The best positions to get an orgasm for girls. Causes of erection or why does the penis get erect? Why does a penis get erect: in simple words and from a scientific point of view

The topic may be funny, but it will certainly be useful for many young people. After all, many people face this “problem”. Let's talk in our article about how not to get into a stupid situation and what to do if your penis gets erect at the most inopportune time.

When testosterone is in full swing, it can happen that an erection occurs almost on its own. Especially if, for example, you don’t have a girlfriend and you don’t give vent to your sexual energy in any other way. You are traveling, say, on public transport and see a sexy, beautiful blonde in front of you. And now, your “friend” begins to wake up. So what to do in such a situation?

Erection at the wrong time

What to do if your penis gets erect and it happens at the wrong time?

  1. Try not to think about it or panic. Yes, it’s possible that your stop is coming soon and you need to get off, but if you start thinking “Don’t get up... don’t get up,” then the effect will be exactly the opposite. Try to relax and not think about anything at all. Especially about that beauty who caused such a curious situation. Take your eyes off her (even though it is difficult) and stop thinking about sex and related things. Even about your penis, which is eager to be free.
  2. Alternatively, you can imagine something super disgusting and anti-sexual. This is something different for everyone. This could be, for example, your worker’s underwear or imagine your naked grandmother neighbor. Well, it will only help if such things don’t excite you.
  3. Each of us has muscles that are located at the base of the spine, around the prostate. These are known as Kegel muscles. So, it is also advisable to relax them if they are tense. But do it in such a way that you don't have to think about the process (see point one).
  4. If you don’t have time for all this, then just try to cover yourself. Surely you have some kind of backpack, bag or package with you. Maybe a tablet? If not, you will have to cover yourself with your hand. Just don’t brazenly grab and cover the penis sticking out of your pants with your palm. Just, as if by chance, place your hand or some object opposite your fly and move towards the exit.

These are some simple tricks. If this is not the first time something like this has happened to you, then it’s time to think about whether it’s worth giving vent to your sexual energy? Meet a girl, date her and have sex. If this option, for some unknown reason, does not suit you, then just masturbate occasionally. If this is not an option for you, go in for sports. After a hard workout in the gym, you are unlikely to have the strength to have a spontaneous erection on the bus or anywhere else.

Some young and inexperienced guys, by the way, are worried and embarrassed that their penis gets erect while kissing a girl. In fact, there is nothing scary about this, quite the contrary. The girl probably likes it and is flattered. Therefore, there is no need to worry. On the contrary, rejoice and have fun.

Now you know, dear friends, what to do if your penis gets erect. The most important thing is don't take it to heart and don't panic. Even if someone notices your erection, I think this person will not start pointing a finger at you and shouting about your erect instrument. In any case, think that it is much worse if the penis does not get hard at all.

Today, sex is an important and even key aspect of a harmonious relationship between a man and a woman. Before each intimate intercourse, both partners need full arousal; in men, a strong and stable erection is important. If suddenly something goes wrong, problems with erection require a search for the causes of the violations. And for this you already need to understand why an erection occurs, what factors influence it.

Another no less exciting question is the following: why does the penis get erect in the morning, since every man feels the morning “bone-on” throughout his life. In fact, erectile function involves a number of anatomical features that make it work at the right time. And the stronger a man’s health and physical strength, the longer he will maintain strong erectile function.

A little bit of anatomy

Despite the importance of the genital organs for a man and his partner, the main organ remains the brain. It is he who controls most processes in the body, including erection. And if all the exciting questions do not disturb brain activity, the brain purposefully focuses on the object of a man’s desire. The basis of erectile function is the process of irritation of sensory organs, sometimes several at once.

Signals of irritation enter the brain, from there the urge to produce testosterone goes to the testicles, adrenal glands and prostate of the male body. The unified transport system deals with the shipment of this testosterone, we are talking about blood. And only after the hormone enters the bloodstream, all erection processes begin. Hormones and the brain promote a rush of blood to the genitals, under the influence of which the penis increases in size.

