The astronaut never got a tattoo. Space tattoo

No matter how much we peer into space, it still remains a mystery to us. This is probably what attracts tattoo lovers who cover their bodies with star-studded designs. These people are often called romantics, irrational dreamers. However, this is not always true. Let's look at the fashionable type of body painting in more detail.

Meaning of space tattoo

A refutation of the fact that only irrational people fill the cosmos is the symbolism of the Universe itself. Despite little knowledge of boundless space, it is often associated with order, something holistic, complete. And the famous philosopher Plato once even equated it with a person. The complex structure of the galaxy seemed to him similar in structure to the consciousness of people. From this we can conclude that owners of space tattoos first of all seek harmony with the world within themselves. They want to feel and see their inner self in the mirror. And only then come dreams.

Others use the well-known symbols of the planets of the solar system to form their personal brand. To emphasize your “beginning”, to make its main features visible. In addition, each planet is associated with a zodiac sign. This interpretation has the right to life, since the Cosmos tattoo in its modern form is a fairly young trend. Previously, graphic outlines of constellations, astronauts, rockets, etc. were depicted. Nowadays, colored banners and large images of planets are in fashion. Let us consider their possible interpretation in more detail.

The meaning of planet tattoos

Each of the planets known to mankind has a certain set of symbolic representations. The most universal are the following theses:

  • The sun is a masculine image, symbolizing strength and indestructible energy. The widespread application of tattoos depicting the sun is also due to the former status of the luminary. Previously, it was revered as a deity. Therefore, owners of such a tattoo can well count on divine protection
  • The moon also refers to female images. She is often associated with a deep secret, a cosmic riddle. Moonlight brings peace and fulfillment of secret desires
  • Mars is often associated with insolence and aggressive masculinity. The character of a person with this planet on the body can have explosive power
  • Mercury is the patron of travelers, businessmen, in general, all those who do not sit in one place. The messenger of the gods promises good luck to the bearers of his image
  • Venus is too obvious a symbol to describe in detail. Let us only recall her love traits, which appear in every person from time to time.
  • Saturn is considered a symbol of wisdom and high spiritual level. Therefore, the owner of a tattoo with this planet is often a man over 30 or even 40 years old
  • The earth is too universal an image to be judged unambiguously. In any case, the tattoo has positive energy and attracts good luck. Usually popular with the female half of humanity. This is easily explained by the existence of a stable “Earth-Mother” connection. 
  • However, not only famous planets can be found on the bodies of space lovers. Distant stars and zodiac constellations are also intended to say something about the owner of the tattoo. This can be either tied to luck or a more “narrow” meaning. For example, a star on the wrist may indicate unusual sexual preferences. And, in fact, there are many such subtleties. Therefore, you should carefully study information about celestial bodies before recklessly stuffing them onto your body.

Cosmos tattoos amaze with their diversity. Realistic images of galaxies, miniature drawings of planets, portraits of astronauts and images of UFOs have more than once become subjects for tattoos. The vast expanses of the universe attract people with their secrets and discoveries. The childhood dream of becoming an astronaut is also embodied in bright tattoos.

Any tattoo style can successfully bring a space theme to life.

Meaning of Space Tattoo

There are several main meanings of Space Tattoos

1. Mystery, unknown

Until now, scientists have not been able to fully study even the solar system, not to mention more distant spaces. People have always been drawn to the unknown, which is why space themes attract the attention of tattoo lovers.

2. Dreaminess, determination, thirst for discovery

Many people dreamed of becoming an astronaut as children. This bright childhood dream transforms over the years into a thirst for knowledge, science, and acquiring new knowledge. A person comes into independent adult life as if into outer space, where there are many mysteries and secrets. But with the help of knowledge, courage and determination, a person learns about the world.

3. Man is part of the Cosmos

Everything in the Universe is interconnected. Many people believe that space is the opposite of chaos. That the structure of the world is designed for everything to interact with each other. In this case, a space tattoo will become a symbol of the unity of man and the world, space, and celestial bodies.

Popular Places and Subjects Tattoo Space

Tattoo Space Sleeve

The subject for voluminous sleeve tattoos is most often realistic images of cosmic bodies. Planets, stars, meteor showers and comets look mesmerizing in bright colors. The more detailed the artist draws the sketch, the more magical and unrealistic the final tattoo looks.

Space Tattoo on Wrist

It is customary to depict minimalist, laconic drawings. These could be small sketches of planets or stars.

Astronaut Tattoo

An astronaut can symbolize a brave, courageous pioneer. The first cosmonauts, such as Yuri Gagarin, were not just professionals, but national heroes. Many years later, the conquest of space remains a landmark event for humanity, and astronauts symbolize progress, masculinity and a thirst for discovery.

UFO tattoo

Tattoos with images of Flying Saucers are chosen by people with a good sense of humor. Unidentified flying objects symbolize fantasy, the ability to be surprised. Sometimes a UFO can become a talisman for creative people or science fiction lovers.

Planet Tattoo

Planets are often depicted on a tattoo in a row, in order of the Solar System. It can be a black and white tattoo or a realism tattoo.

Rocket Tattoo

The rocket is a symbol of space exploration. This is an object that flies towards its target at great speed to make new discoveries. This tattoo will appeal to active people who love adventure and travel. Discovering the world around you is no less interesting than conquering space.

Black and White Tattoo Space

Despite the color variety of celestial bodies, black and white tattoos do not lose their popularity in the space theme. Planets or the moon look beautiful in black and white.

