Eyelashes after extensions: how to care for them and how long do they take to recover? How long do eyelashes grow, and what factors influence this? How do eyelashes grow after extensions? How many days does it take for eyelashes to grow after they fall out?

Eyelash extensions are a safe and painless procedure that is quite in demand in the modern beauty market. Getting more information about it will be useful and interesting for many.

What it is

Initially, eyelash extensions began in Hollywood at the beginning of the last century. As a material for eyelashes, the person doing the work usually used fringe attached to a special thread. These eyelashes looked very theatrical, were completely unsuitable for everyday wear and lasted no longer than a few hours on the eyelids.

Despite its Hollywood elite origins, in the modern world, extensions are a procedure that is available to almost every woman. In the extension itself, absolutely everything has changed, from the material and method of gluing to the duration of wearing. As a result, any girl who naturally has fairly modest and inconspicuous eyelashes can afford them. The fair sex is especially attracted to eyelash extensions by the fact that for several weeks (while the results last) you don’t have to use mascara.

Modern extensions look very natural. After all, if earlier it was possible to grow eyelashes only in bunches, which looked quite sloppy, today hairs are glued eyelash to eyelash.

Interesting facts about eyelash extensions will be especially useful for those who are planning to get hair extensions or have just done so.

Facts about preparing for extensions

One of the most interesting facts about eyelash extensions relates to the preparation for the procedure. You can find a lot of information on the Internet about how to properly prepare for a session with a lash maker. In practice, it turns out that no special care is required. The master will make all the necessary preparations for the procedure himself: he will treat the eyelashes and clean them.

As for self-pre-coloring, such a step should be avoided, especially if you are interested in artificial eyelashes lasting as long as possible. This is due to the fact that when the dye penetrates the microstructure of the hair, the scales close. As a result, there will be no good adhesion, and it will take very little time (literally a few days) for the hairs to begin to actively fall off.

The only eyelash care rule that should be followed before eyelash extension procedures is regular and thorough washing. Most often, girls wash their eyes very superficially, as a result of which a fairly large amount of dust and cosmetic residue accumulates in the space between eyelashes. This state of affairs will not only shorten the “life” of hair extensions, but can also lead to serious inflammatory pathologies.

Will eyelashes grow after extensions?

Many people are afraid of visiting a lash maker, doubting whether eyelashes grow after they fall out from wearing eyelash extensions.

If you frequently extend eyelashes, your own hairs will weaken. Sometimes the bulb is damaged due to the use of low-quality compounds. The most extreme situation is pulling out artificial hairs on your own (often together with your family) instead of contacting a specialist to remove the extensions. In this case, the question of whether eyelashes will grow if they are pulled out along with the roots after extensions is especially relevant.

New eyelashes will still grow - there is no doubt about it. But how long the recovery process will take depends on a number of factors. You can speed up eyelash regrowth only in a comprehensive manner. To restore eyelash growth, it is recommended to do the following:

  1. Eat right and take vitamin supplements. Vitamin deficiency in the body and poor nutrition negatively affect the body in general and the condition of eyelashes in particular. Vitamins A and E are especially important for hair growth.
  2. Provide proper care for the skin of the eyelids. Eyelid skin care is a very significant part of the eyelash restoration process. This is due to the fact that the hair follicles are located inside the eyelids. Actually, there are blood vessels through which the cilia are nourished.

How to restore eyelashes themselves

All kinds of oils are best suited for this: burdock, argan, olive, etc. They will eliminate the delamination of keratin scales and restore strength and elasticity to the hairs.

How long do eyelashes grow after extensions?

The answer to the question of how long eyelashes grow after extensions cannot be unambiguous. It largely depends on the general condition of the hairs. If more or less healthy eyelashes return to normal within two to three weeks, then it may take several months to put weakened hairs in order. There is no need to panic about this - they will grow back, only very slowly.

Important! You need to take care of your eyelashes, not only when they are weakened, but constantly. Only in this case will they look healthy.