Why does a penis get erect: in simple words and from a scientific point of view

In general, it is difficult to answer unequivocally what makes a member erect, since this process involves the involvement of various functions and systems. This includes the hormonal system, the circulatory system, metabolic processes, and much more. Taking good care of the genitals and erection will help a man prevent the development of disorders, namely:

  • refusal of overwork;
  • fatigue;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • bad habits;
  • excess weight.

The quality of an erection can be used to judge not only the physiological, but also the mental state of the entire organism. Certain impulses arrive from the brain to the spinal cord as a result of the reaction to stimuli. The spongy and cavernous bodies of the penis become softer and remain empty at rest. But when excited, a large amount of blood flows to them, which leads to an erection.

After a rush of blood, another process comes into play - contraction of the ischiocavernosus muscles, which in a man are located at the base of the penis. These muscles do not allow blood to flow back from the penis for some time, thereby maintaining its strength and size.

Scientifically, male erection is divided into three types:

  • spontaneous, which occurs more often in the morning or at night without good reason;
  • psychogenic due to effects on the senses;
  • reflex due to effects on erogenous areas of the body, as well as normal testosterone production.

When asked why the penis gets erect in the morning, doctors talk about a natural process in men of all ages, which can be repeated up to 6 times a day. This phenomenon is considered natural, preventing the development of hypoxia. For a normal erection the following conditions must be met:

  • uninterrupted operation of the cardiovascular system;
  • absence of brain and peripheral nervous system disorders;
  • timely contraction of the ischiocavernosus muscles;
  • the ability of the smooth muscles of the penis to relax and allow blood flow.

If at least one part of the erectile function mechanism malfunctions and gets upset for various reasons, a man suffers from erectile dysfunction and potency problems.

What Causes Erection Problems?

In addition to the questions of why a man gets an erection, an important burning topic is the question of why boys and older men experience erectile dysfunction.

Erectile function can be negatively affected by numerous irritants and factors:

  • bad habits - smoking, drinking alcohol, drug addiction;
  • malfunction of the spinal cord;
  • trauma to peripheral nerves after surgery;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels, thyroid gland and nervous system (diabetes, blood pressure disorders, sclerotic changes);
  • taking medications (sleeping pills, antidepressants, heart medications, etc.);
  • anxiety and stress;
  • lack of testosterone;
  • psychological disorders.

The most common problems with erectile function are rapid erection, unstable and interrupted, and weak erection.

First, I want to remind you that there are no frigid girls. There are only those who have had bad experiences or who are simply too lazy to think about getting pleasure from sex.

I recently learned that there is even such a thing as anorgasmia - a girl simply cannot cum. Nowadays, this is treated, most often using psychological methods.

But if you also cannot get a full orgasm, then this is not a reason to think that you have this very disease. Maybe you should just change your position... or your partner.

Below I've rounded up some of the most popular orgasm positions, although remember, to each their own!

Let me remind you that if it happens in the company of a man (and not your hands or a vibrator), then the main thing is to initially perceive your man as a cool, no, not even that, the best lover in the world, but yourself as a depraved person, which he certainly wants! It’s worth trying to openly talk to your lover about your desires and desires, and try something new.

That’s why we’ll start with the poses, in case there will be some that you haven’t tried yet:

1. Knees and elbows (“doggy style”, knee-elbow pose)

We can say that this is a true classic of the genre, which we all call “doggy style”. According to statistics, most women achieve orgasm in this position, because there is deep penetration and simultaneous stimulation of the clitoris; you can help yourself with your hand, ask your partner or cross your legs. Additional caresses can speed up the process for the girl.

By the way, this pose is also great for pregnant girls.

What does it look like? Everything is very simple - the girl is on all fours, your arms can be bent at the elbows, you can stretch them forward if space allows, the man is behind you on his knees or standing, holding you by the waist or butt.

You can do it without a gag, and our site is also very decent, but still, it is advisable to take off your jeans.

