How to make soap at home. Favorite handmade soap recipes

On this? Wise people say this: “Find something you love and you will never have to work!” This is partly true, because you can earn good money from a hobby and at the same time live for your own pleasure. Unusual recipes for homemade soap originate from the distant past, when our ancestors used exclusively natural products.

In the modern world of household chemicals, such a product is extremely in demand, because homemade soap is not only beautiful and fragrant, but also more useful than chemically produced soap.

Regular store-bought soap often dries the skin excessively and kills beneficial microflora on it. Therefore, natural cosmetics, shampoos and soaps are now at the peak of popularity.

How to make soap at home: standard set

Every novice craftsman should take care of a standard set that is required for making homemade soap. This includes:

  • molds for creating works of various subjects– New Year’s, spring, women’s or children’s;
  • soap base– it can be purchased in special professional or hardware stores;
  • Ingredients– essential oils, fragrances, dyes, various additives for soap (oatmeal, rose leaves, herbs, coffee).

The cost of these ingredients varies from 500 to 2000 rubles for a certain volume. The fact is that some of the oils are quite rare and expensive. Most often, soap is made using orange, almond, grape, lavender and rose oils, which are considered expensive. However, it is worth noting that several different products can be created from such a set.

Advice: You should choose a good store or supplier to purchase soap ingredients to eliminate the chance of purchasing a low-quality product. Some soap makers advise buying molds on the Internet, actively using them - the goods there are much cheaper than in city stores.

Basic homemade soap recipe for beginners

Before making soap at home, the master selects a basic recipe, which, if necessary, supplements at his discretion.

Advice: if you are not ready to spend money on documents, registering your business, premises and salaries for employees, then you should not advertise your activities and engage in soap making only from the point of view of a hobby.

Setting product prices

Agree that working for pennies is uninteresting, unprofitable and blasphemous towards yourself. But very often there are those who sell cheaper almost the same thing that you offer. But very often, an unrealistically low price means that the product is an order of magnitude worse than a more expensive but high-quality soap. Think: save on materials and sell low-quality goods, or raise prices somewhat and offer customers a better product.

Having figured out how to make soap at home and started making it yourself, it’s worth thinking about selling it. As a rule, a standard handmade product costs 150-200 rubles. You can buy colored polyethylene bags or beautiful boxes for soap. Setting prices and being competitive is an important part of any business.

Product shelf life: the main problem

A “side effect” of using natural materials is a short shelf life of the finished product. Remember, maybe you have a piece of soap lying around at home since Soviet times that is more than thirty years old. This trick will not work with homemade soap - it deteriorates after 6-8 months, it all depends on the quality of the ingredients. However, some works stand on the shelf as decoration for many years and do not lose their appearance or quality.

Important! The fewer natural ingredients in homemade soap, the longer it will last!

Therefore, it makes sense to make the bulk of products only to order.


Homemade soap making is quite common and it will not be easy for creative individuals to fight with pragmatic entrepreneurs, but there will still be a return on the work. After all, everyone needs good soap and the more attractive and natural it is, the better it will sell. But to learn how to create a truly high-quality product, you will need a lot of diligence, patience and a desire to work for people, and not just for your own wallet. Video on how to make soap at home:

Handmade soap. Recipes

In this article we will tell you in detail about how to make natural handmade soap at home and if you already have minimal experience in making soap with your own hands, published by us recipes will help you make unique gifts of different shapes and interesting colors.
You can make many interesting things with your own hands, including soap. Do you think this is too complicated a procedure? This opinion is wrong. Creating a product will not require much knowledge or financial expenditure from you. All you need is desire, imagination and some essential substances: oils, soap base, coloring materials and fragrances added as desired. Molds and spatulas will come in handy. You can buy all this in specialized stores, and the process of making handmade soap will be simple and exciting, and your household will be happy to participate in it.

Homemade soap It is better to store it in a closed jar, otherwise moisture evaporation cannot be avoided, which has a bad effect on its quality. DIY soap making recipes They are quite simple, but we advise beginner soap makers to start making the simplest soap using the basic ingredients and one or two flavorings.

