Palm tattoo for girls and guys. Tattoos on the palm for men (top, side, back) Tattoos on the back of the hand sketches

Palm tattoos are a new and fashionable trend in tattooing. The tradition of covering palms with patterns came to us from India. In this country, people are accustomed to painting their hands with henna before a holiday or wedding. But such patterns (mehndi) are short-lived and fade the next day.

Applying a tattoo to the hand, palm or its edge is relatively painless, since the skin here is quite dense. The size and shape of the palm are small, so inscriptions or small images are appropriate here. Oriental patterns look best on the palm - intricate lines that make it seem like a lace glove has been put on your hand.

Followers of Buddhism apply mandalas to the inside of their hands - this is a complex circular pattern depicting the Universe. Those who want to emphasize their originality pin a symmetrical pattern on the inside of the left and right palms. Particularly common is the image of an eye or a web with spiders.

The pattern of eyes enclosed in a triangle is an ancient and complex symbol. Usually its meaning is the third eye of the Buddha deity, the all-seeing eye, vigilance. The American Indians believed that it was a symbol of divine wisdom and consciousness. The eye of God sees everything, every soul, every thought.

Another option for an eye in the palm is the “hand of Fatima” (“hamsa”) - a wonderful amulet in Arab and Jewish traditions. This is a very powerful amulet; it helps the owner protect himself from the evil eye and damage.

Paired drawings that are applied to the edge of the palm look very beautiful. In this case, an image is specially selected - for example, the wings of a butterfly or a flock of flying birds. By squeezing and spreading both palms, you can see how the butterfly flaps its wings. Another direction is all kinds of inscriptions. These could be sayings, prayers, or the names of loved ones. Actress Angelina Jolie has a Chinese character with the meaning “bravery” tattooed on the back of her hand.

Despite its popularity, the palm is the worst place for a tattoo. It is believed that the skin here renews itself quickly, so the tattoo soon becomes fuzzy and sloppy, and then disappears altogether.

Tattoos on the palm look very elegant if their owner has thin, graceful hands with long fingers.

Video of tattoo on palm

In this video you can see how a master makes a tattoo on the palm of his client.

Below are photos of palm tattoos from different tattoo artists.

Palm tattoo designs for girls are sentimental and romantic. It is here that, at first glance, there are simple drawings, the meaning of which is known only to the owner. The palm is almost invisible to others, so it is sometimes not possible to see the image. By the way, this is exactly what celebrities use. For example, Angelina Jolie got a tattoo of the letter M in honor of her mother Marcheline who died suddenly. Strangely, the drawing disappeared immediately after journalists noticed it.

Features of a tattoo on the palm

The procedure for applying a tattoo directly to the palm is one of the most painless. Tattoo artists and their clients rate it a one on a scale of one to 10. This is a significant advantage, so beginners can safely go to a tattoo parlor.

As for the opposite side of the arm, here the bones are located close to the skin, so the session may be accompanied by more unpleasant and severe pain. After the session, hematomas may even appear.

Any artist will warn you that palm tattoos are not permanent. They quickly lose their former attractiveness, wear out due to sweating and constant contact with household chemicals and water (this is especially true for girls who are forced to do more cleaning than men). Correction for tattoos in this case will be needed more often.

By the way, palmists are of the opinion that each line on the palm has a special meaning. Changing the design on the hand because of a tattoo can radically change a girl’s fate, and not always for the better. How true this statement is is not known for certain, but physiologists insist that body painting is a harmless art. If the skin on the hands were smooth, a person would not be physically able to straighten the limb, so there is no point in giving each fold an existential meaning.

Popular sketches

For those girls who want to acquire an amulet and talisman, who are interested in esotericism and other occult teachings, it is recommended to pay attention to the Scandinavian runes Algiz, Evaz, Feu, Soulu.

To achieve mutual understanding and strengthen relationships, lovers or spouses can get a pair tattoo in the form of the Gebo rune. The image of the hand of Fatima, better known as hamsa or the hand of God, will protect the owner from negative influence from the outside, damage and the evil eye. This is one of the most famous and powerful amulets, which has special meaning for girls. It is considered a symbol of home and family happiness.

The inscriptions would be appropriate on the edge of the palm. Since there is not much space here, you can limit yourself to one word or hieroglyph. Graceful ornate ornaments also look beautiful and stylish on a girl’s palm.

