Andrey Karaulov: biography and personal life of a TV presenter. Andrei Karaulov is inspired by engaging in debauchery: he stole a child from his ex-wife Ksenia Karaulova biography

Elena Rykovtseva: Over the past month, terrible reports have appeared in one or another newspaper that TV presenter Andrei Karaulov stole his own child from his ex-wife, and even took revenge on this wife in the most unworthy ways. Without in any way wanting to offend my colleagues from these publications, I will still say that I did not consider it possible to discuss these publications in our program until a columnist for the publication spoke on the same topic last week on the pages of the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper Olga Boguslavskaya, one of the most authoritative and respected Russian journalists.

Boguslavskaya herself, in her publication entitled “Karaulov took his son hostage,” explained her intervention in this story as follows: “Divorce is a purely private matter. Why people break up, what they think, what they say out loud, and what they say to themselves, concerns only ex-spouses. I don’t consider journalists who feed on intimate details from the lives of celebrities as colleagues - or rather, I consider them professionals to peek through the keyhole, and this is the lot of eunuchs who themselves cannot do anything, and they have to be content with what others can do. But, unfortunately, during a divorce, not only passbooks, square meters and night vases are divided - children are divided. And the trauma that the child receives never goes away without a trace. And it happens that it doesn’t go away at all. Vasya Karaulov is a four-year-old child who is being observed in a specialized medical institution due to behavioral characteristics, increased excitability and delayed speech development. He needs a special regime, constant attention from adults, and his parents know that he should be protected from shocks. Any child should be protected from them, especially one as fragile and vulnerable as little Vasya.”

They should take care of it, but they don’t. Olga Boguslavskaya explains in her material exactly how they don’t take care of it. Today she is a guest of our program.

Since the authors of all publications on this topic clearly defend the position of Andrei Karaulov’s ex-wife, I invited Andrei Karaulov himself as the second participant in this conversation. But he refused to come, saying that, firstly, he was abroad. I said that it was completely safe to participate by phone. But he replied that his position was recorded in the letter that he sent to Olga Boguslavskaya, and it would be enough if the text of this letter was heard in our program. The letter was actually forwarded to me by his assistant via email. It is too long to quote, and I have selected only the factual part of the story. She disagrees with what Olga Boguslavskaya wrote. And to make it clear where exactly they differ, we will give you a brief summary of the facts set out in the publication of Moskovsky Komsomolets, and then those presented by Andrei Karaulov.

And to you, dear listeners, we ask a question: do you consider the interference of the press in the private lives of other people, and even more so of your colleagues, justified?

So, this is how events developed in the Karaulov family, judging by what was written in the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper Olga Boguslavskaya.

Speaker: “Ksenia and Andrei Karaulov got married in 1999. Son Vasily was born in October 2003. In January 2006, Ksenia Vasilievna Karaulova left her husband, and in August the divorce took place. According to Ksenia Vasilievna Karaulova, after the separation, her ex-husband came to her and spent time with the child - she did not create any obstacles. However, in November 2006, he went to court to determine the order of communication with the child. In December 2006, a court decision determined the procedure: once a week, on Saturdays, from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., subject to the child returning home to his mother by bedtime. A.V. Karaulov did not appeal the court decision, and in January 2007 it came into force.

In May 2007, Andrei Karaulov filed a lawsuit to determine the child’s place of residence. In June, Andrei Viktorovich changed the claims. Since his ex-wife was not deprived of parental rights to her son Vasily, it was clear that the court would determine the place of residence of the 4-year-old child as the place of residence of his mother. Therefore, instead of determining the place of residence, Andrei Viktorovich filed a lawsuit to change the order of communication with the child. Vasya’s father considered it possible to propose another scheme: the child would live with him for 4 days a week, and with his mother for 3 days.

Then there were several court hearings, the last one took place a few weeks ago, on December 27, and the decision in this case preserved the previous order of communication between the father and his son Vasily (on Saturdays, from 9 to 21 o’clock) and determined the child’s place of residence at the place of residence of his mother.

So, throughout the past year, Karaulov took the child, but not regularly, since he was often away.

November 30 Karaulov A.V. together with a group of unidentified armed persons, presumably law enforcement officers, kidnapped a child in broad daylight while he was walking with a nanny on the playground and took him, as it turned out later, to his dacha in the Naro-Fominsk district of the Moscow region. On December 13, Ksenia Karaulova arrived there together with the head of the guardianship department and a psychologist. They did not want to allow uninvited guests into the territory of the dacha. The head of the guardianship department called the head of security, a man came out to the gate and said that everyone could enter the territory except Ksenia Vasilievna. When the gates were opened, Ksenia rushed into the yard where Vasya was walking with a woman she didn’t know. The child rushed to his mother, they began to pull her away, and at this time Vasya shouted: “Mom, where have you been, when are we going home?” Andrei Viktorovich was not at home, but the police soon arrived. Ksenia Vasilyevna was ordered to leave the house.”

Elena Rykovtseva: And now the same events as recounted by him Andrey Karaulov. We quote his letter.

Speaker: “So, the facts. The decision of the Savelovsky Court of Moscow dated December 22, 2006 determined the following order of communication between my son Vasily Karaulov and his parents, who have been divorced for a year and a half: six days a week Vasya lives with his mother, Ksenia Vasilievna Karaulova, on Saturdays, from nine in the morning to nine in the evening , I, his father, take my son to myself. That's right, Vasya LIVES WITH MOM. How could it be otherwise if the baby is four years old? If the mother (according to our laws) for some reason cannot or does not want to live with her own child, he is either taken by the father or the local guardianship authorities - to a boarding school. Shouldn't he really stay on the street?

Now the question is: what should I, the baby’s father, do if Vasily’s relationship with my wife’s new husband, a Kazakh by nationality, who (and I understand him, in fact) values ​​his newborn son more than anything else in the world today, is developing in such a difficult way? – Ksenia Karaulova gave birth to Erik Bekbosynov shortly after our divorce.

...Eric and Vasya have a hard time getting along with each other. According to medical standards, the proximity of children (one hyperactive, with increased tone, the other completely immobile, with a weakened immune system) in a sixty-meter apartment, and even with two nannies, if possible, is extremely undesirable. And Vasya is escorted out of Usievich Street. To other people. Who will accept. Either he lives with his grandparents, in their apartment, then, if the grandmother is sick, with Ksyusha’s girlfriends, with the managers of her cafe, with her friend named Dan, and then suddenly - and this happened! - in the office of her new husband, Mr. Bekbosynov, a man without a specific occupation, where there seems to be some kind of children's bed on the third floor. In a word, Vasya lives anywhere, but not where his mother is. Then - suddenly - my son ends up in some village near Moscow, where I am looking for him with the Solnechnogorsk police!

For almost two months, starting in October, they hid something wrong from me. Like Saturday, the bailiffs of the Northwestern District of Moscow were knocked off their feet. My former relatives did not let me see my son. Under various pretexts. Protocols were drawn up, bailiffs issued “warnings” to Ksenia and her parents several times, I kept all these documents, but what was the use of them if Ksenia knew that she would face nothing other than a fine.

On November 15, 2007, disaster struck. Vasya's half-brother fell seriously ill with false croup. However, Ksyusha refused to hospitalize Eric Bekbosynov. False croup against the background of an acute respiratory viral infection. Here the prosecutor’s office could no longer stand it: on November 24, 2007, criminal case No. 71 225 “Leaving children in danger” was opened. Vasya is on the street again. Two weeks at different addresses.

