How to find out which one is real. How to find out true love

Faktrum publishes an excellent article from on how to obtain this information.

1. How to find a person’s pages in all social networks at once?

Several years ago, Yandex launched a service to search for people’s personal pages. It is available at Currently, the search is carried out on 16 social networks:

You can search not only by first and last name, but also by nickname:

If you are in doubt about how a person identifies himself on the Internet, you can use the logical OR operator (indicated by a vertical bar):

2. How to find a person’s latest posts on all social networks at once?

12. Does ICQ store any interesting information about your stormy youth?

14. How to find out location by IP?

The method does not guarantee the accuracy of the information. After all, there are many ways to hide your real address, which are used by both providers and users. But it's worth a try.

1. Take a letter from a person and look at its original text:

2. Find the sender’s IP address in it:

3. Enter it into the form on the service:

15. How to find out a person’s apartment number by their home phone number?

The last trick makes a lasting impression on women:

1. Accompany the new girl to the entrance. You casually ask for her home phone number;

2. In between times, go to the Sberbank mobile application and go to the section for paying for MGTS services;

3. Enter the phone number and find out the apartment number;

4. Before saying goodbye, you tell her about your second cousin who took part in the “Battle of Psychics” and offer to guess her apartment number;

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. This is a very small note on the topic of searching for official sites of Internet services, program developers and other data.

This is due to the fact that recently quite often Fake websites pretend to be official, where they can steal your registration data, slip you some nonsense, or exploit you in some other way.

Why is it important to log in or download from the official website

It is gaining more and more momentum. They may send you an email saying that you have had trouble with your VKontak account and you urgently need to go to the website and correct something there.

In this case, you, of course, know that the official website of this social network lives at, but you don’t know all the addresses of the sites you need by heart.

All the same electronic payment systems (, WebMoney, and others) are also subject to the invasion of dishonest people who want to slip you a fake instead of an official site and steal your money.

Even if you don’t have accounts on social networks, and you don’t use electronic money or online banking, you still have some programs installed on your computer that sometimes need to be updated or you have to look for some kind of free replacement.

For example, enter the name of any free program you use and add the word “download,” which is what most Internet users do quite naturally. And then you will find that there are simply a huge number of options from where you can download it.

And it’s not a fact that official website of this program will be in first place, and it won’t look as flashy as other ads.

In addition, just above the first place in the Yandex search results, you will probably see the same offers to download the software you need. It turns out that someone even pays money for you to download an absolutely free program from their resource, but not at all from the official website. Strange, isn't it?

On the other hand, if we assume that on fake (unofficial) resources If they slip you the necessary program, but “charged” with a Trojan, then everything falls into place and the benefit from such actions of attackers is also obvious.

Even if it’s not a Trojan, there will still be some kind of surprise. For example, there could easily be an add-on that will be installed along with the software you need and will harass you in a manner that everyone who gets it on their computer dreams of removing.

The moral of this story is this: use only official sites and don’t let any “radishes” profit from you. The question arises, and how to find the website program, service, series, institution, etc. In general, there is no secret here.

A Yandex or Google search will help us with this (who prefers which one more, and to be sure, you can look for the answer in both, and then compare the results to be more sure). I have already written in detail about that and the Internet, and we don’t need this deep knowledge, because everything here lies on the surface.

How to find the official website - Nigma is the best solution

Just enter the name of the program, Internet service, artist's name, series name in the search bar and see the results for this query. The first one should be the official website(most often this is true, but not always).

For example, if I want to find an official page, then it will be enough to type its name in the search bar, and you can do this in Russian:

But still, in Yandex or Google the official website will not always come first. There is a personalized issue and other nuances. How can you be one hundred percent sure?

The answer is to use . If the entered query implies an official website as an answer, then Nigma.rf marks it in the tips with the corresponding inscription in brackets, and in the search results it will show off before its title hand with thumb up:

You see how simple it is. Keep Nygma at hand (in ) and you will always be able to distinguish an official site from a fake one. I hope that this publication was useful to you. Thank you.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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It is no secret that at first it is external attractiveness that awakens the mutual sympathy of a man and a woman. Well, like “They meet you by their clothes, but they see you off by their mind.”

However, there is one problem with this: it is impossible to judge a person’s character by appearance. Not all people can read a person’s hidden messages by clothing, facial expressions, gestures, and the like.

