I dreamed about long hair: interpretation from dream books. Why do you dream of long hair - long hair on the head dream book Girl with long black hair in a dream

Long hair adorns any woman in reality. They perform an important function, giving beauty and attractiveness. However, in the country of Morpheus everything is different and I want to know the meaning of such a dream. What do they symbolize in a dream? Why do you dream about long hair? Shiny and smooth ones predict excellent health and future happiness. But curls of different lengths are interpreted differently, since many creators of dream books are sure that hair tells about the path of life along which a person makes various mistakes. Let's look at a dream book about long hair.

General interpretation

Seeing long hair in a dream in some cases means a long journey. If the hair was long and beautiful and lush - this is sometimes talks about that that you lead a quiet, measured life and have good health. If long curls are tangled, and when combing the comb has lost its teeth, this means that a trip with attendant difficulties will soon await you. The more tangled curls, the more difficult and unpleasant the path.

Long black hair

Seeing long black curls in a dream means this interpretation:

Long blonde curls

You may also dream of light curls:

  • A girl with long blond curls in a dream warns of the possible betrayal of the person you love, and also speaks of the deception of this person.
  • Seeing simply light curls in a dream predicts pleasant meetings and news.
  • Wheat-colored curls predict harmony in your relationship with your lover, as well as his devotion.

Interpretation from dream books

True dream interpretation about long curls is possible if you remember the smallest details of the dream, since the meaning depends on this. After all, there are quite a lot of different nuances that can affect the interpretation. Let's look at some of them.

Dream Interpretation of M. Zadeki and Vanga

In a dream, long hair brings reconciliation with old enemies and enemies. Seeing hair being combed in a dream promises recovery for the person to whom it belongs. Long strands with gray hair will bring depression and illness. If in a dream you take care of someone else's hair, then soon you will have to take care of a stranger. Washing your curls means stabilizing things.

According to Vanga, in a dream long and beautiful curls mean spiritual harmony and stability in life. If your hair is thick, lush, their length is below the shoulder blades, this means the spiritual development of a person. Confused ones indicate that difficulties and obstacles await a person in life, which can only be overcome with hard work and perseverance. A dream about braiding your hair predicts travel.

Dream Interpretation of Freud and Aesop

In a dream, a person may dream of long curls that a person has or simply sees; they indicate isolation and lack of self-confidence. If they the dreamer combs himself or someone else - this speaks of uncertainty, which led to missed opportunities to change the current situation.

Aesop's dream book about curls below the shoulder blades says that they are a multifaceted symbol of wisdom, will and vital energy.

Seeing luxurious, beautiful and shiny curls in a dream means that in reality the dreamer has no health problems, he is full of strength and energy. Combing means it’s time to bring order to your thoughts and actions. Continuously growing hair tells that at the subconscious level a person cherishes an old dream. However, in some cases, such a dream predicts a quick meeting with a person who is not entirely adequate, so this dream is a warning.

Long and curly hair can be a dream when life changes for the better await you. If you saw a girl with luxurious curls that are braided, this indicates that you want to become useful to society. This dream is an indicator of the character of the person who had the dream. The main personality traits are determination and the ability to make plans for the future.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus and Loff

A thick braid, according to Nostradamus’s dream book, is a good sign if the strands were well-groomed and the length was below the shoulder blades. You should expect troubles and conflicts with people around you, if you had a dream about sparse, dull or tangled curls. Well-groomed straight strands lead to a strong friendship and a quick improvement in financial affairs. If there is a lot of hair and it is lush, this means that you have good health and fortitude. When combing such hair, the comb breaks - in reality, expect disappointment or an unpleasant surprise.

According to Lofa's dream book, a braid below the shoulders leads to health problems. If the dreamer does his hair, it means that in reality he will have a speedy recovery. Spending a lot of time doing something hair styling symbolizes dissatisfaction with one’s external appearance and feelings in connection with this. Lof's dream book about hair in a dream calls for paying more attention to loved ones.

Dream book of Tsvetkov and psychologist Meneghetti

Straight and flowing hair predicts a long journey or a housewarming move. Combing such hair leads to changes in life and pleasant chores. If the dreamer braids them, it means in reality he intends to go towards his goals, overcoming obstacles.