If the mother does not comply with the court decision and does not live with the child, the son goes to his father. Or to a boarding school. So I took Vasya to my home.”

Elena Rykovtseva: You listened to two positions, two stories, or rather, it’s like one story, told in completely different ways - by Olga Boguslavskaya and Andrei Karaulov. And once again I will repeat the question to you, dear listeners: do you think the interference of the press in the private lives of other people, and especially colleagues, is justified? I immediately ask Olga about this. There are newspapers that, on the contrary, are encouraged by this. Karaulov is a “star”, famous, so everything that happens to him is their work, this is their bread. In theory, everything should be the other way around for you - that is, the fact that he is a colleague should stop you. You probably thought longer than journalists from other publications whether it was worth taking on this, especially when he is a colleague. Why did you take on this story?

Olga Boguslavskaya

Olga Boguslavskaya: I apologize, I am leaving out of our conversation my opinion about whether I consider Mr. Karaulov a colleague. This is my own business. I want to draw special attention to the fact that I have never... in almost three decades of working at a newspaper, I have never taken part in stories related to the personal life of a simple or complex person.

Elena Rykovtseva: Don't share this for yourself?

Olga Boguslavskaya: No. I just want to say that we are all human, and that is enough. This is not my profession. I am not interested. And I took up this topic solely because Mr. Karaulov, as far as I know (I am not a viewer of his program), is an ardent fighter and truth teller, an ardent fighter for the truth. And what struck me in this case is that he does not comply with the court’s decision on an issue that is perhaps the most important in our lives. We are talking about how a child can live in conditions where his parents have divorced. This is, firstly, a failure to comply with a court decision. The point is not that this is Karaulov. In the introduction to the material, I wrote that several people have contacted me this year—women, mothers of children. And what struck me was that they act the same way. This is the subject of my speech.

Elena Rykovtseva: Do you mean fathers?

Olga Boguslavskaya: Yes.

Elena Rykovtseva: By the way, I noticed one detail in your material: you write that the number of such cases has become more frequent, that in one year as many people came to you as in all previous years combined.

Olga Boguslavskaya: Yes Yes.

Elena Rykovtseva: Why? Are people getting richer?

Olga Boguslavskaya: Not all. But the one who became richer felt...

Elena Rykovtseva: I notice that the press, as a rule, writes about the stories of wealthy people.

Olga Boguslavskaya: Well, 95 percent...

Barely to Rykovtsev: These are the stories where a father kidnaps his son - this is a man who can afford it.

Olga Boguslavskaya: Quite fair. That is, he can afford this too. This is apparently included in the list of pleasures. Because as far as I've been able to understand these stories, these fathers are not dying or knocked down to spend time with their children. The whole question was to punish the wife. I believe that the story in question is just another story in this series, nothing more.

Elena Rykovtseva: By the way, here is another point that I drew attention to in your material - this is the fact that Andrei Karaulov himself is attracting a very wide public to this whole story. I understand that big names appear in the material, and even people come to the trials who seem to have nothing to do with her, but their names are heard throughout the country.

Olga Boguslavskaya: Absolutely right. This in itself is an amazing circumstance, and I am also leaving it out of brackets, because I think it does not need comment. Many of us - both listeners and our colleagues - may have been in such a situation - getting divorced, getting married and getting married. I don’t think it’s a sign of good manners to bring or invite heroes of your speeches to court. In this case we are talking about a journalist. I think this is bad manners. But I explain this by the demonstration of the weapons that Mr. Karaulov has. And I think that this is simply indecent.

Elena Rykovtseva: It's clear. Yes, we are talking now about one family, because the case is so high-profile that it has covered the entire Russian press, and there is no end to it. But, nevertheless, we will probably have to provide some lessons for the future or some conclusions to our listeners. This can affect anyone - anyone can get divorced and suffer because they are not allowed to see their child. For fathers who kidnap children, this is the main motive - they were not allowed to meet with the child. The mother says that she let him meet, but he didn’t take it. The father says that they did not allow us to meet, he tried to take us, but they did not allow us to meet. And so he steals it, commits, in general, some kind of offense, although for some reason no one has yet punished him for this.

Olga Boguslavskaya: This is not an offense.

Elena Rykovtseva: Yes. But how should a father actually act? What, he should record with witnesses every case when he is not granted a visit with his child? How should he act in a good way in a situation where he is really not allowed to meet with his child?

Olga Boguslavskaya: Firstly, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that I am not a lawyer, I am a journalist. And if you are interested in my opinion as a journalist, then I can only say...

Elena Rykovtseva: But you have a lot of experience. Journalist with extensive experience.

Olga Boguslavskaya: Yes, that's absolutely right. Based on my experience, I can say the following. If people want to resolve this question - what is the best thing to do in the interests of the child? – no matter how badly they treat each other, they always find this algorithm. I affirm this and I insist on this. Because all people are normal people, they always feel sorry for their child, especially a small one, especially one who is not so healthy. I saw many opposing, so to speak, sides, and I saw with what dignity people emerge from a situation when they have one common task. This is on the one hand. No bailiff, no bailiff, no judge is ever needed - no one is needed, because this is their common child, and only they know how to do better - if this task is worth it.

Another question. If people solve different problems. In this case, I believe that the mother is in distress because she is worried about her child, and the father, I believe, is getting even with her. This is my opinion, this is the feeling I have after I learned what I found out. So, I see that, again, no bailiffs, no policemen and no one can establish some kind of balance here, because, you yourself understand, well, you won’t, every time you come to a child, take being a bailiff, a policeman...

Elena Rykovtseva: That's what we're talking about, yes.

Olga Boguslavskaya: Therefore, this is the whole danger. That’s why I said that people should be aware that if they go off the rails and, like crazy, start doing what they want when they forget about the child, then they can do anything here. And this question, in this case, simply has no solution. That's what's terrible.

Elena Rykovtseva: Does this question that we are discussing now have a solution? Do you see the future? Here I see, in front of you are materials, statements... Do you see the prospect?

Olga Boguslavskaya: I apologize, I want to draw the attention of the listeners (they don’t know this, unfortunately, I already know this), there is some interesting news here. Mr. Karaulov considers it possible to spread information about Erik Bekbosynov - this is Ksenia’s son...

Elena Rykovtseva: Tiny son.

Olga Boguslavskaya: Yes, tiny, a few months old. In general, I find it difficult to find the words to somehow comment on this, because in all, excuse me, the correspondence that Mr. Karaulov distributed for the information of colleagues and ordinary citizens, he writes that Erik Bekbosynov is a paralyzed, immobile child, through He has some kind of electrode or cord running through his whole body, I don’t know what he calls it correctly. Well, to act professionally, I asked permission from Ksenia and her second husband to invite me home (although it may have looked strange), and they agreed to this request. And I saw this child. And I can only wish for everyone who is listening to us now that they too have such charming, wonderful children at home. The only thing that was not very successful here: we woke up the baby, he made us understand in every possible way that he was not waiting for us. But this is a fascinating creature. And Mr. Karaulov would still need to devote more time to making sure that what he writes is not true. Although, perhaps, this was not, in fact, part of his task.

And second. Mr. Karaulov appealed to the Solnechnogorsk Internal Affairs Department, department of internal affairs, with a statement to initiate criminal case number 71 225 on the fact that Ksenia Karaulova abandoned her children - Vasily Karaulov...

