Orientation test for a teenage boy. Accurate test for sexual orientation

Hm, yoda_daro claims that this is a test to determine one's sexual orientation.

Like check yourself and your friends whose hands you shake every day.

Most likely a fake, like the old Finnish test ( fritzmorgen I did a great job promoting this topic at one time):

If you do not see numbers in only one circle, then you have and may possibly develop one of the following deviations:\

Circle 1. Increased aggressiveness, conflict. It is recommended to pay a lot of attention to contrast showers and physical exercises.

Circle 2. Reduced mental abilities. When serving in general branches of the military, no additional measures are required.

Circle 3. Gasterimargia (gluttony). Increased rations, more physical exercise, sedentary work and work in the kitchen are contraindicated.

Circle 5. Latent (hidden, suppressed) homosexuality. Attacks of uncontrolled attraction to persons of the same sex are possible. No additional measures are required.

Take 12 questions to find out your true sexual orientation. Many people repress true sexuality due to their upbringing or accepted norms.

But you can’t fool yourself! Sexologist Alfred Kinsey developed a scale to measure sexual orientation, and testing was based on it. If you have repressed tendencies, today you will learn about them.

How to pass

First, indicate your gender, and then proceed to the main tasks - look at fancy pictures and choose associations from several proposed options. Testing will require utmost honesty, answer questions without any pretense. This is the only way you can count on an objective assessment.

What will the test tell you about?

You will find out your result on the Kinsey scale. will show whether you are gay, lesbian, bisexual or heterosexual. If your answers were truthful, then you can have no doubt about the verdict, since this one is very accurate and reveals even those intimate needs that are securely hidden in the respondent’s subconscious.

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