If the soap contains a lot of water, it will change shape significantly during drying, so you need to carefully monitor the amount of moisture you add. Water also slows down t the process of soap hardening. To guess what volume is needed in your case, add it little by little to the boiling mixture until you see the consistency of rich sour cream. A drop of honey or a cube of sugar will help the mixture melt.

For the soap melting process In addition to a water bath, you can use a microwave, choose a power of 500W. Attention: the mixture may boil. In order to make unusual, original handmade soap at home in an interesting shape, we have found and published for you the best recipes for making soap at home.

Molds for making soap handmade, you can choose a variety of containers, glasses and cups left over from cosmetic sets; it’s good to use children’s molds for playing in the sandbox. Hold the container with a piece of soap under a hot water tap, or place it in the freezer for 7-10 minutes. Then the soap is easily removed.

Dry the cooked products for three days, turning it over from time to time. Storing soap in cling film will prevent the product from drying out and cracking.

To make multi-layer soap, you need to be patient. Once one layer has dried, feel free to pour the next one into the mold.

After the soap is prepared according to the chosen recipe, leave it for a while: the ripening process begins. Products of different compositions should rest for 3 weeks to two months. If you made soap with olive oil, it will mature for up to six months. The longer it lies, the higher its quality.

After soap pulled out of the mold, you will be holding a greasy soft product in your hands. It is cut into pieces of the required size and dried, placing it in a ventilated place. Excess moisture will evaporate, making the soap hard and pleasant to the touch.

Beautiful handmade loofah soap. Recipe with photo instructions.

How to make interesting soap with water soluble paper. Recipe with photo instructions.

Handmade honey and chocolate soap for beginners. Recipe and photo master class.

Original handmade soap with a rose. Recipe with photo lesson.

Multi-colored handmade soap for the beginning soap maker. Recipe and ingredients for cooking.

Handmade soap in gift packaging. Recipe and photo instructions.

Recently, soap making at home has overwhelmed those who like to do something with their own hands. This fascinating process quickly becomes a hobby. And there are much more benefits in natural soap than in store-bought soap, which is full of chemical ingredients. Therefore, our magazine suggests learning how to make soap yourself. Step-by-step instructions and an accessible explanation, which you will find below, will certainly help in this exciting matter.

The main thing in the article

Making soap at home: what do you need?

Soap making is one of the modern trends that involves making useful things yourself. What should you stock up on before you start making soap?

1. Basic foundation. There are three basic options.

  • Baby soap, which is grated and is the base for all other ingredients. This option is perfect for those who are starting to try themselves in this business. Having filled your hand, you can move on to other materials.
  • Special soap base. It is available for sale in handicraft stores and is a ready-made base for work.
  • Soap making professionals use oil and lye preparing soap. The consistency of the future soap will depend on the amount of alkali added.

2. Oil included in the base. You can take any mineral or vegetable. The main task of this component is to nourish and moisturize the epidermis. Alternatively, the following oils are suitable:

  • almond;
  • castor;
  • olive;
  • cocoa butter, etc.

3. Flavors. Their role is played by essential oils from fruits and herbs.

When choosing such a flavoring, you should pay attention to the needs of the skin, since, for example: orange oil helps to saturate with vitamins and get rid of cellulite, but tea tree copes well with excess oily skin.

4. Pigment (dye). There are two options for coloring soap:

  • food coloring or a special dye for coloring soap, sold in the same craft store;
  • natural, herbal decoctions, vegetable and fruit juices come to the rescue here.

5. Auxiliary elements. These include:

  • liquids for diluting soap base (milk, water, herbal infusions);
  • decorative elements (poppy, flowers);
  • scrubbing particles (coffee particles, oatmeal);
  • vitamin supplements;
  • glycerol.

6. Equipment for work. These are the dishes in which the soap mass will be boiled and the molds where it will harden.

Fragrance and color additives for homemade soap

As we have already found out, essential oils are used as flavoring agents. The effect of the main oils on the body is given in the table below.

