The character of a woman who prefers a sweetish perfume. Your character type and your scents


Many men, trying to find out a woman’s character, begin to conduct various experiments and study her from all sides. But not always, the shape of the nose and the style of clothing can reveal the true face of the chosen one. But after taking one breath and feeling the notes of her perfume, you can accurately determine the character by the aroma of the perfume. Today we will try to describe all the scents of perfumes, and you read carefully and try to determine which scent you like best or what scents your significant other uses. I hope that in the further description someone will recognize their beloved girl, and someone will immediately recognize themselves.


Fragrances Lovers of such fragrances believe that their mission is to decorate and diversify the life of their man. But this fact does not make them housewives. They strive to be financially independent and free. Ladies with an oriental scent are impulsive. Sometimes they weigh everything, analyze, make the right decision and, under the influence of emotions, suddenly do the opposite. But such women have a well-developed intuition, but they listen to it very rarely; they simply do not have enough time for it. Such a lady sometimes consciously ignores her man, especially if she doesn’t like something in his behavior. They don’t like to be left alone; alone they feel sad and bored. And the most important thing for such a woman is that there are always a couple of close people nearby who can be trusted with all the most intimate things.


perfume Lovers of floral scents are accustomed to completing everything, and until any task is done well, they will feel internal discomfort. Flower ladies have a slightly anxious character and are easily vulnerable. This is probably due to the fact that they are used to planning everything and going according to a strictly planned plan. Very often they ask their men the question “Where are you?”, which so irritates the entire male generation. By their behavior they create total control not only over their lives, but also over the lives of their family and friends.


Fragrances Fans of perfumes with a woody scent are self-centered ladies who do not want to blend in with the crowd and are worried about the imperfections of the world. There are a lot of thoughtful details in their appearance that are not striking, but give a woman self-confidence and inner peace. For example, her finger may be wearing a ring that seems modest at first glance. But if you look closely, you can see that on the inside there are several amazing diamonds. Very often such ladies try to assert themselves at the expense of others. Some people place a big bet on a successful career. Others simply try to successfully marry with a “fat wallet.” But not one representative of the stronger sex will be able to fully understand such a woman and predict her future actions.

Perfume with the aroma of freshness

Almost all young ladies with the scent of freshness are optimists. With their appearance and cheerfulness, everything and everyone becomes brighter. But among them there are also individuals who are simply trying, with the help of freshness, to simply add the positive they lack into their lives. And among lovers of sea scents, there are very often workaholics who can withstand any emergency. They can find a common language with everyone, as they are unusually diplomatic and patient. Such women always look at the world with a smile and are not above self-irony. And their charisma makes every man turn around. They have a lot of friends and a wide range of interests.

Fruit and berry aromas

Lovers of such fragrances love to play with men and fortune. They often pout, act capricious, make eyes, and flirt. These women constantly feel their feminine essence and never stop flirting. They are eccentric, fickle, impulsive, they ignore other people's words and do everything only in their own way. And they are not able to make serious decisions; it is easier to shift the responsibility to their chosen one. Ladies of this nature live for their own pleasure and do not strive for power. Whenever a problem arises in life, they don't even try to solve it. They just pretend to be boring and turn their attention to other pleasures in life. Most of them believe in damage and the evil eye, constantly read horoscopes and do not communicate with losers.

Powdery perfume

Women with a powdery scent are vulnerable, sophisticated, sophisticated and unpredictable. They like to raise their voices, but despite this, they are diplomatic and polite. Although if the diplomatic approach fails, they can achieve what they want with a scandal. The longer a man communicates with such a woman, the more he realizes that he knows nothing about her. Ladies of this type do not like to show off themselves and almost never show all their cards. To appreciate all her advantages, a man must be a true esthete. Moreover, such women need constant comfort and psychological protection.

Chypre fragrances

Ladies who choose chypre fragrances love good quality things. They always know the answer to any question and know what they want to get out of life. This fact helps them easily cope with all life's problems. They do not regret what they did not have time to do, but sometimes they begin to regret what they have already done. They usually look younger than their age. Deep down, such ladies believe in luck, but rely only on their own strength. They are positive, assertive and very energetic. Sometimes men have a very difficult time with them, because such representatives of the fairer sex are accustomed to trying on every problem. Here are the main perfume scents.


