Last pension increase of the year. Latest pension indexation news

Already from January 1, there will be an increase in labor pensions for non-working pensioners (old age, disability and loss of a breadwinner) by 3.7 percent. This indexation will be carried out one month earlier than usual, since the Government has decided to index these types of pension payments above the inflation rate, which in 2017 was at a record low level (less than 3%).


The moratorium on indexation of pensions in 2018 will be maintained - that is, employed citizens who are already retired will be able to count only for recalculation from August 1 based on accrued pension points for the previous year. They will be able to receive all the indexation missed during the moratorium.


In addition to the indexation of pension payments, in 2018 there will also be changes in the basics of pension provision for Russian citizens, which will affect the conditions for retirement upon reaching retirement age and the formation of pension rights of working citizens. Another question that concerns pensioners in connection with the onset of the new year is whether there will be such a payment (alas, but no - this time there will be no such payment).

Indexation of pensions in 2018

According to the provisions of Law No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013, insurance (labor) pensions of citizens must be indexed annually from February 1 to the inflation level of the previous year, and if the Pension Fund has additional financial resources, indexation is carried out again on April 1. But the new year is traditional The procedure for indexing labor pensions will change: their increase will occur 1 month earlier - already.

Social pensions and other social payments made by the Pension Fund, will be promoted as usual to the actual level of price growth for 2017:

At the same time, an increase in insurance pensions. Let us recall that the indexation of pensions for working citizens was suspended in 2016 due to the difficult economic situation in the country. This freeze helped save the state 12 billion rubles. However, all missed indexations must be compensated to the citizen already.

Pension increase from January 1, 2018 (latest news)

In accordance with the law adopted by the State Duma on December 15, 2017 (introduced by the Government as bill No. 274624-7) on changing the procedure for indexing insurance pensions in 2018 all types of pensions (old age, disability, survivors) should increase from January 1, 2018 by 3.7%. The previous procedure for increasing labor pensions is suspended until the beginning of 2019, and this increase does not apply to working pensioners (see the text of the law below).

It should be borne in mind that any insurance pension consists of two parts:

  • fixed payment(or FV) is a constant value guaranteed by the state (for all categories of recipients it is set in a fixed amount);
  • directly insurance part- this is an individual calculated value, which depends on the number of pension points earned during work.

January indexation will affect both parts of the pension as follows:

  1. The fixed payment will be increased by 3.7% and will remain unchanged 4982 rubles 90 kopecks, its increase or decrease is legally established for certain categories of citizens by Law No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013;
  2. The insurance part of the pension directly depends on the points earned by the pensioner, the cost of which will increase from January 1 by 3.7% and amount to 81 ruble 49 kopecks.


In 2017, actual inflation in the country was recorded at no more than 3%. Consequently, the increase in pensions proposed by the Government by 1.037 times in 2018 formally covers the increase in consumer prices (although, of course, in its absolute value this increase will be very small - the increase will be even less than in previous years).

Increase in social payments to pensioners in 2018 from February 1

From February 1, 2018, there will also be an increase (indexation) of all social payments of the Pension Fund provided for various categories of citizens (disabled people, veterans, heroes of Russia, etc.). They are provided in the form of monthly cash payments (MCB), an integral part of which is also a set of social services (NSS).

In general, NSU consists of three parts (medicines, travel and sanatorium treatment) and is provided at the choice of the pensioner in one of two ways:

  • in kind (that is, directly by social services);
  • in monetary terms when refusing natural food.

The cost of a set of such services (each part separately) is determined by law and increases in direct proportion to the growth of the monthly payment (EDV) - i.e. by the same percentage. In 2018, this increase is planned at a level of less than 3%, so beneficiaries will hardly feel such an increase. The preliminary values ​​of EDV and NSU in 2018 can be found in the table.


Thus, from February 1, 2018, it is planned to index social payments (including a set of social services) to the actual inflation level of last year. In the draft Government resolution, this value was fixed at 3.2%, but actual inflation will be less than 3%, so the increase will be even smaller (the same applies to child benefits in 2018).

