Tatar names for girls of the year. What a beautiful name to name a girl

It is no secret that a name can bring good luck to a person, or, on the contrary, it can make him unhappy for the rest of his life. Therefore, it is very important to name the child correctly, which often determines his fate. For girls, this is doubly important, because they have to continue the family line and raise children, leaving the imprint of their own lives on them. And when choosing a name for a girl in 2017, you should pay attention not only to its euphony, but also to the meaning that our ancestors laid in it.

A name in a person’s destiny: what should not be done when naming a child?

No matter how mystical it may sound, it is the parents who determine the future of the child. And this happens long before the child is born. But the key point in this process is the choice of name, which should be approached very responsibly. History knows many examples when children named after specific people repeated their fate. Therefore, if you are impressed by Angelina Jolie or Lindsay Stirling, you should think carefully about whether you should name your daughter after her?

In general, girls are more sensitive to external factors, so it will be much easier to project the fate of another person onto them. It is for this reason that astrologers do not recommend naming girls after celebrities. No matter how beautiful the names that movie, pop or modeling stars bear, you should not identify their owners with your own child. After all, a successful career is only one side of the coin, and there is no guarantee that your daughter, named, for example, in honor of Lolita Milyavskaya, will be happy. In addition, many stars take sonorous pseudonyms, which in everyday life, when applied to an ordinary girl, sound pretentious and even vulgar.

Another prohibition concerns naming children in honor of deceased relatives and friends. Even if you love those who have passed away very much, you should not link their fate with the fate of the child. Plus, you should find out what is the meaning of the name you want to name the girl. After all, by choosing it, you can strengthen or, conversely, weaken certain qualities of the child.

How should you choose a name for a girl?

There are a lot of options for choosing a name for a child. You can focus on the horoscope or calculate the best option using numerology. In addition, many resort to the help of church calendars and
girls are named after saints. It is believed that in this case the child not only acquires certain virtues, but also receives a powerful heavenly protector.

However, if you decide to be guided by simpler and more understandable principles in choosing a name for a girl, then you should pay attention to ensuring that it is in harmony with the patronymic and surname, sounds beautiful and, at the same time, noble. In addition, observations show that the character of a newborn depends on what time of year she was born. Having basic knowledge in this area, you can easily adjust the baby’s character.

Thus, girls born in winter are distinguished by firmness of spirit; they rarely make concessions. To soften this trait, it is worth naming the baby a soft and melodious name. “Spring” girls have a light character, but at the same time they are famous for their gentleness, pliability, and lack of their own opinion. Therefore, it is best to call them short and concise. Also, female versions of male names are suitable for such newborns. Girls born in the summer months are characterized by a love of life, optimism and increased emotionality. Therefore, choose names for them that have a special internal “core”.

It is good to call such girls Olgas, Elenas, Irins, Ulyans - simple and, at the same time, very reliable names. As for the babies who were born in the fall, they are romantic, soft and very talented. But at the same time they are completely incapable of adapting to life and bringing the ideas they have started to completion. It is best to name such newborns with regal and charismatic names - Ekaterina, Tamara, Elizaveta, Natalya.

What names should be given to girls in 2017?

The Year of the Fire Rooster is special, as the magical bird has a wayward character. But at the same time, she favors reckless people, stands up for justice and is not averse to making fun of bores. Therefore, when choosing a name for your daughter in 2017, you should still focus on the signs of the zodiac.

