Dream interpretation of red rose petals. Why do you dream about Rose Petals? Dream book for a bitch

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician Yuri Longo

If the dreamer dreamed of a Petal

The flower petal you saw in a dream suggests that very soon you may find yourself in an awkward position and you will have to hide the true state of affairs from your loved ones. It is impossible to say how long this will drag on; it is not about you, but about circumstances that are beyond your control.

If in a dream you tore off a flower petal, it means that you need to analyze how you feel about one of your friends. You risk abandoning the person who was sent to you by Fate itself. In order not to make a truly fatal mistake, you need to pacify your pride and not get irritated for any reason, especially since these reasons are often trivial and insignificant.

Many petals that have fallen from a withered flower indicate that a little more - and you may find yourself at a broken trough. Perhaps the reason for this outcome lies in the fact that you constantly demand something more, without stopping there. On the one hand, such behavior can be welcomed, but on the other hand, it turns out that what you have is never enough for you.

The new and most complete dream book of 1918

Why do you dream about Petal?

If in a dream you pick the petals from a chamomile, wondering whether “loves or not,” then a day will come soon that will be filled to the brim with happy events and meetings, the memories of which will leave an indelible mark on your memory. Five or more petals on a lilac flower, seen in a dream, portend great love with a small person, but with a big soul and very small shortcomings. Rose petals in a dream foreshadow a quick marriage, fallen petals - troubles and fear, betrayal and separation. In general, withered flowers dropping their petals are a sign of change for the worse, accompanied by mental turmoil.

Pocket dream book

If a sleeper sees a Petal in a dream

Why you dream of fallen rose petals is already clear - circumstances beyond your control will play a cruel joke on you. Dream books warn that in reality you are playing with the destinies of your loved ones. The time has come to think about your actions so as not to be left alone for a long time, especially if you dreamed of a whole field strewn with rose petals.

Dictionary of Dreams / Stern Robinson and Tom Corbett (Russian translation)

Let's figure out why Petal dreams

Seeing white and red rose petals in the bathroom is a good sign. The difference between white petals in a dream and red ones is significant. According to the interpretation of dream books, the former speak of a stable and long-term relationship, ready to develop into a strong union, the latter – of an all-consuming short-term passion. Showering yourself with pink rose petals means the chosen one’s indecisiveness.

Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

For those born in January, February, March, April

Tearing off a petal in a dream means the infidelity of a loved one.

For those born in May, June, July and August

Plucking chamomile petals in a dream, wondering whether he loves or does not love, everyone around you, except you, has long known that he does not love.

For those born in September, October, November, December

To see in a dream how petals are falling off the flowers standing on your table means the end of love.

How to learn to understand your dreams

Why do women and men dream about the Petal?

Experts have found that the plot of women's dreams is emotional and consists of small details. And the dreams of men are distinguished by specificity and active dynamics of events. This is due to gender differences in brain function. The symbolism of sleep is the same for a woman and a man, therefore a Petal in a dream has the same meaning for both sexes.

Personal dreams and their interpretations

Roses, both in real life and in a dream, usually delight every girl or woman and evoke bright and pleasant feelings.

Dream interpretation rose petals

Deciphering the appearance of these beautiful flowers in our dreams most often affects the love and sensual sphere. Therefore, it is very important to know what roses mean in dreams, so you can guess what can or should happen in your personal life in the near future, and take action in time if necessary.

Why do you dream about roses?

1. If you see a bouquet of fresh roses in a dream, then soon another person will persistently burst into your life. But whether he will bring you joy and true love or whether he will be another preoccupied idiot, this will depend on the details of the dream.

2. If you pick a rose from a bush in a dream, it means that in real life you will make a new friend.

3. A large bouquet of roses of different colors in a dream indicates unexpected money; it could be a bonus that you did not expect to receive or some kind of gift of fate in the form of a monetary reward.

4. Planting roses is a romantic temptation that will be hard to refuse. For example, you may really like a married man or a guy who is much younger than you; you understand that you have no future with him, but you really want to.

5. A rose with thorns - an injection or a trick from ill-wishers. Moreover, if you prick yourself with these thorns in a dream, then you should expect a dirty trick from someone close to you. Also in this case, you may become disappointed in your loved one.