Indexation of social pension in 2018 from April 1 by 4.1%

A social pension is a special type of pension, which is characterized by the pensioner’s lack of work experience for some reason. Such a pension is assigned in a fixed amount approved by law. And, as a rule, the size of social pensions is significantly lower than the calculated labor (insurance) pensions.

It should be noted that in the last two years there has been a decrease in the established growth rates of social pensions. So in April 2017, this type of pension was indexed by only 1.5%. In 2018, it is planned to reach the usual (pre-crisis) increase in the level of this type of pension provision - the projected growth of social pensions in April 2018 will be approximately 4.1%.

Unlike labor pensions, indexation of social pensions is tied to change in the cost of living of a pensioner for the previous year. Therefore, the amount of indexation of insurance and social pensions for the same year may differ (although in both cases it is associated with actual increase in consumer prices).

Thus, one of the positive changes in 2018 is a more noticeable increase in the cost of living (LS) in the country, including separately by region. At the same time, the established PM allows all non-working pensioners to receive additional payments (the so-called social supplements up to the subsistence level- federal and regional), if the size of their pensions is lower than the approved values.


According to the law, the level of a citizen’s pension should always be not lower than the subsistence level in the region, in which he lives (hence the seemingly strange statements of the Government that “There are no low-income pensioners in Russia”— they all receive pensions in combination with other social benefits in an amount not less than the monthly minimum wage.

Since 2010, pension applications have already included a section on receiving social benefits. If your pension was assigned before 2010, and you did not submit a separate application for an additional payment, and the pension amount is below the established subsistence level in the region, then you must independently contact the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund.

Pension increase in 2018 in Russia for working pensioners

The laws adopted in the State Duma do not provide for any changes for the working population receiving pensions for 2018. This means that working pensioners will continue to receive pension amounts without annual indexation.

Let us recall that the indexation of pensions was stopped in February 2016 for those citizens who continue to work, having exercised their right to pension provision. The Government’s plans included not indexing pensions for working Russians up to 2019.

This moratorium on pension indexation operates as follows:

  • Those citizens who retired before February 1, 2016 and retained their jobs will remain without an increase in their pensions from February 2016.
  • For citizens who became pensioners after February 1, 2016, when calculating the individual pension coefficient (IPC), all increases that took place on the date the right to a pension became available are taken into account.
  • If you continue to work and simultaneously receive a pension, all subsequent indexations from the date of employment will again not be applied.


Working pensioners have the right to increase their pension only through annual recalculation according to the employer. From August 1 of each year, the pensions of such citizens increase by the number of points taken into account in the previous year for the period of labor activity and payment of insurance contributions during this period. But no more than 3 points per year!

An example of how working pensioners will recalculate pension indexation in the Pension Fund

A woman born on May 1, 1962, retired in 2017 within the period established by law and continues to work. What indexations will be taken into account when determining the size of the pension? And from what time will the pension stop being indexed?

The calculation of the pension for this woman will be made on the date May 1, 2017. When calculating the IPC, all approved pension growth indices will be taken into account, starting from 2015 to 05/01/2017.

  • The cost of one pension coefficient will be taken as of 05/01/2017 - this is 78.58 rubles.
  • The fixed payment included in the insurance pension will be taken into account taking into account indexation as of May 1, 2017 and is equal to 4805.11 rubles.

Further, subject to continued performance of paid work, all subsequent indexations of singing after appointment will be suspended. Those. the indexation carried out will no longer be applied to this woman’s pension. And this will continue until she quits her job or is fired by her employer.

Indexation of pension after dismissal of a working pensioner in 2018

In 2017, a law was adopted according to which the period for recalculating pensions after dismissal was changed. In 2018, working pensioners will be able to receive a pension with all missing indexes from the next month after dismissal. At the same time, the pensioner himself will not need to additionally apply to the Pension Fund, since this recalculation is entirely based on the monthly reporting of employers!

