How to make acrylic varnish at home. How to make original nail polish? Making blanks for nail art

The varnish must meet the following requirements:

  1. dry quickly;
  2. give a durable film;
  3. the film must be flexible;
  4. have as much shine as possible;
  5. the shine should last a long time and not be afraid of atmospheric influences.

Below are recipes for some of the polishes.

Aniline varnish. Dissolve shellac in alcohol and add aniline paint, soluble in alcohol. The item to be varnished must be heated.

Black varnish

  1. Boil in an iron pot over low heat for 6 hours 2 kg asphalt, at the same time boil in another container 2.8 l drying oils. While cooking drying oil, gradually add 300 g of litharge to it, boil until it starts to stick between your fingers. After that, pour it all into a bowl with boiling asphalt. Boil until the sample rolls into balls. Then cool and mix with turpentine. Take as much turpentine as necessary to obtain the desired thickness.
  2. Pour small pieces of broken gramophone records into a bottle and fill with double the amount of alcohol (you can also use denatured alcohol). Close the bottle tightly with a stopper and place it in a warm place for two to three days. When the pieces are completely dissolved, you will get a thick black varnish. To make the varnish liquid, add alcohol to the finished varnish and mix thoroughly.

Light for furniture. Dissolve 700 g of shellac in 4.5 liters of technical alcohol.

Varnish for tables. 450 g of turpentine, 57 g of beeswax and 2 g of rosin.

Celluloid varnish. Dissolve 5 parts by weight of celluloid, 5 parts of camphor and 50 parts of alcohol.

Varnish for watercolors. 135 g light shellac, 28 g borax, 0.5 liters of water. Bring almost to a boil until everything dissolves, and then filter. Drawings coated with this varnish are protected from water.
Varnish for tools. Dissolve 250 g of white shellac in 250 g of alcohol. Dip the instrument into this solution and hang it to dry.

Black varnish for iron objects. Boil in an iron bowl 2.2 kg asphalt 4 hours. After the first two hours, add 300 g of red lead, 300 g of litharge, 100 g of anhydrous copper sulfate and 450 g of drying oil. Then add 570 g of dark shellac dissolved in 900 g of hot oil. After this, boil until the sample begins to roll into hard balls. When cool, dilute with turpentine.

Insulating. Melt 2 parts of asphalt with 0.4 parts of sulfur and 4 parts of drying oil. Keep on fire for 6 hours at a temperature of 160°, then add turpentine to the required thickness.

Almost every fashionista can create the perfect manicure - many fashion bloggers like to share their photos of creating a beautiful manicure so that other people can use such options for their own looks. However, what to do if you can’t find the required shade of varnish in any store, but you want to have a beautiful manicure quickly? In this case, it is better to know how to make varnish yourself.

What will you need to make varnish?

There are several ways to create nail polish. All of them are quite simple and do not take much time. All you need to prepare for this is clear nail polish, perhaps glitter if needed, eye shadow of the desired color, an empty container where everything will be mixed, and a few clean brushes.

First of all, you should pay attention to the eye shadow. When choosing the right shade, it is better to focus on loose shadows, since they will mix much more easily with the varnish, and the overall likelihood of lumps forming is zero.

How to make nail polish from eye shadow

The first option includes varnishes at home, which are not so expensive. To do this, you need to pour the required amount of eye shadow into a mixing container, then glitter (if needed) and fill it with colorless varnish. For example, pink polish can be made not only with shadows, but also with small sparkles. After this, so that everything happens quickly enough and the varnish does not have time to begin to thicken, you need to quickly and carefully stir everything until you get a homogeneous mass without various lumps.

This homemade polish can be immediately applied to the nails, and then wait until it dries and carefully touch up the manicure with a toothpick or acetone. If the container is open, such varnish is obtained for one-time use.

But for those who need to make a whole bottle, it is best to take a piece of paper, twist it into a neat tube, the tip of which can easily fit into a bottle of transparent varnish, and add eye shadow, and then mix everything thoroughly with a brush or shake the bottle in hands. It should be remembered that the more shadows you add, the darker the original color will be.