It's no secret that smell plays a huge role in building a love relationship. Of course, because we literally breathe in the “character” of our partner. “How is this?” you ask. And so - a selected aroma with extraordinary accuracy can reflect the distinctive features of a man. Do you want to understand him better without words? Read our material!

Roger Dove,

creator of the Roja Parfum brand, professor of perfumery.

Recently, niche perfumes have attracted increasing interest from customers. This means that people are thinking more about their place in the world.

It is in niche perfumery that you will find scents with notes of rubber, rice paper, ink, nail polish, metal, burnt rubber, marijuana, and a freshly printed book or dust on a light bulb. Fans of niche perfumes are distinguished by their bright individuality, creative approach to life and, often, an amazing sense of humor.

The more unusual the scent sounds, the more unpredictable the character of its owner turns out to be. Such people attract people with their non-trivial view of the world and way of life, but often it is not easy to be around them all the time.

Kilian Hennessey,

creator of the Kilian brand.

Fragrances that embody the status of their owner are the most expensive fragrances. These are fragrances for those who are used to surrounding themselves with the best. Fans of unprecedented luxury, absolute aesthetes, these are the most discerning clients who pay attention to every detail: the exceptional quality of the components themselves, which provide the fragrances with their unique sound, the conspicuous luxury of the bottle and packaging, and, finally, the exclusivity of the fragrance itself.

The secret of the magnetic appeal of men who choose these fragrances lies in their unshakable confidence in their own abilities, strong-willed character and enormous inner freedom. It is not surprising that women always strive to be close to such men.

Romano Ricci,

creator of the Juliette has a Gun brand.

It is known that women are much more sensitive to fragrances than men. Experts in the subtle art of seduction use this as one of the most effective tools of seduction. Almost every fragrance has an erotic overtone, but among the fragrances there are also genuine erotomaniacs, literally overflowing with sensual sounds.

This is the charisma of a warm woody sound with the languor of resins and the piquancy of spices, combined with an assertive, uncontroversial note of leather, penetrating into the farthest corners of the mind, sometimes with a harsh, almost animal sound. Amber, patchouli, iris, saffron, musk, oud and, of course, leather - this is the deep eroticism of perfumery, the magical secret of temptation.

Ben Gorham

creative director of the BYREDO brand.

I noticed that many men choose fragrances from famous fashion houses. A distinctive feature of these fragrances is that, on the one hand, they are universal, and, on the other, recognizable. These scents leave virtually no opportunity not to like, as well as no opportunity to surprise. Due to their recognition, they are also a kind of calling card of their owner.

Men who use these scents, as a rule, treat them the same way they treat the need to wear a tie to work: the scent in this case serves as a kind of accessory. I noticed that fans of fashionable fragrances are not inclined to complicate life; they make simple and understandable decisions, but sometimes they are predictable.

Clive Christian,

creator of the Clive Christian brand.

In perfumery there is a division into families and even subfamilies of fragrances. But this division is quite arbitrary: the same aroma can belong to two or three families at once. In addition, it happens that a single component can change the character of the entire composition at once. And yet, by perfume preferences one can determine the character of their owner:
  • A bright fragrance with an intense sillage will be chosen by those who are used to attracting attention to themselves: ardent, passionate by nature, they strive to realize their ambitions, boldly declaring themselves.
  • An aroma full of noble soft sound will indicate to you that in front of you is a man who is ready to always be there, capable of surrounding you with love and care.
  • Woody notes in a fragrance are synonymous with the intellect of its owner; cedar is the embodiment of absolute masculinity, sandalwood is nobility, and incense is wisdom.
  • Conservatives who have been using one scent for many years prefer perfume classics with notes of bergamot, lavender and tobacco.
  • Freshness is chosen by optimists who lead an active lifestyle.
  • Niche (unusual) fragrances are loved by unpredictable and creative individuals.

How to understand a woman? This question has been troubling more than one generation, and the solution is very close. Perfume is the calling card of any woman, and a good job for a man. They will help determine the character of your beloved and find the right path to her heart.

