What to buy in winter to sell in summer. What to sell online in winter, winter seasonal

Many people think that there is nothing to do in winter. Not at all! Seasonal business in winter can bring good profits. Why just waste time when you can spend it usefully? A new activity will drive away the blues and bring in money. It all depends on your desire.

There are two ways to earn money during this period. The first is everything related to the New Year holidays. Think about it, do you really not know how to do anything with your own hands? You can make it to order or simply sell handmade New Year toys, souvenirs, or sew costumes. To sell goods, you can rent a room or launch an online store. Make sure that as many clients as possible know about your services. Remember that word of mouth is no worse than advertising! If someone's artistic talent is dormant, start working as Santa Claus (or Snow Maiden)! The demand for such “heroes” during the New Year holidays is enormous.

The second is no less extensive, because, despite the fact that the holidays end sooner or later, there is always work. You can open your own private business, or you can do what brings you pleasure and get paid for it.

We offer you the TOP 7 winter business ideas.

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TOP 7 business ideas. Part one

Clearing yards from snow. The simplest, but, of course, not the easiest way. Wherever you live: in a village or in a city, snow needs to be cleared everywhere. Often, residents of private houses (mostly!), in order to clear a passage or driveway, go out onto the street with huge shovels. Such physical education activities are not desirable for everyone, so special enthusiasm is rarely seen. So why don't you make money from it?

Offer your services for snow removal in yards! Now, by the way, not only housing office staff are involved in this. If you are looking for additional income, then you have free time. At first you can work alone, but over time, when there are more clients, hire cleaners who will do the work for you. Thus, your responsibilities will only be searching for clients and accepting orders. To open such a business, all you need is desire.

Destruction of icicles on the roofs of buildings. A very promising direction. What it will be depends on you. You can make it as a separate service, which is included in the first case, or as an independent one. Of course, the most difficult thing in this case will be to find people with the skills and climbing equipment who will willingly agree to climb the roofs.

Pay special attention to the health insurance of your employees if you work in a team, because opening such an enterprise is very risky! All equipment must be of high quality and tested for strength. You are responsible for what it will be like. If the house is not very high, then you can rent or buy a lift (it is usually used by electricians and firefighters). When you decide whether you will continue this business next season, then decide what is more profitable: rent it for the season or purchase your own. Such services are mainly offered by the housing office, so this is another reason to get into this business (often not everyone is happy with the work of utility workers).

Growing plants in greenhouses (flowers, herbs, vegetables, fruits). If you do not have deep knowledge in the field of gardening, then it is better to skip this point. And if the desire takes its toll, read at least specialized literature, and only then get down to business. Start by growing onions and gradually increase your assortment. In winter, fresh vegetables and fruits are very much appreciated. Of course, you will need start-up capital (in the first case it is not necessary) to purchase or build greenhouses. If you create all the necessary conditions, then almost all plants can be grown in it. People who understand gardening will also help you open such a business. They will tell you what the greenhouse should be like so that vegetables and fruits ripen well.

Window insulation service. Today, almost every second house has plastic double-glazed windows, and they don’t mind the cold. But what should the other half do, those houses or apartments in which such windows are not installed? And, believe me, there are enough of them. And no matter how you turn up the heating, there will be no heat in such apartments. Offer your services! No special physical labor is needed, just get the materials and desire. If you decide to start this business, then it will not cost you much. Decide right away what it will be like, because you can offer your own materials or insulate them with those that are provided to you.

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TOP 7 business ideas. Part two

Sale of sleds, skates, skis, snow scooters, etc. Of course, in the summer few people are interested in such goods, but in the winter the demand is crazy! And who doesn't want entertainment? When you buy all this “winter transport” yourself, pay attention to the quality, because there is a lot of Chinese consumer goods in stores. You can sell it in a rented room or on the street if you don’t mind the frost. You can also, of course, hire a salesperson, but keep in mind that this is an additional expense.

Sale of tea, coffee and hot cakes. Yes, it’s difficult to call this a purely winter business, but without advertising and special marketing, the demand for hot drinks increases precisely in cold weather. How and where to sell is up to you to decide. You can open a small kiosk, or you can just walk around with a cart. You can start with just drinks (coffee, tea, hot chocolate, etc.), or you can prepare an assortment of pies, hot dogs or whites. This idea once again confirms that winter business is never unprofitable.

Every year, winter not only brings us New Year's fun and beautiful snowy weather, but also gives us the opportunity to bring many seasonal business ideas to life! What kind of business should you start in winter? The answer to this question is connected, first of all, with winter entertainment and New Year's holidays. Winter has not yet arrived, and now is the time to think about how to make money in winter! Most of the business ideas presented below do not require lengthy preparation and large financial investments, so you still have a chance to start your seasonal business this winter!