How to care for eyelash extensions

  • Any mechanical impact on the eyelids should be avoided: do not rub your eyes and, if possible, try not to touch your eyelashes.
  • Contact with water is not allowed for 24 hours after the procedure. Otherwise, the glue will not be able to dry properly.
  • You will have to forget about sleeping face down on a pillow. Although eyelashes are quite flexible, they can still, if not break, become wrinkled and lose their original presentable appearance. It is unlikely that it will be possible to straighten them.
  • When removing makeup from your face, you should use water-based (not oil-based or alcohol-based) cosmetics and try to avoid the eyelid area.
  • Crying is strongly discouraged.
  • Combing your eyelashes after washing is unacceptable. If this must be done, you should first wait until they are completely dry.
  • To comb artificial hairs you need to use a special brush. Under no circumstances should you try to straighten your eyelashes with your hands.
  • It is unacceptable to use fatty creams in the area around the eyes.
  • You can't curl artificial hairs - it will destroy them instantly.
  • You will need to refrain from visiting steam rooms when going to a sauna or bathhouse.
  • It is preferable to remove old eyelashes in the same salon (and from the same specialist) where they were extended.
  • About once every six months, it is strongly recommended to refrain from extensions for at least a month. The eyes should be given periodic rest. You can fill the break with intensive care for your own eyelashes using home or professional remedies.

If you follow these simple tips, you can forget about problems with eyelashes forever.

Secrets of experienced doctors and cosmetologists

Since the eyelash extension procedure is in high demand on the market, it is not surprising that there are many nuances known only to experienced professionals.

Some of them are worth mentioning:

  • Before the procedure, it is necessary to degrease not only the eyelashes themselves, but also the eyelids as a whole.
  • You need to distribute the glue evenly over the eyelashes, immediately removing any excess. The most convenient way to do this is with a toothpick. This easy-to-implement solution will help avoid the occurrence of unevenness.
  • When doing extensions, the result will be more expressive if you use hairs of different lengths rather than the same one. The described technique will make it possible to create a cascade of eyelashes of incredible beauty, while they will look as natural as possible.
  • Too long hairs are not suitable for gluing to weak eyelashes. They will only worsen their condition.
  • When applying eyelash extensions for everyday makeup, 4 or 5 bundles, evenly distributed along the entire lash line, will be enough. If you plan to create a more evening effect, the number of tufts of hairs for each eye can be increased to 13.
  • After the procedure, the client is asked to bat her new eyelashes. This is done in order for the lash maker to make sure that he has done his job efficiently.
  • Most often, experienced specialists, choosing between nylon artificial eyelashes and synthetic monofilament hairs, choose the latter option - it looks more natural and lasts a little longer.
  • The optimal length of eyelash extensions is 10-12 mm; the market offers a range of materials from 4 to 20 mm.
  • The thinner the artificial eyelashes, the more natural they look. Material with a thickness of 0.15 mm is in especially high demand.
  • In most cases, the thickness and length of the material are selected by the master empirically, based on the client’s appearance.


I once saw a guy: he was ugly, and his eyelashes were like those of a doll: black, thick, long, curved... At that moment it struck me: what an injustice, I want those too! Well, then I asked myself the question of how to grow eyelashes, and make them long, thick, and also like a doll’s.

After many months of effort, I share my experience and reviews of the products)

How it all started:

Frankly speaking, I have no luck with eyelashes. Absolutely straight, short and suddenly light gray in color (my hair is dark brown), being unmade up, they are completely invisible on my face.

It is clear that with this state of affairs, one mascara is not enough.

And I know that this is not only my problem: you also want to have long, thick and beautiful eyelashes, right? However, few girls are lucky enough to be proud of their own.

There is no use in worrying about this, I decided, and I went online to look for long and thick ones, looking for answers to the question “what to do when eyelashes are sparse and short” and effective methods for growing them.

In the article I will tell you what ways there are to make eyelashes thicker and longer, about myths and what really works on their beauty .

What I tried and what I will talk about here:

  • about eyelash curlers
  • about ways to grow at home
  • about purchased funds
  • about false eyelashes
  • about magnetic eyelashes
  • about eyelash extensions
  • about myths that supposedly work
  • about chips to simulate thickness
  • and what girlfriends say

About eyelash curlers

Were once fashionable eyelash curler (I think you all know them - they are very similar to nail scissors with soft abs).