When choosing perfume, women should remember the words of Coco Chanel: “Perfume is an invisible, but unforgettable, unsurpassed accessory. It announces the arrival of a woman and continues to remind her when she is gone.”

The choice of perfume must be taken responsibly, because clothes are needed to express oneself to the world, and perfume reflects the inner world of a woman. We choose perfume intuitively based on who we really are, or who we want to appear to be. Living in a stereotypical world, it is believed that a particular scent corresponds to a certain type of appearance. Brunettes should use only oriental scents: they are strong-willed, attractive, impulsive and capricious.

Blondes, on the contrary, are delicate coquettes and prefer light, fresh or powdery scents. Today we need to forget about stereotypes. If you want to understand a woman, or at least get one step closer to this, below are a group of fragrances and descriptions for them. Perhaps men will recognize their beloved, and women will see themselves.

Fruity and berry scents

Sweet “juicy” aromas include: peach, raspberry, melon, mango. Ladies who prefer such perfumes are magical and gambling. They are very feminine and do not miss the opportunity to flirt with men. “Fruit ladies” are characterized by madness and impulsiveness, but they have their own opinion and follow it to the end. Also, these young ladies do not like responsibility; it is better to throw all the hassle onto a loved one.

Fresh smells

The smell of summer rain, ocean breeze, mountain air, lemon, mint - this perfume belongs to the unisex category. They have male and female supporters. But, now let's talk about the beautiful half of humanity and what kind of people choose this category of perfume. Charismatic optimists who walk through life with confidence, have many friends and are prone to self-irony - this is how you can describe the girl who “wears” this fragrance. Fans of marine scents are diplomatic and concentrated, often turning out to be workaholics.

Floral scents

Owners of floral scents are real perfectionists. Sensitive, easily vulnerable, often going to extremes - these are real “flower fairies”. But, not everything is so simple, fans of floral perfumes like to plan their lives and create the illusion of control, and this annoys their loved ones. "Flower fairies" require care and constant emotional support.

Powdery scents

“Powder Ladies” are sophisticated and creative, calm and secret. Such young ladies are innate diplomats, polite and value psychological comfort.

Oriental spicy scents

The main ingredients of oriental perfumery are musk, amber, sandalwood and patchouli. Also includes cinnamon, anise and vanilla. Reference: Musk is a secretion of the seminal glands of a male deer - musk deer; powerful aphrodisiac. Ambergris - a substance with a sweetish-balsamic, warm and very erotic aroma is produced synthetically.

Sandalwood - sandalwood aroma

Patchouli is a thorny shrub whose leaves contain essential oil with a sweet, tart, intoxicating aroma. Fans of oriental fragrances are financially independent and freedom-loving. These ladies have well-developed intuition and an excellent ability to plan - only impulsiveness often forces them to go against all plans.

Chypre scents

Chypre scents are reminiscent of the smell of a pine grove on a warm summer day. Ladies who prefer these scents know exactly what they want from life and never stop in the face of difficulties. They are energetic, independent, full of strength and always believe in a better future.

Smells that have main notes of wood

The main components of such perfumes are cedar, rosewood, and birch bark. The owner of this fragrance is a mystery for any person: smart, cunning and attractive. Men can rarely resist the charms of such a woman.

Perfume is a good example of how to announce yourself to the world without saying a word. It is very important to find “your” scent; this can be equated to finding a life partner. The main thing to remember is that the scents we choose are an extension of ourselves.

Hello, blog site readers! Every self-respecting girl uses perfume, but not everyone knows how to choose perfume and where best to buy it. How not to make a mistake and choose the right scent for yourself to highlight your individuality and attractiveness.

Of all the variety that is offered in the store, many find it very difficult to navigate and understand which scent to choose. First of all, you need to be guided not only by the pleasant smell, but also by your character, appearance, and hair color.

When choosing perfume, consider your hair color.

For blondes Light, fresh aromas of flowers and fruits are suitable. A floral-fruity scent with notes of vanilla and spice is very suitable for such women. This scent enhances the sexuality of blondes.

Brown-haired Oriental scents with natural essential oils are suitable. Perfume with such notes gives a woman confidence in her beauty. The aroma leaves behind a pleasant characteristic trail of shades.