Ordinary people just look at appearances and sympathy arises. That's all. This sympathy can develop into love. But this love is superficial, because what can you “fall in love with” if the acquaintance lasts only a few hours or days?

Perhaps into the image that a person has invented for himself. After all, a person still knows nothing about the person he “fell in love with,” neither about his character, nor about what he thinks and how, nor about his plans, goals for life, his fears, hopes, habits, skills and abilities... A person only touched the outer shell of a person, but not his inner world.

Appearance can easily be misleading. It's like a bright wrapper that means absolutely nothing and says nothing about what exactly is contained inside. After all, it happens that under the most beautiful wrapping lies the most useless gift.

The external attractiveness of a reckless person is like a gold ring in a pig's nose. Beauty will not make him more attractive, just as an exquisite nose ring will not make a pig charming. It often happens that an outwardly beautiful person, when faced with some difficult circumstances, behaves completely inappropriately.

What a mistake it would be to fall in love with a person’s appearance without having any regard for his inner qualities.

You can avoid the dangers and disappointments that many people have already endured if you learn to distinguish between infatuation and love.

Love and passion - what's the difference?


Selfless concern for the interests of a loved one.

Selfish, deprives of freedom of action. A person has expectations about what he will get from what he is involved in.

Romantic feelings appear gradually, perhaps over several months or even years.

Romantic feelings arise quickly, perhaps within hours or days.

You are attracted to a person's character and spiritual qualities.

You were deeply impressed or attracted by the person’s appearance (“He has incomparable eyes”, “She has such a figure - you’ll rock!”

You become a better person because of these relationships.

Everything goes topsy-turvy, the usual rhythm of life is disrupted.

You perceive a person as he is, with all his shortcomings, but you still love him.

You are out of touch with reality. The person seems perfect to you. You brush off any doubts caused by his serious shortcomings.

You have disagreements, but you manage to discuss problems and resolve them.

You argue often. The problems essentially remain unresolved. Many things are “settled” with a kiss.

You have a constant desire to give something to the object of your love, to share with him.

You think more about TAKE and receive, especially in satisfying your sexual desires.

Infatuation cannot be called love. Such “lovers” are detached from reality and care and think only about themselves. They tend to say, “Being around this person makes me feel like I'm really worth something. I lost sleep, everything is so wonderful that I can’t even believe it.” “I feel so good with him/her.” Note that when a person talks a lot about himself and his feelings, this is selfishness. And therefore, relationships built on selfishness are destroyed sooner or later.

Because true love is selfless and does not seek its own interests, it is not imbued with selfishness and does not neglect the interests of the other person. It is true that two people can experience strong feelings and mutual attraction. But these feelings must be balanced by prudence and deep respect for each other.

If you truly love a person, his well-being and happiness will concern you as much as your own. And you will not allow violent passion to take over your mind.

Blessings and wisdom to you!!!

Vladislav, there is no strength left because emotional shocks take them away. No emotional shock passes without a trace, especially if it is not a “Happy Ending”.

Strength must be sought from Him Who Himself is the source of all strength, and renewal is also from Him...

If you don’t have any strength left, then ask Him, He gives simply and without reproach to everyone who asks. Well, if you don’t ask, but try to recover on your own, then you might break.

Another key to renewal is forgiveness of those through whom strength was lost. I also have a blog about how to forgive, you can read it.

Psychologists believe that the main reason for failures in love is the fact that many people mistake another feeling for love, which is not suitable for creating long-term relationships. That is why many people are interested in how to recognize love in order to subsequently create a strong family.

How to recognize true love

The fact is that love can easily be confused with a feeling of strong attachment, with passion, and also with falling in love. Experts say that it is possible to say for sure that the feeling that arose between us is love only after several years have passed after the start of the relationship. The fact is that only after this time the passion subsides, all the advantages and disadvantages of the chosen one become visible, and the grinding process also takes place.

In order to recognize true love, you need to determine why exactly you love your man, and if you cannot name at least five qualities and you put external data first, this is not love. In addition, if there is no mutual respect in your couple, there is no need to say that you love each other. A person who respects his partner does not make independent decisions for both.

In addition, to recognize true love, you need to determine whether there is self-interest in your relationship. Remember that people who love each other will not try to extract self-interest from the relationship; on the contrary, they will try to make their loved one happy, even despite their own needs. The main thing that distinguishes a loving person is the desire to do good deeds for a loved one.

