Is it better to shave with a machine or a machine? Which is better: an electric razor or a regular razor?

In recent years, beards have not been in favor among men, and since the body does not know about this, it continues to constantly grow facial hair, which has to be fought with a razor.

What to shave with? It is on this issue that men are divided into two very large camps: in the first - those who prefer to shave with a machine, in the second - adherents of electric shavers. Moreover, each camp has a lot of arguments in favor of its own method, so it is impossible to say unequivocally what is better and what is worse. Let's just try to put together all the pros and cons of razors and electric shavers.

Along the razor's edge

The safety razor appeared almost half a century earlier than the electric razor, which is not surprising, given the simplicity of its design - a handle plus a blade. By the way, the first razor was patented by none other than King Kemp Gillette, whose name in our time has become synonymous with a safety razor.

So, the advantages of a razor:

Shaves cleaner than an electric razor (if the blade is new);
- the machine and a set of blades are much cheaper than an electric razor;
- reliable and does not require special care.

Although the razor is called a “safety” razor, cuts are not uncommon;
- the shaving process takes a lot of time;
- shaving requires water;
- inability to leave “fashionable stubble” or correct the shape of the beard (mustache);
- if we talk about additional costs, then when you buy a machine, you also “sign a contract” for the purchase of: new blades, shaving foam or gel, aftershave creams and sometimes bandages;


The first electric razor was produced by the German company Braun in the 50s of the last century. According to the principle of operation, even modern electric shavers are not much different from lawn mowers - the blades, rotated by a motor, move in a circle, cutting off hairs, while a mesh protects the face from contact with them. Over the past years, electric shavers have transformed from flashy and not very clean shaving units into high-tech machines with a bunch of shaving modes and additional functions.

pros electric shavers:
- quick shave;
- shaving does not require water, which means you can shave while standing in a traffic jam or sitting in front of the TV;
- you can’t cut yourself;
- with the help of a modern electric razor you can simply trim your beard or mustache;

- noisy, so shaving at night or early in the morning can cause indignation among household members;
- you need electricity, and even if you have a razor with a battery, you can’t take it on a long hike;
- since this is an electrical device, breakdowns are possible;
- quite high cost;

As for facial skin irritation, it depends on many factors (skin type, aftershave creams and lotions used, etc.), and therefore it can occur no matter what razor you use. It is also worth considering that when switching from a razor to an electric razor and vice versa, the skin needs to get used to the new method of shaving, which means the likelihood of irritation during this period will be greatest.

If you are planning to buy a razor as a gift, then find out in advance what exactly a man prefers to shave with - a machine or an electric razor, because people who prefer one of the systems for several years usually do not change it with others.

Choosing a machine

All razors can be divided into two types: disposable and reusable. They differ in that in reusable ones the blades are replaceable, while in disposable ones they form a single unit with the razor body. They differ both in appearance: disposable razors are very inconspicuous, which is understandable, why develop a unique design for something that will end up in the trash can after a couple of weeks of use, and in price (naturally, a reusable razor is more expensive).

Disposable razors are usually sold in sets of 3-5 pieces and are well suited as an addition to a reusable razor, for replacing it on hikes or business trips, when you don’t want to carry your favorite razor with you for fear of breaking or losing it.

The most famous manufacturer of disposable razors today is the French company Bic, also known for lighters and ballpoint pens. A pack of 5 disposable Bic machines will cost Br7000-8000.

In the market of reusable razors, the leader for many years has been products under the Gillette brand.

According to Internet forums, most men prefer to shave with Gillette Mac 3 and Gillette Mac 3 Turbo, which have three blades that improve the quality of the shave. Their main advantages are the cleanness of the shave and the convenience of the machine itself. Such razors cost on average Br19000-25000. You will have to pay about the same amount for packaging new blades, especially if they are equipped with such amenities as a lubricating and disinfecting strip or a mesh that lifts hairs.