Brunettes Cold aromas with notes of musk, sandalwood, fruity shades and spice aromas are suitable. This scent enhances sensuality and eroticism.

Perfume or eau de parfum should match the time of day and place of your stay. This could be a morning trip to the bakery, or a nine-hour work day, a date, a party or a trip to the theater. You definitely need to consider where you are going.

Perfume by character type

  • Fruity aromas during the day and floral aromas in the evening are suitable for successful, purposeful careerists with a strong character.
  • For lovers of active recreation, sports, and dreamy natures, daily citrus, fruity aromas are suitable, and for the evening - oriental aromas with a spicy note.
  • For adventurous and courageous females, a floral shade will suit you during the day, and a woody and chypre shade in the evening.
  • For those who do not like changes in life, but prefer stability and constancy, a spicy scent is suitable - a floral aroma during the day and a woody shade in the evening.
  • For those who like to always be the center of attention, floral, oriental, aldehyde scents are suitable, and in the evening oriental - spicy.
  • It is difficult to give specific advice to creative individuals; try sea, fruit and floral aromas during the day, and fruity oriental aromas in the evening.
  • For kind, sensitive and vulnerable girls, the daytime scent is a refreshing, spicy nutmeg with notes of greenery, the evening scent is sweet aromas with notes of vanilla.

Classification of perfumes

Where to buy perfume

The fact is that now there are a lot of fakes. What to look for before you go shopping. You need to buy perfume only in a specialized licensed store; here you can ask to present a certificate of quality. When purchasing perfume through an online store, there is a chance that the certificate will be photoshopped.

The shelf life of perfume is only 12 months.

Pay attention to the packaging, it must be intact, not wrinkled, and especially not opened.

Good, non-counterfeit perfumes or eau de toilette are expensive. Discount events happen quickly and infrequently, so buying “on the cheap” is a rare success.

Now you know how to choose perfumes and where it is better to buy them. How not to make a mistake and choose the right scent for yourself to highlight your beauty.

Until new interesting meetings on the blog pages.

  • Floral:
  • Floral scents are preferred primarily by romantic women. They are playful and dreamy and exude notes of cuteness. Typical character traits of women who choose floral scents are calmness and harmony.
  • Fruit:
  • Girls prefer fruity scents. They personify youth and freshness, emphasize femininity, while allowing you to remain young and playful. Women who prefer fruity scents are spontaneous, modern, fun and a little crazy. They love spring and summer with all their delights.
  • Sweet:
  • Women who prefer sweet scents are very elegant. The extravagant heaviness of the perfume composition is preferred by women who have seen the world, true cosmopolitans and mature women. Sweet scents are created for long nights, select events or cozy winter gatherings.
  • Sports and refreshing:
  • Fans of sporty, refreshing fragrances spend their lives in constant motion and are driven by a thirst for adventure. Women who prefer such perfume compositions enjoy life with every fiber and know no boundaries. They climb the highest mountain, dive into the very depths of the lake, their laughter is heard in the most vibrant place on the planet.
  • Oriental:
  • Intriguing scents created to highlight the erotic depth and pulsating blood of a true woman. For women who love the lifestyle of southern countries and the warmth of the sun. These women adore luxury and gold and do not miss the opportunity to enjoy the delights of life.
  • Chypre:
  • A family of fresh woody fragrances called chypre, for determined women who walk through life, confidently stepping step by step. An unusual contrast of tart unbridledness in tandem with ordinary everyday life. Women who prefer this combination live in harmony with nature and confidently move through life.

Who owns the smell, owns the hearts of people

“...For people can close their eyes and not see greatness, horror, beauty and close their ears and not hear people or words. But they can't help but be swayed by the aroma. For aroma is the brother of breath. It will enter people with its aroma, and they will not be able to protect themselves from it if they want to live. And the aroma penetrates to the very depths, right into the heart, and there it makes a categorical judgment about sympathy and contempt, about disgust and attraction, about love and hatred.” He who owns the smell, owns the hearts of people..."

P. Suskind “Perfumer”

We all know about the magical properties of fragrances that can evoke a storm of feelings, take us back to pleasant moments of the past, lift our spirits and bring pleasure!

