What do men really want from women? Women want to be loved.

How do you think she feels during sex with you?

How do you think she feels during sex with you? Not physically, but emotionally. Understanding her emotions during an intimate act of love will help correct your mistakes and diversify your relationship. We offer 5 techniques that are definitely worth trying to please your beloved.

1. Express your sexuality with sound

The most common mistake men make in bed, according to women, is a lack of self-expression and expression. If you silently roll in bed, without moaning, groaning, sighing or otherwise expressing your arousal, consider that you have extinguished the flame of passion, barely fanning it.

2.Get to know her body

In addition to the butt, breasts and “pussy”, there are a huge number of sensitive areas on your missus’ body. Where they are remains to be seen. Play a game with her. Have her lie down on the bed and blindfold her, then take a feather or something soft and gentle and slowly rub it all over your other half's body. During this process, ask her how much on a scale of 1 to 10 she likes the sensations in a particular place. Memorize the answers and identify the most sensitive areas on the body.

3.Enjoy her vagina

In a recent study in which women sought advice on how to improve their oral sex skills, the question was asked: why do you want to learn it? Some girls responded that they felt they weren't very good at sex, others said they wanted to encourage their man to do better to please them, and a third group said they were satisfied with their sexual partner and wanted to pamper him.

Imagine being an amazing lover and your partner spending time finding new ways to please you in bed just as much as you please her. What's the easiest way to become a better lover in casual sex? Love him! Find out how well your lady love will benefit from her intermittent moans and arched body.

4.Be a man

In another survey about sex, women were asked: “How do you like to have sex?” Only 7% of them said they liked slow, romantic lovemaking, 28% preferred rough sex and 64% of respondents said they would like to have a mixture of both types of sex.

Unfortunately, many guys believe that women only need tenderness in bed. Show your masculine self, show male dominance, she will appreciate it.

5.Remember: she wants orgasm

It’s quite easy for men to reach orgasm, but for women it takes time and diligence from guys. But, on the other hand, they can experience different types of orgasms. You can bring her to the peak of pleasure without penetration, and also give her one orgasm after another. Just experiment, read literature and run to the bedroom!

As Valentine's Day quickly approached, my thoughts were on love and relationships. I began to think about how to build successful relationships. Let's look at this from the beginning; find a partner. Published on the web portal

4 things women look for in a man

1) Integrity (decency)

Women would like to have a deep relationship with a man who has integrity; with someone who doesn't mince words, which means they don't make promises they can't keep. Men, it is figuratively vital that you don't "write checks" physically, emotionally and spiritually if there is no money in the bank to cash them.

2) Honesty

They want a man who is honest, transparent and vulnerable - first with himself and then with the lady in his life. It hurts when men are dishonest and keep things in the shadows. The reward of being an honest man is that you make the woman you're courting feel emotionally safe.

3) Confidence

Confidence combined with humility is a wonderful thing, but pride is disgusting. Women noted that they do not want a perfect man who has everything, they just want someone who trusts the Lord, does not live in fear, and is therefore able to build relationships well. Men! When you win a woman's heart with confidence and the intention to bring strength to the relationship, their confidence grows too.

4) Self-sacrifice and love

Women want a man who is sacrificial and knows how to love in a way that makes them feel valued. Men and women want you to help meet their needs, even if it is difficult, then they will know that they are unconditionally loved throughout all circumstances of life.

A man with a plan

I would like to tell all men today that it is important to pursue the object of your love with a specific plan. If you're not at the point in your life where you're ready to get married, then do everyone, including yourself, a favor and take a break from dating. I'm not saying you should know that you'll have to marry every girl you ask out for coffee. But if you're not seriously thinking about finding a life partner, then you're probably looking at dating as something unimportant, like hanging out with the cool girl, with a "maybe she ends up being the one" attitude. Women are looking for men who are focused on winning their hearts. Your honesty about where you are in your relationship, even if it means you're not ready to court at all, will set a woman up to commit to the relationship at the same level that you are at. Overall, make sure you know what level of commitment you're ready for, stay consciously at that level, and make sure your words and actions are consistent with your chosen relationship path.