Elena Rykovtseva: When did he turn?

Olga Boguslavskaya: It was mid-November. On the fact of leaving children in danger.

Elena Rykovtseva: What does it mean?

Olga Boguslavskaya: The point is that Eric Bekbosynov fell ill with acute respiratory... ARVI. And since he is very small, the doctor who came to see him made a presumptive diagnosis - there is a question mark there, and this can be seen if necessary - “false croup”. On this basis, Mr. Karaulov wrote in his statement that “false croup” is a deadly disease for a nearby child. Ksenia Karaulova did not take measures to protect Vasily from mortal danger, and on this basis a criminal case was initiated. I'll get back to him now. And I want to say that he recently addressed the deputy head of the Main Directorate of the Federal Bailiff Service for Moscow, Skvortsov, and in this letter he allowed himself to write that, “as I learned yesterday, Ksenia Vasilievna Karaulova has been put on the wanted list because she is evading meetings with the investigator." It is difficult for me to refrain from commenting, but I will only say that since for some reason Ksenia Karaulova was not called to get an explanation from her on this case, on January 10, on her own initiative, she went to the Solnechnogorsk police department and gave evidence there. Although I would also like to draw your attention to the fact that all participants in this conflict live in Moscow, and for some reason the case is being initiated in the Solnechnogorsk region.

Elena Rykovtseva: Yes. Moreover, judging by the letter that Andrei Karaulov suggested that I use, this prosecutor’s office itself initiated this case.

Olga Boguslavskaya: No, this is not the prosecutor's office...

Elena Rykovtseva: Here he writes: “Even the prosecutor’s office could not stand the fact that the child was not sent to the hospital.” That is, as I understand it, the prosecutor’s office in Solnechnogorsk travels to Moscow and visits apartments with children’s doctors.

Olga Boguslavskaya: Try to imagine what this means, that employees from all regions of Moscow should be present. But the trouble is...

Elena Rykovtseva: When mothers refuse.

Olga Boguslavskaya: ...he turned not to the prosecutor's office, but to the police, and this was initiated based on his statement.

Elena Rykovtseva: This is a very important point, and we have clarified it. We also recorded the event from which, in fact, these radical actions taken by Andrei Karaulov began - this is the illness of a small child, Ksenia Karaulova, which she calls “acute respiratory infection” in her letters...

Olga Boguslavskaya: Not she, but the doctor.

Elena Rykovtseva: ...yes, and Andrei Karaulov calls it “false croup.” He submits a statement to the prosecutor's office that she does not hospitalize her child. And here a somewhat contradictory situation occurs when, on the one hand, he accuses the mother of his child of not isolating him from his sick brother, on the other hand, he accuses her of handing him over to his grandmother in an attempt to isolate this child. , grandfather and friends during the baby’s illness. This is where I can’t understand the logic. Because when the youngest child fell ill, indeed, Andrei Karaulov’s son began to “travel,” apparently, to his grandmother and grandfather - where he could not get infected from his brother. And on the basis that the child is not at home now, Andrei Karaulov comes up with this version that he is simply wandering around Moscow, in the streets, and they pick him up from one of the streets.

Olga Boguslavskaya: I want to draw your attention to two circumstances. Firstly, false croup is a disease... even if it really is false croup, then this disease is non-infectious, and it is dangerous only for the one who has it. I received this certificate from a doctor. This is the first.

Second. If Mr. Karaulov spreads information everywhere that the child, as he says, wandered to different addresses, then I want to note that grandparents are one of the best addresses in the world where a child can be, from my point of view. And everything else that Mr. Karaulov wrote about the manager in the cafe, about some Dan, about some bed on the third floor of the office of Mrs. Karaulova’s current husband is all nothing more than his assumptions. And again I’ll say it carefully, because he can’t confirm this with anything, and he doesn’t intend to. Because it is important for him to sow confusion and make people confused: so what, in fact, should Ksenia do? Only what she did: one small child caught a cold, Vasya, who goes to kindergarten, by the way, and is absent practically most of the day, she, in fact, decided to give him to his grandparents for a while - and rightly so did, and thank God that she has such an opportunity. What Andrei Viktorovich Karaulov wants in this situation, what he wants to prove, I honestly don’t know anymore.

Elena Rykovtseva: Unclear. Fine. I will now read several messages on the issue of our program. Our listener does not subscribe, but, nevertheless, I read the message. “I don’t think it’s decent for me to pick around someone else’s dirty laundry. Andrey Karaulov is a person I respect. And I am sure that his authority will not suffer in this scandal.”

“Interference in someone else’s personal life is always reprehensible. Well, Mr. Karaulov, as a journalist, is constantly doing this. Should he be indignant now?..,” says Valentina Vladimirovna from Moscow.

“Dear Elena, your question is: is the intervention of the press legal? – sounds paradoxical. Let me know what you are doing at the moment, if not this kind of interference? Please do not ignore my question,” writes Oksana Andreevna. Of course, we cannot ignore such a question. Of course this is interference. Of course, we are talking about publications that, in essence, analyze family history, and we analyze what is written in these publications and try to understand what motives motivate the participants in this story. And this story is not over, and will continue, including on the pages of the press. And nothing depends on our program.

“Karaulov is such and such (I’m omitting this word),” writes Valery, “but those journalists who meddle in his personal life are much worse than him. And in general, discussing such topics is insanity.”

“Your guest doesn’t watch Karaulov, but for some reason she knows that he is a truth-teller. The opinion that he is not a journalist is widespread, but on what it is based is unclear,” writes Konstantin from the city of Cherepovets.

“It is strange that Olga Boguslavskaya, not being a court employee, cares about the non-execution of court decisions and writes an article on this matter. Moreover, it is known that Russian justice in the circles of thinking people is called “Basmanny”. That is, justice in quotes. The worry for Andrei Karaulov’s son, when his ex-wife has a husband of a different nationality, who is unemployed, and has a child from her new husband, and when his son is not with his mother all the time, is understandable. And any good father, knowing that justice is not like that, would probably have done what Karaulov did, taking his son, even without a court decision,” writes Savelyeva.

Please, Olga, why are you so worried about the non-execution of a court decision, if it is so unfair, and it is known which one?

Olga Boguslavskaya: I apologize, I would like to note that Mr. Karaulov stooped to the point of drawing attention to the nationality of Mrs. Karaulova’s second husband.

Elena Rykovtseva: Yes, this is somehow emphasized. And I was also very surprised.

Olga Boguslavskaya: Yes, he is Kazakh, and this is emphasized. I don’t know what Mr. Karaulov meant, whether he cares that he is not an Uzbek, or whether there are some other preferable options, but this seemed completely inexplicable and unacceptable to me. This is on the one hand.

On the other hand, this is a play on words, I dare say, the question of why I worry so much. Yes, my profession is forensic essays. And I took up this not because I have nothing else to do, but because once they turned to me for help... And every year I repeat the same phrase: “Apparently, I won’t be left without work.” People endlessly turn to journalists, including me, because they do not know what to do in connection with the fact that our justice cannot cope, or is not going to cope with the responsibility assigned to it. That's all. I would be glad not to take part in this.

Elena Rykovtseva: You know, as for the story of Andrei Karaulov, I, too, am actually not a big fan of discussing such topics, although I read them in the newspapers. But discussing it on the radio is a completely different matter. Indeed, only your personality is the reason for this. But I want to say that I was offended by several publications on this topic. I believe that it is wrong and impossible to write such things. For example, somewhere they hint, and somewhere they directly write that it was Andrei Karaulov who set fire to his wife’s cafe. It seems to me unjustified to accuse a man without evidence of setting fire to his wife’s business in order to take revenge. I do not understand this.