Yes, your favorite scent is truly a pleasure! This is the great secret and great power of aromas - to influence our mood and attitude. The “magical” properties of fragrances have been used since ancient times. So, for example, everyone knows that in the church they “smoke” (burn) incense, but few people know that the smell of incense has a depressing effect on the human psyche (it is a psychotropic sedative). And there are smells that can have an invigorating or exciting effect on a person. You have probably noticed more than once that the same aroma literally delights one person, but can cause headaches and even nausea in another. Or - for the same person, a seemingly favorite aroma at certain periods can cause rejection, even disgust. And this is due not only to individual intolerance to any components of the aroma, but also to the state of the person’s physical and psycho-emotional health. And all because the aromatic compositions of perfumes are made up of many (up to 300!) components, many of which have, in addition to pronounced and tangible aromatic ones, a host of other, so to speak, “hidden” properties.

The word "perfumery" dates back to ancient times. Translated from Latin (PERFUMUM) literally means “through the smoke.” In other words, it is a means for aromatizing the air by smoking. This word came into international vocabulary from the Italian language - PERFUMO - pleasant smell.

People have used incense since ancient times. At the same time, some perfumes attracted only a pleasant aroma, others “frightened off” diseases, and some contained special substances that caused attraction in the opposite sex. Such substances are called aphrodisiacs. This name comes from the Greek goddess of beauty Aphrodite. According to legend, she had a wonderful belt that exuded a magical aroma, thanks to which she could seduce not only a mortal man, but also a god.

Aphrodisiacs are not some magical substances. They can be ordinary essential oils. Scientific research shows that they can have powerful effects on humans. It turns out that some components of essential oils have a hormone-like structure, which allows them to interfere with the psychophysical functions of the body. It has been established that aphrodisiac essential oils have the ability to influence the pituitary gland and cause the formation of endorphins. It is endorphins that intensify sexual desires, cause euphoria and, in addition, have an analgesic effect.

The effect of natural aphrodisiacs is not limited to just an exciting effect, they very subtly and smoothly regulate the nervous and endocrine systems, are effective against frigidity and impotence, replenish vital energy, and remove toxins.

That is why it is advisable (if not more important - IMPORTANT) to pay attention to the components of the aroma composition of perfume products and take into account their properties when choosing a perfume.

So, let's take a closer look at the most common aphrodisiacs used in perfumes.

Patchouli has a smoky-bitter aroma with an oriental undertone. This is an erotic essential oil for men and women. Patchouli gives stamina and self-confidence, in one’s own sexual attractiveness. Patchouli is widely used in men's cosmetics and perfumes, but is less common in women's. However, it is believed that if the aroma of patchouli attracts a woman, then she has great sexual potential, but does not fully use it.
Patchouli oil is obtained from the dried leaves of a bushy annual herb native mainly to Indonesia, the Malay Islands and the islands of Mauritius and Reunion by steam distillation. During colonial times in the 19th century, patchouli was used in India to perfume textiles intended for export to protect them from moths.

Patchouli activates the creative activity of the intellect, develops artistry and soulful sophistication of communication, promotes the creation of beautiful associative symbols, refreshes the emotional “trunk”, unloads the subconscious, and also increases the productivity of perception and response to current situations.

According to popular beliefs, patchouli oil protects against painful losses and attracts wealth.
Patchouli oil has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and is used to relieve stress. It calms, calms, but at the same time tones the body, accelerating the process of tissue renewal. Patchouli curbs appetite, so it is useful for people who want to lose weight. At the same time, it prevents fluid retention in the body and can be used for those diseases where this occurs.

Be careful, patchouli should not be used during pregnancy!

Amber is one of the most attractive scents for men. This natural component is included in the most famous elite perfumes loved by millions of women. According to experts, a few drops of ambergris can make a man completely weak-willed, and it has a depressing effect on a woman. Having started her perfumery “career” with the title of an excellent scent fixer, over the course of several millennia she turned into a formidable weapon of seduction.