  • So, names such as Anna, Evgenia, Maria, Victoria are perfect for Aries girls.
  • Babies born under the sign of Taurus should protect their destiny with the following amulets - Ekaterina, Nadezhda, Daria, Svetlana.
  • For a Gemini girl born in the year of the Fire Rooster, it is worth choosing names such as Faina, Kira, Tatyana, Vasilisa, Karina.
  • Well, it’s best to name a Cancer girl Alexandra, Violetta, Elena, Anfisa.
  • A Leo girl, as a rule, has a lot of envious people, so names such as Arina, Sophia, Ruslana, Yana, Milena will help protect her.
  • And the little Virgos should be called Irma, Vitalina, Zhanna, Rose, Nina.
  • For a Libra girl, in turn, it is worth choosing names such as Alina, Berta, Galina, Diana.
  • For those born under the sign of Scorpio, such names as Valentina, Elizabeth, Lilia, Ksenia will be an excellent addition to their bright appearance.
  • The following names will help fidget-Sagittarians balance their explosive nature: Larisa, Alexandra, Olga, Nadezhda.
  • The flighty Aquarius young ladies, in turn, will come in handy with the names Snezhana, Polina, Renata, Natalya.
  • As for Pisces girls, they should be called Julias, Marinas, Yaroslavs, Vlads and Angels.

But, in any case, no matter what you decide to name your girl in 2017, do not forget that the name, first of all, should suit her. Yes, so that any stranger, hearing it for the first time, would understand that this little girl’s name is exactly that, and nothing else.

Surely future parents are puzzled by the question of what to name their child in 2019. Choosing a name is one of the highest priority tasks, because it will accompany a person throughout his life, so it cannot but leave an imprint on his personality. It is a kind of code for a person, a talisman that either brings good luck if you choose it correctly, or, conversely, misfortune.

Psychologists advise parents who don’t know what to name their baby not to choose the same names as their parents and not to give names of deceased relatives in order to protect against a similar fate.

It is also important to take into account that the name must correspond to the region of residence, since something alien to others can become the subject of ridicule or cause aggression.


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Let's name the girl

When deciding what to name your girl, try to find out what is in fashion in 2019. If you choose it correctly, the baby will fit harmoniously into the children's team and will easily find a common language with her peers. And statistics, as well as the church calendar, will help you figure out fashion trends.

Girls born in winter are distinguished by excellent health, endurance, and determination. They are characterized by strength of character, passion, even masculine character traits. To soften the sharp edges, it is advisable to choose gentle, melodic names.

The best for babies born in December, January, February 2019 will be:

  • Evgenia;
  • Nina;
  • Valeria;
  • Anna;

According to the church calendar, the following are suitable: Irina, Vasilisa, Maria, Catherine, Margarita, Tamara, Kira.

Girls born in the spring months are indecisive. They will think several times before making any decision, do not like sudden changes, and are cautious. They are also smart, calm, inquisitive, and have a very attractive appearance. Therefore, it is better to give them names that give strength of character, for example:

  • Alexandra;
  • Ruslana;
  • Christina.

If you follow the church calendar, spring: Olga, Praskovya, Marina, Nadezhda, Natalya, Svetlana, Alla, Anastasia.

Personalities born in summer are cheerful, optimistic, hardworking and emotional. Their actions are often thoughtless and momentary. For ladies born in June, July, August 2019, the following is suitable:

  • Elena;
  • Zhanna;
  • Julia;
  • Ulyana.

Looking at the church calendar, we will see that the following are also suitable: Sofia, Angelina, Veronica, Milena.

In the fall, wise, pedantic girls are born, distinguished by scrupulousness, adherence to principles, and sound judgment. For children born in October, November, September 2019, the following are suitable:

  • Victoria;
  • Faith;
  • Taisiya;
  • Hope.

According to the church calendar, you can choose: Varvara, Anfisa, Tatyana, Ksenia, Elizabeth, Raisa, Vera, Veronica, Zinaida.

Let's name the boy

Astrologers claim that the time of year of birth leaves an imprint on a person’s character. Let's find out what to name a child in 2019 if you are expecting a little hero.

Those born in the winter months are characterized by a strong character. With such a protector, a woman can not be afraid of any vicissitudes of fate. Winter guys always achieve their goals, even if difficult obstacles stand in their way. Accordingly, strong names will suit them, corresponding to their character, for example:

  • Sergey;
  • Gregory;
  • Timofey;
  • Gregory;
  • Daniel.

According to the church calendar, the following are suitable for winter boys: Vladimir, Ivan, Arkady, Makar, Stepan, Victor.

