Spa foot care. Spa pedicure: what is it?

The SPA philosophy implies real pleasure, which should be delivered by care procedures. No pain, no cutting objects - your body should relax and heal. Therefore, SPA procedures are invariably accompanied by quiet pleasant music, dim lights and candles, an aromatic lamp with incense for relaxation. Can all this be done at home? Of course it is possible.

Features of the procedure at home

  • Don't neglect the necessary surroundings. It not only creates the background of the procedure, but also promotes true relaxation, which can relieve tension that has accumulated over time. It is no coincidence that this foot care technique is called a relaxing pedicure. Sandalwood incense sticks, a few candles and rose petals in a foot bath - what could be more pleasant after a busy week of work?
  • Don't do a spa pedicure yourself; ask your husband, sister, or friend to do it. Firstly, it is not entirely convenient to perform some of the necessary manipulations. And secondly, you won’t be able to truly relax.
  • Use professional products. The technique eliminates harsh mechanical impact on the feet, so you don’t need blades or scrapers. But compositions based on organic acids that qualitatively soften rough skin, natural scrubs and fortified oils will be simply necessary. You can purchase them in advance at a cosmetic store.

Step-by-step technique

To perform a spa pedicure at home according to all the rules, set aside at least 2 hours of time. For this reason, plan your care for a weekend evening when the kids are off to bed or at grandma's and you and your husband or girlfriend are going to have a great time in a calm, relaxing environment.

  1. Create the required atmosphere. Turn on music or sounds of nature, light candles.
  2. Prepare a foot bath - its temperature should be 38°. Add soap foam or balls to it (the latter will allow you to massage your feet while steaming). Pour a little sea salt there, add patchouli aromatic oil or flower petals.
  3. Soak your feet in the bath for 10 minutes. Then treat them with a scrub. Gentle exfoliation is best done with products containing round granules. Massage your feet, paying attention to the heels and balls of your feet, moving up your shins to your knees. By the way, for this reason, reviews give SPA pedicure the place of a deeper care procedure than classical and European techniques. It allows you to care not only for your feet, but also for your legs up to your knees. This is important, since most women perform epilation in these areas, which is fraught with ingrown hairs and the development of skin irritation.
  4. If you have rough skin on your feet, treat them with a wide abrasive file. Rub effortlessly, using gentle circular movements.
  5. Rinse the scrub off your feet and pat dry with a towel. Start processing the cuticle. It is not cut off using the spa technique, but removed with special compounds. Apply cuticle remover to the skin, after 2-3 minutes remove it with a cotton pad. Move the remaining sections of the cuticle to the root of the nail with an orange stick.
  6. Treat your nails. Cut them to the required length and adjust the shape with a diamond file. Do not round them to avoid ingrowth. Polish the surfaces of the nails with soft sanding. Apply nourishing cuticle cream or moisturizing oil to them and rub over the entire nail plate.
  7. Moisturize your skin. To do this, use a deep moisturizing mask, which should be applied in a thick layer to the feet and legs to the knees. After 20 minutes, rinse off the product and pat your skin dry.
  8. Get a massage. Rub each leg for up to 10 minutes, moving from feet to knees. If massage techniques are not familiar to you, you can use special massage socks. They improve blood circulation in the feet and relieve fatigue.
  9. Apply varnish. First - base, then color coating in 2 layers and fixer. In this combination, the varnish will last more than 2 weeks.

Frequency of SPA pedicure in winter and summer

Treat yourself to a relaxing pedicure at least once a month. By the way, this is enough to keep your legs in perfect condition. Because you don't cut the skin as with the classic technique, it doesn't tend to grow back. The result of the care lasts up to 30-45 days. This is the maximum period that neither a hardware pedicure nor a pedicure with Garra rufa fish will provide you with.

In summer, this technology should be used more often. To keep your nails looking neat and your heels from peeling while walking on the beach, get a spa pedicure every 3 weeks. We hope you don’t have any difficulties, because now you know how simple and pleasant it is!

