Interesting training for parents of preschoolers. Training for parents "Learning to communicate with children"

Khanty Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Ugra

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

combined kindergarten "Rodnichok"

Game mini-training for parents and pupils of the preparatory group

educational psychologist

O.V. Vasechkina

g.p. Mezhdurechensky

Explanatory note

For goodness, do not spare a minute,
An hour is better, or maybe a day.
Don't trade souls for currency
Don't mix shadows with glory.
Glory warms with rays, cherishing,
But the people say:
Do good without regret
And be ashamed not to do good.
Beauty, they say, will save the world.
For now, kindness saves us.
Let it not spill anywhere on earth
A child's tears are in vain.

The interaction of a child with his parents is the first experience of interaction with the outside world. This experience is consolidated and forms certain patterns of behavior with other people, which are passed on from generation to generation. Parents create a certain atmosphere of communication in the family, where from the first days of the baby’s life the formation of his personality occurs. Simple games and exercises that promote child development will help parents become familiar with ways to properly interact with children.

Indeed, and unfortunately, some parents do not consider the game useful. But is this really so? Play is the leading activity of a preschooler. It forms everything that is necessary for the full development of the personality of a preschooler. It is in the game that the child acts as an active figure, he delves into the meaning (intention) of the game plot and implements it during the game. In play, a child’s creative potential is realized.

A very important aspect of the process of gaming activity: the child practically does not get tired in the game, since this type of activity is the most interesting and emotionally significant for him. Joint games between a child and his parents have a beneficial effect on family relationships.Many parents do not physically have enough time to raise their children. And parents who have both the time and the desire to take care of their children often lack basic knowledge. Whatever forms and methods are used by special institutions where a child is raised or educated, they cannot give the child the range of feelings and the widest range of concepts about life that a family gives.

This event helps to improve pedagogical competence on the problem of activating play activities in preschoolers in a family setting.

Methodological development:

accessible to a wide range of parents;

involves teachers and parents in a single creative, pedagogical activity;

increases the level of psychological and pedagogical competence of parents;

opens up the prospect of disseminating experience and involves introducing it into practice in preschool educational institutions;

makes it possible to post materials on the preschool educational institution website.

Target group:

Parents of pupils attending a preparatory kindergarten group.

Time required for carrying out: 40 minutes - 1 hour.

Target: increasing the pedagogical competence of parents on the problem of activating the play activity of preschoolers in a family environment.


Develop an active interest among parents in raising their child.

Expand the pedagogical knowledge of parents on the issues of education and development of children in games.

Discuss the issue of organizing a gaming environment in a family setting.

Preliminary work:

Studying psychological and pedagogical literature.

Selection of games and game exercises.

Design of the poster information “Family together and the soul is in place.”

Conversation with preschoolers about the organization of play activities in the family (recorded on a voice recorder).

Demo material:

exhibition of literature describing games for children



Whatman sheet

ball of thread


wonderful bag of balls

counting sticks

sheets A3 format


colored markers

cut pictures


screen, projector, laptop

chairs by number of participants


paper, colored pencils

colored balls

A5 sheet of whatman paper

Progress of the workshop:


Good evening, dear parents. I am very glad to see you here today. I invited you today to talk to you about the play activities of our children.

Play is the leading activity in preschool age, an activity that determines the development of the child’s intellectual, physical and moral strength. The game is not empty fun. It is necessary for the happiness of children, for their health and proper development. The game pleases children, makes them cheerful and cheerful. While playing, children move a lot: run, jump, make buildings. Thanks to this, children grow up strong, strong, and dexterous. The game develops children's intelligence and imagination. By playing together, children learn to live together, give in to each other, and take care of their comrades. Playing with parents makes it easier to get through age-related crises. The educational significance of the game and its influence on the development of a child’s personality cannot be overestimated. Like a magic wand, play can change children's attitude towards everything. The game can unite the children's team, involve introverted and shy children into active activities, and instill conscious discipline in the game.

Listening to voice recordings and conversations with children.


And now I invite our children.

Welcome ritual.


I ask everyone to join the circle of friends. Let's greet each other in an unusual way: say “Hello” first in a whisper, then in a normal voice and very loudly. Now let's wake up our palms, legs, mouth, eyes so that they work well.

Exercise - warm-up.

Hello, palms (clap-clap-clap).

Hello, legs (top-top-top).

Hello, cheeks (slap-slap-slap).

Chubby cheeks (puff-puff-puff)

Hello, our mouth (smack-smack-smack).

Hello, our tummy (yum, yum, yum).

Hello, we'll say

Everyone, all of us!

Game part.

Game “Magic Ball”

I have a magic ball in my hands. With its help we will get to know you, watch carefully! I wrap the thread around my hand and say my name. I hold the thread in my hand and pass the ball to my neighbor on the right. Whoever receives the ball also wraps the thread around his hand, says his name and passes it to the neighbor to his right. Parents, please help the kids!

The ball has returned to me. “What does what we got look like?”

Look - we are all standing in one big circle, and with the help of a magic ball we have all connected and become one!

Now we will carefully place the thread that connects us on the floor. I'll roll it back into a ball. Guys and parents, Ball is whispering something. Let's listen!

The magic ball really liked you. He says you are all very friendly.

Parents and children should all take turns wrapping the thread around their hand and saying their names. It is necessary for parents to help their children.

Let's play some more!

Game “Naughty Pictures”

Now every family will receive “naughty pictures” that have been scattered. Only a friendly family can collect them.

Did you enjoy working together? Parents, how did you feel working in tandem with your child?

At the signal, the children and their parents begin to work.

Game “Palms”

Now we will play with our palms. Stand opposite each other as a couple or sit comfortably so that your hands can meet. Close your eyes. At my command, let your hands first find (1) each other, then (2) get acquainted, (3) make friends, (4) dance, (5) fight, (6) make peace, (7) say goodbye.

What did you like more when your hands were friends, dancing or when they fought?

Teacher-psychologist:guess the riddle.

I'm round, like the globe,

Everyone is chasing me.

You hit the wall -

And I'll jump away

You throw it on the ground -

And I'll jump.

I'm flying from palm to palm, -

I don’t want to lie still!

That's right, it's a ball.

Invite your mothers to the circle. Let's play.

Game "Wonderful bag"

You need to take out the ball, name its color and give it to mommy, calling her name affectionately. For example, “Red ball for Irina’s mommy.” Let’s play with the ball and mommy.

(in pairs, without dropping the ball)

Cheerful friend, my ball, (holding the ball together, raise your hands up)

Everywhere, everywhere he is with me. (sit down, stand up)

One two three four five. (jump on your toes)

Play well with the ball. (spin around yourself)

Game "Game with a ball".

And now the kids turn into funny balls and jump around their mothers while I read the poem.

My cheerful, ringing ball,

Where did you run off to?

Yellow, red, blue...

Can't keep up with you.

Oh, what naughty balls. Come on, hide back in the bag. (children remove the balls).

Teacher-psychologist:And now mothers stand on one side, and children on the other.

Game “Guess whose hands”

Now we'll see how well you know your loved ones. Now we will blindfold the children one by one. You need to find out by hand where your mother is.

And now, on the contrary, mothers will guess where their children are!

Well done everyone! Did you like the game?

Question for parents:-“What did you feel when you tried to determine by your hands where your child was?”

This game is played blindfolded. First, children try to guess their mother's hands by touch. Parents then try to guess their child's hands.

Teacher-psychologist:take a seat at your tables.

Game “Pattern of sticks”

Each couple has 5 magic wands and a sheet of paper on the table. You must throw these sticks on the table so that you get a pattern. After which, you cover your pattern with a sheet of paper. And the children try to lay out this pattern from memory, and the adults help them with this. Then you compare the two patterns.

Tell me, was it difficult for you to lay out the pattern from memory?

The players take 3-5 sticks, throw them around, remember the pattern and cover them with a sheet of paper. After this, children must lay out the pattern from memory with the help of adults, then compare it with the original.

Productive activities of children and parents.

Exercise "Drawing living palms"

Teacher-psychologist:you all did a good job today. And now I want to invite you to work together. I have a big mood sheet, but it's empty for now. So that it does not remain empty, I suggest you leave your handprints on it, but not just draw, but also animate them! First, mothers will trace the palms of their children, and then their own. And the guys will color them and bring them to life (they will draw eyes, a mouth, a nose). Parents help their children.


Guys, did you like playing with your mothers? How did you feel playing together?

Let's play with our children as often as possible. Remember, play is an excellent source of strengthening a child’s physical, spiritual and emotional well-being. Joint play between a child and an adult is not only the main means of development of a little person, but also a tool that promotes mutual understanding between different generations. Discover the world with your child! Bright and exciting toys are designed specifically to encourage your child's curiosity. Playing games together brings children and parents closer together. Play at home as much as possible with your children!!! See you again!


Bardysheva T. Yu. Talkative fingers. - M., 2001.
Gavrina S.E., Kutyavina N.L., Toporkova I.G., Shcherbina S.V. Developing our hands - to learn to write and draw beautifully. - Yaroslavl, 1997.
Grigoryeva G. G., Kochetova N. P. Krokha. - M., 2001.

