Microcurrent facial therapy at home. Microcurrent procedure: types and methods of therapy, indications and contraindications

Since the advent of electricity, procedures using current have increasingly appeared in medicine. Its effect allows you to achieve an analgesic and preventive effect.

In the microcurrent procedure for the face, low voltage currents are used (in contrast to darsonvalization, where high voltage and low strength currents are used). This technique will tighten sagging skin, smooth out scars and wrinkles.

There is no consensus among cosmetologists about the benefits of the procedure. How effective is microcurrent therapy? What are its contraindications?

Microcurrent therapy

Microcurrent therapy is aimed at rejuvenating the skin of the face and body. It gets rid of swelling, restores elasticity, and reduces existing wrinkles.

Microcurrents for the face do not affect muscles, unlike myostimulation. The impulses are directed to the cell and vessels (blood, lymphatic). They are saturated with oxygen and vitamins.

The impact of microcurrents triggers a number of biochemical processes in the cell. Harmful toxins are removed. Blood circulation improves and lymph flows out. Indirectly, the procedure affects the muscle fibers in the upper layer of the epidermis.

The influence of microcurrents

Healthy cell function ensures elasticity and youthful appearance of the skin. With age, the normal functioning of the cell membrane becomes disrupted. Metabolic processes are disrupted, and the synthesis of biologically active substances (collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid) is reduced. Aging and cell death begins, which leads to wrinkles, sagging, and skin pigmentation.

Weak currents act at the cellular level. They restore the normal functioning of the membrane and cellular structures. Increase blood circulation, eliminate inflammatory processes. Stimulates the production of necessary enzymes.

The complex effect of microcurrents allows you to smooth out wrinkles and restore a healthy complexion. During the procedure, the walls of blood and lymphatic vessels are strengthened, which accelerates the removal of harmful substances and leads to overall rejuvenation of the facial skin.

How is the procedure done?

Microcurrents are a physiotherapeutic, hardware procedure. It is carried out in 2 ways:

  1. Electrode with a special tip. A gel (or conductive cream) is applied to the face and neck. The cosmetologist moves the electrode over the problem area, performing massaging movements.
  2. Gloves with connected electrodes. A thermal mask is applied to the face and neck area. There is a film on top of it to enhance the effect. A cosmetologist performs a massage with his hands dressed in gloves.

Indications for the procedure

A microcurrent facial procedure will help even out skin texture, smooth out unevenness and wrinkles, and tighten sagging areas. Before conducting a session, the cosmetologist cleanses the skin of cosmetics. Foams and scrubs are used for this. The better the pores are cleaned, the more noticeable the effect of the procedure will be.


  • age-related decrease in skin tone (flabbiness, sagging areas, wrinkles);
  • swelling of the face;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • skin pigmentation;
  • itchy dermatitis;
  • restoration of the epidermis after surgery;
  • scars, cicatrices and other skin relief defects.

Microcurrents can be prescribed by a cosmetologist not only for the face, but also for the body. The procedure is recommended for getting rid of stretch marks and swelling of the legs. It will tighten the skin after liposuction. Restores the elasticity of the buttocks and breasts.

Microcurrents for the face: contraindications

There are restrictions for conducting a microtokiny session. You should avoid the procedure during acute respiratory viral infections, flu, and colds. Taking certain medications may cause skin reactions.

Contraindications for the procedure:

  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • oncological diseases;
  • presence of a pacemaker, implants;
  • herpes, fresh scars and wounds;
  • epilepsy;
  • the presence of inflammatory processes on the face or body;
  • heart rhythm disturbance.

The effect of microcurrents

The painless microcurrent facial procedure lasts approximately 40 minutes. Reviews from patients agree that the effect is noticeable after the first session. The skin becomes elastic, smooth, and glows with health.

After 5-6 sessions, a clear oval appears and the double chin disappears. The procedure helps eliminate sagging of the upper eyelid. Relieves acne, rosacea, acne, age spots.

Cosmetologists warn that for a long-lasting effect it is necessary to do several procedures. One course consists of 10-15 sessions.

Microcurrents for the face help regenerate the epidermis and normalize blood circulation. After the procedure, wrinkles and scars are smoothed out. Flabby, sagging areas disappear. This preventive procedure helps rejuvenate the skin of the face, neck, and décolleté.

Types of microcurrent therapy

Before starting the facial microcurrent procedure, you must pass an individual intolerance test. Conductive creams and gels can cause skin reactions. Before the session, be sure to undergo a high-quality medical examination and consult with a cosmetologist.

Microtokidia comes in several types. Only a dermatologist-cosmetologist will help you choose the appropriate sequence of effects on the skin, depending on the indications.

Lifting allows you to achieve smooth skin, completely eliminating wrinkles. Microcurrents affect the face, neck, and décolleté area.

Disincrustration aimed at cleaning pores and sebaceous plugs. Microcurrents will help restore the functioning of skin secretions and narrow pores.

Ionic mesotherapy will relieve swelling, bluishness of the skin, pigmentation, wrinkles.

Lymphatic drainage will restore water balance, having a beneficial effect on metabolic processes in the epidermis.

Reprogramming of facial wrinkles normalizes metabolic processes, restores skin elasticity and facial contours, and eliminates facial wrinkles.

After a microcurrent session, cosmetologists prescribe a skin care program. These are post-procedural activities that will enhance the effect.

Microcurrents for the face: price

The total cost of the procedure includes:

  • skin cleansing;
  • applying a conductive cream or gel;
  • microcurrent treatment time;
  • processing area;
  • restorative cream after the session.