6. Rose petals dream of good news or favorable changes in your personal life or at work.

7. For a healthy person, roses in a dream promise a long life filled with joys.

White Rose

1. Large roses with slightly open buds indicate successful completion of a business or project.

2. Small buds symbolize an upcoming business trip or trip.

3. A white rose among daisies in a bouquet - a whirlwind romance awaits you soon.

4. Buying white roses means success at work or in your career.

5. Saw spots on the petals of a white rose - your loved one is hiding something from you, is not entirely sincere with you.

6. If you prick yourself with a white rose, you will find something valuable, or you will get it almost for nothing, with obvious benefit.

7. You saw a luxurious bouquet in a dream, which means that it is time to fully relax.

8. For an unmarried girl, seeing one white rose in a dream means falling in love. This may also indicate the opportunity to build pure, elevated relationships based on spiritual attraction and true love, without animal passion and base physical lust.

9. For a girl in a relationship, a lonely rose in a dream indicates disappointment in love.

Yellow roses

1. We received yellow roses as a gift - a joyful event is coming.

2. Gave yellow flowers to someone in a dream - expect life changes, usually for the better.

3. Yellow roses are in a vase and on the windowsill - you have a secret admirer who will soon reveal himself or you yourself will guess who it is. If you put the flowers in the vase yourself, now is not the best time to start a new relationship. But if you throw the flowers that were on the windowsill out the window, then this is the time to start a new love relationship; you can plunge right into them.

4. If you saw flowers in the car, it means you will have to sort things out with your significant other. If you saw yellow roses in a carriage compartment, then a pleasant date or meeting awaits you soon.

5. Seeing unopened buds in a dream means that you passionately want to leave your hometown and perhaps even the country.

6. Fading buds of yellow flowers in a dream symbolize the beginning of a favorable period for bringing your many ideas and plans to life.

7. Flowers on the bed - you will soon be overcome by jealousy.

8. Fallen petals in a dream indicate a search for a new job.

Red roses

1. Hold a rose in your hands - in the coming days you will be invited on a date.

2. If you trim the stems of red roses in a dream, wait for a marriage proposal.

3. Being pricked by the thorns of a scarlet rose in a dream means that your significant other will commit some unseemly act towards you, say something stupid, joke, to put it mildly, off topic, or do something nasty, not out of malice, but rather due to a misunderstanding.

4. Giving flowers to a friend in a dream means that in real life you will have to make excuses to your lover, he will accuse you of something, most likely, he will be jealous of someone.

5. Broken roses in a dream symbolize the suspended state of your relationship with your loved one. If you see one broken rose among other roses, then this means a quarrel with your lover.

6. The smell of roses in a dream is unpleasant to you - this means disappointment in your loved one, who may soon become an ex.

7. Throwing flowers in the trash or in a trash can in a dream means breaking up with your loved one.

Why do you dream about roses that bloom?

If you inhale the aroma of blooming roses in a dream, it means that your loved one is faithful to you and you will be happy in love. And if you see bushes with blooming roses in your dream, then your life will be filled with joyful events and real happiness, and will also be accompanied by success and prosperity.

Natural flowers

Such a dream foretells you some kind of joyful event and a lot of happiness. It can also be a symbol of passion, romantic adventures or good luck in life.

In a woman’s dream, fresh flowers symbolize femininity, feelings such as softness, tenderness, the ability to sympathize, etc.

Artificial roses

If you dream of man-made roses, the dream book recommends concentrating your attention on solving family problems, most often this concerns intimate relationships with your spouse, since the passion has long disappeared somewhere.

Also, artificial roses in a dream can symbolize various kinds of troubles, upcoming problems and illnesses.

Rose petals

If you dream of rose petals on your bed or on the floor of your house, this indicates that your loved one loves you and is faithful to you, but for some reason you doubt him.

Picking rose petals in a dream means that you yourself are destroying your own happiness, most often this concerns your personal life, you need to reconsider your behavior and attitude towards your loved one.

Bouquet of roses

If you were given a bouquet of roses, then the people around you value and respect you, and soon your merits will be taken into account and recognized. If the gift roses turn out to be red, then expect good news.

For a representative of the fair sex, seeing a bouquet of roses in a vase on the table is a sign of a marriage proposal from her beloved.

Lots of roses

A very large number of rose bushes in a dream means that family life will be happy and filled with love.

Seeing a lot of roses and trying to make a bouquet out of them means the upcoming marriage will be successful and happy.

Withered roses

Dried roses in a dream portend you illness or trouble.

A fading rose in a dream can symbolize loneliness and the fact that you are now actively searching for your soulmate.