A spa pedicure is a procedure in which different specialists take care of your feet and nails. It includes care for fingers, feet, skin of legs, masks, massage, pedicure and sometimes gel coating.

Spa pedicure brings incredible pleasure, because our feet are one of the most sensitive areas of the body. During the procedure, both aromatic oils are used (they are added to the baths) and special scrubs, and hot towels, and paraffin socks. In short, everything that relaxes the legs and moisturizes the skin.

Spa pedicures are especially popular in winter rather than summer, since feet that are constantly in socks, tights, and fur boots sweat, and therefore require special care to avoid fungal diseases. It’s not for nothing that spas are included in the list of favorite treatments.

If you're looking to host a spa bachelorette party at home or just unwind after a busy week, we recommend stocking up on the Essie Spa Pedicure line. It includes everything you need: tonic salt with cupuaçu oil and citrus extracts, a cleansing scrub with walnut shells, a nourishing foot mask with aloe vera extract and a moisturizing cream with royal jelly. Sounds good?

This ritual can be performed not only at home, but also in the salon where the American brand is represented. Let's see what other types of spa pedicures you can ask for in salons.

  • Brazilian pedicure

Instead of immersing your feet in a bath of hot water, the master puts on special socks soaked in lotion, which contains antiseptic, exfoliating particles and a whole range of moisturizing ingredients. While you are warming your feet, the master will probably offer you to breathe in some tonic or, conversely, relaxing oil. This is the essence of a spa treatment - you should relax while specialists clean you up. Next, everything is as in a classic pedicure - removing cuticles and keratinized particles from the feet using a special file.

  • Banana spa treatment

We would call it organic foot care, because it’s all about natural ingredients. The scrub is made from sea salt and coconut oil, the mask is made from banana pulp mixed with coconut flakes, and the result is secured with lotion with banana extract.

  • Detox pedicure

This pedicure consists of three stages. First, the treatment involves a scrub made from salt and particles of natural charcoal, then a black mask made from the same charcoal is applied, and the procedure ends with lotion with charcoal extract. In winter, such a spa pedicure should be done at least once a month to ensure that bacteria are removed and the thin skin of the feet is cleaned.

What procedure have you tried?

How often our legs have a hard time: fast walking, high heels, tights and depilation... All this is not reflected in the best way on your knives. And as a result, we often notice that at the end of the working day, our legs “hum” and swelling appears on them.

In order to give them at least a little bit of what they deserve, I recommend treating them with such a pleasure as a SPA pedicure.

SPA secrets

The SPA pedicure ritual is a complex that includes not only foot skin care, but also, thanks to the manner of its execution, brings a lot of pleasure. Your feet will not only get a pedicure, they will be adored and loved, because they deserve it!

Fans of classic pedicure claim that spa pedicure is a waste of time. Although this is not true. The difference between a classic and a SPA procedure is that the technology of the latter makes it possible to achieve smooth skin on the feet without cutting it off, but by filing it away.

Special products help get rid of corns and calluses. The process is very gentle and does not cause any pain or discomfort. And the effect of such a procedure will delight you for a longer period of time than after a classic pedicure.

Foot care and complete relaxation are two components of a SPA pedicure. Typically, during this procedure, calm music or sounds of nature are played, candles are lit, and we can smell a subtle scent of incense.

A massage using special cosmetic creams will improve your blood circulation and relieve fatigue in the legs. I would like to note that this procedure is equally successful in both women and men.

Step-by-step SPA pedicure

Effective implementation of this procedure, first of all, implies the use of high-quality cosmetics. Therapeutic mud, algae, thermal waters - all cosmetics used must be made from natural ingredients. The main active elements are fruit acids and sea minerals.

The SPA procedure includes:

  • foot bath;
  • treatment of fingers and feet;
  • skin scrubbing;
  • mask;
  • relaxing massage.


At this stage, sanitary treatment of the feet is carried out. An antiseptic bath softens the skin of the feet and helps cleanse it. The water should not be higher than 38 degrees. Otherwise, it may negatively affect the condition of your blood vessels. The duration of the procedure is approximately 10-15 minutes. Do not delay steaming time.

