A timeless classic: a Chanel jacket in detail. What to wear with a Chanel style jacket Coco Chanel jackets for girls

First, I would like to tell a short story about the appearance of this jacket on European markets from a legendary woman who changed many people’s ideas about fashion. First introduced in 1936, it was longer and contained fur. But due to the Second World War, incomes and, consequently, the solvency of the population suffered greatly. Coco decided to reduce the price by abandoning animal and artificial fur, thereby helping nature.

During production, men's fabric was used, which was quickly ceased to be considered exclusively for the stronger sex. Chanel opposed skirts and dresses because they restricted movement and tightened the waist. Absolutely everyone liked the jacket, despite its features. For example, there was no collar, it did not cover a quarter of the waist and arms, and there were pockets. Some loved it for the piping on the sleeves or the edges of the vest.

At the moment, the jacket has become widespread and has received a well-deserved place in the wardrobe of most girls. It fits almost everywhere: you can wear it both to work and for a walk. Depending on the purpose, other clothing is identified. The most popular options:

  • For a strict style, a pencil skirt, trousers, sheath dress, or turtleneck are suitable.
  • For a walk or going to the movies, you should pay attention to skirts or light jeans.

More than 75 years have passed since its invention, so the jacket has undergone many changes. For example, designers have invented many different variations. Because of this, it is difficult for a girl to choose clothes to match her jacket. Below you can find out what ways you can improve or correct combinations. The points that will be below:

  • Knitted models: what to wear with.
  • What do tweed jackets go perfectly with?
  • Fashionable long Chanel jackets: photo examples of successful combinations.
  • Bright jackets in the Coco Chanel style with fringe or curls.
  • In what outfits are knitted jackets appropriate?

Knitted models: what to wear with

Knitted patterns look beautiful on any slender girl and help make her look more beautiful. However, if you do not know the rules of combination, your reputation among your friends will be lower. For example, no one will understand if you wear a black T-shirt and jeans under a blue jacket.

It is worth noting that it will look graceful on any figure, which was so important for Chanel. These products are made from the best wool available in the world, so the finished product is almost ideal for everyone.

Ideal with:

  • Skirts.
  • Jeans.
  • Trousers.

What do tweed jackets go with perfectly?

Tweed jackets are very similar to the previous version. Not only by the similarity to the touch, but also, partly, by the material. Fits perfectly on the figure. It has lower prices, but the quality is no worse. Soft-cut jackets have a lining; it is sewn on by hand. They also have an above-average weight and are dense, so you can use it to add a little weight.

Important! Never wear tweed jackets with sneakers or trainers. This is unacceptable because it looks very ugly due to the fact that this element is classic.

Stylists highlight several basic wardrobe elements with which jackets go well:

  • With light blouses and shirts.
  • Dresses made from lightweight fabrics. Colors can be black and white, beige, light gray.

Perfect for a duet with:

  • Shorts or a short skirt.
  • T-shirts with daring and provocative inscriptions are acceptable in original and non-standard prints.

Fashionable long Chanel jackets: photo examples of successful combinations

At the moment, elongated jackets have gained popularity. Below you can look at the most successful combinations.

Bright jackets in the style of Coco Chanel with fringe or curls

Bright jackets have become somewhat provocative in the fashion world. It has always been believed that Coco jackets have primarily calm tones and are intended for the office and walking. At the moment, there are many different bright colors, but it is impossible to talk about all the laws in one short article. Here you need the help of a professional stylist. The most basic ones can be seen below:

  • Use beads or necklaces as jewelry, bracelets are acceptable.
  • You should not wear a bright jacket with a dark color. Vice versa too, but black and white colors go perfectly together.
  • Shoes should be a jacket or black color.

In which outfits are knitted versions appropriate?

No one before Coco Chanel had resorted to such solutions, because it was believed that knitwear was a fabric for the poor and, therefore, should not be worn. The inventor took production to a new level and proved that it is possible to combine elegance with an inexpensive price.

Knitted jackets are suitable for:

  • Light dresses.
  • Skirts.
  • Jeans.

How to choose the right skirt or dress to match Chanel clothes

Some people prefer to purchase the product first and then decide on other issues regarding skirts. If you are one of them, then don't worry. There is nothing wrong with this action. You just need to read a few sentences below and that's it.

In fact, most modern clothes easily harmonize with Coco jackets. Black and white colors go well together. When buying a black jacket, buy light-colored clothes and vice versa.

Ideal solutions would be:

  • Pencil skirt.
  • Trousers.

In the modern world, a woman or girl who does not have a coat or jacket in the style of Coco Chanel in her wardrobe is unlikely to have any hope. And although this is not a signature item from a famous designer, the practicality and femininity of this wardrobe item has been proven for decades. Over the years, designers have made various changes to the tailoring of this classic jacket. But such innovations did not in any way affect the popularity of the Chanel-style jacket over more than 80 years of history.