As for natural dyes, the following products can be used for coloring:

  • turmeric and mustard powder will add yellow tint ;
  • calendula, carrot juice, sea buckthorn oil will do color orange;
  • beet or cherry juice will help get color from soft pink to burgundy ;
  • paprika and ground red pepper will add to the soap bright red color ;
  • nettle decoction, crushed herbs will contribute to the appearance green tone;
  • coffee, cocoa, chocolate, make soap brown;
  • added poppy seeds or activated carbon will give grey colour.

Methods for making soap at home

There are three ways to make soap:

  1. Melting the base with the addition of various ingredients.
  2. Hot method. The whole process takes place on the stove after the reaction of the alkali with water.
  3. Cold way. It is characterized by mixing ingredients, in which heating occurs due to chemical reactions.

Cold process soap making can create patterns and fuzzy swirls.

Making soap at home: step-by-step instructions with photos

We offer a detailed master class on how to make peeling soap in two colors, which even a novice soap maker can handle.

To begin the soap making process, you need to prepare the ingredients:

  • transparent soap base – 0.5 kg;
  • chamomile oil – 5 tsp, it is suitable for sensitive skin (you can take another if desired);
  • food coloring, ours is blue;
  • black or yellow French clay – 1-2 tsp;
  • fragrance: choose any essential oil that you like, but since the soap will have a marine theme, it is better to give preference to fresh ocean scents;
  • alcohol, needed to get rid of bubbles;
  • pebbles to create decor;
  • Soap mold, we have a square silicone one.

Soap is made according to the instructions below:

Homemade clear soap recipe

To make transparent soap from scratch, we prepare:

  • Castor oil – 120 g;
  • Coconut oil – 150 g;
  • Pork fat – 30 g;
  • Glycerin – 210 g;
  • Alkali – 45.7 g;
  • Water – 90 g.

It is prepared like this:

  1. Add lye to very cold water.
  2. Melt coconut oil and fat, add castor oil.
  3. When the oils have cooled well, introduce an alkaline solution into them through a sieve.
  4. Using a mixer, beat all ingredients until smooth.
  5. Place the mixture in a water bath. Cover with a lid and, stirring occasionally, simmer for 2 hours.
  6. After this time, use an indicator strip to measure the pH. It should turn light green.
  7. Now pour in glycerin. Continue simmering until the soap becomes homogeneous. This will happen in approximately 40 minutes.
  8. Pour the mixture into the mold and leave to harden.

It is not recommended to place clear soap in the refrigerator to harden, as the cold temperature will cause the base to become cloudy.

How to make baby soap at home?

Every mother takes care of her child, trying to give him the best. Therefore, we suggest preparing environmentally friendly soap for your children. You will need the following components:

  • Organic soap base – 250 g.
  • Almond oil – 6–8 drops.
  • Carrot or beet juice for coloring – 10 drops.
  • Strong chamomile decoction – 1 tsp. You can take any decoction, but for children, chamomile, string, and sage are best.

Baby soap is made like this:

  1. Grind the organic base and melt it in a water bath.
  2. Add chamomile decoction, almond oil, coloring juice. Mix everything well.
  3. Pour into molds and let harden. Choose fun molds to make it interesting for kids to use this soap.

To ensure that the surface of the finished soap is smooth, without accumulation of bubbles, the mold and visible parts are sprayed with alcohol, which is first placed in a spray bottle.

Scrub soap: how to make it at home?

Scrub soap easily removes stubborn dirt and also helps remove the upper dead layer of the epidermis. Prepare the ingredients:

  • Soap base – 200 g.
  • Water – 4 tbsp.
  • Almond oil – 60 ml.
  • Honey – 60 g.
  • Finely ground coffee – 2 tbsp.
  • You can also use a dye of the desired shade.

The scrub soap is quite easy to prepare:

  1. Grind the base.
  2. Boil two glasses of water and pour boiling water over the base.
  3. Beat the mixture with a blender.
  4. Add honey, almond oil, finely ground coffee. If you want to add dye, then add that too. Stir, leave for 20 minutes.
  5. Add the remaining water and beat with a blender until smooth.
  6. The scrub soap has a creamy consistency, so it is best stored in a bottle with a dispenser.

Cosmetic soap as a gift: how to make it at home?