Have a mentor

Having a connection with someone who can be a role model or mentor is critical to success in these areas. Inviting someone into your life with whom you can be as you are, someone who can open your heart wide open in all areas, is priceless. Many people hide their weaknesses in the hopes that no one will ever truly see the “real” ones. But hiding your flaws only allows your dysfunctional cycle to continue. Only when you are real with God, with yourself and with other people, you become healthy and find freedom and wholeness in your life. So if you don't have a mentor, find one and start opening up your life so that they can express their honest opinions.

What do women want? For those who have thought about this issue, we offer 19 women's “secrets” to good relationships. They are based on studies of healthy, happy married couples and modern changes in gender roles.

Secret 1. The main thing is feelings. A woman, especially when she is upset, evaluates a man using her feelings. A gentle, affectionate hug is a sure way to establish contacts.

Secret 2: Chivalry matters. During romantic relationships, many women like men who play the traditional masculine role. "This is especially true during the courtship stage," says psychologist Diana Kirschner, M.D., who has written several books on love. “A woman, of course, can pull up a chair or open the door herself, but she will be embarrassed to wait for a man to show himself as a gentleman.”

Secret 3. Clothes to impress. Fashion comes and goes, but a man’s attention to his appearance (hairstyle and clothes) should remain. This is important for a woman from the first minute of courtship until the end of the honeymoon and beyond. “You have to get out of yourself to get her to like you,” says D. Kirchner, “if she likes tight jeans, you wear tight jeans.”

Secret 4. A woman will choose a man “in red”. This is not a woman’s conscious desire. Tests have shown that a woman chooses on a subconscious level: a man “in red” seems to her more masculine, strong and sexually attractive. Although, “red” in itself will not make a man nicer or kinder.

Secret 5. Don't hide your shortcomings.“Nothing wins a woman’s heart like a man’s desire to be better,” says “love guru” D. Kirchner. “Women like men who grow personally, they like men who are thoughtful and sensitive. A woman, in general, likes it when “her man” admits his shortcomings, for example, a character flaw or a bad mood after work, and makes an effort to overcome them.”

Secret 6. Don't limit her freedom. If a woman is worried about something, then, first of all, she wants to be listened to, and not given advice. “Men feel the need to solve a problem,” says D. Kirchner, “while women, in reality, need to deepen the relationship.”

Secret 7. Nodding is not enough. Listening is important, of course, but a woman also wants to know if she is being heard. An affirmative nod of the head will not suit her. "When she pauses, she expects to hear you respond in a sympathetic, caring way," says D. Kirchner. “If she says that her boss has given her a tight time frame, she wants to hear you say that this task is difficult to complete within that time frame. Do not offer your solution under any circumstances.”

Secret 8. Date #3 is not the key to the bedroom. Three dates before sex is an urban legend. A woman does not want to go to the bedroom with a potential partner “on schedule.” Some women want to meet many times “before sex.” A good rule of thumb is to date for at least two months before becoming sexually involved.

Secret 9. A woman likes to “take things slow.” A man often wants to quickly move on to sex. “Women also want sex, but they prefer to do things differently,” says D. Kirchner, who has helped hundreds of couples establish deep relationships. “She wants to feel contact and understanding, she wants romance. This means: time, words, touch, in other words - foreplay."

Secret 10. Use safe sex. This is what you both need. Kirchner says that a woman will appreciate security if a man also understands and puts it into practice.

Secret 11. Find out what she wants in bed. A woman likes to discuss how things will happen in bed, where she wants to please a man. Approach the topic tactfully. Ask her what she likes.

Secret 12. Share your pain. If you fail at night, the woman also feels guilty that she cannot turn you on. She wants to discuss it and hear that this is not the case, what you are going to do, especially if the problem is recurring. “This conversation is unpleasant for both of you, but it’s still better than remaining silent,” said D. Kirchner.

Secret 13. Imitation is a barometer of love. Remember the saying: “Imitation is the highest form of flattery”? A woman will often express her feelings towards you by copying your moods and actions: she might order the food you ate together, wear your favorite color, smile or cross your arms the way you do. Imitation is her way of expressing her feelings, showing how fascinated she is by you.

Secret 14. Your shirt can be a “love magnet.” Did your partner wear your sweater or the shirt you wear to work? Some scientists claim that the smell of male sweat has a calming effect on women.

Secret 15. Say it again and again... Women like to be told they look beautiful and they like men to notice their beauty. Like how sexy she looks in her new clothes. The woman will not be slow to “thank you” with all her temperament. The main thing is that you make your remark before she openly hints about it to you. If she is especially attractive today, if she has a wonderful haircut, if she is the best - let her hear it.