Spring guys are often characterized by indecisiveness, vulnerability, and selfishness. However, if you name them correctly, you can align these character traits. For boys born in spring, the following are suitable:

  • Felix;
  • Tikhon;
  • Yaroslav;
  • Konstantin;
  • Hermann.

If you want to name a boy according to the church calendar, born in the spring of 2019, then it could be: Dmitry, Maxim, Georgy, Philip, Alexander, Nikita.

Summer personalities are characterized by optimism. They are energetic, restless, capable of becoming the center of attention of any company. Summer boys love risk, they are characterized by a considerable amount of altruism, they are crazy about our little brothers and children. A good option for them would be:

  • Ruslan;
  • Bogdan;
  • Edward;
  • Novel.

According to the church calendar, the following are suitable: Mikhail, David, Pavel, Igor, Fedor, Gleb, Ostap, Stepan, Plato.

Guys born in the autumn months are endowed with intelligence, intelligence, and wisdom. These individuals do not commit impulsive actions, are thrifty, and avoid conflicts. They love to give advice and receive gratitude. A boy born in autumn can be named:

  • Yuri;
  • Rodion;
  • Alexei;
  • Basil.

According to the church calendar, autumn boys can be called Peter, Valery, Boris, Lev, Denis, Arseny.

Fashion trends

If we talk about fashion, then in 2019 beautiful, but rather boring names are no longer relevant. Now you won’t surprise anyone with names like Nicole, Eduard, Milana. The tendency to give their children original Russian names is also fading. It is no longer popular to name children Praskovya, Seraphim, Mitrofan, Afanasy.

It is clear that every parent dreams that their baby will be special, not like others. But don’t forget that beautiful names can be simple. If you don’t know what to name a baby born in 2019, pay attention to the beautiful, but unfairly forgotten names.

For girls this is.

  1. Elena – “bright”. The nature is balanced, calm, compassionate. Elena's girls love their family, parents, home, avoid conflicts, and have the valuable ability to find a compromise. However, they are capable of manipulating loved ones, trying to attract their attention. Elena's distinctive features are unpretentiousness and unpretentiousness.
  2. Natalya – “native”. Suitable for a cheerful girl who is able to comfort and warm her loved ones. Natashas have known their worth since childhood, they are very impressionable and emotional. What they lack is patience.
  3. Julia - is able to endow its owner with leadership qualities. Yulia is sociable, has creative abilities, and does not tolerate conflicts. They are vulnerable and often offended, but not vindictive. Envy is alien to them, so they will always rejoice at other people's successes and achievements.

For boys.

  1. Alexander - “protector”. Nature endows Alexander with the best masculine qualities: courage, perseverance, dexterity, leadership inclinations. Sasha easily achieves goals, they make excellent leaders who will be loved by their subordinates. In addition, they are characterized by intelligence, intuition, and honesty. But if necessary, they are capable of cunning.
  2. Artem – “unharmed”. Since childhood, Artem does not like to impose himself on anyone; he prefers to find company based on his interests, and often becomes the leader of the company, skillfully manipulating people. Artem prefers to communicate with people who are older in age - there is something to talk about with them. Artem’s characteristic feature is honesty, even to his own detriment. Knows how to skillfully smooth out conflicts.
  3. Ilya is a “believer.” Ilya has a multifaceted character, which allows him to achieve the best in life. Despite the fact that he easily makes friends and is ready to help everyone, he only allows a select few into his soul. Ilya has a good memory, intuition, intelligence, he subtly senses the mood of close people, so he will pay attention to even the slightest attempt at deception.

In general, no matter what principles you are guided by when choosing what to name your child in 2019: advice from astrologers, the church calendar, fashion, do not miss another key point - intuition.

Only parents can accurately determine which name will certainly suit their beloved child. After all, they, like no one else, want the best for their child. It is possible that even the most prosaic, ordinary and unfashionable option will be the only one that will bring happiness to your child!

Also find out how we celebrate and.