Meneghetti's dream book says that a person is full of grace and majesty if she dreams of long and shiny hair. If the curls below the waist are sparse and have dandruff, the dream warns that you should not be too emotionally sensitive.

The dream book encourages you to understand yourself, to put your thoughts in order, leaving all experiences in the past. If you lose long hair in a dream, this leads to a loss of energy and strength in reality.

Dream Book of Gypsies and Miller

Thick hair below the waist brings positive events with a readiness to enter a new stage of life. Such a dream is a harbinger of an imminent love story with a happy ending. If your hair is in a ponytail, this means the presence of a devoted lover in real life. A braid with tangled ends of hair leads to an unpleasant conversation with a male person. Long gray strands are a warning about future disease.

According to Miller's dream book, long hair means a frivolous act that you will regret. If the dreamer sees himself with very thick hair this promises a calm life and forgiveness. A woman who sees such a dream will indulge her whims and emotions and sacrifice morality to this.

A dream about curly hair is a warning about a love trap. If you saw a hairstyle, which is assembled neatly, this means that everything will go well in the work area. If the hair is soft and tied into a bun, it means that boundless happiness will arise between two loving hearts.

Interpretation of sleep depending on gender

Dreams are interpreted in women as follows:

  • For girls and young women, having thick and long hair in a dream means wealth, longevity and honor. A dream of this kind may also mean that in the future a woman may regret her frivolous actions. A married woman, after dreaming of curls below the waist, may receive a gift from her husband in reality.
  • A dream about doing someone's hair indicates that the dreamer is very stubborn in his desire to give advice to others. If a woman notices a strand of a different color among her hair, then there is a risk of misunderstanding with her husband. Seeing your hair down without a headdress means that your husband will return, but if a girl has a dream, in reality she will meet a guy.
  • Stroking hair that is not your own in a dream predicts reconciliation after a quarrel. If the hair is varnished and very smooth, this indicates impending troubles and illnesses. If a young woman combs her hair, she will soon be proposed for marriage.

Interpretation of sleep for men

If you dream of long hair on a man, this leads to joyful events, strong friendships and prosperity. For young men this dream foreshadows that in this decisive situation they will be tormented by doubts about their choice, otherwise they will suffer at the hands of a woman. Clean, healthy and well-groomed hair means that problems in work and personal life will be resolved. If they are woven into a knot, frustration, deception and grief will come, this will be facilitated by close people weaving intrigues around you.

You may dream that a man sees curly hair below the shoulders, sleep is interpreted as the occurrence of depression and mental wounds due to deceit and betrayal. If the curls suddenly became dark in a dream and grew before our eyes, success and money await the man.

Combing your hair means gossip, deception, debt, and in some cases even imprisonment.

The dream is that if a man, while combing his curls, could not untangle them, in reality he will face hard work and some kind of confusing situation. Be proud of your beautiful hair in a dream promises success and good luck in your endeavors. A dream about the rapid growth of hair is a good prophecy that guarantees rapid career growth and success. Your innate abilities will help you take a respected position in society on the path to prosperity.

When you dream of long hair and there are strands of gray hair, this is a warning about unpleasant events. If married man sees a dream that his wife has thick and loose hair, this means her infidelity and connection with her lover. If you stroke your hair and it feels soft to the touch, success in love awaits you in reality.

So, despite such different interpretations of dreams about long hair, in general, this kind of dream promises joy and success, if the hair is well-groomed and healthy. When, on the contrary, you need to interpret the dream as a warning and be more careful, try to avoid life’s sharp corners.

In a dream, you can see yourself in completely different images and in a completely unusual mood for you. You can be joyful and active, you can be sad and upset, but this does not mean that in reality you will experience the same feelings. Why do you dream about long hair? How to interpret such a dream?

Why do you dream about long hair - basic interpretation

Hair in a dream is a symbol of your strength and resilience in the face of difficult life situations. You may not even suspect it, but if your hair falls out in a dream, then this is not a very good sign. Such a dream can warn you of approaching problems and troubles. To fully interpret the dream, pay attention to the following details:

Do you see your hair, or someone else’s, in a dream;

Is your hair falling out?

