Weight of Anastasia Lisova. Anastasia Lisova and her pages on social networks

The ex-participant is preparing to move to a new apartment. Anastasia Lisova, her husband and little daughter Miroslava will soon become new residents. The young mother is delighted with how cool everything is arranged in her future home.

Anastasia Lisova with her daughter Miroslava
​Photo: Instagram

The star of "HOUSE-2" Anastasia Lisova, who became a mother three months ago, is now preparing for another pleasant event in life - a housewarming. In the apartment where the friendly family of the ex-participant of the reality show will move in the near future, renovation work is almost completed.

Anastasia Lisova gave a tour for microblog subscribers to her luxurious apartment. In Instagram stories, she showed the bathroom, the living room, and the beautiful view from the balcony. Apparently, the new apartment is located not far from the place where Lisova, her husband and daughter live now.

The young mother really likes the design of her future home. From the intonation with which she comments, one can feel that she is delighted with the apartment.

“And we decided to take a walk to our new house, where renovations are currently underway,” said Anastasia Lisova. - The bathroom is almost ready, look how beautiful it is. Look how awesome the tiles turned out, absolutely super.”

Anastasia is delighted with the bathroom
​Photo: Instagram

Lisova admits that she came up with several design ideas for the apartment herself. And by the way her husband consults with her, it is clear that the man relies on her taste.

“Shall we put a rocking chair on the balcony?” - Nastya’s husband asks. “Yes, but first we will need to glaze it,” she answers briefly.

The highlight of the bathroom is the abundance of mirrors of different sizes. “And this is what the mirrors look like - smaller, smaller. This was my idea, by the way: there are mirrors everywhere,” Anastasia continues the virtual tour. “All that’s left is to build a cabinet above the toilet.”

The balcony offers a beautiful view of Moscow courtyards
​Photo: Instagram

In the room there is also a stroller with the little daughter of Lisova and her husband. “Mirchik, we will move here soon!” - Anastasia tells the baby without hiding her delight.

Anastasia Lisova: before and after plastic surgery - how did the English teacher change after the TV project House 2?

Anastasia has a rather complicated story: initially she did not plan to participate in the project, she was invited to teach English to the inhabitants of the television set.

The girl did not last long as a teacher; she was attracted by the prospect of fame and a star career.

The girl was born on July 15, 1990 in the city of Cheboksary. For several years she hid her place of birth and tried to prove to everyone that she was a native Muscovite. In all her interviews, Anastasia successfully hides information about her childhood: practically nothing is known about the girl’s family.

Facts about Lisova

  • completed the full 11 grades
  • worked as a model in Cheboksary
  • entered the Chuvash State Pedagogical University (specialty: translator)

Participation in HOUSE -2

Anastasia Lisova was noticed on television in early 2015. She was invited to teach English to Evgeniy Rudnev, who had recently married Liber Kpadonu. It is likely that the girl influenced the discord in the couple’s relationship.


Anastasia Lisova expected that the man she liked would be by her side after breaking up with his wife. But after the divorce, the guy didn’t even pay attention to Nastya and began building relationships with two girls at once. Probably, the girl’s broken heart was the reason for such incomprehensible metamorphoses in her appearance. Before plastic surgery, Anastasia Lisova was a completely different person.

Apparently the girl initially understood why she came to the project, changing men like gloves, she created wild popularity around her personality. To her fans, the girl seemed pretty, honest and correct, but in reality, Nastya carefully selected the right PR course of the relationship.


Lisova very often got into fights with other participants in the show; it was noticeable that she deliberately provoked some men into bullying.

Anastasia Lisova and Nikita Kuznetsov were one of the brightest couples of 2015. But not because of excessive sensuality and love, viewers watched fights between lovers every day. After not being in House 2 for even a year, Nastya left, coming to her boyfriend’s TV show.

It turned out that the girl hired the actor on purpose, and she did not have any relationship. Nastya simply wanted to leave gracefully.

What operations did Anastasia Lisova perform?

The sudden departure from the project affected the girl’s consciousness; not recovering from the unsuccessful relationship, she began to change her appearance.

Changes in appearance - the beginning

Lisova decided to gradually enter the transformation industry.

At first, she constantly changed her hair color and experimented with haircuts. Realizing that this would not give serious results, the girl switched to aesthetic cosmetology and plastic surgery.

The nose job terribly ruined the oval of the girl’s face; the operation itself was carried out in compliance with all the requirements, but the chosen shape is absolutely not suitable for Lisova. The girl did not stop there and went too far with hyaluric acid injections. Anastasia Lisova shared with her fans the beginning of her operations on Instagram, which initially caused a lot of discontent and criticism.

