Hides your name. What does your name hide?

  • April 24, 2018
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The origin of each name is associated with unique events or beliefs. Therefore, each name has a certain energy and strength. Find out how skillfully you use the power of your name, and how suitable it is for you.

Each name has a different energy force, but what is important is not only what is inherent, but how the name and its features are used. This test will help you use this power correctly.

1.Did you have a nickname associated with your name?

A was a nickname, but not from a name.

Q - yes, I had a nickname associated with my name.

S - no, there was no such nickname.

2.How many letters are in your full name?

A - short, up to 4.

B - average, 5-6.

C - from 7 and more.

3.Are you more often called by your short or full name?

A - called an affectionate word.

B - is called a shortened version of the name.

C - called by full name.

4.Would you like to change your name?

A - the name has already changed.

B - there is such a desire.

S - my name suits me.

5.Were you named after someone?

And - yes, the name was given in honor of another person.

Q - there are doubts on this issue.

S - no, the name was chosen without reference to someone else.

6.Have you often been called by a different name by mistake?

And - yes, there was confusion.

B - this happened, but rarely.

S - I hardly remember such cases.

7.If you are a believer, do you have an icon with your name patron saint?

A - I am a weakly religious person/atheist.

Q - I am a believer, but there is no such icon yet.

S - yes, there is such an icon.

8.Do you use stones and amulets that are associated with your name?

A - I don’t know which talismans fit my name.

B - there is an object (keychain, bracelet, etc.) with a name written on it.

C - there are amulets associated with energy and the meaning of the name.

9.What is the origin of your name?

A - the name is an abbreviation (like Vladlena).

B -Latin/Jewish/Arabic.

C - Slavic/Greek.

10.Which syllable in your name is stressed?

A - emphasis in the middle of the name.

B - emphasis at the end of the name.

S - stress on the first syllable.

11.What consonants are present in your name

A - voiceless (for example, s, sh, f), soft consonants.

B - equal parts voiced and unvoiced, soft and hard.

S - voiced or sonorant consonants (l, m. n. r), hard sounds.

12.How many famous personalities, your namesakes, can you name without straining your memory?

A - no more than three.

B - from three to five.

C - more than five.

13.Remember the character from the book with your name. Do you like her/her?

A - no, I don't like this character.

Q - I don’t know a single character with my own name.

S - yes, I like this hero.

14. do you love your name?

B - I am neutral.

S - yes, I like my name.

15.Do you think your name reflects your character?

A - does not reflect.

B - partially reflects.

C - completely reflects.

For each answer A you do not receive a single point, answers B give 1 point, answers C - 2 points. The maximum you can get is 30 points.

Name energy test results

25-30 points: Your name suits you perfectly. You take everything you can from him and his potential has clearly been tapped. However, you can improve further by knowing your shortcomings and weaknesses. You can also learn to protect the energy you receive on your behalf.

It is believed that when we receive a name at birth, we receive with it certain character traits and destiny. Each letter of the name contains certain vibrations that characterize a person to one degree or another.

The letter a". This letter is dominated by the energy of strength, clarity, and purity. The desire to be a leader, a dictator. A lot of “a”s in a word creates insecurity and openness, which can lead to excessive waste of energy.

Letter "B". If this letter is present in the name, then its owner is stubborn and assertive by nature. When “b” is the first letter in the name, it symbolizes such a quality as independence.

Letter "B". If the name contains the letter “v”, and even in the first place, then its owner in his life will have to face contradiction and misunderstanding on the part of the people around him. He will spend his whole life starting something, not finishing it, and again looking for his purpose.

Letter "G". Brings unexpected joys, changes, and novelty to life. However, along with this, it inclines to sharp adventures, rapid changes in events, and thrills.

Letter "D". Associated with harmony, beauty, decency. At the same time, these qualities can provoke self-isolation and the presence of complexes.

Letter "E". Symbolizes flexibility in relationships, the road, change, travel. This letter in the name gives charm, pleasant communication, and goodwill. If “e” is the last letter in a word, then it indicates that the person is insincere and two-faced. When “e” is the accent letter in the name, such a person is the “life of the party,” i.e. leader.

Letter "F". Gives a desire for success, personal significance, strengthens vitality. In the worst case, he shows greed, cruelty towards loved ones, the desire for leadership through the suppression of others, impudence, arrogance, arrogance.