Aren't they gray?

What is the length of the hair?

Do you style them in your hair?

If in a dream you braid your daughter’s hair, this is a rather favorable symbol for you. Such a dream means that you will take care of the child and will enjoy it. You can do homework with her, play with dolls, be a real friend to her, monitor her well-being and get a lot of pleasure from it.

But, if you had a dream in which you braid your daughter’s hair, and it keeps falling apart, you need to pay special attention to the issue of mutual understanding in the family. Perhaps your child does not feel needed, does not feel that someone values ​​him and will take care of him. Try to correct the situation as quickly as possible, talk to your daughter, try to explain to her that you are doing everything in your power to make her feel good in the future.

If in a dream a child’s hair falls out at the moment when you try to braid it, such a dream means that the child may become very ill and you will not know what, you will not know how to help the child, you will rack your brains over it. In fact, the disease will go away on its own after some time and you will not have to make any special efforts to get rid of it.

If in a dream you see a white ribbon woven into your hair, a positive period with big changes will begin. But you need to be prepared for the fact that changes can be very ambiguous. You may suddenly lose touch with a loved one and realize that this communication has been weighing on you for a long time.

If you dream that there is a red ribbon woven into your hair, get ready for strange events filled with both joy and sorrow. At first, you will feel how wonderful and good everything is in your life. How long have you been trying to get something new, something completely unusual from her, and when you received it, you became unhappy. You have achieved everything and don’t know where to move next.

If in a dream you see someone trying to cut their own hair, in reality you will witness someone’s downfall in life. You, absolutely, cannot do anything about it, you will not be able to support the person properly, because at that moment in time you yourself will need help. Try not to blame yourself for not being able to help.

If you dream that someone is constantly trying to pull your hair, in real life take a closer look to see if you have fulfilled all your obligations, or have you forgotten something and can’t do anything? Perhaps you promised your colleagues to help in a very important matter and now you don’t know what to do correctly, how to refuse, although you don’t want to refuse.

If you dream about being pulled somewhere by the hair, you will be forced to do something that you not only don’t want, but that you are very afraid of. Perhaps we will talk about your fear of speaking publicly, or taking on additional work responsibilities. In any case, you will be attracted to something that will not bring you pleasure.

A dream in which you see a man with long hair promises you to do someone else's difficult work, which will take you a lot of time and will not bring you pleasure. Be prepared for the fact that not only men at work will shift their responsibilities onto you, but your loved ones may also do this to you.

A dream in which you see a man with long gray hair means that you will receive practical advice from a man, a useful hint. This support will be very important to you. Soon, thanks to such support, you will be able to resolve most of your controversial issues.

If you have gray hair in a dream, you will get tired of everything everyday. You simply won’t be able to waste your time on such things and will try to radically change the type of your activity. If in a dream you not only have gray hair, but it also falls out, it’s time to prepare for difficult times. You may even get sick and find it very difficult to endure some important life events.

A dream in which you see how your hair turns from gray to healthy hair promises you the restoration of your personal positions, the restoration of health and internal balance. Perhaps you have stopped thinking that everything in life can turn out well. Now you will really believe it, because life will help you with it.

Why do you dream of long hair according to Freud's dream book?

Long hair in a dream is a symbol of feminine strength and natural beauty. Cutting long and healthy hair in a dream means trying to get rid of a boring relationship in reality. You will simply try to erase them from your life and you will be pretty bad at it.

If in a dream you shave your long hair bald, you will end the relationship that has become a burden for you. Perhaps you have not seen their beauty and have not delved into their depth, then the dream book advises you to take another closer look at your partner and not overlook true love and trust in him.

A dream in which you tie two tails speaks of your frivolity in relationships. You should have been more careful and anticipated the negative consequences of your frivolity. The Dream Interpretation does not advise trusting new acquaintances after this. It’s better to stay with old relationships and old interests for now, but not risk your reputation.