Fans liked the girl's natural beauty more.

The difference in the appearance of Anastasia Lisova before and after plastic surgery

Critics and fans assure that before the operations the girl was more charming and sweet.

Year of change

If gossip was constantly inflated around Lisova’s appearance, then fans forgot about her personal life for several years - the girl managed to keep her relationship secret.

In 2017, a short video from a girl’s wedding leaked online. It's nice to know that the girl has finally matured and doesn't want to make a fuss about her personal life. It is only known that she met her future husband on the set of her own video.

Lisova now

Like many former participants in the television project House 2, Lisova actively maintains an Instagram profile, advertising products there for money. She appeared in a couple of TV shows and launched her own line of business suits. Together with her husband, Lisova created a YouTube channel, on which she plans to post videos from her travels, and, thanks to the large reach, place advertisements.

Plastic surgeries that Lisova kept silent about


No matter how much the girl denies the contribution of plastic surgeons, with the wave of a magic wand her breasts cannot turn from size 1 to size 3. After a short recovery, Nastya arranged a piquant photo shoot. Lisova allegedly had implants implanted through her armpit; the postoperative scar is clearly visible in the photo.

Fans of Lisova believe that she had mammoplasty several times due to dissatisfaction with the quality of the implants. There is no confirmation of this information.

Additional rhinoplasty

Photos of Lisova's plastic surgery confirm rhinoplasty - the girl's nose was rougher and asymmetrical. According to the girl, nose surgery has ennobled her face. There were definitely several rhinoplasties - the shape of the nose was constantly changing, in recent years it has become even smaller, and the tip has become completely thinner.

Lisova advertised a plastic surgery clinic on her Instagram. She confirms that she had rhinoplasty done by the famous plastic surgeon Babayan Gaik Pavlovich. She filmed the entire operation process on camera and subsequently posted the permitted information on social networks.

Fans worried about the girl’s pain and wished her a speedy recovery. There were also those who ridiculed the girl’s behavior. Many wondered if she wanted to remove her nose completely? Or be like Michael Jackson?


Without a doubt, Lisova repeatedly pumped out excess fat. While still filming in House 2, she could go to Moscow for a short while, having previously gained considerable weight, and return refreshed and without an ounce of excess fat. Such weight loss is impossible in such a short period of time. It seems that in some operations the girl does not see boundaries. The last time with liposuction, she clearly went too far.

Lip surgery

Lisova constantly turns to her favorite cosmetologist - the girl gets fillers every 3 months, due to which her lips become plumper and sexier.

And here the opinions of the fans are divided - half call the girl a beauty and advise her to use fillers more often, the rest call her another duck.

Removing Bisha's lumps

After the operation, the girl’s face became much more slender and elongated; this effect is achieved through surgery - removal of Bish’s lumps. The doctors overdid it with the amount of fat tissue removed, and the girl’s face began to look like the face of a person starved to death. Apparently due to the unsuccessful result, the girl denies this particular operation, reducing everything to a grueling diet before filming.

It was after this operation that Lisova lost a large number of her fans; they cannot come to terms with the way she disfigures her appearance.

Cheekbone correction

Bisha Lisova had to stop at removing the lumps; it seems that she completely lacks a sense of proportion. By injecting a small amount of fillers, Lisova corrected the situation a little, and her cheekbones became more prominent for a while.

It seems that these are not the TV personality’s last operations; she has become so into the taste of plastic surgery that she has never decided what her real appearance should be. In addition to surgery, the girl constantly tattoos her eyebrows, puts tattoos on her body, and gets eyelash extensions.

Lisova's life now

Not long ago it became known about the birth of a daughter. The girl did not stop working during pregnancy and attending photo shoots. On her Instagram, she did not hide her belly from her fans and described every day of the expectant young mother.

A photo from the ward let fans know that the long-awaited daughter was born.

Now Lisova devotes all her free time to her family and, in particular, raising her daughter. Not so long ago, Lisova announced live that she plans to do the next one. She does not plan to breastfeed, and after giving birth, in her opinion, the shape of her breasts has deteriorated terribly.

With profile search in Instagram of Anastasia Lisova there was just some confusion. At first it was believed on the Internet that Nastya was under the nickname lisova90, but then for some reason the page was deleted and someone else took it over. Then the account anastasiya_lisa15 appeared, which also turned out to be fake, after all, the star of “House-2” cannot have only a little more than 1 thousand followers? The only reliable profile turned out to be anastasiyalisova7. Remember!