And one more visual picture, I couldn’t resist, but it’s very relevant:

2. Half-bridge (curved back)

Imagine the usual missionary position - the girl below, relaxed, watching her partner pant. Everything is the same here, but try to get creative, spread your legs, lift your hips, allow your partner to penetrate deeper, while your shoulders and upper body should remain in place. Help and move your hips to your partner in time with the movements.

What does it look like? The girl is on bottom, legs spread, hips raised, feet on the floor. The man is on the girl, his torso is between the girl’s legs, he can put his hands on your hands or kneel down and take the girl by the waist, as if impaling her on himself.

3. Rider (top)

One of my favorite poses. Again, according to statistics in % correlation with the doggy style position, the cowgirl position is the only opportunity for some girls to earn an orgasm. And this is not strange at all. After all, it is in this position that the girl herself can control her movements and the depth of insertion of her partner’s penis.

What does it look like? The girl is on top, her legs are spread (the wider the better, this way you can sit deeper, which means the sensations will be brighter), your back is straightened (you can lie down, but then it will be less effective), you can lean on him with your hands. It’s great if a man helps you with his hands or lifts his pelvis.

4. On your stomach (lying down)

This is no less a cool position, but more for those girls who really know how to work with a partner. It all depends on him, since it is he who controls the entry, speed and rhythm.

What does it look like? The girl is on her stomach, legs spread to the sides, lower back raised. The man is behind you, holding you by the waist or lying on the girl, then you don’t need to lift anything. The main thing here is that he or you do not slip away from him.

I haven't found any better pictures...

5. On his face (the she’s also on top, with only one part of her body, facesitting)

If none of the above poses work, then move on to the “hard attack”, namely, try everything else. Start with the familiar cunnilingus; to be more precise, it is a type of oral sex with which you can get a clitoral orgasm. This is properly called facesitting (face sitting, facesitting)

Just discuss this with your partner in advance. Not all men like this position. Although some people like it no less than the female half.

What does it look like? The girl is on top, sitting on her partner’s face, spreading her legs to the sides. A man can help with his tongue, lips, teeth and/or hands.

By the way, be careful, there are also perverts in this business who even like it...

Enjoy your orgasms and don’t be afraid to experiment!

During sexual arousal, the cavernous bodies of the penis fill with blood, the penis becomes elastic, which facilitates its insertion into the vagina.

Why does my penis get up in the morning?

There are two main phases in the sleep process: slow wave sleep and rapid eye movement sleep. The slow-wave sleep phase lasts approximately 70 minutes, followed by 20 minutes of REM sleep, then slow sleep again, and so they alternate throughout the night. During REM sleep, people dream, their breathing becomes uneven, body temperature rises, eye movements occur (with eyelids closed) and erection.

Twenty minutes of REM sleep are repeated 4-5 times during the night - therefore, an erection occurs the same number of times. If a man wakes up during the REM stage of sleep (or immediately after it - this is when sleep is at its shallowest) - he will wake up with an erect penis. (Man - in the sense of a male individual; night and morning erections are already present in infants.)

Why does my penis get hard for no reason?

The cause of an erection, in addition to sexual arousal and REM sleep, can be:

  • strong excitement;
  • mechanical stimulation of the penis and scrotum;
  • mechanical stimulation of the rectum and area around the anus;
  • bladder distension (it is considered the second most important cause of morning erection).

Also, maybe you've heard that we only use 5% of our brain? - So, this is a lie: the brain works at 100%, but is realized Of these hundred there are really only a few. Our body is a huge complex biological machine, and our brain - who else? - continuously controls it, resolves issues, gives instructions to the liver, kidneys, heart, and everyone. Consciousness (which states that the penis gets up “for no reason”) is like a 12-year-old king, for whom, naturally, his ministers rule - and now the boy is sincerely surprised why, without his knowledge, say, they built a mill in the city of Bobruisk-on-Don. Obi. - Yes, almost everything in the state is still happening without his knowledge! Let him grow up first.

