Is it possible to force yourself to love a man? What are some ways to help nurture these deep feelings? How to make a guy love you

Are you looking for a way to make a guy love you even more? After all, men are not so easy to satisfy. After several months of relationship, when the most turbulent period of winning the attention and love of the lady of the heart is already behind, the relationship slowly becomes insipid. He begins to feel burdened by spending time together and you notice that you spend less and less time together.

What should you do to win your boyfriend back and make him love you with all his heart? Read tips from the site

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Does it seem like my boyfriend is tired of me?
  • Does he take me for granted?
  • Is his phone sometimes turned off when I call him?
  • Does my boyfriend spend less time with me than before?
  • Does he argue with me more often than before?
  • Does he criticize me and find some flaws in me?
  • Am I losing my self-esteem and confidence?
  • Do I spend the most time watching TV?
  • Am I constantly depressed?

If you answered yes to more than half of the questions, then you really have problems. Your beloved guy is gradually moving away from you and is burdened by your relationship. There is a high probability that he will be dating other girls very soon.

This cannot be allowed and there is a way to make things work in your favor. Here are 7 steps you need to take to regain your boyfriend's attention and interest. Moreover, if you do everything right, he will not only come back and love you, but simply cherish and cherish you like never before.

1) Put an end to the routine

First of all, you need to get rid of the apathy and lethargic sleep in which you are due to your depression. While you are at the starting point, it may seem impossible, but the further you go, the easier it will be. After all, your mental and physical health is at stake. Take a shower, put on your most beautiful dress and go for a walk, shopping or something else. And also, try to evaluate things objectively, and not through the prism of your pessimism.

2) Spend time with friends

Start spending more time with old friends, because the world doesn't end with your boyfriend. Force yourself to go out in public more often. Don't sit in front of the TV all night long, and especially don't listen to music that makes you cry. Just pick up your phone and start calling your friends. Arrange with one or two friends to go to a bar or for a walk and have a good time. An injection of fun is always a good cure for depression.

3) Give yourself gifts

Book a table at a chic restaurant and invite yourself to a great dinner. Enjoy every moment. Or go shopping and buy yourself the most beautiful outfit you want, or new perfume. In a word, give yourself gifts. Let your beloved guy see you as he has never seen you before.

4) Show him that you are happy and smiling

No matter how deeply depressed you are, never show your true feelings to the man you love. Act as if you are the happiest person in the world. Let the music play whenever your boyfriend is around and you hum your favorite tune to yourself. He must understand that your world does not revolve around him, and all you do is think about his love.

5) Play sports

As the proverb says: “A healthy mind in a healthy body.” Join a fitness club, visit the pool, practice your favorite sport. You'll be surprised at how much confidence you can gain by improving your health. Imagine your loved one's face when he sees your gorgeous figure and glowing face.

6) Keep your head held high

You're probably the best thing that ever happened to this guy in his life, and he takes you for granted. When you are together, let him feel your confidence. Show him that he is not the meaning of your life and without him it will not end. At the same time, you can show that you love your boyfriend, but at the same time, your self-confidence should be obvious to him.

7) Be yourself
I am what I am, whether you like it or not. Strive for equality in your relationships and don't look for the answer, at any cost. Don’t be his “doll”, but don’t be his “boss” either. Treat him the way you would like him to treat you. There is nothing more difficult than an unfair relationship.

If you do everything correctly, the results will not take long to arrive and your question about how to make a guy love you will no longer be relevant at all.

If you are communicating with someone for the first time and want to leave a positive impression about yourself, then you should not dump as much information about yourself as possible on your interlocutor’s head. Dr. Diana Tamir and Dr. Jason Mitchell, both Harvard researchers, found in a 2012 study that people who listen more than they talk make a much better impression. This effect is greatly enhanced if you allow your counterpart to talk about your loved one. At the same time, scientists note, the same pleasure centers in the human brain are activated as when eating or having sex.

Ask the people whose favor you want to win for advice. All people love to give advice and moralizing, as this emphasizes their status and value. It is important not to lose your sense of proportion and not to cross the invisible line, since if you are too importunate, you will get the exact opposite result. Dr. Adam Grant, in his book Give and Take: A Revolutionary Approach to Success, calls this method one of the best for building a trusting relationship with the person you need. Plus, you get the added bonus of useful information and (bingo!) sometimes really valuable advice.