I thought: I’ll curl my eyelashes, put makeup on them, and it will be beautiful. As a result, the eyelashes, of course, curved upward, but from the side it was clear that they seemed to be breaking. Well, of course, this didn’t make them any thicker or longer (no one expected it, I just wanted quick beauty).

And after a couple of months, they really began to break and fall out, so I had to stop frequent use.

You can use these tweezers from time to time, nothing will happen.

About growing eyelashes at home

Attention, myth!

After giving my eyelashes a little rest after curling, I resorted to some cunning advice from someone on the Internet. “There is a way to really quickly grow your eyelashes,” this “someone” suggested, “you need to spend a few minutes every day carefully pull them back thumb and index finger."

You know, these methods work on parts of the body. For example, we all know about an African tribe where women put rings on their necks, thereby stretching it to what we consider a monstrous length, so that if you remove these rings, the neck simply breaks.

And we know about Japanese girls who, in the old days, had their breasts tightly wrapped and tightened since childhood, and they did not grow. Flat girls were considered more beautiful.

So: unfortunately, this doesn’t work with eyelashes. The fact is that their visible part is already dead cells, like nails, and these cells do not lend themselves to such “motivation”. But the skin of the eyelids will stretch for the sweet soul. You don't have to do that.

Attention, another myth!

One of my friends, having heard about a new radical method of growing her own thick and long eyelashes, took the risk of using it.

And in vain. The method was that the girl was rooted trims all his eyelashes , and the new ones will supposedly grow up very young, healthy (unlike those), strong and therefore long.

Nonsense, of course. And that friend of mine was convinced of this from her own bitter experience. Bitter for two reasons: firstly, walking around for several weeks with bald eyes is still fun, and secondly, the new eyelashes have grown “shaggy” (this is when the tips begin to look in different directions, some up, others down).

Eyelashes are already constantly renewed, there is no need to trim them.

Castor oil for eyelash growth

I read about Castor oil . Sold in a pharmacy, inexpensive (about 60-70 rubles), reviews are good.

I started using it: I dipped a clean mascara wand into the bottle, shook off the excess and blotted it, and applied it to my eyelashes as if I were using regular mascara. For the night, of course.

Used it for two months. The result is that the eyelashes have become definitely darker and thicker. Longer - no, they didn’t, but they did to look like longer (because the colorless ends have darkened).

Verdict - the product is good, useful for eyelashes. But it’s not for nothing that I stopped using it...

The problem is that castor oil is comedogenic (this means that it can clog pores, which causes the formation of comedones - those bumps on the skin that are very difficult to get rid of).

And I got two of these comedones - one on each lower eyelid. I applied very little oil to my eyelashes, but apparently at night it warmed up from body heat and flowed a little onto my eyelids, clogging my pores. The use of oil had to be stopped.

Aleran stimulator for eyelash growth

Have you already heard about eyelash growth stimulator Aleran , Yes? This product costs about 600-700 rubles, the formula is day-night (you apply one composition to your eyelashes during the day, another at night).

Here is a very important point that some of you girls should know: if suddenly you are now experiencing a period of severe weakening and hair loss on your head, and it did not start due to problems with the scalp (but I had this) - this cannot do not affect the eyelashes, they will also weaken and fall out.

And in this case, if no means for growing eyelashes help you, this is not because the means do not work, but because you first need to dig out and solve the true problem, otherwise all these means will be like trying to seal a leaking pipe with tape. But this is a very broad topic, more about it in other articles.

So, when I eliminated my causes of hair loss, it was Alerana who helped me achieve the maximum thickness and length of eyelashes possible for my genetics.

I also use Alerana to restore eyelashes after extensions.

No, this does not mean that my eyelashes as a result became twice as long, three times thicker and began to curl towards my eyebrows on their own with a joyful song - no. This means they're a little longer, a little stronger, and a little thicker, which is good, but still not enough to be considered chic.

After Alerana, out of curiosity, I used a couple more products to grow and strengthen eye hair, but they were similar in composition to Alerana (although one cost about 1,500 rubles), and the result was similar.