Names for girls are so diverse that very often parents have a debate when it's time to decide on a name for their child.

Some are guided by the meaning of the name itself, others choose to sound good and be in tune with their last and patronymic names. Many want to call their daughter modern, others insist only on Old Russian.

Those who believe in God prefer Orthodox names, or primordially Slavic ones, which carry a deep meaning, a response from the past.

The list that you have to familiarize yourself with before choosing names for girls is very large. It contains absolutely everything quite well-known and not so well-known, with different adventures and meanings.

Rare and beautiful names that parents strive to name their daughters, especially in the last few years, are not always appropriate or easy to pronounce.

Perhaps a grown-up girl will feel uncomfortable, uncomfortable because the name her parents gave her is too unusual and few people know it. A similar situation can arise with a very popular and common name.

Short names for the female half of the population sound good with a long middle name, and long names with a short one. For a rough middle name, a soft girl’s name is suitable, and for a soft one, a sonorous one.

Note! When choosing for a newborn girl, you need to take into account all the nuances and take into account any recommendations, traditions, and customs directly related to the choice of names.

Many people share the opinion that naming children should only be done strictly in accordance with the church calendar. It indicates the dates by which the future name is determined. This calendar mainly includes Old Russian, Church, Orthodox, Slavic, but not everyone likes them.

It is believed that such girls will have a guardian angel who will protect and protect them throughout their lives. It is generally accepted that the subsequent fate and life of its owner is connected with the choice of name. Each name carries its own energy and affects a person’s character.

List of church names, according to month of birth:

Month of birth Common names Rare names
January Evgenia, Tatyana, Irina, Maria, Anastasia, Polina Theodora, Vasilisa, Melania
February Christina (Christina), Ksenia, Veronica, Anna, Rimma Paul, Theodora, Agnia
March Christina (Christina), Anastasia, Margarita, Antonina Iraida, Ulyana, Regina, Marianna
April Eva, Sofia, Anastasia, Nika, Daria Vasilisa, Susanna (Suzanna), Ulyana
May Maria, Alexandra, Zoya, Christina, Faina, Elizaveta Taisiya, Susanna
June Anna, Maria, Valeria, Sofia, Christina, Elena (Alena) Nelly, Kaleria
July Valentina, Yulia, Irina, Olga, Maria, Margarita, Marina Zhanna, Euphrosyne, Martha
August Milena, Ulyana, Susanna (Suzanna), Valentina, Anna Anita, Evdokia, Magdalena, Nonna
September Elizaveta, Natalia, Anna Vasilisa, Anfisa, Sofia
October Zlata, Irina, Marianna, Anna, Veronica Ariadne, Euphrosyne, Sophia
November Anastasia, Anna, Ulyana, Elizaveta Efrosinya, Neonila
December Ulyana, Olga, Anna, Angelina Anfisa, Varvara

The history of the origin of names stretches back to ancient times. Our ancestors chose names for their children from the surrounding world. And they wore such unusual ones as Oak, River, Fox, Summer, Grass. Today this is more than strange.

Much later, names that were more familiar to us, or their original forms, began to be used. Old Russian names are already known to us from chronicles.

As a rule, they consisted of two words - Yaroslav the Wise, Lyudmila Czech, Olga the Great. They were named according to their character, abilities, and skills.

Nowadays, a fashionable trend is to choose names for girls according to their zodiac sign. Astrologers are sure that if you name a girl correctly, then only success, achievement of high peaks, sheer luck and glory await her in life. The stars will help her with this.

Important! For a name to bring success, you need to choose it according to the strongest planet of the zodiac sign under which the child was born.

The fate of a child depends on his ancestors - this is what all astrologers have always believed at all times. There is no point in naming a girl after one of her deceased relatives, because she could repeat her fate. All our ancestors pass on their genetic information to everyone and this can influence fate.

All modern names for girls are rooted in ancient Russian ones, but in a more abbreviated, beautiful and acceptable form for modern society. Many of them have been changed by time, culture, and customs.