3. Keep the conversation positive

It should be remembered that in any communication the law of intensification and absorption of emotions operates. This law states that equally charged emotions intensify, and opposite ones absorb each other. This rule formed the basis of a technique developed by Nobel Prize winner, psychologist Daniel Kahneman. He suggests starting the conversation with a positive message or question, and only then getting to the point. It looks primitive, but a positive attitude in the first minutes will help your interlocutor more easily perceive your request or even negative information.

4. Repeat the last phrase

People want to be heard. Let them know this by simply repeating the last few words of the sentence periodically with appropriate intonation.

Such a conversation can be maintained for hours, with virtually no effort. At the same time, your friend will be fully confident that you are keenly interested in his story and are the best interlocutor in his life. Leil Lowndes, a communications expert, writes in her work that this technique can make you a brilliant listener in just a few seconds.

5. Don't dwell on the negative

The human psyche is designed in such a way that we are drawn to discuss other people’s misdeeds, disasters or emergencies. However, you should remember that the information you reproduce will subconsciously influence people's attitude towards you. Gradually, you will become associated with those phenomena and events that you most often talk about. As Dr. Richard Wiseman argues in his book, every person has a kind of “emotional memory” in which the image of other people is imprinted. If you are able to leave a positive imprint on her, then any action you take will evoke approval and sympathy.

Love is an unpredictable thing, and sometimes a man for whom you have very strong feelings simply ignores them, but how to make a man love you? With the wave of a magic wand, family happiness does not work out. In this case, it is you who act as the initiator, take the first steps and help him see himself from the best side, show that you are worthy of becoming his wife.

Let's get started let's understand psychology, we mostly use the left hemisphere, which is responsible for emotions, feelings, while in men the right hemisphere is responsible for logic, prudence, and actions. Therefore, when choosing a life partner, they are little guided by feelings, more calculation (and this is far from bad): what the wife will be like, what she will do, etc. Therefore, they do not know how to love like we do (accept it, accept it as a fact), but they still know how to experience feelings akin to ours, they need to be activated, and then the century will not run away from you (tested). See articleWhat is love for a man”.

How to make a man love you? It’s not enough to just be attractive and sexy, you need to be interesting first of all. They love to talk, communicate, and in relationships, beauty and carnal pleasures are not fundamental, so you need to be able to handle them have a heart-to-heart talk.

Remember, he doesn’t owe you anything, and neither do you. Don’t demand gifts, attention, care, you’ll get more than enough, but they can’t stand it when legs hang off their shoulders. Plus, they love freedom; if you start limiting him, it will only push him away, but if you give him freedom, then believe me, it will attract him even more. This is the foundation of a strong relationship.

The first step is to work on yourself. Nobody needs sad and boring girls ( See articleWhat to do if I'm boring"), start reading books, become interested in other things, not just fashion ( article to help "The ideal appearance of a girl through the eyes of men"). Forget about questions, jealousy, demanding increased attention to yourself, your problems. Be positive, cheerful and a support for him, and then he himself will give you all this.

How to make a man fall in love?

Start with meetings. You collided here, you collided there, make friends with his friends, start spending time with them, these steps will make him understand that there are feelings, and not just ordinary female interest.

If you work with him, then a corporate party is the most necessary and convenient occasion, or you can linger after work, discussing all sorts of issues. And after about 3 weeks, you can take the “bull by the horns.” Arrange to meet for a walk, or go to a cafe or to the cinema. It's corny, but it still works.

How to do it? Even if you don’t work with him, the following method works: you just take him in the middle of the week and forcefully, persistently drag him out to a club, cafe, or again for a walk. Even the most grated stone cannot resist the pressure, just don’t even think about begging, just take it and lead. It is a pity that women very rarely use this method.

Another variant, arrange for him romantic dinner by candlelight, and right in the office. This will make a very good impression, but now we come up against what is written above, if you are not interesting, then he is unlikely to take you seriously.

Another working way- this is to help solve his problems, even material ones, or any kind in general. Help, a rarity these days, is a great signal that this is the girl I need.

Few? Not that? Give him original gift, shoot with your eyes, drop hints and take the situation into your own hands.

Remember, men I like modest girls, so provocative clothes with cutouts will obviously be superfluous here. Modesty is the key to fidelity, and this is highly valued by males, so if want to marry the man you love, you need to change yourself. You will be able to fall in love with yourself, but will you keep it? Exactly.