The most expensive procedure includes microtocidia of the face, neck, and décolleté - 5,000 rubles. A less expensive complex - 800 rubles for the area around the eyes.

The most popular procedure is microcurrent for the face. Reviews (average price - 2000 rubles) recommend getting a subscription for 10 procedures. The entire course with a discount will be 15,000 rubles.

Beauty salons have developed programs for anti-aging therapy. Thus, “Microcurrent lifting with the introduction of ampoules” costs from 3 to 30 thousand rubles. The Microcurrent Lymphatic Drainage program has a price ranging from 3 to 40 thousand rubles.

It will not be difficult to perform a microcurrent facial procedure at home. Reviews from doctors warn that before using the device, be sure to consult a cosmetologist.

Therapy at home

The procedure is safe at home. If the tingling becomes painful, the pulse frequency should be reduced.

Microcurrents for the face at home will help restore problem areas. Before purchasing a device, you should check the frequency (from 1 to 300 Hertz) and pulse strength (from 20 to 800 microamps).

You can purchase a device only with microcurrents (approximate price - 1500 rubles). A combined device will cost more. Its options may include procedures for myostimulation, vibration massage, lifting, thermolifting (price from 13 to 40 thousand rubles).

Microcurrents for the face at home involve the use of a special gel. The skin should not be dry during the procedure. For better conductivity of microcurrents in winter, aloe vera gel is suitable. In summer, you can use cream with cornflower extract for dry skin.

Features of the home procedure

At home, a microcurrent facial massager will help solve a number of problems. With its help, enlarged pores will narrow, dark circles under the eyes will disappear, and hair loss will stop.

The effect of the device may not be so noticeable. This is due to the fact that there are restrictions for home devices (as opposed to professional equipment).

It is enough to carry out 5 procedures per week. The general course can range from 20 to 30 sessions. After which you should take a break for 6 months. During these six months, maintenance, one-time procedures are allowed (once a month).

How to perform microcurrent facial treatment at home? Feedback from girls comes down to the fact that the most striking effect is achieved by the procedure in combination with collagen masks.

  1. Before the session, clean the skin of cosmetics and apply a moisturizing toner.
  2. Apply conductive gel. Do not smear it all over your face at once - it dries quickly. Apply gel to areas.
  3. Perform microcurrent exposure according to instructions.
  4. When finished, remove the gel from your face with a napkin.
  5. Wash, apply cream according to your skin type.

Physiotherapeutic methods are also successfully used for cosmetic purposes. Among them, microcurrents for the face deserve special attention. The procedure eliminates many skin defects, prevents aging, and even helps eliminate age-related changes that have already occurred. In addition, it can be done at home.

Read in this article

What are they?

The skin aging process begins when cells begin to function incorrectly. The reasons for the disruption of their work are a reduction in the supply of nutrients, disruption of microcirculation, and elimination of toxins. This interferes with the formation of new cells, contributes to the destruction of old ones and the retention of their decay products in tissues. A decrease in collagen and elastin levels leads to external changes in the skin and stimulates an increase in internal degradation processes.

The manipulation does not cause pain, as it is a gentle application of weak current. And the use of a special gel helps to make it sufficient for a positive effect to occur. Pulses can be used for mesotherapy without injections, disincrustation, myostimulation or lymphatic drainage massage.

Indications for use

The microcurrent facial procedure is useful for correcting the following imperfections:

  • a swollen oval of the face, drooping corners of the lips and eyes;
  • dry and aging skin, covered with a network of wrinkles;
  • excessive sebum secretion, leading to an unhealthy shine on the face and clogged pores;
  • pigmentation disorder;
  • porous skin;
  • dull complexion;
  • the presence of facial folds;
  • early stage of development, the need to prevent it;
  • recovery after facial plastic surgery or preparation for it;
  • rehabilitation after mechanical or laser resurfacing;
  • elimination of the consequences of acne.

If necessary, the procedure can be done from 18 years of age. But usually it is carried out at the age of 25-27, when aging prevention is already required.


The manipulation cannot be carried out if the patient has serious health problems. Microcurrents for the face have the following contraindications:

  • wounds, scratches on the face;
  • pustular rashes, acne;
  • severe pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, the presence of a pacemaker;
  • cancer;
  • various types of infections;
  • epilepsy, psychiatric diagnosis;
  • gold threads in soft tissues;
  • intolerance to the direct influence of electric current;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Preparation for the procedure

The use of microcurrents does not require special preparation. But it's important
Visit a cosmetologist first to identify skin problems. This is a mandatory stage, during which it is established which means should be used during the procedure, as well as the current parameters.

The effect may be on neuromuscular structures (MENS) or may be transcutaneous (TENS). The first is more extensive, but it cannot be ruled out that in a particular case the second will be needed. This determines the type of equipment, including those purchased for home use. For example, the gezatone device uses microcurrents for the face primarily for tissue rejuvenation and tightening.

It is also advisable to drink a lot of water on the eve of the procedure or on the day of it to speed up the recovery processes in the skin and the removal of toxins.


The stages of the microcurrent procedure are carried out in the following order:

  • The patient sits on the couch, her hair is protected with a cap. The beautician washes off the makeup from her face and wipes it with toner.
  • A product is applied to the skin, which, under the influence of microcurrents, should penetrate into the deeper layers. To do this, use a brush.
  • The specialist, having adjusted the parameters of the device, begins to move the handpiece with electrodes over the patient’s face. The indicators of the device can be changed on the go in accordance with the sensations. The impact usually starts from the forehead and is done along massage lines, without stretching the skin.
  • At the end of the main stage, the remaining gel is removed using a tonic. Immediately apply a mask to the face and leave it on for 15-20 minutes.
  • After removing the remaining nutrient, the skin is covered with a cream appropriate for its type. Now the patient can go home.