If you want to give a man a razor in the “Hi-tech” style, then pay attention to the new Gillette Fusion Power with five blades, micro-combs, and a moisturizing strip with vitamin E and aloe. Plus, this battery-powered razor emits micropulses that should give you an even closer shave. This machine costs Br27000-30000.

Choosing an electric razor

Today, in household appliance stores and on the pages of online stores, a huge number of electric shavers from various manufacturers are presented, differing in price and number of functions. Which one should you choose?

All modern electric shavers are divided into two large groups: mesh and rotary. In the former, the blades do not directly contact the skin, but are separated by a thin steel mesh, while in the latter, shaving is carried out by two or three heads with knives arranged in a circle. Most men who use electric shavers agree that rotary shavers shave cleaner, but mesh shavers cause less skin irritation. It is also believed that rotary razors are more suitable for daily shaving (they cope better with short stubble), and mesh razors for dealing with longer hairs (when shaving once every two to three days).

If you are buying an electric razor to replace a razor on the road or on a business trip, then it is better to go for models with a battery. Moreover, in this case, the capacity and charging speed of the battery should come to the fore. In addition, if this razor is intended as a gift to a man who is always in a hurry or simply forgetful, you can take a closer look at models with the ability to charge from a car cigarette lighter. This will allow you to shave, for example, on the way to a business meeting or date.

If this razor will be used for everyday shaving, then it makes sense to buy a “machine” with the possibility of “wet shaving” (using shaving gel or foam).

For men who prefer neat stubble over smooth skin or who wear a beard, electric shavers equipped with a trimmer are suitable - a device for cutting (trimming) stubble and hair.

In addition, many modern electric shavers are equipped with such useful additions as: battery charge level indicator, overcharge protection, floating head, self-cleaning, etc. Naturally, the presence of such “chips” also affects the price.

In addition to all of the above, when buying a razor, it is worth checking the number of revolutions per minute that the “motor” is capable of (the higher, the faster the shave) and the time after which it is advisable to replace the blades (usually 1-3 years).

Now about the prices. A simple rotary or foil electric razor can be bought for $50-70, and “units” with many functions and the presence of various “super systems” will lighten your wallet by $160-250.

As a man gets older and gets facial hair, he wonders what is the best way to shave. Mass markets offer representatives of the stronger sex to use one of the options - an electric razor or a machine. Both devices have their supporters and opponents. Everything here is individual. So, each buyer chooses what he likes best. However, not everyone can immediately cope with choosing a razor.

Determining skin type in men

The condition of the facial skin shows how well a person takes care of himself. This also allows you to understand whether there are any problems in the body. There are four skin types:

  • normal(not susceptible to early aging and rarely irritated, and also not prone to redness);
  • fat(characterized by an abundance of sebaceous glands, which is why acne and pimples often form on it);
  • dry(often in a tight state, flaking and highly sensitive);
  • combined(distinguished by an oily sheen in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle and forehead, but dry on the cheeks).

Having identified what type of skin he has, a man will be able to find not only a suitable razor, but also purchase the products necessary after removing facial hair. You need to remember that it is best to buy cosmetics with silicone. The latter improves the glide of the razor, which thus does not leave cuts and microtraumas on the face.

Why does irritation occur on the face?

Redness and inflammation on a guy's face after shaving appear for various reasons. It doesn't matter what shaving accessories he uses. However, there are a number of points that contribute to skin irritation:

  • a very sharp or dull razor blade (in the first case, you can easily get hurt, and in the second, it can cause redness due to an increase in the time you use the device);
  • insufficient cleansing of the face before the procedure (remaining fat and dirt on the chin and cheeks clog the pores, which provokes the development of the inflammatory process);
  • frequent shaving up to twice a day (in this case, the wounds that appeared during the first procedure do not have time to heal and subsequently become inflamed);
  • inability to handle the razor correctly (during the procedure, some men direct the blade against hair growth, thereby promoting hair growth into the skin).

It is also important to remember that after switching from a razor to an electric razor and vice versa, even good clean skin may experience irritation. This is a natural process that accompanies a person while getting used to a new way of shaving.