New Year's business

Of course, the greatest profit can be obtained thanks to the New Year holiday, which our people, for the most part, celebrate cheerfully and on a grand scale. New Year's business ideas include the following: selling New Year trees (both real and artificial), selling fireworks and other pyrotechnics, sewing New Year's costumes, congratulating children and adults as Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, selling Christmas tree toys and New Year's souvenirs (figurines, candles, calendars, toys, cards). All these ideas can bring very, very good profits. However, the competition here is quite high, so it’s worth thinking in advance about how to take your “place in the sun.”

For people who are not devoid of talent, methods of earning money from hand-made products are perfect. Handmade goods are always in price, and if you know how to make exclusive cards, Christmas tree decorations, candles, figurines (for example, from polymer clay), New Year's accessories, etc. by hand, then open your own outlet in some shopping center and success is guaranteed to you . Moreover, a large area for the implementation of such a business idea is not required, therefore, high rental costs are also not required.

Snow removal and icicle removal

Bringing this business idea to life is very useful for society, and financially beneficial for you, as an entrepreneur. A large amount of snow in yards makes it difficult for residents to move, both on foot and in cars. Therefore, the need to clear snow will always be relevant. Not all people want and can remove snow in their yards on their own, then who should do it? The snow removal company you create can solve this problem and make good money. To carry out the service, you need to have special snow removal equipment - it is not cheap, however, if you correctly extend your service to several areas, then all costs will be recouped. Snow removal services should be offered through housing offices and building managements, and if you plan to “clean up” the entire city, you can directly contact the city administration.

To this same business you can add the service of destroying icicles from the roofs of houses. The formation of icicles on roofs is a very dangerous phenomenon for human life, so there is no need to explain the need for their timely removal. In this business, the main thing to consider is its most important aspect - the safety of employees while they perform work on roofs. You must be confident in the skills of your workers, and provide them with all the necessary equipment (even climbing equipment, if we are talking about tall buildings).

To the list of services of such a company, you can also add sprinkling of sidewalks and roads with anti-slip materials.

Insulation of premises

Everyone knows that in the CIS countries not everywhere and not always the state can provide good heating in winter. But not all people can afford to buy heaters - firstly, a good heater is expensive, and secondly, it consumes a lot of electricity. So people have to insulate their homes in every possible way. Think about how exactly you can do this and offer your services.

For those who do not have money for plastic windows, offer the service of insulating window frames with various materials. Walls can also be insulated in different ways, for example, with polystyrene foam or a special spraying system. If you decide to start such a business, take care in advance of good advertising of your services, because here you will deal with each client directly (unlike the previous business idea). An excellent option is advertising in the subway, distributing leaflets on the streets, and posting notices on entrances.

Greenhouse business

This business idea is characterized by perhaps the longest preparation and the mandatory presence of special knowledge. It’s worth starting a business growing plants in greenhouses only if you want to do it seriously, and for more than one season. You can grow flowers, vegetables, fruits, and herbs.

Why is this business idea challenging? Because the correct installation of greenhouses requires quite a lot of resources (money to buy materials, territorial space, knowledge and skills), and this entire business should be planned in advance so that your products have time to grow by the right time. Everyone wants to eat fresh vegetables and fruits in winter, so the products will be in demand. It can be sold through grocery stores, supermarkets, and vegetable shops.

Sale and rental of winter equipment - sleds, skis, snowboards, skates

All this can be found in specialized sporting goods stores all year round, but few people buy sleds and skis in the summer. But in winter, the demand for these goods increases significantly, so this business can be considered seasonal. To get the maximum number of clients, two conditions must be met: 1) competent advertising; 2) the optimal ratio of the price of the product to its quality.

It will be easier for you to start this business if you already have a store that sells some goods. In winter, you can simply expand the assortment by adding all this “winter transport” to it, or completely retrain the store. For example, in the summer you sell products for summer recreation (inflatable mattresses, diving equipment, mini-pools, etc.), and in winter, respectively, for winter recreation (snowboards, skis, sleighs, skates, snow scooters, snowmobiles, ice skates, etc.).

Trade in hot baked goods and drinks

It is impossible to say unequivocally that this is a purely winter seasonal business. Tents and kiosks with hot pastries and hot tea/coffee can be found on city streets all year round. However, it is in winter that this activity is in particular demand. When it's cold outside, you just want to warm yourself up with a glass of hot drink. How exactly to organize this business - a kiosk, a moving tent, a van or a point inside a metro station - is up to you.