The session will take 20 - 40 minutes.

To learn how microcurrent facial therapy is performed, watch this video:


Microcurrent facial before and after shows amazing changes in well-being and appearance. This is especially noticeable if you take a photo before the start of the procedures and at the end of the course. The result is the following changes:

  • The oval of the face becomes clearer by restoring muscle elasticity;
  • swelling and the excess tissue volume caused by it go away;
  • the skin is denser and more hydrated due to the restoration of collagen synthesis;
  • fine wrinkles are smoothed out, facial folds become less pronounced;
  • the complexion becomes fresher and brighter due to increased blood circulation;
  • redness and pimple marks disappear;
  • the oily sheen of the skin disappears;
  • the eyes appear larger due to the tightening of the eyelids, reduction of circles and bruising.

Many women, having undergone facial massage with microcurrents, also note that they began to sleep better and stopped suffering from headaches.

Course duration

The result depends not only on the correct choice of device parameters and auxiliary cosmetics, but also on the scale of treatment of skin problems. The effect will be visible after a single session, but in this case it will not last long.

The full course should consist of at least 10 - 15 procedures, performed twice or thrice a week. Then a rejuvenated face will delight others and its owner for six months. And with a healthy lifestyle, proper skin care, it will last longer. To maintain the effect, maintenance procedures can be performed 2 to 4 times a month.


The cost of the procedure depends on the complexity and high cost of the equipment used, the drugs used, as well as the area of ​​influence. A single session for the entire face will cost 1,500 rubles. and more. If you correct only the eyelids, the price for the procedure is reduced by 2 times. The more prestigious the clinic, the more expensive rejuvenation using microcurrents will cost.

Use at home

A home microcurrent device for the face will allow you to perform it yourself. The effect will not be as noticeable as after a salon procedure. But a home device will give you the opportunity to do massage at any convenient time, and is also suitable for maintaining the results of professional manipulation. There are several possibilities for this:

  • “BioWave Gezatone”. The device has a more limited action than the previous two, which does not impair the quality of the microcurrent procedure.
  • “AV-012”. The device copes well with lymph stagnation and swelling.

Each device has several operating modes that are easy to change according to skin types and treatment goals. Direct exposure should not last more than 20 minutes. To achieve the effect, you also need a choice of cosmetics:

  • gels or serums based on hyaluronic acid;
  • formulations with caviar extract that nourish the skin well;
  • gels that increase the conductivity of electric current, on which active cosmetic serums can be applied;
  • lifting products with elastin;
  • concentrated formulations with “hyaluronic acid” and additional components (vitamins, algae extracts, etc.).

Microcurrents provide facial lifting, of course, incomparable to the effect of plastic surgery. But the result of the procedure will make you look younger, fresher and feel better. And daily care will help keep it for quite a long time.

To learn how to perform microcurrent therapy at home, watch this video:

Among modern hardware cosmetology, microcurrent therapy stands out for its minimal trauma, affordable price, and absence of a long rehabilitation period. Therefore, it has gained the status of “express care” and the reputation of “weak” and “youth” therapy. In fact, microcurrent can work wonders on mature skin. More about this below.

Microcurrent therapy - principle of action

Microcurrent therapy in cosmetology is used to improve skin condition, eliminate wrinkles, and remove excessive pigmentation. The effect of using currents of low strength and frequency is based on a soft and gentle effect on the epidermis and muscles. The treatment has a complex and prolonged effect on tissues, due to the activation of basic metabolic and regenerative processes.

The difference between this type of hardware cosmetology is that the process of exposure affects not only the surface layer - the epidermis, but also the intradermal layer, the circulatory system, and muscles. A sequence of processes starts in the epidermis:

  1. Changes in the resting potential of cell membranes;
  2. Synthesis of adenosine triphosphate, glycosaminoglycans and intercellular matrix fibers;
  3. By increasing the content of bioactive substances, the processes of metabolism and regeneration in cells are accelerated;
  4. The movement of fluids, the saturation of cells with oxygen and nutrients, and the production of collagen accelerates.

After the session, swelling decreases, hence the alternative name - microcurrent lymphatic drainage. This effect is due to the activation of microcirculation of fluids. This applies to the circulatory system and lymphatic system. During treatment, the lymphatic system is activated, so there is a significant improvement in the recovery processes in cells. Blood vessels are strengthened.

Professional cosmetologists recommend using microcurrents to restore collagen synthesis. Collagen fibers help improve facial contours and restore skin elasticity. The pores are narrowed and the skin is smoothed. The gel, which the cosmetologist applies to the treated area before manipulation, has a moisturizing and nourishing effect.

The treatment extends to the muscles, relaxing them, and fights the facial component of age-related wrinkles. It has a mild analgesic effect due to its effect on neuromuscular processes.

Indications for microcurrent therapy

Indications for microcurrent therapy are typical for anti-aging cosmetology. They include various manifestations of age-related changes:

  • loss of muscle tone;
  • decreased elasticity of the skin;
  • dehydration of the epidermis;
  • presence of enlarged pores;
  • ptosis;
  • fine wrinkles;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • rosacea in the initial stage;
  • dark circles under the eyes;
  • the presence of skin problems (acne, frequent inflammation).

On the body, microcurrents are used to treat manifestations of atopic dermatitis, postoperative scars, stretch marks, loss of turgor, excess skin during weight loss, and decreased tone. Microcurrents are used comprehensively in anti-cellulite programs, increasing their effectiveness.