Secret 16. Don't be afraid to discuss your relationship. If your woman wants to talk about your relationship, it doesn't necessarily mean you've done something wrong. Kirchner says that many women like to discuss "state unions," what will be right, what will be wrong, or, in general, what will happen. And this is good. In an honest, open conversation, you both can discuss a wide range of issues. You are getting closer.

Secret 17. Look your partner in the eyes. You may like to sit next to each other, but many women like to sit across from each other. Kirchner says they prefer to have eye contact during conversations. For them, even eye-to-eye sex helps deepen relationships outside the bedroom.

Secret 18. Don't miss the moment. How do you know if a woman is ready to continue the relationship? She will tell you about it herself. This is exactly what women do sincerely. But they don't like to talk about it too often. If you want to hear the answer to your question again, you will have to “lead” the woman to it step by step.

Secret 19. Keep it romantic. The romance of a relationship is what a woman expects, regardless of whether you have been together for three days or twenty years. It may be formulaic: a bouquet of flowers, a candlelit dinner, a few lines of poetry (not necessarily your own) and not particularly burdensome for you, but, as Kirchner argues, most women will appreciate your attentions and prove their gratitude “when the lights go out.” .

Now you know everything.

If you want to know the truth, this entire book is written about how to get a woman. No sexual technique, no technique will have a greater impact on a woman than what we have already talked about: take care of her heart, help her feel safe, do not lose touch with her, appreciate her, listen to her, talk with her. Guys, if you started to follow my advice, you don’t have to read this chapter - your partner is already so grateful to you and feels so loved that she is ready to fulfill your every desire.

If you have a regular partner, read this chapter together - in bed, of course. Dear men, you can ask your partner if she agrees with my list. “Do you agree with the first point, dear?” “Does the sixth point really turn you on, dear?” Maybe she will tell you something more personal and add her own preferences to my list. Ladies, try to convey your own desires to your partners. “Oh, I really like point fourteen. This sounds amazing!” Don't forget to praise your partner for what he does well and correctly. “In point two, you are a real specialist, dear!” This will encourage your partner to try everything else he just read about.

Of course, even just reading this section can be a great arousal for you. So, have fun!

What women simply adore in sex:

1. Men who have sex slowly.

2. Men who talk in bed.

3. Men who know how to kiss.

4. Men who know how to express love with their eyes.

5. Men who take the time to slowly undress a woman.

6. Men who know how to excite a woman with their touches.

7. Men who stroke women's hair.

8. Men who do not hide the fact that they want a woman both in bed and outside of it.

9. Men who know how to please a woman.

10. Men who know how to arouse a woman sexually.

11. Men who are physically preparing for lovemaking.

12. Men who know how to make a woman feel beautiful.

13. Men who like to give women massages.

14. Men who caress a woman’s palms and hold her hands during sex.

15. Men who like to hug.

16. Men who treat a woman as if they had just met.

17. Men who know how to make a woman feel like she’s the only one.

18. Men who consider a woman’s love to be their most important wealth.

19. Men who love us.

We love men who make love slowly

I know that you want me, but you hesitate even with a simple kiss. I feel your lips glide easily across my face, my eyes, and I can’t wait for you to find my lips. Your hands travel over my body without touching those points that drive me crazy when touched. And very soon I begin to crave more explicit caresses. I feel growing excitement between my legs, but you are in no hurry to get there, waiting for the moment when my desire becomes irresistible.

This is how a woman feels when a man takes his time and makes love slowly. By doing this, he makes her want him. He makes her want to give herself to him. When the bodily fire burns slowly, the heat of desire will be stronger and longer. Excitement will develop into real passion.

Smart men are in no hurry in bed. They know that women need time to open up and they don't rush us. And women want them as much as they want women. Men who know this feminine secret, who can be patient, gentle and loving, will receive something that no one has ever received before. Women will open up to them like never before.

We love men who talk in bed

It’s so wonderful to feel complete intimacy with you, to be alone in bed. You hug me, kiss me, caress me. I relax and feel confident. And then you start talking. You tell me how beautiful I am, how you longed for my body. You whisper to me about what we could do now. Suddenly this is not enough for me. I want to make love with you. Your words filled me with desire.

Men, do you know how women dream about your words? Men are aroused visually and through touch, while women are aroused by thoughts and feelings. Words turn us on. They convey your passion to our brains. They open locked doors and then we open ourselves completely to you.