The water cools down quickly and no longer gives the effect we need. At the same time, the skin of the feet will receive an excess of moisture, which will make the skin of the feet loose. Cosmetologists recommend adding sea salt extract to the bath. This will help you relax.


Start with a gentle exfoliation. This way you can remove the top layer of dead skin as delicately as possible without damaging the underlying layer. Salons often use aldehyde acids or sand for this procedure. In this way, you will prepare your skin for the application of a dissolving serum, the mandatory action of which is to combat corns and calluses.

Humidification and cooling

At this stage, multi-component moisturizing oils are applied to the feet, which most often include mineral clay, menthol, glycerin, aloe vera extract, peppermint and preparations from sea extracts. The duration of this procedure is from 15 to 20 minutes.


Perhaps the most enjoyable part of the SPA procedure is the foot massage. At this time, all energy points on your foot are activated. Impact on each foot for 15 to 20 minutes. Therefore, this procedure can rightfully be considered both cosmetic and therapeutic. During the massage, aromatic oils are used, thanks to their effects you begin to feel a surge of vigor and strength.


Nourishing cream will not only make your skin velvety and smooth, but will prevent the appearance of cracks and corns. In order for the effect to last as long as possible, it is recommended to carry out paraffin therapy.

During this procedure, you will ensure increased blood flow to the feet, which will contribute to the active restoration of the skin. This will help in the rapid healing of wounds and cracks in problem areas.

Benefits of the SPA procedure:

  • Forget about stabbing and cutting tools. SPA pedicure products gently remove the dead layer of the epidermis and do not provoke even greater growth in the problem area;
  • Relaxation during the procedure;
  • SPA cosmetics for pedicure contain only natural ingredients;
  • Long lasting results.


  • To maintain a good result, the procedure must be carried out regularly;
  • The pleasure is not cheap;
  • The procedure requires a long time to complete. If you have a busy daily schedule, move it to a weekend.

If for some reason you cannot or do not want to visit a beauty salon, you can carry out this simple procedure at home yourself.

The main thing to remember is what not to do.

What is prohibited from doing with this type of pedicure?

  • Do not steam your feet in too hot water;
  • Do not use a razor or scissors to cut calluses and calluses. The most common mistake. The consequences can be sad, including blood poisoning;
  • There is no need to cut the cuticle. An ineptly removed cuticle is quickly restored and again there is a risk of injury. Just move it away with a special scraper;
  • Do not cut the nail at the root. To avoid ingrown nails, trim your nails only in a straight line.

What you will need

To ensure that your home procedure is not much different from the salon procedure, you should purchase the following accessories:

  • Special massage mat. The device is relatively inexpensive. The principle of its operation is to imitate the pebble seabed with a rug. Walking on it stimulates acupuncture points;
  • Special scraper. Buy accessories only in specialized stores, so you are guaranteed to get a good thing and in case of difficulties, an experienced consultant will help you make a choice;
  • Chopsticks made from orange wood. This is a universal tool for carefully removing cuticles;
  • Socks for SPA pedicure. A very useful invention. These are ordinary socks with an acupuncture map on the feet. With its help, it is easier to navigate correctly and make the procedure not only pleasant, but also useful;
  • Special natural cosmetics for SPA.

For home procedures, I offer the following recipes:

Swelling away

  • Add dried rosemary, 3-4 drops of mint or cedar to the water. We steam our feet for 15 minutes;
  • Prepare a scrub from brown sugar and carefully remove small scales from your feet, lubricate with olive oil;
  • Apply a previously prepared mask: 1 yolk, 0.5 avocado, 0.5 tbsp. l. honey, 8 drops of mint oil;
  • Massage your legs for 20 minutes;
  • At the final stage, grease them with coconut oil and put on wool socks.

Restoring tone

That's all! Are you ready to go conquer the world!

Love your feet, take care of them with love and care, and they will certainly respond to you with their healthy and attractive appearance!