Previously, after leaving work, the pensioner received a recalculation of the pension received, taking into account all indexations in three months:

  • the first month is the submission of reports to employers to the Pension Fund about citizens working in the organization;
  • the second month - data on the fact of work was loaded into a single software package operating nationwide;
  • the third is the adoption by the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation of a decision on recalculation.


For citizens who stopped working in 2018, the period for calculating pensions is reduced, taking into account indexations missed during work. This will be possible after entry into force from January 1, 2018 Federal Law No. 134-FZ of July 1, 2017.

However, the process of additional accrual of missed increases will be the same for technical reasons will also take several months. But after this, when paying an already recalculated pension after 3 months, an additional payment will be made for the entire period following dismissal.

This innovation applies only to those who have been laid off. after January 1, 2018. If a pensioner quit, for example, in December 2017, then the indexation of his pension will be carried out only from April 1, 2018 - without additional payment for the period from January to March (in other words, these months will be lost).


Latest news and latest changes in pensions

As has already become clear, the increase in pensions in the new year for most categories of pensioners (barely noticeable) or, as for the large category of working pensioners - . But in the new year demands will increase to already formed pension rights and the level of wages of Russian citizens for retirement:

No other significant changes are expected in the Russian pension system in 2018. In particular, the amount expected by many in the amount of 5,000 rubles will not be paid in 2018- this was a one-time, one-time additional payment that was due to all pensioners in January 2017 in return for the additional indexation required by law that was missed in 2016 (and there is simply no reason to pay it in 2018).


And one of the few truly good news for Russians is that no decision has yet been made on what is relevant for those who are still working or planning to retire (including men born in 1958 and women born in 1963).

Will there be a one-time payment of 5,000 rubles to pensioners in 2018?

At the beginning of 2017, recipients of all types of pensions, regardless of the fact of work, received an additional payment in the amount of 5,000 rubles. This measure was necessary in the current economically unstable situation.

Against the backdrop of a high level of inflation and the impossibility of carrying out additional indexation of pensions, in 2016 a decision was made to make a one-time payment to citizens’ pensions (Law No. 385-FZ of November 22, 2016). Thus, the pensions of Russians were “conditionally re-indexed”, many of whom perceived this simply as a New Year’s gift.

Currently, according to the Government, the economic situation in the country is normalizing. Over the past 12 months, the increase in consumer prices (inflation) does not exceed 3%, and pensions in 2017 rose in total according to two indexations by 5.78%.

The upcoming indexation of 3.7%, planned for January 2018, exceeds the inflation rate for 2017. Therefore, no additional one-time payments (5 thousand rubles or any other) will be made besides!

Will there be an increase in the retirement age in 2018 (latest news)

In the last few years, the most discussed and acute issue for Russians is question of increasing the retirement age. In many other countries, including post-Soviet ones, corresponding decisions have already been made and are being implemented.

  • For example, from January 2017 in Belarus the retirement age will be increased annually by six months until women reach 58 years and men 63 years. In Kazakhstan, the same values ​​apply - for women at 58 years old, for men at 63 years old.
  • In many developed countries, such as Germany, men become pensioners at 65 years old, and women at 60 years old.
  • In Ukraine, the Verkhovna Rada adopted a law on pension reform, which also included an increase in the current retirement age.


Now this issue has come to a head in Russia. According to the Government, it is primarily due to the fact that the working age in the country is increasing - i.e. About a third of Russians already stop working later than retirement.

However, due to the great unpopularity of this measure, the Russian Government has not yet made a final decision on extending the retirement age (although many consider this issue resolved and note that it will most likely begin to be implemented after the next presidential elections, which will be held in March 2018 — but for now these are just rumors).

How many points and work experience do you need to retire in 2018?

Since 2015, a point system for calculating labor (insurance) pensions for citizens has been in effect, in which insurance premiums paid to the Pension Fund by the employer for its employees are transferred from rubles to relative values ​​(points). The amount of contributions taken into account for the year is correlated with the maximum accountable amount of contributions approved by the Government, which corresponds to 10 pension points(this is the maximum that can be received in one year).