Advantages and disadvantages of a razor

There are an abundance of different types of razors on store shelves. There are disposable and reusable models to suit every taste. The machine has a number of advantages .

  1. Financial inclusion. Here the cost of models varies in the range of 2-10 dollars per machine.
  2. Easy to use. In this case, a man does not need to have special skills when shaving.
  3. Blade quality. They are so sharp that they cut through vegetation better than an electric tool.

However, the machine also has its own minuses , which is why many males stop using this tool.

  1. Risk of injury. Contact with skin may cause cuts and irritation.
  2. Additional expenses. Typically, money is spent on replacement blades or the ongoing purchase of disposable razors.
  3. Need for water and foam. It is impossible to remove bristles using only a machine.

Thus, before purchasing this tool, it is worth considering how well it will meet the expected requirements.

Advantages and disadvantages of an electric razor

The electric razor is also popular among the male population and has its fans. The device has a number of positive aspects.

  1. Speed ​​and mobility. The procedure takes very little time compared to a machine, and the device also allows you to shave on the road, even while in a car.
  2. Safety at work. When using this razor, it is impossible to cut yourself or damage your facial skin in any way.
  3. Budget service. This is another positive side of using the device, which only requires cleaning and replacing knives.

Despite all the advantages, an electric razor also has negative sides .

  1. Price. Varies depending on the brand and functions that the device has, but is still more expensive than a machine.
  2. Lack of pore cleansing. This device does not contribute to this, which is why acne may appear on the skin over time.
  3. Not everywhere there is a cleaning system. Some electric shavers cannot clean the blades themselves.

So what is the best way to shave? In any case, it is up to the buyer to choose and compare which is better, a machine or an electric razor.

How to shave?

There are certain rules that help you understand how the razor shaving procedure should actually go.

  1. Before starting the process, wash your face with warm water. The skin of the face should be steamed so that everything goes pleasantly and easily.
  2. Apply a special shaving product - foam. Then wait until it soaks in a bit, softening the bristles.
  3. Take the machine in your hand and gently begin to move it along the growth of hair on your face.
  4. Apply aftershave balm, gel or lotion to your skin. This will be the best way to calm and soften its surface.
  5. Remember that after shaving, the blades of the device must be thoroughly rinsed under running water and then dried.

Hair removal using an electric razor is possible only after washing and waiting 15-20 minutes. During this time, hair moistened with water will become stiff again. The latter is the main condition for using this device.

Conventionally, all shaving tools are divided into two large groups: an electric razor and a razor. Both types of devices are popular, but there are significant differences between them. Some men prefer to use only classic razors, others have switched to more expensive, but at the same time high-speed electric shavers. You can make an informed choice only by considering in detail the characteristics of both groups.

Features of the razor

Razors are available for sale in hypermarkets. They are low cost and easy to use. Other advantages include:

  1. By wet shaving, the machines clean out the pores.
  2. The use of additional moisturizing strips, foams and lotions reduces skin sensitivity and allows you to nourish it.
  3. There is no risk of developing bacteria because the blades are constantly changed.
  4. High-quality cutting of hairs at the root.

At the same time, machines, both cheap and more expensive, damage the skin when used. They often lead to the development of irritation and do not cope well with stubble of different lengths.

Machine types

Pros and cons of an electric razor

This tool appeared later, already in the 20th century, but its popularity is comparable to the demand for machine tools. An electric razor has undeniable advantages over its classic counterpart:

  1. Safe hair removal when using a device with a mesh grip system. There is no risk of cuts.
  2. Suitable for sensitive skin. Since the blades are securely hidden and cannot damage the skin, irritation, which is caused by microtraumas of the epidermis invisible to the eye, also disappears.
  3. Speedy hair removal. The duration of the procedure is 2-3 times less than when using a machine. The speed is justified not only by the fact that the removal of vegetation occurs due to the rapid rotation of the blades. It is possible to save additional time, since there is no need to use foam, moisturizing compounds, or rinse off the remaining foaming substance at the end of the procedure.
  4. Suitable for both small stubble and beards. Machines do not cope well with long hairs. Electric shavers are specifically designed for different types of vegetation. Even cheap devices often come with attachments that are used depending on the length of the regrown hairs.
  5. Infrequent blade replacement. Even in the cheapest modifications, the blades last 1.5-2 years. High-quality devices can operate without the need to change cutting parts for 5-7 years.
  6. Convenient additional functions. If you purchase devices in the middle and high price categories, you can get the option of automatically moisturizing your face (by dispensing lotion from the built-in container) or trimmer. The trimmer allows you to carefully trim your mustache, remove hair from your neck, trim your eyebrows or shorten regrown hair on your temples.
  7. We must not forget about a number of shortcomings. Electric shavers are sold at a much higher price than classic razors. The difference in cost can be tenfold. High-quality devices cost from 2,000 rubles, and optimal models in terms of price-quality ratio will cost 4-5 thousand rubles. There are some other negative sides:

    1. The need to carry out a cleaning procedure. Manufacturers recommend doing this after each stubble removal. It is advisable to additionally treat the blades with antiseptics to prevent the development of bacteria. In total, caring for the device can take more time than the hair removal itself. Self-cleaning models are available for sale, but they cost 20-30% higher than others.
    2. Possibility of accumulation of microbes due to improper care. Machines are constantly changed (or their blades are replaced), but electric razor blades are used for months. Microorganisms can lead to the development of allergic reactions, acne, pimples, and irritation.
    3. Expensive repairs and difficult to replace parts yourself.
    4. Less close shave. To remove hairs at the root, you will have to walk over the same place several times. For the same reason, to shave with a tool, you need minimal skills. This means that the device is suitable for teenagers.
    5. Types of electric shavers

      Electric shavers differ in the type of mechanism. Products with rotary blades are suitable for removing stubble of any length, but may cause minor cuts. Mesh devices never injure the skin, since the hairs are first captured by the mesh and then removed without contact of the cutting parts with the skin.

      Models may also differ in the following parameters:

      1. Dry or wet shaving. Dry razors can be used without foam or water. Wet shaving devices are suitable for use in the shower and have a waterproof design.
      2. Number of heads (from 1 to 4). The more, the better the result.

      Comparative differences

      Selection factor Machine Electric shaver
      Ease of use Suitable for teenagers Skills Required
      Pressure force Medium or high Almost not required
      Risk of injury Present Absent
      Difficulty in caring for the instrument Zero, only periodic cassette changes are required High (disinfection, cleaning)
      Shaving quality Cutting to the root Low or medium (depending on model)

      What is better to choose in the end?

      Electric razor or razor – which is better to use? It is impossible to give a definite answer. To make a choice, you need to take into account your skin type, the degree of its sensitivity, and the conditions for using the tool. It would be advisable to indicate the best option for each case:

      1. For sensitive skin who are prone to irritation, electric shavers with a mesh that protects the epidermis from microtrauma are best suited. The ideal option is an expensive device with the function of nourishing and moisturizing the skin while shaving.
      2. If a man or teenager suffers from frequent pimples and blackheads, it is recommended to purchase any of the existing types of machines. They unclog pores since shaving occurs after moisturizing the skin. An alternative option is an electric razor with a wet shaving function. Since it can be used on damp facial skin, the problem of cleansing pores disappears.
      3. For first shave Classic machines are suitable. They are cheap and easiest to use, although they can slightly injure the skin. Due to the low price, you don't have to worry about your teenager breaking the instrument. In the case of an electric razor, this would lead to additional costs.
      4. Persons with disabilities, To old people It is better to use electric shavers with a foil system. The possibility of injury is eliminated; facial cleansing occurs quickly and without additional effort; it is enough to move your hand over the relevant areas.
      5. In field conditions, when traveling, it is best to use an electric razor with a battery designed for dry shaving. The process of removing facial hair when using such a device does not require the presence of water, shaving foam, or moisturizing lotions. The presence of a battery allows you to use the unit even in the middle of the forest.
      6. If you plan to stay in hotel, the machine will do. Since there is access to water and shaving foam in guest establishments, you don’t have to limit yourself to just an electric razor.
      7. Finally, if the user cares clean shave and at the same time he knows how to handle a razor well, it is recommended to purchase a classic metal razor with a replaceable dangerous blade.
      8. You don’t have to choose a specific option as to which is better to shave. Some men purchase both instruments and change them depending on the situation. When traveling, we use disposable razors; at home, we use devices with cartridges and electric shavers.