In recreational areas, for example, city parks, you can organize a point of sale of mulled wine and other warming drinks.

Snow town for children

A type of winter entertainment business aimed at children. Every child dreams of visiting an ice castle with many interesting sculptures, towers, slides and other entertainment. And caring parents will not deny him this. All that remains is to build such a fortress in your city and start accepting small clients. During the winter holidays there will be plenty of them, and the business will pay for itself in just 1-2 months (depending on the size of the town). You can place a snow town in an existing recreation park by renting the necessary space.

If resources allow, you can build your own separate ice park. And if you, in addition, provide it with entertainment for adults (for example, mini-cinemas and other small attractions), plus install a couple of points of sale of food and drinks, then your park will be visited with pleasure not only by children, but also by their parents - and this means that your profits can increase significantly in the future.

Winter hunting

There is a hunter inside every man. Namely, winter hunting is of particular importance for Russian people. Organize a company that will provide winter hunting services - the so-called hunting club. Business, of course, has its own nuances and characteristics - it is necessary to obtain special licenses to carry out activities. Clients are charged for huntsman escort services, rental of hunting equipment, registration of hunter licenses and other services.

As an additional service, you can organize a Russian bath, which will be difficult for clients to refuse after a successful hunt. This business is not one of those that can be quickly organized, receive your profit during the season and quickly close. Therefore, for the success of the business, it is better to immediately organize a year-round hunting club that will provide both winter and summer hunting services.

Towing cars

Relevant for those regions where winter is accompanied by heavy snowfall. Motorists can often find themselves in unpleasant situations in which they cannot “free” their vehicles on their own. To organize a car “rescue” service, an entrepreneur at a minimum needs his own car and a telephone number that clients can call for help.

You can also provide services such as: clearing cars from snow in parking lots, replacing tires, opening frozen locks, etc.

Do you want to make money in winter, but don’t know what to do? We present to your attention some great winter business ideas.


In preparation for winter, people pack and put away summer items that they won't need until six months later. But in an apartment there is usually no place to put extra boxes. This is where you come to the rescue by offering space in your storage.

Organic lip balm

This balm is simply necessary in winter frosts, when the lips of both adults and children become chapped under the influence of harsh weather conditions.

Winter makeup

A good business for a professional makeup artist is to catch a hint of the winter mood and create an interesting makeup for the holiday.

Repair of stoves and fireplaces

It is imperative to prepare the oven for the cold season. Explain this to people and hand out your business cards.

Decorative fireplaces

Installation of a decorative fireplace is safe and does not require a ventilation outlet or chimney. Invite people to create such a cozy hearth at home.

"Winter Basket"

An interesting business idea is to sell sets of the most necessary things that should be on hand in bad weather. The kits will differ depending on whether they are intended for a private individual or for an office.

Winter is just around the corner. Therefore, it won’t hurt to think about additional income. Ideas for a winter business from scratch allow you to organize your own profitable business with a minimum of costs. Of course, with the onset of warmer weather you will have to curtail your activities, but nothing prevents you from doing the same thing next season!

Winter business is seasonal work. But this is the time for the New Year holidays and children's holidays, and therefore the schedule will be quite busy - there are a lot of ideas that can be implemented during this period.

How to choose an idea?

Business in winter is variable. But in order to choose the right idea that will “take root” in a particular region, it is necessary to take into account important factors:

  • The business will begin to generate income if the service or product is in demand. Therefore, it is impossible to do without market analysis. Surely competitors have already occupied many niches - study this issue too. We need only relevant business ideas in the winter with the lowest level of competition.
  • Not knowing which idea to take as a basis, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the experience of foreign “colleagues”. Many winter types of business have already been implemented abroad, which are not yet so common in Russia - and this can be used to attract customers. But here it is important to take into account the purchasing power of the population in a particular region - too expensive goods or services may not work.

When thinking about how to make money in the winter, do not forget about the importance of drawing up a business plan. Sketch out at least a sketchy plan of action for yourself - this will help you calculate the costs of starting a business.

Cost-effective winter ideas

And if in the spring and summer everyone is busy with repairs and gardening, then in the winter everyone rests. This is the basis of many business ideas. Most of them are dedicated to relaxation and New Year celebrations.

What should enterprising businessmen do in winter?

There are a lot of ideas:

  • Organizing corporate events and children's parties.
  • Production and sale of New Year's souvenirs and toys
  • Snow removal.
  • Rental of winter “transport” - skis, sleds, snow scooters.
  • Window insulation services.
  • Retail outlet selling coffee or hot drinks.