But in order to obtain the right to retire in old age within the generally established time limits, it is necessary to comply three mandatory conditions:

  • reaching the age established by law;
  • availability of insurance (work) experience;
  • the presence of an established value of the individual pension coefficient (IPC) or, in other words, the size of pension points.

It should be noted that this only applies to old age pensions! Other types of pensions for compulsory pension insurance (disability, survivors) are appointed independently on the length of work (insurance) experience and the number of points received.


Since 2018, a mandatory condition for granting a pension upon reaching retirement age (currently 55 years for women and 60 years for men) is the availability of 9 years of experience and 13.8 points individual pension coefficient (IPC).

An example of calculating pension points from 2015 to 2018

For a man born in 1965, he has an official salary before income tax (NDFL) of 30,000 rubles (accordingly, annual earnings are 360,000 rubles). Let’s assume that this citizen’s salary has never increased since 2015. At the same time, deductions are not made for him to the funded part of the pension, since he was born before 1967. Thus, the employer pays insurance premiums for this man to an individual personal account in the amount of 16% of earnings before personal income tax - that is, 16% × 360,000 = 57,600 rubles per year. Let's calculate how many points this man has earned since 2015, when the new pension formula came into effect.

Every year the Government approves for these purposes the so-called salary cap, the amount of mandatory contributions from which to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation to a citizen’s individual personal account is 16%. Thus, the maximum established salary in the country from 2015 to 2018 is the following values ​​(see table below).

In 2018, the insurance base for contributions to the Pension Fund will be 1,021,000 rubles according to Government Decree No. 1378 dated November 15, 2017. Then the maximum amount of insurance premiums taken into account for the year, accepted for 10 points, will be 163,360 rubles (an increase of almost 17% compared to 2017).


Therefore, every ruble earned in 2018 will “depreciate” when transferred to pension points relative to 2017 by immediately 1 - (1 / 1.17) = 15%, and relative to the level of 2015 - by more than 30! Therefore, it is not enough to have only a constant high salary to form decent pension rights. So that their volume does not decrease from year to year, according to the new pension formula salary must grow by at least 10% per year(see table above).

Let's return to our example. To convert monthly earnings of 30,000 rubles into points, you need to correlate the salary data (taking 16% of annual earnings, which in the example under consideration will be 57,600 rubles per year) to the established limit values ​​and multiply by 10:

  • 57600 / 113760 × 10 = 5.06 points earned by a citizen in 2015;
  • 57600 / 127360 × 10 = 4.52 points in 2016;
  • 57600 / 140160 × 10 = 4.11 points in 2017;
  • 57600 / 163360 × 10 = 3.53 points will be earned in 2018.
Thus, in just 4 years, while maintaining the same level of wages (in the example under consideration, this is 30 thousand rubles per month) the number of accrued pension points decreased by 30%(in this example - from 5.06 points in 2015 to 3.53 in 2018). Thus, in the modern pension system

A number of events and changes will occur in the Russian pension system in 2017 that will affect all participants in the compulsory pension insurance system: both current and future pensioners, as well as employers.

Increasing pensions and social benefits

In 2017, indexation of pensions will return to the previous order, when insurance pensions are increased by the level of actual inflation, and state pensions, including social ones, taking into account the growth index of the pensioner’s cost of living.

Therefore, from February 1, insurance pensions of non-working pensioners will increase by the inflation rate for 2016. State pensions, including social ones, will be increased from April 1 for both working and non-working pensioners, taking into account the growth index of the pensioner’s cost of living.

From February 1, the size of the monthly cash payment (MCV) received by federal beneficiaries will also be indexed.

Pensioners who worked in 2016 will have their insurance pensions increase in August 2017. The maximum increase is the monetary equivalent of three pension points.

One-time pension payment of 5,000 rubles

In addition to pensions and regular social payments, in January 2017, Russian pensioners will receive a one-time payment of 5,000 rubles. It will be received by everyone who permanently resides in the Russian Federation and receives a pension as of December 31, 2016.