How did Anastasia Lisova come to Dom-2 and how did she become popular on Instagram?

Nastya’s arrival on the site at first should not have been an event, because she appeared briefly as an English teacher for, but the classes did not work out due to the jealousy of his passion. The teacher decided not to be upset and announced that since things were like this, she didn’t mind becoming a new participant and began to actively look at the eligible bachelors of the project. He was the first, but the couple didn’t go beyond kissing, so the girl had to quickly pack her bags and set off for the Seychelles, where she had already managed to create a stir among the male population.

Nastya Lisova now regularly posts photos from Seychelles on her Instagram. Beautiful landscapes, sea, sand, the pretty owner of the page herself and other participants in the project - this is what you will now find in her profile. In general, it’s quite interesting to watch how the guys live on the islands, where serenity and peace constantly reign.

Since September 2013, Chanterelle anastasiyalisova7 has already collected more than 350 thousand subscribers on her account, and this number is only growing every day.

Very soon I will have surgery 😱 Rhinoplasty! I'll be doing my nose for the second time😗 To say I'm worried is to say nothing)) But the choice has been made! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ In the photo collage you can roughly understand what I want! In general, the changes are not so significant, but I really need them 🙏🏻 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ On the left is what I have now, on the right is what I approximately want, but still, ideally, of course, it didn’t work out 🙃 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I want to raise the back of my nose and make it more sophisticated! And make the tip more careful, so that when I smile it doesn’t turn into a pimple 🙄 Well, you can see everything for yourself! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Well, the most important thing is breathing! Without it, I won’t survive another pregnancy))🤭😱 If now they are saving with tizin, then then I reminded myself of a fish that was thrown ashore..Very uncomfortable😨 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Which option do you like best? On the right, on the left or in stories is my nose at 12 years old))) ?? ❤️

Friends, share with me what is most interesting for you to see on my page? Posts or stories? ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Which of you watches my stories?🙋‍♀️ Tell me which section do you like best? ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ For example, yesterday and today in stories I showed what cosmetics I use, how I put on my makeup, I had time to rock out with Mirosik, I told you about a cool free psychological master class on monetary abundance, today I showed you an effective buttock exercise, which you can do behind the stove, I want to tell you in a purely feminine way about the site where I get women’s tips)) Tell me? ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Tell me, what is most interesting to you?)) I would be grateful for your feedback💋🌹

Where can I get money?🤷‍♀️ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ When there is not enough money, it is difficult to smile, be cheerful, cheerful and believe in dreams. Not up to yourself, not up to your family, you just give up 😥Really!? ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ The eternal thought of how to live in abundance 💰, to start living the life you dreamed of 🙏🏻 and stop putting it off until tomorrow? How to make sure that you have money today and don’t have to worry about whether it will be there tomorrow?💰 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Maria Bruce @mariyabruce - PhD, psychologist, expert on radio and television, speaks in Crocus City Hall conducts its own transformational coaching course, thanks to which thousands of students have already changed their lives, got rid of debts, and achieved a level of income that they could only dream of!😄And the life situations of some of them were very difficult and it seemed, sometimes, that there is no way out. But you just need to know what installations in our head interfere with us 🙌 Do you want to know how our subconscious blocks money? How to attract opportunities and use them correctly? What needs to change in your thinking, state, actions in order for your cash flow to increase? Maria will not just talk about this at the free webinar “How to generate cash flow” on June 19 (Wed) at 20:00 Moscow time, but she will also give practices that you need to integrate into your life and the result will not be long in coming. Do you have a question that you can't find the answer to? Write it under this post and receive an answer directly at the webinar.

Well, my dears, you’ve waited!😅I’m announcing the START of recruitment for my third stream of the WEIGHT LOSS marathon @poxydeika_s_lisoy 👌 I’m waiting for those who really want to lose weight, but lack motivation and knowledge! Then I will definitely help you 🙌 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ✅ Write “I want to lose weight” to the marathon @poxydeika_s_lisoy Direct and sign up. Seats are limited! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ✅The marathon will last from June 24 - July 14 ✅The cost of the marathon is 2500 rubles. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I thought that after giving birth it would be incredibly difficult to lose weight 🤰I was getting ready for this process, I was worried because the skin was stretched a lot, the body lost tone and there was excess weight.. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ But I was able to LOSE WEIGHT quickly enough without depriving myself of much pleasure in food! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Girls, I’m telling you, this is real! I understand that many of you no longer believe, are tired, already agree to “accept” yourself as you are, but I ask you, do not mislead yourself 🙏🏻 You can become who you want to become! With that beautiful figure and ideal weight!💃🏼I’ll prove it to you🙏🏻 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ The girls who participated in my marathons won’t let me lie that I put my heart and soul into every stream and I really want to help and am helping !❤️🙏🏻💪 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Who wants to lose weight, raise your hands?🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️