How to Make Nail Polish for a Matte Manicure

The second point is a matte manicure. There is no need to think that it is quite difficult to do and takes a lot of time. The methods for creating it are quite easy. The first option is using ordinary boiling water. To do this, you need to pour water into a saucepan and wait until it boils - then there will be the most steam, and that’s exactly what you need.

Then you need to paint your nails with varnish and, without waiting for it to dry completely, hold your hand over boiling water. The matte finish of the varnish will be made from water, so no special expenses are needed in this matter.

The second option is when you want to create either a whole bottle of such varnish, or a little for one-time painting. In this case, regular corn or potato starch will do. A little starch must be mixed with the varnish until a homogeneous mass is obtained. And then you can safely apply it to your nails. The one varnish is perfect for such experiments, thanks to its bright color.

Another important point to pay attention to is the thickness of the varnish. It happens that the shelf life of the varnish will not end soon, but it is already beginning to slowly thicken and dry out. In this case, you need to check the bottle - it is possible that the cap does not close well. You should also remove all hardened varnish from the neck.

Of course, it’s easier to throw away the bottle, unless it’s a favorite shade that isn’t sold anywhere else. Then acetone will save the whole thing: a little solvent and the varnish will become more liquid. If you are afraid that acetone will ruin everything, then you can add a clear varnish.

Glowing manicure polish

Also, recently, luminous manicure has become quite popular, but doing it yourself will not be as easy as all other options. To produce it at home, you will need to buy a luminescent pigment in advance, which is sold by weight, and choose one from the paint that does not have UV filters that absorb light.

First of all, you should remember one rule: it is better to do all experiments on creating luminous varnish in a well-ventilated area and in the absence of children who might accidentally eat something.

When all the ingredients are ready, you can do the following: add all the ingredients in a 1:3 ratio to a clean and dry nail polish jar, and then mix everything well with a toothpick. If you don’t have one at hand, then a match will do just fine. This varnish should be mixed thoroughly so that the powder can dissolve. You can also use colored varnish as a base, but without transparent varnish the glow will not be as bright. By the way, for a better understanding of what, when and how to mix, you can watch various videos on similar topics.

Once I had to buy a bottle of varnish from an unknown company because I liked the color so much. But the problem is that after the first application the color is not as bright as we would like. What to do in such situations and how to prevent them?

Every woman must have a white polish in every manicure set and arsenal of polishes. It's great for brightening up the color you want. To do this, you must first apply white and then colored varnish to your nails. If you are not satisfied with the final version, then you can apply several layers of colored varnish.

Video on the topic of the article

They say men always remain children. It’s hard to say whether this is true or not, but it’s easier to believe that there is a little girl inside every woman. Just like in childhood, we love to dress up, in times of trouble we always rush to our mother and are never averse to creating something useful for our beauty with our own hands. If in childhood these were experiments with creating perfume from some fragrant plant, then in adulthood the field for imagination is much greater. What if you conjured up the creation of... say, nail polish. For the sake of economy, curiosity, the desire to decorate your nails with a unique color - it doesn’t matter...

  1. Transparent varnish (water-based). Can be bought at a pharmacy
  2. Brush
  3. Any eye shadow
  4. Food coloring of desired color
  5. White clay
  6. Olive oil

As you can see, almost all the ingredients are natural and this is already an important advantage of homemade nail polish. However, you can also use olive oil, white clay or henna here. This nail polish at home will also be therapeutic.

We conjure a “potion” - we make a healing varnish

What do you need: olive oil and any of the natural dyes.

How we do it:

  1. Mix the dye (henna or, say, clay) until the consistency of a smooth dough.
  2. Apply this mixture to pre-treated and degreased nails with acetone.
  3. Leave for twenty minutes, allowing to dry.
  4. Wipe your nails with a wet cotton pad.