A tattoo on a woman's palm will help hide scars or visible skin defects. This is what the famous TV presenter Tina Kandelaki did, who decorated her hand after the accident with a Reiki sign, symbolizing strength. Singer Rihanna applied an ethnic Polynesian design to her hand and just above her wrist, which represents love, after a trip to New Zealand.

Video by Monami Frost

Photo of tattoo on palms

A tattoo is not just a design on the body. This is a way of self-expression, emphasizing individuality. Tattoos often carry a sacred meaning and serve as a talisman or reminder of an important event. Men's tattoos are designed to emphasize the strength, masculinity, will and brutality of their owner.

Location of tattoos for men

Men in most cases prefer large tattoos, so they choose places that will accommodate a voluminous design.

Common places for tattoos in men:

  • Hips
  • Back
  • Breast
  • Side and back of neck

Men's hand tattoos most often done in the upper part. The shoulder is considered a universal place for this. The pattern emphasizes the power of the biceps, and a correctly filled pattern will also “come to life” from the play of the muscles. Large images are best suited for application on the shoulder: animals, ornaments, etc.

If you plan to put a tattoo on your back, chest or neck, then you should think about the integrity of the plot. So that the pattern on the shoulder smoothly transitions to another area.


The forearm, as a place for body art, is popular due to the low sensitivity of this area to pain and openness to prying eyes. All kinds of inscriptions and quotes are suitable for applying to the forearm. On the wrist, men often get a closed tattoo that encircles the entire wrist. These could be images of watches, ornaments, bracelets, a growing forest, etc. Men also put small designs on their wrists, such as barcodes, inscriptions, and other small symbols. Wrists are sensitive to pain.

Men's tattoo on wrist and forearm


The calves have recently become a favorite place for tattooing. They can get tattoos on one leg or both. A paired design is applied to the calves, one plot divided into two legs, or unrelated tattoos, but made in the same style. The design is most often large, sometimes it is applied to the entire lower leg. It is believed that the calves are not very sensitive to pain.

A large pattern is also printed on the hips, representing a whole plot or images in the same style. This pattern can be located either on the front of the thigh or completely enclose the leg. It hurts most on the inner thigh. The pain on the front and outer thighs is tolerable.


The back is the largest place for a tattoo. Entire plot paintings, military battles, or simply a large image of something are usually painted on the back. Because of its flat surface, the back is the most convenient place for tattooing.

The back is a painful place because there are a lot of nerve endings along the spine. And you need to keep in mind that a tattoo on your back will be inconvenient to take care of yourself.


A universal place for a man's tattoo is also the chest. The size of the chest area allows for large-scale paintings. Men most often get tattoos on the upper chest, emphasizing the breadth and power of the shoulders and sternum. Due to the presence of the pectoral muscles, this is a fairly painless area. Exceptions: nipple areola, collarbone area, armpits, these places are quite sensitive.

If you plan to build up your pectoral muscles, then the tattoo should be postponed until muscle mass is gained. Otherwise, if the tattoo is done before the muscle volume increases, it will stretch and this will spoil its appearance.


A neck tattoo can be either a continuation of other tattoos or a separate image. Such tattoos can be small or large. The neck is almost always visible to others, so this should be taken into account when choosing a sketch. The neck is quite a painful place for piercing.

Large-scale tattoos and covering the entire body with a design are gaining popularity. Such a tattoo can begin on the foot and end on the neck. An example of a large-scale “sleeve” tattoo, a design tattooed on the entire arm, which can go to the back or chest, represents one plot.

Themes of men's tattoos

The popularity of tattoo themes includes:

  • Large predatory animals and birds (wolf, bear, lion, tiger, eagle);

Leo - victory, nobility, justice, pride.

The wolf is a symbol of strength, courage, loyalty, bravery and freedom.

Bear. A raging bear means strength, courage, power, courage. Calm bear - wisdom, confidence.

  • Mythical, heraldic animals (dragon, chimera, unicorn);

Centaur - thirst for freedom and adventure, desire for independence.

Chimera-mysticism, aggression, fascination with esotericism, fatalism.

The Dragon. For Eastern culture, it is a symbol of courage, kindness, nobility. For Western culture - strength, aggression, courage.

Unicorn - courage, strength, purity.

Gargoyle is a talisman against evil and temptation.

  • Gothic drawings (Skeleton, skull);

The demon symbolizes a vice that the bearer has or that he wants to get rid of.

The skull is a reminder of the finitude of everything, a talisman of death.

  • Japanese motifs (samurai, geisha);

Geisha - desire for beauty, love for women.

  • Religious motives;

An angel-talisman for its owner, protection from misfortunes.