If you saw a red wilted rose in your dream, then this may indicate a cooling of your feelings towards your loved one, or, on the contrary, your loved one may grow cold towards you. If in your case a man has lost interest in you, then the dream book reminds you that almost any man likes variety and will eventually get tired of the same girl.

Therefore, try to be different, a bit of an actress in life and moderately relaxed in bed, and then even if you bother your loved one from time to time, he still won’t be able to live long without you and your love. Well, if, despite all your efforts, you still can’t keep a man, then you don’t need to do it, it’s better to preserve your girlish dignity, if you have it, then a new man will quickly be found, because that’s what they like about us girls.

A rose crumbles in a dream - autumn is coming in the soul, and a quiet and carefree period in life is coming to an end.

Many beautiful halves imagine how they will take their loved one by the arm and walk with him to the altar, and beautiful, blond angels will scatter rose petals in front of them. However, this only happens in a dream. If a girl nevertheless saw the petals of this wonderful flower in a dream, she naturally wants to know what this could mean.

How are dreams explained in the West?

Western astrologers say that the rose is a sign of love and beauty. It is considered the spiritual center of the heart, a sign of the divine essence. So seeing rose petals in a dream is a joyful omen. As a rule, it denotes fidelity and love.

Scarlet petals - spiritual closeness with your soulmate.

White petals are explained in different ways. On the one hand - a detached lifestyle, separation, a threat to the life of a loved one, and on the other - chastity, spiritual purity, virginity. Such a dream should be interpreted based on specific circumstances.

Bright red petals - hot, all-consuming love, passion.

Blue petals - the beginning of a new stage, farewell to a past life.

Yellow petals - fidelity.

Falling petals mean the imminent end of the relationship with your chosen one.

Withering petals - loneliness, established relationships are under threat.

Dried petals mean old love cannot be returned.

Petals on the snow - unrequited expectation of love.

Petals against a background of natural aromas are a sign of joy.

An unopened bud - nascent friendship, financial well-being, stability.

If a woman decorates her hair with red rose petals, it means lying.

If a girl dreams of her boyfriend showering her with rose petals, then perhaps she will soon receive a marriage proposal from him.

How are dreams explained in the East?

There dreams are analyzed and studied more carefully. For example, in China, the description, classification and study of dreams has been going on for more than three millennia. In eastern countries, the rose is the personification of beauty, the queen of flowers. However, a dream with its petals can portend not only joyful events.

The red petals of this beautiful flower symbolize “yin” - the energy of the earth. Red roses are a symbol of sadness and joy, a symbol of flesh and blood. If sleep is heavy, this indicates the possibility of body diseases, nervous breakdowns, and weakened energy. If the dream is very emotional, it indicates an overexcited, nervous state. If you see rich red rose petals in a dream, then you will probably have to sacrifice material resources, relationships, and work. You also need to pay attention to the condition of your heart.

The white petals of the flower symbolize “yang” - the energy of the sky. White roses are considered a symbol of the immortal human spirit, joy, and aspiration to heaven. If you experience solemn feelings in a dream, this may indicate that you have to perform an important, responsible act. If you experience negative feelings, you may have problems understanding the emotions of another person.

If you walk on rose petals in a dream in winter, spring or summer, you will receive positive energy and bright feelings.

If you walk along white petals in autumn, this is a powerful charge of emotions, good luck in love.

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    Petals roses in dream foreshadow a quick marriage, fallen petals- troubles and fear, betrayal and separation. Generally withered flowers, dropping their petals, - a sign of change for the worse, accompanied by mental turmoil. Why dreaming Petal according to the dream book: Petal- See in dream as if the flowers standing on your table are falling off petals, - to the end of love. Read more

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    Dream Interpretation Petal dreamed, interpretation of the word petal and its meaning in dream, for what dreaming petal, read absolutely free and find out the interpretation dreams!Five or more petals seen on a lilac flower in dream: portend great love with a small person, but with a big soul and very small flaws. Petals roses in dream foreshadow a quick marriage, fallen petals: troubles and fear, betrayal and separation. Read more

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    I dreamed about it Rose, but the necessary interpretation sleep not in the dream book? Our experts will help you find out why dreaming Rose in dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if in dream have you seen this symbol? Try it! Please tell me what it can do will dream such dream: I was walking down the street and they showered me petals scarlet roses.Read completely