On the other hand, I don’t understand Andrei Karaulov himself, who, one way or another, but screws up everywhere... and in such a way, in the form of a hint, that it seems like you can’t go to court, and no linguistic examination will prove anything, but he screws up like and in the letter that he gave us that his ex-wife used drugs.

And also, indeed, I don’t understand very well what a woman should do... Maybe the press does not always accurately accuse Mr. Karaulov and does not always provide evidence. But what should a woman do when such power is opposed by her ex-husband, with such connections? What should she do if not go to your newspaper, Olga?

Olga Boguslavskaya: You know, I believe that it may no longer be necessary to come to our newspaper, since Andrei Viktorovich Karaulov is spreading information about Ksenia Vasilyevna Karaulova that she is a drunkard, that she is a drug addict, that she is registered with the PND. Moreover, he emphasizes everywhere that he sees nothing wrong with this. But at the same time he constantly refers to it.

Elena Rykovtseva: He even feels sorry for her: well, we need to get treatment, that’s normal...

Olga Boguslavskaya: The skill of a theater journalist shows in this, it is noticeable and understandable. But I believe that the only way to deal with all these insinuations is to go to court, to the same court from which our conversation began. Because such liberties should not go unnoticed.

Elena Rykovtseva: In the same way, Andrei Karaulov can go to court when he is unjustly accused by one or another newspaper of trying to set something on fire.

Olga Boguslavskaya: Of course.

Elena Rykovtseva: Yes, probably, when such unmotivated things begin, it’s a trial.

Olga Boguslavskaya: Yes, I think this is the best way.

Elena Rykovtseva: And I read further messages from the pager.

“Everything, of course, maybe the story is quite complicated. But I have too negative an attitude towards Karaulov’s personality to be objective in this case and have my own opinion,” writes Irina.

“Of course, if journalists pry into private life, it’s annoying. Well, nothing can be done. If you lead a public life, then be prepared that they are interested in you and make money from your fame. Even Neuron could not prohibit the Romans from writing on the walls,” writes Alexander.

And we listen to Nikolai from the city of Gus-Khrustalny. Hello, Nikolay.

Listener: Good afternoon. You know, your situation is paradoxical. Firstly, it is generally incorrect to say that the father stole the child, sort of like a hostage. Right? Agree, there is some kind of paradox in this. How can you take your son hostage?

Elena Rykovtseva: Nikolay, let's stop right away. We will immediately check with Olga Boguslavskaya. By the way, I also had this question. Why a hostage? Is he a hostage to what? He just keeps his son with him. Why are you being held hostage?

Olga Boguslavskaya: No no. Firstly, if you read the title of my material to the end, then we are talking about being a hostage to the story with his wife, the confrontation with his wife.

Elena Rykovtseva: And you immediately emphasized that this is your opinion.

Olga Boguslavskaya: Naturally. My name is there. And I only say what I think is possible to say. This time.

Secondly, at the beginning of the program, when you said that he committed a crime... No. If the parent is not deprived of rights, then yes, he has the right...

Elena Rykovtseva: ...take the child by force.

Olga Boguslavskaya: No, no, I just wanted to say that when it turns out that the child is with one of the parents, then no one can say that it was stolen. The point was that he was holding him, and contrary to the court's decision about where the child should be. I'm not talking about the method that Mr. Karaulov chose to communicate with his child - with the guards.

Elena Rykovtseva: And this method cannot be condemned legally either. A nanny and a child are walking on the street, a car stops, they pick up the child, put him in the car and take him away. This method is not provided for by law. He is a father, and that's okay. That is, this is not condemned by the code.

Olga Boguslavskaya: There is no such composition in the Criminal Code.

Elena Rykovtseva: There is no composition – that’s all, that’s what I wanted to clarify.

Nikolay, please continue.

Listener: I am turning to Olga Boguslavskaya. You recently wrote a great article about your relationship in your second marriage with your girl. Do you remember this article? It was somewhere in the Golden Feather. It's gorgeous there...

Olga Boguslavskaya: With my girl? Unfortunately, I don’t have a daughter.

Elena Rykovtseva: Oh, maybe you're confused. Nikolai, this didn’t happen.

Listener: Look, smallpox, smallpox disease. And father...

Olga Boguslavskaya: What smallpox?!.. What is our listener talking about?

Elena Rykovtseva: Nikolai, no smallpox, God forbid. Let's really not do too much...

Evgeny Markovich from Moscow, hello.

Listener: Good afternoon. I have the deepest respect for both you, presenter, and Olga Boguslavskaya.

Olga Boguslavskaya: Thank you.

Listener: I am a regular subscriber to MK. Sorry that I am slightly deviating from the topic you announced. This is my first time calling a radio station, well, I just couldn’t resist. For the fact that you described this scum that Karaulov in all colors, I am extremely grateful to you. All the best to you!

Elena Rykovtseva: Evgeny Markovich, thank you for your call. But, nevertheless, dear listeners, I ask you to refrain from such assessments. In general, of course, it is not very correct to transfer your attitude towards the leader, as a leader, to what happens to him in life. We must somehow try to look at this story completely separately. Well, that’s what I’m calling for, but how it turns out... I don’t know.

“The media are obliged to cover only the personal life of the president and other officials, because their depravity reflects on the moral character of the rest of the people,” writes Vyacheslav from Nizhny Tagil. Well, the lives of everyone else do not affect the lives of the people, so there is no need to cover them.

“Karaulov behaves dishonestly. He only pretends to expose other swindlers, while he himself mocks his wife and child.”

Savelyeva writes in addition regarding nationality: “I don’t think Andrei Karaulov was a nationalist when he spoke about the non-Russian nationality of his wife’s new husband. Perhaps he does not want his son to be raised in such a culture. And his worries are understandable. And it's not a matter of nationality. The fact is that this person has no occupation.” Yes, in Karaulov’s letter it was about being a person without a specific occupation.

Olga Boguslavskaya: It literally says the following: “Kazakh by nationality. A person without a specific occupation." I bring to the attention of everyone who is interested in this that, indeed, he is Kazakh by nationality, and I don’t see any difference. And what this person does, anyone who wants to take an interest in this can find out. This is a working man. And in vain Mr. Karaulov is laying false accusations against him, no matter how funny it may be.

Elena Rykovtseva: You see, even in this story this spectrum of contradictions is reflected, which concerns both the personality of Andrei Karaulov and the attitude of people towards nations in Russia, because...

Olga Boguslavskaya: Yes Yes.

Elena Rykovtseva: Here I am reading a message from Dobry’s listener: “Andrei Karaulov correctly drew attention to the nationality of his second husband, because he is not indifferent to the fate of his son. And the foreign culture and instructions of some Kazakh are simply offensive. But, unfortunately, not everyone understands this.” Here you go.

Olga Boguslavskaya: You see!

Elena Rykovtseva: That is, of course, he is counting on such an audience. And you see, it finds support. Mikhail from St. Petersburg, hello.

Listener: Good afternoon. I want to say that Andrei Karaulov, of course, his program “Moment of Truth” (as I remember on TV-6 they joked about it - “Monument of Truth”), this is a very strong program. But for some reason... I don’t know, maybe on your radio station or on Ekho Moskvy they said that he was somehow not very loyal to Putin.

