Larisa Udovichenko: “It’s impossible to stay young! Beauty secrets of Larisa Udovichenko - How do you feel about plastic surgery.

Larisa Udovichenko is a strong, self-sufficient woman who does not depend on anyone. After 20 years of marriage, it was not difficult for her to leave her husband when he squandered the entire family fortune in a casino. Larisa is raising her daughter alone, constantly acting in films and playing in the theater. After the New Year, we were all struck by shocking news: “Larisa Udovichenko was hospitalized with an open head injury.” Now everything is fine with the actress.

Larisa, you look great, as always. Tell me, do you usually go shopping in Moscow or dress abroad?

– I don’t do shopping on purpose. I buy things when I feel like it. I can go and buy an expensive thing that I want to have now, and not when there is a discount on it (smiles).

– Has it ever happened that you acted in your own clothes?

– Of course, I have costumes, my personal ones, which I can show to the audience so as not to waste budget money. For example, I have outfits that I bought 15 years ago, and sometimes they come in very handy on set. But it is usually difficult to find suitable shoes. As a result, in the film “We Are One Family,” I starred in my shoes. Because the shoes they found for me, although they matched the character of the heroine, turned out to be not very comfortable. I ended up wearing out all my legs.

– What do you prefer to wear at home?

– Regular pajamas, with a robe on top. There are slippers on your feet, a bandage on your head, and a thick layer of cream on your face. Then I become inaccessible to anyone.

– How do you feel about plastic surgery?

“Perhaps someday I’ll do something for myself, I’ve already talked to plastic surgeons twice, had a slight lift around my eyes and was very pleased with the result. But I'm a little afraid to do something more serious. In general, to look good, you need to get a good night's sleep! If there are no shootings planned for the morning, then I sleep until 12 noon. You need to sleep at least eight hours a day.

-You have a wonderful figure. Are you constantly on diets?

- No. I love good company and good cuisine. I am lucky with my constitution; I can eat in the evening. The main thing is oatmeal porridge and good strong coffee in the morning. Sometimes I gain a couple of extra pounds, then I switch to green tea and consume a minimum of calories. But this happens extremely rarely.

– Do you often cook yourself?

– Not often, when at home. I usually eat during filming, and my daughter goes to cafes with friends, it’s more fun and there’s no need to wash dishes. But sometimes I cook cabbage rolls or stuffed peppers.

– Are you a superstitious person, do you believe in omens?

– Of course, especially in theatrical signs. I’ll sit on a fallen script, even if it falls into a puddle, into the mud, I’ll still sit on it and have to rise with it. We recently dropped the script with our second director and, pushing each other away, tried to sit on it, and I realized that he also wants a positive result. And he held my hand, but sat down himself, that is, it turned out that we were in a pair.

The actress is 56 years old - and it seems that she has hardly changed since the filming of Sergei Solovyov’s film “Assa”. At least Anna Karenina was fresh and young!

Inna Churikova

Inna Churikova turned 73 years old - and if in her youth the actress was considered rather characteristic and far from generally accepted standards of beauty, now fans continue to admire her.

Marina Zudina

Marina Zudina is 51 years old - and she has never hidden her age, and has not taken any active steps to combat it. Perhaps because she is thirty years younger than her husband, Oleg Tabakov, so she will always look young next to him?

Larisa Udovichenko

The actress is 61 years old - her gentle appearance changes so naturally and beautifully! True, Larisa does not hide from her fans that she resorted to plastic surgery, but the result is also quite natural.

Irina Alferova

The actress is 65 years old - and she has no fear of age.

Meryl Streep

The actress turned 67 years old - she has so many reincarnations for a variety of roles behind her that she has not paid attention to her passport age for a long time. And, by the way, it doesn’t hide wrinkles around the eyes either!

Helen Mirren

She is 71 years old - and no, she is not a grandmother. The actress with Russian roots became famous at 61 - and there are still many star roles ahead.

Catherine Deneuve

Catherine Deneuve is 73 years old - it's almost impossible to believe. Her beauty did not fade - it just changed a little, and the look of the young girl turned into the look of a woman who knows almost everything about herself.

Susan Sarandon

The actress is 70 years old - she is sure that the fullness of life, close people and work are much more important than a couple of new wrinkles. And it looks amazing at the same time!

Sigourney Weaver

The actress is 67 years old - and she is pleased with herself. By the way, she gave birth to her daughter at 41 - but even then she didn’t think that she was too late. When you live your life to the fullest, there is no time to think about age!

Larisa Udovichenko is a strong, self-sufficient woman who does not depend on anyone. After 20 years of marriage, it was not difficult for her to leave her husband when he squandered the entire family fortune in a casino. Larisa is raising her daughter alone, constantly acting in films and playing in the theater. After the New Year, we were all struck by shocking news: “Larisa Udovichenko was hospitalized with an open head injury.” Now everything is fine with the actress.