The following recipe is suitable for a gift. You need to prepare:

  • Soap base – 80 g.
  • Grapeseed oil – 30 g.
  • Cinnamon oil – 3 drops.
  • Cinnamon powder – 10 g.


  1. Melt the soap base under temperature (microwave, water bath).
  2. Pour oil into it and stir.
  3. Add cinnamon powder and stir.
  4. Pour into molds. After 8-10 minutes, stir the mixture so that the cinnamon powder does not settle.

DIY cold process soap

Characteristic for soap making cold method is the lack of heating of ingredients. The reagents are water and alkali.

  • The water should be icy, but ice may be present.
  • The ingredients must be measured strictly according to the recipe, otherwise you can harm the skin when washing with such soap.
  • After the reaction takes place, you can add other components (oils, pigments, flavors).
  • The temperature of the oils and base should not differ by more than 10°C. Everything should be thoroughly whipped with a blender and poured into the mold.

Hot method of making soap

At hot method After mixing the alkaline solution with a base of oils, the resulting mass is sent to simmer under the influence of temperature and only after that pigment substances and flavors are added. Hot process soap lathers better and can be used immediately after hardening.

Photo ideas for making soap at home

The best homemade soap recipes

We’ve sorted out how to make soap using different methods, now we’ll give recipes for the best homemade soap options according to our magazine.






How to make soap at home from soap remnants?

From pieces of old soap that constantly remain in the soap dish and are eventually thrown away, you can make good soap for washing your face. To work you need to have:

  • Remnants – 5 pcs. Instead, you can take 1-2 pieces of soap.
  • Lanolin – 2 tbsp.
  • Almond oil – 1 tsp.
  • Avocado oil – 0.5 tsp.
  • Oatmeal – 1 tbsp.
  • Almonds (powder) – 1 tbsp.
  • Tea rose petals (dry) – 1 tsp.

Do the following:

  1. Grind the soap, this can be done using a grater. Melt them in a water bath, add lanolin.
  2. When everything has melted, remove from heat, add butter, oatmeal, almonds, rose petals.
  3. Stir until a homogeneous mass emerges.
  4. Pour the soap into a mold, preferably a silicone one. Cover with cling film and forget for three days.
  5. After three days, take it out and cut it into bars.

How to make liquid soap at home?

We invite you to try a lazy recipe for making liquid soap. Preparing the components:

  • A piece of baby soap – 50 g.
  • Herbal decoction – 800–1000 ml. Celandine, chamomile, and calendula are perfect.
  • Glycerin – 1 tbsp.
  • Oil – 1 tbsp. You can take any.
  • If desired, pigment and flavoring.

Do the following:

  1. Rub soap.
  2. Brew the grass. Strain the broth.
  3. Combine the broth and soap. Hide for a day.
  4. Add glycerin, oil and other ingredients to the resulting mass, mix until smooth.
  5. Pour into a bottle with a dispenser and you can wash.

Laundry soap at home: a simple recipe

Common mistakes made by soap makers: what not to do?

  1. You should not melt the base over an open fire; this is done using a steam bath.
  2. There is no need to add a lot of oil to the base, as oil droplets will protrude on the surface of the mixture.
  3. You cannot replace alcohol, which removes bubbles in soap, with vodka, as it will not have the desired effect.
  4. Do not use fresh flowers; preference should be given to dry ones.
  5. When applying layer upon layer, you need to lightly scratch the bottom one with a toothpick and treat it with alcohol, then the finished soap will not separate.
  6. You should not add more than 10 drops of essential oils.
  7. When making clear soap, minimize the addition of carrier oil, which can make the end result cloudy.
  8. Add menthol diluted in alcohol, since the menthol itself in the soap base can form crystals.
  9. Be careful when mixing scents, as the result may not be entirely pleasant.

Home soap making video

Are you looking for an interesting and useful hobby? Try making soap with your own hands at home: recipes for beginners, informative video instructions, and detailed description of the process you will find on our website. Read, cook and enjoy the results.

Just a decade ago, making soap with your own hands was almost impossible. There were not enough components, materials for work and basic practical knowledge. Today, soap making at home has become a pleasant hobby that allows create natural and affordable cosmetics at home, as well as the opportunity to show your creative ingenuity.