And what we are now examining is Andrei Karaulov, his relationship with his wife, how he meets with his son, this is a little reminiscent of how after Vysotsky’s death they began to say: “He drank...”.

And most importantly, why I called. For us (I will soon be 34 years old), there is still one less joy in this life - because Gennady Bachinsky will no longer appear.

Elena Rykovtseva: Yes, we are very sad, Mikhail. Probably, the farewell in the House of Journalists has already ended. And here I completely agree with you. Let's just not confuse all this. What does a person’s life have to do with it when he has already died? They do this on other channels. Now we are talking about a very specific story. The point is that (as I see this story) the child has been deprived of the opportunity to communicate with his mother at all for a month and a half. The four-year-old child has not seen his mother since November 30, 2007, and without any court decisions, without any reason. She cannot... please understand, dear listeners, she cannot enter the protected territory of this dacha. And Andrei Karaulov is now abroad.

Olga Boguslavskaya: From his words.

Elena Rykovtseva: Yes, in his words. And I heard these words personally, because I spoke to him on the phone.

Olga Boguslavskaya: And me too.

Elena Rykovtseva: It turns out that the child now lives in this protected area... with guards, without a mother, without a father. I just can't wrap my head around it. But good. Let's stop interfering with this and discussing it. Boguslavskaya will stop writing about this. Let's leave Ksenia Karaulova alone with this guard and this fence.

Olga Boguslavskaya: And all the other women...

Elena Rykovtseva: ...and other women too. In general, this is how I understand the essence of these proposals.

Egor from Moscow, hello.

Listener: Good afternoon. It seems to me that the position of both the author of the program and journalist Boguslavskaya (I didn’t read your article, sorry), it is fundamentally wrong. We must proceed from the interests of the child. Infringing on the interests of the father or mother is the same...

Olga Boguslavskaya: That's it.

Listener: By taking one position or another, you infringe on the interests of the child. By making things worse for one of the parties, you make things worse for the child. Therefore, all these discussions of yours are women’s talk that lead nowhere. I will only say one thing: where there is poverty, there are many words. You will resolve this issue in the courts. And there is no need to infringe...

Elena Rykovtseva: Egor, thank you for your call. I understand everything you are saying. I also understand very well men who face these types of situations. In general, it was no coincidence that I started this program with a question to Olga: what should men do if the court has determined that they are allowed to communicate with a child, while the same man is told: either the child is sick, then the child was taken to the theater, he is in the cinema, he is birthday at a friend's place... Somehow, it happens very often in life that the mother is unable to always carry out the court's decision exactly. And this dad, in the end, begins to go wild. I don’t know if it was like that in Karaulov’s family, if it was like that with him. So he says that this is roughly what happened to him. That’s why I’m saying that it would be nice to find some way for these dads, who are denied access to their child under one pretext or another, to somehow record this, and then move on, as Yegor rightly said , to the same court with some set of evidence that he is being obstructed! Because for now these are just words. Here Karaulov says that they are preventing him, and the mother of this unfortunate boy says that he could communicate at any time.

Olga Boguslavskaya: See, here's the thing. The legal procedure is laid out quite normally. The trouble is that it is simply not followed. Therefore, there is a decision that is ordered to be fulfilled, and if it were fulfilled, then it would be possible in a completely calm atmosphere, without any worries, worries, and so on, to further understand whether the spouses are satisfied with the order of communication or not. You just need to follow this procedure, and there is no need to invent anything else. But it is not respected - that’s the whole problem.

Elena Rykovtseva: Elya from Moscow, hello.

Listener: Hello. I risk, of course, being accused of persecution mania and “conspiracy theories,” but maybe this is connected with the Year of the Family? Karaulov is indeed a public person. And maybe now he will seem to show that a woman should tolerate a normal, Russian husband, and not jump around on non-Russian husbands. And Russian sons suffer from this, and so on.

Elena Rykovtseva: That is, he will turn this whole story into a show, into some kind of symbol, something like that?

Listener: On the other hand, we have a friend who had the same situation. And his communication with the child came to naught completely. And now he is already a teenager, whom he occasionally and secretly glances at from around the corner of the house. And in childhood he looked after him very closely, so to speak, and so on. Well, then - also a noisy divorce. That is, indeed, the situation is very ambiguous. And the publicity here... it seems to me, perhaps, is also connected with this - with the fact that “Long live the family!”, and “He who is not a family is...”.

Elena Rykovtseva: Elya, I understand. Thank you very much for your call. Well, you yourself say that this is an assumption, of course, that he wants to turn something into something. But I want to emphasize that such stories become public not at the moment of their development, but at the radical moment when the action takes place. What happens is that the child is taken from the mother without agreeing with her about this, and is deprived of the opportunity to meet with her - that’s when the story becomes public.

Zinaida from the Tula region, hello.

Listener: Hello. I'm an old grandmother. My granddaughter lived with her husband for 13 years, and things didn’t work out for them... well, they separated and got divorced. She did not apply for child support. Here he goes, visits the child any time he can. I bought him a bicycle and takes it for walks everywhere in the summer. This is the situation - we found a common language.

Olga Boguslavskaya: Yes, that's what we're talking about.

Listener: And she doesn’t forbid him. She says: “Grandma, you pray for him.” And I say: “Sveta, I pray that your life with Seryozha will improve.” She says: “Grandma, not this!”

Elena Rykovtseva: Oh, how good it is, Zinaida, that you called us.

Olga, you see this couple, you can roughly imagine. If Ksenia publicly declares that she will not create any obstacles, that “please, let’s put the entire public on their feet, come and watch him take the child by court order from such and such an hour,” then Will the problem be solved - they will give her the child, there will be no more such stress, or it still won’t help - are these vows public?

Olga Boguslavskaya: I'm not talking about vows. And in general, these assumptions seem to go beyond the norm, from my point of view. I simply repeat once again that two adults who are adults to such an extent that they gave birth to a common child must agree. There are no obstacles. And nothing else is needed, for someone to come, a bailiff or someone else, to write it down, record the time, the police, and so on. They must agree. There is no other solution to this problem.

Elena Rykovtseva: I am reading the following message. “I would never give the child to Karaulov, since he would raise him to be the same (I’m replacing the word here) bad person like himself,” writes Anna Ivanovna from Moscow.

And now I understand for myself that, of course, the problem of discussing stories that happen in the families of recognizable people is that all the same, people - readers or listeners - will refract their attitude to this story through the prism of perception of this person.

Olga Boguslavskaya: Naturally.

Elena Rykovtseva: If they like Karaulov, they will be for Karaulov. If they don't like the presenter, they will be against it. And this, of course, is the problem of recognition. It would be better if it were more abstract. But abstraction fails here.

“I’m on Karaulov’s side. I think it’s right that he fights for his child,” without a signature.

“How can you trust and respect Karaulov if for three years he has been making lies about the most honest man in Russia, Gennady Andreevich Zyuganov?!” writes Yuri Nikolaevich.

“I want to say in defense of Karaulov. When I presented information from one of the KGB units, Karaulov invited Kryuchkov to the “Moment of Truth,” who confirmed all the facts I presented,” Viktor Ivanovich writes from Moscow.

“I believe that Olga Boguslavskaya minded her own business by interfering in Karaulov’s personal life. In addition, her words convey hostility towards him. This is her personal matter. And no matter what words she speaks in defense of his son, it is felt that the article was written as a result of other motives concerning the personality of Karaulov himself, whom she clearly dislikes,” writes Maria Borisovna.