Coco Chanel gained worldwide fame thanks to her subtle understanding and clear awareness of what a woman needs. The first show of a Chanel jacket took place back in 1936. The product was made of expensive fabrics and trimmed with natural fur. But due to the outbreak of the Second World War, the economic situation changed, and expensive jackets became unaffordable even for the high society of European society.

The next attempt to instill good taste in women around the world took place in 1954. This time, the fashion designer, who was already over 70, demonstrated a new collection of women's jackets for everyday life, which finally gained popularity in the fashion world.

Fact! During the Second World War, Gabrielle Chanel was sent to Switzerland for an alleged relationship with a high-ranking German officer. During this period, the fashion designer was not involved in the world of fashion, and only occasionally showed interest in how European fashionistas lived.

Distinctive features of the model

What is a real Chanel jacket, and how does it differ from other models of women's clothing? We'll figure out.

To create the jacket, the fashion designer took a men's jacket as a basis:

  1. The men's product was stripped of its lapels and the collar was rounded.
  2. The silhouette of the jacket was fitted, making it more feminine.
  3. The sleeves were slightly shortened to the bone at the wrist, giving the ladies the opportunity to show off the beautiful curves of their arms and jewelry.
  4. Pockets appeared on the jacket. In the classic version there are from 3 to 4.
  5. The outline of the entire product is trimmed with contrasting trim, which gives the jacket a finished look.
  6. A prerequisite for such a jacket is a single-breasted fastener.

This is interesting! For a long time, exclusively tweed fabric was used for the production of jackets. And all products were sewn by hand.


Today it is impossible to meet fashion designers and clothing manufacturers whose collections do not contain products based on the Chanel style. But times change and dictate their own conditions and requirements. Therefore, different materials are used for sewing such products, sometimes completely different from classic tweed.

Classic tweed

The Chanel tweed jacket is considered the most sophisticated and classic piece in a woman's wardrobe. Due to the light and warm fabric, the jackets are comfortable to wear, do not restrict movement and fit perfectly on the figure. As a finishing, thick contrasting braid or fringe made of the same tweed is used for jackets.

Classic tweed jackets are suitable for combination with skirts, dresses and trousers. Also, many clothing manufacturers make suits with jackets made in the Chanel style.


Jackets in the Coco style are distinguished by their elegance and versatility in use. Therefore, the next stage was the production of knitted products in a similar style. Such jackets are practical to wear, warm, suitable for daily use during walks and recreation, and serve as outerwear in spring or autumn.

Products are made from dense yarn, using relief designs and patterns. Jackets often do not have fasteners, which are successfully replaced with decorative pins or special clips.

Advice! To create a knitted jacket in the style of a famous fashion designer, only thick, dense yarn is used that can hold the shape of the finished product.


Elongated versions of jackets in the Chanel style are fitted and straight.

Fitted products are suitable for tall, slender women who want to highlight their beautiful figure shapes.

Straight jacket options are most suitable for girls and women who want to hide their flaws. For ladies with wide hips, it is recommended to select a jacket length of at least mid-thigh.


Short jackets in the Coco style are made with an exceptional straight cut. This version of the jacket is suitable for short and slender representatives of the fair sex. The short silhouette of the product will help elongate the figure, and with the right combination of a skirt, dress or trousers, it will visually give additional length to the legs.

As mentioned above, Chanel-style jackets are necessarily equipped with pockets. In short jackets, only 2 pockets are designed at chest level.

Short sleeve

Modern fashion dictates its own laws and conditions. Therefore, the classic design of a jacket in the Chanel style has undergone all sorts of changes, leaving the silhouette of the product unchanged.

It’s not uncommon to see a recognizable jacket with short sleeves on famous fashionistas. This approach to changing the length of the sleeve allows the female sex to demonstrate their beautiful curves of the arms, while leaving the most problematic areas covered. Also, the short sleeve of the product allows you to use beautiful accessories and decorations.

With chain

The chain was originally used to give shape to classic tweed jackets. The suit material, although comfortable to wear, is distinguished by its lightness and looseness. Tweed jackets are difficult to give a clear, strict shape. To do this, a heavy chain was sewn on the inside of the jacket.

To this day, Coco-style jacket chains are used by various women's clothing manufacturers. But now it’s more of a finishing detail than a functional weighting agent for the product.

Fact! The only manufacturer that honors all the traditions of Chanel is the fashion house of Lagerfeld, which still produces collections in the Coco style, using exclusively handmade work.

Choosing fabric for sewing

Women and girls want to look elegant at any time of the year. Therefore, jackets in the style of a famous fashion designer are made from various fabrics, which makes it possible to wear such things both in winter and in summer.