Letter "3". It refutes belief in everything and gives rise to mistrust. It brings trials and unrealized plans, since a person with such a letter in his name is subordinate to other people.

Letter "I". Associated with the search for goals, the pursuit of one’s ideals. In the worst case, alienation, loneliness, misunderstanding.

Letter "Y". Indicates inconstancy, inability to contact other people.

Letter "K". Associated with discipline, adaptation to life, strength of character.

Letter "L". Gives harmony, love of beauty, fidelity in love, helps to adapt to other people. In the worst case, narcissism, selfishness, disregard for others, sows panic in the mind.

Letter "M". Gives goodwill of character, great strength of the inner “I”, rich intuition. In the worst case - stubbornness, cruelty, frivolity, eccentricity.

Letter "N". Brings doubt and denial. These are complete illusions, emptiness, unclaimed manifestations and desires.

Letter "O". Brings cheerfulness, independence, openness, and at the same time frequent mood changes. This is playfulness, delight, a labyrinth of desires, feelings, emotions.

Letter "P". Associated with frequent mood swings, duplicity, evaluation of everyone and everything.

Letter "R". Gives enormous energy potential and strength of character. Along with this, it can give rise to passivity, closedness, and frivolity.

Letter "C". Helps you cope with life’s difficulties and change your goals depending on the circumstances.

Letter "T". Creative letter. Gives assertiveness, the will to overcome difficulties, and demands on oneself and others.

Letter "U". Creates a nebula, gives rise to puzzles, riddles, and phobias in life.

Letter "I". The ability to organize others, work with your head and not with your hands, activity. To protect and attract good luck, you need to repeat your name as many times as you are old.

It is believed that when we receive a name at birth, we receive with it certain character traits and destiny. Each letter of the name contains certain vibrations that characterize a person to one degree or another.

The letter a". This letter is dominated by the energy of strength, clarity, and purity. The desire to be a leader, a dictator. A lot of “a”s in a word creates insecurity and openness, which can lead to excessive waste of energy.

Letter "B". If this letter is present in the name, then its owner is stubborn and assertive by nature. When “b” is the first letter in the name, it symbolizes such a quality as independence.

Letter "B". If the name contains the letter “v”, and even in the first place, then its owner in his life will have to face contradiction and misunderstanding on the part of the people around him. He will spend his whole life starting something, not finishing it, and again looking for his purpose.

Letter "G". Brings unexpected joys, changes, and novelty to life. However, along with this, it inclines to sharp adventures, rapid changes in events, and thrills.

Letter "D". Associated with harmony, beauty, decency. At the same time, these qualities can provoke self-isolation and the presence of complexes.

Letter "E". Symbolizes flexibility in relationships, the road, change, travel. This letter in the name gives charm, pleasant communication, and goodwill. If “e” is the last letter in a word, then it indicates that the person is insincere and two-faced. When “e” is the accent letter in the name, such a person is the “life of the party,” i.e. leader.

Letter "F". Gives a desire for success, personal significance, strengthens vitality. In the worst case, he shows greed, cruelty towards loved ones, the desire for leadership through the suppression of others, impudence, arrogance, arrogance.

Letter "3". It refutes belief in everything and gives rise to mistrust. It brings trials and unrealized plans, since a person with such a letter in his name is subordinate to other people.

Letter "I". Associated with the search for goals, the pursuit of one’s ideals. In the worst case, alienation, loneliness, misunderstanding.

Letter "Y". Indicates inconstancy, inability to contact other people.

Letter "K". Associated with discipline, adaptation to life, strength of character.

Letter "L". Gives harmony, love of beauty, fidelity in love, helps to adapt to other people. In the worst case, narcissism, selfishness, disregard for others, sows panic in the mind.

Letter "M". Gives goodwill of character, great strength of the inner “I”, rich intuition. In the worst case - stubbornness, cruelty, frivolity, eccentricity.

Letter "N". Brings doubt and denial. These are complete illusions, emptiness, unclaimed manifestations and desires.

Letter "O". Brings cheerfulness, independence, openness, and at the same time frequent mood changes. This is playfulness, delight, a labyrinth of desires, feelings, emotions.

Letter "P". Associated with frequent mood swings, duplicity, evaluation of everyone and everything.

Letter "R". Gives enormous energy potential and strength of character. Along with this, it can give rise to passivity, closedness, and frivolity.

Letter "C". Helps you cope with life’s difficulties and change your goals depending on the circumstances.