The microcurrent treatment procedure is gentle. Therefore, it is recommended to take courses to consolidate the effect, and to combine it with other types of hardware, injection and traditional cosmetology. Cosmetologists advise starting treatment with microcurrents after 30 years, earlier - if there are indications.

In adulthood, after 50 years, the effectiveness of microcurrent therapy decreases.

Stages of the procedure

Like other types of hardware cosmetology, regular visits to a cosmetologist begin with an initial appointment. There, the doctor will introduce you to the features of the session, determine your skin type, and outline a treatment course. You will also be warned about contraindications and the preparation rules will be explained.

On the day of the session, you need to drink at least 2 liters of pure still water, and take hypoprotectors a few days before the procedure - to make it easier for the body to cope with toxins released during the procedure. You can begin the manipulations directly at the first appointment, however, the doctor will suggest drinking a glass of water before and after the treatment.

The facial skin is pre-cleaned and treated with conductive agents of gel-like consistency without or with the addition of active substances - hyaluronic acid, vitamin complexes, collagen-containing preparations. Then they begin to manipulate the microcurrent therapy apparatus. Various techniques suggest that the following are used as maniples:

  • movable electrodes for sensitive areas;
  • stationary electrodes for wide exposure;
  • conductive gloves, which the cosmetologist uses to massage the treated area.

Full therapy is carried out in a certain sequence: normalization, lymphatic drainage, lifting. Each stage lasts up to 20 minutes, differing in current strength or frequency, and sometimes in polarity. During the first stage, the current strength and frequency are minimal, and the cosmetologist acts on the face, following massage lines. Then, with a medium current and low frequency, movements are made in the direction of the lymph flow. And finally, lifting is performed at increased power, stimulating and toning the tissues.

Special techniques also solve other specific problems:

  • Disincrustation - galvanophoresis methods based on disincrustation solutions are used to cleanse and narrow pores;
  • Microionphoresis (ion mesotherapy) - used for non-injection delivery of medications into the intradermal layer;
  • Reprogramming of facial muscles - affects the severity of facial wrinkles, based on the property of currents of low strength and frequency to relax muscles.

The session takes from 15 to 90 minutes. After it, patients are advised to drink more fluids. There are no special recommendations for the rehabilitation period; the procedure rarely occurs with complications and visible irritations on the skin. In some cases, moisturizing will be necessary.

Effect of microcurrent therapy

The effect of microcurrent therapy depends on the number of sessions completed and the products used by the cosmetologist. It is recommended to visit a cosmetologist at the first (initial) stage once every 2-3 days, the course is repeated twice a year. For a lasting effect, 8-15 sessions will be required. Microcurrent treatment features:

  • high performance;
  • fast, complex effect;
  • ease of use;
  • absence of discomfort during manipulations;
  • low traumatic, mild impact.

The result of therapy is fresh, tightened, smooth skin with evened pigmentation, narrowed pores, and reduced swelling. When using the lifting technique, the severity of ptosis is reduced, the oval of the face is tightened, and fat deposits on the face are reduced. By increasing local immunity, rashes and inflammation are reduced.

The treatment goes well with other anti-aging techniques. This property of this method is widely used after cosmetic surgeries and peelings. Microcurrents make it possible to quickly eliminate traumatic skin damage and speed up the rehabilitation period. They are used after laser resurfacing, blepharoplasty, and dermabrasion.

Pulse action stimulates not only regenerative, but also metabolic processes in the skin. Therefore, it is advisable to supplement the therapy with the use of special collagen masks (after 5-7 days), (after 1-2 days). This significantly enhances the effectiveness of injection techniques.

Photos before and after microcurrent therapy

Photos before and after microcurrent therapy make it possible to highlight the main advantages of this technique: quick obvious effect, low trauma. The patients' skin becomes smooth, clean, moisturized, and radiant. The result is a youthful and attractive appearance.

Where to do it?

Lymphatic drainage using low-frequency currents is offered by many beauty salons and clinics. Our portal will help you not to get lost in the abundance of offers. The choice of salon for conducting a course of Microcurrent Therapy is possible by area or station in the following cities:

Contraindications and consequences

What are the contraindications for the microcurrent therapy procedure? Despite the softness and impact, there are many of them:

  • atopic dermatitis;
  • pregnancy;
  • use of a pacemaker;
  • neoplasms;
  • Tachycardia, other heart diseases;
  • infectious diseases;
  • inflammation, including herpetic;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • epilepsy;
  • temperature increase;
  • collagenosis

Metal (gold, platinum) threads, the presence of metal-ceramic prostheses, metal crowns, metal fillings may cause refusal of treatment. If necessary, a session can be performed with local isolation of metal-containing implants.

During the session, the following effects are possible, which disappear immediately after the end of the hardware influence:

  • tingling, itching;
  • metallic taste in the mouth;
  • flickering sparkles before the eyes;
  • sensation of vibration in the upper part of the head (when treating the forehead);
  • muscle twitching.

The negative side effects of treatment cannot be ignored. If the preparation is improper and the drinking regime is not followed, the consequences of intoxication of the body may occur: headache, slight fever, nausea, aching joints, malaise. They usually disappear after 1-2 days.

There may be consequences caused by an allergy to the drugs used by the cosmetologist.

“Is microcurrent therapy possible at home?” - this question worries those women who are interested in rejuvenation, but for a number of reasons (lack of free time or money) cannot decide on a salon procedure. The answer is “Yes.” This option is possible, devices for microcurrent treatment are sold, and self-administration is allowed. However, there are a number of nuances.