For spring and summer products, fabrics made from linen or cotton are used. The density of the material determines how well the jacket will keep its shape. Also, in linen and cotton jackets, instead of the obligatory braid, fringe from the same fabrics is often used.


For winter and autumn versions of a classic jacket in the style of a famous fashion designer, tweed or bouclé fabrics are best suited. Knitwear lovers are very happy to purchase jackets made from thick, lined fabrics.

Color options

The colors of a Chanel style jacket can be varied. But the black and white products from Chanel are considered the standard of femininity and elegance recognized throughout the world.

Black with white trim

To create a business style, a black jacket with white trim along the contour of dense fabrics, complemented by plain trousers or a skirt in white or black, is most suitable.

Elongated black and white straight-cut jackets will help women and girls hide problem areas of their figure.

For special occasions and relaxation, fashionistas often purchase jackets trimmed with pearls or beads.

White with black trim

Another classic version of the look is a white jacket, trimmed along the contour with black braid or fabric.

This product goes well with black or white skirts, dresses and trousers. A short white jacket in this style will give a girl in a long, loose dress a romantic look.

Black and white "salt and pepper"

Black and white speckled jackets are made from tweed or bouclé. Such products, in combination with correctly selected bottoms and accessories, are indispensable for creating the image of a business woman.

Black and white chicken foot check

Products in the Coco style in black and white checks will perfectly complement a woman’s business image. Also, jackets of this color are suitable for wearing with jeans, shorts, yuccas and dresses made of light, airy fabrics.

What can you combine with?

The universal cut of the products allows you to combine jackets in the Coco style to create different looks. It’s not without reason that the most influential and famous women on the planet at different times wore Chanel products.

Pencil skirt

Wearing a pencil skirt with a Coco-style jacket is recommended exclusively in a business or work environment.

Sheath dress

But a sheath dress combined with a short jacket from Chanel will give any woman elegance and seductiveness even during a business meeting.

Straight trousers

The classic cut of straight trousers in combination with a jacket, various blouses or tops will never make a woman’s look boring and uninteresting.


Short and long jackets also look great with jeans. The only condition for combining such clothing items is to exclude newfangled jeans in baggy styles.

Long dress

Short jackets in the Coco style will complement long dresses of both formal and frivolous styles.


It is best to combine short, straight jackets with shorts. For tall, slender girls, a combination with elongated, knitted or knitted items is acceptable.

Flared skirt

Beautiful, flared skirts have captivated modern fashionistas.

To give your look an elegant, feminine look, this skirt can be combined with a cropped, straight jacket in the Chanel style.

How to choose the right shoes and accessories

To create a complete look, you need to choose the right shoes and accessories.

When using products in the style of a famous fashion designer, you will have to give up sports shoes and choose elegant shoes or sandals with comfortable heels.

The bag and jewelry for the created image are selected based on the situation. If the purpose of the created image is business, then the bag is chosen to match the color of the jacket. For going out, choose a small clutch, discreet but elegant jewelry, thin gloves and elegant hats.

Examples of stylish looks for 2019

As an example of a current look for 2019, we can suggest skinny blue or light blue jeans in combination with a plain white or black T-shirt, and on top a bright Chanel-style jacket.

The legendary Coco Chanel is known and loved by millions of women, because she gave the world new images that upended the established canons of style. The clothes she created can be considered synonymous with elegance.

This fragile woman with her works became the cause of the fashion revolution of the twentieth century. Thanks to clothes from Coco Chanel, any woman could not only look stunning, but also not make sacrifices as was previously the case.

Chanel made things not only beautiful, but also comfortable. A woman who wore an exquisite item from a fashion designer first of all experienced convenience and comfort, which allowed the owner of the outfit to reveal and carry her femininity into the world with her head held high.

The first thing you remember when talking about clothes from Chanel is, without any doubt, the little black dress and exquisite jackets.

The Chanel jacket first saw the world back in 1939, and since then it has captured the hearts of the most sophisticated fashionistas on the planet.

The initial version of the now popular jacket was lined with fur, but due to the global crisis, the jacket became a little more modest, but no worse for it. The classic version of the jacket from Coco Chanel is easily recognizable by its edging made of woolen threads and gold buttons with the logo of the fashion house.

The jacket has become an indispensable attribute for women in the business world who want to combine elegance and professionalism. Designers around the world began to duplicate the legendary jacket in their collections, and Coco Chanel did not see anything wrong with this.

Chanel was sure that things should not be admired - they should be worn!

Today, like many years ago, a Chanel style jacket will fit well into the wardrobe of any girl who wants and knows how to dress with taste!

Models Tweed jacket model Characterized by a natural silk lining and a soft cut that will pleasantly surprise. The jacket is distinguished by a competent cut, which allows it to perfectly emphasize the figure.

There is no awkwardness even when the owner of the jacket brings her arms together on her chest or raises them up. The fit of the jacket remains perfect despite manipulation.