True love should not have manifestations of jealousy, since a loving person will never deny the independence and freedom of a loved one. A loving person not only does not impose his feelings, but also does not require proof of feelings from his partner. In order to be completely sure that the feeling you experience is true love. It is necessary to remember that a loving person always remembers that the other half, despite spiritual unity, remains an individual with his own interests.

How to recognize love by behavior

Remember how your loved one behaves while talking to you. If, during the conversation, he or she begins to straighten his back, tries to look fitter or taller, pulls in his stomach and straightens his shoulders, straightens his hair, and also periodically glances furtively at his reflection - you can be sure that your feelings are mutual.

The fact is that all of the above factors clearly indicate that your chosen one is trying with all his might to make a good impression on you.

In addition, in order to recognize mutual love, you need to observe your lover. If your man is in love with you, regardless of age, in your presence he will constantly sweat, blush, drop various objects, speak very quickly or, conversely, slowly. Strong excitement when communicating with a loved one is an integral part of displaying sincere feelings.

In addition, you should analyze the words of your boyfriend or girlfriend, especially when he or she talks about himself. Light, undisguised boasting and demonstration of one's merits clearly indicate interest in your person. What other details will reveal the person who is in love with you?

Great excitement in your presence

A person can be let down by banal physiology - hormones make the heart beat faster, breathing accelerates. Perspiration may appear on your forehead, and due to dry mouth, your counterpart will constantly swallow and lick his lips.

Due to hormonal storms and nervousness, the brain will work largely on autopilot, hence meaningless gestures and movements - rubbing hands, touching earlobes, twirling hair on a finger, there may even be attempts to sit down and stand up for some reason, turn around and go somewhere. return.

However, this state should not be confused with general confusion, when a person has thoughts spinning in his head on some very important topic that occupy all his attention. However, in this case, the stress reactions of the body described above will not be added to the confusion.

Assertive self-presentation

If someone in front of you is constantly trying to emphasize their best sides, this is one of the signs that the person being observed is not breathing smoothly towards you.

However, you should not take this sign into account if you are dealing with an extremely recognizable type of person for whom it is very important to please everyone. It would be better to talk with mutual friends and try to compare how a person behaves in your presence and outside of it.

Smiling and waving?

The next two signs are easy to notice. Your jokes always amuse him, and he will never miss the opportunity to cross paths with you at a party of mutual friends or call out to you in the university hallway. Unless, of course, you have already passed that stage when you silently look at each other with big eyes, and that cute boy doesn’t think about something like “oh my God!

If I say hello to her now, I’ll look like a complete idiot, because she’ll immediately understand that I’m head over heels!” If you are somewhere within this wonderful teenage game, then being afraid to approach will not mean a lack of sympathy.

It's always clearer from the outside

If tactless friends are already tired of their jokes about your sympathy, this is of course sad, but there is also another side to the coin. The friends of your counterpart are also not dumb Stirlitz, and they will definitely show his feelings for you somehow - sometimes with a joke, sometimes with a meaningful look, and sometimes with a hint, seemingly intended only for their own people.

What do you need to do to recognize a man's love?

In order to recognize a man’s love, you should not attach much importance to the words spoken. The fact is that most men can swear their love with sincerity on their faces, but at the same time not love, and at the same time not say a word, but burn with love for you. That is why the first thing you should pay attention to is not body language. If in your company a man tries to keep his back straight, pull in his stomach, straighten his shoulders, and also tries to smooth out his face, this is a clear sign that he loves you.

In addition, it is recommended to pay attention to the position of the man’s body while communicating with you. In the event that the body, legs and arms are positioned in such a way as to be in a common space with you and at the same time isolate others, and besides, he looks intently into your eyes, then this is more than clear evidence of love. If a man tries to constantly be in your “intimate zone,” which is located at a distance of about half a meter around your body, this indicates that he is trying to get closer to you.

How to recognize a man's love

Psychologists also recommend paying attention to the emotions that a man experiences while communicating with you. If he is in love, then in your company he will laugh, joke, smile and at the same time will not take his eyes off you. In addition, if a man has serious intentions, he will try to provide support, surprise or please you.