Evidence of who and when began to use ambergris in perfumery has not been preserved in history, but information that it was used as a medicinal product has survived to this day. As such, ambergris was used by the Greeks and ancient Romans, who did not know its origin at all. In many Middle Eastern and Asian countries, ambergris was used as an antiseptic. For the first time, followers of Islam began to use it as a component of incense when fumigating premises for performing religious rites, and in some countries of the East, until recently, it was valued as a spice for cooking. In addition, the odorous substance was used to treat diseases such as epilepsy, asthma, typhus, or as a laxative. Until the 15th century, it was included as a mandatory component in many medicinal preparations of official medicine. Ambergris was added to lipsticks, creams, candles, powders, etc. as a fixative for the main aroma. And the indigenous people of North America made various amulets and jewelry from it, which can now be admired in the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art.

The first mention of ambergris in historical documents as a sensory stimulant and aromatic fixative dates back to the 10th century, when A.K. Ogandallah brought it to Mauritania from the island of Sunda.

Jules Barbie d'Aureville wrote about this substance in 1839 as miraculous and stimulating to the flesh. And in 1829, the first perfume composition based on ambergris was invented, which, in addition, imparted vitality to the body. The supposed recipe has survived to this day: amber in alcohol is mixed with castor oil, lemon, cinnamon, rue oil, mint, lavender, cloves and marjoram.

In the 21st century, ambergris is known as a substance that is used in the perfume industry and aromatherapy. However, few people know where the miraculous substance comes from. The name itself is to blame for this - ambergris. This word is written and read the same in English and French, except that it has a double meaning. Thus, “ambre” or “amber” means amber, which creates additional confusion for the consumer. In fact, ambergris is a digestive product of certain species of cetaceans, namely sperm whales. The mass extermination of marine animals was caused by the fact that not all of them can contain this substance (according to statistics, only two out of a hundred individuals have this enzyme in reserve). However, it was discovered that often in the process of life they release a grayish, waxy substance accumulated in the body into the water. This is what is collected on the surface of the water. After “harvesting,” it is dried for two to three years, then it is moistened and kept in alcohol. This entire process from start to finish takes three to six years and turns natural amber into one of the most expensive components of perfumery. So, 1 gram of so-called ambergris (the highest quality) costs from 15,000 rubles.

Amber changes its aroma depending on age: from a terrible fishy scent to a soft one with a slightly perceptible sea trail. In the modern world, an analogue of ambergris - an artificial substitute - is widely used. The “fake pheromone” is not inferior in properties to the natural one and is much cheaper.

Tonka wood (Tonka bean)- These are the fruits of a tropical tree native to West Africa and South America. Currently, the tree with purple flowers is cultivated in Nigeria, and the fruits are processed in the USA and Europe. The tree itself is called Dipteryx fragrant; its pods contain black-purple seeds, reaching 5 cm in length and 15 mm in width.

The most valuable substance is that obtained from tonka beans - coumarin. By the way, because of its vanilla-like taste, tonka beans are used as a cheap substitute for real vanilla. In Holland it is a popular moth repellent. Previously, liquid coumarin extract was used to treat coughs, until it was discovered that in large doses it paralyzes the heart. Tonka beans are also used in the pharmaceutical industry, as a masking component, and are also used as a tobacco flavoring agent.

The aroma of coumarin pleases the heart, has a calming, tonic effect, and is addictive.
Used as a fixative in oriental and chypre fragrances. It goes well with ylang-ylang, jasmine, patchouli and cumin, becomes light and clean when mixed with lavender, rose or myrtle, and when mixed with vanilla or geranium causes euphoria.
The seeds have a pleasant smoky, bittersweet aroma, with notes of coffee, vanilla, cinnamon, cloves and almonds.

Musk is an odorous product of animal or plant origin; has valuable perfume properties: ennobling and fixing effect. Animal musk is a product of the secretion of the musk glands of the males of some mammals (musk deer, musk ox, muskrat, etc.) - a granular or ointment-like mass of brown color with a characteristic (depending on the origin) odor. In animals, musk plays the role of a chemical signal used to mark territory, alert individuals of its own species, etc.; in aquatic mammals (muskrat, beaver, muskrat), musk also serves as a lubricant that protects the fur from getting wet. Many synthetic substances of various structures, used in industry instead of expensive and scarce natural musk, have the smell of musk.

The history of musk use is very ancient. Its roots go back centuries, since already in Ancient Egypt this drug of animal origin helped the pharaohs overcome intimate problems, as evidenced by the drawings that have come down to us on the walls of the pyramids. Already at that time, musk was worth its weight in gold.