Despite the latest round of fashion, which places emphasis on wearing a beard, most men prefer to shave clean, and the majority of women completely agree with this opinion. Of course, some men really look good with a neatly trimmed beard, but mostly a clean-shaven male chin is practiced.

Despite a man’s desire to walk without signs of facial hair, the body still does as it pleases. And therefore, almost every morning (for some, every morning or two), you have to perform the ritual of freeing your face from hair.

The eternal question - which razor is better, divides men into 2 irreconcilable camps. On one side of the barricade are people praising the razor and not even allowing the thought of using anything else.

Their opponents are fans of modern technology and supporters of progress, which has given humanity the joy of using electric razors.

During disputes, each of the parties uses indestructible arguments in favor of the chosen method of shaving, and it will sometimes be difficult for an ignorant person to make a choice.

In fact, both of these methods have certain advantages, and the fact about the individual characteristics of the skin cannot be ignored. There are often cases when shaving with a machine causes severe irritation to the skin of a person’s face, while using an electric razor does not cause such an effect.

It is necessary to approach the choice taking into account the characteristics of the body - this will ensure maximum shaving efficiency and the absence of negative consequences.

Safe and not very safe razor

How did people shave before, when humanity had not yet invented razors? In those ancient times, there were also no sockets for connecting an electric razor, and prophecies about the use of electricity were easily burned at the stake. Almost from the very beginning of time, men used sharply sharpened improvised objects, in particular knives, for shaving.

But progress does not stand still, and over time, special devices appeared, representing the simplest possible design - a handle and a sharpened blade.

As a result, straight razors appeared, so called not because an attack was expected from them, but due to the high risk of getting quite serious cuts resulting from careless handling. They have been successfully used for quite a long time, often being used for other purposes.

The first safety razors were born relatively recently - only less than half a century separates them from their electric counterparts.

The design of safety razors is not much different from their predecessor - the same sharp blade and handle.

The person who patented the safety razor is King Kemp Gillette - a name everyone strongly associates with safety razors. The advent of safety razors has not displaced more dangerous models from use - they continue to be actively used today, mainly by professional hairdressers. The fact is that replacement blades of dangerous razors are relatively inexpensive, and hygiene rules strictly require the individual use of razors. Naturally, it is quite expensive for a hairdresser to use disposable razors even at the lowest prices - it is much more profitable and convenient to simply change them.

Safety razors have the following advantages:

  • silent operation;
  • provided that the blade is new and still sufficiently sharp, the razor will shave much cleaner than any electric razor;
  • the cost of the machine is significantly lower than the cost of an electric razor (shaving with a knife is generally free);
  • lack of care for the razor and its inability to break (simply nothing).

However, there are significantly more negative points:

  • despite the word “safety” in the name of the razor, getting a deep enough cut is not difficult;
  • shaving takes quite a long time;
  • water is necessary, otherwise there is a risk of huge skin irritation;
  • only a clean shave is possible and that’s it, without any model or designer designs;
  • A safety razor incurs additional costs. This includes purchasing a variety of shaving gels and foams, skin care products, purchasing new blades, and you also need to purchase medical plasters (knowledgeable people use small pieces of newspaper).

But there is one undoubted advantage in using machines, which negates all possible disadvantages: absolute autonomy. With the machines you can go to the mountains, the forest, and fishing. Safe machines do not require an electrical connection, although some types of models already run on batteries. However, the battery charge lasts for several months, and their absence simply reduces the comfort of shaving, but allows you to use the machine.