Small Space Tattoos

Small space-themed tattoos are schematic images of celestial bodies, or geometric shapes filled with a starry sky. Most often, small tattoos are placed on the wrist or forearm.

Men's Space Tattoos - Space Tattoo Sketches for Men

Tattoo designs depicting space are very popular nowadays. Everything connected with outer space has always been covered with a mysterious veil for people, therefore it attracted and attracted them.

Tattoos on this theme are usually made by dreamers and dreamers, although some realists may also like it. Since ancient times, space has been not only the embodiment of reason, but also a symbol of integrity, calm and orderliness.

This is where the general meaning of space tattoos comes from. More specifically, from time immemorial the sun has personified light, power, fertility, and youth. The image of this cosmic luminary can be made in different styles. Just remember that Sun tattoos are very popular among men, and Moon and Earth tattoos among women.

Other cosmic images can be seen on people's bodies. Constellations and stars in general are symbols of power. The specifically depicted star brings good luck and luck, health and longevity. We should not forget that the image of a star on the wrist means non-traditional orientation. Each constellation also has its own meaning.

A space-themed tattoo signifies the mystery and wisdom of the Universe, so people who decide to get such a tattoo intuitively understand their close connection with the cosmos.

Space tattoo video

Below are photos of tattoos depicting space from different artists.

Extraterrestrial life has always attracted humans. Perhaps this is why people love to look at the stars so much. But unfortunately, living in a metropolis, there is no opportunity to admire the night lights. That is why many people solve this problem simply - they get a space tattoo.

History of space tattoo

The space tattoo, in the form in which every modern person imagines it, has become popular recently. Large body polygons, covered with colored streamers, planets and stars, became popular only 5-7 years ago. Until this time, other attributes of space were popular, for example, an astronaut, a flying rocket, constellations, planets and, of course, a celestial body. Most often, space tattoos were done in a graphic version.

Meaning of space tattoo

The meaning of a space tattoo will depend on the variation of the chosen design. The image of a galaxy on the body tells that a person is creative and inquisitive. He doesn't mind being dreamy and romantic. People who depict planets on their bodies are more attached to the earth; they do not strive for the stars. They are not alien to earthly sins; they enjoy simple human joys. But people who choose this interpretation of space are usually more down-to-earth and do not strive for their own realization. They feel good here and now and they know how to enjoy it.

Do you know? A tattoo with a star on the wrist means that a person is gay. This is important to know when choosing the location of the picture.

Very often people depict stars or constellations on their bodies. This interpretation of the cosmos, located in any place other than the wrist, means belief in a lucky star, in luck and happiness. It’s not for nothing that our ancestors always made wishes on falling stars, and even now this tradition has not completely died out.

Important! If a person wants to depict a space tattoo on his body, then he does not have to draw planets and constellations. He can choose a small infinity sign, which carries the meaning of space, peace and eternity.

Space tattoo variations

  • Colored tattoo with an abundance of planets, solar system Today it is one of the most popular topics. This is explained by the fact that for five years now space themes have literally surrounded us on all sides. Therefore, artists all over the world, including tattoo artists, are inspired by chaotic colored spots and arrange them into quite attractive forms. The colored background is diluted with dark spots of planets and white highlights of stars.
  • Constellation tattoo came to European culture from eastern countries. People usually pin the constellation that matches their zodiac sign. And accordingly, it has the same meaning as the sign itself. This tattoo is done in a graphic style so that the design stands out well on light skin.
  • Planet tattoos are one of the varieties of space tattoos. There are a great many photos of such tattoos on the Internet. Girls prefer to get tattoos with the earth and the moon. These are female symbols that denote fertility. These planets improve feminine energy. Men prefer to prick the sun. This symbol represents the center of the universe and space. Such a star gives self-confidence and speaks of the high self-esteem of its owner.
  • Galaxy tattoo- This is an analogue of a space tattoo. Sketches of such works are in the portfolio of any tattoo artist. The galaxy consists of an abundance of black spots, which are diluted with colored planets and stars. This interpretation of space tattoos is very popular among young guys. They clog up large areas of her body. This design is very catchy, so it is preferred by creative individuals who are not afraid of self-expression.
  • Globe tattoo. This tattoo symbolizes space, but is considered a more mundane variation of it. The owner of such a tattoo is more down to earth, does not fly in the clouds and stands firmly on the earth’s surface. Such people are not prone to fuss, they prefer to have a philosophical approach to problems and want to see such qualities in others.
  • Animals and birds in space style are in demand. Bright animals that resemble inhabitants of an otherworldly universe look non-trivial.
  • Talismans in the style of space. This tattoo is designed to give strength to its owner. This type of drawing is loved by girls who want to find their place in life. Typically, such tattoos depict symbolic images. The most common is the all-seeing eye, made with the addition of an abundance of color.

Advice. If a person has creative potential, is not afraid to fantasize, and finds inspiration in the world of illusions, then a cosmic animal tattoo is created for him. Mostly, such drawings are made by artists, musicians, writers or other people who have connected their lives with art.

Where is the best place to get a space tattoo?

  • Hand. It takes a lot of space to depict space on your hand. That's why people stuff it completely, from the forearm to the wrist. A large amount of detail and color can be easily distributed over a large surface.
  • Leg . The space pattern, as in the case of the hand, is applied to the entire surface of the leg. But there are two options for applying a tattoo. In the first of them, the entire naga is slaughtered, from the beginning of the thigh to the ankle. In the second, only part of it - or from
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