Everyone knows that ancient names were complex and incomprehensible. They concealed a certain meaning, a secret meaning, the true spirit of the people and their difficult fate.

The rarest and most beautiful Russian names for girls:

  • Augusta, Aurora, Aglaya, Astra, Aprilia;
  • Beatrice;
  • Vivina, Vincentia, Virginia, Virinea;
  • Heliana, Gluria;
  • Dosithea, Drosida;
  • Epistymya, Zeno, Iifigenia, Iolanta;
  • Callisthenia, Concordia, Leocadia, Longina;
  • Mithroda, Nymphodora, Pulcheria, Sosipatra, Fetinia;
  • Chionia, Celistina, Ennapha, Junia.

In 2017, short names for tiny girls are very popular - Paula, Kira, Yana, Nika, Elya. They are simple so that the girls themselves remember them and fit almost all middle names.

For girls who were born under the fiery element of the Red Rooster in 2017, the recommended names are Evgenia, Nina, Zoya, Anna, Valeria, Alexandra, Ruslana, Christina, Zhanna, Ulyana, Taisiya. Owners of such names will be persistent, with a strong character and will always go towards their goal.

Women's names for girls should be soft and beautiful. With its melodious sonority, it is fully intended to reflect all the beauty, tenderness and individuality of a little person.

Unusual names are welcome if they are beautiful and easy to pronounce. A girl must express herself among everyone else, but somehow in a special way and with taste.

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Most mothers, having learned the approximate date of birth of the child, immediately begin to choose a beautiful name for the baby according to the church calendar or zodiac sign. Many believe that the baby’s character and fate depend on the name. Our material will help parents find out how to name a girl and a boy in 2017, and how to choose a middle name. Correctly chosen names will allow you to “program” kids for success and good luck.

How to name a girl in 2017 - beautiful names for girls by patronymic

In order for the combination of a first name and patronymic to be melodic, you need to take into account special rules for combining words with repeating or similar sounds. The rules below will help you understand how to name a girl by her middle name in 2017, and what combinations are best avoided.

Choosing a beautiful middle name for a girl born in 2017

The first name and patronymic should not only combine beautifully and be a melodic duet, but also be easy to pronounce. Therefore, when choosing a name by patronymic, you must check the resulting combination by ear: does it sound original, is it convenient to pronounce. Also, when choosing a name according to your homeland, you should use the following rules:

  1. Avoid duplication of letters in a row (for example, Anna Andreevna). Thus, the letters “overlap” and the combination sounds ugly.
  2. Avoid repeating the letter “r” in both the first name and patronymic (for example, Ekaterina Dmitrievna). In such cases, the combination sounds rude.
  3. Choose short names for long middle names (the following combinations are very good: Alla Mikhailovna, Irina Antoninovna).

Using simple rules, it will not be difficult to choose a beautiful feminine name for your baby, which will sound ideal with her middle name. The first name can be selected based on the surname using similar rules.

How to name a girl beautifully in 2017 according to the church calendar and Zodiac - the best options

When choosing a name for your daughter, you can use a convenient church calendar or select names based on your zodiac signs. But you also need to look at the meanings of names: this will help you choose both a beautiful and fateful name for your child. Therefore, the best solution would be to select names from the calendar and then “check” them by meaning.

The best names according to the church calendar for girls born in 2017

In the church calendar you can choose very beautiful and unusual names for girls. The most original of them include: Kira, Arina, Alisa, Milana, Sofia, Elizaveta. Such names will be very popular in 2017, and at the same time they all sound melodious, gentle, and feminine.

How to choose a name for a girl according to her zodiac sign in 2017?

Zodiac signs greatly influence the child’s character and behavior. Therefore, you need to choose a name for a girl after carefully studying the characteristics of her zodiac sign. For example, the girl Anastasia (meaning “resurrection”, “resurrection”) will grow up indestructible and brave. This name is perfect for gentle and modest signs (Virgo, Pisces, Cancer), who could use extra willpower and perseverance. Also, when choosing a name, you should pay attention to the time of year in which the girl will be born. Such periods no less strongly influence the character of the child.