Larisa, you look great, as always. Tell me, do you usually go shopping in Moscow or dress abroad?

– I don’t do shopping on purpose. I buy things when I feel like it. I can go and buy an expensive thing that I want to have now, and not when there is a discount on it (smiles).

– Has it ever happened that you acted in your own clothes?

– Of course, I have costumes, my personal ones, which I can show to the audience so as not to waste budget money. For example, I have outfits that I bought 15 years ago, and sometimes they come in very handy on set. But it is usually difficult to find suitable shoes. As a result, in the film “We Are One Family,” I starred in my shoes. Because the shoes they found for me, although they matched the character of the heroine, turned out to be not very comfortable. I ended up wearing out all my legs.

– What do you prefer to wear at home?

– Regular pajamas, with a robe on top. There are slippers on your feet, a bandage on your head, and a thick layer of cream on your face. Then I become inaccessible to anyone.

– How do you feel about plastic surgery?

“Perhaps someday I’ll do something for myself, I’ve already talked to plastic surgeons twice, had a slight lift around my eyes and was very pleased with the result. But I'm a little afraid to do something more serious. In general, to look good, you need to get a good night's sleep! If there are no shootings planned for the morning, then I sleep until 12 noon. You need to sleep at least eight hours a day.

-You have a wonderful figure. Are you constantly on diets?

- No. I love good company and good cuisine. I am lucky with my constitution; I can eat in the evening. The main thing is oatmeal porridge and good strong coffee in the morning. Sometimes I gain a couple of extra pounds, then I switch to green tea and consume a minimum of calories. But this happens extremely rarely.

– Do you often cook yourself?

– Not often, when at home. I usually eat during filming, and my daughter goes to cafes with friends, it’s more fun and there’s no need to wash dishes. But sometimes I cook cabbage rolls or stuffed peppers.

– Are you a superstitious person, do you believe in omens?

– Of course, especially in theatrical signs. I’ll sit on a fallen script, even if it falls into a puddle, into the mud, I’ll still sit on it and have to rise with it. We recently dropped the script with our second director and, pushing each other away, tried to sit on it, and I realized that he also wants a positive result. And he held my hand, but sat down himself, that is, it turned out that we were in a pair.

Seventeen-year-old Larisa in the film “Yulka”. Performs the role of Lariska.

Always know what you want

Larisa's father, Ivan Nikonovich, was born in the Sumy region. He graduated from the Medical Institute in Kharkov, then the Military Academy in Leningrad. At the beginning of the war, he served on the Road of Life leading to besieged Leningrad. At this time, Larisa’s 19-year-old mother, Muza Alekseevna, a student at the Leningrad Institute of Theater, Music and Cinematography, remained in the city. After the evacuation of the institute, she began working as a teacher in a kindergarten and caring for her sick mother. While crossing the children, her dad accidentally saw her and... fell in love. Throughout the war, he helped her as best he could. And when he returned, they lived together.

His father was a military doctor, the family constantly moved from one military unit to another. Larisa was born in Vienna, and when she was seven years old, her father was demobilized with the rank of lieutenant colonel in the medical service, and the family settled in Odessa.

“From early childhood I was sure that I would become an actress. Probably my mother's genes worked. I was incredibly busy at school. She was seriously involved in rhythmic gymnastics - she went to train at a professional sports school. She attended the school drama club, from which in high school she moved to the People's Studio of Actors at the Odessa Film Studio, where she studied for three years. It was a professional school where they taught stage movement, speech, plastic arts, art history and, of course, acting. We acted in extras, and I even had the chance to play the main role - Lyudmilochka in Alexander Pavlovsky’s graduation film “Happy Kukushkin”. There, the then unknown Vladimir Menshov made his debut in the male role. Well, as soon as I received my certificate, I went to Moscow to receive acting education. I didn’t even consider other options.”, - Larisa Udovichenko recalls the beginning of her acting career.

“We watch Burda magazine monthly,” said fashionable Lyusya Vinogradova from “The Most Charming and Attractive.”

She submitted documents to all theater universities in Moscow. But it so happened that the final selection round was the first at VGIK. It was recruited by Sergei Gerasimov and Tamara Makarova. And if Sergei Apollinaryevich had a little doubt about Larisa, then Tamara Fedorovna wanted to take this girl into her course, who seemed to her similar to the young Marina Vladi.

Larisa remained forever grateful to her teacher: “She changed me. She molded me into a character actress. That’s probably why I’ve been in cinema for so long.”