Life truth

Summing up the intermediate result, I will say that with The most unpleasant thing about trying to grow long and thick eyelashes is that every girl has the maximum possible length and thickness individual and genetically determined, and the eyelashes simply cannot grow longer than nature intended for this particular girl.

Having reached a certain length, the hair lives for some time, and then simply falls out, making way for a new one.

However, in our power " turn on your genetics to the fullest "And with the help of eyelash growth products and hair vitamins, achieve the maximum possible length and thickness for each specific case.

As for the strengthening product, I settled on Aleran, and as for the vitamins, I’ll write about my favorites in another article.

Plus, there are mandatory rules so that your eyelashes don’t look worse than they can:

Eyelash rules:

  • throw away all the cheap mascaras and buy one good quality one. Do not store mascara for longer than 3 months.
  • every evening . The area around the eyelashes is the most difficult to clean, so don’t skimp on cotton pads, don’t waste your time - clean your eyes properly so that the chemicals don’t clog the pores. At the same time, do not rub your eyes too much - you can damage the bulbs.
  • massage your eyelashes a couple of times a week at night: with your eyes closed, use clean fingers to gently and lightly (without pressing on the eyeball) massage their roots. You can apply just a little bit of castor or burdock oil to your fingertips to enhance the effect, but please constantly monitor the reaction of your eyes and remember that the oils must be of high quality. If you use Alerana, you don’t have to bother with this point.
  • your eyelashes will look better if you drink a lot of clean water and eat healthy foods, not junk. Watch your diet: vegetables, fruits, fish, avocados, nuts, cereals - all this is very useful for your beauty.

Special shampoos and balms, masks and compresses for eyelash growth - in my opinion, this is already too much. Because if we look after them so carefully, as well as eyebrows, hair, nails, skin, teeth, etc., then 24 hours in a day will not be enough for us.

Therefore, use those methods that definitely work: healthy diet + vitamins + proven strengthening product + quality cosmetics + good cleansing. It's enough.

Well, if you have already done everything possible, strengthened your eyelashes, nourished them with benefits, but the result is still far from your dreams, then it’s time to use completely different methods of changing the appearance of your eyelashes.

How to make eyelashes long and thick quickly?

This section is no longer about how to grow eyelashes, but about how to make them visually long and thick.

About false eyelashes

First I tried it. I bought a couple of these that looked more or less natural, plus glue (all for 250 rubles).

I watched several videos on YouTube on how to glue them correctly. The first damn thing was lumpy: I rolled them in glue, smeared all over my eyelids - and this was an hour before a very important event. I had to quickly wash my face and reapply my makeup.

The second time it turned out almost well, but somehow it turned out that after a couple of hours my upper eyelid began to stick to the supraorbital ridge. There was no way to remove the glue, as a result I looked extremely strange, blinking one eye =))

Why am I telling you this? Do not try to apply false eyelashes shortly before leaving the house if this is your first time. However, with practice, you will be able to stick them on much faster and without incident.

But this is not an option for every day: it still takes time (after practice, I still need 10 minutes to do everything perfectly), plus, false eyelashes don’t look completely natural. Beautiful - yes, natural - no. Only from afar. Excellent as an evening option.

I continue to use them sometimes (for photo shoots, if I haven’t had time to build them up, for videos, sometimes for evening events). And by the way, if you don’t want to pay 200 rubles for a pair of eyelashes every time, buy them on Joom, it’s much cheaper there.

  • official Joom application for iphone - Here
  • official Joom app for Android - Here

About magnetic eyelashes

I won’t go into too much detail here, I’ll just say that up close they look terrible. The magnets are visible. However, they are molded very quickly and generally hold up well, so they will do as an option for a photo shoot where your face will not be photographed close-up.

About eyelash extensions

Next I decided grow eyelashes . The first experience was sad: I went to a newly opened salon in my house, where a girl with a bad smell from her nose (yes, her nose was very close to my face) suspiciously quickly extended my eyelashes, which safely fell off after 3 day. Oh, I should have gotten up and left right away...

My friend was getting extensions done at her salon around the same time. However, after a few hours she developed such a terrible allergy to the glue (imagine what happens to her eyes: they sting, they swell and water, and itch, itch, itch) that the eyelashes had to be immediately removed along with a good half of her own.