A dream in which you comb your long hair promises you long memories of a relationship that seemed ideal to you. But at one point they were destroyed. Perhaps you wanted to restore them, but it was almost impossible, since quite a long time had passed since your breakup.

Why do you dream of long hair according to the Esoteric Dream Book?

If in a dream you dream of a long braid, but you do not know who its owner is, you will have to choose for a long time between the right decisions and the ones you made. You will have to think for a long time whether you have taken everything into account. If in a dream you see how your braid has grown into a long, belt-length braid, be prepared for the fact that you will receive new opportunities. But, if you don’t like the fact that your hair has become long, you will miss new opportunities and consciously refuse them.

If you dream that something is tangled in your long hair, or that it is constantly getting tangled, your plans will also be tangled. You will try to change the situation, but you will only face even greater difficulties. Don't let other people control your life.

If in a dream you dye your long hair a different shade, you are tired of the usual course of events and you really want to change it. Take a closer look at whether you are trying too actively to defend your place in life. Don't harm anyone with your actions, then everything will change for the better.

Why do you dream of long hair according to other dream books?

Grishina’s dream book says that long hair symbolizes new opportunities and new horizons. If you tie your hair in a tight ponytail, you will have to hold back your ideas and not implement any of them yet. We'll have to hold off on this for now.

Aesop's dream book says why a newborn baby dreams of long hair - this is a symbol of your future well-being and success in important matters. You will actively strive to earn a reputation as a decent person, a person who can do a lot himself. But don’t forget to thank those people who always come to your aid. Let them feel your care too.

Why do you dream about long hair? In a dream, they can be associated with vitality and profit, promising a journey or a long-term relationship. To find out the exact decoding, let’s turn to various dream books.

Vanga's Dream Book

Dreams about hair symbolize peace, warmth and spiritual harmony. If you dream that you have very short hair after cutting it, this means that you may go astray. Sweeping cut hair means revealing a mystery or a mysterious secret.

Lush, long hair signifies spiritual growth. Very tangled hair symbolizes distrust of people. It's time for you to learn to trust them. Braiding your hair is a harbinger of a long journey.

Freud's Dream Book

In a dream, all actions with hair are in any case connected with a person’s sexuality and his genitals. Long hair symbolizes isolation and self-doubt.

Very short hair or the absence of it on the head, on the contrary, means a lack of complexes and strong sexual promiscuity. A dream in which you comb your long hair is a sign of regret about missed opportunities and opportunities.

Aesop's Dream Book

According to Aesop's interpretation, hair is a rather meaningful symbol; it personifies wisdom, prudence and vitality. Having long and luxurious hair in a dream means good health. Combing your hair means putting your thoughts, deeds and actions in order. Cutting hair means great losses, misfortune and deliberate slander.

If you dreamed of a girl whose hair keeps growing, this sign indicates that you have an impossible dream. In addition, this dream may be a warning that you will soon meet an unintelligent and unreasonable person.

If you have curly hair, such a dream portends good changes in life. To dream of a girl having her long hair braided is a sign that you want to be useful and needed by others. In ordinary life, you do not live one day at a time; serious plans for the future are an important point for you.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Seeing hair in a dream is a good sign. But this applies only to those dreams in which the hair is well-groomed, beautiful and healthy-looking. If, on the contrary, they are confused and have a faded appearance, expect many failures and quarrels.

Smooth, combed hair symbolizes true friendship. Long hair means profitable profits. A dream about increased hairiness on the body indicates material well-being and good health.

If your hair is falling out a lot in a dream, expect financial loss soon in the form of a loss or robbery. If you dream that while combing your hair you broke the comb, then such a dream promises nothing but trouble.

Loff's Dream Book

Seeing gray hair on your head is a sign of thoroughness and wisdom. Long hair dreams of health problems. Combing or styling your hair in a dream is a sign of a quick recovery.

If you dream that you are taking care of your hair, this means that you spend too much time at work and do not pay enough attention to your loved ones. Cutting your beautiful hair and feeling pity at the same time means serious quarrels.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Loose, long hair symbolizes travel and long journeys. Gray hair means minor troubles. Combing your hair in a dream means major changes in life. Braiding a pigtail means overcoming a barrier with obstacles. Baldness dreams of losing a friend due to betrayal or betrayal on his part.