Device requirements

The operating amplitudes of the device are: 5-30 Hz in frequency, 50-600 μA in current strength. It is desirable that the device used exceeds them, that is, it has a small power reserve. Otherwise, the essential requirements for it will be quality and safety, which are guaranteed by responsible manufacturers. Many modern models in the basic package contain established programs for the treatment of various skin types, allow adjustment of the depth of exposure, and choice of manipulation technique.


A microcurrent facial session at home will require a professional gel. It contains trace elements: magnesium, potassium, and polyvinylpyrrolidone. Active substances that are selected depending on the type of problem being solved include collagen and elastin (face lift), anti-cellulite components (detoxification and drainage), sulfur (reduction of fat content and narrowing of pores), hyaluronic acid (moisturizing), bioactive substances, and so on. .

Knowledge of manipulation techniques

Household devices contain a user manual with recommendations for performing the most common manipulations. The effectiveness of such “non-professional” procedures is less, but you can choose your own individual schedule for them - this is the main advantage of home sessions.

Session price

The main advantage of the microcurrent therapy procedure is the price. In terms of cost-effectiveness ratio, it is the best type of hardware cosmetology. The price for 1 visit depends on the area of ​​application (its size), type of procedure, and medications used. One visit to a cosmetologist with treatment of the face area will cost 800-2,500 rubles, face + neck + décolleté area - up to 4,500 rubles. For course treatment you can get a discount.

Popular questions

Reviews accompanying the microcurrent therapy procedure are usually positive and quite convincing. However, sometimes women still have questions, the most popular of which are listed below.

  • It hurts?

There may be tingling and pinching, but the procedure is not painful. On the contrary, they help relieve spasms, relax muscles, and can relieve pain.

  • Which microcurrent machine is best?

Of course, it is better to choose devices from a trusted, well-known manufacturer, with a long warranty, and ergonomic design. For the non-professional, automated features are also important. High-quality devices are not cheap, so it is better to concentrate on the range of tasks that you plan to solve - select a model for them.

  • Is it possible to use microcurrents if fillers are installed?

There is no prohibition on the procedure, but microcurrents enhance metabolic processes in cells, and therefore can affect the rate of biodegradation of fillers.

  • Why use gel? Is it possible to do without it?

Conductive gel has several purposes. The first is clear from the name, the second is the protection of the patient’s face, the third is the delivery of nutrients to the epidermis. It is impossible to carry out treatment without a conductive base, but sometimes the gel is replaced with specialized cosmetics.

  • Do microcurrents help with baldness?

Microcurrents are indicated for male (androgenetic) type of alopecia. They can stop hair loss.

  • Is it possible to treat in sections? Will their skin be different?

Usually microcurrents are used in zones when problems are concentrated. In this case, the skin will look healthier after the procedure, but will not differ significantly (in color, for example) from other areas.

  • I suspect demodicosis. Are microcurrents recommended for me?

In case of demodicosis, hardware cosmetology in the facial area is contraindicated. You need to contact a dermatologist - he will prescribe treatment.

  • I heard that they use microcurrents in mineral water, is that true? Is it possible to use mineral water in a home appliance?

For this procedure, only conductive gels and specialized cosmetics are used. Mineral water is used in complex devices at the stage of cleansing (galvanic) iontophoresis.

  • Can allergies occur? What will it be expressed in?

An allergy to the cosmetic product used may occur. Also, in rare cases, a reaction to electric current is possible. This is a local reaction, expressed in hyperemia, skin irritation, a feeling of dryness, tightness.

Video of microcurrent treatment procedure

Microcurrent therapy, a video of which we offer below, allows women to solve problems with their appearance, helping them to look younger and more beautiful.

Veronika Herba - urban beauty and health center

Microcurrent procedure: types and methods of therapy, indications and contraindications

Since electricity began to be used in the field of medicine and cosmetology, pain relief and preventive actions using current are gaining increasing popularity. There is especially high demand for those based on low-frequency electrical impulses. The microcurrent procedure is recommended for women who want to get rid of wrinkles, unwanted scars, and make their skin more elastic and tightened. However, debates about its benefits between cosmetologists do not subside to this day. Are microcurrents really so highly effective and to whom are they contraindicated?

How does microcurrent therapy work?

In the human body, at the cellular level, electrochemical reactions occur non-stop, ensuring the vital functions of the body. Our body consists of cells; they are surrounded by cytoplasm, in other words, the cell membrane. If the cell is in good condition, then this shell is polarized, that is, it has a negative charge on the outside and a positive charge on the inside. As a result, a healthy cell interacts with its environment through electrical signals.

Withering, damage, and inflammation of the skin lead to interruptions in the normal functioning of the body. This slows down metabolism and impairs cell function. A cosmetic procedure such as microcurrents is designed to improve the condition of the cell and restore its polarization.

Why does this happen? The impulses produced by the human body are identical to those emanating from a current source (from 10 to 800 μA). Thanks to this interaction, the charge of the cell membrane is restored, and, as a result, the overall condition of the skin improves and regeneration accelerates. Before microcurrent therapy began to be used in cosmetology, it was repeatedly tested in laboratory conditions.

At the end of the twentieth century in America, conducting tests on the skin of rats, researchers noted that as a result of microcurrent therapy using a current intensity of up to 600 μA, ATP synthesis increased to 500%, while the transport of amino acids increased by 40%. This indicates the high effectiveness of this type of therapy, since adenosine triphosphoric acid serves as the main carrier of energy in cells, while amino acids nourish them with everything necessary for proper functioning.

Testing on animals was more than successful, and then it was decided to introduce microcurrent therapy into cosmetology. Gradually, thanks to its significant tightening and refreshing effect, this service began to gain popularity.

Types of microcurrent procedures

In modern cosmetology, there are many types of microcurrent therapy.