Well, as I understand it, you didn’t care about Karaulov in any way before this article, you didn’t even really look at it...

Olga Boguslavskaya: No, no way.

Elena Rykovtseva: “Karaulov is an unsurpassed master of distortion and manipulation, so I stopped watching his programs. And this action that we are discussing is natural.”

“About Karaulov’s behavior. I met Karaulov on December 27 at a New Year's banquet at the mayor's office, in Gostiny Dvor. He behaved arrogantly and did not greet anyone...” “I didn’t say hello to anyone,” writes Evgeniy Vladimirovich. It all comes down, unfortunately...

Olga Boguslavskaya: Well, it's inevitable.

Elena Rykovtseva: discuss his personality.

Olga Boguslavskaya: Yes Yes. And it's very bad.

Elena Rykovtseva: And that's bad. On this sad note, we end the “Press Hour” program on the waves of Radio Liberty.

date of birth: 04/24/1988; Russian singer.

Loved the stage from a young age

The popular, stunning, unique and talented singer Yulianna Karaulova is known by millions of people around the world, her songs take first place in the Russian charts, and her videos receive tens of millions of views on You tube.

Many fans wonder where and when was Yulianna Karaulova born? She was born in Moscow on April 24, 1988 in a family of people who had nothing to do with pop activities. Fans are interested in who are Yulianna Karaulova’s parents and what do they do?

Her mother, Elena Karaulova, is a doctor by profession, but she always dreamed of becoming a singer, apparently this impulse was reflected in her daughter’s character and choice of future vocation; her father, Yuri Karaulov, is a famous diplomat. It was because of the work of the head of the family that in 1992 they moved to Sofia, where Yuliana Karaulova goes to school at the embassy.

From a young age, the girl demonstrates an interest in the stage, performs in front of her parents, and actively participates in school amateur performances. The only child in the family, Yulianna Karaulova basked in the rays of her parents’ love and care; they always encouraged her hobbies, especially since it was clear that the girl had a talent for public speaking. In 1998, the young performer received a certificate for participating in the Dobrich music competition, held in Bulgaria. A year later, Yuliana Karaulova returns to Moscow, where she continues to study at school and develop her performing skills by attending vocal courses.

Work in musical groups and solo work

The creative biography of Yulianna Karaulova dates back to 2004, when she took 2nd place in the “Face of the Year” photo competition from the glossy publication “Yes”; in the same year the magazine announced the creation of a group of the same name. Yulianna Karaulova gets into the Yes group thanks to her vocal and artistic abilities. A team of three young and gifted girls releases several songs; they did not achieve high popularity, but gained useful experience. In 2004, together with other Yes participants, Yulianna Karaulova tried her hand at the qualifying competition for the 5th season of the Star Factory show; only she managed to pass. In one of her interviews, she said that she doubted her participation in the project and seriously believed that without connections there was nothing to do there. She manages to reach the final, but the victory is given to Victoria Daineko.

During her stay on the project, she develops a romantic relationship with another participant, Ruslan Masyukov. Most likely, this novel was part of a spectacular PR campaign, because after the release of Factory 5, the couple Yulianna Karaulova and Ruslan Masyukov breaks up. At the Factory, Yulianna Karaulova developed a real friendship with Natalya Podolskaya; in America, for some time, she stayed with her twin sister, whose name is Yuliana. Yulianna is also the godmother of Mikhail Veselov’s son.

According to her, despite the rivalry, a friendly atmosphere reigned in the 5th edition of the star factory; one could count on the support of the team. While working on the project, Maxim Fadeev notices her and Yuliana Karaulova becomes a member of the musical trio “Netske.” Many people remember the popular song “I got caught in the net.” Despite all the efforts of the eminent producer, the group did not find its audience, the team breaks up.

After leaving the group, Yulianna Karaulova breaks her contract with Maxim Fadeev and flies to London, where she studies at a television school for 6 months. There were excellent prospects for obtaining a prestigious MBA education; she passed the international exam with a high score. Decides that 2-3 years of study in another country will lead to the loss of achieved results in the performing field, acquaintances and connections will be lost. On top of everything, Yulianna Yurievna Karaulova really missed Russia. No matter how great it was abroad, she was always drawn to her homeland, to her family, friends and her favorite business.

In 2006, Yulianna Karaulova entered the 1st year of the Academy. Gnesins with a specialization in “Pop Vocals”, and after a few years she manages to obtain another higher education in the direction of “Music Industry Management”. For some time she worked in the editorial office of Yes magazine. It is at work that I meet with the guys from the 5sta Family group; during the work interview, a friendly conversation develops, which transfers into friendly relations. In 2011, after Loya left, 5sta Family needed a soloist, and Yulianna Karaulova became part of the team. The debut album was released in 2012. Every year brings new hits. The joint work continues until 2015 and during this time the guys manage to achieve considerable success in the musical field.

In mid-2015, singer Yulianna Karaulova launched her solo career. Many 5sta Family fans were very surprised by this decision. When asked why Yulianna Karaulova left the group, the performer replies that the reason for everything is a divergence of views on creativity and business. She left on good terms and warned her group partners in advance. She was present at the announcement of the new soloist Lera Kozlova, the former “Ranetka”.

With the start of her solo work, Yulianna Karaulova’s biography takes a new turn, she manages to reach new heights of fame; she did not expect such quick results from herself. Her song “You’re Not Like That” occupies top positions in the charts and charts on the most popular radio stations.


It is noteworthy that this song was recorded by another singer, Bianca, with whom they are close friends. Comparing solo creativity with work in a team, Yulianna Yuryevna Karaulova speaks of an increased level of independence and freedom, while all responsibility falls on one person. She is full of optimism and is confident that this is just a step towards new horizons of success.

The whole truth about personal life

The singer's bright appearance is the adoration of many men. She often receives invitations from professional and famous photographers for erotic photography, but she rejects all invitations, citing the fact that she is simply not interested. Therefore, we are unlikely to see Yulianna Karaulova naked in Maxim magazine. Nevertheless, she is very photogenic, as noted by all the photographers who worked with her.

Her excellent athletic form allows her to successfully perform at the Ice Age show in 2016. The couple Yulianna Karaulova and Maxim Trankov captivated the audience; they managed to reach the finals, thanks to the singer’s excellent physical characteristics and preparation. They developed excellent friendly relations; together they visited Ivan Urgant on his TV show. The performer has a very active public life, some time ago, while visiting “Europe+” she performed “Oh God, Mom, I’m going crazy...” Yegor Creed and Yulianna Karaulova are close friends.

Many fans are interested in the singer's behind-the-scenes life. Her first love was musician Ruslan Masyukov, she was 15 and he was 21; such a relationship could not last long. At the age of 18, she met a young man named Pavel, whom she had been dating for 2 years; a serious relationship went wrong due to her lover’s jealousy; Julianna felt that he was limiting her.

Fate gives her a surprise in the face of Andrei Cherny, a record studio producer, whom she met when she was 17 years old. Love was preceded by long-term friendships, after 7 years they were covered by a wave of love. Their relationship has lasted for 3 years and they are absolutely happy. Yuliana Karaulova herself tries not to advertise her personal life and its details. When asked what an ideal husband should be, Yuliana Karaulova answers simply - loving, caring, reliable, and believes that the man should be the leader in a relationship.