Miller's Dream Book

Combing your own lush hair in a dream is a sign of frivolity in your actions, which you will have to repent of later.

Black, white, blond long hair in a dream

If a woman dreams that she has dark and light hair on her head at the same time, then according to Miller’s dream book, she needs to be careful in her upcoming choice. Black curls mean that you may fall into a captivating love trap.

If during a dream you saw a girl with blond hair, this is a sign that your loved one is not worthy of you. White hair means good news and pleasant meetings. Golden hair is a harbinger of deep fidelity to your lover. Chestnut curls are work-related failures. Red hair color promises great changes in your relationship with your loved one.

Hair that is too short symbolizes unbridled extravagance. Do not allow it to abstain from the foreseen misfortune. If in a dream you had an incredibly beautiful hairstyle, then fortune is on your side, and pleasant and interesting changes await you.

Thick, beautiful long hair on the head - interpretation of sleep

If you dreamed that you had thick, beautiful and long hair on your head, this means that success, prosperity and the fulfillment of all your plans await you ahead. If a woman dreams that her hair is longer in a dream than in reality, such a dream promises incredible wealth, an easy life and prosperity.

A dream in which a girl dreams of long, well-groomed and healthy hair foretells the appearance of a faithful and honest friend. If a man has a dream in which he sees a woman with long and shiny hair, this is a harbinger of strong deception.

Long curls in a dream, which are also black as pitch, represent mystery and the ability to influence the course of events. The dream book considers what long black hair represents as a measure of the dreamer’s vitality, his achievements and success on the personal front. Some details of the dream can give the interpretation a negative connotation.

Miller's Caution

You should know why a family man dreams of stroking the hair of a seductive brunette. If you dreamed about this, Miller’s dream book advises you to postpone romantic adventures. During this slippery period, it is very easy to fall into a love trap.

Love and honor

The dream book explains why you dream of seeing yourself as a brunette. When a woman sees in a dream that she has long black hair, the dream book assures that in reality she commands respect and admiration.

If you dreamed about how a woman discovered multi-colored strands in a dark head of hair, the heroine of the dream can count on a magnificent gift from fate: the birth of a long-awaited child, a significant improvement in her financial situation, mutual love.

The interpreter clarifies that it does not matter whether a woman wears such a hairstyle in reality or only in a dream.

Body hair

Sometimes in a dream, long black hairs are present in abundance on a woman’s body. When you happen to see yourself with such a “decoration”, the dream interpreter of Birthday People considers the symbol a reflection of the thirst for attention.

Other interpreters mention such qualities of the dreamer as authoritarianism in the family, the desire for leadership in the business sphere. The sleeper may suffer from lack of attention.

Unwanted vegetation is a harbinger of surprise. If in a dream she did not cause discomfort or cause ridicule, the surprise will be pleasant.

Oncoming black-haired

The dream book also explains why you dream of seeing long black hair not on your own, but on the head of a friend or stranger.

If you dreamed about a beautiful girl, the dreamer expects changes in his business and personal life. When a brunette girl is friendly, changes will significantly improve the quality of real life.

The black-haired old woman personifies wisdom and a storehouse of knowledge. If you dreamed of a cute girl, the dream interpreter predicts the birth of a daughter. A long-haired brunette promises exciting and impressive events.

Hairstyle in danger

If you dream of cutting a night-colored braid on your head yourself, the interpreter promises so much trouble that a loss of strength may result.

When long strands of dark shades fall out on your head on your own initiative, the dream book strongly recommends taking care of your property.

Fallen shreds indicate a lack of motivation, apathy, and reluctance to do anything. In this state, a person turns into a real magnet for illness and trouble.

A complicated matter

Various dream books offer many interesting interpretations of what it means to dream of unraveling and combing long black hair.