  • Ornaments (Celtic, Slavic motif, runes, mandalas);

Mandala - harmony, orderliness of the inner world.

  • Military motifs (warriors, knights, Vikings);

Knight - courage, courage, morality, honor, the ability to overcome everything.

  • Marine motifs;

Steering wheel - passion for adventure, changeability.

Anchor - reliability, constancy.

  • Inscriptions (quotes, aphorisms, phrases, names, individual words). Inscriptions carry a certain meaning for a person, remind of an important event, and become a life credo;
  • Biomechanical images. Such images represent torn flesh, inside of which there is a mechanical structure. The mechanisms are drawn very clearly, faithfully copying reality.
  • Depictions of membership in a subculture or group. Such tattoos are tattooed, for example, by goths, bikers, military men, and criminals.

The presented themes can be performed in different styles and using different techniques. The image can be black and white or color, natural or graphic.

One of the most unreliable places for a tattoo in terms of practicality is the hands. Not only do we constantly rinse them in water, but the skin often dries out and is generally subject to all sorts of friction. However, this does not stop us: men’s tattoos on the palm can be found just as often as on the biceps, although not in the post-Soviet space. So, if you are wondering where to get a new tattoo, pay attention to this amazing, untouched place in your body.

The most popular tattoos are a lace glove tattoo, which is applied on both sides of the palm, a spider on a web, a mandala - a symbol of the Universe, or simply the same pattern. Another interesting option is a tattoo on the back of the palm with the image of eyes. If you close your eyes with your hand, the image will appear in their place.

Features of anatomy

There is little space, nowhere to turn around; a bunch of acupuncture points, which complicates the process due to pain or tickling; dry, skin, uneven surface. In general, let’s say this zone is a master’s dream. He literally sleeps and sees how he can beat someone’s palms. So, take your choice of tattoo artist seriously. Only a person with extensive experience can make a high-quality tattoo in such a place.

The most popular palm tattoos for women

Based on women's lifestyle, it is much more convenient to cover their palms with a pattern. Still, they try to look after them. For girls, getting a tattoo on the palm is morally easier than for men, although both of them often clog the brush. First, let's figure out where this mysterious place is. The fact is that there is such a thing as a “tattoo on the outside of the palm.” Well, this is a common brush! So, we are not lying to you here when we write about the popularity of such tattoos.

However, let's return to women. Ladies apply a tattoo on the palm from above or from the inside, depending on whether they want to put it on public display or hide it. Motives for the composition can be mandalas, sacred symbols, heads or silhouettes of animals, as well as many options for floral patterns. Less common is a tattoo on the outside of the palm in the form of an inscription, so men staked out this feature.

With the advent of fashion for mehendi, even those who had never planned to get a tattoo on the upper part of their palm began to turn to salons. Now beauties have the opportunity to forever immortalize the lovely curls of flower garlands and, if desired, supplement them with new elements, even continuing the composition on the forearm. So it doesn’t take long to get a tattoo up to the sleeve.

Tattoos on the back of the palm are a more intimate place. Religious people would say “sacred.” Based on the fact that the center of the palm is the place where energy is concentrated, the energy gate, according to the qigong version, this area is often clogged with a sign that helps to open or strengthen these gates. Simply put, think about what you are putting on your palm.

Often, ladies choose paired tattoos on the top of their palms, which are applied in the form of butterfly or bird wings. Entire landscapes that are located on both hands are also popular.

The most popular palm tattoos for men

There are as many options here as there are stars in the sky. Even an ordinary miner can see a tattoo in the form of a name, some date, a set of numbers or an entire phrase. Such decoration usually remains with those who managed to serve in the army or “relax at a resort.” Those who deliberately make male tattoos on the edge of the palm or in another part of it, and do not fill it in the drunken stupor of the barracks, decorate this world with original sketches.

This part of the body is always visible, it is difficult to hide, therefore, if you do not care about the impression you make on people, we belittle, find an interesting image and a good master who will fill it all in for you.

Men prefer to apply it on the inside of the palm in a realistic style. And natures prone to mysticism can even draw life lines here. There is a belief that when you add an extension to your lines, you change your destiny. This fact has not been scientifically proven, but if you decide to change something in your life in this way, consult a good palmist.

Another symbol that is applied for mystical reasons is the all-seeing eye. It has always been believed that the eye in the triangle is the eye of the Lord. Some peoples revered it as a sign of wisdom and awareness, because this eye sees through every soul, all human thoughts.