Kataeva A. A., Strebeleva E. A. Didactic games in teaching. - M., 2001.
Doubtful S.I. Help me do this myself. - M., 2001.

Annex 1

Appendix 2

Questions for talking with children.

Do you like to play games?

What are your favorite games?

What games do you play at home?

What games do you play with your mom?

What games do you play with dad?

What game would you like to teach mom and dad to play?

Winner of the all-Russian competition "The most popular article of the month" October 2017

Lesson No. 1 “GET TO KNOW”
Goal: to help parents get to know each other better for successful interaction in the future.
Preparation: parents bring one family photo (if dad and mom, then 2 photos).
Those present take their places, forming one large circle. The teacher-psychologist informs the purpose of the training and invites parents to be frank, open, and sincere.
First task - “Getting to know each other”
Each of the parents calls himself as he would like to be addressed today, and writes down his name or first and patronymic on a sheet prepared in advance by the teacher or purchased (the so-called badge) and attaches it to his clothes.

LESSON No. 2 “Values ​​in raising a child”

Goal: to determine the true values ​​in your life and help realize your capabilities in raising a child.
2.Exercise “Trash can”
On pieces of paper, write down all those qualities that interfere with effective communication with loved ones, and which you would like to get rid of. After you have written down these qualities, think about what you would like to receive in return? Write down the desired qualities on paper. Throw the pieces of paper with unnecessary qualities into the trash, and keep those with the desired qualities.
3. Exercise “Value Scale”
Parents are invited to mark the values ​​they have on a horizontal straight line, symbolizing the scale of life values.
Then, using a 10-point system, estimate the amount of time they invest in each direction:
work life shop television children friends dacha.
The discussion of this exercise is built around the following questions: “How much time do we devote to children? What emotional state are we in when interacting? What feelings does the child experience when communicating with us? What results do we expect from this approach to raising children?
4.Exercise “Future”
Parents are asked to answer the question: “What do you want your child to be like in adulthood?” Write your answers in column No. 1. then fill out columns No. 2 and No. 3.

The answer to the question: “What do you want your child to be like in adulthood?” Personal assessments of the child that you use when communicating with him. Expressions that are most suitable for achieving the goal.
1 2 3

1) Find a comfortable position. Close your eyes, take a deep breath. Feel how the muscles of your face and neck relax, a pleasant relaxation falls on your shoulders and arms. You feel heaviness and complete relaxation in your hands. The muscles of the back, chest, and abdomen are relaxed, the legs are motionless on the floor, they are also completely relaxed. You feel pleasantly relaxed throughout your body. Every cell of your body rests. You think only about pleasant things. Extraneous sounds for you, like the sound of rain, create a background for pleasant relaxation and rest. There comes a feeling of peace and joy from the life that belongs to you.
2) On each subsequent day you will feel more and more calm and confident. Inner calm will help you interact with your child, and if problems arise, you will calmly and balancedly solve them. There will be a desire to act and this desire will appear right now. You feel the energy of love of life emanating from you, new desires appearing, joy from life itself. This feeling will always be with you.
7. Farewell.

LESSON No. 3 “Cultivating a respectful attitude towards the characteristics of another person”

Goal: to develop a respectful attitude towards the characteristics of another person, and also learn to accept loved ones unconditionally.
2. Exercise “Allow the other to be different”
A large role in the formation of a person’s personality is played not only by the relationship in the family, but also by the innate characteristics with which the child is born into the world. There are nine such features; when raising, it is necessary to take them into account, and in no case try to change them, much less blame the child for their manifestation.
1) Parents are offered a list of innate qualities with which the child is born.
Analyzing and taking into account these qualities, parents create an individual portrait of their child with specific examples of various manifestations.
Activity level (the degree of hereditary motor activity that determines whether the child will be active or passive).
Rhythm (regularity or irregularity of such functions as hunger, type of nutrition,
secretions, the rhythm of the sleep-wake cycle).
Approaching or moving away (the type of natural reaction of the child to such stimuli as -
unfamiliar food. toy or person).
Adaptability (the speed and ease with which a child is able to modify his behavior in response to changes in the environment)
Intensity (the amount of energy used when expressing emotions and mood).
Reactivity threshold (the level of stimulus intensity required to
the desired reaction manifested itself).
Quality of mood (the predominance of a positive attitude, manifested as a joyful, pleasant, cheerful, friendly character, as opposed to a negative one, which manifests itself as an unpleasant, capricious, loud, unfriendly character).
The ability to be distracted (characterizes the degree of influence of extraneous interference on the ability to concentrate attention on one’s line of behavior).
Interval of attention and persistence (the length of time during which the child is focused on active activity, and the duration of activity in the event of obstacles).
2) Write down in a column those qualities of the child that the parents do not like, and next to each such quality write a positive interpretation of the same quality, i.e. what is good about this manifestation and where can it be used? For example, stubbornness, instead of the negative generally accepted interpretation, present this quality as the ability to say “no”, to object to authorities.
3) After all the qualities have been positively interpreted, it is necessary to paint a new portrait of the child.
4) Compare these two descriptions and choose which one you like better. Look at your child differently and allow him to be different.
3. Exercise “Become better”
1. On a blank sheet of paper, describe yourself:
* appearance;
* character traits;
* capabilities;
* knowledge;
* skills;
* what are you doing that you shouldn’t do (all sorts of violations).
2. On another sheet of paper, write the same thing, but slightly embellishing your merits. Keep the second sheet for yourself and re-read it. Improving your portrait is always useful!
4. Exercise “Unconditional acceptance”
In the already familiar relaxed state
Imagine, one after another, all the people you know - parents, husband, children, friends. Tell each of them: “I love you, unconditionally, I accept you for who you are.”
Find people you know who you can't say this to. Remember the people who, in your opinion, are unworthy of your support, whose strengths you do not see, whom you cannot accept and love unconditionally. Try to understand what exactly is stopping you, what demands you are making on him, under what conditions you could tell him: “I accept you for who you are.”
Now put yourself in this person's shoes. Try to understand why he criticizes you or treats you badly? What is going on in this person's life when he communicates with you? Does he understand the conditions and requirements that you set for him? Tell him the words: “I forgive you for... and remove the condition that interferes with my unconditional love. Now I love you unconditionally and accept you for who you are.”
Discussion: How many people have you found that you cannot love unconditionally?
5. Farewell.

LESSON No. 4 “Active listening - understanding children better”

LESSON No. 5 “Feelings in a situation of success or failure”

Goal: learn to better understand the child’s feelings.
2..Exercise “Understand me correctly”
The exercise is performed in pairs.
Part 1. Partner A talks about a situation where he was not up to par (for example, he failed to complete a report at work on time or reacted sharply to a child’s action, which led to a conflict situation in the family).
Partner B reacts and uses the expression:
"I told you a thousand times that..."
“How many times do I have to tell you...”
“Is it really difficult for you to remember that...”
“You are just like your mom (dad)...”
After 5 minutes, switch roles.
Part 2: Partner A shares the same situation and Partner B reacts using the following expressions:
“Tell me more about how this happened?”
“You are very smart, and I know you will find a way out of this situation: What are you going to do?”
"How can I help you?"
“What will you do next time in a situation like this?”
When discussing this exercise, pay great attention to the feelings that the participants experienced in the first case and in the second. Then go on to analyze specific situations from the experience of communication between parents and their children.
3. Exercise “My Favorite Things”
Make yourself comfortable. Close your eyes (relaxation but the same pattern)
...Imagine that you find yourself in your childhood. In front of you is a 5-6 year old child. Look carefully at how this little man looks: what he’s wearing, what the surroundings are like. Enter this image of a child and imagine that you are doing something: maybe you are drawing, sculpting, sewing a dress for a doll or something else... You are passionate about this business, you are interested in doing what you love. One of the adults comes up to you and evaluates your work. Listen to the words that come from the lips of an adult, and your feelings that arose in connection with this assessment...
These feelings will remain there, in childhood, and we will gradually return to the present.
I will count from 5 to 1, with each count you will feel the approach of reality, along with this a surge of vigor and energy. On the count of 1, open your eyes.
In discussing this exercise, it is important to focus on:
1) What kind of activity was the child busy with?
2) Did the child receive a positive or negative assessment for his work?
3) Having become an adult, did he still have interest in the business he was involved in as a child?
4) Discuss the importance of your own assessments to the child when he is busy with something, while paying great attention to the positive effect of a positive assessment for the development of interest in different types of activities.
4.Parents write “The Story of Their Success” after completing the first cycle of classes in the “Training of Parent-Child Relationships” group.
5. The psychologist distributes notes with a summary of the main topics. which were discussed in class and which parents can refer to at any time. This will help them remember the information and feel the atmosphere of the training when interacting with the family.

Working with parents - Trainings for parents

29.05.2011 12:41

Children and youth center of the Baltic region
2. Training for parents “We are together.”

3. Nomination
4. The training is designed for "Psychological school for parents» as part of working with parents at the Children and Youth Center. The lesson is conducted with parents together with children. Classes are held once a month.