Think of words as the wind, raising stormy waves in the ocean of feelings and desires. There is always water in the sea, but it can only boil up from the influence of the wind. Only the wind can raise high waves on it. We always love you, but your words give our love movement, and then it develops into sexual desire.

Talk to us - before, during and after lovemaking. Tell us how you feel; about how you see us; about what you want from us; about what you want to do for us; about how much you enjoy being around us. Make love to us without stopping talking. When you say words of love, we feel safe, we feel your love. And then we give ourselves completely to you.

We love men who know how to kiss

Consider kisses as gifts you give to your lover's skin—her face, her eyes, her neck, her shoulders, her back, her belly, her thighs, her palms, her whole body. These light, gentle, almost imperceptible kisses have a magical effect on a woman. We feel the love that permeates them. We know that you kiss us not to “turn us on,” but to express your love.

Women love to be kissed – and not just on the lips. We love tender kisses, light kisses, sweet kisses, kisses that don't entail anything. Kissing wakes up our body. When a man covers our body with kisses, we open ourselves up to him. They say that the mouth is the way to the soul. In the same way, when you kiss us, you enter into us. Long before actual sexual contact, you penetrate us with the love and sweetness of your kisses.

If you really know how to kiss a woman's body, you can completely ignore her erogenous zones. And when you move on to them, she will already be excited and want you herself.

We love men who know how to express love with their eyes

Nothing excites a woman more than when her beloved man looks intently into her eyes. At such moments, we feel how loving energy flows from his eyes into her heart, spreading throughout her body, like hot lava, flooding everything around. One look can excite a woman more than an hour of the most skillful caresses. One look can make a woman melt.

Look at your partner as if you are making love to her. Let her read the desire in your gaze. A man who knows how to look at a woman this way makes her feel loved much more than if he gave her an expensive gift or expressed his love in words.

We love men who take the time to slowly undress us

If you've ever seen a well-made erotic film, you've probably noticed that the director always includes a scene of a woman slowly undressing. The camera follows his hands as he carefully unbuttons her blouse, as he removes her jewelry, as he pulls her skirt down and lets it fall to the floor. He kisses her when she's in just her panties and bra. He is in no hurry to take the last one off her. By the time the heroine is completely naked, erotic energy reaches its highest peak.

We too often neglect the possibility of such sensual stimulation by jumping into bed completely naked. Both men and women love to be slowly undressed. Slowly, carefully removing our partner's clothes, we allow our erotic self to have complete freedom. If you act slowly enough, your partner will begin to rush you and tear off the remnants of her clothes - so she will be turned on by the fact that you began to undress her.

Undressing your partner does not have to be part of lovemaking. Sometimes it becomes a great first part of your own erotic movie. If you were making a film like this, what would you do? How would you approach it? What would they say if they completely undressed her? You will be amazed at your own abilities once you try. And she will appreciate you.

We love men who know how to excite us with their touches

If you've seen two women making love, you've probably noticed very characteristic caresses: women touch each other's bodies very lightly, almost imperceptibly. They do not immediately move to the erogenous zones, but circle around them, easily glide nearby, get closer and closer, but do not touch. Why do lovers behave this way with each other? Because, being women, they know exactly what their partner wants, they know exactly how to turn her on the most.

Men need to learn from women. Women love to be touched. In fact, direct stimulation, especially at the beginning of sexual intercourse, is much less arousing than gentle touching. Women sigh in disappointment when you go straight to their nipples or clitoris. By doing so, you are missing the most wonderful part.

Remember how to light a fire? First, small chips are placed, and only then large logs. The same is true for lovemaking. The longer you caress us, the stronger the fire burns within us. Very soon we will be begging you to touch us in those very erogenous zones. We will begin to grab your hand and guide it to where you have not yet reached. And then you will feel our excitement.

We love men who stroke our hair

This is a very simple but very effective remedy. Touch your partner's hair when you are together or when you are making love. Women love to have their hair stroked. Most men don't realize this because their hair tends to be quite short. But fingering and caressing hair is very sexy for women. This makes them immediately excited.

Some women love it when men brush their hair slowly and gently. This is a wonderful form of foreplay for them. Many women say that they like it when a man runs his fingers through their hair while he's already inside. Guys, you have to reveal the secrets of the woman you love on your own. Trust me, her hair is an erogenous zone that should not be neglected.