The famous physician and philosopher Avicenna used musk in combination with other components to treat patients with headaches, seizures, epilepsy, hysteria, insomnia, sclerosis, hearing and smell problems. Also, a musk-based substance was used internally for the prevention and treatment of reproductive disorders in men and women, for diseases of the central and peripheral nervous systems, lesions of the genitourinary, cardiovascular systems, and respiratory system, and was also used as an ointment for thrombophlebitis and varicose veins . As a component, musk was included in many well-known antidotes recipes.

Everyone knows the scent of roses. This is a deep, exciting, warm floral scent. This flower is a symbol of love. Rose sharpens sensory perception, clears thoughts, gives a feeling of calm and protection. It is simply impossible to feel lonely with a rose. Rose essential oil contains more than 300 components.
Rose petal essential oil is obtained from Damask and May roses by steam distillation.

The main centers for growing roses for essential oil production are Bulgaria, Italy and Türkiye. Rose essential oil, along with lavender, is one of the most ancient oils that people have used since ancient times, using it as incense and as a remedy to relieve many ailments. Natural rose oil is the most expensive oil used in aromatherapy and perfumery.

The rose is rightfully considered not only the queen of flowers, but also of fragrances. It creates a warm, cozy atmosphere of fullness of life, bliss, and pleasure. The spicy floral aroma gently envelops, awakening desire, enhancing sensuality, and beckons with sexual fantasies. It is no coincidence that rose essential oil is one of the components of natural erotic products.
The aroma of a rose evens out behavioral reactions, eliminates neuroses, and increases performance. Rose oil rejuvenates, regenerates, smoothes, increases the elasticity and firmness of the skin, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous and sweat glands, eliminates infiltrates, resolves scars, and gives an even and beautiful color to the skin.

Eliminates inflammation, irritation and peeling. By acting directly on the central nervous system, rose oil helps relieve depression, feelings of fear, anger, jealousy and suspicion. Rose oil is also a wonderful remedy for problems with blood circulation - by optimizing blood flow, rose oil increases elasticity and strengthens the venous walls of blood vessels, which in turn prevents varicose veins. Normalizes the functioning of the endocrine glands, restores hormonal health.

Essential rose oil is also good for arthritis and rheumatism. Rose oil normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and helps with various liver diseases. Having strong antiseptic properties, rose oil is used as a very effective adjuvant for diseases such as bronchitis, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, and laryngitis.

It is not recommended to use simultaneously with homeopathic medicines.
It is interesting that since ancient times in psychiatry they have used the “pink” test to determine the psychological state of the patient. If pure rose oil is applied to the bracelet area of ​​the wrist, then after 30 minutes in people suffering from hysteria and some forms of psychosis, the aroma will acquire pronounced sour notes. For people who are labile to external circumstances and very romantic, the rose will become “candied.” If tart tones appear in the aroma, it means that the person has a strong character and a stable psyche.

Sandalwood has a spicy, resinous, persistent aroma. It enhances sexual attractiveness and allows you to get rid of psychological complexes.
Essential oil is obtained from the bark of sandalwood. This evergreen tree grows in the mountainous regions of India and on the islands of the Malay Archipelago. For many centuries, sandalwood wood was used intensively to prepare figures of gods in India and China. Even ancient Chinese medicine, following Indian medicine, began to use sandalwood paste, made from wood dust mixed with fat or vegetable oil, as a medicinal or cosmetic product.

The aroma of sandalwood brings calm and relaxation when negative psycho-emotional reactions to stressful situations and conflicts occur. Eliminates tearfulness, insomnia, astheno-depressive syndrome. Promotes the growth of creative abilities.
The aroma of sandalwood oil allows you to alleviate or painlessly endure unstable atmospheric pressure, magnetic storms or other adverse weather conditions that negatively affect the body.

Sandalwood is usually considered as a men's oil, but it is not suitable for all men. The fact is that it has a calming effect, slows down the reaction, and has a relaxing effect, so sandalwood is preferable to choleric and sanguine people and not recommended for phlegmatic people. Also, sandalwood should not be used for acute kidney diseases.
This oil can only be used externally. It should not be used by women during pregnancy and children under 12 years of age.