It is also recommended to observe the man, since most men in the company of their beloved woman feel somewhat embarrassed, become somewhat absent-minded, often blush, and their speech can be either slow or accelerated. At the same time, one of the most effective ways to determine whether a man is in love is to talk with friends, who often have complete information about the true feelings of your lover. Be prepared for the fact that you may hear something that is not what you expected, but even in this case, you will learn the truth, which is much better than vain expectations.

Home Psychology Man Signs of true love

If you look at the statistics of divorces in our country, it becomes clear that most people perceive the period of candy and bouquets, romantic dates, gifts and novelty of impressions as true love and a guarantee of family happiness until the end of their days. But walks under the moon are replaced by ordinary everyday life, everyday troubles and financial problems arise, passion subsides over time. At this moment, real feelings come, the desire to take care of a loved one, protect him and share all the difficulties. So how can you distinguish sympathy and infatuation from sincere love?

Does love exist

The question of whether true love exists excites the minds of people regardless of gender and age. Of course, most of them will give an affirmative answer, because this high feeling can not only be felt, but also seen in the eyes of lovers.

Scientists and psychologists say that love, if it is real, happens only at first sight. To feel the kinship of souls, a person needs only half a minute. It is during these 30 seconds that we are able to assess the external characteristics, temperamental characteristics and mentality of our future lover. Someone will want to argue with this opinion, arguing that they felt love only after a few months or years of dating. This can also be explained - at the time of the meeting, you simply could not have been ready for further developments of events or were too busy with the other person. Later, our brain will fully process the information and give a signal about the emergence of love.

Both a man and a woman, before feeling true love, first feel sexual attraction, attraction at the hormonal level. Lovers become more emotional and want to be close to the object of passion.

Then the next stage begins - a time of stability and attachment on an emotional level, which is caused by the release of certain hormones. According to scientists, this phase lasts only 4 years, after which many families break up.

Couples who have been together for many years do not have a hormonal connection, their relationship is based on certain universal values, to some extent, this can be called friendship, supported by intimacy.

Signs of true love If people really love each other, they are ready to overcome any difficulties just to be together. They fight for their feelings, not paying attention to evil tongues and idle speculation. Love is born where there is understanding, support and care. Any conflict is resolved based on the interests of the couple; anger, envy, mistrust - all this bypasses it. True love must be mutual, everything else is passion, sexual attraction, falling in love, the desire to possess someone out of one’s own egoism. No matter what happens, a loving person will always remain nearby, support and comfort you at the most difficult moment of life and stand shoulder to shoulder, even if the whole world is against your loved one. In any situation, there is the moral strength to pull the one you love out of severe depression. A girl who is looking for true love respects herself and will not waste time on a hopeless relationship with a dubious partner. She will not prove anything to her friends and parents by jumping out to marry the first person she meets, but will be able to wait for the only one who will share both sorrows and joys. The basis of love is respect; without mutual feelings it is impossible to build a strong marriage. Often in a couple, one person gives, and the other only receives. Disdain for the chosen one, insults, the desire to humiliate in order to elevate oneself, pride - all this has no place if love exists. Men who allow a woman’s dignity to be insulted, point out shortcomings and constantly criticize any actions are not capable of bright feelings. Most often, representatives of the fairer sex act only as an object for satisfying base desires, and not only the man is to blame for this, but also the woman who allowed herself to be treated in this way and did not stop her partner’s unworthy behavior in time. It is difficult for a loving person to answer the question why he fell in love, because most often this happens despite all the shortcomings and external circumstances. Next to a loved one, we want to become better, more attractive, and develop as a person. But there is no need to sacrifice anything and go against your own interests. Yes, relationships and family are serious work, but they should not become a heavy and unbearable burden. How to test love

Does he love you or not? Women ask this question both at the very beginning of the development of a romance, and already in marriage, when it seems that feelings have cooled slightly and gray everyday life has erased the former sharpness of sensations. If your man suddenly stops giving flowers and gifts or stays at work a little longer than usual, this does not mean a lack of love; the reasons may be quite real - heavy workload or financial troubles. In any case, you shouldn’t guess with chamomile, but rather find out how the stronger sex in love actually behaves.