We love men who let us know they want us both in and out of bed.

There is something indescribably attractive when the man you love says: “I want you!” These words make us tremble with pleasure. We feel a delicious tingling sensation in the most piquant places of our body. These words open secret doors and make us want a man even more than he wants us.

Tell us about your desires long before sex. These words penetrate us and remain with us until the right moment. They prepare us for what comes later. Tell us that you want us when we get into bed. Your words will penetrate us like your penis, awaken our sensuality, and then we will become for you the ideal lovers you could only dream of.

We love men who understand how to please us

If women cannot stand men who are not familiar with the female body, then they simply adore those who understand how to give pleasure. There's something delicious about getting into bed with a man you love who also knows exactly how to please you. It's like returning to a restaurant where the food never disappoints. It's hard to wait for lunch in such a restaurant. When we know for sure that our partner is great at loving and admiring our body, we can't wait to get into bed with him.

We love men who know how to turn us on sexually

Some men make the mistake of turning a woman away once and for all, even if she originally wanted to make love to him. Others show real talent, being able to make their partner relax, lose prejudice and completely surrender to their will. When a woman knows that you know how to turn her on sexually, she trusts you in the most intimate sense of the word.

How to excite a woman sexually? To begin with, everything that we talked about in this book. In addition, every woman has her own needs. If you can understand and satisfy them, she will become relaxed and sexy. You have to find out what she wants and give it to her. Maybe she needs time to herself before she gets into bed with you. Maybe you need to talk to her a little in bed. Maybe she likes to please you the way she wants, and only then surrender to your will.

Discover the secrets that will unlock the door to your partner's sexuality. If you're not sure, ask her. She will be happy to enlighten you.

We love men who physically prepare for lovemaking

Imagine that you have invited a guest to dinner. He arrived very late, he's tired, he's irritated, he smells like he hasn't showered all day. He immediately begins to complain about a hard day and does not pay the slightest attention to how you set the table, what flowers you chose, what you prepared. How will you feel? I wouldn't be surprised if you wanted to take the plate and dump it on his head.

Sex is inviting your loved one to a party where you are the main dish! When a man comes prepared for a special occasion, a woman feels loved and appreciated. It is very easy for her to tune in to the desired wave and get excited.

It's very simple guys, trust me. To prepare for sex, take a shower, put on a little light cologne, change clothes, light candles in the bedroom, put on her favorite CD. You don't have to do all this every time, but from time to time it will be very useful and enjoyable for both of you.

We love men who make us feel beautiful

I'll tell you one secret. When a woman believes that you think she is beautiful, she blossoms. When she believes that you like her face, her body, her scent, her taste, the way she moves, and everything, everything, everything, she turns into a Goddess of Love... And when she knows that you like to make love with with her love, she turns into a Sex Goddess.

How does a woman know all this? Naturally, you should tell her about this yourself. And not just once, but repeat all this constantly. Tell her about this when you are in bed. Tell her this when you're outside the bedroom. The more often you tell her how beautiful she is, the more she will blossom.

I am very happy. My partner knows how to make me feel like the most beautiful woman in the world. When I walk into a room wearing an old dressing gown, he tells me I'm beautiful. When he sees me after being apart - for an hour, a day or a week - he always tells me that I have never been so beautiful and looks at me with admiring eyes. When we are in bed - however, this is already too personal. But I want to tell you that I had never felt so beautiful and desirable before meeting him.

No man had ever given me such a gift before. I never felt admired physically. This gift is difficult to overestimate; it made me a different woman. Please do not deprive your beloved women of such a gift, and then they will become exactly what you want them to be.

We love men who like to massage us

Touch is the language of love. This language has no sound, no rules, no form. Your heart speaks to your loved one through your palms, evoking feelings that the most tender words cannot evoke. Gently stroke a woman's face, run your fingers along her back, circle her stomach - these gestures will say much more than any words. She will understand your desires, your needs, your emotions much better than if you began to talk about them at length.

Your palms are not just a part of your body. These are transmitters of powerful vital energy that bubbles in your body. Eastern medicine claims that in the human body there are many meridians, that is, energy paths that penetrate it from top to bottom. Life energy moves along these meridians, many of which end in the fingers. This means that your palms have powerful energy potential. This is why touch feels so good. When you touch your partner, your palms do not just stimulate nerve endings and give her pleasure, they infuse vital energy into the body of the woman you love.