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    See in dream not your children, this is a joy. in your case, the joy that a matter (problem, event) has been resolved very successfully for you, which has been dragging you on for several months and never reaches its logical conclusion. Publish your dream dreams and our Interpreters dreams dreaming cut off petals roses in dream.Read completely

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    Dream Interpretation - Had a dream roses. Do you think that dream Does it have anything to do with who you spend the day thinking about? I'm guessing that dream about work (with the Moon in Capricorn dreamed about it).Publish yours dream free in the Interpretation section dreams and our Interpreters dreams maybe they can explain to you why dreaming cut off petals roses in dream.Read completely

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    Dreamed withered roses mean that you do not have a loved one. The girl who dreamed what she decorates roses your hair, will be deceived by your loved one. Tear off in dream petals for flowers - to lose your favorite thing. So don't tear it up! Even when you wonder: “loves or doesn’t love...” Read more

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    Dream Interpretation - Money and roses. 1 dream talks about some possible circumstances that will improve your well-being, ..a 2 dream says that behind some of your troubles, deeds and worries there will be an ardent friendship... (or it will arise). Publish your dream free in the Interpretation section dreams and our Interpreters dreams maybe they can explain to you why dreaming cut off petals roses in dream.Read completely

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    Dream Interpretation - Roses. They symbolize a great feeling. Pink color petals: a sign of tenderness. Blooming rose bush: promises family happiness and prosperity. Red rose in dream: means ardent friendship. White: a sign of purity and defenselessness. If your chosen one gives you white roses: in this way your heart tells you about the purity and sincerity of his thoughts. Black rose: portends mental suffering. If her look attracts you, then this dream promises you fatal passion. Read more

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    For what dream roses- according to Loff's dream book. Big red ones roses symbolize a wonderful feeling called love, a yellow bouquet speaks of true friendship, white - of purity of thoughts, black rose in dream, as in reality, sows death. Swim in petals- means to have many opportunities, prospects, to have talents that will help you achieve heights in life. Read more

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    flowers roses. petals roses.Had a dream blue Roses, but the necessary interpretation sleep not in the dream book? Our experts will help you find out why dream blue Roses in dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if in dream saw this symbol. Read more

    Dream interpretation "sonan"

    To me dreamed about it a huge white hall, scattered on the floor petals red roses.In the center of the hall, on the floor, a young guy was lying. He was completely naked and only a piece of white cloth was wrapped around his hips. A girl in a white cloak with a hood approached him. She raised his head, he looked at her with brown eyes and crumbled into thousands white petals.to entry: In dream a person dies. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Roses in dream– a joyful event awaits you: a marriage proposal or a big win. Publish your dream free in the Interpretation section dreams and our Interpreters dreams maybe they can explain to you why dreaming cut off petals roses in dream. Order free online interpretations dreams!Read completely

    Dream book "sonnik-enigma"

    Azar's dream book gives a very interesting interpretation sleep about roses, but only if they dreamed about it to a young lady. A very successful flirtation awaits her, which may well develop into a serious relationship, and even lead to marriage. Petals roses that you pick from a flower in dream- a bad omen. With your own hands you are destroying love happiness, driving away the person who really loves and appreciates you. Also, a sign of sadness and fading feelings - dry roses in dream.

Red roses are associated with tender feelings and passion, beautiful women, and romantic relationships. Seeing flowers in a dream means quick love experiences. This is exactly how most predictors and psychologists interpret what red roses mean in dreams. A dream with large scarlet bouquets and bushes can tell a lot about the person himself.

General meaning of a dream about red roses

Having seen a beautiful dream, you need to remember the details and make the correct interpretation of what . Roses with red petals- these are fatal, passionate, fiery feelings. The dreamer will have pleasant experiences related to his personal life. Romantic relationships, falling in love, the imminent “bouquet-candy” period - these are the main meanings of what dreams of red roses in a bouquet or roses growing in large bushes in the garden mean.

In addition, you may remember other subtleties of the dream that affect its entire meaning. Giving a girl a lot of red roses means feeling affection, falling in love, worrying about a first date, expecting reciprocity. Receiving a bouquet from someone is joy, happiness. Feeling a pleasant aroma means serenity, being in the clouds, dreaminess. To be pricked by thorns - sadness, unpleasant changes, the end of carefree joy, the need to make difficult decisions. Growing flower - energy, happy future. Giving someone one bud- strong emotional attachment.