  1. Winter.

Children born in cold weather grow up more strict and reserved. A gentle name will help the baby in the future to “dilute” her strength with kindness and affection.

  1. Spring.

Spring children quite often have difficulty making choices and decisions. Such girls would benefit from “strong” names.

  1. Summer.

Babies born in the summer are quite active, brave and always strive forward. Simple names are more suitable for them, which will slightly moderate their ardor.

  1. Autumn.

In autumn girls, calmness and indecision predominate in their character. It is recommended to give them strong names.

Strong names usually sound firm and even a little rude (Rimma, Inna, Inga, Ada). Tender and bright names are drawn-out and melodic (Yaroslava, Svetlana, Alina). True, such pronunciation rules can be considered simply a guideline: only its meaning will allow you to accurately determine the characteristics of a name.

How to name a girl in 2017 - beautiful names for newborn girls

When choosing a beautiful name for your daughter, you can use not only the church calendar or descriptions of meanings. When choosing a name for a child, many mothers consider popular or simply beautiful names (for example, the names of celebrities, heroines of their favorite TV series). But before you give a girl born in 2017 an unusual or rare name, you should find out everything about its origin and influence on fate.

Options for very beautiful names for a girl born in 2017

Beautiful and “simple” names are gradually going out of fashion. So, meeting little Maria, Olga or Tatyana can be considered a real miracle. But the following names can be considered an excellent option for babies born in 2017: Marianna, Nika, Susanna, Ulyana, Valeria. The following useful video will help you choose beautiful options:

How to name a boy in 2017 - beautiful names for boys

It is no less difficult for boys to choose names than for girls. After all, parents want their son to grow up strong, wise and able to make quick and correct decisions. Therefore, moms and dads want to know what name is best to name their baby in 2017. Below are the most beautiful names that will help a child reach unprecedented heights and become a real leader.

What beautiful name can you give to a boy born in 2017?

The most popular and beautiful male names for 2017 include: Victor, Leonid, Alexey, Lavrentiy, German. Male representatives with such names will have a brilliant career and stable growth in the future. But more unusual, but no less popular names in 2017 include: Julian, Savely, Benjamin, Timofey, Elisha. You can find out useful information about other male names in the following video:

How to name a boy born in 2017 according to the church calendar - good options

Using a church calendar makes it much faster to find a good name for a child. You just need to look through the options for each month and choose a beautiful name for a boy born in 2017 according to the indicated names of the calendar.

Good name options for boys born in 2017 according to the church calendar

Many mothers, focusing on the baby’s date of birth, look for the most attractive names that will help the child to be kind and obedient, and be able to make serious decisions independently. But we must remember that the chosen name can promise not only happiness, but also a difficult fate and an overly soft character. Therefore, the following names can be considered the best for future men: Maxim, Evgeniy, Mark, Nikolai, Nikifor, Arseniy.

Among the useful videos reviewed, you can learn a lot of interesting things about beautiful names for boys and girls born in 2017. For example, parents can choose what to name a girl in 2017, using the church calendar, or by patronymic. When choosing a name for a newborn, it will be very useful to look through information on the meanings of popular names and the features of their choice for children born at different times of the year. Using useful information and special rules, you can easily find out how to name a boy in 2017, what name to give your daughter in order to give them a good destiny.

While waiting for the baby to arrive, parents will have to resolve many important issues - from arranging the room to purchasing clothes. At the same time, the most important and difficult point is the question of choosing a suitable name for the little princess. The rating of the most popular girls' names in 2018, compiled by experts, helps future mothers and fathers make their choice.

Many parents choose the name of the patron saint from the church calendar, others name them in honor of relatives or friends, choose a name according to the Zodiac, month of birth, etc. All parents strive for the name to be beautiful and euphonious, emphasizing the individuality and uniqueness of the child.

Advice: When choosing a name, keep in mind that each has its own special meaning and affects the personality and fate of the person himself. Therefore, you should definitely familiarize yourself with the meaning of the name before naming your child with it.