Some of the most popular procedures are:

    Microcurrent cleaning.

    Nutrition and restoration of facial muscles.

    Lymphatic drainage procedures.

    Microlifting of the face and neck area.


Lymphatic drainage procedures help cleanse tissues of excess fluid. With age, blood circulation processes slow down significantly, which leads to the formation of swelling. Microcurrent therapy, namely lymphatic drainage, can improve the condition of the skin, get rid of swelling and bags under the eyes.

The name of the procedure “Nutrition and restoration of facial muscles”, or in other words “Reprogramming”, speaks for itself. The action of microcurrents is aimed at restoring the epidermis, which promotes complete relaxation of the facial muscles. By the way, more and more representatives of the fair sex prefer this procedure, leaving Botox in the past. And the cost of microcurrents is much less.

The cosmetic procedure includes a face and neck lift, which helps reduce the depth and number of wrinkles and prevents skin aging. Do not forget that microcurrents have their disadvantages. Active use of non-professional devices for the procedure can lead to an increase in facial wrinkles and even inflammation of peripheral nerves.

One of the most powerful components of microcurrent therapy is iontophoresis. Ionic mesotherapy stimulates skin rejuvenation, tightens pores, improves complexion, and promotes the production and absorption of nutritional components. The great advantage of this procedure over similar ones is that tissue deformation is completely eliminated.

Cosmetic microcurrents trigger processes such as:

    Replenishment of nutrients in tissues.

    Restoring the functioning of the exocrine glands, as well as the sweat glands.

    Increased immunity and, as a result, protection against inflammatory processes in the dermis.

    Improvement of skin structure.

The indisputable advantages of the procedure include the fact that it does not require any stage of rehabilitation and is carried out without any pain. With subsequent comprehensive and competent care, the rejuvenating effect of therapy will be noticeable for about three months.

Indications and contraindications for the facial microcurrent procedure

    with swelling in the area of ​​the lower and upper eyelids;

    with pronounced bags under the eyes;

    with a large number of facial wrinkles;

    if the outlines of the face have lost their former shape;

    in case of violation of muscle tone;

    when a double chin appears;

    to get rid of bruises;

    during the rehabilitation period after surgical interventions.

If a person, for any health reasons, needs to avoid injection procedures, then microcurrent therapy can serve as a worthy replacement.

Despite its high effectiveness, this procedure has certain contraindications.

    at any stage of pregnancy;

    under age;

    those who had gold threads implanted into their facial skin;

    if you have a pacemaker.

In addition, you should refuse the procedure in case of allergic reactions, cardiovascular pathologies and malignant neoplasms.

Technology of microcurrent therapy procedure

The procedure for the session is quite simple and does not involve any preparatory steps. It is necessary to thoroughly cleanse the skin of makeup, best using natural products. Next, set the force parameters and timer. To increase the transmission of impulses and prevent dry skin, a contact gel with hyaluronic acid is applied to the face or to a special attachment.

Most often, microcurrents are used as a comprehensive fight against the first signs of aging, loss of elasticity and skin health. Few people turn to cosmetologists complaining about one thing. Basically, patients want to immediately get rid of puffiness, dark circles under the eyes, facial wrinkles and restore a clear facial contour.

With age, muscles weaken, due to lack of hydration and adverse environmental influences. In some places the skin becomes loose and thin, in others, on the contrary, excessive tension occurs in the muscle fibers. Based on this, specialists pay special attention to each problem area separately.

Depending on the areas on the patient’s skin, both the method of performing the procedure and the force of pressing the electrodes, as well as the frequency and strength of the current, change.

Description of the microcurrent procedure:

    First of all, the patient is given a lymphatic drainage massage, which promotes normal circulation of fluids and accelerates metabolic processes. At this stage, puffiness disappears and the skin takes on a healthier appearance. The procedure begins to be performed with progressive movements from the center of the neck. In the face area, the movement of the nozzle coincides with the movement of the lymphatic flow.

    After this, the cosmetologist performs descending manipulations, which normalizes muscle function, paying special attention to problem areas where it is necessary to smooth out wrinkles. In this case, slightly stretching movements are applicable.

    The microcurrent cosmetic procedure takes just under an hour. At the end of therapy, the specialist removes excess gel and talks in detail about how many sessions are needed to achieve a long-term effect.

Below is a detailed video about this procedure:

How often should I use microcurrents on my face to achieve the desired result? In fact, the effect is noticeable after the first session. The skin is significantly smoothed out and acquires a healthy, radiant complexion. Changes at a deeper level will require about three procedures. By this time, small wrinkles will begin to smooth out and the skin will tighten. The optimal interval between sessions is on average three days.

A full complex of microcurrent therapy includes approximately 6–12 procedures. The amount varies depending on the age and individual characteristics of the skin. Then, to maintain the effect, it is advisable to visit a cosmetologist once every couple of months. If you follow all the recommendations, you can enjoy the results within six months.

Of course, how many microcurrent procedures will be required is largely determined by the age factor:

    Young skin up to 30 years old A couple of preventive sessions are enough.

    For women 40–50 years the number of procedures is doubled and the interval between them is reduced by the same amount.

    From 50 and older. The interval between microcurrent therapy sessions is on average one or two days, but the number is selected by a specialist individually.

Possibilities of a salon microcurrent facial procedure

Those who have tried this technique on themselves claim that they not only acquired a healthy, thriving appearance, but also began to feel much better than before.

This happens because:

    Metabolism accelerates, and, therefore, the healing of the body occurs many times faster.

    The skin receives the necessary nutrition and care at the cellular level, which directly affects its appearance.

    Blood circulation is normalized.