Delivery of the lump sum payment will be carried out on the basis of documents from payment files, so there is no need to additionally contact the Pension Fund or submit an application.

If a pensioner receives two pensions (for example, a “military” pensioner), one of which is paid through the Pension Fund, a lump sum payment will be made by the Pension Fund.

Let us remind you once again about the delivery time for this payment: from January 13 to January 28, 2017. Postmen will deliver the payment along with the pension for January to recipients whose date of delivery of the pension to their home is from the 13th to the end of the payment period.

Pensioners who are scheduled to receive a pension from the 3rd to the 12th of the month will be paid from January 13 to January 28, 2017, also with home delivery. Such pensioners will be informed about the additional delivery date of the lump sum payment in January upon delivery of the pension for December 2016.

For pensioners who receive their pension not through Russian Post, but through credit or other delivery organizations, the same payment terms of 5,000 rubles apply - from January 13 to January 28.

All the necessary funds for a one-time payment - 221.7 billion rubles - are included in the Pension Fund budget for 2017.

Assignment of pensions and number of pensioners

According to the pension formula, which has been in force in Russia since 2015, to obtain the right to an insurance pension in 2017, you must have at least 8 years of experience and 11.4 pension points.

The maximum number of pension points that can be obtained in 2017 is 8.26.

The expected pension payment period when calculating the funded pension in 2017 is 240 months. This parameter is used only to determine the size of the funded pension; the pension itself is paid for life.

Every citizen can apply for any type of pension without leaving home - citizens can submit applications for a pension through the citizen’s Personal Account on the Pension Fund website, where they can also change the pension provider.

It is predicted that during 2017 the number of pensioners under the Pension Fund will increase from 43.3 million to 43.9 million people. The increase compared to 2016 is due to the natural increase in the number of pensioners in the country.

The main type of pension in Russia in 2017 will continue to be an insurance pension. The number of its recipients in 2017 was more than 40 million people. Almost 4 million more people are recipients of state pensions.

Formation of pension savings

The moratorium on the formation of pension savings has been legally extended into 2017. Let us remind you once again that this is not a “freezing of pensions” and certainly not a “withdrawal of pension savings”. The moratorium on the formation of pension savings means that those 6% of insurance contributions that could go to a funded pension are directed to the formation of an insurance pension. Thus, in any case, all insurance contributions paid by the employer for a citizen will participate in the formation of the pension in full.

The moratorium does not in any way affect the possibility of transferring pension savings to management companies or from one pension fund to another at the request of a citizen. But every citizen must remember that transferring pension savings from one insurer to another more than once every five years is unprofitable, since this step reduces the accumulated investment income.

The results of the transition campaign for 2016 for the transfer of pension savings will traditionally be summed up by the end of the first quarter of 2017. Therefore, it makes no sense to ask the PFR press service questions about the results of the transition campaign immediately after the January holidays.

Maternal capital

The amount of maternity capital in 2017 will not change and will amount to 453 thousand rubles.

To enter the maternity capital program, Russians have two more years - to obtain the right to maternity capital, it is necessary that the child who qualifies for the certificate be born or adopted before December 31, 2018. At the same time, as before, the receipt of the certificate and the disposal of its funds are not limited by time.

The areas for using maternity capital remain the same, there are four of them: improving housing conditions, paying for educational services for children, forming a mother’s future pension and paying for goods and services for social adaptation and integration of disabled children into society.

Pension Fund electronic services

The Pension Fund's client services are always ready to accept everyone, but the Pension Fund has made it so that today most of its services can be obtained via the Internet - without leaving home. The goal of the Pension Fund is to make sure that people do not have to come to client services at all to apply for the Pension Fund government service.

All services that the Pension Fund today provides electronically are combined into one portal on the Pension Fund website - To receive PFR services electronically, you need to be registered on the unified government services portal No additional registration on the Pension Fund website is required.

In 2017, the Pension Fund will continue to expand services in electronic form, so before going to the Pension Fund, go to the Fund’s website - with a high degree of probability you will be able to resolve your issue without leaving home.