Another eye depicted on the palm is. The Arabs consider it a good image of protection against the evil eye.

The most popular among men are tattoos in the form of a skull, images of fantastic characters, stylized portraits of people or their pets. In this matter, only imagination can define the boundaries. From text tattoos on the edge of the palm, male options - beloved's name, religious messages, phrases, which convey the essence of the tattoo owner’s worldview. These could be hieroglyphs. Some pop and movie stars wear tattoos on the outside of their palms in the form of a message encrypted in twisted letters.

An interesting naturalistic design is the smile tattoo on the palm. For men, the prototype of such a sketch could be the “Joker” or the Cheshire Cat from the film “Alice Through the Looking Glass.”

Practicality and other features of palm tattoos

Body painting on the palms has very serious disadvantages. These images quickly become inconspicuous, dull, erased and faded. It is worth getting tattoos on your palms only if you are ready to constantly adjust and update them. Otherwise, the impact of the external environment and the rapid renewal of the skin on the palms will do their job - the image will become sloppy and lose its aesthetic appearance.

Tattoos on the palm of men’s palms are not seen so often (including because this area of ​​the hand is usually closed from the view of others). That is why the image on the palm looks original, unlike analogues on other parts of the body.

Why palm?

Palm tattoos have ancient historical roots. The first drawings on the inside of the hand appeared in India. Representatives of the fair sex, getting married, loving wives and happy mothers were happy to decorate their hands with such tattoos. Gradually, the baton passed to men who wanted to get their share of happiness or indicate their status.

Fate lines are located on the palm, very important points and endings are concentrated. That is why it is believed that the human palm is directly connected with heavenly patrons and space. Since ancient times, all world shamanic cults have perceived a tattoo on this part of the hand as an indispensable attribute that is present in every sorcerer. Without such a mark, a shaman cannot conduct his rituals, since he will not have an all-seeing eye that allows him to communicate with the other world beyond the control of ordinary people.


  1. The main advantages of tattoos are stylishness, originality and creativity. When looking at a man’s hands decorated with tattoos in this area, it immediately becomes clear that this is an extraordinary person. A person prefers new ideas rather than repeating well-known techniques.
  2. If the tattoo is applied directly to the palm, then this procedure is relatively painless. The skin on this part of the body in men is quite rough, not susceptible to pain; such touches will rather tickle, unlike a tattoo on the back of the hand.
  3. A drawing applied to the middle of a man’s palm can easily be hidden by simply clenching the brush into a fist, and shown only to those who want it. The situation will be more complicated if the tattoo is on the back of the hand.


  1. The main disadvantage is the fragility of the image. With constant contact with water, soap and other substances (especially if you, unlike most men, prefer to wash your hands after each visit to the toilet and before eating), the pattern gradually fades, is washed off and comes off along with the upper layers of the skin. That is why tattoos here require constant correction.
  2. The area of ​​the palm is small, so it is impossible to transfer large tattoos onto it. Lumps, depressions and a large number of lines require a more careful selection of sketches and the professionalism of the master. In addition, palmists claim that tattoos located on the palm can change a person’s destiny, since they overlap natural lines.

Popular ideas

There are many ideas for tattooing on a man’s palm. When implemented professionally, they all look beautiful and original (photos of tattoos can be seen in the gallery).

  • Inscriptions have gained recognition among men. They are usually placed in a circle, on the top or edge of the palm. Many men from the last century, after serving in the army or serving a prison sentence, have initials or dates of birth - their own or those of their beloved woman. Today, men's inscriptions have changed. They represent words or sentences in different languages ​​(including hieroglyphs).
  • The image of an eye is also common. This could be the all-seeing eye, located in the center of the triangle, or the eye of Fatima, which is a talisman in Turkey or Arab countries. Each man puts his own meaning into this tattoo: the desire to have a connection with the cosmos or a talisman against all misfortunes.
  • An original solution would be to place a 3D image of an ordinary eye in the center of the palm so that when clenched into a fist, it “closes.”
  • Many guys choose images of a spider with a web, a crab, a scorpion and other insects, the small size of which is perfect for a tattoo on a man’s palm.
  • An absolutely original and bold step would be to draw additional lines. Palmists say that in this way you can radically change your destiny.
  • Men's palms with schematic images of animals or with a realistic drawing of an animal head are also in demand. Portraits of pets are often painted on the arm as a sign of love or remembrance.
  • Paired tattoos located on both hands, which represent two fragments, look very original. When combined, such drawings form one complete picture.

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