  • Combing tangled hair happens on the eve of repentance for past frivolity;
  • If you are lucky enough to admire yourself while making yourself beautiful, someone is in love with the dreamer;
  • When the curls are deliberately luxurious in a dream, wealth will increase in reality;
  • Gel styling promises the end of the conflict and a streak of bad luck along with it;
  • The symbol promises a successful marriage for the young; the spouses will experience a “roller coaster” in their relationship;
  • If you dreamed of hopelessly tangled curls, the solution to the issue is postponed;
  • An image in a dream serves as a call to order in thoughts and actions.


If you dream of curly strands of resin, the symbol means creative inspiration. The dream book promises triumph and a worthy reward.

Hair is an absolutely common occurrence in our lives. We don’t attach much importance to them and don’t look for hidden meaning in them at all.
But, if you saw a dream where long hair appears, this can be a serious and significant sign.
The meaning of a dream in which you saw a mop of hair may depend on many different factors, including: their length, the color of the curls, the place where they grow and many others. Now let's look at the most common options.

Why dream of long hair on the head, arms, body, legs

If in a dream you happened to see your own long hair, then perhaps you will soon realize all your plans. Maybe in the near future you will make an acquaintance. This will be a loyal person who can become a good friend for you and your loved ones.

If in a dream you happened to see long and beautiful hair on another person’s head, you can definitely say that you feel envy towards other people. If your friend had hair on his head, then most likely you envy him.

If you dreamed of long and ugly hair on your own head, this means only one thing. Soon someone will do you a dirty trick.

If you see hands in your hair, significant changes are coming in your life. Changes await you in your career and on the love front. Most often, these are positive changes. Perhaps you will find a life partner or advance up the career ladder.

Seeing thick, long and beautiful hair growing on the body in a dream is a symbol of attraction and sexual energy. In the near future, a spicy erotic adventure awaits you. If everything is fine with your sex life without incident, such a dream may signify leadership at work or in a relationship with a loved one.

If in a dream the hair on your body begins to fall out, problems with well-being and health await you. Be careful.

If you dreamed of long hair on your legs and you are a woman, this may signal your dominant position at work or among relatives. You will have to make important decisions for everyone. Everyone will obey you.

If you are a man and saw legs with a lot of hair in your dream, your subconscious probably wants to tell you that you are too fixated on your appearance and overly selfish.

Black, light, dark, white, gray, red hair in a dream

Why do you dream about long black hair? This only means that you are experiencing a serious lack of attention from others. In addition, perhaps you very much want to become a more significant person, to be more noticeable, to get a promotion.

If the strands were black and straight, you will soon achieve what you have been wanting for a long time and it will not be difficult for you.

If your hair was wavy or curly, you will have quite a long rivalry with someone at work or in a personal relationship. Perhaps this is an unloved colleague or simply a person who dislikes you. Be careful.

Why do you dream about long blond hair? This is, first of all, the personification of purity and innocence. Seeing them in your dream is a positive sign. If in a dream you saw long blond hair, for you this is a symbol of good health and well-being. In the near future, everything in your life will be smooth, no major problems or troubles are foreseen.

Seeing long red hair in a dream. Such a dream is a bad sign. Most often, such dreams are interpreted as an impending betrayal. If a woman dreams of red curls, it means her man may soon cheat on her.

If a man had such a dream, this may mean the impending betrayal of a good comrade or ally.

I dreamed of long dark hair. This sign speaks primarily of your desire for a new love relationship. This is not a serious long-term relationship, but just temporary light flirting.
If you dreamed of dark and light strands mixed together, this indicates your indecision. Probably in the near future you will need to make some important decision. This decision will be very difficult for you.

Why do you dream about long gray hair? This is not a good sign. Gray strands are usually interpreted as a harbinger of illness and health problems. Perhaps soon you will feel weak, lethargic, and unwilling to do anything. Perhaps you will experience an exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Why dream of cutting, trimming, combing, washing long hair?

If in a dream you saw yourself cutting your long hair, this is not a very good sign. Such a dream foreshadows some kind of disappointment. Perhaps a loved one will not open up from the best side, or someone will offend you.

If you cut another person's hair in a dream, this indicates an improvement in your financial situation. Moreover, this will be money that you got very easily. Perhaps you will win the lottery or find a large sum of money.