5. 1) Full communication with parents is very important for the development of children. But many parents only theoretically know and understand what the proper upbringing of children is, but in practice they experience difficulties. Parents need to not only be educated, but also taught how to properly communicate with their children. Our psychological service has developed a number of training sessions where they can communicate with children in a play situation
2) Goals:
1. Creating conditions for cooperation between children and parents in a gaming situation.
2. Creating situations of interaction and cooperation.
3. Description of parents through the eyes of their children
- Expanding opportunities to understand the psychological characteristics of your child;
- activation of communications in the family;
- increasing parents’ interest in the child’s inner world;
4) Participants: a group of parents with children of senior preschool or primary school age, 8-10 pairs - mother (father) - child.
5) Equipment: Tape recorder, recordings of children's songs, recordings of musical sketches, paper f. A4, pencils (markers) for each pair of participants.
6) Time: 1 hour – 1 hour 10.
7) Location: educational or training space.
Progress of the lesson
1. Greeting. Warming up
1. Greetings. Each participant greets everyone with the words: “Hello, I’m Sergey.”
2. Acquaintance.
Children take turns standing up and introducing themselves and their parents.
3. "Stand up those who..."
Participants are asked to stand if the description fits:
- read books together;
- have a common hobby;
- help mom wash the dishes;
- help mom take out the trash;
- travel together.
2. Main part. "Cooperation".
1 . "Know your mother."
The child driving is blindfolded. All the mothers take turns calling him. He should recognize his mother by her voice.
2. “Collaborative drawing.”
Children, together with their parents, are invited to draw a picture: one part is drawn by the child, the other by the parent.
3. "Compliments."
Sitting in a circle, everyone joins hands. Looking into the eyes of a neighbor, you need to say a few kind words to him, praise him for something. The receiver says: “Thank you, I’m very pleased!”
4. “Describe your mother.”
In turn, each child participant talks about his mother, so that from the description one can guess who his mother is. At the same time, the child is asked questions: “What is your mother like?”, “What does she like?”, “What does she not like?”, “What does she like?”, “What does she not like?”
5. "Song".
A familiar children's song is chosen. Then, in a circle, everyone sings their line. The last verse is sung by everyone in chorus.
3. Conclusion. Reflection “I liked today...”
Each participant finishes the phrase: “I liked it today...”

1. Viktorova Elena Anatolyevna,

2."Training emotional stability of teachers."
3. Nomination : “The best development of psychological activities for parents and teachers.”
4. The event is designed for "Psychological laboratory» as part of working with teachers at the Children’s and Youth Center. Meetings take place once during the holidays.
5. 1) Pedagogical activity is saturated with various tense situations and various factors that carry the potential for increased emotional response.
Such situations potentially contain an increase in the neuropsychic stress of the individual, which leads to the emergence of neurotic disorders and psychosomatic diseases.
In this regard, organizing work to preserve the mental health of teachers is one of the priority tasks of the psychological service of the Youth and Youth Center.
2) Goals:
- developing skills to regulate psycho-emotional states,
-prevention of emotional burnout of teachers.
- increasing competence in communication;
-to develop skills in regulating negative psycho-emotional states;
- reduction of situational and personal anxiety of teachers;
-familiarization of teachers with ways to regulate negative psycho-emotional states;
4) Participants: group of teachers – 15 – 20 people.
5) Equipment: tape recorder, relaxation music recordings, folk music recordings.
6) Time: 40-50 min.
Progress of the lesson
1. Greeting. Warming up
1. Greeting. Each participant in a circle greets everyone with the phrase : “I’m so glad to see you!”
2. "Compliments ».
Participants sit in a circle. Each participant says to his neighbor on the right: “I really like the way you...” The recipient responds with the words: “thank you, I like it myself, but besides, I also...”
2. Main part.
1. A task to understand the intensity of teaching activity.
"Tension of the teacher."
Food for thought: More than 80% of teachers have a high level of situational anxiety, and 60% have constant anxiety.
Issues for discussion:
-What is the difference between stress and tension as a teacher in communicating with children?
- How do tension and conflict relate in pedagogical communication?
Discussion of the questions asked, leading to the need to become familiar with ways to regulate the emotional state.
2.Introduction to different ways to maintain psychological health and emotional stability:
1) Breathing exercises.
Exercises with a calming effect.
I.P. – standing, straighten up, place your feet shoulder-width apart. Inhale. As you exhale, bend over, relaxing your neck and shoulders so that your head and arms hang freely towards the floor. Breathe deeply, monitor your breathing. Stay in this position for 1 minute. Then slowly straighten up.
Exercise with a tonic effect.
"Ha - breath"
I.P. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body. Take a deep breath, raise your arms through your sides up above your head. Holding your breath. Exhale - the body sharply leans forward, the arms are thrown down in front of oneself, there is a sharp release of air with the sound “Ha!”
2) Visualization exercise.
"Float in the Ocean"
“Sit comfortably. Breathing is even. Close your eyes and relax. Imagine that you are a float in the ocean. You have no goal, compass, map, rudder, oars. You move where the wind and ocean waves take you. A big wave may cover you for a while, but you emerge again to the surface... try to feel these pushes and surfacing... Feel the movements of the wave, the warmth of the sun, the raindrops... the pillow of the sea below you, supporting you. Listen to your body: what sensations do you get when you imagine yourself as a small float in a big ocean?
3)Dance and movement exercises.
"Dance - round dance."
Participants stand in a circle and join hands. Music is playing. Participants begin to move spontaneously, following the rhythm of the music and their own rhythm, bringing their individual movements into the overall dance. (5 min.0
"Dance of individual parts of the body."
Participants stand in a circle. Music is playing. The leader names one by one the parts of the body whose dance will be performed (for example, head dance, shoulder dance, etc.) Participants try to use the named body part as much as possible in the dance.
4) Ways of situational self-regulation.
- Self-persuasion, self-orders to induce a calm state, self-hypnosis of calm and self-control: “I am completely calm,” etc.
- self-control of the emotional state by external expressions of emotions: facial expressions, somatics, the presence of muscle tension, increased breathing rate.
3. Conclusion.
Reflection "I am today…"
Each group member completes the phrase: “I (me) today...”

1 . Viktorova Elena Anatolevna,
Children and youth center of the Baltic region of Kaliningrad,
address: 236005 Kaliningrad st. Sudostroitelnaya 2
2. Psychological developmental activity " We are growing".
3. Nomination : “The best scenario for conducting developmental work with schoolchildren.”
4. This developmental lesson is designed to be included in the training session of a choreographic studio. This lesson is held once a week.
Children come to classes after kindergarten or school. In order to help children switch to a lesson in the studio, we include such psychological activities in the lesson.
5. 1) When a child is relaxed, the information he needs to learn is transmitted along the nerve pathways more easily, quickly and more fully. In order to help your child get involved in work, you need to help him relax and calm down.
2) Goals and objectives:
- Help your child relax and calm down before class;
- development of coordination of movements;
- development of interhemispheric connections and interhemispheric interaction.
3) Participants: a group of children of senior preschool and primary school age - 15 - 20 people.
5) Equipment: tape recorder, recordings of relaxation music, gymnastic mats, soft toy “heart”.
6) Time: 15-20 min.
Progress of the lesson
1. Greeting, “warming up”.
1. Greeting, introduction.
In a circle, participants pass a soft toy “Heart” with the words: “Hello, I am Alyosha.”
2. Breathing exercise "Twig".
Slowly raise your arms up and inhale through your nose.
Reach up to the sun - hold your breath. Exhalation.
Inhale slowly through your mouth, tilt to the left, hold your breath. Exhalation.
Inhale - exhale.
2. Main part.
A set of kinesiological exercises.
1. "String".
Stand with your feet together and raise your arms up.
We stretch the body while inhaling slowly, stretching with both arms and the body at the same time.
Then - only the right side of the body (arm, side, leg).
Then - only the left side of the body (arm, side, leg).
2. "Ring".
Take turns and move your fingers as quickly as possible, connecting the index, middle, etc. into a “ring” with the thumb smoothly and alternately.
Perform the exercise in forward and reverse order.
3. “Lezginka”.
The left hand is folded into a fist, the thumb is set to the side, the fist is turned with the fingers towards itself. The right hand, with a straight palm in a horizontal position, touches the little finger of the left. After this, the left and right hands change over the course of 6-8 position changes. Add an increase in the speed of changing positions.
4. "Ear - nose."
With your left hand, grab the tip of your nose, and with your right hand, grab the opposite ear. At the same time, release your ear and nose, clap your hands, change the position of your hands “exactly the opposite.”
5. "Thaw and Freeze."
Children are asked to disperse around the room.
Host: “Imagine that your whole body is icy. The music I'm about to turn on will slowly defrost it. Piece by piece. You can move the thawed parts to the music. All other parts must remain motionless.
Imagine that your fingers have thawed and are moving...
Now you can also move your palms...
Now you can move your fingers, palms and arms up to your elbows...
Now you can move your entire arm from your fingers to your shoulder...
Your head and neck have already thawed... You can already turn your head...
The body has thawed... you can move...
The thighs have thawed... the legs are up to the knees... the knees are already bending...
Your legs have thawed... you can move and walk...
At the end of the game, shake your arms and legs thoroughly.
3. Conclusion.
1. "Reaching for the sun."
Stand up, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down. As you inhale, slowly raise your arms up, gradually stretching your entire body. Starting with the fingers, then the wrists, elbows, chest, lower back and legs, without lifting the heels from the floor.
Hold your breath - “we reach for the sun with our fingertips.”
Exhale, lowering your hands, relax.
2. Farewell.

