Is it possible to shave the armpit area with an epilator? How to remove armpit hair using an epilator

How to properly shave your armpits? This question often worries the female half of humanity. This excitement is explained, among other things, by the large selection of methods and means offered by modern cosmetology.

You can, of course, go to a salon, pay a considerable amount and get rid of armpit hair without any problems. But not everyone prefers this option, and therefore opts for a more affordable method - shaving at home.

What do you need?

First of all, we note: among the variety of existing methods for removing body hair, the most relevant and widespread method is shaving.

Why? After all, this can be associated with unpleasant sensations, and there is a risk of developing irritation. But shaving is quite quick and painless.

This also applies to the armpits. Therefore, you just need to know how to do it safely and quickly.

But first, let’s point out that you need to first purchase a sharp razor. It is not advisable to use a disposable razor: it is not sharp enough and can damage the skin.

It is important to use different machine attachments for different areas. There is no need to epilate the bikini area, legs and armpits with one attachment. If you still decide to do this with one attachment, then after each procedure, disinfect with boiling water or alcohol.

Along with the machine, you will also need high-quality shaving cream. Choose the cream, as it is absorbed very well and also creates a reliable protective layer.

How to shave?

Now let's talk in more detail about the process itself. To do this, you need to know and constantly take into account some simple rules. In this case, the result will always be good without any negative consequences.

So let's look at these rules:

  1. Firstly, shaving your armpits should always be preceded by taking a hot bath or shower. Just hot water helps open the skin pores and soften the hair. And this makes subsequent shaving much easier;
  2. After a bath (shower), be sure to apply cream to the skin in the armpit area. If you haven’t purchased it, you can use foam or shower gel. You should not use soap, as its components dry out the skin;
  3. After this, you need to take the machine, moisten it in water and smoothly, without pressure, begin to shave. You should move the razor in the direction of hair growth: this will avoid damage and cuts. But since in this case some amount of hair still remains, you can make several movements in the opposite direction. This will provide you with clean and smooth skin in the armpit area. Do not forget to periodically rinse the machine in water;
  4. After finishing shaving, rinse your armpits with water, pat dry with a soft towel and be sure to apply cream.

What should be the frequency of the procedure? Shave your armpits as needed, but in any case no more than every two days. The fact is that the skin needs some time to recover. If you still don’t take our advice, you risk getting irritated, and this is much worse than slight stubble.

About the possibility of using an epilator

Is it possible to use an epilator for this procedure? In general, it is possible, but keep in mind that an epilator is a rather painful device, because it removes hairs directly along with the hair follicles.

Therefore, your decision depends on this factor. The advantages of the epilator include the fact that its use gives good and lasting results. An epilator is used in a similar way to a razor.

But every girl must make the final choice herself. After all, it is not only and not so much the method that is important, but the result. And everyone wants to shave their armpits without cuts and without subsequent irritation.

If you still decide to use an epilator, then choose a narrow attachment; it will capture fewer hairs and you will not be in as much pain. As a mild pain reliever, you can try a gel with a menthol effect.

Other methods

There are also several other methods of armpit hair removal, but we do not recommend doing it yourself, due to the complexity of the procedure, these methods include:

  1. Waxing
  2. Epilation using an electric epilator
  3. Epilation using the sugaring method

All these methods are quite complex and require at least minimal skills. If you still want to do any of these procedures yourself, we recommend going to the salon several times and seeing how a professional does it, and then trying it - repeating it at home.

There are two main ways to rid your skin of excess hair:

  1. Depilation is the removal of the visible part of hair from the surface of the skin without affecting the hair follicle.
  2. Epilation is the removal of the hair shaft and root, which also destroys its follicle. It all depends on the type of procedure.

Both options have their advantages and disadvantages. Armpit depilation can be done with a razor and depilatory cream equally easily both in the salon and at home. This is the fastest and simplest method, the disadvantage of which is the fragility of the result. It is much more effective to use waxing or sugaring, after which the hair does grow back, but very slowly.