The singer prefers to relax by listening to music; it helps her escape from all her worries and problems. Yuliana has also been excellent on ice since childhood. Her favorite sport is snowboarding. By the way, in order to win the heart of Yuliana Karaulova, Andrei Cherny took an emergency boarding course. Now it is one of the couple's favorite outdoor activities.

Yuliana loves to drive a car, has a love for Japanese foreign cars, and currently drives a Mercedes. She likes to travel, but always longs to go home.

Yulianna Karaulova is a creative and multifaceted person who will definitely achieve success.

Yulia Mareeva in preparation for his murder was literally “blown up” by the media. As journalists found out, the journalist, fearing for his life, strengthened security at the mansion and wrote a letter to the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Vladimir Kolokoltsev, asking him to take action against the “Bandera killers” who could become the perpetrators of the assassination attempt.

He attached to the message an inventory of the missing property, including an expensive Patek Philippe watch worth 60,000 euros and a painting by Nikas Safronov with a dedicatory inscription. In addition, he asked neighbors to take care of their crocodile and piranhas if necessary.

Dear Vladimir Alexandrovich! On December 20, 2017, my wife, Yulia Alekseevna Mareeva, turned to our mutual friend, realtor Igor Nikolaevich Biryukov, with a request to help her find people who could fulfill her order: to kill me, Andrey Viktorovich Karaulov, in any way,” -

According to the journalist’s neighbors, they know about Karaulov’s fears for his life.

About two weeks ago, Andrei Viktorovich warned all neighbors that if strangers appeared, they should immediately inform him. He asked me to pay special attention to mustachioed men in embroidered shirts with a characteristic Ukrainian accent and cars with “yellow-black license plates.” He also asked us to take care of the crocodile and piranhas living in the house, if, like, “something happens to him,” -

A resident of the village of Novoglagolevo, where the house of Karaulov A. is located, told the journalist of the Investigation Management Center.

Julia turned to me to help me get rid of my husband due to my connections. It was on Profsoyuznaya Street on December 15th. I still have her messages on my phone,”

the man said, adding that Yulia did not name the amount for the murder of her husband, but promised to thank her “very much,” noting that she felt “very bad.”

It is known about Yulia Mareeva that she grew up in an ordinary Moscow family. Her father received disability during the liquidation of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, and her mother works as a teacher. When the girl graduated from school, then, according to Biryukov, she went to Spain, where she worked as a dancer in a nightclub. However, Yulia’s profile on social networks indicates that she studied at the Russian State University for the Humanities, and the university’s website contains information that in 2012 she defended her diploma at the Department of World Politics and International Relations on the topic “BRICS in the modern system of international relations: regional and global aspects.”

Yulia Mareeva became the fourth wife of Andrei Karaulov. The couple met more than six years ago on the Internet. At that time, she was 21 years old, and he was 53. Julia wrote that she was a big fan of the journalist’s work, and a couple of months later he suggested meeting.

Yulia, as expected, was brought by car to our village eatery, just around the corner, and I arrived in felt boots, dirty and unshaven. But it’s okay, I liked it, and four days later we left for vacation,”

TV presenter confessed to Timur Kizyakov during the program “While everyone is at home” on April 24, 2016.

Answering Kizyakov’s question about the image of her husband she created for herself, Yulia said:

I created for myself the image of a person who fights for justice."

After Yulia met Karaulov, in the fall of 2012 she entered MGIMO graduate school at the department of world political processes. According to her publications, then it took her “only three days to learn” the answers to the entrance test in philosophy, and she prepared for it on the shores of Lake Geneva, and in 2014 the girl approved the topic of her doctoral dissertation on the topic “Value foundations of the foreign policy of the Russian Federation, USA, China and the EU in the field of international security", but there is no information about the defense of Mareev’s dissertation.

Biryukov admitted that immediately after his marriage, Andrei Karaulov transferred most of the real estate to his young wife and bequeathed to her a collection of paintings and gold items.

Andrey has real estate worth tens of millions, and Julia, according to my guesses, had some influence on him. He walked around not himself. Only through a reverse gift agreement was everything returned. Yes, she’s just a shark and married Andrey out of convenience!” -

he's sure.

Yulia developed useful connections with high-ranking officials and famous artists. She spent evenings in Moscow nightclubs and vacationed in hot countries, and a photograph of her in the background began to appear in her husband’s “Moment of Truth” program.

According to friends, scandals began in the family about six months ago. Yulia began to spend the night with friends or went to her grandmother in Kyiv. At the same time, journalists found out that in September 2016, Yulia asked her friends on social networks:

Guys, has anyone conducted transactions on the Internet through a guarantor? Can you recommend a reliable site? It's very urgent! I need to order a service and get data!"

On the darknet, a guarantor is an intermediary who facilitates illegal transactions, such as buying drugs, weapons, hacking mail, or even hiring a hitman.

When Yulia once again left for Kyiv, Andrei “came to his senses” and found out that his wife had transferred the apartment he had recently bought in Crimea for 6 million rubles and a Lexus for 4 million rubles to her relatives. In addition, he claims that valuables have disappeared from the house.

Having done a major audit in my house, I discovered that the following had disappeared from there: my own Patek Philippe watch, which I bought in 2002 in Munich (price no less than 60,000 euros), a painting by the artist Nikas Safronov with a dedicatory inscription, given to me for my birthday September 10, 2017, an antique English service that I bought in Australia 2 years ago,”

he wrote to Kolokoltsev.

In December 2017, the journalist filed a complaint with the Department of Internal Affairs for the South-Western Administrative District of Moscow, but then they refused to initiate a criminal case and advised him to hire a good divorce lawyer.

Karaulov claims that he is “in real danger,” and his wife in Kyiv is “looking for a killer from among the Banderaites.”

I take Ms. Yu. A. Mareeva’s intention to deal with me very seriously. I don’t understand why it’s so easy to steal a large sum from me and still not answer for it. I don’t understand why things stolen from me can be safely stored in my apartment without fear of being searched. I don’t understand what’s going on at all,”

he is indignant.

In her comments to the TsUR, Yulia Mareeva called what was happening “bullshit.”

Karaulov’s divorces are all carbon copies,”

she stated, noting that she “didn’t even see” the watch mentioned in the letter to the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the painting by Nikas Safronov and the expensive service.

According to the girl, she will soon return to Moscow and contact the police herself. In addition, she promised to make public dirt on her husband and reveal the sources of his millions.

Let us note that the last episode of Karaulov’s program “Moment of Truth” was aired on December 12, 2016. The program was devoted to assassination attempts on Vladimir Putin, of which the journalist counted at least six since 1999. However, after the broadcast of the program, the channel’s management unexpectedly terminated the contract with Strategy of the Century LLC, which owns the rights to the Moment of Truth brand. According to rumors, then the editorial office of Channel Five, where the program aired, received a call from the Security Service of the President of the FSO with a “demand to fire this clown and dreamer.” However, the presenter himself stated that he left of his own free will. At the same time, the LRC claims that Andrei Karaulov dreams of returning to the air and is writing letters to various government agencies with a request to transfer them to the head of state.

Who is Andrey Karaulov - there is hardly a person who does not know the answer to this question. This is a well-known TV presenter, one can safely say - scandalous, but principled, raising topics that are relevant to ordinary viewers in his programs. He is popular, but speaks little about his biography and personal life, preferring to highlight in his interviews and programs what worries the majority of citizens of the Russian Federation and beyond.

