Silhouettes for New Year's window decoration. New Year's stencil for a window made of paper

Greetings, friends! Today we again continue the theme of creating a New Year's atmosphere by cutting out handmade items from paper. That is, we will talk about again.

In this post you can find silhouettes of fairy-tale characters, the main characters of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, snowmen, deer, balls, snowflakes and much more. You will see ready-made window design options, and you will also be able to download and print the proposed stencils and templates. And then carefully cut them out and stick them on the windows, or decorate other corners of your interior.

But remember that window decoration is an integral part of the magical New Year holiday. You can decorate only glass with paper protrusions, or you can create an entire composition using a window sill. Use large clippings to decorate walls in rooms.

If you have very little time to create a festive interior, then cut a lot of carved ones and paste them all over the house.

So, in order to make the windows festive, use plain paper, preferably not only white, but also other colors. Also stock up on sharp thin scissors, or better yet, a sharp stationery knife, and materials for sticking decorations (toothpaste, double-sided tape, soap solution).

After you have prepared all the necessary tools and materials, you will need to choose paper decorations. In our case, these will be flat accessories for gluing to the glass surface, since there are also volumetric elements.

The size, shape and color of the products will depend on the area of ​​the room, the level of illumination and the size of the window itself. The main thing is that the decorations do not interfere with the free passage of light into the room, and the rest depends only on your imagination.

After determining the plot for the New Year's window, start creating stencils. If you know how to draw well, then you can come up with templates yourself, but if you have limited artistic skills and imagination, then take ready-made patterns, print them on paper, and then start cutting them out.

This traditional paper decor will not take much time and will not require special skills, but it will help you create a real pattern and will impress not only you, but also those around you.

An abundance of accessories is only appropriate on a large window, so don’t overdo it! And try to choose openwork decorations.

After cutting out the decorations, decide on their placement on the glass. You can use symmetrical, central or asymmetrical placement.

Well, then choose a method for attaching the decorations and, in fact, glue them. This is how you can decorate a window quickly and easily.

Now I suggest you watch a video about how to correctly cut out accessories for decoration.

Well, and samples of New Year's window design.

Window decorations for the New Year 2020 (templates inside)

Well, let's get down to choosing and creating flat paper toys. To begin with, the most popular characters are Father Frost and Snow Maiden.

Of course, don’t forget about funny snowmen.

You may also need an image.

And don’t leave your loved ones aside.

Even from these elements you can already create a fairy tale on the window.

Jewelry stencils for cutting out in A4 format: can be downloaded and printed

I want to say that many flat accessories can be cut not only according to a template, but also according to a symmetrical pattern. This, for example, applies to Christmas tree decorations.

Another great idea would be backlit cutouts. Just glue translucent paper, such as tracing paper, to the inside and carefully pull a small garland (one of the lights) through it. It will look something like this:

So keep a bunch of different stencils with balls, bells, cones, numbers, animals, etc.

Don't forget about the symbol of the upcoming New Year 2020 - mischievous little mice.

Pigs from last year.

And I would like to make a separate thematic selection of paper decorations for educational institutions. After all, our children rejoice most of all at the coming of the holiday. So schools and kindergartens should not only organize matinees, but also magically decorate the premises.

I hope that with the help of the vytynankas I have proposed, you will be able to create an unforgettable and wonderful atmosphere in your home. Involve children and the whole family in creativity. Let there be a holiday in every home! With coming!

New Year is everyone's favorite holiday. Both children and adults look forward to it with equal impatience, hoping for a miracle and the fulfillment of their cherished desires, and an unusually decorated house only enhances the feeling of a fairy tale.

New Year's decor

Of course, for everyone the very first and main symbol of the New Year is the Christmas tree. But, besides the evergreen beauty, dressed up in bright, multi-colored balls and shiny tinsel, there are many more elements of holiday decor. These, for example, can be a variety of garlands:

  • LED;
  • paper;
  • from soft toys.

Or, say, socks for gifts and New Year's wreaths in the Western style. In addition, various designs on the glass:

  • snowflakes;
  • Christmas trees;
  • cute snowmen;
  • elves;
  • bunnies;
  • hedgehogs and much more.

But, unfortunately, not everyone has the talent of an artist. In this case, stencils with images of all the above-mentioned fabulous creatures will come to the rescue. For the New Year 2018 they are still making cute dogs. Decorating windows in this way will be a very interesting activity for the whole family, and especially for children.