Your new acquaintance is surprisingly similar to the hero of your novel and in your mind you already see yourself as a couple? Nothing strange - you just fell in love. After such a joyful event, life should be full of bright colors and sound with the desired fanfare of the Mendelssohn march. But, if, despite the depth of your own feelings, you are still not completely sure how the young man treats you, do not rush to get upset.

Firstly, men are not as impulsive as we are. And, having fallen in love, they are not always in a hurry to demonstrate their feelings, preferring to let the situation take its course. And, secondly, even if your chosen one perceives you exclusively as a pleasant interlocutor, a wise colleague or a good friend, you can always correct the situation by using your natural feminine charms. We are not talking about any witchcraft, love potion or magical intervention, because the natural charm that every woman possesses is capable of conquering any member of the stronger sex. To do this, you just need to slightly adjust your behavior and train yourself to follow 15 simple rules that will make a guy fall in love.

1. Don't be afraid to look him in the eye.

Non-verbal communication is sometimes much more eloquent than the most beautiful words. First of all, this relates to the look. When you look a man in the eyes, you are sending him a subconscious message that you are interested. Additionally, an open, eye-to-eye look shows a man that you trust him and want him to trust you.

2. Dress sexy, but not vulgarly.

Men love with their eyes - a fact that is difficult to dispute. Of course, everyone has their own preferences in appearance, however, the standard set of female tricks has never left anyone indifferent. A man is more likely to notice you if you wear a feminine dress with exciting cutouts than a comfortable tracksuit. However, when charming your chosen one with an impeccable appearance, do not overdo it. Your appearance should be sexy, but not vulgar.

3. Find your scent

The right scent is another powerful tool in the art of seduction. By smelling flowers, vanilla, citrus fruits or other pleasant aromas, you leave a subtle imprint in a man’s subconscious that will remind him of you when he smells such smells. When choosing a scent, be guided only by your preferences. The trail coming from you should represent your personality. However, as with anything, don't overdo it. The aroma, especially everyday, should be bright, but unobtrusive.

4. Be flexible, but not approachable.

A man, inviting you somewhere or doing something for you, hopes for your support. To interest your chosen one, you must support all his endeavors. For example, if a man invites you to a concert, but you don’t like the performers at all, don’t show your dissatisfaction. If a young man understands that you share his hobbies and are interested in his company, he will want to continue acquaintance. At the same time, try to avoid fanaticism. If a man offers you something that you do not accept, do not be afraid to express your discomfort.

5. Charm with good nature

Men love bitches only in their fantasies. In real life, they all want to see a sweet and good-natured companion in front of them, ready at the right moment to wipe away a man’s stingy tears and cheer them up with a kind word. In order to not only interest, but also keep a man, you need to develop a certain reflex in him - he must feel that he feels good when you are around. Therefore, when communicating with the man you like, get rid of negative emotions and forget about any problems.

6. Use a sense of humor

A sense of humor can smooth out many rough edges and bring people closer together emotionally. First, to make a man like you, laugh sincerely at his jokes. And, secondly, learn to joke appropriately and subtly. Learn some interesting jokes, talk about funny incidents that happened to you or your friends. Jokes and unobtrusive humor add ease and ease to communication, which men love so much. But be careful - never, under any circumstances, laugh at a man.

7. Show him your thriftiness

Having waited for an opportunity, as if by chance, invite a man to your home and treat him to your signature dish. Of course, your home should be in exemplary order, and the dish you prepare should be truly aromatic and tasty. Your task is to show the man that a successful business lady is not your only role in life, and you can very well be a caring wife and a good housewife.

8. Charm his friends

If you are head over heels in love, it is difficult for you to control your actions towards your chosen one, however, nothing prevents you from charming his friends. Within reason, of course. The echo of the so-called “herd instinct” is very evident in men. When he sees that his friends like you, he will subconsciously want to possess you as a desirable and valuable trophy. However, this game is very subtle: when flirting with your chosen one’s friends, do not cross the line. Act in such a way that at any moment everything can be turned into a joke.

9. Take a break on time

If, despite all your efforts, your chosen one’s attitude towards you is still not clear, take a break. For a while, don’t call, don’t write, or show your feelings. If before this you did everything correctly, he will make himself known himself; only when he senses that he is not the only meaning of your life, the man will probably go on the offensive, wanting to take possession of an unattainable object.