If a citizen has not yet registered on the unified portal of government services, then the Pension Fund client service will also help him with registration. In almost all Pension Fund client offices you can confirm your account on the government services portal.

Insurance premiums and reporting

The insurance premium rate for compulsory pension insurance in 2017 remains at the level of 22%, while the function of administering insurance premiums has been transferred from the Pension Fund to the Federal Tax Service since 2017.

This does not mean that the Pension Fund ceases interaction with employers - a number of functions remain with the Pension Fund in terms of administration. The Fund retains everything related to the periods before 2017: acceptance and processing of payments, desk and field inspections, return of overpaid insurance premiums, write-off of arrears that are impossible to collect - all this remains with the Pension Fund for a three-year transition period.

Plus, the Pension Fund continues to administer voluntary contributions to insurance and funded pensions. Also, the Pension Fund retains all functions related to personalized accounting of citizens’ pension rights, including monthly reporting on working citizens.

Payment of increased pensions for January 2020 will be made from the end of December 2019. Those who receive payments through Sberbank and other banks will be able to start spending them already on the New Year holidays!

What should pensioners do if their pension dates fall on these days? First of all, don't worry! You will receive your due payments, taking into account the 2020 indexation, on time or even earlier.

The corresponding decision was made on December 20 at a meeting of the board of the Russian Pension Fund (PFR).

When will increased pensions for January 2020 be paid?

In particular, the following information is posted on the official website of the Pension Fund.

“At the end of December, the Pension Fund advances the payment of pensions, benefits and monthly cash payments for January 2020. Starting from December 25, PFR branches will begin transferring funds to Russian Post, and from December 27 – to credit organizations, including Sberbank.”

The PFRF message also states that “for some pensioners receiving payments through the bank, the crediting of funds for January 2020 will begin on December 30. For pensioners receiving payments through Russian Post, delivery will be organized according to the standard schedule starting January 3, 2020.”

What does it mean?

And the fact is that for pensioners who receive payments through banks, and in the first days of the month, the January pension will arrive on their cards no later than December 31, 2019. The rest are on schedule.

For pensioners who receive payments through Russian Post, January payments will begin on January 3, 2020.

When the pension for January 2020 will be delivered to you, you can find out at the local branch of the Pension Fund of Russia.

And some branches came to the rescue and already posted this information themselves.

Here, for example, is what the PFR Branch for Moscow and the Moscow Region reports on this matter.

Pension payment schedule for January 2020 in Moscow

The branch of the Pension Fund of Russia for Moscow and the Moscow region reports that in connection with the holidays in January 2020, the payment of pensions and other social benefits for January 2020 will be carried out according to the following schedule:

Department of the Federal Postal Service of Moscow - branch of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Post":

The remaining days are according to the established schedule;

Department of the Federal Postal Service of the Moscow Region - a branch of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Post" and alternative home delivery services for pensions:

LLC "Mercy":

Financial and credit institutions:

Pension payment schedule for January 2020 in St. Petersburg

In St. Petersburg there is a different January pension schedule.

The PFR branch for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region reports that in December 2019 there will be no early payment of the January pension. Payments of pensions, monthly payments and other social payments will be made according to the schedule in January 2020.

Payments at post offices in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region will begin on January 3. On this day, those who are scheduled for payments on the 3rd-4th will be able to receive pensions, on January 6th - those who are scheduled for the 5th-6th, etc. A pension not received according to the schedule can be received until January 22, 2020.

Sberbank will begin payments in the Leningrad region from January 17, in St. Petersburg - from January 20. Other credit institutions will begin payments on January 16.

You can find out when the January pension will be delivered to you at the local branch of the Russian Pension Fund or the bank through which you receive payments.

How much higher will the pension be for January 2020?


From January 1, 2020, maternity capital will also increase

If the owner of the certificate has not used the maternity capital in full, the balance of funds will also be indexed by 3%.

The areas for using maternity capital still remain the same: improving the family’s living conditions, educating and maintaining children in educational institutions, increasing the mother’s pension, purchasing goods and services for social adaptation and integration of disabled children into society, receiving a monthly payment.