A truly loving man will never bring physical or mental pain to his chosen one. She will not need to prove her devotion and fidelity and earn the respect of her partner; this evidence is already stored in his heart. A loving person is ready for any difficulties, everyday and financial troubles. He is ready to create a strong family and have children. A man who values ​​his soul mate will do everything to make her feel happy and protected from life’s adversities. Proof of true love can be a man’s desire to constantly be near his lady, spend all his free time with her and achieve reciprocity by any means. A man always wants to help and support, you can always rely on him. He forgives some whims, shortcomings and shares the opinion of his beloved even if it is not always true. A guy who experiences sincere feelings is ready to do a lot for the sake of his beloved - give up communication with certain people and bad habits, earn more money, completely change his lifestyle. If you want to test the authenticity of a fan's feelings, deny him sex or break off the relationship altogether. A loving person will not let go of the one who is dear to him and will continue to look for meetings and seek favor. Probably the best way to find out how a guy feels about you is through illness. In a difficult situation, he will definitely ask about your well-being and offer help.

Beauty and HealthLove and Relationships

She is a dream, a miracle, a gift, she is able to lift a person from the ground and save. But often, because of the desire to find it, many rush to believe in it, easily mistaking completely different feelings for love, forgetting that falling in love, passion or calculation have nothing in common with it, it is much more mysterious, stronger and more beautiful. And many are mistaken because they do not know what true love is, they do not know how to love either themselves or others. And in order not to make serious mistakes and not to doom yourself to a miserable life, it is very important to know what true love is, and what is just its surrogate, which many take for it.

How to distinguish real love from fake

True love lies not in possession, control and the desire to change another person, but in care, attention and respect for a partner, the desire to help, please, protect, protect from all troubles, make life easier for him or her, and every day was getting better and better.

Someone who truly loves will not be indifferent, inattentive, or fixated solely on his problems. He will always try to help, do everything in his power, and will not shrug it off or laugh. Even if everyone is against it, he will stand next to you, shoulder to shoulder, even against the whole world.

With someone who truly loves, it is always warm, cozy, comfortable, safe and good. You want to return to him, not a single disturbing feeling or thought overshadows the relationship. It's much better with him than without him. It instills faith and optimism, gives joy and increases self-esteem. His gaze inspires and makes you feel the most beautiful.

From someone who truly loves, it’s not scary to ask for help, it’s not scary to tell about what worries, frightens and worries. He doesn’t use it against you, he won’t reproach you, he won’t remind you, but he will understand and try to help or simply be there when you need it. And even without words it will be clear that there is no one better than him in the world, and no matter what happens, you will overcome any difficulties and obstacles together. And together achieve your goals and make your dreams come true, no matter how old and incredible they may be.

A loving man will not interfere with communication with friends, education, or career. He does not compete with his beloved, but is glad that she is doing so well. And he does not share household responsibilities and, especially, does not require a woman to work, raise children and create home comfort on her own, while he waits for the appearance of “male” work, which, if it appears, then once every six months, in contrast to the daily responsibility for cooking for the whole family.

And even though sometimes misunderstandings and quarrels happen, we are all imperfect, but those who love each other try to figure it out, find a solution that suits both and draw conclusions for the future. And they don’t pour out a bucketful of dirt, trying to hurt people and tell them how much bad they’ve done.

Lovers do not need stormy showdowns, raging passions that can destroy everything in their path. They enjoy being together, greeting every new day; they do not enjoy heated quarrels and passionate reconciliation. It is unpleasant for them to cause pain to their loved one, if something does not suit them, they will calmly say so or will not pay attention at all, but they will never harbor resentment or reproach in order to use them as manipulation.

They don't act like victims. People who have normal self-esteem and know how to truly love will never be in this status, no matter how hard it is for them. Because they don’t want to allow anyone to influence their life and make them more important than themselves, which happens when a person feels like a victim and allows someone to ruin their life without doing anything or drawing conclusions. Neither a man nor a woman will reproach a loved one in order to get something from him or force him to do something.

The one who loves will not allow anyone to insult, hurt or cause severe pain, intentionally or accidentally, because he is always ready to put himself in the place of another in order to understand how he feels. He knows what his beloved doesn’t like, what upsets her, what makes her mood worse, and tries not to do it.

At the same time, he does not forget about himself, that no one is allowed to humiliate, insult, or break him. He himself does not try to turn his partner into a completely different person with whom he will be comfortable, and does not allow this to happen to himself. He knows how to love both himself and others. And he knows that true love arises for a person as he really is, and not for an image that you yourself have come up with and are trying to create, forgetting about the feelings, thoughts, rights and desires of another.