Along with the huge number of congratulations that I still read and just bathe in the love they bring😊❤️, other congratulations came))) ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Since I take everything to heart, I decided fix the situation immediately)))😂😂😂 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I love everyone without exception))❤️❤️❤️😅

Happy Birthday to me!!)))😅😅😅 The 29th has arrived however 😛 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Today I feel especially good, happy, there is no rush, a complete feeling of fullness, love for myself and my loved ones ❤️❤️❤️I don’t know what this is connected with), perhaps with the onset of a new stage in life!❤️ . Oh my beloved @tierradelfuego12 and @miramisha you make me so filled with happiness and love that I start every morning with the words “thank you, Lord, I’m so happy, I feel so good” 🙏🏻❤️ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Hurray, I was born and this is already very cool, because this is an unreal chance to fulfill all your dreams! Every single one!))😄😄😄❤️❤️❤️🌹🌹🌹and I will definitely take this chance)) ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I can’t stop reading messages in Direct, you are simply unreal!!! I love you!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

I think it’s time to start a column 😁 In fact, it’s not just in my arms, I’m also balancing on a fitball, since I still can’t buy a chair))) 🙈 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ And now about eyebrows 🤨 Since I still have to correct my eyebrows with a permanent one, now I have to tint them 🙌And not just trim them, but create a different shape😛I like straight eyebrows😉 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I dye my eyebrows with a pencil Bobbi Brown color Mahogany 🔥 ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ First, we tint everything with foundation 👌 Yes, yes, and eyebrows too. Then we draw a pencil along the bottom edge, then along the top, and then paint over the middle, while leaving the base of the eyebrow near the third eye slightly painted over ☝️ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Did you like the post? Have you saved it to your bookmarks? Do you dye your eyebrows? Have you tried doing this with a child?)) ❤️

After yesterday’s stories about water retention in the body, I received a huge number of questions 👌 So today in stories I showed you my favorite water-removing refreshing drink 👍 Prepare at home for 5 seconds 😉 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ In general, excess water can be easily removed with the help of certain products and the body is good to dry out 💪 These products can be used during pregnancy by those who suffer from excessive swelling 🙌 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Save the post so as not to lose 👌 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Top 5 products for removing excess water: ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ✅Coffee! Suitable for those who love it and who have low blood pressure 👌 Latte is my daily diuretic 🙌 ✅ Cucumber! Lots of cucumbers! 🥒 Eat as much as you want! Removes water perfectly 👍 ✅Ginger! Don't overdo it, but add it to drinks and dishes, just what you need 👍 ✅Lemon! The same thing, we add it to drinks and dishes, combining business with pleasure👌 ✅ Cranberry juice! Brew and drink for your health, just don’t go too far from the toilet)) Cool diuretic drug)👍 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Did you like the post? Have you saved it?) Write your options for water removal products👍What do you like best from this list?😉

Congratulations to all those who live here and everyone who loves our country as much as I love it, Happy Russia Day! 😃❤️ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ In honor of this holiday, I decided to give 2000 💰 to the most liked comment about our wonderful country! Write why you love Russia, and tomorrow I will send a gift on the card to the original lucky winner!❤️❤️❤️ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Happy holiday, country!❤️😃

Who wants the same colorful and interesting bath toys as Mira's? ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Just follow 3 conditions: ✅Subscribe to @veseloe_kupanie ✅Like this post ✅Write why you should get a set of mini-mats👌Or any other good comment)❤🙌 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ We always swim only with @veseloe_kupanie mini-mats! Mira takes such pleasure in tearing them off the bathtub and gluing them back, don’t feed them bread))😅 And I’m glad that she does this, because I understand that in this case fine motor skills work well, which develops the brain👌 I also teach her new words and from time to time I repeat the names of the animals that she picks up☝We develop always and everywhere))👌 or try to win for example! 😃 You will run to the bathroom like a child, because bathing will be a pleasure!😀👍 . The results of the competition this Friday evening in the stories of @veseloe_kupanie 👍

Anastasia Lisova: childhood, youth, education

Anastasia Lisova was born on June 15, 1990 in Cheboksary, Russia. Many sources indicate the city of Moscow as Anastasia’s birthplace, but Nastya herself often spoke about the fact that it is actually Cheboksary during broadcasts on Pereskop.