Life has become a little easier for pensioners in Russia - their pensions have been raised. However, the increase was not much and not for everyone. What this is connected with, who will receive what increase, explains Federal News Agency.

What will be the increase in pension?

Who will receive this increase?

Officially working pensioners will receive an increase.

From when will the increased pension be calculated?

Working pensioners will begin to receive a pension with the specified increase from August 1, 2017.

What is the size of the increase made up of?

In this case, we are talking about increasing the insurance part of the pension, which is calculated according to the so-called point system. In 2016, all working pensioners (about 14 million Russians) were awarded three points, which amounted to 222 rubles.

You don't need to do anything for this. As they told Federal News Agency in the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR), in this case there is a so-called non-declaration recalculation, which occurs automatically annually for working pensioners (receiving an old-age or disability insurance pension). We are talking about pensioners working legally, whose employers paid insurance premiums for them in 2016.

The increase depends on the salary of a working pensioner in 2016, to which insurance payments made by the employer are tied, and the accrual of pension points depends on this. The maximum increase in 2016 corresponds to three pension points in cash equivalent. The cost of a pension point in 2016 is 74.27 rubles; when this amount is multiplied by three, the result is approximately 222 rubles.

What is a point system for calculating pensions?

The point system for calculating insurance pensions has been in effect in Russia since January 1, 2015. Now, in order to receive an insurance pension, a citizen must have a certain minimum length of service and the required number of pension points.

The point system provides for individual calculation of pensions, taking into account accumulated points for length of service, length of service, “northern” bonuses, etc. The cash equivalent of the pension point changes annually. The goal of the point system is to make the calculation of pensions more transparent and understandable, as well as to force employers to take the payment of insurance contributions to the pension fund more seriously. According to the Pension Fund of Russia, the average old-age insurance pension in 2016 in Russia amounted to 13.17 thousand rubles.

Why did the Pension Fund make this increase?

According to many experts, and even working pensioners themselves, the increase of 222 rubles is insignificant, but in this case the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is implementing the previously adopted law, and money, as we know, is never superfluous.

Does this mean that the pensions of working pensioners will not be indexed?

No, this increase has nothing to do with the annual indexation of pensions, the Pension Fund explained. When indexed, pensions increase by a certain percentage.

When is an increase expected for non-working pensioners?

For non-working pensioners, the pension this year has already been indexed from February 1, 2017, increasing it by 5.6%. The next increase in pensions and social benefits, as stated in the Ministry of Labor, is coming on February 1, 2018 and will correspond to the inflation rate for 2017. In addition, pensioners will probably receive one-time payments, perhaps timed to coincide with the elections.

How to increase pensions for all Russians

Pensions in the Russian Federation are low, this is a well-known fact. Let us remind you that international experts recently recognized Russia as one of the least favorable countries for retirees. Such conclusions were made on the basis of the Global Retirement Index, which is compiled annually by the French financial corporation Natixis. In this ranking, which looked at the situation in 43 countries, Russia took 40th place, being one of the least comfortable countries for retirees.

According to the head of the “Finance and Economics” department of the Institute of Contemporary Development (INSOR) Nikita Maslennikov, the current situation depends on many factors, including due to the fact that the authorities, for various reasons, do not dare to take a long-overdue measure - raising the retirement age.

“With the growing number of pensioners, the burden on each worker will increase, and, of course, raising the retirement age is necessary,” Maslennikov noted in a comment to the Federal News Agency. “The question is when to do this, and what additional measures will it be accompanied by, including in terms of guarantees for working pensioners.”

More with opinion Nikita Maslennikov about what hinders the development of the Russian pension system, read Federal News Agency.

The amount of social security funds allocated does not always allow citizens who are no longer able to work to guarantee a normal standard of living. In this regard, many people have a question: what pension supplements are provided for non-working pensioners in 2017 and 2018.

The proposed material discusses the procedure for calculating pension supplements for non-working pensioners in 2017, the rules for recalculation and other related issues.