Letter "T". Creative letter. Gives assertiveness, the will to overcome difficulties, and demands on oneself and others.

Letter "U". Creates a nebula, gives rise to puzzles, riddles, and phobias in life.

Letter "F". Associated with embarrassment, disgust, and eternal doubts. Letter "X". Brings callousness, hypocrisy, hostility towards others, lack of willpower. In the worst case - suspicion, ill will towards people.

Letter "C". Associated with diplomacy, contact, commerce, gives the ability to adapt to people and circumstances.

Letter "C". Associated with emergency circumstances and events. Gives you the opportunity to “get away with it.”

Letter "SH". Carries the energy of leadership, gives willpower and primacy in everything.

Letter "Ш". Associated with generosity, sponsorship, patronage. In the worst case - suppressing others with your will,

Letter "E". Gives cunning, charm, external gloss, leadership, primacy in everything.

Letter "Y". Gives insight, revelation, flexibility of thinking, enthusiasm, creativity.

Letter "I". The ability to organize others, work with your head and not with your hands, activity. To protect and attract good luck, you need to repeat your name as many times as you are old.

It is believed that when we receive a name at birth, we receive with it certain character traits and destiny. What does a patronymic give us? Numerologists are sure that along with the patronymic, part of the destiny of the family, in particular, the father, is transmitted. The meaning of a middle name can be negative, or it can attract good luck.

This is a kind of karma that we carry for the rest of our lives. And if we can change an unlucky name at the passport office, then you can’t escape your middle name. Even if you change it according to documents, it will remain with you forever, since it is simply impossible to change parents.

Let's find out what the most common middle names in our time hide behind.

Alexandrovichi- inherit the character of their father. They become similar to their parent both externally and internally. The vibrations of the numbers in this name endow all bearers of this patronymic with such qualities as ambition, courage, determination and ambitiousness.

Andreevichi- this patronymic attracts good luck in love and endows its bearers with spiritual harmony.

Alekseevich and Antonovich They are kind and sympathetic. However, people often take advantage of this and hurt them.

Borisovichi- always bright and original. They love to be the center of attention. Born leaders.

Valerievichi- stubborn, seductive, a little lazy and capricious.

Valentinovichi- straightforward, loving to idealize. According to the numerology of the name and patronymic, all Valentinovichs, on the one hand, love to be leaders, but when problems arise, they tend to hide behind the backs of other people.

Vasilievich, Vladimirovich and Viktorovich are exemplary family men. They are lucky in money and love.

Georgievich, Gennadievich and Grigorievich- easy to communicate. Any job is very easy for them. They easily achieve success in their careers and occupy a high position in society.

Danilovichi and Egorovichi very hardworking, but authoritarian. Often they show their despotic character precisely in relationships with relatives, which prevents them from achieving harmony in the family.

Evgenievichi rarely achieve career success. According to the numerology of the name, bearers of this patronymic are more inclined to spiritual values.

Ivanovichi They have a calm disposition, but are often withdrawn, which prevents them from achieving their goals.

Ilyich- very sociable. They love to be the center of attention.

Igorevichi- charming, sociable and self-confident. They strive for independence and know how to stand up for themselves.

Konstantinovichi and Kirillovichi- calculating and selfish. Any business is in their hands. The vibrations of numbers in these middle names give people the ability to cope with difficulties and failures.

Lvovichi and Leonidovichi- these are the owners of great willpower. In addition, they are endowed with a lot of talents.

Maksimovichi and Mikhailovichi have fairly strong character and leadership qualities. Bearers of these patronymics are often aggressive and unbalanced.

Nikolaevichi- born leaders. They are intolerant of criticism and never listen to other people's advice.

Romanovichi- these are creative people. They gravitate toward beauty and often idealize the world around them.

Stepanovichi, according to the numerology of the name, are often sluggish and absent-minded. However, despite this, they achieve a lot in life.

Sergeevichi- stubborn, fickle and curious. Often people with such a middle name spend a long time looking for their path in life.

Yurievichi- always collected and organized. They are often pedantic and boring.

Yakovlevich at birth they receive a happy fate. According to the numerology of numbers, they have a very strong .

You will be able to learn more about the character qualities you inherited. your father to compare the characteristics of his name with what you were called. We are waiting for your comments and do not forget to click on the buttons and

19.04.2014 10:30

The uniqueness of each name is confirmed by numerologists. To find out the main characteristics of your first and last name, you can calculate...

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