For many, the process of making soap has become a source of additional income, because organic cosmetics are extremely popular today. But before you move on to mass production of homemade soap, study the main points of making natural cosmetics, familiarize yourself with the components, and consider the technology in detail.

Homemade soap can be made in many ways:

  • from soap base;
  • from ready-made baby soap;
  • from remnants;
  • You can prepare the base yourself.

Soap can also have different consistencies and shapes:

  • solid soap, which should be given a round, oval or rectangular shape, or poured into a special shaped container;
  • liquid soap with various essential additives.

Homemade soap is also convenient because you can independently select the ingredients for it according to your skin type, add natural scrubs, fragrances and essential oils. In fact, it all depends on your imagination, capabilities and mood. Next, we suggest studying and repeating simple master class on making soap at home.

Soap making for beginners: homemade soap based on children's soap

In order to take your first steps in soap making, it is not necessary to buy special bases and expensive ingredients: you can make do with the means at hand: natural additives, herbal decoctions, essential oils, etc. The base will consist of baby soap, which can be purchased at any household store.

So, let's take a closer look at such a fascinating and useful process as soap making for beginners - recipes with photos will help you do everything yourself and without extra effort.

In addition to 100 grams of regular baby soap (without fragrances or additives), you will need:

  • 100 ml milk;
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil;
  • essential oil of your choice (just add a couple of drops of cinnamon or vanilla oil to get a rich aroma);
  • 1 tablespoon of honey or sugar.

When preparing, you should also tinker a little with the dishes:

  • prepare a steam bath;
  • choose a spoon or wooden stick for stirring the soap mass;
  • remove a metal grater from household use;
  • prepare containers for pouring soap: These can be silicone muffin molds (which you no longer use for food purposes), any plastic boxes, low glass jars from which you can easily get the finished product.

Let's move on to the process of making homemade soap

How to make natural soap with your own hands?

Soap making is a very creative process., allowing you to unleash your full potential and give pleasant moments spent doing your favorite activity. The approach to making homemade soap is completely varied. In addition to baby soap, as the main ingredient you can use a special soap base, diluted with milk, cream, herbal infusion and “seasoned” with base oil.

Also Soap base can be made from scratch using natural oils of coconut, castor, olive, cocoa, grape seed, as well as palm, mustard, and sunflower oil. Natural oil also contains alkali, water and superfat (SF). The secrets of homemade soap-making magic lie in correctly selected proportions and a harmonious combination of all ingredients. When making homemade soap, you can safely use any essential oils and flavors, add natural dyes and your imagination.

Fresh ideas for making homemade soap

Natural soap today is not just a hygiene product. This is a beautiful work of art, a fragrant adventure, a celebration of tenderness and harmony, as well as many pleasant emotions. You can add any ingredients to your cosmetic creation and create a unique bouquet of aroma and texture.

People knew about what soap was and how to make it 4,500 years ago. Cuneiform, Sumerian, and clay tablets were used to record this information. At that distant time, the Sumerians used soap for one purpose - they used it to clean sheep skins of lanolin - this was a preparatory stage before dyeing.

The Celts and ancient Romans needed soap to treat skin diseases. They used goat fat and ash as ingredients.

Nowadays, many people are interested in making soap at home, which is not at all surprising, because this hobby is not only an interesting, but also a profitable process, and many videos and master classes have been filmed on how to make soap at home.

Sequence of work

Making beautiful scented soap seems like a rather complicated process, but it's actually simple! The next master class will introduce you to the sequence of making real homemade soap.

First you need to provide yourself with the following ingredients:

  1. Soap base. It can be transparent or white and is sold in specialized stores. A similar component is ordinary baby soap, although it is desirable that it does not have any aroma. To make some especially beautiful and original soap, it is better to use a transparent base, but for starters, a simple soap will be enough.
  2. Base oil – almond, olive, peach, apricot, orange, etc.
  3. Essential oil. The choice of this ingredient should be based solely on the needs of your skin: tea tree oil requires oily and problematic skin, orange oil perfectly saturates the skin with vitamins; and with the help of ylang-ylang oil you can have a rejuvenating effect on sensitive skin.
  4. Dyes. It is permissible to use both special dyes and food dyes. If you want to add some color to your soap, some natural ingredients, such as chocolate or fruit juice, can help.
  5. Additives with the help of which soap acquires a number of additional properties. For example, a scrub effect can be achieved using ground coffee, oatmeal or ground nut shells.

