not sparse (this, on the contrary, makes you look old) and reach the center of the eyebrow line. Or opt for longer, side-swept bangs with a jagged edge. But you shouldn't cut your bangs if you have unruly cowlicks or coarse, curly hair.

Hairstyle trends may not change at the same speed as clothing fashions, but if you look just a little into the past, say, to 2007, it becomes clear that modern girls no longer look like THIS. Unfortunately, this information does not reach all corners of our vast homeland in its original form.

The situation is especially sad with small beauty salons, where professionals who consider themselves professionals work. Of course, they have been standing at the machine with scissors for 10 (15, 20) years. But, as a rule, such masters, having mastered the profession through courses, rarely undergo additional training. They cut their hair the way they taught it THEN. And most women who visit such salons are not very interested in trends and fashion. The result is that such masters always have a clientele. An even sadder result is the glaring number of outdated and outdated haircuts.

I propose to put an end to this disgrace and figure out which hairstyles are now relevant and which are ungodly outdated.


First and perhaps most important. The word “thinning” or “ladder” is no longer found in the everyday life of the modern craftsman. The once popular cascading haircuts with short strands near the face and long ones towards the end have slipped into the past along their own “ladder” :-)

This is especially true for haircuts in which, along with a ladder, there is a thick curtain bang that almost covers the eyes.

Just 10 years ago, voluminous hairstyles were incredibly popular. Remember? The hair on the back of my head was raised and combed mercilessly. Then everything was put in place and varnished. If you're still doing this...stop! It's 2018.

Today, haircut fashion is moving along the path from complex to simple. Naturalness is in fashion. If we are talking about the so-called “thinning” to give the hair volume, then this is more likely not a ladder, but a layered haircut with strands of different lengths throughout the head. It is important that the cut is even. No "feathers".

There's not much you can do with a haircut for long hair. Long hair, in itself, is an adornment. Key points: smooth cut, naturalness and delicate negligence.

If you are a lover of curls, then negligence and naturalness will also come in handy here. Perfect shiny curls are a thing of the past.

A comprehensive selection of the most popular styling is available.


The story with broken ends continues. Or rather, it’s time to stop her. Let ladders and thinning in all their manifestations remain in archival photos, as a reminder that they don’t wear THAT anymore. Such haircuts look especially sad on naturally thin hair. Instead of adding the notorious volume, they look cheap and old-fashioned. And the volume, on the contrary, is eaten up due to the fact that most of the hair is mercilessly cut off.

And the more hair is cut off for the sake of “volume,” the more out-of-date it looks.

For several years in a row, the most popular hairstyle has been and remains a bob (long bob) with an even cut. It can be slightly casual, or it can be super sleek, like Kim Kardashian's. And again - no pens or graduations.

By the way, this year the bob became so popular that even the most famous owners of long hair said goodbye to their curls in favor of it.


In our country, there is an opinion that after a certain age, hair definitely needs to be cut. You know my opinion on this. And if you don’t know, then you can read a great article about short haircuts.

This is what the same haircut looks like that women over 40 choose in pursuit of youth. Lots of volume, lots of thinning. This hairstyle does not add any youthfulness, but rather the opposite. There is nothing to say about modernity.

The so-called “creative” haircuts go there (to the past). Another word that needs to be forgotten along with “thinning and ladders”. Avril Lavigne looked harmonious and modern with such a haircut at the beginning of her career in the 2000s.

A short haircut is not just a hairstyle, it is a lifestyle. It really suits a very rare girl. But if you decide to undergo a transformation, then choose a modern haircut. And this is still the same even cut, smoothness or slight carelessness, and not feathers under kilograms of varnish.


Perhaps bangs should be given a separate place here. Antitrends in the picture in front of you. The curtains covering the eyes, torn, as if cut with a straight razor, and “creative” a la Natalia Oreiro in Wild Angel - are sent back to the past.

Modern bangs, even if you prefer long ones, do not lie like a smooth curtain on your forehead.

The trend in recent years is split or long bangs with a side parting. More precisely, it’s not even really bangs, but just a hint of it. You can always remove it if you wish. Please note - everything looks very natural.

A few more words about how to keep up with fashion trends in hairstyles.

The biggest mistake is googling. Alas. Photos of hairstyles in the domestic RuNet have been wandering from site to site since the shaggy years, and would-be copywriters who write for such sources simply copy these photos, filling the pages of budget beauty salons.

Therefore, here, as in fashion, comes to our aid. And I advise you to watch enough of the top foreign stars. A whole army of stylists works with them, who closely monitor all changes in the field of haircuts, styling and everything related to hair.

Manufacturers of professional hair products also create trends. Schwarzkopf, Loreal, Redken, Wella, etc. If you occasionally glance at their official websites, you can learn a lot of new things.

And if you come across a magazine about hairstyles from one of these brands (most likely you picked it up in the waiting room of your favorite salon), then don’t be lazy and look at the year of publication of this publication :-)

Beautiful hair to you!

We all make every effort imaginable to look and feel younger than our age. Proper nutrition, adequate physical activity and proper self-care are the basic ones. but they are far from the only factors that are designed to help us solve this problem. Do not forget that the right choice of wardrobe and cosmetics, as well as haircut, hair color and hairstyle play an equally important role in whether we look older or younger than our years. We invite you to consider the most common mistakes in choosing hair color, hairstyle and haircut - using the example of Hollywood stars - and we will offer you the most winning solutions.

Treacherous curls

Currently, the “European curls” styling is very popular, however, we should all remember that “curls are different from curls.” Light and in motion, the most “natural” curls are both relevant and youthful, and fashionable. But complex and too neat, hair-to-hair curls look old-fashioned. Also, in some cases, straight hair styling is preferable to create a more youthful and playful look.

It's all about the bangs

Thick long bangs have remained among the favorites of the capricious fashionist for many years. But if you have thin hair and not much of it, then it is better not to do bangs at all or try to style your hair on one side.

What hairstyles age a woman: Complex color is better

Currently, beauty salon specialists can offer you a variety of hair coloring techniques - from highlighting and ombre to bronzing. Let us note, using the example of the young actress Jennifer Lawrence, that a complex light color makes the face fresher and more attractive than a monochromatic and overly dark one.

Volume matters

An open face is a sign of youth. If you are going to put your hair in a high style, remember this. that nowadays very voluminous hairstyles look old-fashioned. Try to open your face as much as possible to look like a bride, and not like the mother of the bride, as in the case of singer Jennifer Lopez, known to many from the film “If Your Mother-in-Law Is a Monster.”

Long hair makes you look old

Often short haircuts look more flattering and interesting than long straight hair - as we can see in the example of actress Sandra Bullock.

What hairstyles age a woman: Layering is not always a plus

If you are the owner of thin and not very thick hair, then multi-layered haircuts can play a cruel joke on you.

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