Therefore, girls, do not chase cheapness, do not chase the proximity of the salon, get extensions from those about whom you have heard a lot of positive reviews. After asking our friends, we found out about such a girl, and she grew eyelashes really wonderfully.

Our eyelash extensions (from good specialists) cost about 2,500 rubles. With proper care, the eyelashes last a month, then bald spots become visible and you need to go and grow them. Correction is already cheaper.

My choice is extensions

At first I couldn't get used to special care for eyelash extensions(I’m still getting used to saying “extensions” and not “extensions”...). You can’t wipe your eyes, you need to watch what position you sleep in (although in fact this is a plus - not sleeping on your face, it’s good for beauty), make sure that the eyelash doesn’t fall off and stay on your cheek (because it doesn’t look good anymore). like an eyelash, but like a spider's leg, it looks terrible).

Well, you need to wash your face and remove makeup much more carefully. Which, however, is also good - the skin should be treated as carefully as possible.

Now I’m used to this care, I extend eyelashes like this: I add extensions, a month later correction, after a month I remove them and let the eyelashes rest. It’s different for everyone, but mine look worse after extensions, so just after extensions I restore them with Alerana and take vitamins every second time. During this period, I use invoices for some activities.

When the eyelashes are back to normal, I go to get eyelash extensions again.

Yes, there are difficulties, but there is so much joy! Eyelash extensions (from a good specialist and with high-quality materials) look amazing, chic, amazing! You wake up - you’re beautiful, you don’t have to put on makeup! And at sea they are so convenient, and at photo shoots, and in general... In general, extensions are a cool thing, I use them with pleasure.

In the video you can see how much the look changes after extensions, how expressive, rejuvenated and wide-open your eyes become:

About all sorts of tricks and experiences of girlfriends

Eyelash perm

I haven’t tried it myself, but my friend has.

In general, there is also a procedure that allows you to bend your eyelashes for two months - this is. The essence of this procedure is that a special flexible roller is glued to the eye and a chemical solution is applied to the eyelashes.

As you can understand from the name of the procedure, this can be dangerous. Firstly, there are a lot of reviews about allergic reactions to the solution; many have burned their eyes, many have broken ends. Secondly, this procedure is highly not recommended for girls who wear contact lenses or have sensitive eyelids.

My friend found a good master: it didn’t sting my eyes, it didn’t hurt, and the bend turned out nice. The effect of eyelash perming is limited to 2.5 months - this is the time during which the eyelashes are completely renewed.

But chemistry is still chemistry: there is little good in tormenting your eyes with it from time to time. One way or another, over time, the chemistry penetrates the eyelash follicles, making them weaker.

Lamination of eyelashes

I haven’t tried it myself either - I just don’t like the way it looks.

According to statements, lamination makes eyelashes stronger plus maintains a good curl. But in my opinion, this procedure is for those who already have their own good and beautiful ones.

After lamination, a girl with sparse and short eyelashes begins to look like a girl with the same sparse and short eyelashes, only they are already curled. And they don’t look like anything... greasy, dirty, or something. A friend of mine made it and didn’t like it.

Tattooing of the inter-eyelash space

And another friend decided to tattooing of the interlash space . She says it was terribly painful and she could barely stand it. But the eyes really began to look a little more expressive, because it seems that the eyelashes have become thicker at the base.

But I definitely won’t recommend this method to you: pain, harm, the possibility of negative consequences... And then the paint will lighten and come off (most likely in parts) and you will either have to repaint each time or go through it again. In general, an experiment for everyone.

Do you think you could withstand tattooing on your eyes? I probably don't...

Little tricks

  • If you want to make your eyelashes longer and thicker in your photos -
  • Before applying mascara to your eyelashes, powder them carefully and evenly. Then cover it with mascara. If the mascara is good, nothing will fall out, but the hairs themselves will look thicker.
  • After applying mascara, immediately lick the sides of your index fingers and curl your eyelashes with them, raising your eyebrows (it’s better to hold it for a couple of minutes). At first this will only work for a couple of hours, but over time your eyelashes will slowly adapt to this position.

In conclusion of the article

If a girl is charming and feminine, if she knows how to use makeup correctly, then the lack of gorgeous eyelashes will not make her look bad.