Epilation is a more complex procedure performed using an electroepilator, a laser beam or high-pulse light. Several sessions of photo- and laser hair removal performed by specialists allow you to forget about excess hair in the armpit area for a long time, or even forever. The procedure is much more expensive and sometimes accompanied by unpleasant sensations.

Keep in mind that high-quality and safe hair removal using hardware techniques can only be done in a salon that has a medical license!

Modern methods of hair removal in the armpit area

Let's consider common options for armpit hair removal in detail. Getting rid of unwanted hair using an electric epilator is not a pleasant procedure and sometimes requires pain relief. The principle of operation of this method is similar to wax depilation - the hair is pulled out, but with the help of a special device. As a result, the treated areas become smooth and silky, like a baby’s, for 2 weeks. With regular use, many experience slower hair growth and the skin in the armpits becomes less sensitive. Depilation with an electric epilator requires skill and certain skills.

Modern electroepilators allow you to remove hair with the greatest possible comfort, even in the most sensitive areas

However, some women may find this hair removal process too troublesome or ineffective. In this case, the hardware procedure of electrolysis will help correct the situation. This option is based on the action of electricity, which destroys the hair follicle. The needle, which is also a current conductor, is inserted into the skin pore to each hair. After electrical exposure, the rod is almost immediately and easily removed with tweezers. Usually the hair no longer grows or becomes very weak. Unlike other hardware hair removal methods, which will be discussed below, this method allows you to get rid of excess hair immediately, that is, you do not need to wait several days until it falls off.

Electrolysis is painstaking work, because every strip is processed

Photo and laser hair removal can be considered the most high-tech and effective methods of getting rid of hair, since their rays are not only capable of destroying every hair from the root, but also have a destructive effect on its hair follicle. After the first procedure, the hair becomes weaker and lighter, and after 4-5 sessions it stops growing altogether.

The duration of a laser hair removal session is from several minutes to half an hour.

An even newer and more advanced method is elos hair removal, which involves a unique combination of both technologies and is recognized as one of the most effective, safe and painless. It is well tolerated by any skin type and equally destroys both light thin and dark coarse hair. In addition, it improves the structure of the epidermis - significantly tightens and smoothes it.

ELOS hair removal technology combines electrical and optical energy

Hair removal using light rays affects only those hair follicles that are in the active phase, and therefore requires repeated sessions. Usually these are 4-5 procedures with an interval of 3 weeks.

How often can you epilate the skin in the armpits?

Since the skin in the armpit area is very sensitive, it requires delicate handling. Typically, one session of home hair removal in this area is enough for 2-3 weeks. As you get used to it and the irritation decreases, underarm hair removal can be done more often, as soon as the hair grows to the required length.

In the case of hardware electrolysis, hair is removed in several sessions. The effect after a full course can last for many years or a lifetime, it all depends on the individual characteristics of each person. However, experts recommend a repeat session every six months for prevention.

Advantages and disadvantages of armpit hair removal

Advantages of armpit depilation with an electric epilator:

  • the procedure does not require large financial costs;
  • the skin remains smooth from 2 weeks to 1 month;
  • with regular use, hairs grow slowly;
  • safe and available for home use.


  • painful process;
  • high probability of irritation and ingrown hairs.

After hair removal, the effect is visible immediately, and hair does not grow for 2 weeks.

Advantages of hardware electrolysis:

  • effective for people with any skin and hair type;
  • affects each hair separately;
  • has the longest lasting effect;
  • the result is visible immediately.


  • pain during the procedure;
  • take a lot of time;
  • contact and invasiveness of the method;
  • high risk of infection and microscar formation.

This is what the armpits look like after an electrolysis session - the hair has been removed and half of it will no longer grow in the next few years

Despite the fact that hair removal using laser radiation and hair removal using high-pulse light are different cosmetic procedures, the operating principle of both techniques is almost the same. And therefore they have a common set of pros and cons.

Advantages of photo and laser hair removal:

  • non-invasive - that is, there is no direct contact with the skin and no risk of infection;
  • painlessness of both procedures;
  • quick recovery, since the risk of physical damage is minimized;
  • light rays allow you to treat a wide surface of the skin;
  • durability of the resulting effect.