The modern pace of life forces us to constantly be on the move. First of all, the legs suffer from this. They have to withstand enormous loads from walking in heels for a long time. In addition, due to constant wearing of nylon tights or warm shoes, the skin of the legs becomes drier. In this regard, in order to maintain the beauty and health of your feet, you have to devote a lot of time to proper care.

Recently, the spa pedicure procedure, which includes a whole range of activities, continues to rapidly gain popularity.

What is the difference between a spa pedicure and a regular one?

Among the main differences between a spa pedicure and a regular one are the following:

  • 1.Spa pedicure is a non-invasive procedure. That is, during its implementation there is no cutting or filing of the skin. Coarsened layers of epithelium are removed using specialized chemicals.
  • 2. During the spa pedicure you will not experience any pain.
  • 3. The possibility of injury is completely eliminated.
  • 4. Coarsened layers of skin are removed evenly.
  • 5. The effect of a spa pedicure lasts much longer. As a rule, the next procedure will be needed only after a month.
  • 6. During the procedure, you will receive a relaxing massage. In the room where a spa pedicure is performed, pleasant soothing music usually plays. All kinds of incense or scented candles can also be used. In some salons, regular chairs are replaced with massage chairs. All this will allow you to get a lot of pleasant sensations.
  • 7. Due to the fact that specialized drugs are used during a spa pedicure, blood circulation in the feet increases. Thanks to this, leg fatigue is relieved.

What do you need to do a spa pedicure yourself?

Of course, in order to get not only beautiful well-groomed legs, but also pleasure from the procedure itself, it is best to seek help from specialized salons. Professional craftsmen will do everything efficiently and competently. But not everyone has the means to do this, and every woman wants to have beautiful legs. You can do a spa manicure yourself. To do this you will need:

  • 1. A container with warm water, as well as small bowls for preparing scrubs and foot masks.
  • 2. Pedicure set, which should include nippers, nail file and scissors.
  • 3. Special brush for pedicure. If you don’t have one, you can replace it with a hard washcloth.
  • 4. A set of aromatic oils. Orange, sandalwood, tea tree and lemon oils are best suited for these purposes.
  • 5. Moisturizing foot cream.
  • 6. Sea salt.
  • 7. Ingredients for preparing the scrub, depending on the chosen recipe.
  • 8. Nail polish, as well as a means to remove it.

The main stages of a spa pedicure

This procedure will require at least two hours of your free time, as it consists of several key steps:

  • 1. Massage. First of all, it is necessary to relieve fatigue and tension in the legs. To do this, they need to be gently massaged for some time. It is best to use olive or some other oil.
  • 2. Steaming. At this stage, it is necessary to organize a cleansing foot bath with sea salt. Make sure that the water temperature does not fall below 35 degrees. But you shouldn’t put your feet in too hot water, as this can harm the blood vessels. Keep your feet in this bath for 10 minutes. The use of a hydromassage bath gives an excellent effect.
  • 3. Peeling. At this stage, it is necessary to exfoliate dead skin cells using previously prepared belongings.
  • 4. Hydration. After peeling, it's time to apply a moisturizing mask to the skin of your feet. It is best if it contains essential oils. This product should be kept for 20 minutes.
  • 5. Nail care. This stage involves giving the nails the desired shape, polishing their surface, and removing the cuticle.
  • 6. Varnish coating. The last step is optional. But if you want your legs to look seductive, then you should apply colored or clear polish to them.

Foot bath recipes

Of course, you can steam your skin simply in warm water. But if you want to energize your skin and give it a beautiful look, then it is best to use baths with the addition of natural ingredients. Among the most effective recipes are:

  • 1. Based on medicinal herbs. You can prepare an excellent bath using an infusion of nettle and St. John's wort. To prepare it, add two tablespoons of dried raw material to one liter of boiling water. The prepared mixture must be infused for half an hour. After the infusion has cooled to a temperature of 35 °C, it can be poured into a basin. Soak your feet in it for 15 minutes.
  • 2. With the addition of soda. Preparing such a bath is extremely simple. It is enough to dissolve two teaspoons of soda in the water prepared for steaming your feet. To enhance the effect, you can add a few drops of essential oil, such as lavender.