10. Don't be afraid to ask him for help.

Nature dictates that a man must protect, protect, protect a woman, and also simplify her life. Previously, this purpose manifested itself in the form of captured mammoths, killed enemies and built huts. In our age of evolutionary development, a man can reveal his inner essence only through the help provided to you. Therefore, do not hesitate to contact a man every time your engine does not start, the faucet in the bathroom is broken, or there is no one to move the cabinet. By helping you, a man will feel important, which will automatically increase his self-esteem and make communication with you more comfortable and enjoyable.

11. Be interested in his hobbies

Love, passion, attractiveness, a sense of humor, good nature and thriftiness will not help you keep a man if you do not become his friend. In order for a man to perceive you not only as a woman with whom he can have a beautiful romance, but as a companion throughout his life, you must share his hobbies and interests. Men are big kids who take their hobby very seriously. Become for him the person to whom he will open the shrine of all shrines - the world of his hobbies. It doesn’t matter what your chosen one is interested in - football, hiking, computer games or collecting stamps, it is important how you feel about his hobby.

12. Treasure your and his personal space

When you are in love, it is difficult to get rid of the desire to control the object of your passion every minute. However, remember that obsession can kill the most sincere feelings. If you call your chosen one every hour, write romantic SMS and fill his wall on social networks with cute pictures, the man will understand that your life is subordinated only to him. In addition, he will perceive excessive pressure on your part as a desire to encroach on his freedom. Instead, you need to show your chosen one that you value your personal space as much as he does. Once you start a relationship with a man, do not exclude your previous hobbies from your life: play sports, meet friends, take foreign language courses. Firstly, it will help you improve yourself, and secondly, it will make you more independent in the eyes of a man.

13. Respect his family

If a man introduced you to his family, know that he has far-reaching plans for you. And if you want his plans to become a reality, try to get closer to his family or, at least, do not criticize his relatives, especially his mother. On the contrary, on occasion, note that his mother looks younger than her age, and his sister is an excellent cook. Anyone enjoys hearing compliments about their family.

14. Don't even think that you can change it.

A typical female mistake is that we hope that over time we will be able to change our chosen one, making him more educated, more active, hardworking, etc. If such a thought is not alien to you, think about whether you would like someone to cheat on you? Surely you are aware of the shortcomings of your character or your behavior, and you independently work to eliminate them if you consider it necessary. The same is true for a man: if he realizes his problem, he will fix it himself without your intervention. You, in turn, must decide whether you can love a person not only for his merits, but also with all his shortcomings.

15. Feel your chosen one

Love is an art that does not obey any canons or rules. All of the above tips can give amazing results for one man, and have absolutely no effect on another. To charm and conquer your chosen one, you must feel him. Turn on your feminine intuition, watch his reaction and try to give the man what he lacks most.

Making a guy fall in love is, in general, not difficult. However, before you embark on the thorny path of seduction, think about whether you really have sincere feelings for the person, or whether you perceive your hobby as a fun game. In the first case, forget about any fears and boldly go towards your happiness, and in the second, let the situation take its course, because love is not a feeling that is worth playing with.

If you are interested in the question " How to make a guy love you", then this article will probably be useful to you. It often happens that you fall in love with a person, but, unfortunately, unrequitedly. In this case, there are only two options: give up trying to win the favor of your object of adoration and suffer in silence until the love passes, or do everything possible to attract his attention. Often this is not as simple as it seems at first glance. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise you can only scare the guy away and make the situation worse. Let's look at the ways that will help you make a guy love you, as well as the reasons why this did not happen.

How to make someone love you?

Sometimes making someone love you seems like an impossible task. But the main thing in this matter is not to despair and not to retreat after the first failure.
To please the object of your affection, you need to take into account his temperament, character, habits and hobbies in order to know exactly which levers to pull. To understand this, let's try to look at the main types of guys.


How to charm


You can recognize this type of guy right away. He is constantly busy, his phone is always ringing with calls, and most often you can find a folder with some papers on him. He also often looks at his watch.

The requirements of such guys for their future beloved are quite high. Convince him that you are an excellent housewife, you know how to cook several varieties of borscht, bake delicious pies, and vacuum the apartment at the same time - and he is at your feet. These guys are looking for a reliable girl who won't hang out in clubs every week. She should pay attention only to him and always find time to meet with him, because he always has very little free time.