To ensure long-lasting nail polish at home, repeat this coloring procedure two to three times a week. This way your nails will acquire not only a healthy color, but also the same shine. And in general, health, because olive oil perfectly nourishes both the cuticle and the nail itself, and henna or, say, white clay smoothes it out.

Option 2, colored varnish with dye

What do you need: food coloring of the desired color, clear water-based varnish, metal ball.

How to make nail polish:

  1. Grind food coloring in a container
  2. Add ground food coloring to a colorless varnish (necessarily water-based).
  3. Place a small metal ball in the container. It is needed to thoroughly beat the contents.
  4. Stir the resulting mixture and use as directed.

Option 3, Colored nail polish with eye shadow

What you need: To make nail polish at home, use a good eye shadow.

How to do it: all steps are the same as with food coloring. The option with shadows is advantageous in that the latter have a richer palette of colors, which will allow you to create nail polish with an absolutely unique shade. And not just one, but a whole collection.

Option 4, Make varnish with alkane root

What you need: half a teaspoon of alkana root (a plant with medicinal properties, actively used in cosmetology, for the production of soaps, lotions and creams), three tablespoons of olive oil, a quarter of a teaspoon of beeswax and a couple of drops of vitamin E oil.

How to do:

  1. Heat the olive oil and alkana root in a double boiler.
  2. Remove from heat and leave for five to seven minutes.
  3. Strain the mixture through a fine sieve and return to the steam bath.
  4. Add beeswax to it.
  5. When the wax melts, add vitamin E oil and mix everything thoroughly.
  6. Remove the mixture from the heat.
  7. When it cools down, you can apply it to your nails.

The nail polish created in this way at home is applied with a brush or drawing so that it does not get on the skin of the hands.

Alcona, like blue and white clay, as well as oil with vitamin E, can be bought at the pharmacy.

How to make gel nail polish shiny or glowing

Those who like shiny or glowing marigolds will find glow-in-the-dark sticks or the same resin powder useful (the latter is preferable, but will cost more). For shine, dry sparkles are used, which are simply added to a home-made or purchased varnish.

To make your polish glow, add six caps of glowing resin (resin jar caps) to it. Resins are sold in different colors, so there will be plenty to choose from to suit your taste. Don't forget also.

Today it is easy to buy ready-made medicated nail polishes: with calcium, various oils and protein complexes. But no matter what useful additives the purchased varnish is endowed with, it is still a chemical product, i.e. synthetic origin, because in addition to them, it usually contains toluene, formaldehyde, aspartame... And it has long been proven that these substances can cause serious harm not only to nails, but also to health in general, if purchased varnishes are used frequently. This is exactly what most working women do - beautiful nails are the “final touch to the perfect look.” Now imagine that you also often paint your nails with healthy homemade varnishes made from natural ingredients. Agree, this is a good reason to work some magic on your own masterpiece J).

To make a manicure with regular varnish at home, you need to master the correct technique for applying the material and familiarize yourself with some important life hacks that will help you create a neat manicure.

What you need for a home manicure

You can create a simple and beautiful manicure with regular varnish if you have a number of tools and materials:

  • nail polish remover;
  • brushes;
  • one or more varnishes;
  • greasy hand cream, oil or wax;
  • cotton pads.

Every girl can create a beautiful manicure with her own hands; for this there is no need to resort to the services of salon specialists.

Preparatory stage

To do even the simplest manicure, you need to prepare your nails for painting:

Tip for beginners: apply a base first. This step is optional, but it helps to level the plate and prevent it from yellowing and preventing paint pigment from penetrating into it. Also, in order for the polish to always lie flat on the plate, it is necessary to moisten it regularly using wax, oils and special moisturizing nail pencils.