It is also worth noting the short sleeve, which will allow a business woman to show off her jewelry to others. Traditional models have four pockets, and they had to be sewn on depending on the wishes of the clients of the fashion house.

Knitted jacket pattern

I would especially like to note knitted jacket in Chanel style. Such jackets, like the original ones, look unique, which is important; every fashionista can choose a pattern to suit her taste.

Any needlewoman who is at least a little familiar with knitting can knit it. The main thing is to remember the basic characteristics of the jacket and adhere to them while knitting.

The length of the jacket should be at waist level, there is no collar in this model, and the neckline around the neck has a rounded shape. It is preferable to make the sleeves narrow and three-quarters long. To complete the look, use decorative piping along the edges of the jacket and don’t forget about the pockets. Metal gold buttons will be the perfect finishing touch to your personal masterpiece!

The variety of modern fashion trends gives women room for imagination when choosing casual, business and evening looks. You can make your wildest dreams of femininity come true or, on the contrary, put together a strict look. Everything depends only on the desire and presence of subtle artistic taste. Chanel's style in clothing for women in 2019, just as before, is a kind of tuning fork by which designers and stylists compare their “watches.” Taking such things as a basis, you can always remain fashionable and attractive to the people around you.

As Gabrielle Chanel herself said, if others cannot remember what a woman was wearing, then this means that she was dressed perfectly. Any look will be romantic and artistically complete if, at a quick glance, there are no rough details left that the eye “clings” to. This is precisely the art of Coco Chanel's style in any type of women's clothing. A business suit and a casual dress, a jacket and a skirt and many other items of clothing in a similar cut create an ideal springboard for creating looks for various occasions.

Look at the photo of Chanel's clothing style for 2019 - leading fashion houses offered their individual vision of this design direction:

Consider a suit in the Chanel style: jacket, jacket and skirt (with photo)

France has always been the birthplace of new fashion trends. It is quite logical that this country has given the world many great couturiers. And Coco Chanel is a bright representative of this area of ​​​​professional activity. Let's look further at a Chanel-style suit for an everyday look in a business woman's look. Throughout her life, this talented woman created images of elegance and luxury from simple materials at hand.

This was facilitated by a rather difficult childhood and youth spent in the circle of a poor family. After the departure of the great Gabrielle, the fashion house she created was headed by the equally talented designer Karl Lagerfeld. It is he who brings the inherited ideas of Chanel style to the world around him. It is based on a jacket and a skirt - examples of these wardrobe elements can be seen in the photo below:

Any jacket in the Chanel style in 2019 is, first of all, a strict vintage, emphasized by modern fashion trends. The silhouette, simple at first glance, creates an impression of sophistication due to its perfect fit. Classic lines with rounded edges, darts and pintucks, draperies - all this is designed to create the impression of casual lightness, embodied in a business style. Look at the photo of a jacket in the Chanel style - options are offered in a variety of styles:

A tweed jacket in the Chanel style is another iconic item for the modern woman. It goes well with cropped straight 7/8 trousers, and even jeans if you want to create a casual business look with a democratic style. A comfortable fit does not restrict movement and creates comfortable conditions throughout the entire working day.

A classic Chanel-style skirt in any suit plays the role of a high-quality background against which a jacket or blazer stands alone. A straight cut without flare and a tailored fit due to darts are distinctive features. The emphasis is on the quality of fabrics, including lining. It is simply impossible to imagine a skirt from this company without a lining layer.

Coat, cardigan and dresses in the style of Coco Chanel

The great Gabrielle left behind not only a new direction in women's fashion, but also certain trends in the style and cut of women's clothing. Smooth lines and a special chic selection of fabrics are still present in all models without exception. A Coco Chanel style dress doesn't have to be a little black sheath. Among the line of styles there are models for everyday use, for an evening out and a business dinner in a restaurant. In the industry of tailoring women's dresses, Chanel prefers classic shapes and decor. The laconic look is complemented by various accessories.

A Chanel-style coat is more of an element of a certain decor and rarely serves as warm clothing for the really cold season. Therefore, it is advisable to look at this style for spring and summer. Houndstooth patterns, natural cashmere and strict drape with classic shapes of sleeves, collar and lapels are in fashion. The length of a coat, like a dress with a skirt, should not fall below the middle of the knee.

Knitted cardigans are another popular element of women's clothing in the Chanel style; they enjoy constant success among a wide range of fashionistas. Thick knitwear holds its shape well. Depending on the color, it is part of a business look or an everyday romantic look. Look at the photo for examples of similar cardigans:

Among the general trends in the 2019 collections, it should be noted that the collar armhole is trimmed with an elegant satin ribbon and the finest silk lining with the brand logo of the fashion house. The absence of a collar in a jacket and coat is another trendy sign. You can wear similar styles with large beads or silk scarves.

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