  • high cost of both procedures;
  • each device affects hair and skin only of a certain type;
  • The effect of smooth skin is observed only after a few days.

Unlike photo and laser hair removal, ELOS technology, which combines both types of energy, is capable of removing all types of hair of any skin type, but it is also much more expensive.


Contraindications and possible consequences

Restrictions on underarm hair removal procedures may be temporary, such as pregnancy, lactation, menstruation, or taking medications that increase sensitivity to light. And permanent, as in the case of diabetes. It is also prohibited to epilate the skin if there are inflamed lymph nodes, mastopathy, or problems with blood clotting. You should not resort to hair removal if there are any moles, warts and other neoplasms, as well as any damage or inflammatory processes. Some types of allergies, asthma, heart and vascular problems, nervous disorders, tuberculosis, hepatitis and oncology are also serious contraindications to this procedure.

Laser, elos and photoepilation are contraindicated for people with very dark skin and those who took sunbathing less than 2 weeks before the procedure.

If manipulations are carried out by an experienced specialist, then the risk of burns, scars and other marks on the skin is minimal. In other cases, the following negative consequences are possible:

  • small red spots that most often go away on their own after a few days;
  • scars if the doctor suddenly made a mistake by choosing the wrong current strength;
  • severe itching, which can cause small scars to appear;
  • infection.

Preparing for the armpit hair removal procedure

The suitable length of the rod for successful hair removal is 4–5 mm. That is, preparation should begin a few days before the event. What can you do the day before an epilator hair removal session?

  1. It is worth cleansing the skin with a soft exfoliating scrub and then moisturizing with a cream based on plant oils. This will make the hair follicles much more pliable, after which the process of pulling out hair will be much easier.
  2. Immediately before depilation, it is necessary to steam the skin by taking a warm shower, and then thoroughly dry and degrease the treated areas.

Preparation for hardware hair removal is a little different.

  1. A month before the session, you can only shave your armpits, and under no circumstances epilate them.
  2. You should avoid exposure to ultraviolet rays for 14 days.
  3. You should also stop taking tetracycline antibiotics.
  4. Before laser treatment, hair can be removed with a razor 4–6 hours before the session, but before elos, photo and electrolysis - several days so that it has time to grow to 2–3 mm.
  5. In all cases, cosmetics should be eliminated immediately before the event, and try not to dry out the skin 3 days in advance.

It is better to clarify all other points in detail during an examination with a specialist or dermatologist.

It is worth resorting to hair removal in the first half of the monthly cycle so that the recovery process is successful and quick, and the procedure itself is less painful. Ideally, this is the 14th day after the start of menstruation.

Caring for underarm skin after hair removal

After hair removal, the skin in the armpit area is vulnerable and needs special protection. To avoid possible negative consequences - irritation or the appearance of inflammatory processes - it is recommended to refrain for 2-3 days from using deodorants and antiperspirants, as well as other cosmetics containing alcohol, limiting yourself to antiseptic and anti-inflammatory drugs. For example, you can wipe the skin with a solution of myromistin or furatsilin, and treat the inflamed areas with chlorhexidine and panthenol-containing products. All these medicines are a good substitute for lotions made from fresh aloe juice, chamomile decoction or celandine.

General and local overheating should not be allowed for 2 weeks, sunbathing, visiting the sauna is prohibited, and even physical activity should be minimized. All this increases sweating, which means it causes the growth of pathogenic flora.

Doctors' opinions on armpit hair removal

Sometimes you can hear from doctors that electrolysis is undesirable and even dangerous in such a sensitive area due to the accumulation of lymph nodes and possible complications. But there is no official confirmation of this. Many people believe that everything depends on the skill of the specialist, and therefore they advise taking special care when choosing a clinic. However, the majority of reviews from women who have tried all the delights of this procedure are mostly positive.