Scrub recipes that can be used for spa manicures

In modern stores you can find many ready-made foot scrubs. But they are all made on the basis of chemical components. It will be much healthier for the skin to prepare such compositions from natural ingredients, such as.

  • 1. Salt. This scrub can be called one of the simplest. In order to prepare it, you will need to mix a tablespoon of finely ground salt with a small amount of olive or any other vegetable oil. To enhance the effect, you can add literally a couple of drops of grapefruit oil and a tablespoon of heavy cream to the mixture.
  • 2. Coffee. Mix finely ground coffee and liquid honey in equal proportions.
  • 3. Sugar. You can prepare such a scrub by mixing equal amounts of sugar and olive oil.

Foot mask recipes

After you have thoroughly cleansed the skin of your feet from dead cells, you need to apply a moisturizing mask. It is quite possible to prepare it yourself based on natural ingredients. Effective recipes are:

  • 1. Strawberry mask. Several ripe strawberries need to be mashed with a fork. Add the juice of one lemon to the resulting mass. All components must be mixed thoroughly. Add a teaspoon of liquid honey and one egg to the prepared mixture. Mix the product thoroughly and apply it to the skin. Similar masks can be prepared using currants, peaches, raspberries or strawberries.
  • 2. Mint mask. You can prepare such a remedy by mixing a small amount of jojoba or olive oil with mint. This product is applied to the feet for 15 minutes.
  • 3. Milk and honey mask. Mix two tablespoons of milk with a spoon of liquid honey.

What effect should you expect from a spa pedicure?

Spa pedicure is not only a hygienic procedure, but also a way to have fun. Thanks to the use of masks and baths, your feet will be able to get the long-awaited rest. But it is worth remembering that this type of pedicure is not suitable for severely neglected skin. After the procedure, you will feel extraordinary lightness in your legs, blood circulation and lymph flow will significantly improve. The skin of your feet will become very soft and pleasant to the touch.

There are many useful and effective foot treatments in the nail industry, but spa pedicure occupies a special place in this list. Let's figure out how to properly perform such a pedicure and what is required to achieve real results.

SPA is a wellness complex of procedures using water, and SPA pedicure is an improvement in the condition of feet, toes and heels using baths, oils and herbs.

Once you try a spa pedicure, you will forever refuse other care options. High-quality and gentle care and a relaxing atmosphere - this is what a real foot spa represents.

Features and benefits of SPA pedicure:

  • Non-invasive skin treatment methods are used. Treatment of areas of the foot is carried out without the use of hard graters or pumice. Cleansing is achieved through high-quality softening of the skin;
  • Foot care activities take about two hours in total;
  • An integral part of a real SPA pedicure is aromatherapy and calm background music;
  • In addition to the obvious improvement in the appearance of the legs, the mood improves and the whole body feels relaxed;

What is needed to carry out

To perform a SPA pedicure, the following accessories, materials and products are required:

  • Bath. It is best to use a special electric container with the ability to control the water temperature. In the absence of it, you can use the usual one, but then you will have to monitor the maintenance of the desired temperature yourself. Hydromassage baths for spa pedicure help relieve swelling and improve blood circulation. Depending on the model, the device may include several massage modes, infrared heating and aromatherapy function.
  • Oil tea tree or any other essential extract. It is better to use products with an antiseptic effect - tea tree, nutmeg, cloves or ginger. As an alternative, pay attention to special products for water baths from Grandmother Agafya with juniper or Vilsen with fruit acids and rosemary;
  • Towel;
  • Scrub. Beauty Style sugar scrub is great for pedicure. Fine abrasive particles delicately clean even problem areas.

    All types of foot scrubs, how to use, review of products and recipes

  • . Pay attention to the nutritious “Tasty Legs” from Irisk with chocolate butter and candelilla wax. It guarantees deep hydration and also promotes the healing of cracks.
  • Cream. You can moisturize your feet with any rich cream. Juniper from Grandmother Agafya, Scholl or Oriflame with beeswax - all these products do an excellent job of moisturizing and preventing the appearance of corns and roughness.