Electric razors

Presented to the public in the 50s of the last century.

The first company to produce electric shavers was Braun. The principle of operation of electric shavers is similar to the principle of operation of a regular lawn mower - except that the lawn is smaller and irritation cannot get out into the field. Several blades rotating in a circle using an electric motor cut hairs, and a protective mesh on the razor protects the skin from damage. More than half a century of development of electrical appliances has made it possible to significantly improve the characteristics of electric shavers - they have become incredibly quieter and shave much better. In addition, many models contain a fairly large number of different functions, thanks to which it has become possible to cut a model beard and trim it yourself.

Pros of electric razors:

  • high shaving speed;
  • no additional accessories or care products, including water, are required;
  • the design eliminates the possibility of cuts;
  • the ability to trim beards and mustaches, many different functions.

But there are also many disadvantages:

  • creates a lot of noise during operation (even modern models do not eliminate this problem);

  • without electricity it is useless (battery-powered models will not work for long, and by the end of a two-week hike the man will resemble a lost geologist);
  • high risk of breakdowns (an electric razor is a technically complex device consisting of a large number of parts);
  • the cost is incomparably higher than the cost of a safety razor.

Where does irritation come from?

The occurrence of irritation depends on the individual characteristics of the skin and the use of cosmetics during shaving. Often, irritation can occur regardless of the type of razor used.

However, it is worth paying attention to the fact that after switching from an electric razor to even the best razor, or vice versa, in most cases, irritation occurs on the skin, the cause of which is the skin simply getting used to the old method of shaving.

As you use the new method, the irritation will decrease and soon disappear altogether.

When choosing shaving accessories as a gift, you should first find out what type of razors the person uses - usually a man who has been using one type of shaving for several years does not change his preferences.

Therefore, a gift in the form of a machine for a person who uses an electric razor will, to put it mildly, not be entirely suitable.

How to choose the right machine

Machines are divided into 2 types - reusable and disposable.

Reusable razors are much more expensive and usually come in fairly original designs. Their main difference is the use of replaceable cassettes. In addition, the shaving head of reusable razors is often movable, which ensures high quality shaving. When the sharpness of the razor blades decreases, the old cassette is simply replaced with a new one, according to the operating principle of straight razors.

The most common reusable razors are Gillette. This company offers a huge selection of products with several blades, an additional lubricating or antiseptic strip, with a vibration mode (battery-powered), etc. However, the cost of replacement cassettes for these razors often exceeds the cost of the machine itself.

Disposable razors. This name does not mean that they should be thrown away after a single use. Typically, the sharpness of the blades of a disposable razor is enough for 1–2 weeks (depending on the frequency of shaving).

Their difference is that they do not come with replaceable cassettes, and the design itself is integral and does not provide such a possibility. After use, razors are simply thrown away with household waste.

Disposable razors tend to come in fairly bland standard designs, as there's no point in designing a custom look for something that's going to end up in the trash a few days later. In addition, the price of disposable machines is kept at a fairly low level.

They are usually sold in packs of 3–5 pieces and are ideal for use on vacation, on business trips or hiking. It’s not a shame to break or lose such a machine, and the shaving quality is sometimes not much inferior to reusable models, if, of course, you choose a good product.

The most common disposable razors on the market are produced by Bic, which also produces lighters and ballpoint pens.

Today, almost all stores offer deals on profitable purchases of high-quality and functional electric shavers. Naturally, a fairly logical question arises of choosing the most suitable model, with the optimal ratio of quality and cost.

All currently produced electric shavers are divided into 2 groups: rotary and mesh. Each of these varieties has certain characteristics and is used in slightly different conditions.

Rotary electric shavers perform shaving using several (usually 2-3 heads), with knives arranged in a circle. This ensures that the blades adhere more closely to the skin, resulting in an incomparably closer shave. However, using this type of razor comes with a high risk of irritation, and they are only effective against short hairs. Rotary razors are recommended for daily shaving.