As I already said, the length of each girl’s eyelashes is individual and genetically determined, so some medications, gels and ointments will not achieve an effect (I mean, a SUPER TOUCH effect, like with extensions).

But! This applies to cases when your eyelashes have not undergone any, let’s say, stress - that is, they have always been the way they are now. How to grow eyelashes if one day for some reason they begin to fall out, thin out, or become thinner? There are several reasons for this, but there is also a solution. About this in the article “Eyelash Care” Next post
How to care for eyelashes correctly? »

Don't know how to restore your eyelashes after extensions at home? The life hacks in our article will help you easily restore your eyelashes after extensions and give them health and natural beauty. Let's read!

Many girls are familiar with the situation when, after removing eyelash extensions, their own eyelashes become almost invisible, fall out and look dull. Usually this condition is associated with the unprofessionalism of the master or the use of low-quality adhesives. Although in some cases, expensive materials have a negative impact on the health of your own eyelashes.

The main thing in this situation is not to rush back to the salon to hide the imperfections of your eyelashes; by doing this, you risk aggravating the situation and making it almost insoluble. Eyelashes can be restored, and this is done in different ways, including at home.

Do eyelashes grow back after extensions?

All panicking women should know that eyelashes grow back after eyelash extensions. They grow continuously. Each eyelash lives on average 200 days, after which it falls out, and a new one begins to grow in its place. Reasons why your eyelashes may seem to have stopped growing are:

This state of affairs can be changed using an integrated approach:

  • Caring for the eyelashes themselves. Each hair consists mainly of keratin. When its structure exfoliates, the eyelashes lose their tone and elasticity. It is necessary to “glue” the keratin flakes together”;
  • Eyelid care. The skin contains blood vessels and hair follicles that nourish the eyelashes and ensure their growth. It is necessary to nourish the skin of the eyelids;
  • Vitamins A and E are responsible for the growth of eyelashes. Taking medications based on them will help speed up the process of growth and recovery. But before buying vitamins, you need to consult your doctor.

Let's move on directly to the products that can be used to restore eyelashes. They are home and professional.

Professional care

If you are used to making a choice in favor of ready-made cosmetic products that you can buy in the store, then to restore eyelashes after extensions, use the following principles:

Along with professional care, you can also use folk remedies, so you will speed up the recovery process.

Oils in the fight for beautiful eyelashes

Most professional cosmetics for eyelashes are created on the basis of ordinary vegetable oils. To restore hair you can use:

Of course, every girl wants to restore her eyelashes as quickly as possible with minimal time. To simplify your work and speed up hair growth, use these little tricks:

  • Oils do not lose their properties if mixed. Prepare a complex remedy from these oils by mixing them in equal proportions. It will simultaneously restore, strengthen, nourish eyelashes, stimulate their growth and prevent hair loss;
  • To enhance the effectiveness of the oil composition, add vitamins A and E to it. They can be bought at the pharmacy in the form of liquid in ampoules.

Don't expect instant results. Many women, not noticing results in the first few days, give up eyelash care measures. The first results from your efforts will appear only 2 weeks after the start of the recovery process. And in a month you will be able to be proud of your beautiful look.

How to restore eyelashes after extensions at home?

In addition to basic care, herbal infusions are perfect:

For the above recipes to really work, they must be used regularly. Folk remedies have a mild effect. You won’t see any tangible results the first or second time.

Herbal treatment has a cumulative effect. The more often and regularly you perform procedures, the faster and better the results will become. It is recommended to supplement the course of primary therapy with herbal treatment.

The importance of nutrition in eyelash restoration

The way you eat affects the condition of women’s eyelashes no less than the use of high-quality cosmetics and folk remedies.

It is important to nourish the skin of the eyelids and hair follicles from the inside. To do this, you need to enrich your diet with B vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. To realize this, use the following nutritional principles:

  • Include dairy products and legumes in your menu;
  • Fruits are very useful. This especially applies to pomegranates, oranges and bananas;
  • Try to refuse or minimize the consumption of baked goods, sweet and smoked foods, fatty foods and fast food products.

These principles will not only help restore eyelashes after extensions, but will also help improve health and maintain a beautiful figure.