Why does a penis stand on a cat (man, child, cooking show, wool sock)

1) Perhaps the penis does not stand up on the cat, but because of mechanical excitement, stretching of the bladder or anxiety (that, God forbid, it will get up now).

2) Perhaps the reason is in the subconscious. Some childhood memory, long forgotten, lazily tosses and turns in the dark depths of the brain... For such cases, there are psychoanalysts who, after charging you a lot of money, will reveal the true cause of what is happening and save you from this horror.

3) ...Wait, from what horror? - Does your penis get up? - And you are on This Are you complaining? - Oh, that’s not what it’s about? - Well, okay, then I have a counter question.

All men have moments in their lives when the readings on the device begin to rise. Sometimes it happens on time, sometimes not on time. And different people (animals, objects, etc.) can escalate the situation for you. It is very good that you are reading our article, and not an article from a neighboring site, which describes what to do if you stand up to a boy. Because here we will look at a classic situation - what to do if you step on a girl.

First of all, assess the situation.

Does she have the desire to have intercourse with the very girl who caused such a violent reaction in you? If the lady is in the same bed with you, completely naked, facing you, then bless your young body for the correct reaction and get down to business. This is the ideal situation in which a girl can stand up. Especially if you already know. But there are others. Below I will provide a description of the situation and guidelines for action in each of them.

1. For example, this girl is lying on the bed with another, or another, or even with a whole squad of men.

And all this happens on your monitor screen. In this case, what to do with your jade rod resting on your chin, our previous article will help you decide

2. You have a girlfriend, the relationship with whom, however, is far from being on the same bed.

In this case, you would be better off hiding your bulldog that is tearing out of your pants. To hide the conical deformation of your trousers in the groin area, put your hand in your pocket and clench it into a fist. This way it will take up more space and the hills will level out. She won't even think that you're getting hard. You can also sit somewhere for a while, cross-legged. This is the most reliable way to hide a boner, because nothing is visible at all. Or divert her attention to something romantic until the period of constriction passes.

By the way, here are a couple of tips to make sure this happens early:

Stop thinking about how you take off her underwear. Better think about how someone else does it, and how you grind it into powder. The release of adrenaline will reduce the erection to nothing. There are many other options - in the article, in paragraph 3.2 about thoughts and self-control.

Relax your Kegel muscles and additional blood will not be pushed into your piston. The erection will subside after some time.

3. It’s a very common situation when you get hard during a kiss.

If this bothers you, then take a position in which your gun will not be aimed at the girl. But don’t lose the naturalness of the position. In the end, even if you rest your ram against it, nothing bad will happen. If you are already kissing, then you have both the moral and physical right to get excited. And for her it will be a silent compliment, like Raffaello: instead of a thousand words. However, there is no need to deliberately bring your protrusion to her leg, like a dog - she will not appreciate it.

4. You are gay, and you suddenly have a crush on a girl.

In this case, first of all, you need to hide your erection from your boyfriend who is walking next to you. How - read above. However, we can say that he is the creator of your boner, and everything will be fine. But you will know the truth. But the truth here is that, apparently, you are not completely lost to heterosexual society. Most likely, you're just bi. To find out for sure, try it with a girl.

5. You were born closer to the middle of the last century.

Not only mountains, not even pyramids, have grown in your pants for a long time, and you have come to terms with it. But then suddenly you again feel the long-lost sense of density in the forgotten lowlands. It’s good if your reaction was caused by the new lingerie of your legal wife, with whom you will soon have a golden wedding. Okay, but unlikely. And those girls who are ready to communicate with you have a bargaining chip - the latest iPhone model. Think about whether you need to cut the budget for your own funeral for dubious sexual adventures, or leave your grandson without a new construction set.

Let you get up to women more often in the right situations, and let awkward moments pass you by. And remember that it’s good when a girl stands up to you. It's bad when he doesn't get up.

And let the erection show you the way to where you can.

Women's portal - Bonterry