If you dreamed that another person was cutting your hair, it means that in the near future you will make a major purchase. Perhaps you will buy a car or real estate.

If a woman dreams of combing her long hair, this foreshadows the commission of a rash act, which she will later regret. In general, such dreams speak of frivolity and frivolity.

If a man saw such a dream, it means he is not confident in himself. He is not satisfied with his current position in society or career.

If you dream that your hair has grown long, this is a very good sign. This is a harbinger of some interesting journey. Perhaps you will soon go on a business trip or vacation. One way or another, the trip will be memorable.

Dreaming of washing long hair is a positive sign. He reports that soon all difficulties and problems will be resolved. You will get rid of negativity and some difficulties. A very productive period will begin in life.

Why do you dream of a long braid, a tail of hair?

Seeing a braid of long hair in a dream indicates that you have a lot of confusing thoughts that you cannot understand at the moment. In addition, this may mean that intrigues are weaving behind your back.

If you dream of hair tied up in a ponytail, some changes will soon take place in your life that you have been planning for a long time. Something planned will come true.

Long hair in a dream Miller's Dream Book

According to Miller's dream book, when a woman has a dream where she is combing her long hair, this speaks of some rash, frivolous actions that she may take in the near future.

If a man dreams that his hair is falling out or thinning, this foreshadows material losses due to his own stupidity.

Strands tangled into a single lump are a symbol of some kind of failure. Soon something may go wrong for you, something may not work out.

Gray hair in the vast majority of dreams foreshadows illness and problems.

Why do you dream of long hair according to Vanga’s Dream Book?

According to this dream book, seeing curls is a pretty good sign. Such a dream portends prosperity and positive changes in life in the near future.

Material profit can await you.

Freud's Dream Book

Freud's dream book interprets dreams involving long hair as experiences of a sexual nature in a person's life. Perhaps you have accumulated a lot of unrealized sexual energy. Or you have minor problems in the sexual sphere.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

According to Hasse’s dream book, if in a dream you saw yourself braiding long hair, it means that you will soon make some new acquaintances. The birth of new relationships. In addition, there may be changes on the love front.

If you dreamed that your curls were growing, this dream book interprets this extremely positively. This means your business will go uphill. Perhaps you will occupy a high position at work.

Someone dreams of having long hair - why?

I dreamed of a man with long hair - this is an extremely positive sign. This informs, first of all, about upcoming successes in life. In addition, such a dream may portend material profit in the near future.

The long-haired man you saw in your dream may portend a long journey that will be successful.

A woman with long hair in a dream is most often a sign of prosperity. If you saw this kind of dream, then in the near future you will be successful, you will feel better and your plans will begin to come true.

In addition, very long and wavy curls indicate material profit in the near future.

If your husband has a short haircut, but in your dream he has a long haircut, then this is not a good sign. Your husband is probably deceiving you. Perhaps he is hiding something.

If you saw in a dream a stranger with luxurious, long, silky hair, you will receive some news in the future. If the strands in your dream were in good condition, the news will be very pleasant. If the strands were unkempt, then the news will be sad.

In a dream you saw a small child with long hair - an unplanned trip awaits you very soon. Perhaps you will be sent on a business trip or you will need to go somewhere on business. But, unfortunately, you won’t be able to relax and unwind on this trip - it’s more of a work trip.

A little girl with hair seen in a dream is a positive sign. First of all, it is a symbol of purity and innocence. If a girl has long curls, happy news awaits you.
I dreamed of a young girl with long and beautiful hair - you have unrealistic plans. Most likely, you are dreaming about the unreal, or your dreams are not destined to come true. If a girl’s hair is very tangled, a difficult period is coming. Perhaps difficulties await you at work or in family relationships.

Why do you dream about buying a wig with long hair?

Such a dream can be interpreted in different ways, depending on your gender. If you are a man, then you may find a lady of your heart in the near future. If you already have a life partner, then perhaps your relationship will move to a new, higher level.
If a woman saw such a dream, this indicates some disappointments in the near future. Perhaps a very close person will disappoint you with his actions or reveal an unpleasant side.

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