Video: how to restore eyelashes?

Thus, it is possible to restore eyelashes after extensions, but this will require some effort. It will take about a month to develop a beautiful look. Don’t despair and don’t rush to the salon again, and healthy eyelashes will thank you with thickness and beauty.

2 votes

Long and thick eyelashes are one of the biggest desires of many women. Sometimes when you wake up in the morning, you notice a fallen eyelash, and a certain feeling of anxiety appears. Let's look at the questions of how long eyelashes grow and to what length.

Features and time of eyelash growth

First, you need to clarify that the main function of eyelashes is not beauty and attractiveness. Nature endowed them with the purpose of protecting the eyes. Each eyelash is actually a sensor, when exposed to which the eyelid reflexively closes, thereby protecting the eyes from dust, dirt, and penetration of anything.

The upper eyelid is framed by 150-250 eyelashes, the lower - 50-150. The length of the upper eyelashes is somewhat ahead of its sisters from the lower eyelid. Their sizes average 10 and 7 mm, respectively. Each hair contains:

  • kernel;
  • root;
  • onion

The rod is the outer “beautiful” part. The root and bulb are the subcutaneous part enclosed in the follicle. The life cycle of an eyelash is divided into several phases:

  • active growth;
  • transition;
  • rejection.

Eyelashes are completely renewed every few years. Their active growth phase lasts about 30-45 days. How much do eyelashes grow per day? Tenths of a millimeter. Only about 40% of the upper eyelashes and 15% of the lower ones are in the anagen phase at any time.

Each eyelash will grow to a certain length and then stop. Next comes the transition phase. Growth stops and the hair follicle shrinks. If the eyelash is removed at this time, it will not grow until this phase is completed, lasting up to 2-3 weeks.

The resting phase lasts up to 100 days or more. Losing an eyelash at this stage means that a new one will grow back faster because the growth cycle has not been disrupted. Eyelashes fall out after the new root matures. They grow all the time, but over the years they weaken, lighten, and thin out.

It is necessary to take into account the characteristics of eyelash growth before deciding on cosmetic procedures aimed at changing their natural forms. How long do eyelashes grow after extensions? The answer is simple: much longer than healthier eyelashes. For all its advantages, extensions also have disadvantages. These include:

  • allergic reaction to glue;
  • negative effect on the hair follicle;
  • possibility of injury and infection.

The pregnancy period is quite unique for every woman. Some people have very strong, well-growing and healthy hair at this time. This is associated with an increase in the level of the hormone estrogen. Although rare, it does happen that eyelashes undergo changes for the worse: they become thin, fragile, and their loss increases. A possible cause could be a vitamin deficiency or changes in hormonal levels leading to hyperfunction of the thyroid gland. After childbirth, everything should return to its previous state.

This procedure is quite popular, but not everyone understands how eyelashes behave after extensions. They require careful care. If you ignore the advice of the specialist who performed the procedure, your real eyelashes will become weakened, fall out, and break. But if you carry out proper strengthening, unpleasant consequences can be avoided.

Why does extensions weaken eyelashes?

This procedure involves the technician gluing artificial eyelashes to real eyelashes. Yes, in his work he can use the most gentle compositions, which definitely will not cause allergies, inflammation and other unpleasant sensations, but he cannot do without chemical elements in their composition. They guarantee the strength of fixation of artificial eyelashes, as well as the duration of the effect. So they destroy the structure of natural hair, leading to its weakening and increased fragility.

Another negative consequence of this procedure is their slower growth and renewal. Therefore, it is so important to take measures to strengthen eyelashes after extensions and to quickly restore them.

Remember that in some cases the problem may be far-fetched, since a habit arises of increased volume after hair extensions that were created artificially. Therefore, you can judge whether eyelash restoration is necessary after extensions only by looking at the photo (compare the actual appearance with the earlier one). This is the only way to decide whether eyelashes need to be treated after extensions.

In many ways, the negative effect on hairs occurs as a result of improper use of materials and non-compliance with the procedure technique. For example, if a master glues an artificial eyelash onto one real eyelash or vice versa, then they will eventually begin to tighten and, naturally, deteriorate.