Step-by-step instruction

Before you begin the process of applying varnish, you should consider that the girl has 40 minutes of free time, eliminate or minimize distractions, and also think through the design. In addition, you need to check the shape of the brush; it should not be narrow and dense. Instructions for creating the perfect manicure:

  1. Apply wax or oil to the periungual area without touching the plate. This will help you subsequently easily remove excess material from the cuticle and rollers.
  2. It is recommended to apply a coat of base to facilitate subsequent application of colored varnish.
  3. Take a brush of colored varnish and wipe it on the edge of the bottle so that very little varnish remains on it, literally on the tip. This way it won't bleed onto the skin.
  4. We paint our nails with regular polish, starting with the little finger. You should place a drop in the center of the plate, then carefully “adjust” the varnish with a brush to the base.
  5. Then, with slow movements, holding the brush confidently, you need to apply the varnish to the side surfaces of the plate. Thus, the varnish does not flow onto the cuticle.
  6. You need to complete the manipulations with a brush at the end of the nail. Thanks to this, the varnish will last longer.
  7. Apply another coat of varnish to deepen the color.
  8. When performing movements, the elbow should rest on the table and the hand on which we are applying the varnish should also lie on the table; you should not apply the varnish while holding your hand suspended.
  9. Apply a quick-drying top coat. This item is optional, but it will extend the wear time of the coating and make the manicure perfectly glossy.

    On the left there is a top coat applied to the nail, on the right there is a nail without top coat

    Ready-made manicure with regular polish

What to do if varnish gets on the cuticle

It often happens that varnish gets on the cuticle and ruins the entire manicure, but don’t be upset, now we will show you how to fix such a manicure.

To do this we need a lint-free cloth, a flat brush and nail polish remover or acetone.

We wet the brush in nail polish remover and move it over the area where the nail polish needs to be removed. We wiped off the polish, wiped the brush on a napkin, soaked the brush in nail polish remover, repeated, and so on until it was clean.

Result of work: before the varnish flows and after

Tips to help you paint your nails perfectly

The following tips on how to paint your nails correctly and beautifully will help you achieve a flawless manicure:

  1. Before you start applying colored varnish, you can practice using transparent varnish. Daily coating of the plates with treatment bases will help you get used to proper brush work.
  2. To ensure a dense and beautiful coating, the varnish should be applied in two layers.
  3. If the coating is damaged during drying, you can smooth it out with a damp fingertip. It is necessary to smooth the coating carefully in a circular motion.
  4. It is better to apply “loose” varnish on a layer of white. Thanks to this, the coating will be more saturated.
  5. To ensure a perfectly even coating, the varnish should be applied to the base.
  6. To make a hole on the plate, you can use strips cut from regular tape.
  7. If you only have clear varnish left at home, you can make it colored by adding blush particles and two beads that will help the materials mix.
  8. PVA glue will help prevent the area around the plate from getting varnished; it should first be applied with a cotton swab to the rollers and skin at the base of the nail, without touching the plate itself. When the glue dries and the nails are already painted, the film needs to be removed.
  9. If the product does not dry for a long time, you can resort to using ice water and dipping your hands in it; the coating will dry much faster.
  10. To remove the polish from one nail and not ruin the manicure on other nails, take a cotton pad soaked in acetone, you can use the following life hack: you need to place the sponge in a glass jar, pour acetone into it and immerse one finger in it. Thus, the manicure on other nails will remain the same. The jar should be tightly closed.
  11. A thick layer of cream will help prevent streaks in the area around the plate after erasing the varnish.
  12. If you bring your nails painted with glossy varnish to a pan of boiling water, the coating will become matte.

Nail care after coloring

Caring for your nails after painting involves following several important rules:

  1. Wear rubber gloves when working with household chemicals.
  2. Apply moisturizer to your hands twice a day.
  3. In the cold season, wear gloves made from natural materials.
  4. Renew your manicure at the first sign of chipping.

Interesting ideas for manicure with regular polish

Newspaper manicure

When performing such a manicure, you first need to apply a transparent varnish to the plates, then white, after which you can also apply holographic varnish, it will add shine to the nails. When the layers have dried, apply small newspaper clippings soaked in alcohol (10 seconds) to the nail. The paper must be pressed tightly, and then apply a clear varnish or topcoat to the nail.