When buying an epilator, many girls want to use it on all parts of the body, but after trying it in action, they prefer to limit use only to areas with less sensitive skin. The armpit area is very delicate and sensitive, so the aggressive impact of an electrical device at home is reasonably cause for concern. Despite this, epilating your armpits using an epilator is entirely possible and can be completely safe if done correctly.

Features of the procedure

If we compare all the currently existing methods for home hair removal of the armpits, we can say with confidence that hair removal with an epilator is the most painful process. The situation is aggravated by the fact that before purchasing an epilator, many people removed hair in the armpit area using a razor, which could soon develop into a daily procedure. The razor blade cuts the hairs at the base of the root, which begins to change the structure of the hair - they become darker, stiffer and thicker.

It is coarse and thick hair that explains the sharp pain when using an epilator. He pulls them out by the roots, which is much easier to do only if they are thin and pliable. However, your patience will be rewarded, because if you completely abandon the use of a razor and use only an epilator, after a while the hairs will become thinner and lighter. This will simplify the procedure as the level of discomfort will be reduced to a minimum.

Advantages of the method

Epilation of armpits using an epilator seems intimidating only at first glance. After several uses of this device, many girls learn to tolerate unpleasant sensations, because in return this method offers undeniable advantages, which include:

  1. Economical. The device is purchased once, and there is no need to constantly buy replacement parts for it, which cannot be said about disposable or reusable razors. With proper care and compliance with operating instructions, the epilator can last for many years.
  2. Long lasting results. After hair removal with an epilator, the skin remains smooth for an average of two weeks, which is considered a good indicator for hair removal at home.
  3. Efficiency. With constant use of the device, the hair structure changes for the better.

Disadvantages of the method

The advantages of using an epilator are balanced by its disadvantages, which must be taken into account before purchasing the device. The disadvantages of hair removal with an epilator include:

  1. Soreness. The device is equipped with rapidly rotating heads that pull out hairs by the roots. When first used, the pain may seem unbearable, resulting in the need to postpone the procedure.
  2. Possibility of ingrown hairs. Like a razor, an epilator can leave unpleasant consequences, which manifest themselves in the form of ingrown hairs. If removed incorrectly, hair may begin to grow in the opposite direction, resulting in the formation of a pimple on the skin, which leads to inflammation.
  3. Irritation. The skin of the armpits is very sensitive, so aggressive use of the epilator is likely to cause irritation during the first uses.

Preparation for the process

Despite the fact that many are accustomed to performing hair removal at home without any preparation, when using an epilator it is better to take the process seriously. Moreover, the preparatory stage does not provide for strict rules; you just need to follow a few simple recommendations:

  1. On the eve of the procedure, you need to lightly exfoliate the skin of your armpits, using a scrub without coarse abrasive particles; a soft facial scrub is well suited for this purpose. This process will remove dead skin particles from the upper layer of the epidermis, which will reduce the risk of ingrown hairs to a minimum.
  2. After scrubbing is completed, you need to apply a cream or lotion with a moisturizing effect, preferably based on natural oils. This preparation will soften the hairs and make them more pliable.
  3. In order for the procedure to be carried out correctly and as efficiently as possible, you need to grow the hairs to 4 – 5 mm. If they are longer, you just need to trim the vegetation with a trimmer or scissors.
  4. It is much easier to remove hair from steamed skin, so it is recommended to take a bath or shower before using the epilator. The steam will soften the skin and open up the pores, making armpit hair removal less effortful. After taking water procedures, you need to wipe the skin dry to avoid injury and ingrown hairs.

How to act during hair removal

Those who are about to use an epilator at home for the first time may make mistakes that lengthen the procedure and lead to complications. To prevent this from happening, you need to carefully read the operating instructions, which are necessarily supplied by the manufacturer with the device. As a rule, using any epilator model is the same.

Firstly, you should take into account the peculiarities of hair growth in the armpits. Unlike other parts of the body, hair in this area can grow in different directions, making the procedure more difficult. For this reason, many professionals recommend making circular or vertical movements with the device.