Ways to restore eyelashes after extensions

After removal of extensions, eyelashes need active nutrition. The following substances can be used for this:

  1. Special cosmetics recommended by the extension specialist. He knows the features of the materials and preparations that he uses in his work, and therefore what product will be able to restore eyelashes.
  2. Oils. The most effective, popular and affordable is castor oil. However, when using it, you need to carefully ensure that this eyelash restoration product does not get into the organs of vision. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out the procedure with your eyes closed, using a cotton swab or a brush from an old mascara (it must be thoroughly cleaned first). They require applying oil to the eyelashes, then rinsing off after 7-10 minutes. Other oils, such as almond, sea buckthorn or peach kernels, have a similar effect.

Sea buckthorn oil - a means of restoring and strengthening eyelashes

In addition to using external remedies, it is recommended to change the diet, in particular regarding the intake of vitamins and protein. There should be a sufficient amount of them, which is facilitated by the daily consumption of meat, nuts and dairy products. This will have a beneficial effect on the condition of not only the eyelashes, but also the entire body as a whole.

Folk remedies

Treatment of eyelashes after extensions can be carried out using decoctions of medicinal herbs. However, they can only be used as an additional tool. Has a beneficial effect on the condition of hairs:

  • black tea, but only if it is natural, does not contain any chemicals, including dyes (you need to make a strong brew, soak cotton pads in it, and place them on your eyelids for 15-20 minutes);
  • chamomile: this plant has a decongestant and calming effect;
  • calendula and sage: to prepare the product you need 2 tsp. dry crushed herb, pour 1 cup of boiling water, leave until the required strength is obtained (look at the color), then cool and use as intended.

Eyelashes are also restored when using aloe juice. To enhance the effect of this product, it is recommended to mix it with castor or burdock oil in equal quantities. Apply the resulting mixture to your hair (be careful not to get the product into your eyes), leave for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water. If desired, the product can be further enriched with vitamins. Ideal for this E, which is sold in liquid form.

How to speed up the recovery process

Each girl is individual, so there is no way to say how quickly to restore eyelashes after extensions. However, you should not expect accelerated results; it is recommended to be patient and actively work on the process of eyelash restoration after extensions at home for several months. The first successes will be noticeable after a few weeks, but the result requires mandatory consolidation, regardless of how long the eyelashes grow.

After removing hair extensions, you must follow certain rules:

  • do not rub your eyes (it is recommended to minimize any mechanical impact on the organs of vision and eyelashes, which is very important, for example, when removing makeup or using eyelid skin care cream);
  • stop using decorative cosmetics for this period;
  • repeated extensions can be performed only six months after removing artificial eyelashes (you need to give the hairs time to rest and recover, and this period does not depend on how quickly your eyelashes grow.).

Knowing these basic rules, the question of whether your eyelashes deteriorate due to the extension procedure usually does not arise.

What to do if your eyelashes have fallen out

It happens that eyelashes begin to fall out, even if they were growing well before. This process is natural, and you should not panic if you lose about 5 hairs every day. If this amount is greater and this process continues for a long time, it is recommended to consult an ophthalmologist. He will tell you what to do in your situation.

If your eyelashes have fallen out...

Why might eyelashes fall out? This is explained as follows:

  1. They may have done this before, and in the same amount, but as the eyelashes became darker and longer, these losses became more noticeable. In this case, you need to count the fallen hairs. There should not be more than 5-6.
  2. Natural eyelashes should fall out along with extensions, if the technician strictly followed the technology. If the imitation was glued incorrectly (for example, only in the middle, and the tip remains free), then during daily cosmetic procedures it is very easy to catch and tear it off. Therefore, you need to check whether your eyelashes or eyelash extensions have fallen out.
  3. When neighboring hairs stick together (and sometimes they are connected in whole groups), the natural growth of natural eyelashes is disrupted, causing them to break and fall out.
  4. If only artificial eyelashes fall out, but natural ones remain in place, then most likely the artist used low-quality glue.

A correctly carried out extension procedure will never negatively affect the condition of the hairs, however, weakening and loss can be avoided only if you follow the care recommendations after eyelash extensions.

Video - How to restore eyelashes after extensions

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