It is not known exactly how Nastya’s childhood was, since she never talked about it in any of her interviews.

Anastasia graduated from school and entered the Chuvash State Pedagogical University named after I. Ya. Yakovlev at the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​(profile - translator in the field of professional communication). This is exactly how Olga Buzova subsequently presented her (as a translator),

Anastasia Lisova: participation in the Dom-2 project

As the object of passion, Nastya chose Evgeny Rudnev, who at that time was in a relationship with Liber Kpadonu.

Before Lisova’s eyes in the clearing, the question of Rudnev’s possible infidelities on his wife outside the gates of “House-2” was raised over and over again. After confirming this information and filing an application for divorce, Nastya’s ward went to great lengths, trying to build a new love in front of his ex-wife, first with Kamila Korobeynikova, and then with Kristina Deryabina. Lisova decided to take revenge on the womanizer at any cost.

In 2 days, the new participant managed to bewitch Evgeniy, making him believe that she was interested in him. When the presenters decided to send the newly formed couple to the Seychelles, the girl at the execution place publicly declared that in reality she never liked Rudnev.

Before flying to Love Island, the young lady had sex with Sergei Katasonov. Nastya and Seryozha understood that they would not be able to have a strong relationship in the future, so they did not attach any significance to the night they spent together.

Upon arrival in the Seychelles, the girl showed sympathy for Nikita Kuznetsov. The beauty was not embarrassed by the fact that at the time of her arrival on the island, the charismatic man was already in a relationship with Alexandra Artemova. True, at that moment his missus flew to Moscow for a session. This circumstance played into Lisova’s hands. At a party, a guy hungry for sex, under the influence of alcoholic beverages, slept with Nastya.

The very next day, a video of their lovemaking spread all over the Internet. The video was leaked online by Yegor Khalyavin, with whom Lisova also dated for a short time. Later, Nastya and Nikita declared themselves a couple, and Sasha was left in splendid isolation. The relationship between Kuznetsov and Lisova was built solely on “chemistry”. While Anastasia was talking about the future, Kuznetsov openly stated that he did not need such a girl for his future life.

Frequent quarrels escalated into fights, during which Nikita dragged his beloved by the hair across the island and threw her into the pool. As a result, the organizers of the show disqualified the man who could not control his emotions and sent him out of the gate. It is worth noting that during Lisova’s time on the project, she managed to fight not only with Nikita, but also with most of the inhabitants of the women’s bedroom (Alexandra Artemova, Ella Sukhanova, Kristina Deryabina).

Anastasia Lisova left the television project in November 2015. Then the girl’s departure was discussed for a couple of weeks both on the show and outside of it. The fact is that Lisova decided to leave the project because she allegedly found her love outside the perimeter. On the last day of her stay at the television set, the young lady even brought her chosen one to the clearing. Later it turned out that the young man was an actor whom Nastya hired in order to leave gracefully.

Anastasia Lisova: show "Let's get married"

In January 2016, Anastasia Lisova took part in the show on Channel One “Let's Get Married”, trying to conquer men with a dress with a huge neckline. Nastya’s groom was 38-year-old Matthias, a marketer in the field of branded jewelry and a farmer, who hoped that the bride would go abroad with him.

Together with Nastya Lisova, her friend, also a former participant in “House 2” Joseph Mungolle, came to the program, whom the host Larisa Guzeeva liked, but Larisa could not share Nastya’s life position

Anastasia Lisova: operations, rhinoplasty

Anastasia Lisova did not at all hide the fact that in September 2016 she went under the surgeon’s knife.

The girl shared photos after the operation and talked about how the recovery after rhinoplasty went.

“Day 1: I feel, in principle, not bad, the only thing is that I just can’t recover from anesthesia. But this happens differently for everyone. Now I have been given a prescription for what I need to buy and I will follow all the doctor’s advice. They inserted tampons and I can’t breathe through my nose. Surprisingly, I don’t have any pain at all. Tomorrow I have my first consultation after the operation and I hope that everything will be fine. As a rule, all the sores on me heal quickly, so the swelling should go away. straightaway".

“Day 2: The swelling is slowly going down and the bruises are becoming smaller. I still speak through my nose. Today I went to see a surgeon for a dressing change, where they pulled out tampons. This is the worst thing that could happen. It seemed as if attached intestines were being pulled out of my nose. Thank God that all this passed in literally three seconds for each nostril, because the sensations were very unpleasant. I started rinsing my nose with a special solution and, little by little, I began to feel the taste of food. I felt good, nothing hurt, despite the fact that it was in my nose. Everything was broken for me."

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