Photo 8 – Stencil for angel protrusion

Photo 9 – Stencil for sticking out a city on a window

Decorating windows using stencils

Photo 10 – Stencil for making a Christmas ball

To decorate windows with stencils, you can use gouache - most often white or blue, but you can also multi-colored, artificial snow or even regular toothpaste - which will also add a fresh aroma to the room, and when washed off will not create unnecessary problems.

IMPORTANT! Working with these materials is easy. To do this, you just need to attach the stencil to the surface and fix it in the desired position with tape. After which you can start painting.

Photo 11 – Stencil for vytynanka on the Christmas tree

Photo 12 – Stencil for protruding a snow wolf

Photo 13 – Stencil for vytynanka

If, for example, you choose the decorating method using paste, then there are several options:

  • using a "poke". To do this, you need to take a small piece of foam rubber, roll it tightly into a tube and secure the resulting “tool” with tape. Squeeze the paste (without dyes) into a convenient container and dilute it with a small amount of water (three peas per tablespoon). Next, dip a sponge into the resulting mixture, which has a consistency similar to office glue, and draw with light pressure. Simple shapes can be applied without a stencil, for example, spruce branches;

Photo 14 – Drawing with toothpaste and foam rubber
Photo 15 – Christmas tree decorated with toys, painted with toothpaste
  • finger painting. This is the easiest way. Simply dip your fingers into the paste and draw the desired pattern on the glass. By the way, children really like this type of activity, because it allows them to create drawings in a fun way without limiting their imagination;

But, you need to remember that the lines are uneven - dense at the beginning and translucent at the end. This must be taken into account when creating a drawing.

Photo 16 – A simple picture drawn using the finger method
  • toothbrush. To do this, you need to take a stencil and fix it on the glass. After which you need to dip the brush into a previously prepared, but not very thick, toothpaste solution. Bring it closer to the glass and click on it with your finger several times to make splashes. When everything is dry, the stencil can be removed.

Photo 17 – Stencil for protruding garlands

Photo 18 – Stencil for a garland of ballerinas

Photo 19 – Stencil for Christmas tree

Using these methods, you can create more complex drawings, even plot compositions. It all depends on the stencils you choose for your work, your taste and skills.

Photo 20 – Stencil for Christmas tree decorations

Photo 21 – Stencil for a beautiful snowflake

Photo 22 – Stencil for an unusual snowflake

Photo 23 – Stencil for cutting out snowflakes step by step

If you choose the method of decorating windows using toothpaste, you need to remember some important points:

  • make sure that the stencil lies flat on the glass, straighten all crumpled corners;
  • experiment and combine different application methods. For example, a dry and wet sponge. In the first case, the painting is more dense, in the second, the effect of streaks is obtained;
  • to complement the drawings, you can use a brush and colored toothpaste;
  • In addition to windows, you can paint balcony doors, mirrors, glass cabinets, etc.

Photo 24 – Stencil for simple protruding bells

Photo 25 – Stencil for a simple snowflake

Photo 26 – Stencil for snowflakes-ballerinas

New Year's window stencil

Photo 27 – Stencil of New Year's snowflakes

Of course, you can choose a variety of stencils for decoration. But in 2018 - the yellow dog - its image will become relevant. Photo 29 – Snowflake stencil with flowers
Photo 32 – Snowflake stencil for cutting

Photo 33 – Classic snowflake

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Greetings, my wonderful ones! And in such an upbeat spirit, I invite you to continue decorating our home with your own hands. Let me remind you that earlier you and I made from different materials, including from, crafted and, sewed and created our own special one. But the collection of ideas for the New Year is simply inexhaustible! That's why our next step is window decoration. And we will do this with the help of stencils and protrusions.

To do this, you will need paper, a stationery knife and a backing so as not to spoil the surface of the table.

You may be wondering what to glue this beauty to. So, at home we fixed it with toothpaste. I think this is the most convenient option because it washes off easily. However, our friends glued snowflakes to the window using PVA glue. Of course, it holds up well, but it is difficult to wash off. I think you just need to know this. Also glued to paste. It cleans well from glass, but there is a lot of hassle with it - you need to cook it first. In general, choose for yourself.

So, what are the vytynanki that I mentioned just above. Briefly and without going into history, this is a picture cut out of paper. They can be quite simple, or they can be very delicate. Of course, this depends on the skill of the performer. You and I will not consider very complex options, because for the most part, this will be done by mothers with children. This means it should be simple, beautiful and fast.

So, the whole point of this decoration is shown in the picture: choose a stencil, cut along the lines and stick the picture on the window.

