The most beautiful wives and girlfriends of football players (45 photos). Tatiana and Alexander Alievs

Alexey Samsonov
​Photo: Instagram

Ex-participant of the reality show Alexey Samsonov has not yet officially filed for divorce from the mother of his son, Yulia Schaulina, but has already decided to introduce his new passion to the public.

Over the past couple of days, the man has already twice posted photographs on the microblog in which he is depicted in the company of a luxurious blonde. The couple spends their time very culturally. In one of the frames, Alexey and his new passion are posing in the foyer of the Vakhtangov Theater, in another - during dinner in an expensive restaurant.

“Darling,” Alexey Samsonov commented on the photo with the beauty.

He marked his chosen one in the photo, so everyone can visit the girl’s blog and find out that this is Maria Alaska. The blonde also posted pictures with Samsonov, indicating that this is her love.

Alexey and his chosen one Maria during a cultural trip to the Vakhtangov Theater
​Photo: Instagram

“One word can change your decision. One feeling can change your life. One person can change you!” - his passion thoughtfully signed one of the photos with Alexey.

On the Internet, Samsonov’s new novel was, to put it mildly, skeptical. In the microblogs of Alexey and his chosen one, users speak quite harshly. They directly say that they feel sorry for Maria, who will sooner or later suffer the fate of Yulia Schaulina.

“Our poor beautiful and lonely women, even such Samsonov is ready to clean up”, “It’s so funny, Samsonov changed my life”, “Love for a couple of weeks”,

“You behave unworthy, you left the mother and child alone! So why are you making a show of it with another woman? Well, why and who needs it? People have a complex! Quickly post a photo with another fool. Sorry!” they say on the Internet.

In Lyosha Samsonov's new passion, subscribers recognized the ex-wife of football player Andrei Eshchenko
​Photo: Instagram

However, some of Samsonov’s subscribers recognized his passion as the ex-wife of Spartak Moscow defender Andrei Eshchenko. The footballer left his wife four years ago after she caught him cheating. The couple got married in 2006, and before that the lovers had been dating for several years. In October 2013, Andrey and Maria had a daughter, Alisa. The baby was several months old when her dad left the family. In one of her interviews, Maria Alaska admitted that it was unbearably difficult for her to survive the breakup with her beloved husband. However, after the divorce, Yeshchenko behaves very dignified - his daughter and ex-wife do not need anything.

An orphan boy who has achieved great success. Andrey Yeshchenko played for the best clubs in Russia, worked abroad and returned to the country. How did he achieve success, who is his wife and what tattoos does this football player get?

Childhood and family of Andrey Eshchenko

Andrey's hometown is Irkutsk. At the age of nine he was left without parents. They died in a fire. Their apartment was on fire, and no one managed to escape. He was raised by his grandmother's sister, who took guardianship of the boy. She worked as a secretary at a factory. So that Andrei would not be left to his own devices, the woman transferred him from a regular school to a boarding school, where he stayed from Monday to Friday, and spent weekends at his aunt’s house. According to Andrey’s recollections, it was not entirely easy at the boarding school. Children were not harmed there, but teenagers had to be able to stand up for themselves.

At first, the boy’s hobby was basketball, he played it from the age of seven, and then, on the advice of a friend, he signed up for the football section. At the age of ten, Yeshchenko began training at the local Zenit sports school. His first coach was Evgeniy Lensky. When Andrey grew up, he was invited to the local Zvezda team, which was at a higher level. He played in this team for no more than a year.

The beginning of Andrey Eshchenko's football career

While playing for Zvezda, the aspiring football player showed himself to be a resilient and purposeful player. The Khimki coach noticed him and invited him to his place. Andrei, to his surprise, very quickly fit into the core of this team and began to take the field in almost every game.

When this Moscow region team reached the Russian Cup, Andrei took the field in that match. The coach gave the player instructions to neutralize Vagner Love (CSKA forward). Yeshchenko coped with the task, the formidable Brazilian never had a single chance to take the Khimki goal, although the more experienced army team won that match.

Yeshchenko's transfer to Dynamo

The talented football player played for Khimki for about a year. As it turned out, Dynamo Kyiv scouts had long ago noticed him and watched him play. Dynamo Moscow, Arsenal and Dnepr also applied for this young defender.

Yeshchenko chose Kyiv, although there was no guarantee of getting into the main team. And so it happened, Andrei never made it into the main team. As the footballer himself says, the main players on this team are those who were taught from childhood that there is only one team in the world, and this team is Dynamo. Most likely, because of this, Andrey failed to gain a foothold in the team. At Dynamo, he participated in only eleven matches, managed to score one goal, after which he ended up on loan at Dnepr, then at Arsenal.