The most wonderful way to make love to your loved one is to give him a massage. Let your love dictate the movements of your palms, and you will feel that an unusual spark is jumping between you. Each caress becomes incredibly pleasant and exciting. If you give your partner a massage just for her pleasure and not as a prelude to sexual intercourse, she will definitely feel your love, your heart and even your soul penetrate her body.

Massage is a way to make love to your partner's entire body. You will give and she will receive. You'll help her relax, open up, and appreciate your love and attention—not to mention make her feel fantastic!

We love men who caress our palms and hold our hands during the act of love.

The man and woman have reached the climax of the act of love. He is on her and inside her, he moves to the rhythm of erotic ecstasy. Suddenly he places his palms on hers and intertwines his fingers with hers. She looks at him and smiles. He had just done something that turned her on far more than any sexual activity.

There is something very personal, tender and unearthly about the palms. During sex, we often neglect our partner's palms, paying attention to other, more excitable parts of the body. But when we touch each other, we must not forget about our palms. Touching hands are moments of greatest intimacy.

Women often tell me that they really like it when men touch their hands during sex - kiss them, press their faces against them, caress them, squeeze them. A woman can be immersed in her own world of desire, and a man in his, but when he touches her palms, he seems to say: “I’m here, darling, I’m with you, I love you.”

Hold your partner's hand while performing oral sex on her. Hold her hand as she does this for you. Hold her hand when you kiss her. Hold her hand as you enter her. Hold her hand after sex, when you just lie together, enveloped in the aroma of passion.

We love men who like to cuddle

Let's get one thing straight right away. For women, hugging is NOT a non-sexual activity. It is a form of intimacy that, if used correctly, will definitely lead to sex. Unfortunately, most men underestimate hugs, viewing them as a neutral form of communication, applicable only in the morning or before bed, when sex is out of the question.

Guys, you are making a terrible mistake! Cuddling is a wonderful form of foreplay. Why do you think women ask you to hug them so often? In such a request, men hear only a refusal to have sex, although in fact the woman is telling them: “Maybe I want it, maybe I don’t—let’s cuddle and find out.” or “I don’t think I’m in the mood, but if we have a good cuddle, I might get in the mood.”

Women love men who like to cuddle. Then they feel safe, protected. They like to feel close, whether they want sex or not. Of course, hugging encourages sex! Try hugging your partner often and you'll be amazed at how sexy this simple touch is.

We love men who treat us as if we've just met.

The ability to look at your partner every morning as if you had just met her has an irresistible effect on women. I call it “see through the eyes of love.” This means treating your partner with the same reverence and passion as when you first met. Have you forgotten about this yet? You liked being together then. You couldn't stop telling her how much you loved her and how happy you were with her. You asked her out. You bought her flowers. You gave her cards. You sent her messages by email. You did everything to make her feel happy.

You guys are great at doing this: just don't take the woman you love for granted. Treat her like a woman you would like to seduce. Treat her like the woman you would like to spend the rest of your life with. Treat her like a woman you won't give in to any man. Treat her like your lover. The more space she occupies in your heart, the stronger your love will become, and the happier your beloved will be.

We love men who make us feel like we're the only one.

What does the woman want to tell you?

Make me feel like I'm the only one and I'll love you like no one else in my life. You will become the only one for me!

We love men who believe that our lovetheir main wealth in life

What do women want more than anything in the world? They want to change their partner’s life in such a way that, thanks to their help, he can achieve everything in the world. Nothing can make a woman feel more loved, appreciated and appreciated.

Please do not forget about this, dear men! We want to be the main thing in your life, its center and meaning. When you tell a woman that she is everything to you, that she is your consolation, your refuge, your joy, the woman feels that her goal has been achieved, that your love is limitless, and then she gives herself to you with all her soul.

We love men who love us

Remember that the source of true passion is always the heart, not the body. The heart is the invisible kingdom where all feelings originate. The ocean of passion remains calm until it is awakened by the only thing that can cause true passion. And this is the only thing - not affection or touch, but only the love of a loved one.

Love us.