Important! The knife or stack must be very sharp! Therefore, stick to the rule: the mother cuts out the picture, and the child sticks it on the window.

Even before I give you just a huge number of pictures, I want to clarify one point. Namely, how to get the stencil itself.

  • Method 1: download the picture and print it on a printer. Downloading occurs when you right-click and select the “Save picture as” function.
  • Method 2: take a screenshot of the screen using the PrtSc key and save the image to your desktop. Then open a graphics editor (for example, Paint) and edit the picture there. All that remains is to print it out.
  • Method 3 is not always correct, but it turns out that they also use it. Place a blank sheet of paper on the screen and trace the picture. It is important to do this without pressing on the screen so as not to damage the surface.
  • Method 4: attach the diagram to the glass and draw the lines with gouache.

Now let's watch a detailed video so that you succeed the first time.

So, you are definitely ready, it’s time to move on to ideas.

Take a closer look at what beautiful images there are of winter, houses, landscapes. The lights look very beautiful at the very base of the horizontal frame.

So, we considered the biggest options. Of course, they are all winter themed.

Templates for windows in the form of snowflakes that you can download

We cannot imagine winter without snowflakes. And in childhood we immediately and forever became convinced that they were all different. There is no beauty like another. Therefore, in this section there are many interesting schemes and templates for you.

You can cut out one thing for each and you will get all different window decorations.

There are very simple ideas and the pictures can be easily cut with scissors. They are suitable for beginners.

And there are even more complicated options. When, you don’t mind the time to get such a beauty.

As you can see, there are many templates. I suggest cutting out snowflakes from colored self-adhesive paper. It’s bright and sticks well to glass.

If you haven’t found such paper, then just color the snowflake in the colors of winter and holiday: blue, light blue, silver and gold.

DIY paper window vytynankas, New Year's symbols

Of course, any holiday has its own symbolism. New Year is no exception. Let's look at what we associate it with.

For some reason I want to start with deer. These graceful and hardy animals bring Grandfather Frost to us with gifts from Veliky Ustyug itself. Can you imagine what kind of heroes these are, who fly around the whole world in a couple of hours?

Here I share with you the whole composition.

Here, this handsome man is bringing us Santa Claus. They are in a hurry, because the children of Europe are already waiting for them.

This Bambi is simply impossible to ignore.

Next, let's look at snowmen. They also come in different styles, colors and sizes.

Not necessarily, he can be alone. It will be useful for small children to know that he has a family: mom and dad.

Snowmen are often found in Soviet winter fairy tales. Remember about the postman?

Modern kids might be more into Olaf from Frozen.

Of course, we won’t ignore the Christmas tree!

The Christmas tree made from circles is very unusual!

And here is a beauty from the stars.

Decorating the corners of the window in the form of frosty patterns.

Now ideas for everyone who enjoys the holiday. Let's talk about animals.

Candles, angels. This is more suitable for Christmas.

Here are some carnival masks for you!

I’ll leave the best part for last – Santa Claus and Snow Maiden! See what they can be.

Now let’s cut out a granddaughter for grandpa.

For Elsa lovers I give this template.

Already chosen an idea? Now let's look at how you can arrange the protrusions on the window.

How to decorate windows for the New Year: beautiful templates and patterns

Simply cutting out a picture using a stencil is not quite enough. You also need to create a composition on the window so that it looks connected and beautiful. Therefore, I give ideas for the placement of stencils. I will immediately attach templates and diagrams to some of them.

Here's an idea for a snowy tale about the inquisitive Umka.

The patterns here are interesting. For example, such a bear has been knocking on the door since winter.

For this composition, you will find diagrams in the article. There is such a Christmas tree and a grandfather. It was just an interesting use of vertical.

Deer add grace to any composition.

Remember the Wolf from “Well, wait a minute!” Here they are with the bunny.

Winter landscapes are always charming.

Here is a diagram for this idea.

Window decoration based on the “Golden Key”.

You can cut out a large picture at once that will cover both window sashes.

Ideas from the popular cartoon "Masha and the Bear".

And here are the cutting diagrams.

The bright colored vytynankas are also very cute. They can be colored by hand or printed on a color printer.

Vytynanki in the form of piglets (Pig) - symbol of the New Year 2019

Now let's move on to the symbol of this year - the Pig. Her image definitely needs to be placed on at least one window.

There are ideas with numbers and letters. There are just beautiful piglets.

Let's look at ideas with numbers first.

At the same time, a couple of diagrams with inscriptions.

And now just silhouettes of cute Piggies.

Piglet also fits the theme very well.

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