Training for parents.

"The Path of Parental Love"

Participants: a group of preschool parents of 10-14 people.
Equipment: badges, projector, tape recorder, music, recordings of children's songs, A4 paper, pencils (markers), gouache, Whatman paper.

Time: 2 – 2.5 hours.

Venue: music hall.

Progress of the training.

Light music is playing. Parents sit in a circle. The presenter approaches each of the parents, introduces himself, draws up a “common business card” - writes the parents’ name on a large piece of paper (in the shape of a flower).

Leading. Good evening, dear parents. I thank you for coming to the training. Today we will talk to you in a close, family circle.

Psychological training is training of soul, mind, body. A person learns 10% of what he hears, 50% of what he sees, 90% of what he does.

In the course of our work, we will have to communicate with each other, so we ask all participants to sign and attach business cards/badges so that everyone knows how to contact you.

The topic of today's training: “The path of parental love.”


Exercise “Kind warmth” (10 min.)

Goal: promoting cohesion in the group, creating a friendly atmosphere.

Now I invite you to get to know each other.

Stand in a circle and hold hands. “Warmth” will flow from me to the right (left), that is, I will lightly touch my neighbor’s shoulder with my shoulder, calling my name written on the business card-badge, and remembering how affectionately they called me in childhood, my neighbor will do the same to the next one, and so on in a circle. Let's try.

And now do the same thing, but with your eyes closed. Let's see how the group works together.

Was it difficult to complete the task? Why? How do you feel after completing the task?

Let's continue our acquaintance:

Icebreaker. (Music “On the Road of Good”) (2 min.)

Let's imagine: it's summer, the streets of our city are shining clean, you are all in search of a good kindergarten for your child. Hoops are kindergartens. You will walk around our wonderful city to the music, when the melody stops sounding, you need to get into any kindergarten, no one should be left on the street.

Questions: How did you feel while playing this game? What's your mood?

Main part

It is in such a kind and warm atmosphere that we should probably talk about the most important thing in every person’s life - parental love.
Everyone considers themselves loving parents, and this is quite natural. We truly adore our children, and the best proof of this is that we feel constant love in our souls. But one more thing is important for children - how we show this feeling.

Parenthood is perhaps the most profound responsibility an adult can take on.

Most importantly, the special role of parenting is to love and nurture your children, and to develop in them feelings of high self-esteem and self-confidence.

Communication and relationships with other people begin and develop in childhood. For a child, adults are models in everything. Children learn well what is presented visually; they want to learn everything from their own experience. He is especially attracted to those actions that adults try to hide from him. The baby does not remember everything, but only what struck him. They always try to imitate adults, which is sometimes dangerous. Unable to distinguish bad from good, they strive to do what adults forbid them, but allow themselves. In this regard, in the presence of children, one must refrain from such actions and deeds that cannot serve as a good example for them.

Children's speech develops better in an atmosphere of love and calm, when adults listen to them carefully, communicate with children, read fairy tales to them and discuss what they have read.

If a child does not feel sensitivity and love from those around him, then he develops a distrustful attitude towards the world, and possibly a feeling of fear, which can last a lifetime. In the process of developing a child’s communication skills, great attention must be paid to the formation of the child’s personal qualities, his feelings, and emotions. When people are happy and at peace with themselves, they transfer these feelings to their relationships with others.

Today, you and I must understand that parental love will bring a child much more happiness if he constantly sees that it is manifested in the parents’ relationships not only towards him, but also towards each other, and the child should feel love.

“Happiness is when you are loved and understood,” and this understanding does not come by itself, it needs to be learned.

So, let's walk with you on the path of parental love.

The purpose of the training is to help improve parent-child relationships and develop effective interaction skills.

Our task is to show parents the degree of understanding of their child, to help them gain a deeper understanding of their relationship with their children and to emotionally enrich them.

Rules for working in a group.

Goal: focusing participants on compliance with the rules of work in the group and regulation of work.

Leading. The training participants do everything themselves. For our meeting to be productive, we need to adhere to certain rules.

We will not judge each other, we will not discuss anyone. We will create an atmosphere of security, trust, and openness. This will allow you to experiment without being embarrassed by mistakes.

The rules are printed on sheets of paper, let’s discuss and choose those that suit us for effective interaction:

Calling by name and by name.

Do not evaluate each other, do not discuss anyone.

Listen, don't interrupt.


Rule of participation - I take part in the games.

Lifebuoy rule - if I find it difficult during training, I can take a break (___times).

Rule of good mood.

So, we have defined the rules of conduct during the training. Perhaps someone wants to make adjustments?

Purpose: determining the participants’ expectations from working in the group.
Leading. Dear parents! Here are stickers cut out in the shape of a foot print. Write down your hopes and expectations from our meeting on them.
Next, you should voice them and attach them to the painting “Path of Parental Love”, which depicts a path stretching from the house upward to “Parental Love”. Stickers must be attached at the beginning of the journey, that is, near the house.

Exercise “Immersion in childhood”

Leading. Sit comfortably, place your feet on the floor so that they feel well supported, lean your back on the back of the chair. Close your eyes, listen to your breathing: it is smooth and calm. Feel the heaviness in your arms and legs. The flow of time takes you back to childhood - to the time when you were little. Imagine a warm spring day, you are three or four years old. Imagine yourself at the age at which you remember yourself best. You are walking down the street. Look at what you are wearing, what shoes, what clothes. You are having fun, you are walking down the street, and a loved one is next to you. Look who it is. You take his hand and feel its warmth and reliability. Then you let go of your hand and run happily forward, but not far, wait for your loved one and take his hand again. Suddenly you hear laughter, look up and see that you are holding the hand of a completely different person, a stranger to you. You turn around and see your loved one standing behind you and smiling. You run to him, take his hand again, move on and laugh with him at what happened.

Now it's time to go back to this room. When you are ready, you will open your eyes.


Did you manage to plunge back into your childhood?

Did you feel a reliable shoulder accompanying you in childhood?

What does “a reliable shoulder” mean to you?

How did you feel when you lost support?

What did you want to do?

Exercise “Role playing”

Task for group No. 1. (Completion time – 5 minutes).

On behalf of the child, tell us how you managed to wet everything that was possible from your clothes in a single spring puddle, at the moment when your mother started talking with a friend who unexpectedly approached. Hint: speak on behalf of the child, voicing the possible course of his thoughts.

And the mother’s reaction when she saw the wet child...

Summary. I think a reminder of this opportunity for adults to penetrate into the world of children will help to better organize the upbringing process and more fruitfully build interaction in the family.

Task for group No. 2 (Preparation time - 5 minutes)

Parent and child are selected.

Dear parents! You are in a hurry, you ran to the kindergarten to pick up your child. A car is waiting for you on the street, and your daughter (son) is capricious and doesn’t want to get dressed.

Your reaction, actions, etc.?

Summary. These role-playing games not only illustrate possible situations, but also allow everyone to think about what I would do in response to my child’s behavior, what I could teach him.

Exercise to lift your mood and relieve fatigue. "Musical River"

Music sounds and parents, together with the presenter, perform the “Dance of the Little Ducklings”.

Exercise “Associations” (3-5 minutes)

Our goal is to raise a happy child. Who can raise a happy child. The ideal parent. Who is a happy child? Who is the ideal parent? We will answer these questions by working in groups.

Instructions: the group is divided into 2 teams.

Team 1: Write your associations when you hear the word “happy child.”

Team 2: Write your associations when you hear the word “effective parent”

The most important teachers for children are parents. The parental home is the first school for a child. The family has a huge influence on what the child will consider important in life, on the formation of his value system. No matter how long a person lives, from time to time he turns to experience from childhood, to life in the family: “what my father and mother taught me.”

I invite you to watch the video “Happiness is Simple.”


How are you feeling now?

What feelings did you experience while watching the video?

Did you want to do something?

Have you changed your mind about your relationship with your child?

Presenter: Often, parents and educators, when making comments to children in life-threatening situations, use the wrong tactics. Instead of telling the child what to do, parents tell him what not to do.

As a result, the child does not receive the necessary information, and the words of an adult provoke him to do the opposite (For example, what will a child do when he says: “Don’t go near the TV!”).

The appeal to the child should be positive, i.e. assume reactive action rather than inaction.

Exercise “Non-childish prohibitions”

One participant is selected and sits on a chair in the center of the circle. All the others come up to him one by one and tell him what they forbid him to do - what the participants most often tell their child. In this case, the part of the body that was affected by the ban is tied with a ribbon. For example: “Don't shout!” - the mouth is tied, “Don’t run” - the legs are tied, etc.

After all participants have spoken, the person sitting is asked to stand up. Since he cannot get up, he needs to be untied. To do this, each participant approaches the ribbon that he tied and lifts the ban, that is, he says what can be done. Thus, the essence of the ban remains. For example: “Don’t shout - speak calmly.”


Reflection of a participant playing the role of a child:

How did you feel when your “parents” constrained and limited your freedom?