Modern trends in choosing a name

This year in Russia the trend of naming children unusual names continues to be relevant. According to information provided by the Moscow registry office, in the first quarter of 2017, the most extravagant names were Uma, Ophelia, Juno and Serena. Also found are names such as Elizabeth, Francesca, Julia and Zinaida. As a rule, such names for children are given to families in which one or both parents are foreigners, for whom these names are familiar.

However, rare names are often chosen for newborns by parents who want to stand out. This year, the most in demand are traditional Greek and Slavic, as well as native Russian ones. Today, parents have much less opportunity to name their child an unusual name.

The President signed a law in early May prohibiting the use of symbols, numbers, designations and signs, swear words, titles and positions as names. You can still use abbreviations, as they have long become common practice.

Top 17 popular female names of 2018

The list is topped by Sofia (Sofia). 925 newborns received it. These girls are conscientious and accommodating, always achieve success in their profession, and achieve their goals. They arrange their lives the way they want, without looking at the opinions of others. Sophia will always provide help to those who need it. Most of all, calm and regularity. The character is dominated by generosity, sensitivity, delicacy and kindness. Both in life and in clothes, he prefers classic eternal values. Translated from ancient Greek, the word “Sophia” is translated as “wisdom”. Today it is the most popular female name in Russia.

In second place in popularity this year is Maria. This name has several interpretations - “stubborn”, “beloved”. It came to us from Ancient Judea. Mary's character is distinguished by tenderness and kindness, and, at the same time, incredible strength and firmness. She takes every little thing very close to her heart, worrying and thinking about difficult situations for a very long time. Masha can bravely stand up for herself and will never give offense. Marias are very fair and sensible, they always study diligently and help their parents. These are faithful wives and loving mothers. They can easily find a topic of conversation with any interlocutor.

In third place is Anna: these young ladies are very neat and pay special attention to their appearance. They are completely dedicated to their work, have well-developed intuition, a meek and resigned disposition, and prefer peace and quiet to noisy companies. She is a devoted and loving wife and a wonderful mother. Anna completely devotes herself to her family; her temperament is dominated by honesty, selflessness and goodwill. However, she does not tolerate rudeness and rudeness well; she does not tolerate infidelity, betrayal and betrayal. Translated from Greek, this name means “sweet”, “graceful”.

The name Alice also appeared in the ranking of common names for girls in 2018. Babies love everyone's attention; they are characterized by fun and mischief. They easily find a common language with everyone around them without exception, and do not tolerate betrayal and lies. These are true friends who never offend the weak. Creativity tendencies appear from childhood. Alice's straightforwardness, openness, and determination inspire adoration among everyone who knows her closely. This is a homemaker who will always choose family over career.

Anastasia is a word that came to us from Hellas, and is interpreted as “resurrected.” The girls are very affectionate, kind and gentle. This is grace and beauty incarnate. They are easily offended or hurt due to their innate defenselessness and sensitivity. They are very neat and love to do household chores. Trust and sensitivity are Nastya’s main traits. Thanks to her well-developed intuition, she can predict events in advance. The ideal companion is a strong and courageous man.

The name Polina, which occupies the 6th line of the list, is derived from the ancient Greek god Apollo. This is a sacrificial and selfless person. She is distinguished by her friendliness, responsiveness and complaisance. Polina will always sympathize and come to the rescue in grief. Envy is not typical for her - she can rejoice in the successes of her friends as if she were her own. Loves animals very much. The leading personality traits are responsibility, thoroughness and reliability. He ties himself in marriage only with the chosen one whom he respects.

In 7th position is Victoria. The word is of Latin origin meaning "victory". Therefore, assertiveness, firmness and uncompromisingness are noticeable in the character of these women. They are naturally excellent leaders. Victoria can only reach her full potential by doing what she loves. He has a very fine mental organization, and at the same time loves to be in the center of attention. She always controls her emotions and any manifestations of feelings. A sharp and clear mind and well-developed intuition guides all of Victoria’s actions. She does not tolerate falsehood and lies.