Photo: how to distinguish true love

Qualities of true love

True love is impossible without trust and confidence in the chosen one. There is no room for jealousy, suspicion, or attempts to follow every step or breath, phone call or word in messages. Anyone who trusts a loved one does not seek to tie him to himself, he has no desire to become an owner, to imprison another from constant control, demands and surveillance. On the contrary, love teaches you to believe and enjoy life, and not turn it into hell, woven from suspicions and claims. Fake love is filled with neglect, rudeness, indifference, selfishness, the desire to receive without giving anything in return. Concepts such as sympathy, attention, care, affection, respect, and respect for personal boundaries are alien to her. Anyone who does not love will not help if he does not see his own benefit in this. He doesn’t care what happens to his partner, his task is to satisfy his needs and wants at the expense of another person. He will not stop at manipulation to get it. When love is false, it is absolutely normal for him to humiliate, offend, insult, hit, destroy morally, destroy self-esteem with constant reproaches and criticism that the partner is doing everything wrong. Because in such an evil and terrible way, a man does everything so that a woman does not leave him. Because he subconsciously feels that something is wrong with him, that he clearly has low self-esteem, lacks self-confidence, and no one will be with him for a long time. He does not know how to love, first of all, himself, and without this it is impossible to love anyone. Therefore, he does everything to turn his partner into a broken person who will become so weak and unsure of himself that he will be afraid to leave and change his life, completely losing faith in himself. And all because it is easier for such a man to brush aside what is inside and start destroying a woman whom he considers weaker, helpless and dependent on him. It is always more difficult and difficult to fight with oneself, and to realize and admit that he, so strong, has internal problems and low self-esteem is the worst humiliation and a sign of weakness. Of course, representatives of the fair sex often do not know how to love, although they think that this is precisely love on their part. It seems to them that it looks and manifests itself precisely in complete dissolution in the partner, subordination to him, and doing everything he wants. Other women are convinced that love is expressed in receiving from a man by any means such an attitude, as if he were their mother, who should accept them as they are, no matter how badly they acted and no matter how much pain they caused him. Such behavior by representatives of both sexes has nothing to do with true love - it is an addiction from which neurotics suffer. Not knowing how to love, they imagine this feeling exactly like that. Unfortunately, the problem of such people is that neurotics do not want to understand that they are neurotic, they do not realize this, even when they feel that something is clearly wrong with them. They have never had true love and will not have it if they do not change, and instead of the habit of looking for flaws in others, they will not pay attention to the unloved themselves. Even the habit of getting involved with bad guys who humiliate and do not value anything speaks of problems for the woman herself. And she can only correct herself, and not these guys who are also severe neurotics with a bunch of complexes.

Photo: how to distinguish true love

Being able to recognize true love is as important as meeting it. After all, this will protect you from mistakes, disappointments, pain and suffering that brings everything that disguises itself as it, everything that seems to be it, promising happiness, but bringing only disappointment and pain. Only true love can give happiness and joy. And in order to know what she really is, it is important to love, respect and appreciate yourself, and then you definitely won’t go wrong when you meet her.

Tags: how to distinguish true love, qualities of true love

In this article we will talk about how to identify real honey from fake. Honey resellers are a frequent and ubiquitous phenomenon.

When faced with a reseller, you won’t even know, since they, as a rule, pretend to be the manufacturer. Resellers can “remake” honey to diversify their product and attract more buyers. However, along with them there are also unscrupulous manufacturers. In this article we will also talk not only about ways to distinguish natural honey, but also about which varieties are very difficult to find and which do not exist at all.

Let's first look at the “types” of fakes. The most “natural” of these can be real honey with various additives (for example, with the addition of essential oil to get a “different variety”). Honey can also be artificial and made from products that are not nectars from flowers.

To make “linden,” beekeepers use starch, sucrose and molasses, and also use other means. Unfortunately, today honey can be faked so professionally that it will be extremely difficult to distinguish it. In particular, some “hobbyists” (because a real good beekeeper will not do this) prefer to feed the bees with sugar syrup, and then the latter process it along with the nectar. Only a laboratory can identify such a product as “poor quality”.
The surest way is to buy from beekeepers you know and trust. However, not everyone has these. But don’t despair, there are several signs that, knowing which, an ordinary buyer can suspect a low-quality product.

Please note: according to GOST 19792 2001, natural honey must be stored so that it is not exposed to direct sunlight and the shelf life in a sealed container should be no more than 8 months (i.e., when selling last year’s honey, beekeepers or resellers violate these rules) .