Which part of your body did you feel most restricted in movement?

How did you feel when you were asked to stand up?

What did you want to untie first?

How are you feeling now?

Reflection of participants playing the role of an adult:

How did you feel when you saw an immobilized child?

What did you want to do?

Is it easy to find words to reformulate the ban?

What feelings are you experiencing now?

Host: It is known that there are no ready-made recipes for education. How an adult should act in a given situation is up to him to decide. However, you can play out difficult situations, like in a theater, discuss them and try to understand what the child is experiencing in a particular case.

The child’s ideas about the world have not yet been formed, and his life experience is negligible. Our task - the task of adults surrounding the child - is to help navigate a world that is still incomprehensible to him, to explain what is dangerous and impermissible, and what is acceptable and even necessary for the baby. Who, if not an adult, will protect the child, warn against dangers and at the same time teach him to understand the endless “don’ts” and “dos”! To teach this to children, parents themselves need to be well versed in this.

I suggest you take the “Dos and Don’ts” group test.

Test “Do’s and Don’ts”

Punishment is impossible

Punishment is possible

Child is sick

Before bedtime

Immediately after sleep

While eating

During class

During the game

Immediately after mental or physical trauma

The child is sincerely trying to do something, but he is not succeeding.

The parent is in a bad mood

After the test is completed, a discussion is held:

When, in what situations is it possible and when not to punish a child?

In conclusion, teachers are asked to cut off the “Punishment is Possible” column of the test with scissors.

The remaining part can be used as a “memo”.

Host: How much warmth of the heart is lost due to the inability to understand others and oneself. How many dramas, big and small, would not have happened if their participants and those around them had the ability to sympathize, forgive, and love. You also need to be able to love, and this skill is not given by Mother Nature.

The biggest deficit our children experience is a deficit of affection. Parents sometimes don’t find time, forget, or maybe even hesitate to caress the child just like that, obeying some kind of inner impulse. The fear of spoiling their children makes parents be overly harsh with them.

This task will allow each of us to show a little more affection, attention, and love.

Exercise “Sun of Love”

Each participant draws a sun on a piece of paper and writes the child’s name in the center. With every ray of sunshine, you need to list all the wonderful qualities of your children.

Then all participants show their “sun of love” and read out what they wrote.

Host: I suggest you take this Sunshine home. Let its warm rays warm the atmosphere of your home today. Tell your child how you appreciated his qualities - give your child warmth, affection and attention.

Leading. Our meeting is ending, so let's determine whether our expectations have come true. If yes, you need to rearrange the stickers on the path of Parental love.

At the end of the lesson, parents and the presenter drink tea at a round table!

See you again!


Kryazheva N. L. “We rejoice together”: the development of the emotional world of children, series: “Workshop”, Yekaterinburg, 2006.

Markovskaya I.M. “Training interaction between parents and children”: goals, objectives and basic principles, S.-P., 2005.

Sakovich N.A. “The practice of fairy tale therapy”: a collection of fairy tales, games and therapeutic programs, S.-P., 2005.

Chernetskaya L.V. “Psychological games and trainings in kindergarten”, series: “I give my heart to children”, R-on-D., 2005.

Chernyaeva S.A. "Psychotherapeutic fairy tales and games." Series: “Art Therapy”, S.-P., 2004.

psychological exercises for training

Parent-child interaction training “Learning to understand each other”

Rashkina Elena Alekseevna
Preschool educational institution No. 3 of compensatory type for children with severe speech difficulties
disorders, educational psychologist, category 2.

The issue of interaction and understanding of each other becomes more and more relevant within the family as the child grows up, and even more so if the child is a speech pathologist. As the child matures and changes, the child-parent relationship must also change and develop. And for this you need to learn to understand, look and see each other. Experience working with families of speech-language pathologists indicates difficulties in establishing visual contact as a consequence of non-acceptance of the child’s problems. Group forms of work provide a unique opportunity to relieve the feeling of uniqueness, the uniqueness of one’s own difficulties, allow you to receive feedback (from both adults and children) and look at your teaching experience from a different point of view.

Target: increasing the psychological competence of parents in matters of upbringing and developing effective communication skills with children.

Training objectives:

  • strengthening the ability of parents to understand and feel into the emotional world of their child, through establishing visual contact, physical contact, observation and joint activities;
  • changing inadequate parental attitudes;
  • optimization of forms of parental interaction in the process of raising children.

"Primary Code of the Group":

  • the subject of discussion is children and how parents interact with them;
  • all group members have the right to freely participate in a discussion devoid of formalism and routine;
  • the leader is not an absolute authority, the only source of information and judgments that must be accepted by all members of the group.
  • increasing parental competence in matters of education
  • org. correctional games with children aimed at forming a new type of relationship of equality and partnership - org. free games with children
  • productive activities, where the functions of “leader” and “follower” are divided between parent and child.
  • stimulating children's speech in the process of communicating with parents and other group members

Program idea: cooperation

  • developing cooperation skills with a child
  • recognition of the child's right to choose
  • communication skills training

Value in group:

  • see your child communicating with peers and adults;
  • reflect on your position and style of interaction with your child
  • consolidation of DRO “We are family”

Elements and techniques:

  • fairy tale therapy (reading and discussion, writing, drawing fairy tales; working with metaphor)
  • play therapy (games and exercises, psycho-gymnastics, role-playing games)
  • art therapy (work with drawings, visualization of images)

The training is carried out 4 days (the first is organizational and diagnostic for parents; three days together with children, the fourth day is final with a tea ceremony). Upon completion of the training, individual consultations with parents are held.

The duration of one lesson is 60 minutes, the last day is 90 minutes.

Class structure:

  1. greetings
  2. warm-up
  3. general circle
  4. parting
  5. homework for adults

1 day (parents group)

Material: Forms for each parent: “VRR”, “My family in the form of circles”, homework No. 1, scarf, 4 paintings “Type of family education”, 4 proverbs, relaxation text “Cleansing from anxiety”, invitation for classes for each PD pair , music excerpt.

1. Welcome and introduction of participants: Everyone standing in a circle takes turns saying: “Hello, my name is... Today I am like this... (with facial expressions or gestures they show their emotional state).”

The group replies: “Hello,... Today... this is (represent the participant’s actions).”

2. Discussion: " Rules for working in a group»:

  • open communication
  • activity
  • non-evaluative judgments
  • voluntary participation
  • Here and now

3. Discussion: " Goals and objectives of the training»:

  • Rule 3 P: acceptance, recognition, understanding
  • desire for cooperation

Conditions and working hours: next 3 days with children, homework, absences are undesirable, last day lasts 90 minutes. The training ends with a tea ceremony and gifts for participants. The next day there is an invitation and homework.

4. Expectations of participants from work.

5. Exercise “Boasters” “I..., my child...” Each participant must describe himself and his child with 3 positive adjectives. The group responds to the participant: “We are happy for you!”

6. “Dashes”:
  • Stand up and change places for those who have one child;
  • Stand up and change places for those who have a good relationship with their children;
  • Stand up and change places for those who often play with the child.

7. Questionnaire “Parent-Child Interaction” (Appendix 1)

8. “Proverbs” Divided into 2 groups, each receives two proverbs, explaining what our ancestors had:

  • Without roots, grass does not grow.
  • We are not like children, but they are like us.
  • Mother's son, and father's little hump.
  • A word of praise can turn rotten.

9. "Good and bad." 4 paintings are offered - type of education.

One team calls “+” of this type of education, and the other “-”. (Appendix 2). We discuss what difficulties a child may encounter in kindergarten.

10. Test “My family in the form of a circle” Discussion of the impression of each drawing.

11. Exercise “Hands”: One of the participants stands in a circle, is blindfolded, given a hand, and based on tactile sensations, he must say which parent is “soft or strict...”

12.Relaxation “Cleansing from anxiety” (Appendix 3)

13.Discussion of the lesson

14. Farewell “General Circle”, presentation of invitations to classes with children

D/w No. 1: Fill out the table: “What makes me sad and happy about my child”

Annex 1

Questionnaire “Parent-Child Interaction” (PPI)

Instructions. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements using a 5-point scale.