It is no coincidence that the actress was so successful in her episodic role as Manka-Bond in Stanislav Govorukhin’s film “The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed.” The director offered her another role, but Larisa, having read the script, chose Manka, although at first glance she did not at all coincide with this image. “No, you don’t fit in appearance. Look at yourself - small, lyrical, infantile. Which of you is an experienced prostitute?!”- Govorukhin snapped and sent her on her way. And after some time a telegram arrived confirming approval for the role.

Larisa with her daughter Maria.

Try to save the family

Larisa Ivanovna considers it tactless to talk about her personal life before marriage in relation to those people with whom fate has long separated her. “Well, of course, I fell in love, and all the accompanying components were present: joy, jealousy, resentment, selfless devotion... There were quarrels and reconciliations. Everything is as it should be in youth. I suffered the most if it seemed to me that my chosen one was looking in the other direction. I suffered greatly because of this, but inside myself. I reasoned like this: since he was interested in someone else, that means I should retreat. Never in my life have I fought for a man, never participated in squabbles or showdowns.”“, she admits.

In the early eighties, Larisa met pianist Gennady Bolgarin. Unlike his predecessors, he quickly proposed marriage to Larisa, and she accepted the offer. Larisa was thirty-two when her daughter Mashenka was born. The actress did not work for two years after the birth of her daughter. This was the biggest break in her career.

Never in my life have I fought for a man, never participated in squabbles or showdowns.

Larisa Udovichenko


Over time, the husband also received an economic education and became a successful businessman. But after some time it became clear that her daughter’s father was addicted to the gambling business. The actress carefully hid this fact from friends, colleagues and family. But when life became impossible, she filed for divorce. However, she did not initiate anyone into family squabbles. She simply said: "Did not get along".

“A child should live in love, joy and happiness. He must know that he has protectors: mom and dad. I consider it a crime when parents separate when there are small children. And if there is the slightest possibility of delaying this marriage, even by force, for at least a year, at least two, at least five, until the child grows up, then it must be done.”, - Larisa Ivanovna is sure.

“Love in Russian” is one of the cult Russian films of the 90s. Larisa played the main role, her partner was the not yet shocking Nikita Dzhigurda.

Find a fulcrum

When Larisa was in her third year, her mother died from a transient form. Soon after the funeral, the girl was forced to return and take the exam. The need to study and work partly helped. But every free minute she did not stop thinking about her mother and talking to her. Seeing her suffering, one elderly woman advised her to go to the temple: “Go, child, stay at the service, pray”.

I consider it a crime when parents separate when there are small children. And if there is the slightest possibility of delaying this marriage, even by force, for at least a year, at least two, at least five, until the child grows up, then it must be done

Larisa Udovichenko


“And I, almost burned inside with despair, went. Not understanding anything about services, or about who to light a candle to, or how to ask for help. But... It turned out that inept reading of prayers, and even just being present at a sermon in some incomprehensible way supports you, although you still don’t know anything about it.”

Larisa Ivanovna has an old childhood friend, Evgeny Nikiforov, who heads the Radonezh Orthodox society. This is the person she consults with in difficult times. Sometimes they travel to holy places together. “Once, when the yellow press completely finished me off, I shared: “Zhenya, I can’t cope with myself, the resentment gnaws, it takes all my strength, I know: even if I confess, I still won’t forgive.” He says: “And tell your father everything you feel.” We then traveled around Italy and stopped in the city of Bari, at the Basilica of St. Nicholas, where the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker are kept. I immediately went up to the abbot and told him everything that had accumulated in my soul. And he answered: “The main thing is that you realize both your offense and your unwillingness to forgive. Now think about your health, about your soul - what will happen to you if you don’t change the situation within yourself? Try to isolate yourself internally so that it doesn’t affect you so much.”, - the actress shares her life experience.

Graceful and romantic Larisa Udovichenko perfectly played the role of the experienced prostitute Manka Bonds in the mini-series “The meeting place cannot be changed.”

Be modern

The daughter of Larisa Udovichenko did not follow in the footsteps of her parents. Having received a Russian diploma in international economics, she then entered the famous School of Fashion and Design in Milan, becoming an economist in the field of fashion. But she recently graduated from film school in Rome and dreams of making her own film. Larisa Ivanovna never dictates her will to her daughter, but is always ready to support her.

“I definitely use all sorts of Botox, Restylane, light touch-ups, subcutaneous anti-wrinkle injections, cosmetic procedures, massages, thalassotherapy. These are wonderful helpers for women. As for the diet, I just try not to let myself go, I keep within limits, I monitor my weight, not allowing it to rise above 57 kg.”, says one of the most charming actresses of Russian cinema.

Now Larisa Udovichenko looks very good.

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