Sandalwood is actively used in perfumery.

U unique mystical aroma of iris(it is also called orris root) envelops you in mystery, carries you away from everyday life and vanity on the wings of fantasy. It is believed that the iris opens the souls of people towards love. For many centuries, this essential oil has been used as an aid to immersion in a state of meditation. Iris is called the king of scents, the most perfect aroma of nature.

The homeland of the iris is the Mediterranean. The plant is cultivated in Italy, France and other countries.
Such a rare aroma as iris possesses is not perceived adequately by all people. Typically, this aroma delights spiritually rich people seeking perfection. The unique property of iris is that if a person shows a desire to know and feel this aroma, then iris promotes the development of intelligence, spiritual growth, and reveals creative potential.
Iris is suitable for external use only.

Iris is a rather rare component of perfumery. Its aroma gives the perfume a romantic note.

Cassia of Alexandria- This is a “hot” aroma, at first similar to the smell of cinnamon. Cassia is the oldest oriental incense. The aroma of this essential oil liberates people, makes them forget about their inhibitions, and gives them confidence in their abilities. All these unique properties make cassia the undeniable scent of love.
Cassia Alexandrina is widespread in Sudan and further to West Africa.
The aroma of Cassia Alexandrina is especially appreciated by lovers of “hot” oriental scents. Cassia creates an alluring but inaccessible image of a passionate beauty.
However Pure cassia oil may cause skin irritation.

Lavender oil has a soft, soothing and fresh scent that permeates the air with a pleasant, stimulating and at the same time relaxing aroma. It enhances attractiveness, frees you from complexes, refreshes and creates a feeling of light relaxation.
Lavender is a genus of shrubs and subshrubs of the Lamiaceae family. It grows mainly on mountain slopes in the Mediterranean and Black Sea countries, but is also commercially cultivated in a number of other countries, such as England and France.
Lavender has been used for medicinal purposes since time immemorial - valued as a natural antiseptic. The ancient Romans used it to disinfect and clean wounds and cuts.

Lavender oil is one of the first essential oils used in aromatherapy and has been one of many people's favorite scents for thousands of years. Perhaps none of the essential oils compares with lavender oil in the breadth of its range of uses, and there are few situations in which lavender could not help.
Lavender promotes self-knowledge, meditation, and rapid recuperation. Provides complete energy relaxation, reduces aggression, helps to recover from envy. This is a warm, delicate aroma that allows you to find not only fire in a passionate embrace, but also sophistication and intuitive penetration. Baths with lavender solution create the ideal body odor: the smell of purity and tenderness.

Lavender oil is an effective remedy against insomnia. Take a therapeutic bath with lavender oil or drop a few drops of oil on your pillow - the result will not take long to arrive - you will be drawn to sleep. Lavender oil eliminates overexcitation, tearfulness, and hysterical reactions. It has an analgesic effect on migraines and headaches, normalizes blood pressure in hypertensive patients, and also strengthens the body's resistance to fatigue and infectious diseases.

Lavender essential oil helps with menopausal problems and also normalizes the menstrual cycle. It is not recommended to use lavender in the first months of pregnancy and the first time after abortion. You should not use this essential oil at the same time as taking iodine-containing or iron-containing medications. Do not apply oil to the skin immediately before going out into the sun. Avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes.

Neroli has an exquisite multi-layered floral aroma. This individualistic oil supports the spiritual strength of extraordinary people who stand out from the crowd. Enhances sensuality, men like it. Reveals individuality. Is a strong sexual stimulant.

Natural neroli oil is obtained from the petals of bitter orange. From 1 ton of petals only 500 ml of oil is obtained.

It objectifies psycho-emotional states, eliminates the state of irritation, indignation, and resentment. Translates unhelpful emotions into the calm force of righteous opposition. Eliminates insomnia, neurotic and asthenic-depressive conditions. Eliminates the feeling of fear. Eradicates hysterical nature. Eliminates insomnia and explosive nervous reactivity. Antagonist to indifference and apathy. The aroma of meditation, personal perfection, sophistication and subtle psychologism. Helps to feel the spiritual harmony of the World.

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