    Types of foot care creams

  • Equipment- for beauty salons and spas. It is important that the chair for the client allows the body to relax as much as possible, the footrest is adjustable, and the location of the master helps not to strain the back.
  • Main stages

  1. Steaming. For 5-10 minutes, the feet are steamed in a bath with an antiseptic or essential oils. The water temperature should not exceed 38-40 degrees. The main thing is to observe the specified temperature; cold water does not have a sufficient effect, and excessively hot water has a negative effect on blood vessels;
  2. Gentle cleansing. At this stage, a soft scrub is applied. The drug allows you to get rid of dead skin without using graters;
  3. Hydration. Nourishing mask with natural ingredients. Most often, products with seaweed, aloe extract and mineral clays are used for pedicure. The mask is left on for 10 minutes unless the instructions dictate a different time interval;
  4. Foot massage. At this stage, a foot massage is performed to help relieve tension and improve blood circulation. The final step is to apply a nourishing cream for deep hydration.

If a coating is planned after the pedicure, the nail plates are treated with a primer.

Depending on the type, a spa pedicure may include additional steps or exclude basic ones.

Foot bath products - uses and types


A classic SPA pedicure does not involve the use of narrowly targeted products and is used to gently and delicately cleanse the feet and give them a well-groomed appearance.

For the procedure you need:

  • Foot bath;
  • Favorite oils and herbs;
  • Scrub with medium-sized abrasive particles;
  • Towel;
  • Mask for legs;
  • Nutritious cream;

Classic SPA pedicure step by step:

  1. Prepare a bath at a temperature of 38°-40° and place your feet in it for 7-10 minutes;
  2. Dry your skin lightly with a towel and use a scrub. Massage for 3-5 minutes and rinse with warm water;
  3. Apply the mask according to the instructions. Depending on the product chosen, the drug can be used on wet or dry skin;
  4. After 7-10 minutes, remove the composition with water and massage your feet for 10-15 minutes;
  5. Lubricate your feet with cream and put on socks.

When preparing for a classic spa pedicure, pay attention to these products:

Antiseptic tablets for pedicureCuccio with citrus

The tablets are intended for use during softening baths to disinfect the skin. Sold individually - the price for one tablet is 35 rubles.

Nourishing maskOriflame "Swedish"SPA"

Seaweed, shea butter and beeswax provide hydration, stimulate circulation and protect skin from damage. Used both for spa pedicures and as independent foot skin care. Price for 100 ml – about 250 rubles

Gel scrubTalaris

The product with volcanic pumice particles, aloe gel and chamomile extract effectively cleanses and also stimulates cell renewal. Price – 200 rubles for 250 ml.

Nourishing foot creamYvesRocher

Moisturizing cream with lavender saturates the skin with moisture and fights the appearance of cracks. Standard tube 75 ml. will cost 540 rubles.

Corns creamArabia

Great for salon pedicures. Contains urea, coconut and avocado oil for effective hydration. A large package of 550 ml costs about 740 rubles.


Following the appearance of Japanese SPA manicure in the list of salon procedures, SPA pedicure also appeared. Japanese pedicure is a set of pleasant actions aimed at healing, relaxing and treating the skin of the feet and nails.

Types of SPA manicure, features and necessary cosmetics

To complete this you will need:

  • Foot bath;
  • Lavender, clove, lotus or any other essential oil;
  • Herbs for bath. You can use chamomile, sage and a little mint;
  • Scrub for cleansing feet from keratinization. All types of foot scrub are suitable for pedicure, but it is better to give preference to gel products - they are better distributed;
  • Rice block for polishing. At the moment, you can only purchase the tool from the Masura brand;
  • Mineral nail paste. The drug is a special composition containing pearl chips, which evens out the plate, fills in unevenness and strengthens it. Masura, Irisk or Patrisa - choose based on your preferences and budget.
  • Wax or powder for sealing. Buy powder from the same manufacturer as the paste. Then the means will not conflict with each other and the effect will last longer;
  • Atsui bags with salts, herbs and oils. It’s not easy to find them on open sale, but Masura offer several options in different colors;
  • Kichin for proper distribution of mineral paste – 2 pieces;
  • Nourishing foot cream;
  • An orange or tangerine stick for working with the nail after the bath. No pushers, tweezers or trimmers - only natural materials.