Lace manicure

For this you will need an orange stick, a brush, nail polish remover and varnishes. Apply two layers of the product to the plates and wait 7-10 minutes. Then use an orange stick to create drawings; this is especially easy to do with glitter. You need to draw designs on glossy varnish with a regular brush dipped in nail polish remover and an orange stick. Then the nails are covered with top. This way you get a beautiful nail design with regular polish.

Manicure with a pattern

For it you will need a thin needle and varnishes of different colors.

The first option: you need to apply three red vertical stripes on a layer of white varnish, after which you need to make a pattern with a needle using gentle movements, moving it from one side roller to the other, gradually moving towards the free edge of the nail.

Second option: on a nail covered with dark varnish, you need to apply three white drops so that they are located on the same line, then draw a needle along this line from the edge of the plate to the base.

Third option: place a few drops of pink on a white polish, and a smaller drop of white on them, then use a needle to connect the circles in a chaotic manner.

Volume manicure

A manicure for short nails can be voluminous. After waiting for the varnish layer to dry completely, you can begin creating a knitted manicure. It is necessary to mix white varnish and the one that was already used to cover the plate, and use a brush to create a pattern as in the image.

Manicure with dots

To create an unusual manicure you will need a toothpick and two polishes. After waiting for the layer of one varnish to dry, you should use a toothpick to create several dots on the nail, moving from the free edge of the nail to the base, there should be fewer and fewer of them.


To create it you will need a sponge and three varnishes. You need to apply white varnish to the plate, and a strip of white, blue, for example, and blue to the sponge. Then you should cover the area around the nail with PVA glue. Then, using patting movements, transfer the material from the sponge to the nail, cover it with topcoat and remove the glue film.

Thus, to create the perfect manicure at home, you will need a little time and skill.

We've collected 30 tricks and tips for girls who love to take care of their nails on their own. How to dry your manicure quickly? How to make varnish? How to carefully draw a French jacket? About this and more - in our article.

1. Wash off the varnish carefully

To prevent the skin around your nails from looking like you killed someone or were poking around somewhere after removing red or other bright polish, apply a rich cream to your hands before the procedure.

2. Remove any remaining varnish from the skin

If you did not use the previous advice and the skin around your nails is stained, tape will help remove stains. Adhesive tape is great for collecting polish residue, especially silver.

3. We erase the varnish quickly

In the manicure departments of cosmetic stores they sell various products for quickly removing nail polish. They are bubbles with a sponge soaked in cleaning liquids. You don't need to run the cotton wool over your nails: just dip your nail into the bottle and wait a little.

You can make this product yourself. Take a small glass jar, place a sponge cut to size in it and soak it in nail polish remover. The principle of operation is the same.

4. Remove glitter polish

Soak cotton pads in nail polish remover, apply them to your nails, and wrap each finger in foil. After 10 minutes, the polish will come off easily, despite the glitter.

5. Whiten your nails

Sometimes colored polish is absorbed into the nail plate, leaving behind an unsightly yellow discoloration. You can get rid of it with whitening toothpaste. Take an old brush and brush your nails with it.

But to prevent such incidents from happening at all, do not forget to use a base coat before applying the main varnish.

6. Saving a broken nail

You will need a tea bag and clear nail polish. Apply the latter to the damaged nail, and then place a patch cut from a tea bag over the crack. Re-coat the nail with clear polish.

7. We store varnishes conveniently

If you store your polishes in an opaque box, label the caps with the appropriate shades. This way you don't have to take out all the vials to find what you need.

8. We make our own varnishes

If you have few varnishes or cannot find the desired shade in the store, you can make what you want yourself. You will need clear varnish and mineral shadows. They dissolve perfectly in varnish, and you can adjust the color saturation.

You can also add various glitters to your homemade varnish.

9. Open a bottle of nail polish easily

If the varnish cap is glossy, tightly screwed and does not give way, rubber bands will help to cope with the problem. By wrapping them around the lid, you will get the desired grip and easily open the varnish.