Visual signs of counterfeit

Let's look at what might alert you when choosing honey and, with varying probability, point to a “fake” product.

Please note: the crystallization process is natural. If the sweetness is stored for a long time and this process is not observed, it means that it contains potato molasses or has been thermally processed in the past. Of course, in this case, the purchase has already been made and it’s “too late to drink Borjomi,” but in the future you will know that you should not purchase from this beekeeper or company.

Determination methods

Manufacturers of “fake” products are honing their skills in disguising counterfeits better and better every year. Let's see what other methods can be used if it is not possible to identify natural honey “by eye”.

  • Method with glass, water and iodine. Here is the first and simple method - pour a little honey into a glass, and then add a small amount of water there. Stir. When honey dissolves, all additives will settle to the bottom. If you drop a few more drops of iodine into the glass and the mixture turns blue, this will indicate the presence of starch.
  • Spoon method. This method can only be used if the room is warm enough (about 20 degrees). Take a spoon and start rolling honey on it, spin quickly. If the product is natural, then it will behave like caramel - it will curl around the spoon and not flow down. Otherwise, the product may flow from the spoon, bubbles will appear, or you may see inclusions of a different color.
  • Blotting paper method. How to determine the naturalness of honey using paper - put a little honey on the paper and wait about 5 minutes. If there is no wet spot on the back of the paper, then the honey is of high quality and undiluted. This is a good way at the fair - you can take honey on a disposable spoon or stick “for testing”, and then put it on paper.
  • Fire method. This method is only suitable for already crystallized honey. Light a piece and watch it burn. If the product is natural, it will melt easily. A fake will reveal itself by crackling and hissing (foreign components will appear).
  • Bread method. This way you can check whether the sweetness is diluted with sugar syrup. Take a small piece of bread and dip it in honey. Wait about 10-15 minutes. Then take it out and look at it. A good and high-quality product will not soften the bread, but if sugar water is present, the bread will soften.

Advice: when making a purchase, give preference only to thick honey. A product with a clear consistency may mean that the seller has warmed it up.

Non-existent varieties of honey

Some beekeepers or resellers are so imaginative that they begin to literally invent varieties of honey or distribute those that are incredibly rare and difficult to find at a regular fair. Let's see which "varieties" may also cause concern.

  • From royal jelly. It is incredibly difficult to make such honey and almost impossible in such quantities to then sell it. One queen cell contains about 200 grams of milk. It takes incredible effort to make this kind of honey. In most cases, a jar with a white product has a label with a loud name and incredibly useful properties, as well as a price tag with a “tidy” number.
  • From rosehip, poppy, corn, lupine, hazel. Despite the fact that the flowers of the corresponding plants do not have nectar, you can often find a rosehip product (honey mixed with rosehip decoction? But no one will say this).
  • Chamomile honey. This name should also alert you; there is no such variety, especially on sale.
  • May. In May, a professional and responsible beekeeper feeds honey to the bees, which after winter are just starting to grow their colony. It is impossible to assemble such a product for sale this month.
  • From strawberries, blackberries, blueberries. It is very difficult to make natural bee honey using nectar from these bushes for sale - they produce a very tiny amount of nectar, and, therefore, it is extremely difficult to make honey from it. It’s another matter if the bees are fed with the juice of berries, which they process as nectar, but this is a product of lower quality and the sellers hush up the production method.
  • Pumpkin. It is possible to make a product from the nectar of the flowers of this plant, however, it can also be dangerous due to the fact that they are treated with pesticides to control pests.
  • From the silver sucker. In this case, even comments are unnecessary. There is such a variety, but there is so little of it that it’s not even worth talking about selling.

You should also be wary of the mention of wild honey and the seller’s too huge selection of “flower” varieties.

Remember: Always try and smell the product before purchasing. Do not hesitate to ask questions - when was the collection, where is the apiary located. You pay money (and sometimes a lot of it), so you have every right to find out everything.

Real honey has a floral aroma, sweet and pleasant (there are some varieties whose taste is quite original, but if you are planning to purchase such, then find out first on the Internet what exactly the taste and smell should be). When swallowed, it may sting the throat a little and have a slight bitterness. See how counterfeits are identified at home and in the laboratory and how even well-promoted companies deceive consumers

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