Guys in this category almost never sit still. They know everything about everyone, have been to almost every place you can name, and have a pretty decent list of hobbies in their arsenal. It usually does not include quiet gatherings at someone's home. Most often he likes to spend his leisure time on the move.

Charming such a guy is quite difficult, since even catching him will be difficult, because he never sits still. But if the long-awaited meeting does happen, try inviting him for diving, cycling or an ice skating rink. Rest assured, he will appreciate the offer to spend an active holiday together. And during this pastime, don’t be shy to mention several times that you really like playing paintball, throwing snowballs, and in general, you often roller skated as a child... He needs an active chosen one who will share his lifestyle with him.


This type of guy is visible from afar. He is unshakable, calm, always knows what he is doing and knows how to achieve what he wants. Perhaps a little pushy. Likes to make plans for a long time ahead and carefully adheres to them.


He most often looks unhappy, something happens to him all the time, and he doesn’t mind complaining to someone about his villainous fate. Quite touchy, not very talkative. In any conversation he will find a place where he will mention himself and his problems.

He needs a psychologist. Try to listen to him and, if possible, help with advice. Show that you really sympathize with him, and he will see in you the one with whom he wants to start a relationship. After all, not every girl will agree to carry the burden of other people’s problems on her shoulders. Show that you are strong and cheerful. He needs a ray of positivity in his dark and hopeless life.

Lover Hero

There are always a lot of girls around him, he loves to bask in the rays of popularity and does not hide it. Most often, he already has a girlfriend. Or two. He always looks good and is very concerned about his appearance.

Don't fall for his charms, show your disinterest in him. But at the same time, take an active interest in his hobbies and try to “accidentally” get involved in what he likes. Thus, he will see you often, and he will not have the opportunity to charm you. Then he will most likely “push” and do everything to make you fall in love with him. And if you let him close to you in time, and then take a step back, then this race can develop into something more than just a sporting interest.

He is always with books, surfs the Internet only for information, does not like noisy companies and discos, preferring the library or watching some scientific film at home.

Such guys don’t like pushovers and “girls”. He needs a simple girl who will understand his hobbies, or at least try. Try inviting him to a museum, an exhibition, or a cinema to watch some intellectual film. Learn new information from him and don’t forget to sometimes admire how he knows so much and how cool it is. He will definitely appreciate it.

Bad guy

The most common type of guy. Around him you can most often see a crowd of his friends. He likes to hurt people and demonstrate his superiority. He is selfish and proud, rarely takes other people's opinions into account, and his ego knocks down satellites in orbit.

If you decide to conquer this ignoramus, then you need to be prepared for the fact that this nut can’t be cracked just like that. If you are a vulnerable and tender person, it is better to immediately abandon these attempts, otherwise your psyche will certainly suffer. But if you are a girl who is confident in herself, show him that he can neither hurt nor offend you, and in general you are amused by his stupid attempts to assert himself. But don’t overdo it, otherwise if you hurt this guy’s pride, he may harbor a grudge and there will be no talk of any relationship. Try to become “his guy” for him. Share his interests, try to instill new habits, suggest a new hobby. Perhaps you will be able to re-educate him and conquer him.

    Men, no matter what you say, love with their eyes first. Therefore, if you want to attract the attention of the guy you like, try to always look good. Face, hair, nails, clothes - everything should be beautiful.

    Don't overdo the first point. The fact that men like beauty does not mean that they need to smear all the cosmetics they have on their faces, wear revealing outfits and behave provocatively. Guys love natural beauty.

    Don't act too pretentious.

    Be an interesting conversationalist. Don’t talk only about yourself, know how to listen and interest.

    Use physical contact. For example, during a conversation, accidentally touch any exposed skin of your crush with your fingertips.

    Don't be pushy. Try to make sure that the guy is the initiator of subsequent meetings. Don't be intrusive, don't offer your number first,

    Show that you have a good sense of humor. There is no need for downtrodden or vulgar jokes, it’s enough just to joke carefully at the right time, make him smile, and half the job is done.

Using these simple tips, you will surely be able to charm the guy you like and make him love you. The main thing is to remain yourself. We hope our article helped you solve your problem.

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