Also, you need to stock up on the utensils necessary for a water bath, various kinds of molds (confectionery, children's, etc.), alcohol, warm milk, broth or water.

Now you can start making soap.

  1. The base or baby soap should be thoroughly crushed, which will allow it to be quickly melted using a water bath.
  2. At the same time, it is recommended to add base oil - 1-1.5 large spoons per 100 grams of base.
  3. Now add milk or cream. There are several secrets that will be especially relevant for beginners: milk can be replaced with water or broth, but as a result of these actions, the soap may separate. And to make the base melt better, you can use sugar instead of water and milk.
  4. The completely melted soap base must be removed from the heat and mixed with the following ingredients: essential oil (5 drops), glycerin (teaspoon), dye, flavor, coffee or any other ingredient required by the recipe.
  5. Pour the resulting mass into a mold and spray the surface with alcohol - this avoids the appearance of bubbles.
  6. To be completely sure that the soap has hardened, it must be left alone for 2-3 days in the refrigerator or any other cool place.
  7. That's it, you can remove the soap from the mold and admire the resulting work of art!

You can even make your own “orange” soap:

Why do you need to make your own soap?

Every person has the opportunity to learn how to make from scratch a wide variety of soap options: different shapes, shades and composition. Soap can be made in the shape of animals, cakes, hearts, etc.

It would take a long time to list all the reasons for making your own soap. Here are some of them:

  1. The result is an environmentally friendly and natural product that has a unique shape and composition.
  2. Homemade soap has an exceptionally caring effect on the skin.
  3. You can add exactly those components that your skin type requires. For example, soap often contains a variety of oils, honey, herbal infusion, citrus zest, coffee beans, oatmeal, flowers, chocolate, etc.
  4. The effectiveness and naturalness of the soap will not raise any doubts among you and your loved ones, because only high-quality products were used for production.
  5. Soap making can safely be called a truly creative process. The form and content are influenced only by your imagination. The result can look like a few cute colorful pieces that have an amazing aroma or like an entire work of art.

Making idea: homemade loofah soap

The basis for such production can be used:

  • regular baby soap, in which the content of all kinds of chemical additives is kept to a minimum;
  • industrial soap base in transparent or matte color. It is sold in specialized stores, as well as online stores.

Before proceeding directly to the manufacturing process, you need to become familiar with the concept of aggressive alkali and learn about the basics of the chemical process of saponification of fats.

So, let's start making loofah soap.

Before starting work, the following components must be placed at the workplace:

  • loofah (a sponge similar in appearance to a washcloth);
  • clear soap base (to fill the loofah);
  • titanium dioxide (if the base is white, it will not be needed);
  • essential oils or fragrances;
  • dyes;
  • aluminum can;
  • cardboard juice box.

The aluminum can will serve as a mold, so you need to cut off the top of it and fold the uneven edges outward so that they do not damage the soap when removed.

We place the loofah inside the cylinder jar and begin to fill it with various “fillings”:

  1. A transparent layer with the addition of tar.
  2. Transparent layer with blue dye and fir oil.
  3. Transparent layer with green dye and sea buckthorn oil.

Note! Before pouring the next layer, it is necessary to wait at least 5-10 minutes, since an aluminum can (as it turned out) has a negative effect on the hardening process, therefore, the layers can mix with each other, which as a result will not look very presentable.

We take out the resulting candle and place it in a cardboard box. We proceed to melting the white base or adding titanium dioxide to the transparent one. We alternate layers of a wide variety of colors and aromas: red with sea buckthorn, green with mint, yellow with grapefruit, etc.

Now let's move on to the fun part: remove the box and cut the soap into the necessary pieces. Don’t be upset if the layers overlap each other a little (they didn’t have time to dry completely) - this gives the soap a vintage effect and an original appearance.


Below are some interesting and simple recipes for making homemade soap:

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