  • 5 – undoubtedly yes (very strong agreement);
  • 4 – generally yes;
  • 3 – both yes and no;
  • 2 – rather no than yes;
  • 1 – no (absolute disagreement)
  1. If I demand something from a child, then I definitely achieve it.
  2. I always punish him for bad deeds.
  3. The child usually decides what clothes to wear.
  4. My child can safely be left unattended.
  5. The child can tell me everything that happens to him.
  6. I don't think he will achieve anything in life.
  7. I tell him more often what I don't like about him than what I like.
  8. We often do homework together.
  9. I constantly worry about the health of my child.
  10. I feel that I am consistent in my demands.
  11. There are often conflicts in our family.
  12. I would like him to raise his children the same way I do.
  13. A child rarely does what I ask the first time.
  14. I very rarely scold him.
  15. I try to control all his actions and actions.
  16. I think that the main thing for him is to obey me.
  17. If he has a misfortune, first of all he shares it with me.
  18. I don't share his hobbies.
  19. I do not consider the child as smart and capable as I would like.
  20. I can admit I was wrong and apologize to him.
  21. I often think that something terrible could happen to my child.
  22. It is difficult for me to predict my behavior towards him.
  23. Raising my child would be much better if other family members did not interfere.
  24. I like our relationship with my child.
  25. My child has more responsibilities at home than most of his friends.
  26. We have to use physical punishment on him.
  27. He has to do as I say, even if he doesn't want to.
  28. I think that I know better than him what he needs.
  29. I always sympathize with my child.
  30. I think I understand him.
  31. I would like to change a lot of things about it.
  32. When making family decisions, I always take his opinion into account.
  33. I think I'm an anxious mom (anxious dad).
  34. My behavior is often unexpected for him.
  35. It happens that when I punish a child, my husband (wife, grandmother...) begins to reproach me for being too strict.
  36. I think that in general I am raising my child correctly.
  37. I make a lot of demands on him.
  38. By nature I am a soft person.
  39. I let him walk alone in the yard of the house.
  40. I strive to protect my child from difficulties and troubles.
  41. I do not allow the child to notice my weaknesses and shortcomings.
  42. I like his character.
  43. I often criticize over little things.
  44. I am always willing to listen to him.
  45. I believe that it is my duty to protect him from all dangers.
  46. I punish him for actions that I commit myself.
  47. It happens that I unwittingly turn my child against other family members.
  48. I get tired of everyday communication with my child.
  49. I have to force him to do things he doesn't want to do.
  50. I forgive him for what others would punish.
  51. I would like to know everything about him: what he thinks about, how he treats others, what he dreams about...
  52. He chooses what to do at home in his free time.
  53. I think that for a child I am the closest person.
  54. I applaud his behavior.
  55. I often express my dissatisfaction with him.
  56. I take part in activities that the child comes up with.
  57. I often think that someone might offend him.
  58. It happens that I reproach and praise him for essentially the same thing.
  59. It happens that if I tell him one thing, my husband (wife, grandmother...) specifically says the opposite.
  60. It seems to me that my relationship with my child is better than in the families of most of my friends.

Registration form

Full name_________________ Age____ education_________

F.I. child_____________________ Age________

Points Points Points Points Points sum
1 13 25 37 49
2 14 26 38 50
3 15 27 39 51
4 16 28 40 52
5 17 29 41 53
6 18 30 42 54
7 19 31 43 55
8 20 32 44 56
9 21 33 45 57
10 22 34 46 58
11 23 35 47 59
12 24 36 48 60

Homework #1: Table

What upsets me about my child What makes me happy about my child

Appendix 2

Appendix 3

"Cleansing from Anxiety"

Sometimes we get very tired, and then we want to rest...

Lie down comfortably, close your eyes and try to imagine an unusual journey. All I can say is...

Let's pack the bag. Let's put in it everything that gets in the way: all the grievances, tears, quarrels, sadness, failures, disappointment... Let's tie it up and hit the road...

We left the house where you live onto the wide road...

Our path is long, the road is hard, the bag puts pressure on our shoulders, our arms and legs are tired and heavy. Ooh! How I want to relax! Let's do just that. We take off the bag and lie down on the ground. Take a deep breath: inhale (hold for 3 seconds), exhale (hold for 3 seconds) - repeat 3 times. Breathe easily, evenly deeply... Do you feel how the earth smells? The fresh smell of herbs and the aroma of flowers fills your breath. The earth takes away all fatigue, anxiety, resentment, fills the body with strength, freshness...

We must move on. Get up. Lift the bag, feel - it has become lighter... You are walking through a field among flowers, grasshoppers are chirping, bees are buzzing, birds are singing. Listen to these sounds... There is a transparent stream ahead. The water in it is healing and tasty. You lean towards it, put your palms into the water and drink this clean and cool water with pleasure. You feel how it spreads pleasantly throughout your body with coolness. It's nice and fresh inside, you feel lightness throughout your whole body... Good! Enter the water. It pleasantly caresses your feet and relieves tension and fatigue. You jump from pebble to pebble, you feel light and joyful, the bag doesn’t bother you at all, it has become even lighter... Multi-colored splashes scatter and shiny droplets refresh your face, forehead, cheeks, neck, and whole body. Okay-oh!

You easily crossed to the other side. No obstacles are scary!...

There is a wonderful white house on the smooth green grass. The door is open and welcomingly invites you in. There is a stove in front of you, you can dry yourself. You sit down next to her and look at the bright flames. They jump up and down merrily, dancing; coals wink. Pleasant warmth caresses your face, hands, body, legs... It becomes cozy and calm. Good fire takes away all your sorrows, fatigue, sadness...

Look, your bag is empty... You leave the house. You are happy and reassured. You are happy to breathe in fresh air. A light breeze caresses your hair, face, body. The body seems to dissolve in air, becoming light and weightless. You feel very good. The breeze fills your bag with joy, kindness, love...

You will take all this wealth into your home and share it with your children, family, and friends. (Pause at least 30 seconds)

Now you can open your eyes and smile - you are home and you are loved.

Day 2

Material: Audio cassette “Top-top, clap-clap” by E. Zheleznova, scarf, 7 multi-colored petals for each pair, base for gluing and glue stick, colored pencils, paper, musical soft toy “Flower of Seven Flowers”

  1. Introducing the participants in a circle: “Hello, my name is Lena, what about you? »
  2. Musical exercise “Come on, everyone stood in a circle” aud. No. 3 Ex. aimed at uniting the group.
  3. Working in a doctor's pair. “Tender words” An adult addressing a child says: “Seryozha, you...(3 kind words).” Then the child answers. So in a circle all the couples speak out.
  4. Musical exercise "Clap" auditorium. No. 5 The first verse, each participant shows parts of their body according to the lyrics of the song, and the second verse is work in pairs.
  5. "Guess the child by his face." Presenter: the parent, with his eyes closed, takes turns feeling the faces of the children, trying to guess his child. The exercise is carried out silently.
  6. Exercise “Seven Flowers” ​​Petals from a flower are scattered around the room. The pair must agree who will collect the petals and who will stick them on the base.
  7. "Make a wish". Make wishes: child – 3, parent – ​​3, and one joint. Discussion of desires.
  8. Joint drawing “Magic Flower”.

The parent and child are given one sheet of paper for two and markers, pencils, paints, and crayons. Instructions: “Now you will agree on what material you will use to complete the task, and who will start drawing first. At my signal, the first one begins to draw, the other one silently observes, trying to understand the idea. At the second signal, the second member of the pair completes the drawing.”

  1. Figuring out what magical powers it has? Degree of satisfaction with teamwork.
  2. Relaxation hugging: “Flight of the butterfly” (Appendix 4)
  3. Farewell: “I give you a flower, you are my best friend... (flower - “I love you”)
  4. General circle: “Everyone, everyone, goodbye!”

Homework: “Write a fairy tale about your child”

Appendix 4

Relaxation “Flight of the butterfly”

Follow the movements of her wings. The movements of her wings are light and graceful. Now let everyone imagine that he is a butterfly. That he has beautiful and large wings... Feel how your wings move slowly and smoothly up and down, up and down...

Enjoy the feeling of slowly and smoothly floating in the air. Now look at the colorful meadow over which you are flying. Look how many bright flowers there are... Find the most beautiful flower with your eyes and gradually begin to approach it. Now you can even smell the scent of your flower. Slowly and smoothly land on the soft, fragrant center of the flower... look at it and the flowers around... Inhale its aroma again... and open your eyes.

Tell us about your feelings.

Day 3

Material: a musical excerpt of instrumental music, pictograms (joy, resentment, fear, anger, surprise, fright), a cut pictogram for each pair, a glue stick, sheets of paper, pencils, a dummy orange (ball).

  1. Greeting in a circle on a non-verbal level: children and adults move around the room to the music, at the “hands” signal they stop and shake each other’s hands, “noses” - rub their noses, “foreheads” - rub their foreheads. At the end of the “circle” - they stand in a circle and say in unison: “I’ll raise my hands up, hello, I’ll tell you all!”
  2. “The color of your mood” Close your eyes and imagine the color of your mood. The color of your (child) neighbor. The neighbor confirms or denies the assumption. Action clockwise.
  3. “Without Words” is an analogy of the game “We won’t say what we saw, but we’ll show you what we did.” First two teams: children and parents, and then Dr. couple.
  4. Journey to the Rainbow City: acquaintance with pictograms. I/U “Which one am I? " round.
  5. “Collect a pictogram” Each doctor pair receives a pictogram cut into pieces and draws it, and the other participants must guess. Discussion “When do I or my child get like this?”
  6. Parallel work: children draw “What I dream about,” and parents do the exercise: “Understand me, Mom.” (Appendix 5) The table is cut and needs to be restored, correlating words and feelings. Upon completion of the work, adults voice the child’s dream based on his drawing.
  7. I/u “Orange” Participants pass an orange in a circle without using their hands.
  8. Musical exercise "Neighbors" room No. 23
  9. I/ at "Compliment"
  10. General circle “Everyone, goodbye everyone!”

Homework No. 3: together with your child, remember your favorite game, tell about it and prepare attributes for the game at the next lesson.