    The skin becomes clearer, acne and clogged pores disappear.

    The swelling subsides and all excess fluid comes out.

    Due to the acceleration of metabolism, fat deposits in the form of a double chin disappear.

    The facial contour becomes more pronounced and defined, the muscles become toned.

Microcurrent procedure at home

Microcurrent therapy, due to its complete safety, can be easily performed both in the salon and at home. All the necessary devices and products can be easily found in specialized cosmetic stores, saving your budget several times. The price of the procedure in this case will be quite affordable.

But do not forget that devices for home use are significantly inferior in power to salon devices. Therefore, if you decide to practice microcurrent therapy on your own, increase the number of sessions several times.

When performing the procedure at home, the sequence of actions remains unchanged:

    First, remove makeup and cleanse the skin.

    Apply contact gel containing hyaluronic acid.

    Using a special apparatus, we begin the procedure itself.

At the end of the course of microcurrent therapy, there are no traces, redness or other side effects left on the skin. There are also absolutely no restrictions on makeup, no need to take additional medications or follow strict instructions.

Advantages and disadvantages of microcurrent facial procedures over other types of rejuvenation

Microcurrent procedure: before and after photos

Where in Moscow to sign up for a microcurrent procedure

Nowadays, you no longer have to spend a lot of time performing complex and unpleasant procedures at home. It is much easier to seek help from real professionals - the Veronika Herba beauty and health center, equipped with effective and modern equipment.

Why clients choose Veronika Herba Beauty and Health Center:

    This is a beauty center where you can take care of yourself at a reasonable cost, while your face and/or body will be treated not by an ordinary cosmetologist, but by one of the best dermatologists in Moscow. This is a completely different, higher level of service!

    You can receive qualified help at any time convenient for you. The beauty center is open from 9:00 to 21:00, seven days a week. The main thing is to agree with your doctor in advance on the date and time of your appointment.

With age, natural aging of the body occurs. One of the reasons for this process is metabolic disorders in the body and deterioration of microcirculation in blood vessels.

Aging of the epidermis is accompanied by a change in the color of the facial tissue, the appearance of pigmentation, wrinkles in the eye area and bridge of the nose, and an increase in the depth of the nasolabial folds. The hardware procedure of microcurrent therapy solves these problems, rejuvenating a person’s face.

The procedure is considered a common technique that successfully copes with the elimination of skin imperfections.

The secret of the effects of microcurrents is based on the painless effect on the facial tissue of current charges with a voltage of no higher than 14 volts, for a slight contraction of the facial muscles. This method affects the subcutaneous tissue, muscles, and blood vessels.

  • MENS(Microcurrent Electrical Neuromuscular Stimulation - microcurrent neuromuscular electrical stimulation), which copes well with pain and acts on the neuromuscular structure of the epidermis;
  • TENS(Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation - transcutaneous electrical stimulation of the nerves), acts on nerve tissue and represents a narrowly targeted mechanism of therapy aimed at pain relief.

The microcurrent procedure has different directions, the most famous of which are:

  • microiontophoresis;
  • microcurrent lifting;
  • reprogramming of facial muscles;
  • lymphatic drainage;
  • disincrustation.

Lymphatic drainage is used to remove swelling. During desincrustation, the facial skin is cleansed at all levels, helping the sebaceous gland to push out excess secretions and subsequently close narrow pores on sensitive skin.

To restore the tone of facial muscles and provide their nutrition, reprogramming of facial muscles is used.

The most commonly used type of microcurrent is mesotherapy, which promotes skin rejuvenation, allowing you to relieve swelling and make scars and facial pores less visible. This procedure is also known as “biostimulation”.

Why do microcurrent facial massage?

The purpose of microcurrent massage of the skin is to influence fibroblasts. Their stimulation activates and improves skin elasticity, increases cell metabolism.

This simple and effective method promotes rapid renewal of skin cells, enriching it with oxygen, saturating the subcutaneous tissue with minerals and trace elements, which allow you to improve and rejuvenate your appearance.

During the session, toxins and other negative substances are also removed from the facial tissue. With electrical impulses on the skin, the number of cells increases and damaged ones are restored.

The result of this process is muscle and nervous activity, leading to the smoothing of facial tissue, the disappearance of wrinkles and folds, smoothing out unevenness and tightening the facial contour.

Electrotherapy also has a significant effect on acne and seborrhea.
Another advantage of the procedure is that the nervous tissue does not become accustomed to microcurrent stimulation.

How long does the procedure take, is it painful?

Visible changes are visible after a full procedural course with periodic repetition of 8-12 sessions. The duration of one therapy depends on the problem with which the patient presented.

One session lasts about half an hour. Upon completion of the process, a moisturizing cream selected for the patient’s skin type is applied to the areas treated with current.

Current cosmetology is painless; only a very weak vibration can be felt. During the treatment, conductors-electrodes are used, which, when passing through the tissues, cause a slight tingling sensation. The method is convenient because there is no rehabilitation period, allowing you to maintain the effect of the procedure for a long time.

Scheme of carrying out (performing) the procedure

Before starting the procedure, you must remove all jewelry from your body. The patient is placed on the couch, having previously completely degreased and cleaned the epidermis.

Depending on the problem and what task is being solved, the cosmetologist selects the required intensity when working with electrodes. The places of contact with the electrodes are lubricated with a certain gel to enhance the effect of electric currents, after which the effect of current pulses occurs. Usually the process begins from the frontal part. The session can be conducted in 2 ways.

Scheme of the microcurrent procedure for the face

The first method involves the cosmetologist making specific movements along the surface of the epidermis with electrodes. This method consists of 3 stages.