Before you start working directly on your feet and nails. Be sure to turn on suitable music, light candles and surround yourself with all the attributes of a spa. The right atmosphere is the key to a successful pedicure; it will affect not only the legs, but also the nervous system and the entire body as a whole.

Step-by-step instructions for performing a Japanese SPA pedicure:

  1. Foot bath with essential oils and herbs. It is best to use oil with an antiseptic effect, and herbs with a relaxing and caring effect. An excellent combination is tea tree and sage. The optimal time for a pedicure bath is 8-10 minutes.
  2. Cuticle treatment. The skin is moved with an orange stick without sudden movements and strong physical impact;
  3. Scrubbing with massage movements. Particular attention is paid to problem areas - the heels and side of the foot;
  4. Polishing with a rice block. Do not file down the plate too much; it is enough to remove the top glossy layer for better penetration of subsequent products;
  5. Application of mineral paste. It is important to pay attention to the application technology - from the center to the side rollers. The distribution is made using kichin made of suede or leather;
  6. Fixing the coating with wax or powder containing wax. Manipulations are carried out according to the same scheme as applying the paste using a separate kichin;
  7. Massage with Atsui bags. Depending on the desired effect, they can be heated or cooled. Cold massage tones and tightens pores, and hot massage relaxes and improves blood circulation;
  8. Moisturizing with cream. As an option - Sante cream with seaweed. The product moisturizes and refreshes the skin of the feet.

Suitable means

Mineral pasteMasura

The product with tea tree oil does an excellent job of strengthening nails, brittleness and peeling. Cannot be washed off with water or nail polish removers. Suitable for both manicure and pedicure. Retail price is about 1100 rubles.

Sealing powderMasura

Powder with beeswax enhances the shine of nails and creates an additional protective layer from exposure to ultraviolet radiation and aggressive household products. Price – about 1100 rubles.

CreamSante with seaweed

Kelp, urea, and glycerin help moisturize the skin and maintain the effect for up to 24 hours. Price for 50 ml is about 80 rubles.


Brazilian SPA pedicure is a very specific type, as it is carried out without the use of water. And, strictly speaking, it does not apply to the spa. For softening and care, socks with emulsion are used. Pedicure kits are intended for single use.

For a pedicure, you only need a special set with socks, disposable instruments and antiseptic.

Step-by-step instructions for a Brazilian SPA pedicure:

  1. Treat your feet with an antiseptic;
  2. Shape your nails with a file;
  3. Put on socks with emulsion from the Brazilian pedicure kit, distributing the composition so that most of it is in the most problematic areas - the heels and toes;
  4. Fasten the socks to the ankle to create a greenhouse effect and leave for 10-15 minutes;
  5. Carefully cut off the tip of the toe near the toes;
  6. Treat your nails and cuticles with an orange stick;
  7. Take off your socks, remove the product with a paper towel and massage your feet for a couple of minutes.

After the session, you can apply the coating, but before that you need to degrease the nail plate.

Products for Brazilian pedicure:

Pedicure set fromBalbCare

The set includes socks with pedicure emulsion, an orange stick and a disposable file. The emulsion contains tea tree extract with antiseptic properties and witch hazel extract to regulate blood circulation. The average price is 200 rubles.

Pedicure set fromN.K.Cosmetic

The cream in the socks is enriched with urea for moisturizing, vitamin E to slow down aging and keratin for strengthening. Price from the manufacturer is 125 rubles.

Brand systems

Brands that produce professional lines of products for salons have their own technologies for performing spa pedicures. They differ in the composition of the means, sequence and technique of implementation. The only thing they have in common is the result in the form of well-groomed foot skin.


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