Alexandra: the name came to us from the Greek language, and is translated as “protector.” From early childhood, Alexandra prefers to spend time in male society. She perfectly understands her role in life, loves to learn and improve. For her husband, the girl will become not only a faithful wife, but also a wonderful friend. He values ​​family and travel, has a great sense of humor, and always achieves success.

Ksenia is a word with ancient Greek roots, translated as “wanderer.” Such girls are fickle and unpredictable, emotional and sensitive, irritable and stubborn. They are characterized by integrity and perseverance. Ksenia takes even a small defeat extremely hard. She is endowed with an innate sense of justice, and always stands up for the weak and offended. She chooses her husband carefully; the ideal husband for Ksenia is a man older than her, strong and experienced. Shows a talent for creativity in all its forms - from dancing to handicrafts.

Ekaterina is a Russian name for a girl with Greek origins. Katya does not tolerate the superiority of others, so she always tries to surpass her surroundings. As a child, he gets excellent grades and enjoys authority both among his peers and among teachers. This is a man of mood. As her life partner, Catherine will choose a man who will be as similar to her in character as possible. She has a penchant for impulsive actions, a sense of beauty and an aesthetic perception of the world.

Natalya: translated means “native”. The character is characterized by cheerfulness and sensitivity, patience and pride. He knows his own worth, loves praise very much, and does not tolerate reproaches. Always ready to console those in need of sympathy. From an early age, Natalia amazes those around her with her achievements - both her peers and adults.

Varvara means “stranger”. Outwardly, Varvara is a very calm, reasonable and reserved person, but inside she has real passions boiling. She is timid and indecisive, has amazing patience, and at the same time, the girl is dreamy and adamant. Varvara’s character is dominated by modesty, patience and hard work. A developed sense of taste influences the choice of profession; she must devote herself to her work with all her heart. Girls easily get close to people thanks to their developed insight. This is a wonderful hospitable hostess.

Helen - in the language of the ancient Greeks, translated as “bright”. Her nature is characterized by calmness and balance, compassion and empathy. More than anything else, Elena values ​​her family and home. It is very difficult to piss her off, since the girl is always ready to compromise. Tragedy and sacrifice can be used for one’s own purposes, attracting everyone’s attention, and also as a way to manipulate loved ones. Elena is able to enjoy her life and what she has without demanding more.

Elizaveta is a name on the 14th line of the 2018 ranking. It came to us from the ancient Jewish language, and means “who worships God.” In Western European countries, this name was considered royal, and was very common among aristocrats. The character is dominated by pride, categoricalness, stubbornness and authority, responsiveness and kindness. These girls are quite reserved, but they know how to find a common language with others, adapting to them. Curiosity and poise never allow Elizabeth to abandon a task halfway, and she perceives any failures very painfully. The main priority in life is family and home.

The list of popular female names also includes Veronica, a name translated from Latin that means “victorious.” Derived from the ancient Roman goddess of victory - Nike. In childhood, babies are characterized by shyness, timidity, indecisiveness and excessive sensitivity. Over time, she becomes more stubborn, active and sociable. She values ​​comfort very much and loves to surround herself with beautiful, expensive things. She is prone to spontaneous, unusual actions, and is able to find the best way out of even the most difficult situation.

Christina is distinguished by analytical thinking. She will always find a way out of a difficult situation and solve all problems. She always successfully completes the tasks she starts, is honest and unobtrusive. As a child, he shows a cheerful and positive disposition, studies easily and well, and becomes a favorite of both his peers and adults. Christina's peers are charged with irrepressible energy and fun.

The name Valeria completes the top 17 popular names for babies born in 2018. It is of Latin origin and the translation is “healthy.” Valeria is an extremely purposeful person with amazing willpower. She is able to survive any troubles in life, and at the same time finds the strength to console loved ones and help people. Nature is distinguished by impulsiveness and quick-wittedness.

Women's portal - Bonterry