Stage 1 - Microcurrent normalization

The problem area is treated along the massage lines with currents from 40-140 µA. The dermis is enriched with the necessary elements and begins to produce enzymes and protein compounds.

Stage 2 – Microcurrent lymphatic drainage

Drainage consists of stimulating the epidermis by alternately contracting and relaxing the muscles. The epidermis is treated with a current of 80 to 300 μA. This helps remove decay products from the cells, both the middle and the surface parts. The electrodes move along the lymph outflow lines.

Stage 3 – Microcurrent lifting

This is the final part of electrotherapy, which allows you to regulate the effect of metabolism. It is used to calm tense fibers and normalize cellular activity.

The second method of microcurrent therapy is characterized by massage movements of the specialist’s hands, which are dressed in special gloves, with electrodes connected to them. The patient must hold another electrode in his hands.

After special cleansing, thermal masks are applied to the facial skin. A film is placed on top of the mask to increase the strength of the microcurrents. Microcurrents can be mobile, when the cosmetologist moves them from above over the skin, or attached to various parts of the face.

Therapy for the eye area

Hardware electric current is also used for eyelids.

Over the years, the elasticity of the skin decreases as blood stagnates in the capillaries, disrupting the nutrition of cells. Skin that is losing elasticity slowly begins the process of “sliding.” The soft tissue of this area is displaced. As we age, the eyelids stretch. The main thing is to take action at the first signs of skin aging to prevent it from becoming deformed.

In this case, microcurrent therapy can come to the rescue, which can be compared to deep and restful sleep for 10-12 hours.
The light lifting effect is noticeable immediately after the first microcurrent therapy procedure. But to get better results, you need to complete a course of 6 to 10 procedures, which includes 1 session 1-2 times every 7 days.

Microcurrents for eyelids - what does it give?

By smoothing the face, they help reduce the signs of age on the eyelids.

Microcurrents tighten and smooth out deformations and sagging eyelids.

Microcurrents for puffiness (bags) under the eyes

Bags under the eyes arise from the fact that the metabolic process is disrupted. As a result, the muscles lose their activity, which helps for the elasticity of the epidermis.

The current procedure restores and normalizes blood circulation, reduces swelling and smoothes out fine wrinkles, allowing the face to regain a healthy appearance.

Microcurrents for rejuvenation, facelift

After 40 years, when the oval of the face gradually changes, doctors and cosmetologists advise using microcurrents for tightening. They strengthen the epidermis, restore collagen production in it, tighten the oval of the face and restore its elasticity.

The effect of microcurrents restores the tone of muscle fibers, improves blood circulation, stimulates lymph, and removes excess fluid. The use of microcurrents is often combined with serums and masks.

The result is refreshed skin with a blush and a tightened facial oval.

Assignment to the procedure

The lifting procedure allows you to heal and rejuvenate your face at the cellular level.

One of the important differences is the absence of negative consequences.

Results after lifting:

  • The regeneration of epidermal cells is enhanced.
  • Protein synthesis is restored.
  • The activity of the sweat and sebaceous glands increases.
  • Pores and the number of blackheads are reduced.
  • The epidermis is toned.
  • Microcurrents for the face smooth out the oval of the face.
  • Dark circles of the lower eyelids are reduced.
  • Microcurrents prevent the appearance of wrinkles.


Before deciding to use microcurrent therapy, it is necessary to take into account a number of contraindications, which include:

  1. Pregnancy.
  2. Oncological diseases.
  3. Inflammatory diseases of the skin.
  4. Violation of heart activity.
  5. The presence of a pacemaker in the body.
  6. Varicose veins, thrombophlebitis.
  7. Nervous diseases, including epilepsy and cerebral palsy.
  8. The presence of metal structures in the body.
  9. Metal crowns on teeth.

Efficiency, reviews from cosmetologists

“Microcurrents are an effective therapy. We use them as rehabilitation, after surgery, as lymphatic drainage, to remove swelling, since this procedure gives great results. Many clients, having gathered information from the Internet, expect unattainable results from us during one session, not knowing that they need to undergo an entire course of physiotherapy.”

Plastic surgeon at the Klinik-Elast clinic, Mikhail Viktorovich Kot:

“Microcurrent stimulation helps synthesize collagen and elastin, allowing you to eliminate excess fluid in the skin. I see from my patients that this procedure is essentially the most effective of all cosmetic means for facial rejuvenation, of course, except for plastic surgery.”

How many sessions do you need to see the effect?

The doctor first identifies the problem and then prescribes treatment. The results are often noticeable immediately after current stimulation. The microcurrent device has a wide selection of different operating modes. This allows for the depth of current penetration.

How often can you do it

1 course of microcurrent procedure is designed for 8-12 times. They are repeated every 3 days. The effectiveness of the result must be periodically consolidated every few months.

Facial procedure cost

The cost depends on the following reasons:

  • the high cost of the apparatus used;
  • prestige of the clinic;
  • parts of the face where correction is needed;
  • on the method and mode of microcurrent treatment.

If you only need eyelid correction, then the price policy can be halved.
The cost of 1 session in Moscow ranges between 450 - 3000 rubles. When paying for 8-12 procedures, clinics offer a discount of 20-30%.

Microcurrents for the face: results, before and after

By analyzing photographs before and after microcurrent therapy, as well as patient reviews available online, the effectiveness of microcurrent therapy becomes obvious.

The processes of restoration of epidermal cells improve, blood circulation and lymph movement increase. Activating cells allows you to increase their division, which promotes the process of skin regeneration.

Videos about microcurrents for the face

What is microcurrent for the face:

Microcurrent facial massage:

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