Due to the growth of inflation processes related to pricing policy, pensions for non-working pensioners are indexed annually, including in 2017. Its value is determined by the increase in prices over the last year period.

The increase in pensions for non-working pensioners in 2017 took place in stages:

  • at the beginning of the year - payment of a one-time transfer of five thousand;
  • from February – indexation for persons who have completed their working career, up to 6.5 percent;
  • in April – an increase in social pension accruals in a similar amount.

Not only the insurance component is subject to increase, but also the size of the fixed part.

Despite the fact that the total number of citizens dependent on the state amounts to more than a third of all able-bodied persons, government agencies are looking for the possibility of regularly increasing the amount of accrued amounts, which has resulted in an increase in the funds paid to the category of the population most in need.

At the same time, the total number of contributions made to the Pension Fund does not allow the above-mentioned activities to be fully carried out, therefore additional subsidies to the budget are required to ensure that the funds paid correspond to the price of basic products and mandatory payments, which is done at the state level.

Note! To implement the indexation of the amount of accruals, payments made by working citizens are not enough; additional funds are attracted from the state budget.

To recalculate pensions for non-working pensioners in 2017. no personal contact with the relevant structures is required. The Pension Fund does this independently, using available data, so the increase in benefits is carried out without the personal participation of citizens, for this there is no need to provide additional documents.

However, do not forget that pension indexation in 2017 does not affect working pensioners. But if they end their working career, benefits will be recalculated accordingly.

Note! Pensions for working pensioners are not subject to indexation in 2017.

Pensions for working pensioners were not increased in 2017, however, this support measure is planned for implementation in the future, as part of the ongoing pension reform.

What other allowances were made?

In addition to the indicated indexation, it is necessary to assign some additional allowances that take into account the amount of the established subsistence minimum.

The fact is that, in accordance with the law, the amount of social payments cannot be lower than the indicated indicator, because in this case the necessary standard of living is not ensured.

If a citizen experiences a similar situation after accrual of payments, additional transfers are required to raise the benefit to the specified level.

It belongs:

  • to persons who have finished working and have no other means of subsistence;
  • if you have Russian citizenship.

Such allowances are assigned in accordance with:

  • pensioners by age category;
  • persons with disabilities;
  • if the benefit is due in accordance with length of service or due to the loss of a breadwinner;
  • for former employees of law enforcement agencies.

The following types of compensation have been established:

  • from the state or federal budget obligatory for payment;
  • from the regional budget, if possible.

If we consider the size of the minimum consumer basket, on the basis of which the smallest possible amount of benefits is determined, then it varies depending on the region. Therefore, this criterion may vary in different regions. In addition, regional prices for utility bills and other mandatory payments that must be made by citizens are taken into account.

If this indicator changes, the amount of compensation is subject to corresponding recalculation.

The need to charge such additional payments is determined by local authorities and regulated by regional bills.

In accordance with legal requirements, such social allowances may be assigned to the following categories of the population:

  • those who have completed their working career, provided there is no other income;
  • if these persons reside within the country. In case of relocation, the accrual of payments is suspended automatically and will not be returned in the future;
  • the total level of accrued funds for an individual cannot amount to the amount determined by the subsistence level.

Another factor influencing the increase in pension accruals is the amount of work experience. If a person continues to work after reaching retirement age, he is awarded additional points that affect the amount of subsequent accruals. The main points that increase the amount of additional payments for overworked experience include:

  • what industry did the person work in?
  • in which region did you live and work?
  • in what amount was the wage bonus calculated?

Taking into account the noted indicators, the number of points earned increases and, accordingly, the amount of future payments increases.


As we can see from the presented material, the state takes care of the least protected category of the population, carrying out regular indexations of pension benefits and compensating their amount if it is accrued in an amount below the subsistence level.

But it should be borne in mind that this applies only to the category of citizens who have already finished working, and there was no increase in pensions for working pensioners in 2017, since they have additional sources of income.

Women's portal - Bonterry