Return of Andrey Eshchenko to Russia

When the player became a free agent, he returned to Russia. Immediately upon his return, Volga Nizhny Novgorod signed a contract with him. The defender played only twelve matches for this club. At the beginning of 2012, he was bought by the capital's Lokomotiv.

At Loko, the player managed to prove himself so much that, being no longer the youngest football player, he was invited to the national team. He received the invitation at the end of the summer of 2012, just before the national team’s game with the Ivory Coast team. But Andrey did not take part in that game. In September 2012, he made his debut in the national team; he took the field in a match against Israel. The player was twenty-eight years and seven months old.

Yeshchenko's transfer to Anzhi

In the spring of the same year, it became known that Andrei would become a player for Anzhi Makhachkala. The transition did not happen without a loud scandal. The fact is that by the time of his transfer to Anzhi, Andrei was the leading player of Lokomotiv. As was written in the press, the club received only one million euros for his transfer. The amount is extremely small for such a “deal,” but another amount was not announced by President Olga Smorodskaya. This deal is signed for three years.

The best player of October is Andrey Eshchenko. Interview

Andrey managed to almost immediately join the star team of the Anzhi team, taking the position of right midfielder.

At the same time, the football player took part in all qualifying matches as part of the Russian national team. It is known that in March 2013 the player received a serious injury, due to which he was out of the game for a long time. The football player had to treat a ruptured cruciate ligament in his knee for about six months. Having recovered, Andrei returned and attended the match with Tottenham. This was in October 2013. The footballer entered the field in the fifty-sixth minute, replacing Serder Serderov.

Due to injury, Andrei did not take part in the national team’s qualifying matches. Having returned from injury, he again received a call to the national team. In November 2013, Eshchenko entered the field in a friendly match with the Serbian national team in the second half, replacing Alexei Kozlov.

Andrey is married. His wife's name is Maria. The young people met for a long time. The wedding took place in 2006. In 2013, they had a daughter, the girl was named Alice.

The player loves games, attacks, and fighting. But training camp and vacation time are of little interest and boring to him. He always tries to spend less time lying on the couch at this time, trying to keep himself busy with something.

Found a new love. For a long time, the athlete hid his scandalous divorce from Maria, who gave birth to his daughter Alice. The football player’s ex-wife was the first to talk about problems in the family.

Andrey finally separated from his wife 2 years ago. The athlete’s friends were amazed, because it seemed that an idyll reigned in the Yeshchenko family. It turned out that the 32-year-old football player had an affair and tried to hide his new relationship from his wife. Having learned about the betrayal, Maria tried to restore the relationship for the sake of the child, but the attempt to return her husband to the family was unsuccessful.

Football player Andrey Eshchenko
Photo: "KP"

Before the wedding, Maria and Andrey dated for several years. The wedding took place in 2006. After 7 years, the couple had a daughter, Alice. The football player began cheating on his wife when the child was less than a year old. Yeshchenko went to Krasnodar to play for Kuban, and left his wife and daughter at home. He insisted that Maria should not move from Moscow and complained about the hot climate being unsuitable for a small child. According to Andrey, the contract could end in the fall, so he saw no point in changing his place of residence.

By the end of the summer, Maria noticed changes in her husband’s behavior. Intuition told the girl that she had a rival. During Andrey's next visit home, his wife checked his phone. Suspicions were confirmed. To finally be convinced that she was right, she called the football player’s mistress. Yeshchenko’s new passion did not lie and hide the affair. “I realized that I don’t know what to do next... We were planning a second child shortly before,” Maria admitted in an interview with StarHit.

When the girl told her husband about her telephone conversation with her mistress, the football player did not make excuses. Andrei was indignant at his wife’s action and said that he was now thinking about divorce: “There was nothing to rummage around and look for, but now I need to think about whether I want to be with you.” The next day the athlete left. After much thought, Maria decided to try to save the marriage. She was raised in a single-parent family and did not want the same future for her daughter.

Andrey Eshchenko with ex-wife Maria and daughter
Photo: Instagram

During rare telephone conversations, Yeshchenko claimed that he no longer had relationships on the side. This gave the wife hope for reconciliation. The couple began planning a joint winter vacation, but suddenly, on her Instagram feed, Maria came across a recent photo of her husband with the same homewrecker. The girl could not forgive the second betrayal. In a fit of anger, she committed a desperate act - she shared her painful situation on her microblog. Today, the football player’s ex-wife regrets her actions.