The most important business of all is organizing and holding holidays. During this period, every kindergarten and school hosts matinees, and many companies organize corporate parties. And starting from mid-December, if you approach advertising your services wisely, there will be no end to orders. It would be nice to gather a whole “team” of like-minded people - a DJ, a musician, an animator. But if this is not possible, then you can independently fulfill private orders - for example, become Santa Claus for a while. Believe me, there are a lot of people who want to invite this fairy-tale character home to please the children. But there’s no place here without acting.

Needlewomen and craftsmen don’t even need to think about what seasonal business to open in the winter, since they can do it. You won’t surprise anyone with factory-made New Year’s balls and cards, but original products, despite the high price, are very popular among consumers. Decorating New Year's balls, selling, making candles and cards - everything is possible.

Seasonal business in the winter of removing snow from the territory is no less popular and profitable - especially if the winter turns out to be snowy. And the clients will be not only individuals, but also organizations that do not have a janitor on staff. If there is no money to purchase special equipment, all the work can be done with a shovel. The work is hard, but profitable. Over time, you can hire workers to be able to serve more clients.

When thinking about what kind of business to start in winter, you should consider the option of renting sleds and skis. But it is not a fact that there is a park or stadium in the city where this niche has not yet been occupied. But if you find a “free place”, the entrepreneur will have no end to those who want to actively relax.

Providing window insulation services is a profitable small business in winter, since not everyone still has plastic double-glazed windows installed. This is especially true for municipal institutions. The advantages are obvious - minimum investment, large reach of the target audience.

But opening your own outlet selling hot drinks and food is quite a troublesome task. You will have to look for a passable place (and it is not a fact that it will be an enclosed space), buy commercial equipment and hire cooks. To save money, you can stand behind the counter yourself. As practice shows, you can earn quite a lot during the season, since there will be plenty of people who want to stay warm in the cold.

If you think through all the details in advance, then any of the ideas will become profitable!

Ideas for a profitable business in winter need to be implemented quickly. There are only a few months ahead to earn money, and therefore there is no time to think.

Many budding entrepreneurs are interested in winter types of business. Is it possible to organize a profitable business in the cold season, and how successful and profitable can it be? Answering this question requires finding out what sells well in the winter, as well as what services will be most relevant to consumers.

Seasonal business is considered less profitable compared to classic types of commercial activity. However, such a statement is not true if the entrepreneur is endowed with organizational skills. A talented businessman will be able to earn significant income during the winter months.

Winter fun

No child will refuse to ride in the snow on a sled. The adult population is also not averse to actively having fun in the cold. This means that selling sleds, skates and ski equipment is an excellent business in the winter season.

In mountainous areas you can organize snow tubing - an event that is popular among residents of European countries. This entertainment is an analogue of sledding down a high hill, where the main equipment is inflatable “cheesecakes”. Of course, this seasonal business in winter will bring the greatest profit during the period of snowfall.

Sales of hot pies

At the forefront of business ideas for the winter is selling hot drinks and fresh baked goods from the tray. It is known that the frosty air increases the appetite, and passers-by cannot resist the sight of golden brown buns and fragrant pies.

The conclusion follows: food is something that can be sold profitably in winter. Such a business is accompanied by the issuance of appropriate permits and the purchase of equipment, but it pays off in a short period of time.

Minimum investment

If there is no sufficient material base, but there is a desire to organize a winter business, ideas from scratch may be quite suitable for achieving your goals. For example, renting a small sports ground and sports equipment makes it possible to inexpensively organize an ice skating rink. On frosty days there will be no end to those wanting to go ice skating!

On the eve of the New Year, citizens buy Christmas trees and Christmas tree decorations. This is perhaps the most common thing that sells best in winter. By organizing street trading “from a tray” of toys, garlands, firecrackers and shiny tinsel, you can make good money. The only drawback of this idea is that such a business is relevant in winter only in its first month.

If there is a need to organize a business in winter in a small town, you can pay attention to the social sphere. For example, clearing snow from areas is considered a profitable business. To do this, you will need to rent or purchase equipment (shovels, manual snow removal equipment), as well as appropriate permission from the city authorities.

What else could a business be like in winter? There are a lot of ideas, the main thing is to determine the direction of activity for yourself. This could be the sale of warm clothes or shoes, food and drinks, Christmas tree decorations and New Year's gifts. It will be relevant to rent out sports equipment that is in demand during the frosty season. Organizing an ice skating rink or snow-covered track will also generate income.

The basis for the successful functioning and further development of any commercial enterprise is the competent preparation of a business plan. At this stage, the future entrepreneur needs to think about what audience he will work for. You also need to assess the purchasing power of potential consumers and the level of competition in the selected locality.

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