Foil razors do an excellent job with long hairs, and it is optimal to use them once every 2-3 days. In these razors, the skin of the face is protected from the blades by a thin metal mesh, which contributes to much less irritation when shaving.

When purchasing an electric razor as an alternative for use on business trips or on vacation, it is best to opt for models with a built-in battery.

No one can predict with certainty whether there will be easy access to an outlet in the near future, but thanks to the built-in batteries, several shaving procedures will be ensured.

A modern electric razor for men contains a considerable number of different functions, ranging from a floating head, which provides a better shave, and ending with a trimmer, which allows you to trim your beard and hairstyle.

The main parameter that you should pay attention to when purchasing is the number of engine revolutions per minute. This is an important indicator, the value of which determines the speed of shaving.

There is a wide variety of electric shavers on the market today, differing in design, manufacturer and additional functions.

Naturally, all this directly affects the cost of the device, and the choice must be approached with all responsibility - after all, you will have to use the razor for quite a long time.

The debate about which razor is better - a regular one or an electric one - has been going on for decades. And each of the supporters of one or another option has its own arguments for and against both. Those who are in favor of electric shavers are sure that they can make shaving more convenient: you don’t need to buy special foam, you just need to swipe it over dry skin. Also, using trimmers, you can independently model the shape of your beard and mustache. Supporters of the traditional machine are convinced that without it there is no way to get a clean shave. decided to collect the opinion of its editors and designers about which razor options they choose, and by what criteria.

Dmitriy: It seems to me that a regular razor is better, as it shows a more accurate result: it shave cleaner. An electric razor does not have such indicators. Buying foam is not a problem for me. The second factor behind a conventional machine is the speed of the procedure: an electric razor takes longer to shave. It seems to me that electric shavers were more popular in Soviet times, when the quality of conventional razors was simply terrible: they simply cut everything to the bone.

Stepan: The last time I shaved was 6 years ago, since then I have only trimmed my beard. I had both a regular and an electric razor: I bought it, shaved it a couple of times, and... I didn’t like it. It caused more irritation on the skin. And she doesn’t shave as cleanly as a regular shave. When using an electric one, a tiny bristle remains: a fraction of a millimeter, but still unpleasant.

Minimum body movements

Sergey: I have an electric razor. I like it because you don’t have to buy any additional products: foam, blades, etc. Once you buy a razor, you don’t have to worry about it. A standard simple razor has its drawbacks: it gets dull, the blades need to be changed, and you have to buy more cream. And you take an electric razor and shave. As for the “difficulty” of shaving with an electric razor, I don’t have a lot of facial hair that it can’t handle.

Alexander: I have an electric razor because I personally find it more convenient than a regular razor. I like this option more because I don’t have to shave my head. But modeling the shape of a beard and mustache so that they look neat is more difficult using a conventional machine. I often use special beard attachments and a trimmer. With their help, you can cut your hair completely, and you can also set the size of the blade and how long to leave the stubble. All that remains is to simply carry it out. Shave, 5 minutes - and you're done!

Strength of habit and age

Andrey: Since my time in the army, I have developed the habit of shaving with conventional razors. They suit me quite well. The only time I used an electric razor was when I was visiting my brother. I didn’t like the results: it shaved worse. Maybe I came across one of these. But everything went well for me with a regular razor, and it continues to do so.

Nikita: Up to a certain age, an electric razor is quite suitable: it shaves quickly, and there is no need to dilute any soap solutions. Great stuff, you don't need to do anything else with it. But then it stops suiting you, because when you haven’t shaved for several days (for example, you were on a business trip), then you can’t shave anything clean with an electric razor. There you can even hurt yourself: shaving with it becomes dangerous. There is also a myth that an electric razor is cheaper than a razor. They talk about self-sharpening blades, no need to buy foams and gels. In fact, an electric razor is more expensive to maintain. With a simple machine, costs can be minimized: I bought lotion (it costs 15 rubles), foam (it’s also inexpensive), the machines themselves are quite affordable.

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