Appendix 5

"Understand me"

The child speaks The child feels
Look, dad, I made a plane from a new construction set! Pride. Satisfaction.
I am not happy. I do not know what to do. Bored, stumped.
All the children play, but I have no one to play with. Loneliness, abandonment.
I can do it. I don't need help. I'm old enough to do it myself. Confidence, independence.
Go away, leave me alone. I don't want to talk to anyone. Pain, anger, feeling of not being loved.
I can not. I try, but it doesn't work. Is it worth trying? Frustration, desire to quit.
I'm glad that my parents are you and dad, and not others. Approval, gratitude, joy.

Day 4

Material: scarf, candle, gifts for participants (soft hearts), pens for each adult.

  1. Greeting: “Hello, good man!” right, left, center of the circle.
  2. I/u “Guess the parent’s hand.” The child is given hands one by one, and he must guess the hand of his mother or father.
  3. And/u "Boastalka". Every child should brag about his mother and tell everyone about her.
  4. Presentation of home games.
  5. "A straw in the wind." All adults stand in a circle and stretch out their arms, palms forward. A “straw” is selected from the children. She stands in a circle blindfolded. At the adult’s command: “Don’t take your feet off the floor and fall back.” Participants carefully pass the “straw” around the circle.
  6. Reading fairy tales from parents to children
  7. The fairy tale of the presenter “About tender warm ones” (K. Steiner)
  8. Farewell by candle: “I want the flame of this candle to destroy all your sorrows and hardships, the warmth of this candle will warm your hearts and souls, its light will illuminate your faces with a smile and love. Dr. couple “I love you”, wishes to the participants. Now let’s mentally thank each other for our work, sigh and put out the candle together.
  9. Gifts and tea for participants.
  10. “Continue the sentence” (feedback on work in the training).

From working in the training I gained ___________
I like it ___________
I did not like ___________
Would you like to participate in more trainings ___________
Your wishes to the presenter ___________


  1. Zheleznova E. “Top-top, clap-clap”: outdoor games (for classes in groups), M., 2006. Audio recording.
  2. Kosyakova O.O. “Logopsychology”, R-on-D., “Phoenix”, 2007
  3. Kryazheva N. L. “We rejoice together”: the development of the emotional world of children, series: “Workshop”, Yekaterinburg, 2006.
  4. Markovskaya I.M. “Training interaction between parents and children”: goals, objectives and basic principles, S.-P., 2005.
  5. Sakovich N.A. “The practice of fairy tale therapy”: a collection of fairy tales, games and therapeutic programs, S.-P., 2005.
  6. Chernetskaya L.V. “Psychological games and trainings in kindergarten”, series: “I give my heart to children”, R-on-D., 2005.
  7. Chernyaeva S.A. "Psychotherapeutic fairy tales and games." Series: “Art Therapy”, S.-P., 2004.

This training system was tested over a period of two years. Classes were conducted both with parents and children of a mass kindergarten, and with parents and children of a compensatory kindergarten. Upon completion of the training sessions, 100% of parents expressed a desire to further participate in such joint activities. Work on the first day allowed us to conduct diagnostics and self-diagnosis of problems of family education and interaction within the family. The use of the author's figurative representation of types of upbringing helps parents understand and analyze the positive and negative aspects of the pedagogical influences of parents. Understand why their child is experiencing difficulties in adaptation and socialization in kindergarten.

From participant reviews in 2007:

Elena Z., 35 years old. “I got acquainted with parenting methods, rethought my attitude towards the child”

Svetlana K., 30 years old. “I realized that everyone has one or another problem with their child, not just me, and this makes it easier. It was very interesting to look at the pictures and everything became clear right away.”

The presentation “My Family in the Image of Circles” evokes an emotional response, but not the image procedure itself, but the subsequent discussion by other participants: communication distances, proximity, dominance, blurred representation of the family...

Joint activities with children, and especially on the first day, allow you to see what position parents take in communicating with the child (exercises “Seven Flowers”, “Make a Wish”, “Magic Flower”) in 80% of cases children dominate. When discussing this fact, many parents experience shock, disappointment in themselves, and realize their own inadequacy and loss. 100% of adult participants find it difficult to perform exercises like the “Bank of Strokes”: “Bragging”, “Tell about yourself and the child”, “Complement”. In children, this percentage is significantly lower than 45%, this is explained by the experience of participating in communicative games in psychologist classes, during the circle hour, and children’s less exposure to various conventions. The third day allows you to establish contact on a non-verbal level, learn to understand the emotional state of another by facial expressions, gestures, expressive movements and activate the adult’s inner child. All groups of adults experience significant difficulties in correlating words and feelings, and therefore in understanding their child or another loved one. It is after this day that the participants begin to have a community of “We”.

Participant 2008: Dmitry N., 34 “I liked that today in the training not only the child and I understand each other, but also the children and parents become very close”

Therefore, this particular day ends with compliments all around and muses. exercise “Neighbors”: neighbors can be pushed, neighbors can be tickled, neighbors can be hugged.

There is no point in talking and describing the condition of children; their eyes glow with joy, the opportunity to communicate and play with their loved ones.

Completion of work on the fourth day: receiving tactile sensations, once again working through the “Bank of Strokes”, receiving confidence and support from adults, strong people. Presentation of homework: reading fairy tales for children and about children and games. In 70% of the participants, doing homework caused resistance (no time; I don’t know how to write fairy tales and have never done it; we don’t play, we just walk; he runs and I watch; what if I do something wrong, ...) and for 25% this fact was noted in the questionnaire as something they didn’t like. This may indicate that parents are already ready to participate in various activities and be led, but are not yet ready today to actively work through their problems.

Of course, whatever result is obtained, this is a reason for further analysis and work. Everyone benefited: children, having received time to communicate and play with their parents, parents: “gained knowledge, the skill of how to understand a child in a difficult situation and sort out the problem with him,” psychologist: the opportunity to reflect on their own activities and improve their professional skills.

I study at a pedagogical university, my future profession is a psychologist. Plans for such trainings are a real find for me
Thank you very much for the training summary. It was necessary to hold a parent meeting in an unusual form. This synopsis is very suitable.
I decided to open a psychological club for younger classes. The problem with the lack of literature and funds for it disappeared thanks to your site. Thank you very much!!! Of course, this kind of training brings a lot of benefits. Let our world be kinder and brighter, and we will help this!
E. Rashkina
Thank you for your feedback. I'm glad that my experience is useful to you. The author of the technique is T. V. Rumyantseva. Test “Circles of Relationships”, we work by analogy.

The practical lesson is aimed at harmonious interaction between parents and their children.

Purpose of the practical lesson:

Promote Parents' awareness of the peculiarities of raising preschool children;

Expand parents’ ideas about communication with their child; introduce family communication styles;

Promote the establishment and development of partnerships, understanding and cooperation between parents and children.

Materials: poster “Rules of working in a group”, poster “Expectations”, poster “The Soul of a Child”, A4 sheets, pens, stickers – feathers, bows, information booklets for parents “Five ways to a child’s heart”, video.

Practical workshop of a psychologist with parents

1.Opening remarks

Family is the most important factor in longevity and a healthy life. The child receives his first life lessons in the family. His first teachers are his father and mother. The family gives the child his first ideas about good and evil, and forms ideas about the norms of behavior in society. A child, observing the relationship between father and mother in everyday life, learns a certain type of relationship between a man and a woman. It is this model that will determine the child’s future behavior in society.

Our meeting today is devoted to the following topic: “It all starts with the family: the child and society, the culture of communication.”

I . Meeting the Participants

2. Exercise “Getting to know each other”

Goal: to promote the establishment of a friendly atmosphere in the group; set up parents for dialogue; evoke positive opinions about their children; relieve emotional stress.

Progress of the exercise. Psychologist. To work effectively, I suggest that each parent state their name, the names and ages of their children. Each participant must complete one of the following sentences.

1. Two words that can describe my child - ...

2. If my baby were a sound, it would sound like -...

3. What I like most about my child is...

4. My child makes me laugh when – ...

A participant who has more than one child may use one sentence when talking about each of them. Ending a sentence can be funny. Each sentence is constructed so that the statement is positive. This is a fun exercise. Parents say whatever comes to their mind, because no one writes anything down.

3. Expectations of participants. Exercise "Stork"

Before the start of the lesson, the psychologist attaches to the board a drawing depicting a stork carrying a baby in its beak. Each participant receives a paper pen on which he is asked to write his expectations from the training.

After all participants have written down their expectations, they take turns approaching the stork, reading out their hopes and gluing feathers to its wings.

4. Discussion of group rules

Purpose: to direct participants to comply with the rules of the group.

Progress of the exercise. Rules are essential to create an environment where each participant can speak openly and express their feelings and views. So, I offer you, dear parents, the following rules:

1. Picture “Top” – be active.

2. Picture “Ear” – listen and hear everyone.

3. Picture “Men with thoughts” - speak in turns.

4. Picture “Two emoticons holding hands” - we value tolerance, accuracy, politeness.

5. Picture “Round Table” - the world around us is seething, and we are “here and now” - learning.

6. The picture “Clock” is time. We use it for ourselves most effectively.

Psychologist. Perhaps there will be additions? Do you agree and accept these rules?