Why do you dream of rose petals:

  • joyful events, which will become more and more numerous;
  • exciting anticipation;
  • great hopes, family well-being;
  • a happy coincidence.

Roses can mean more than just positive changes for a person. As a rule, dream books interpret negatively what wilted roses mean in dreams. Usually this promises grief, some important loss, or illness. When you dream of scarlet petals without drops of dew, in real life a person may suffer from illness. After such a dream, it is recommended to undergo a medical examination to protect yourself from health problems.

Women's and family dream books

A special view of dreamed flowers has developed in women's and family dream books. According to them, seeing a fast-growing bush is an omen of material well-being, improved financial condition, promotion at work, and career growth. Flowers dreamed of in the form of a bouquet mark a meeting with your chosen one or chosen one. Withered petals are a symbol of fading love, the loss of former passion in a relationship.

To melancholy, you dream of paired bouquets gradually drying up. Blooming buds are hope, a long-awaited addition to the family. Scarlet roses drying out is a serious disease. Beautiful flowering bushes are a good sign in a dream. They foretell a pleasant relationship, the beginning of love, the creation of a family.

Seeing dried, outwardly unattractive bouquets is a risk of losing your happiness, stupidity, rash actions leading to failure. The interpretation may be that dead flowers represent the “death” of a partner’s bad qualities, changes in personal life associated with personal changes for the better. To see such a dream, red roses in a bouquet, means to wish for change with all your heart.

Interpretation from psychologist Miller

Miller's dream book explains that a large beautiful bouquet of scarlet roses symbolizes the girl's fidelity, good news. When a woman sees flowers, it foreshadows an imminent marriage proposal. Dried buds - a feeling of loneliness, a desire to find a mate. Flowers standing in a dark place where the sun's rays do not reach indicate health problems, a decrease in the body's defenses, and an imminent illness. Making bouquets means being happy, doing everything to strengthen relationships.

Looking at the blossoming buds means material well-being, fulfillment of desires. Bright bush - hopes, dreams, excitement. When you dream of flowers in winter, it portends happiness, in summer - fruitless anticipation. When a girl accepts a bouquet in a dream, this can indicate mental pain, a desire to be loved, or dissatisfaction in a relationship. Giving flowers is a desire to completely surrender to love, immersion in a relationship.

Love and modern dream books

According to the modern dream book, seeing roses in a dream is reciprocity, a long-awaited relationship that brings joy to each half. Such a dream carries only a pleasant message. Roses can speak of an imminent meeting with a loved one, the creation of a family, or the birth of a baby. Scarlet flowers - look at life with different eyes, find meaning, develop spiritually. Roses in a dream are a smile of fortune. After such a dream, you can expect a series of pleasant events.

Why else do you dream of beautiful bouquets of roses:

  • imminent marriage;
  • harmony of soul and mind;
  • the beginning of a new life;
  • desire to let go of the past;
  • implementation of the plan.

Finding a dried flower means returning a past relationship in vain and becoming disappointed. A crumbling rose - serenity, lightness. Picking a flower is the beginning of a passionate relationship.

Interpretation of the wanderer Smirnov

In the Wanderer's Dream Book, a red rose promises love, reciprocity, and happiness. Seeing fragrant and flowering bushes means feeling a surge of energy, cheerfulness, youth, and romance.

One flower - to love one woman, the need to build relationships not only on trust, but also with a guarantee of fidelity. The latter is associated with the desire to control your significant other, which leads to constant tension. Such a dream warns that you should calm down your ardor, trust your love and believe your beloved, otherwise you may lose the relationship.

Receiving flowers means being an object of praise, being liked by someone, feeling sympathy from a man. Giving is the desire to start a relationship, the manifestation of femininity in an atypical way, caring and creating comfort in the family.

Dependence on the day of the week

So, mostly bright bouquets in dreams foreshadow pleasant events. They are usually associated with love relationships and family. But in some dream books there are other interpretations. Fading flowers represent sadness, illness, and suffering. Torn, trampled - lost happiness.

Whether the dream will come true will depend on the day of the week:

Most psychologists and fortune tellers interpret beautiful blooming bushes as a good sign, and dried out and withering bushes as a bad sign. The meaning also depends on the dreamer’s marital status. For a married man, such a dream will be a manifestation of fidelity to his beloved, for a single man - hope for a mutual relationship, the desire to love and be loved. For a married woman it is family comfort, warmth, care, for a free girl it is the search for her one and only, tenderness, passion.

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