Biography of TV presenter Andrei Karaulov

Future TV presenter Andrei Karaulov was born in the city of Korolev (at that time Kaliningrad) in the Moscow region on September 10, 1958. He was interested in journalism from high school, but he was unable to enter the corresponding faculty of Moscow State University after graduating from secondary education. An attempt to become a student at GITIS was more successful, and in 1981 he received a diploma in theater studies, and then successfully defended his PhD thesis in art history. Next were

  • service in the ranks of the Soviet Army,
  • editorship in “Theatrical Life” and “Ogonyok”,
  • work in the almanac “Heritage” and the magazine “Rodina”,
  • original work in the “Moment of Truth” program.

The program “Moment of Truth” is the most significant work of TV presenter Andrei Karaulov. At the same time, he took part in the work on the programs “Russian Century” and “Russian People”, “Stolen Air”, published several books - “Around the Kremlin”, “Theater, 1980s”, and shot the film “Unknown Putin”.

In 2017, Andrei Karaulov’s program was taken off the air without explanation or comment. But this did not put an end to his career - he takes an active part in both television and public life, continues to write and make documentaries.

Personal life of TV presenter Andrei Karaulov

His personal life is no less eventful than his professional one. Andrey Karaulov was married 4 times. The first marriage took place only because the girl was pregnant, and almost immediately after the birth of her daughter Lydia, the couple separated.

The second wife of Andrei Karaulov is Natalya Mironova, the daughter of the famous Russian playwright Mikhail Shatrov. The marriage produced a daughter, Sofia, but Andrei Karaulov practically did not raise her either. The family broke up with a loud scandal because of his latest hobby, and the ex-wife limited the father’s communication with the child.

Andrei Karaulov’s third wife was a certain Ksenia Kolpakova, a rather young girl, whom he had to look after for a long time and beautifully - expensive gifts, vacation trips abroad, opening a coffee shop in the center of the capital especially for his young chosen one. But this relationship also ended quickly.

After breaking up, Andrei Karaulov accused his fourth wife, Yulia Mareeva, of theft and of organizing an attempt on his life. This divorce became the most scandalous in the personal life of TV presenter Andrei Karaulov. Investigations and litigation continue to this day, but there is still no direct evidence of the girl’s guilt, and the press’s interest in the scandal is gradually fading away. Who will be Andrei Karaulov’s fifth wife is a question he is asked more often during interviews than questions about his latest divorce and career.

Andrey Karaulov
Occupation: TV presenter, journalist
Date of birth: September 10, 1958
Place of birth: Kaliningrad, Moscow region, RSFSR, USSR
Citizenship: USSR→Russia
Children: Lydia, Sophia, Vasily

Andrey Viktorovich Karaulov(born September 10, 1958, Kaliningrad) - Russian journalist and TV presenter. Author and presenter of journalistic programs "Moment of Truth", “Russian Century” on the TVC channel. President of LLP “Television Corporation “Moment of Truth””. Winner of the TEFI television award.

Was born Andrey Karaulov in Kaliningrad near Moscow (now the city of Korolev), Moscow region.
In 1976, he worked as a laborer at the Salyut plant in Moscow.
In 1981 he graduated from the Faculty of Theater Studies at GITIS. A.V. Lunacharsky. Candidate of Arts Sciences.

From 1982 to 1983 Andrey Karaulov- service in the Soviet Army.
From 1983 to 1985 Andrey Karaulov- editor of the magazine "Theatrical Life".
From 1985 to 1988 Andrey Karaulov- Head of the humor department of the Ogonyok magazine.

From 1988 to 1990 Andrey Karaulov works in the almanac “Our Heritage”. Published in the newspaper “Soviet Russia”.
Since 1990 - head of the department of the Rodina magazine.
In 1991 - head of the literature and art department of Nezavisimaya Gazeta.
Since 1992 - author and presenter of the program “Russian Century” on NTV and “Stolen Air”, “Moment of Truth” and “Russian People” on TNT.

In 1992-1997, “Moment of Truth” was broadcast on the RTR channel. In 1998-2000 on TNT in a talk show format. From February 27, 2000 to October 4, 2010 - on the TV Center channel. Due to the closure, information about the “Moment of Truth” program was removed from the website of the TV Center channel.
On June 6, 2011, broadcasting of the program was resumed on Channel Five.
Andrey Karaulov- author of the political books “Around the Kremlin” (the second edition of the book was published in 2 volumes by the Slovo publishing house). The first edition of the book “Around the Kremlin” was published in 1990 and, according to the author, the purpose of this book was “to show through a series of dialogues how socio-political thought lived and developed over the course of one year, where they were going and to what... "; "Russian sun".
Andrey Karaulov He is also the author of the monographs “Theater, 80s”, “Oleg Ivanovich Borisov”, “Simplified Theatre”. Author of the 4-part documentary film “Unknown Putin”. In the 2003 film “The Truth of the Moment,” R. Fatalieva played himself. Speaks German.
Andrey Karaulov Married for the third time. From his first marriage there is a daughter, Lydia, and from his second marriage to Ksenia Karaulova, a son, Vasily.

Bibliography Andrey Karaulov
2012 Andrey Karaulov. Russian hell. Ed. Zebra E, 848 pp., circulation 4000 copies, ISBN 978-5-90562-971-6
2011 Andrey Karaulov. Russian hell. On the way to the underworld. Ed. Eksmo, series “Political secrets of the 21st century”, 352 pp., circulation 20,000 copies, ISBN 978-5-9265-0626-3
2011 Andrey Karaulov. Russian hell-2. Meeting with the devil. Ed. Algorithm, series “Political secrets of the 21st century”, 336 pp., circulation 8000 copies, ISBN 978-5-4320-0014-9
2001 Andrey Karaulov. Russian sun. Ed. Collection “Top Secret”, series “Top Secret”, 384 pp., circulation 22000 copies, ISBN 5-89048-087-1
1997 Andrey Karaulov. Ditties. "Bad boy". A new version of a famous book. Ed. Collection “Top Secret”, 256 pp., circulation 5000 copies, ISBN 5-89048-060-X
1996 Andrey Karaulov. Bad boy. Ed. Top Secret, 196 pp., circulation 15,000 copies, ISBN 5-85275-130-8
1994 Andrey Karaulov. Details. Simplified theater. Ed. Bustard, Lyrus, 320 pp., circulation 10,000 copies, ISBN 5-87675-038-7
1993 Andrey Karaulov. Around the Kremlin (in 2 volumes). Ed. SLOVO/SLOVO, 912 pp., circulation 5000 copies, ISBN 5-85050-352-X
1992 Andrey Karaulov. Oleg Borisov. Ed. Art, 318 pp., circulation 12,000 copies, ISBN 5-210-02513-6
1990 Andrey Karaulov. Around the Kremlin. Book of Political Dialogues. Ed. News, 480 pp., circulation 100,000 copies, ISBN 5-7020-0160-5
1988 Andrey Karaulov. Theater, 80s... Ed. Pravda Publishing House, Ogonyok Library (Issue No. 17), 46 p.
1988 Andrey Karaulov. Asya Grigorova. Masquerade for power. Ed. Seer, 224 pp., ISBN 9547330276, ISBN 9789547330276

2012 Jesse Russell, Ronald Cohn. Karaulov, Andrey Viktorovich. Ed. VSD, 139 pp., ISBN 978-5-5129-1223-2, ISBN 5512912232

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