II. Main part

Psychologist. Today we will discuss the secrets of effective communication between parents and children. And before moving on to the main content of the lesson, I will note three important points that are worth remembering.

First of all, there are no perfect parents. Parents are not gods, but living people with their own weaknesses, moods, and interests. Secondly, no matter what outstanding psychologist and teacher works with us, positive changes will come only when we begin to act and use theory in practice. Thirdly, it is not by chance that our activity is called that, because without a creative approach and feeling from the heart, communication with children will not be effective.

Dear parents! What associations do you have with the word “family”?

What role and function does the family perform for the child?

5. Exercise “Living House”

Purpose: to diagnose the subjective perception of the psychological space of family relationships.

Participants have a sheet of paper in front of them. You need to write in a column the names of 7-8 people who influence their lives, draw a house next to it, which must have a foundation, walls, windows, roof, attic, door, chimney, threshold, and give each part of the house the name of a specific person. Then the results are interpreted.

Foundation - a positive meaning: the main material and spiritual support of the family, the one on whom everything rests; negative meaning: a person who is under pressure from everyone.

Walls is a person who is responsible for the emotional state of the family and the author of the drawing directly.

Windows are the future, people from whom the homeland expects, on whom it pins its hopes (normally – children).

The roof is a person in the family who pities and protects the author of the drawing, creating a feeling of security.

Attic - symbolizes a secret relationship, as well as the author’s desire to have a more trusting relationship with this person.

Doors are an information portal, the one who taught how to build relationships with the world.

Conclusions. The technique makes it possible to determine in a short time the role of the author of the drawing from each family member.

6. Exercise “Soul of a child”

Psychologist. This cup is the soul of a child. What kind of person would you like your child to be? What character traits should he have? What qualities would you like to impart to your child?

Task: parents must write on the “hearts” the qualities that they would like to give to their child, then put them in the bowl.

Psychologist. Look what a colorful, multifaceted soul we want to see in a child.

Reflection. How did this exercise make you feel?

7. Exercise “One day in the life of Masha”

While reading the story “One Day in the Life of Masha” (on the stand is the first poster with a picture of a girl), the presenter tears off horizontal stripes from a poster with a picture of a girl. (For convenience, it is better to make invisible cuts on both sides of the poster.) After finishing the story, only torn pieces of paper remain from the poster.

There is a pause for emotional experience of the content of the work. And after it - an active discussion:

Is this story reliable?

Do such situations happen in your child’s life?


Have you ever thought about how your child feels in such situations?

What could all the characters in the story have done to prevent what happened to the poster from happening to the Machine’s soul? (At the same time, hang up a second solid poster.)

One day in the life of Masha

Today Masha woke up to the alarm ringing. At first she wanted so much to sleep a little more, but then she remembered yesterday: a successful drawing in class, and the nanny’s praise, and Olya’s red boots, and a new poem that the teacher instructed her to study for the holiday... And the main thing is that she I couldn’t wait for my mother to come home from work, because my mother works so much... Besides, yesterday my mother received her salary, and she and her former school friend celebrated this in a cafe.

In the morning, mom was not in the mood, she really wanted to sleep, and for some reason her hair didn’t work out.

Blooper, blunder, blunder - light children's steps were heard in the corridor. “Now I’ll tell my mom everything! And about the teacher’s praise, and about Olya’s red boots, and about the new poem that the teacher instructed her to study for the holiday... Let mom listen, she’ll be happy!” - Masha ran with a beaming smile to the kitchen, where her mother was already making breakfast.

Masha! How many times have I said, don’t walk around your apartment barefoot! Can't you wear slippers?! - Mom’s voice sounded sternly. (Tear off the strip from the bottom of the poster.)

Masha obediently returned to the room and put on her slippers. “That’s good, now I’ll tell you everything,” she thought and quickly ran to the kitchen.

Mom, mom, you know, yesterday... - began Masha.

Masha, have you washed your face yet? - Mom asked again sternly. (Tear off another strip of the poster.)

Masha silently went to the bathroom. “Well, it’s okay, I’ll quickly wash myself and immediately tell my mother about all my news,” the girl thought, without losing hope.

Mom, yesterday at a lesson in kindergarten...,” Masha began her story not very joyfully, “when Larisa Nikolaevna was looking at my drawing...

Masha, what is it again, could it be that you have problems with drawing? You draw at home all the time! (Tear off another strip of the poster.)

“I... I... drew it,” Masha said for some reason even sadder. No one remembered Olya’s new red boots, or the poems that the teacher instructed to study...

Masha! Are you ready yet? Why are you always messing around? How long can you wait?! It's time to leave the house! (Tear off the next strip of the poster.)

“Yes, mommy, I’m on my way,” Masha said in a abrupt voice and sadly trudged after her mother.

It rained at night, and puddles appeared on the asphalt - both round and oval, and ones that looked like magic clouds... “Mom, look what a beautiful puddle!” - Masha screamed joyfully at her mother’s back. Mom, in a hurry, looked around and said: “You can already see the kindergarten. Run yourself, otherwise I’ll be late for work with your puddles.” (Tear off the next strip of the poster.)

At the gates of the kindergarten, Masha met Olya, who was jumping over small puddles, holding her mother’s hand. Olya’s red boots sparkled so beautifully in the sun! “Maybe I’ll tell my mom about them in the evening?” - thought Masha.

Olya, smiling joyfully, ran up to Masha and began to tell how yesterday she and her mom and dad went to the park to treat the squirrels with nuts. Masha immediately remembered her last night: how she was waiting for her mother, how her father sat silently by the window, and she and her grandmother Nina, who came to visit, were learning a poem...

“Rhyme! You definitely need to tell it to Larisa Nikolaevna!” - Masha remembered. The girl was very happy when she saw her teacher in the group:

Larisa Nikolaevna! - Masha shouted loudly and ran up to her.

Masha, where is your dad or mom? Why did you come on your own again? Children should not go to kindergarten alone! I told your parents about this. (Tear off the next strip of the poster.)

Masha dejectedly undressed and went to the group. And then - breakfast, classes, a walk... It never came to rhymes. Masha decided to approach the teacher after lunch. But, sitting down at the table, Masha again remembered about her mother - the girl’s dishes seemed tasteless, lunch seemed long, almost all the children went to the bedroom to go to bed, and Masha still had to eat and eat. (Tear off the next strip of the poster.)

After a quiet hour, the Machine group went to dance classes, but the girl’s movements were not working out. The leader of the circle asked: “Masha, what’s wrong with you? I don’t recognize you today.” Masha felt ashamed, but she couldn’t help herself... (Tear off the next strip of the poster.) Masha’s dad took Masha from kindergarten. She asked him about his mother, and he muttered angrily: “Your mother is at work! Get ready quickly, I don’t have time... (Tear off the next strip of the poster.)

At home, dad sat down at the TV with a bottle of beer and started watching some strange movie about monsters, which made Masha very scared. She ran to her room and sat quietly in the corner behind the door.

(Tear off the next strip of the poster.)

Late in the evening, when Masha was getting ready for bed, her mother came home from work. She was in a good mood because her boss praised her for her good work.

Masha heard her mother in the kitchen telling her father about this. Dad was pleased. Masha wanted to run out to her mother, but then she thought that her mother would have no time again... Mom herself went into Masha’s room:

Mashunya! I miss you so much! Well, tell me about your drawing, about your poem. What's new today?

But Masha no longer wanted to talk about anything; she lay in bed, curled up into a ball, and cried quietly. Why? She didn't understand it herself...

8. Exercise “Parenting styles”

Psychologist. Dear parents, now we will try to reflect with the help of pantomime and gestures one of parenting styles.

II – liberal;

III – democratic.

The remaining participants must determine which style was demonstrated. To help participants, they are given tips - brief characteristics of each style.


– Which style, in your opinion, is the most effective for education?

– What results, in your opinion, can be expected from each of them?

– Which style is closest to you personally?

9. Exercise “I love my child”

Psychologist. Now close your eyes, imagine your child and decide for yourself: “I will love my child, even if he is not the best and does not tear stars from the sky. I will love him even if he doesn't live up to my expectations. I will love him, no matter what he is, no matter what he does. This does not mean that I will approve of any action. This means that I love her, even if her behavior should be better. I love simply because this is my son or daughter.”

Open your eyes.


How did you feel while doing this exercise?

Bottom line: love for a child has not yet harmed either of them. There can't be too much love. Remember: no matter what your family relationships are, they can get better.

10. Information booklets for parents “Five ways to a child’s heart”

Psychologist: Dear parents! Children feel love differently, but every baby needs it. There are 5 main ways in which parents show their love for their child (the psychologist gives recommendations):


Words of encouragement;




Therefore, give your children love and gifts, and my gift for you will be watching the video “Parable of Love.”

11. Exercise “Maintaining Expectations”

Purpose: to determine whether the participants' expectations were met.

Dear parents, pay attention to the list of expectations with the image of the stork that you worked with at the beginning of the training and you will determine how well everyone’s expectations were met. (Sayings)

A stork carries a baby in its beak. A baby is associated with new life, something amazing, bright, and always happy. Therefore, I suggest that you write wishes for yourself or the group on bows and attach them to the image of the blanket in which the baby is wrapped.

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