Secondly, excessive diligence is not always rewarded; if you press too hard on the epilator, you will not be able to avoid injury to the skin. The device should be held at an angle to the surface of the epidermis, without pressing too hard. A high-quality epilator can easily remove all hairs with smooth movements.

Thirdly, before starting the procedure, familiarize yourself with the capabilities of the device you purchased; as a rule, many modern models are capable of operating at different speeds. For the armpit area, it is recommended to choose the slowest speed, especially during the first procedures. Subsequently, if you feel that the device is not working very efficiently, you can try increasing the speed.

Skin care after the procedure

Any hair removal procedure is stressful for the skin, and armpit hair removal using an epilator is no exception. After the process is completed, the skin may become slightly red or swollen; there is no need to be alarmed, because the side effects usually go away in no more than an hour. Also, at first there may be small red dots on the skin in places where there used to be hairs. This is also a common phenomenon, which only indicates that the procedure was carried out correctly and the hair was removed along with the root.

There are no special rules for skin care after hair removal, but there are still some recommendations from experienced cosmetologists. After completing the process, it is advisable to treat the skin with an alcohol-free antiseptic, for example, a furatsilin solution or a decoction of chamomile or calendula. The herbal decoction will not only disinfect the skin, but will also have a calming effect on it, which will only have a positive effect. In addition to the antiseptic, it is advisable to use a moisturizer to protect the skin from excessive dryness. The last recommendation is to avoid using deodorants and antiperspirants for at least 24 hours to allow the skin to recover.

When is the best time to use an epilator?

To make the procedure less painful and the consequences not to disrupt your usual lifestyle, it is better to perform hair removal a few days after the end of the menstrual cycle. The most unfavorable time for a woman will be the period of the cycle itself and a few days before it begins, as the body’s sensitivity to pain increases. In addition, the emotional state also suffers, since excessive discomfort leads to worsening mood, tearfulness and irritation.

You also need to take into account the time of day; it is best to remove hair with an epilator in the evening. Firstly, it has been proven that in the late afternoon it is easier for the human body to tolerate pain. Secondly, after the procedure, some side effects will be observed, and if hair removal is carried out in the evening, by the morning they will no longer be visible.

To summarize, we can highlight the basic principles that will make it possible to turn the frightening process of hair removal with an epilator into a completely acceptable procedure that you can get used to over time. Summarizing the recommendations of professional cosmetologists and those girls who constantly remove hair in this way at home, we can highlight the following recommendations:

  1. When choosing an epilator, it is better to pay attention to those models that are equipped with a cooling attachment. It will slightly freeze the skin, as a result of which the pain will not be as acute.
  2. If you decide to permanently switch from a razor to an epilator, before carrying out the procedure, it is advisable to remove hair in the armpits at least once using wax or sugaring. This will prepare the skin for aggressive effects and make the hairs softer and thinner.
  3. When using an epilator, it is not advisable to touch the same area several times, as this may cause injury to the skin.
  4. Removing hair in the armpits will be painful also because it is not always convenient to do it yourself. To reduce discomfort, it is recommended to stretch the skin while operating the device with your free hand. To do this, you either need to practice flexibility for a while, or ask a loved one to help with the process.
  5. If side effects after hair removal do not go away within several days, you will have to stop using the method.
  6. To improve the result, after hair removal you can use a special product that slows down hair growth. It can be purchased at a cosmetic store.
  7. If you have a low pain threshold, but still want to use an epilator, before using it, you can treat the skin of your armpits with painkillers.

An epilator is an indispensable device for hair removal, which every second girl has in her arsenal. But, unfortunately, not everyone knows how to use an epilator correctly. It would seem that you purchased the device, plugged it in and rubbed it over the hairy surface of the skin - the hairs would be mercilessly removed and that would be the end of it. Theoretically, this is true, but hair removal is a very painful process, especially at first. To make the procedure easier and minimize discomfort, we suggest you arm yourself with a few tips, and your first experience of using an epilator will be easy and productive.