Over time, Maria soberly assessed the situation and put an end to the relationship. She does not blame the footballer’s mistress for anything, but cannot forgive her ex-husband, who soon after the separation told an absurd story online: “He stated that he could not forgive me for cheating on me, so he had long wanted to break up with me.” According to Maria, the betrayal happened at the very beginning of the relationship. After what happened, Andrei forgave her, they lived together for 6 years and had a child.

The former life partner of Andrei Arshavin, made a lot of noise. Baranovskaya openly talks about her relationship with Arshavin, without mincing words: for example, she calls the breakup a “sadistic dance.” The family drama of Andrei and Yulia is not the only one in domestic football. ELLE selected a few more couples who have experienced (or are still experiencing) the severity of a breakup.

Last May, Ural player (at that time) Fedor Smolov was left without his wife Victoria Lopyreva. The marriage, shining with all the colors of the secular rainbow, lasted a year and a half. It seems that the idea - and initiative - of the separation came from Lopyreva.

“I must confirm that from now on Fedya and I no longer have anything in common. I made this decision six months ago, but he then managed to convince me that he had matured and was ready to take his family and profession more seriously, but for now he was more interested in social networks and beautiful cars. He is a good guy, but, alas, we are no longer on the same path. I sincerely wish him health and the realization of all his career plans,” Miss Russia 2003 said on a social network.

Smolov, apparently, coped with the loss. Firstly, he moved to the Krasnodar club, and secondly, he got a new girlfriend, Miranda Shelia. With Miranda, Fedor traveled to France, where he fought as part of the Russian team at the European Championship (Lopyreva was also there, by the way). Russian Instagram star Shelia, who is called Irina Shayk's double, or Mimi, meanwhile enjoyed life in a luxury Parisian hotel.

Andrey and Ekaterina Voronin

Former striker of the Ukrainian national team and Dynamo Moscow Andrei Voronin left his former wife Ekaterina for the sake of his current wife Yulia. Voronin himself speaks about this laconically - they say, you can’t order your heart. The football player met Ekaterina in Odessa, and the first year of the romance was virtual - Andrei lived in Germany. Then the marriage happened, the couple began to live in Germany, were expecting a child, and then Julia appeared on the horizon. The marriage fell apart quite quickly. Now Voronin’s first wife still lives abroad, raising their common daughter, and the athlete himself and his new wife already have three children together - Sonya, Andrei and Daniel.

The newly minted Spartak player met his future wife in 2006. Seven years later they got married, and a year later Andrei left the family.

What followed was a major battle on social media. Maria Yeshchenko, who was left with her little daughter Alisa in her arms, reported that the separation was due to her husband’s regular infidelities; in addition, she published a photo of him with a new friend. In turn, the athlete said that the marriage fell apart due to the fault of his wife, who cheated on him. Maria did not leave this unanswered - and so on and so forth. Ultimately, the former spouses sorted out their relationship, past and future, and made peace.

“He still comes and spends a lot of time with her (daughter), which is very important to me. Thanks to his support, we do not need anything. Not every man behaves as honorably as he does after a divorce,” says Maria.

Almaty “Kairat” midfielder Anatoly Timoshchuk was married to Nadezhda Navrotskaya for ten years. Everything was fine, the couple, who were raising twin daughters, were considered one of the most stable in the football world, but two years ago the footballer’s wife filed for divorce. There were several reasons for this, according to Navrotskaya: many years of betrayal by her husband, conflicts with her mother-in-law, and Anatoly’s superficial, infantile and selfish attitude towards her and the family as a whole.

The conflictual divorce process is still ongoing. Recently, the athlete’s wife gave a lengthy and very frank interview, talking about the progress of the divorce, the struggle for children and property. Tymoshchuk reacted to this with restraint. “I told you, let her say what she wants. The children live with her, that's all. There will be time, you will find out everything. She doesn’t let me see the children,” said Anatoly.

Dmitry Tarasov and Oksana

In 2011, Lokomotiv midfielder Dmitry Tarasov officially divorced Oksana, his wife and mother of his child. The reason for the divorce was an affair with TV presenter Olga Buzova, whom Tarasov eventually married. The separation from Oksana cost the athlete almost 2 million rubles. The ex-wife declared an amount ten times larger plus an apartment and a car, however, as the tabloids wrote then, she was satisfied with the final version.

Dmitry Tarasov and Olga Buzova

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