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Recently a post appeared on our website entitled. I have a short and at the same time comprehensive answer: you yourself. I noticed that my relationship with my girlfriend changed me so much that I reconsidered my entire concept regarding the essence of men and women. Often in all kinds of advice about relationships there is “us” (in our case, men) and “they” (that is, women). We are pitted against each other, we are told about the differences between “us” and “them”, but you know what? There aren't that many of them. Moreover, this topic is tempting me to give you some valuable advice. Every time you want to think about the differences, think about the similarities. It’s useful, and not only in the context of relationships, although there too: women are not much different from us and want absolutely simple and understandable things.

Women want to have sex with them. As it should, with primitive passion and frenzy, so that the buttons fly off the clothes. They want it as much as we do. In some cases, it’s quite normal to think outside of your head - and no one will scold you for it. Women don’t want you to have complexes associated with your mother, they don’t need your rejection of your own body, they don’t need your problems with intimacy. When you refuse to have sex with her, she doesn’t think: “Oh, he has complexes and a big belly” - she thinks that you just don’t want her. She doesn't need to be treated like a whore, like a little girl, or like a Beautiful Lady. You are a man, she is a woman - treat her that way.

Women want us to take care of our appearance. Women appreciate cleanliness, a good haircut and quality clothes on you. However, they don't want you to turn into a narcissist because narcissism is boring. If you give them a choice between a dude with a slight paunch and a dude with a perfect body who raves about the gym, they'll choose the former. Women don't want to wait for us in bed while we finish the last set of push-ups. They absolutely don’t want you to refuse to go to restaurants and cafes with them because you eat only protein, wash it down with spring water and sniff the alpine air. They don't want you to look in the mirror every fifteen minutes, assessing how your hair is lying. Women love moderation.

Women want us to love football. Or basketball. Or volleyball. Any sport that will keep us in shape. Your friend is pleased by the mere understanding that you are a male and are among other males - and you are doing something there together. Women want us to assemble furniture, drink beer, lift iron and cook barbecue. This is a man's business! However, they do not want this to be our only hobby. My friends want us to watch movies, listen to music, read books and sit with her on the seashore at sunset, drinking champagne. They want us to understand something and be the coolest.

Women don't want to wait for us in bed while we finish the last set of push-ups. They absolutely don’t want you to refuse to go to restaurants and cafes with them because you eat only protein, wash it down with spring water and sniff the alpine air.

Women want their man to live in the moment of the relationship. They don't want to be rushed or forced. Your friends won't appreciate it when you start talking about the future after three dates and two weeks later you confess your love. They are not interested in hasty promises that you cannot keep, or premature commitments. Friends need everything to go by itself, gradually, steadily, so that they understand what they have already achieved and what they are moving towards. As time passes, they will need the man to be able to talk about the future without panicking. She will be pleased when, after a year of marriage, when she pours you coffee, you start talking about something, starting with: “When we get married...” or “When we have a child...” - so that these words fly away by themselves from your lips. Everything is good in due time, including obligations. Over time, they begin to seem like something pleasant, and not like an inevitability moving towards us.

Women want a man who is not boring. They want him to be able to stay up for a long time and be able to get up late in the evening to go to the next bar to shoot tequila. They want to sweat next to us at their favorite band concerts and accidentally spill beer on us while dancing. They don’t need grumpy grandfathers who like to sit at home and shout if suddenly a friend wants to take off her shoes and dance barefoot. They want adventures, and they dream of sharing these adventures with us. However, they will never like it if you go to parties every single day.

Women want a man who doesn't need a mommy. At the same time, they like it when you are nice and friendly with your mother. They want a man who can wash the dishes and... However, they don't need a stoic hero who can get used to any conditions, or a dude who is always trying to improve, correct and fix something. They want to support us and take care of us. And also thank us for our super important and difficult affairs.

Women value charm very much. A dude who is polite to strangers and kind to his friends, who can casually carry on a conversation with her mom about how poorly tomatoes handle frost - that's every girl's dream. They don't want a loud-mouthed fool, an exhibitionist, or a know-it-all. They want a dude who fits into society and is able to interact with it.

And finally, they want you to pay the bill at least sometimes- not because it helps you feel the size of your penis, but because you just want to please the woman. They like to receive birthday gifts and also flowers. One more nuance: women do not need a lot to be spent on them; the main thing for them is attention. And the most important: they want a man to be their best friend. Friends care about each other and respect each other. If friends don't help each other, who will help each other?

So how? In my opinion, not very different from our needs. These women are normal, sane people.

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Women's portal - Bonterry