Top 5 rules for quality hair removal at home

First, remember - the ability to do epilation correctly does not come the first time. The instructions for the epilator are often far from the best assistant in the difficult task of hair removal. It's good if you can watch a training video on how to do hair removal painlessly.

You will learn how to use an epilator professionally by at least the 10th procedure, having studied your most painful places and choosing the desired speed of the device.

1. Hair length – 0.5 cm

If before buying an epilator you used a machine and are used to shaving your legs clean, then before using the electrical device for the first time you will have to leave hair growth completely alone for 1-2 days. To optimally grip the hair, the epilator needs to capture the entire hair, which is difficult to do if the shaft is too short.

2. Minimum speed

Start using the epilator for the first time at low speed. High speed reduces time, but tweezers at high speed can only grab and pull out fine hairs. And at first, especially if you shaved your legs before the epilator, the hair has a thick shaft that can only be pulled out at low speed. To avoid pain, use a massage attachment over the head of the device.

3. Hot bath

Make it a rule to do hair removal after taking a hot bath, or, in extreme cases, a shower. If you are used to shaving your legs under hot water, now removing excess will be waiting for you after the bath.

When the skin is steamed, the pores expand, and using the epilator will be much easier than “dry” - the hair will be easily and painlessly removed from the hair follicle with the tweezers of the device.

4. Anti-hair growth

Epilation must be done strictly against hair growth. Otherwise, you run the risk of moving the device over the same place several times, trying to pull out hairs, which cannot be called pleasant. Even if you are used to shaving your legs, using the machine in any direction, train yourself to use the epilator correctly from the first days.

5. Don't make an effort

When epilating, there is no need to literally “press” the device into your legs and skin. It won’t work better because of this, but you will get 100% irritated from scratching the epidermis with tweezers. Move the epilator over the skin as smoothly as you are used to shaving with a machine, without pressure. You should hold it at a slight angle to properly grab each hair.

Epilation on different parts of the body - an individual approach

You've probably heard the phrase about the existing pain threshold, which is different for each person. In fact, this is a true expression, but the sensitivity of body parts is determined almost the same for everyone. Hair removal on your legs or bikini area – do you feel the difference? Not everyone will decide to remove hair in the second case, but shaving their legs is also not an option. Skin preparation is different in different areas of the body. So, let's look at how to properly use an epilator on normal, sensitive and especially sensitive skin.

Epilation of legs

The most sensitive areas of the skin on the legs are on the ankles and behind the knees. The rest of the surface quickly “gets used” to the pain - after 3-5 minutes, epilation is no longer as painful as in the first minutes of the procedure. Due to the smooth surface, it is not difficult to remove excess on the legs. But don't expect to finish using the epilator in less than half an hour.

You can prepare your legs for the upcoming hair removal using a body scrub and a hard washcloth. An hour before the procedure, steam the epidermis of your legs, treat with a scrub, and rinse. Rub your feet with a washcloth to disperse the blood. The stratum corneum of the skin will be washed away, the hair will become much easier to pull out, and it will be less painful.

Armpit hair removal

The skin under the armpits is more delicate and sensitive, which means it requires a special approach. To avoid the pain of removing hair when running the device over the skin, you need to stretch it slightly. This way, the hair will be grabbed faster and more efficiently by the device’s tweezers.

Excessive armpit hair can cause pain and discomfort when pulled out. Before using the device, you need to carefully cut your hair. Before destroying the hair follicles, you should shave your armpits no earlier than a day or two before the procedure. After hair removal, treat your armpits with an ice cube and a thin layer of baby oil to relieve irritation.

Bikini hair removal

One of the most sensitive areas of the skin is the bikini line. It is advisable to perform epilation on it using a cooling mitten or a spray with a freezing effect. Some girls even take painkillers before such hair removal, but we consider this measure unnecessary.

Before turning on the epilator, remove a couple of hairs from your bikini line with tweezers. This will let your skin know that hair pulling is coming. Since the skin in this area of ​​the body is very delicate, after epilation it should be treated with alcohol and smeared with moisturizing baby cream with chamomile so that the damaged skin is restored as quickly as possible.