10. Extending the life of manicure

If you want the varnish to last longer, before applying it and applying the base, the nail plate must be thoroughly degreased. To do this, wipe your nails with a cotton swab dipped in white wine vinegar.

11. Paint your nails correctly

12. Create an even coating

One thick layer will never lie as smoothly and neatly as several thin layers. Just be patient: let each layer dry.

13. Making a matte finish

Matte varnishes have been very popular lately. But if you don't have one, then just mix light loose powder with a clear polish. In this case, you should mix as shown in tip No. 8.

14. Making the polish brighter

Many girls know that if you apply shadows to the base, they go on more evenly and the color turns out more saturated. It's the same with varnishes.

If your colored nail polish looks faded, use a white matte polish as a base. You will get a bright manicure and will be able to avoid multi-layer application.

15. Apply glitter correctly

This video shows how to apply polish with large glitter so that it adheres well to the nail and does not puff up.

16. Protect your skin

Applying stamping or gradient to your nails can seriously stain the skin around you. We have already written that in this case, a special latex varnish will save you. But if you don’t have one, use PVA glue: it also forms an easily removable film.

17. Eliminate defects in manicure

Painting your nails without staining the skin around them, especially on your right hand, is quite difficult. But it doesn't matter if this happened.

Take a thin brush, soak it in nail polish remover and erase the blemishes. Unlike a cotton swab, the brush does not cling to the polish and does not leave lint.

18. Draw patterns on your nails

If your eyeliner has dried out or simply doesn't suit you, don't rush to throw it away. Her excellent elastic brush - as a rule, this is exactly what is there - can be used in nail design to draw fine lines.

Some girls even use ordinary stationery markers for nail art.

19. Create an animal print on your nails

If you cut the eraser on a pencil like this, you get a homemade stamp: dip it in black polish and make leopard print designs on your nails.

20. Making blanks for nail art

Apply silver polish to the clear backing and let it dry. From the resulting film you can cut blanks for nail design.

21. Making sliders for design

The principle is the same as in the previous case. Only here you need to make a film of transparent varnish and apply drawings on it. For example, using dots.

22. Replace dots

A dots is a stick with a tip in the form of a metal ball. With it you can create various designs on your nails.

If you don't have a dots, use available tools. For example, safety pins, toothpicks, empty ballpoint pens, and so on.

23. Doing a French manicure

French manicure looks feminine and suits almost any occasion and outfit. But not everyone can draw a smile line for a French jacket. The video shows several ways to do this carefully.

In addition, you can highlight the tips of your nails using a regular rubber band.

Just pull it around your finger and apply white polish. This is a budget alternative to special vinyl stencils.

24. Masking the unevenness of the jacket

If, despite all the tricks, you cannot get even stripes, you can use a trick. Draw a line under the white part with glitter varnish. Glitter will hide flaws, and you will get an original design.

25. Making stencils from electrical tape

This irreplaceable item in the household can also be used in nail art. For example, for the same drawing of a French jacket.

Also, electrical tape makes excellent stencils, which, unlike adhesive tape, do not stick tightly and do not peel off dried varnish.

26. Dry your nails quickly

If you don't have a special drying product and you're in a hurry, soak your fingers in cold water for a few minutes. This way the varnish will set much faster.

27. Protect wet varnish

To protect freshly painted nails from small lint and dust particles, apply cuticle oil on top.

28. Saving a manicure

If you smeared the manicure you just did, don’t rush to wash everything off. Just wet your finger with water and gently rub the damaged area. The varnish has not yet hardened and will easily return to the desired position.

29. Shake the varnish correctly

What do you do before opening a bottle of nail polish? Do you shake it well to make it less stringy? Great! Just do it right: place the bottle between your palms and roll it around.

If you shake and turn the varnish over, it may bubble up when applied.

30. Saving thickened varnish

Has your favorite polish started to thicken and doesn’t fit well on your nails? Place it in the refrigerator for 10-15 minutes and then shake well.

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