A home epilator is a popular item that helps get rid of unwanted hair for up to 6 weeks. However, when purchasing a device for the first time, a reasonable question arises: how to use the epilator in order to reduce pain and make the depilation procedure more effective. There are a number of mandatory rules that need to be taken into account.

Pain during depilation: how to reduce discomfort

All models of electric epilators can be divided into two categories: disk devices and devices that combat unwanted body hair using tweezers. Tweezer type epilators are produced by Rowenta, Braun, and disc epilators have gained particular popularity from Filips. But the essence of the operation of any type of device is the same - the epilator pulls out the hairs along with the bulb, which prevents the process of rapid hair growth.

Presenting the general principle of operation of the device, a reasonable question arises: is it painful to use an epilator, how strong can the sensations be? It is difficult to give an unambiguous answer to such a question. Discomfort and pain during hair removal will depend on each person's individual pain threshold, the pain relief process, and the location on the body where hair removal occurs.

The most vulnerable places are:

  • hands;
  • bikini area;
  • skin under the knees;
  • armpits.

How to painlessly use an epilator on any part of the body? To do this, you should resort to some tips.

  1. Water helps reduce pain. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out hair removal at home in the bath. But this is only possible if the device can be used for “wet” depilation. The Braun Silk-epil epilator, as well as some models of devices from Rowenta and Panasonic, are waterproof devices. Acceptability for use in water is usually indicated by the inscription "wet and dry».
  2. To use the device painlessly, you can pre-cool the skin. For this purpose, ice cubes, which are rubbed on the desired area, and gels with an anesthetic effect are suitable. You can also use a cooling mitt, which is available for sale separately or included with Braun epilators.
  3. Before the procedure, the skin can be lubricated with alcohol. Thus, a disinfecting effect is achieved, and discomfort when using the epilator is reduced.
  4. In some cases, the pain becomes less when hair removal is performed in the first period of the menstrual cycle. However, this moment is purely individual. But for this reason, the question of whether it is possible to use an epilator during “critical days” disappears. You can, but watch your body’s reaction.
  5. The use of hair balm, shower gel, and shaving foam during depilation helps reduce pain, especially in combination with water and steamed skin.

To avoid severe pain when pulling out hairs, you should choose either the 1st or 2nd speed of the epilator. And also do not try to treat large areas on the body very quickly. When using the device for the first time, some girls take painkillers to help them endure the initial “execution.”

If it is difficult to endure even mild pain, the skin on your body is sensitive, and you want to use an epilator, then you should purchase models that come with special attachments. There are such attachments both for delicate skin (they are smaller in size than a standard attachment, smaller than tweezers or discs), and special for certain areas on the body.

You should start using the device gradually, allowing your skin to get used to it. Therefore, when using an epilator for the first time, you should choose the most insensitive area and limit depilation only to it.

Preparatory stage and basic instructions

Regardless of the brand of the manufacturer, the number of attachments in the set or the functions of the device, the principle of application will be the same. But it’s worth understanding not only how to do hair removal with an epilator at home, but also what preparatory aspects should be taken into account.

Preparatory aspects in terms of device features

  • Before using a Philips epilator equipped with a special attachment with cooling compartments, it must be removed. Then fill with water and put in the freezer. This will reduce pain during depilation.
  • When using a cooling mitt, it must also be filled with water in advance and frozen before applying it to the desired location.
  • If you plan to use the epilator without connecting to the mains, it needs to be recharged well. Typically, Braun or Philips epilators can work independently for 35-45 minutes.

How to epilate with an epilator: preparation in advance

  1. If a razor cuts hairs of even the minimum length, then electric epilators are not designed for this. Regardless of whether the device is a disk or tweezers, the length of the hairline should be at least 2-4 millimeters. Otherwise, it will not be possible to capture and remove hairs. Therefore, you should stop depilating a few days before using the device.
  2. Excessively long hair, for example in the armpits, also negatively affects the epilator's ability to fight hair growth.
  3. A couple of days before the home procedure, you should steam the skin using a scrub and using a hard washcloth, even if you plan to epilate the bikini area. This will remove the stratum corneum of the epithelium, release the stray hairs and make the process easier.
  4. One day before hair removal and for 24 hours after, you must stop using fatty creams and body oils. How will this affect the hair removal process? If you do not resort to such measures, the hair will be stubborn and difficult to remove. Even with Rowenta epilators, which have tweezers that are widened at the ends, grasping the hair tuft will be difficult.
  5. If the device does not support “wet” hair removal, the dry version should be performed after taking a bath to steam out the pores. This makes the hair follicles weaker. Hair removal should not be carried out in the shower; the skin should be thoroughly dried after water procedures. Pre-application of lotion is acceptable, but it must be well absorbed.

Basic instructions: how to properly epilate with an epilator

  1. Choose a nozzle depending on the area of ​​the body. Don’t be lazy about changing these same attachments; this will cause minimal discomfort.
  2. Place the device either vertically or at an angle of 90 degrees. In a situation where hairs on the legs and arms are removed, you should move against their growth. The armpits are treated either with up-and-down movements, or, if the epilator has a floating head (Braun, Philips, Rowenta), then the movements are made in a circular manner.
  3. When using the device, do not apply too much pressure to the skin. This will cause irritation and affect the effectiveness of depilation. And it can lead to the problem of ingrown hairs. In the area of ​​the armpits and under the knees, it is better to slightly tighten the skin with your fingers; such tension will reduce pain.
  4. Coarse and thick hair must be removed especially carefully, using tweezers at minimum speed, so that it does not break off.
  5. If you experience severe pain, you should turn on the cold airflow available in Filips devices, or use Braun massaging attachments.

Deserves special attention bikini area where the skin is particularly sensitive. Is it possible to remove hair in this area with an epilator? Experts do not recommend resorting to such a home procedure on your own, especially when using an electric epilator for the first time. The skin can be seriously injured, resulting in abscesses and pinpoint hemorrhages.

However, if you want to understand how to properly use an epilator in the bikini area, then you should take into account the following nuances:

  • it is better to do either “wet” hair removal or use anesthetic ointments;
  • you need to choose epilators with attachments “for beginners”, which are available in the Philips arsenal, or devices with special heads for the bikini area;
  • when deciding to do a deep bikini yourself, it is better to purchase Silk-epil epilators from Braun of the latest generation or carry out epilation using ceramic tweezers;
  • the whole procedure should be carried out slowly, it is better to stretch the skin if a device with a “fingers”-shaped attachment is not used;
  • After using an electric epilator, the skin must be soothed by applying either a special ointment, lotion, or using baby cream.

To clearly see how to use the epilator, you should watch the video below:

Having figured out how to do hair removal with an epilator, it is important to know how to complete this home procedure. It is also advisable to take into account some tips.

  1. Any area of ​​the body after hair removal should be smeared with a moisturizing, soothing cream.
  2. When removing hairs using the “wet” method on your legs, it is better to alternate your legs, depilating small areas. In this case, the “free” leg should be kept in water so that the skin is steamed all the time.
  3. To avoid ingrown hairs, the device’s attachments must be thoroughly washed, so preference should be given to devices with removable heads.
  4. When deciding to use an epilator during pregnancy, you need to be prepared for extreme pain. Experts recommend that women in an “interesting situation” refuse to use electrical appliances of this kind, so as not to harm their well-being.
  5. The home procedure should be carried out in the evening (after 18-19 hours). Redness and microtrauma from the device will occur on any skin, but this negative effect will disappear overnight.
  6. For armpit hair removal, it would be useful to purchase a nozzle with a targeted effect.
  7. If you need to do hair removal on the face, then you should start “destroying” the hairs first between the eyebrows and along their line, only then moving to the area above the upper lip or on the chin.

When purchasing an epilator for yourself, choosing the latest models, you should take into account all the nuances of carrying out a home procedure for removing unwanted body hair. The skin gradually gets used to the effect, so from time to time the pain and redness will become less, and the result will still be pleasing to the eye.

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